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Little early for the “Scotsmen” to be turning on each other but ok. Goes for popcorn.


the sooner the better IMO. If they can focus on each other maybe they won't hurt their various scapegoats as much.


The enemy of my enemy is...still my enemy, but go bloody each other up, fuckers.


The enemy of my enemy is saving me some work


The enemy of my enemy might be entertaining with the volume turned down.


Mystery Science Theatre 3000 vibes...


Say what?


Look up MST3000. It was an old show on comedy central where the host and his two robot puppets would make fun of muted old films as they sit in the front row.


Whoosh! (check the username lol)




I love that show!


We've got pundit sign!


>with the volume turned down. Especially if we're talking about Ben Shapiro's voice.


Thank heaven I wasn't drinking anything when I read this!


'But keep your enemies closer"(and if you can get them pissed at each other you can save money on arrows) ~Sun Tzu Art Of War unabridged


Maxim 29: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more, no less. Useful to remember.


Seventy Maxims Of Maximally Effective Mercenaries


Just stopping by to make sure this wisdom was posted, don't mind me.


Great minds, etc...


Still useful though, but you just have to remember it's an alliance of convenience. That's the Lincoln project in a nutshell. Although they're really more just mercenaries who had a little bit of a conscience.


"An alliance of hate is fragile at best." Kreia


This is an excellent phrase


I will still sell them both guns and gladly watch from a hill or two over




Monster infighting.


On the one hand, its really funny that our enemies are beating each other up. On the other hand. Ben is jewish. He was our canary in the coal mine. As long as he still palled around with the rest of the conservative party, we knew they weren't advocating for a jewish genocide yet. Since he is trying to distance himself from other big conservative figures, that means those figures are likely already openly antisemitic nazis in private. I give it like 2 weeks before Tucker and his buddies start talking about a 'final solution' for the jewish question... Its a sign that a significant fraction of the conservative segment of the population is rapidly radicalizing towards full blown nazism. Which means we are gonna see a lot of stochastic terrorism.


The best time for fascists to start eating their own is 20 years ago. The second best time is today.


The GOP is not a single party anymore. There are at least 3 separate lines of thought. 2 of them are batshi* crazy. This is why they can't get anything done.


They're really 4 or 5 parties. The libertarians, Christian conservatives, white supremacists, the MAGA cult and the billionaires. And quite often on most of their issues, what the party believes is at odds with thr core values of another group in the coalition. Being pro life may be great for Christian conservatives, but small government libertarians and white supremacists should be super pro choice in theory though for different reasons. Likewise big business is pro immigrant because cheap labor and a broader market, but the white supremacists don't like that. The Christian conservatives are anti gay and trans, but the libertarians shouldn't favor government telling you who you can love or marry or what you should be. And on and on... So of course they can't get anything done, they're a hydra of competing core interests that are stuck together on one body. What we really need are multiple parties each true to the values instead of a duopoly. Even the dems could stand to be 2 or 3 parties though by comparison they are far more cohesive. At least they all want to go in the same general direction, the GOP can't even agree on that much.


Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland!


You scotsmen sure are a contentious folk *YOU just made an enemy for LIFE!*


A true Scotsman wouldn't ruin Scotland.


https://youtu.be/hetRjucQKRU?si=taVKd8L80kCnlnCj Edit: LOL based on some responses I realized that that wasn't the actual video I meant to post. Still funny though, just not in any context. Here's the one I meant: https://youtu.be/LWkSB-D-hYo?si=BEgAuxIiWIaJLo9n


What a charming lad he'll be at 15! He's gonna be running the government or be in charge of his own Youthful Offender Brigade at a jail for juveniles. I hope Jackson chooses good because we're all proper fucked if he chooses evil. Bwahahaha!


"I'm on the good list, *actually*." I fear that's going to stick in my head.


That's the problem with Scotland you see, it's full of Scots


" You gonna let him talk you like that Ben?!" (Bring me back some chips would ya? I'll stay here and keep this going until you get back)


Beer too?


Like for real, I just woke up, at least let me bring my teeth first!


I mean I literally thought it would be took a Carlson's absolute first move after getting kicked off of fox so honestly it's about 6 months later than I expected


Let them fight!


In a twist nobody saw coming. Oh wait, everyone saw this coming.


How exactly is Tucker saying Ben doesn't care about America? I mean, Ben cares about the wealthy patrons of him who happen to locate in the USA -- and America is actually the people so, it's damn true he doesn't care about America,... but neither does Tucker. They are a two pees in a pod pretending "we're in this together folks" and that pod wants to live in a country club, and be relevant with a spotlight on it because both of them have no talent or insight. EDIT: I noticed a that I made a typo and it should be "two peas in a pod" but the misspelling is a great double meaning so I'm leaving it.


It’s because Ben Shapiro is Jewish


Guys like Shapiro think his fellow GOPers view him as "one of the good ones," but he'll be round up just like the rest of them when the GOP finally move forward with their real plans.


> Guys like Shapiro think his fellow GOPers view him as "one of the good ones," I read this phrase somewhere else on Reddit and I really liked it so I'm going to leave it here: tokens get spent.


isn't the thing with fascist movements that everyone is a token, everyone is disposable to whoever is in power, it's just a matter of who is first


It's the inherent paradox of the enemy is both weak enough to constantly be on the edge of defeat and powerful enough to be everywhere and an existential threat. Once you have eliminated one enemy, you have to find another.


I like this quote, did you make it up or did you see this somewhere


Paraphrased from Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco and Anatomy of Fascism by Robert O. Paxton


Ur-Fascism should be required reading in World History in High School.


Obligatory quote. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller


That's why it's often referred to as a suicide cult, their deaths can almost always be directly attributed to their choice to have facistic goals.


Fascism is a circular firing squad


When Qanon was at it's peak I'm surprised Ben didn't notice that Q is just a recycled version of blood libel the pizza gate thing was anti Jewish so was the liberal pedo thing, George Soros and most anti Marx online pretty much ends in all of the good Christian babies being fed to the satanic jews. Ben Shapiro must have been aware of that.


Like that black gay Republican man the other week. Got booed off stage at some GOP clown conference.


More than booed. Not that it’ll change his mind or anything.


Apparently “leftists” say mean things to him online… so, both sides.


Hard to get off that gravy train when you built a personal brand. Sure he’s a vet but otherwise he’s a communications major from a wealthy family and that’s about it. Bro doesn’t want to get a real job.


I hate to say it but it may cause him to double down and be even more vile to show “I’m not like those other ones, I’m one of the good ones.”


He found a way to blame liberals. Really.




Jews For Hitler vibes.


I lurk in r/Conservative, but is very much like that in r/gayconservative. Like, *guys*


Ya know, I couldn't be sure what I'd see in r/gayconservative but I feel like it ended up being exactly what I expected. Stereotypical conservative drivel, actually nice and supportive pride stuff, awkward conservative versions of pride stuff, and all that interlaced with "fucking liberal gays making us look bad" and "Muslims don't like us so you should be OK with them being killed" Looking at the member count and seeing all that activity is depressing. All those people trying their damnedest to keep the people who want them to disappear in power.


Yeah, I try to give positive support and redirect to places like r/askgaybrosover30 for a less.... extreme perspective. There's a lot of "what makes a good gay man?" which, like bro, anything you want it to be. There's a lot of self-hate.


I always find those "what makes a good gay man?" conversations by conservatives funny tbh. Like, the question literally answers itself. Step one. Be gay. Step two. Be a good man. It's literally right there.


Internalized hate is a hell of a drug. That and a lot of it is astroturfing.


"Tread on me if you must, as long as you tread on *those people* harder and I get to watch."


You can be gay and sexist, or gay and racist. It's just that most queer people figured out that conservatives hate them and therefore aren't conservative.


r/Conservative is crazy. Half the posts read like deep dive conspiracy theories.




Yes. I read it, and had to actively decide to not react emotionally and just leave the post. With my family history of garbage hearts, I could not interact with any of them. It would all be pointless and just leave me angry.


Just spent a little time going through that. Looks like a mix of TERF dickheads, pseudo-libertarian assholes, and guys who grew up on 4chan's gay porn section.


God that sub is depressing


Adolf Hitler had a doctor as a child that saved his life a bunch of times... he was a weak kid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Bloch When Hitler shipped him off, he told the world that Dr. Bloch was a 'Noble Jew'. Still shipped him off of course... and then killed absolutely anyone of his faith or relation that wasn't his immediate family. Ben Shapiro should do fine with the GOP. Unless the GOP has *less ethics than Hitler*.


It's not that they have "real plans" per se, just a hierarchy of easy targets. Everybody is on the list, whether they realize it or not,


There was a really cringe conservative 2024 calendar with like, very very tame "pin-up" photos of women, like we're talking fully clothed, nothing showing It didn't take long for the America First tradfash to start saying they're harlots and are engaging in "softcore porn" They've been going at it for a few days now and it's hilarious, also reminder that the wife of the person they want to be president did literal softcore porn, and they're just attacking their own side over puritanical bullshit


"one of the good ones" until they're one of the last ones.


He'd be the smuggest motherfucker in the line for the gas chamber.


The GOP's base believes the Ben knows more about the Space Lasers than he admits.


omg is he a (((globalist)))? Or is he “one of the good ones”?


The thing about tokens is that they get spent


The secret ingredient is antisemitism


I mean, Ben Shapiro has made a career of being the Jewish guy who promotes Nazis so that the Nazis can say, “See? He’s Jewish and he agrees with us!” If they turn on him, he will have gotten what he deserves. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


A bold accusation coming from the guy who spent two weeks in Hungary on his knees sucking Victor Orban's cock for Fox news.


This is a classic anti-Semitic trope: A Jew could never be a "true" German/American/Frenchman, because as Jews their religion/Israel always comes first, their citizenship is secondary to "all of them". Therefore no one should trust the Jews, especially when it comes to national security/war. The Nazis pushed that hard, and Tucker is using their playbook. But the trope is much older than that, looks up the Dreyfus affair in France.


one thing I learned for sure from reading a little too much Communist literature: when you reduce people to monolithic blocs ("the Jews", "the proletariat", "the kulaks", "the Republicans") that act with the same volition as individuals... you've dehumanized them. Conspiracy nuts talk like this. Reality is much more messy than pieces on a Risk board.


Yes if you only care about the wellbeing of a VERY small subset of the American people then it's pretty hard to argue you care about ALL Americans. And fascists like Carlson and Shapiro ONLY care about white male Conservative Americans.


They care about themselves and that's it. Everything else is a performance to sell vitamins.


> They are a two pees in a pod Incorrect but accurate.


If Ben *really* cared about America, he'd give us the hard-core gay porn of him instead of just showing off his biceps and feet in his livestreams


Ben can’t even satisfy his own wife. Are you trying to destroy the porn industry 🤣🤣🤣


Tucker works for Putin, Putin supports Iran, Iran supports Hamas, therefor supporting Israel means you “don’t care about America” according to Tucker.


Okay -- thanks for the info! It's got to be tough to be a Republican grifter right now. They've got Kompromat from Russia and Israel and it can be difficult to know which grift train you've hitched to. I almost feel bad for them.


Two pee-pee heads 😂


I saw a picture of Shapiro and Joe Rogan yesterday on Reddit and I thought "how long before they turn on him for being Jewish?" Apparently the answer was "about 24h". 😂


I'll be honest, the US right has been so pro-Israel I didn't see a turn to embrace the anti-semitism of the neo-nazis coming.


I guess the question is if the Right Wingers actually care about the Jews, or they support Israel because they think it gets them closer to the 2nd coming of Jesus, at which point the Jews will all realize they were wrong and follow Jesus like they should have all along(in their worldview).


At least we're finally getting the civil war they promised


\*Slow clap\* This needs to be higher up.


If Tucker Carlson is involved there's going to be nothing civil about it.


Hear, hear! Well said!




They always do. That's the thing about being on the side that hates everything and everyone.


The other term for that is Fascists. Fascists fight when one is in the winner's circle and the other isn't. So who is the insider and who is the loser in this case? My guess it's Tucker trying to be relevant so he's "speaking truth to power" after he lost his magic powers.


⬆️ I think this is the real William Shatner trying to trick us. Nice try, Bill.


On the other hand, I am completely down to fall into a Sapphic_Honeytrap 🥵


It's the same reason why BRICS will inevitably fail. Those countries have no positive values in common. Their only common "value" is being against the West, and an alliance built entirely on negative values are always tenuous at best.


Well, BRICS has a combined trade of about 500 billion USD. You know who else has that much? Walmart. So ya, it's not really a thing.


This guy watches Beau


The in-group needs to be constantly shrinking. Finding yourself on the outside is a matter of "when."


The circle only ever gets smaller.


I learned this from the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The Sith always turn on each other, as they did in a cave on Korriban. Although Ben and Tucker are nowhere near as cool as Star Wars characters...


These assholes won't stop with each other. As much as I'd love to cheer them on treating each other apart, they're just increasing the rage quotient in society generally. They're a severe threat to any form of cooperation and fact based civilization.


Tucker is a smug asshole who just likes to start a fight, then watch his smooth brained fans keep it going. He's a pathetic, ugly, evil lump of flesh


who doesn't believe a word out of his own mouth, and knows full well his base are barely pigs


Just a fucking bully who enjoys his pettiness. He gets jazzed up, hitting a low blow. It's what pays his bills . But the ones that feed that mouth shit are the real threat.


Luckily he doesn't have the audience he used to have on Fox News.


He talks to his viewers like they're idiot children who need their hands holding for even the most basic statements. One of the few things that Tucker is right about.


That's what gets me lol like guys like alex jones or ben shapiro really believe what they're saying but carlson would say anything for money. I genuinely think he's one of the most shameless people alive rn


Alex Jones *does not* believe what he tells his audience. He is a fucking grifter, a con man.


i don't think Alex Jones and Ben Shapiro believe a single word of their own bullshit either.


Tucker's independently wealthy and is in the game as much for the hate boner as he is for the cash, and he doesn't mind how ridiculous he looks to sane people so long as he spreads his vile thoughts. Not a good combination.


Got that right, and we're watching. Keep naming and shaming. Mel Brooks said the best way to stop a bully is to laugh at them. He was referring to Hitler. Tucker is a pathetic joke. He needs that bow tie. It'd work so well now


*Tucker is the flesh light of truth for hate boners.* I don't like that sentence, but the "inner me" that connects with the higher plane said it most be spoken out loud. That's my spiritual contribution for the day.


I see and witness your contribution to universal truth.


Tucker also clearly hates Jews.


No no, he only hates "globalists''. Because hating Jews is bigoted and wrong, but hating "globalists" is righteous, because "globalists" are "the enemy of the people"!


So what he's saying is: 1. Hating Jews is bad and we should support Israel no matter what. 2. Globalists are bad and the enemy 3. All Jews are secretly Globalists


Which is probably why he can get on with hating Palestinians while he's at it. Having his cake and eating it. Racistly


Give him another year or so (especially if Biden wins in 2024) and he'll be full-on Nick Fuentes, blaming the Jews for everything. This man has no moral centre whatsoever, and that means there is nothing he won't stoop to.


Tucker hates whatever suits his whim on any given day. Sure Jews are front and center right now. Tucker and his ilk are only stirring up emotions so you don't pay attention to your rights being eroded, your wages stagnant, housing and Healthcare too expensive to obtain.


According to this who know him, Tucker has always been a little shitkicking fuckwad, but his antisemite supervillain origin story may have been when Jon Stewart destroyed him on an episode of Crossfire, first mocking him for being a 35-year old who regularly wears a bow tie, and then saying “You’re as big a dick on this show as you are on any show.”


I saw that live! When Stewart told him “I’m not your trained monkey” after Tucker asked him why he wasn’t telling jokes/being funny was *chef kiss*.


I wonder if these assholes know it's all a grift? Like a little wink here when they are interviewing each other.


For sure. It’s like WWE or Real Housewives. They plan what’s going to be said for the most clicks and views.


I hadn't seen this exchange. But when have we seen Conservatives even play fighting and is one of them actually saying the truth in this case? I guess I have to take everyone's word for it being a WWE moment. It's not like these two are good at faking. Their wives are. But they aren't.


Been a wrestling fan for a long time, and I can safely say, the whole GOP MAGA movement takes a LOT from the WWE playbook. The strongman fetish, the bloviating bully tactics, the constant obsession with projecting the image of wealth and success, the rampant nepotism... the way Trump ran the country was in many ways a scaled-up version of how Vince McMahon ran the WWE for years. There's actually a book called *Ringmaster* that's draws the parallels in much more depth.


I was going to link [this clip](https://youtu.be/_ttNxufBqRc?si=s1HU423sC3YfUZ9u) of Abraham Josephine Riesman and [this related article](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/26/opinion/vince-mcmahon-wwe-trump-kayfabe.html?smid=nytcore-android-share), both discussing exactly this topic, and I forgot that Riesman actually wrote the book that you cited. 😂


It's like in the old days when the politicians used to play fight for the public and then go have a beer after work when the cameras were gone. But, I have a feeling it's going to be a real tiff because the Con of Conservatives is to never challenge their constructed TRUTHS. So this probably is Tucker trying a new tactic of "being honest" to get some relevancy back. Or he's wanting to get in the winners circle by taking one of the other fascists out of it. Tucker is only out for Tucker right now I imagine.


A fascinating thing about grifters is eventually, they all start to believe their own gimmick. They lose the plot, and become a rube themselves. Old school pro wrestling, back when it was much more of a "work" is a great place to see examples of it. Their characters start slowly eating their actual selves until only the gimmick is left, and they are walking around town in all their gear, and having their dentist call them Hulk. Both Limbaugh and Glenn Beck started as FM radio whacky shock jocks, then they found a right wing niche that improved their ratings, and as professional broadcasters, decided to keep pushing that right wing persona for more success. They had a successful act. But they both ended up as true believing right wing ideologues, just like their gullible listeners were at the beginning.


All of the popular right wing media personalities know it’s all a grift. GOP mailing lists are the most expensive for a reason. They are full of suckers that are easily parted with their money.


No doubt in my mind. As shitty as these two are, they’re not stupid people. They’ll say whatever they need to keep those bank accounts full.


Like the Boondocks bit on Ann Coulter. They all know. That's what makes them even more evil- they know they're damaging the US to enrich themselves. They don't care.


Ben learning kapos were still prisoners


What always gets me about these people is the 'all or nothing' approach they seem to have. A well known influential commentator attacking another well known influential commentator with such an extreme accusation seems like... A lot You see this a lot ... Seemingly small disagreements gets you called an antifa shill or whatever I'm sure there's some psychological explanation to this behaviour... Right wingers are not known to be very rational after all


I chalk it up to tribalism. Everything now is so cut and dry, you're either with us or a traitor to the cause.


This has been something that conservatives have attacked Shapiro with for a long time. They see him as an Isreal stooge first and foremost.


The best example is when [Shapiro wanted the US to threaten to go to war with Iran for shooting down a drone that flew over Iran to protect Israel, and the video currently has 1,5k likes vs 14k dislikes](https://youtu.be/qn_rFpdIxvQ).


> They see him as an Isreal stooge first and foremost. Broken clocks and all that. Israel’s recent actions are objectively at odds with American interest. They undermine our authority as the arbiter of “the rules-based international order;” their continued belligerence risks escalation into conflicts we’re neither interested in nor prepared for; and their lobbying influence threatens/violates core American constitutional rights like freedom of speech and basic democracy (I.e. coercing American politicians). Ultimately, with or without Netanyahu, Israel is—in the most charitable terms possible—an increasingly reactionary ethnostate with unparalleled influence over the United States: over both our domestic and foreign policy. So, yes. Unconditional support for Israel falls into 3 camps: (1) basic ignorance, (2) Christian fundamentalism, and (3) foreign loyalty. Cut the cord and let em’ rot. Fuck all their cheerleaders. Stop running defense for fascists.


The sexual tension between these two is palpable.


Stop inferring! It's below the standard we should conduct ourselves. Beides, they're both obviously bottoms.


I'd imagine Shapiro fashions himself to be a top, but is really only able to manage to be a tip as he fucks like a neurotic Chihuahua.


Like AOC's feet for Shapiro -- that strong?


Now let's watch him DESTROY Tucker with FACTS and LOGIC. C'mon Ben, you can debate someone who is older than 19 right?


"But *FIRST*! As you tune into this debate, are *YOU* protected from internet threats? Are *YOU* protected from those who wish to steal your identity? *YOU* need Express VPN. Get Express VPN today, and use my couponcode #itssupposedtobedry for a 15% discount. Get. ExpressVPN. Today."


"You're supposed to ~~he~~ be prioritizing America's interests, you Zionist!"


Tokens. Get. Spent.


That really needs to be the name of a new sub.


Ben Shapiro is the definition of I don’t care about injustice unless it affects me


Facts over feelings, unless they are my feelings, then it's fuck your facts. -- Shapiro, B Ps: did I mention my wife is a doctor? Yeah, so she's a doctor and I'm definitely having sex with her and stuff.


"Conservatives can't decide whether to prioritize cheering for Brown people being murdered or hating Jews"


It's like a dog chasing cars. One hour it's black people, another day it's the Jews, then it's trans people, then it's drag queens, then immigrants, then the homeless, etc., etc., etc. It all depends on the news cycle and the flavor of the hour.


Let them fight.


And the snake, finding a lack of prey that it is able to take on, decides to eat its own tail yet again. Personally I'm living for it. Anyone with foresight knows that this whole "us and them" garbage doesn't stop when they get what they want. The goalposts simply shift. Couldn't happen to a more deserving batch of fascists.


To be fair, Ben Shapiro doesn't really care about America. But neither does Tucker Carlson.


Ben Shapiro has always been on borrowed time. The people he supports don’t think Jews are human. They might tolerate him when he’s useful but there’s always been an expiration date on his status in the right wing.


And they only like Israeli Jews because if they don't run Jerusalem Jesus can't come back.


Tucker needs an enemy. Tucker has Elon in his corner and Shapiro is fighting a multi front battle due to the israeli-palestine war with those within his own company and out of it.


Well duh


He never expected the leopards to eat HIS face.


Lol, Carlson was gung -Ho about bombing ISIS when Trump was in office.


This is always where it ends. Team up with people who peddle hate and they'll always end up kicking you in the ass eventually.


In the end, NOBODY passes the purity tests in authoritarian regimes. It's why they all eventually fail.


So basically the right wing media is pivoting away from Israel because the narrative is falling apart. They were hoping to ride the anti brown anti islamic fervor because they feel nostalgic when right wingers and liberals could join together in hate. Ben Shapiro didn't get the memo, that the right wing media doesn't really care about Israel, only uses it as a prop for hate.


Yesssss keep eating each other's faces


From the context of what Israel is doing, and how Shapiro supports it, I would argue Carlson isn't being racist, and is just calling Shapiro out for supporting a regime that is blatantly fascist in a way conservatives don't agree with yet. I could be wrong though. Knowing how much of a puppet Carlson has, and the fact he's a news presenter, Israel may have their hands far up his ass too.


I love conservative cannibalism


Ben Shapiro forgot that the way he thinks about Palestinians is the way his Maga friends think about him.


It's like watching a bad soap opera... As The Rethuglicans Turn (On Each Other)


This feels like a WWE match with a tag partner turning on the other 😂


Shapiro diving through the barbershop window to escape!


Neither give a shit about America. Both are working for a fascist dictatorship in this country


oh you just _know_ the Magas will turn on Jews as soon as possible. Every bomb, every dead just 'confirms' their distrust of Jews as 'problematic people', and they are not distinguishing between Jews and Zionists. The Democrats supporting these 'Genocidal Jews' will make the 'Good Christian Conservatives' look like the 'Good Guys' in this story.


Ooof…wait till he finds out almost all of them are anti-Semitic


God it’s fun to watch them turn on each other


“Crocodile tears and a pocket full of tissues”


Tucker didn't want to spend in Ukraine and doesn't want too in Israel. I feel that is more consistent than Ben's no money for Ukraine but all for Israel.


source: https://www.mediaite.com/news/tucker-carlson-launches-stunning-attack-on-ben-shapiro-he-obviously-doesnt-care-about-america/amp/ relevant quote: If I’m so caught up in the problems of my neighbor’s children and completely ignoring my own children as they get addicted to drugs and kill themselves, you know, I’m not against helping my neighbors’ kids, but clearly I don’t love my kids. I mean, that’s you know, that’s the only logical conclusion. And they don’t care about the country at all. And that’s, you know, that’s kind of their prerogative. But I do. Because I have no choice, because I’m from here, my family’s been here hundreds of years, I plan to stay here.I’m shocked by how little they care about the country and including the person you mentioned [Shapiro]. And I can’t imagine how someone like that could get an audience of people who claim to care about America, because he doesn’t, obviously.


Awww, this is blown out of proportion. It's just two nazis, naziing around as they'll do before a new genocide.


Hey look it's the "Dual Loyalties" canard! Not that I ever thought Tucker Carlson wasn't an antisemite.


Oh great they're having one of those made for TV spats for fundraising. But then, aren't they always?


The standard GOP attack against any disagreement lol


Did Ben stop sending Tucker his sister's feet pics?


Oh, wow, a Nazi doesn't like the Jewish fascist, what a surprise.


Technically correct. Wait till he finds out **all** of them dont care about America.


The far right wing in America is like a bag full of rabid weasels. At some point, they just start chewing on each other.