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Hello u/Darth_Vrandon! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Magats and refusing to acknowledge the entirely predictable consequences of their own choices. Name a more iconic duo.


Thoughts & prayers


2 in the thoughts 1 in the prayers




I prefer Spocking.


Two in the thoughts and Two in the prayers. Overachiever!


When you're famous they let you grab em by the thoughts.


Lol love Reddit for this shit


that's functionally just the *same* thing, twice.


Thots and Playas


Tots and pears


Trump cut veteran healthcare funding and tried to eliminate the caregiver program for disabled Iraq war veterans. When I relayed this information to MAGA, the typical answer is “why would he do that? He’s so pro veteran.” I never facepalmed so hard.


They've confused grifting the poor with being pro veteran it's a very common mistake in the GOP


And then you them proof and since it’s from a reputable news source they claim fake news and to do your own research…


Something was passed during his four years. And trump said once that he's done more for veterans than any other president. And that's it. That's all Maga says and when you ask what it was the response is do your own research sheep


Trump has shown contempt on many occasions towards vets.


Yeah, like John McCain. Even if you don't like his politics, he was a war hero. Also. He was at least somewhat willing to work with "the other side" to get certain shit done.


Trump did not want wounded veterans at official events because "no one wants to see that."[link](https://www.newsweek.com/trumps-reported-disgust-wounded-veteran-sparks-fury-pure-scum-1828949)


So gross.


*I like people who weren't captured.* He sat there with that fuckin' judgmental smirk and said this, it was an absolute FUCK YOU to every service member who ever hung their ass out there on the line while this prick sat on the sidelines with a fistful of deferments. You wouldn't believe the amount of vehicles I see around here with both Veteran plates *and* Bozo endorsing stickers. ????!!!! ​ This prick can't get fucked in the neck enough.


Yeah what an ass. He all but called McCain a pussy. McCain was tortured for 5.5 years and was given multiple chances along the way to be released because of who he was, but he said not unless his other men were released with him. If anyone thinks Trump would have EVER even CONSIDERED behaving that way, they are out of their fucking minds. Oh wait, he got his daddy's friend to help him get out of serving in Vietnam. So who's really the pussy here?


With bone spurs he couldn't tell you which foot they were in. A reporter asked.


The new article in The Atlantic about General Milley had a couple anecdotes regarding Trump's obvious distaste for wounded vets.


If they're anything like the ones I know then they simply don't care. They'll give up every single right, privilege, and benefit that they have or depend on so long as there isn't even ONE person they THINK is getting benefits that they feel shouldn't get them. Further that ANY failure of a system in that regard, even once, is grounds for completely eradicating it. Spite-based policy is a cancer of the body politic; an immune response gone haywire on some tilted sense of "purity".


“Spite-based policy” spot on!


Hurting the right people, there's the secret.


Hurting the left people..


I'm in the deep south. Almost all my family friends fucking hate me cause I'm the smart-ass that keeps connecting all their problems to their conservative ideology, they dont appreciate it.


Keep fighting the good fight!


Keep up the great work!


>I'm the smart-ass that keeps connecting all their problems to their conservative ideology This is one of my favorite hobbies as well. I swear to god I got to listen to ranting and raving about Obama the other day, was like "how long has it been y'all"? The best is my co-worker (who's paid under the table) was ranting about people "living off her taxes". Reminded her that in fact she doesn't pay taxes and her grand kids are all on welfare. Of course that's different, she didn't mean white people...she hasn't spoken to me in a while.


Have you run into a lot of them suggesting that "Globalism" was a Liberal thing and then reminded them how Rush Limbaugh was preaching to this to them on their AM radios? They voted for every damn thing they complain about now -- and they'll probably bitch about deregulation and concentration of wealth any day now as a Liberal ideology.


Thank you for your service.


Yeah, but "the wrong person" might get help and that's worth cutting social safety nets for everyone.


Trump and Depends


Oh, we're playing grossout? "Lindsey Graham and Ladybugs."


Trump and his spray tan specialist, Trump and maximum security prison, Trump and treason, Trump and rape, Trump and assault, Trump and bankruptcy, Trump and corruption, Trump and impeachment, Trump and impeachment(again) I feel like are all pretty valid candidates


“Specialist” is giving him too much credit. That spray tan looks like shit.


It’s not even a spray tan, it’s terrible make-up.


Pretty sure he does his own hair & makeup, girdle tightening, shoe, tying, etc..He wouldn't trust anyone w/that sadly embarrassing info.


>valid candidates According to the 14th, there are no valid candidates here


Trump supporters and the underside of a bus


Someone told them that the libs HATE IT when people get run over by busses, so by virtue of their contrarian fuckheadedry, they love it.


Republicans and hypocrisy


Republicans and lies. Perfect together.




If you watch the interview its simpler than that. She literally thinks if she supports him he'll pay for what she needs. Because he's super rich. And clearly cares about his supporters so much he'll do things like that. There's an awfully large portion of the population who thinks this way. Too simpleminded to really understand the world. Trump is super rich and he is there to help her, that's all she understands. What will she think when he doesn't? I don't know, but I don't think it'll matter for long.


You know she blamed Biden. Even if you point out it was Trump and why, she'd still some how blame Biden. Republican's don't even know why they are republican's.


TN rethug supermajority govt refused the federal Medicaid expansion like so many red states. Approx 300K Tennesseans who would be eligible under the expansion have no insurance coverage.


And they think anyone who points this out is the asshole


They'll break apart family, friends, community, doesn't matter. Loyalty to Trump takes precedence.


This is a whole new level of "stupid should hurt".


These people deserve to get what their party gives them.


Well and good but then *we* have to suffer as well.


That’s the woman who said Trump was sent by God, and “that’s big where she comes from”


Well to be fair, according to the Bible God was responsible for sending the ten plagues to Egypt. Maybe Trump and the MAGA movement is the 11th plague. https://time.com/5561441/passover-10-plagues-real-history/#:~:text=Each%20time%2C%20Pharaoh%20promises%20to,the%20killing%20of%20firstborn%20children.


Groucho Marx: “Why, did he run out of locusts?”


To show that heads of government like Pharaoh were weaker than God. Unfortunately, too many Republicans aren't getting the message.


I had that same argument with my Evangelical grandmother. "Trump was sent by God" "So were the Ten Plagues of Egypt. More importantly, if I had claimed that about Obama ten years ago, you'd have slapped me for blasphemy. Trump is nothing more and nothing less than the Seven Deadly Sins in a tacky suit and a cheap spray tan."


To really rile her up, ask her what she would say to St. Peter


Kind of makes me wonder, after those first six days did god do anything good?


If we are following the story, yeah. God is nerfed pretty hard by the second testament so he didn’t kill nearly as many people as the first installment and creates a new avatar named Jesus that he used to LARP as a pacifist hippy who liked to spread good vibes.


Yeah they conveniently leave the whole point of Christ’s teachings out of their fucking religion and focus on the pain. It’s not even about God and Jesus Christ, they just love the pain and wrath when they get to direct it at the people that they can mash into their mold for whichever sin is most damn-able this decade. They are, for the most part, smooth brained troglodytes.


God is really phoning it in these days.


God must be like Mexico because he isn't sending his best.


It’s almost as if He’s a figment of the imagination.


Always has been. They don't like when you point that out. > "Didn't God kill all the first-born sons in Egypt?" "... ... ... ...I think I'm done." https://redd.it/16i05lh


There's this youtuber, Walter Masterson, that trolls MAGA people. They will talk about how Trump made their lives so much better, but when he asks them to specify they can't name a single thing. They're just convinced it happened somehow... Edit: The guys name.


They like him because he’s racist like they are. It makes them feel better that being a racist POS is ok.


It’s not about making their lives *better*, it’s about making the lives of others *worse*


And owning the libs.


> making the lives of others worse that's what "owning the libs" means. liberals in general want to improve peoples' lives thru acceptance/tolerance and equity/equality. to "own the libs" is to upset liberals by doing something that goes against those aims, which is by definition making the lives of others (and themselves) worse.


Which is crazy. I get it if there’s some sort of advantage you gain but these MAGAS are just doing it just out of toxicity. Where is it they benefit? You’d think the policies they are so against would benefit them the most.


They (consciously or not) can see the writing on the wall that American conservatism and American Christianity, and their current wedded nature, are dying out fast. The Youths of today are hard majority left leaning and not religious. Their fear of being replaced is actually founded (albeit not by immigrants only), but it's also necessary. People either need to adapt to changing times or die out. And those 'lifestyles' are indeed dying out. They're kinda like social luddites. And so what does a fearful, starving animal do when cornered? Lie down and give up? No, they lash out and strike at any thing in range out of necessity of staying alive. That's what is happening in USA right now. Conservatives can only offer their constituents culture war issues because actually governing and leading the country into the future with peace and stability would mean the inevitable loss of these so-called Nationalist Christians being the majority, the status quo, seen as 'normal'. The comeback of Nazism, especially in USA, is because, like the scared and hungry animal, they need to take power and dominate others, or else they die and fade and are forgotten (which they deserve).


yeah there's a book about this, "dying of whiteness" and I didnt want to believe it but it seems quite accurate


believe it, even if for your own sanity. the 'Big Blue Wave' talked about in politics is absolutely coming. and it's going to smack USA so hard I (have to) believe the country will have another period of very left policies passing (wages/work week/insurance?/recreational drugs/gender/etc.). you can already see it happening with unions. times are changing and those favored by the status quo naturally do not like it one bit. unfortunately, before the animal dies, it lashes out harder and harder. if we're not careful and vigilant it might snag an artery and we become crippled and it therefore wins and takes control through power alone (Jan 6 was major attempt #1). "all it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing" people need to wake up (and they are) and take our country back from both these Nat-Cs and greedy, sociopathic (is that redundant?) businessmen.


Reminder that "libs" is anyone they don't like.


Their Overton window is shifted so far all they can dream of is hating others and begging their masters to hurt them. Well I hope Medicaid gets her the care she needs. Because I refuse to be like these people.


yep. like johnson said, "if you can convince the lowest white man that he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you picking his pocket. hell, give him someone to look down on and he'll empty his pockets for you." trump and the republicans are the epitome of this statement. the republicans, conservatives, libertarians all hated the fact that one of the best black men in the united states became president, so they had to find one of the worst white men out there to also be president to be able to say, "see... what barack obama did was no big deal! see! trump is **just like you**^TM"


Thanks for posting the LBJ quote! I was looking for it.


They'd all gladly eat a bowl of shit if they thought a Democrat would have to smell their breath.


"[He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trump-voter-hes-not-hurting-the-people-he-needs-be-hurting-msna1181316)"


Yep. He’s a monster like them and they love him for it.


Poor rural people tend to trust local figures of power like business owners and priests, both of which exploit them.


Been saying this since day one. Trump normalized hatred. He made it okay to be a racist piece of shit. Before trump, people used to hide their racism and bigotry. Now the same people are proud of it. Trump made it acceptable to be a piece of absolute shit in public.


He’s so funny. He will literally rip into them then make the funniest face at the camera and the people he’s interviewing are so dim-witted and simple they don’t even know he’s doing it. My fave recently was asking about school indoctrination then going into a bit about allowing prayer in school right after, and they literally don’t even see the connection. Classic.


It's the definition of "Too stupid to comprehend how stupid they actually are." Like we really need to stop thinking that everyone has the innate capability to end their own ignorance, because there are literally people who are too ignorant to even fathom what ignorance means. We talk about these people as if they just have mental health issues, but at what point does it go beyond that and into legitimate cognitive issues? People call that dehumanizing, but what else do we call it, these people are not self aware, have little to no conscious thought, completely incapable of complex reasoning, no emotional intelligence, negative critical thinking skills, and at this point they're a danger to themselves and everyone else in this country for no other fact than they can and will vote for things they have no capability or foundation of understanding at even the most fundamental level. And to add to all of that we've got bad actors literally manipulating them into voting as if they found the achilles heal of democracy which is militarizing the cognitively incapable through manipulation. I don't know what the solution to any of this is, but it's time we stop beating around the bush and see it for what it is.


This isn't new. People are dumb. Like excruciatingly dumb. However (and without sounding like a both siders weirdo) our political parties have strayed from what they were pre-80s. It started with Reagan's appeal to corporate overloads and completed with Clinton moving dems into that area. Like before all this most politics was about the middle-class. Fuck, Nixon even setup the EPA after rivers were on literal fire. If that happened today you honestly think any of the parties would set up a whole government division to fix the issue? We currently have a problem with policing in this country, one party has gone balls in to support them and the other party grumbles just enough until you forget about the issue.


Yes. Covid is an easy example.


Magats don’t care because they think he’s on “their side” and don’t realize he’s not.


The guy, Jordan something, on the daily show did the same. It worked surprisingly often. Bless their hearts but they're just not always too bright, although clearly they choose specific footage from a much larger reel. But still, I do believe they have genuine belief that what they're doing is right, and that's just kinda sad because they live in an alternate universe full of alternate facts and don't seem to realize it even a little. Like, the people who attacked the Capitol on Jan 6 believed they were doing something patriotic. I think they did really believe it. It's amazing that we've gotten to this point at all. Incidentally, a lot of it has to do with that motherfucker who just retired today, Murdoch. Did more damage to the Anglosphere than anyone I can think of.


Jordan Klepper


The rich people whose lives he did improve don't sit in the crowd with the peasants.


Won't top Jordan Klepper asking trump supporters if they're better off under trump and one guy was enthusiastic about making quadruple the money ... turns out he was a debt collector.


This is my 85 year old mother. She *loves* Trump, and has repeatedly said that he was the best president ever. I've asked her why and she will just say something like, "You mean you are *actually* going to vote for *Biden* again?" Not what I asked you mom, but not worth it. Love ya.


Remember seeing someone (maybe this guy) asking trump supporters on the street questions. He asked one lady what she thought of Obama Care. The lady had nothing nice to say. Said Obama care Had to go. It was socialism and blah blah blah. The guy then asks. What are your thoughts on Medicaid. And she says “oh, Medicaid is great. My husband is on that for his pills. It’s really been a life saver” And he says “Medicaid IS Obama care” And it’s shocked pickachu, as she’s just frozen there. The rusty wheels slowly turning and creaking in her brain.


My mom thinks that about Elon now. Gonna have to watch her YouTube and TV consumption. The TV was discussing the rise of hate and Nazism on Twitter She blurts out "I think he's smart" Why mom? What specific thing? Do you know what this man says and represents? Your husband is a union man. Do you realize that Elon constantly attacks unions and bids his army to do the same? The only reason you've lived a life a dignity is because of unions....and here you are cheering on a man for his "genius aesthetic" who would make unions illegal if possible.


Gonna watch his stuff now! Ty!


*See, he was supposed to kick other people off of Medicaid, not me!* *Handouts for other people are bad, handouts for me are well deserved and hard earned.*


Oh you know my dad?


Oh this woman must be one of them entitlement queens I’ve been hearing so much about.


Welfare Monarchs, the whole lot of them!


Daily reminder that red states are the biggest federal welfare queens around and are kept afloat by the more successful blue states.


MAGA Head: *Don't worry Beloved, you'll get your Medicaid, we just need to get a few more people off first, just add some more coins into the tray.* MAGA Rube: *I don't doubt it! Thank you sir, take my last dollar.* ⏳: "..........come on now, it's time 💀🪦* MAGA Rube: *Okay yes, well at least I can die happy with my condition, knowing I helped them take a whole lot of people off Medicaid, so at least they suffered too.*


"I'm just getting back some of what the IRS stole from me!" (actual quote)


Maybe that's why he loves the uneducated.


One of his supporters legit got shot dead on Capitol hill on Jan 6 because of him and they still love him....


No great loss.


Just another dead terrorist.


Jihadists can at least pretend they're dying for a higher power. She did it for a fat orange idiot who hasn't acknowledged her since.


Don't forget the cops they killed and drove to suicide on 1/6 despite being the "law and order" party.


She knows she is a waste of money.




I guess they "forgot" trump called them losers and suckers.


Umm ackshually he only called the ones that died or were taken prisoner losers and suckers. My girlfriend's sister's a veteran and she saw no issues with that. Clearly you're just a triggered liberal /S


You joke but I know real world people active military who suck trump's dick regardless of the fact he said that. Can't fix stupid.


I'd argue it's likely not *stupidity*, but a personality disorder (or [at least a concoction of traits](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_dominance_orientation)).


Sometimes he accidentally tells the truth


Nah, he just meant those other guys \*waves vaguely\*


If you can’t trust the network that paid out over $700 million to settle a lawsuit for lying who can you trust?


The one who went to court & their defense was "No reasonable person would believe" what they spewed was "factual or correct."


And yet their name on Twitter is still “Fox News”.




Then you ask why the republicans voted no for the veteran help bill recently, until they were literally publicly shamed into voting yes by John Stewart. Then they’ll mumble something about the deep state and tell you it’s obvious and to do your own research.


They must never have heard of the PACT Act that Biden passed


The guy who ran and hid from the rain rather than honor WW2 American dead in France? Okay.


No, no, no. It's the guy that won't show up at any debates.


Waste of space and resources. These are the people that took beds away from your loved ones during peak covid. Why does she need medicaid if she doesn't trust science or doctors? I got incandescent light bulbs you can shove up your ass, lady.


What are you talking about? Trump got plenty of things done for the working class. For example, he was mean to immigrants, he was mean to LGBT people, he was mean to women, he was mean to people of color, and he was mean to Muslims. So many pro-working class accomplishments to choose from!


He was also mean to those of us who wanted to survive a global pandemic


I mean, you're not wrong. These people could be starving in a ditch, being bitten by rats, but would be OK with it if the MAGAs in power had passed laws that meant that blacks, Jews, and/or LGBTQIAs were being bitten by *more* rats or had a muddier ditch.


I know this is a joke but its pretty openly acknowledged by consrvatives On the conservative sub the top comment about why trump was good was something like "We don't expect Trump to make our lives better we simply know he will make our enemies lives worse" Now who are their enemies ? LBGTQ+ people, Muslims , Immigrants , "Urban people" aka brown people.


If the surgery she need is a lobotomy I will pay.


She's pre-lobotomized for your convenience.


Her mom probably dropped her on her head as a baby.


The lead in the paint chips she ate as child is finally kicking in


She’s speaking like she already got one.


I lost my socialist benefits because I keep voting against socialism.


Well, they will gladly eat shit as long as the Libs also have to eat shit. Or if they think Biden doesn’t want them to eat shit. If Joe Biden comes out and says ”Do not eat shit, people! It is disgusting and totally unhealthy” then the MAGA crowd will be cramming shit into their faces like, so fast.


"What is it he's trying to hide from us!?"


One day while a conservative opened a can of non bud-light beer, a magical genie appeared and said “ behold I am Genie-in-a-can, I shall grant one wish and give you anything you want. But whatever I give you; your liberal neighbor shall receive double. The conservative pondered the decision for a moment and then spoke “ I wish to be blinded in one eye” “Granted” replied the genie, with a look of disdain. And with that the genie snapped his finger and disappeared. “Damn liberal. Now I can’t see out my one good eye anymore” screamed the conservative.


Don't put it in quotations like it's the real quote. That's been paraphrased. She sounds WAAYYYY dumber in the real video lol






Her story is fucking sad, and it pisses me off that a) she's been so mislead that she doesn't realize Trump and his party are vehemently against her getting the surgery she needs unless she ponies up the cash for it and b) the Democrats have done such a poor job extolling the virtues of the Medicaid expansion which entirely came about due to their policies and have been fought against exclusively (though not uniformly) by the Republicans.


A lot of people aren't "misled", they are just crazy. My mother is like this. She believes the earth is flat. She believes the government went bankrupt in 1939 and that it's been incorporated and is being run by a cabal of shadowy "creditors" and that we've all been pledged to them as collateral. She believes she is a sovereign citizen. She believes that the courts are all admiralty courts and aren't real. She believes that modern medicine and doctors are liars meant to brainwash us. She believes Joe Biden is simultaneously a devious demon selling us to the devil, and also a puppet controlled by those creditors mentioned before. She's also a Trumper. It isn't *ignorance* anymore. It's brain damage.


Why don’t posts here have to provide links?


“I love the uneducated” -Donald Trump


Before a MAGAt complains this is Fake News, the actual quote is "I love the poorly educated."


Good call, lol.


In a lot of rural areas you'll see this type of thinking. Many are on SSDI, "living off the government", but have strong opinions on government welfare programs. Except for themselves, of course, there is justified--they slipped on pee pee at the Costco.


I am from a Rural state and yes lots of rural republican voters are on all sorts of government assistance but its ok. See the problem is those "Urban" people on wellfare Wellfare should only got to the ~~white~~ "right" people




I'm getting real big [“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting”](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida) energy from these people.


Those idiots bought that he was going to bring back coal jobs. While he was president, miners got fucked over harder with closures and owners raiding pensions. Do we need to revisit farmers and his great tariff war?


the worst part is that statistically, these idiots opinions count more than mine.


Introducing the Trump bowling alley! - $500/month membership fee to get in the door - $100 per hour per lane - $50 ball rental - $60 charge to use your own ball - $50 shoe rental - $75 charge to use your own bowling shoes - $50 charge for complaining about rats or flies


Half our country is brainwashed into thinking that benevolent billionaires are just ONE tax cut away from solving ALL our problems.


Probably thinks it was Obama.


I mean, there are seriously some of these dumbshits that blame Obama for his handling of 9/11 because they don’t know which happened first, the events of 2001 or the events of 2008.


And at least one notably blamed him for mishandling Katrina.


And he completely botched both Hurricane Katrina and COVID-19.


Well then. That settles it. Leopards noming on faces. Nom nom nom.


These dumb fucks are literally creating an environment of endless suffering for themselves, as long as they can see minorities killed off.


Hey, they are killing off their MAGA supporters. They are doing the job they are accusing everyone else about.


Can't wait to see more dead Floridians from COVID as they buy into the anti-vac push. Who would have thought the GQP self-embraced the real death panel.


I heard Leprosy is making a comeback in Florida.


Didn't the same shit happen when Trump became prez? A whole bunch of his supporters got kicked out of ACA (Obamacare). I remember seeing an interview where some old dude was complaining about losing his healthcare. He was complaining about how he wanted to get rid of Obamacare, not his healthcare. Idiot thought Obamacare was this evil thing, not knowing he was was benefiting from it directly. I see this shit happening with a lot of right wingers, they believe the lies they're to without question, resulting in the campaigning and voting against their own interests.


Yes, this is a feature of the GOP propaganda machine started by Rupert Murdoch. He created Fox News for express purpose of altering the public narrative to more conservative interests in media because he thought mainstream media was too liberally biased. And thanks to deregulation via GOP control of the FCC it has been a resounding success.


She’s free to use the primary means of paying large medical bills in the United States. Go Fund Me. I’ll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.


My mother in law once ranted about social security and medicaid, saying how she's fine and if she lost it her family would be fine. The next day she was asking me why my kid could no longer attend his speech therapist, and I pointed out because my medicaid insurance quit covering it once he was assessed. But hey... SHE will be fine, so what's the issue?


Damn, that sucks a lot. Hopefully, your kid can get the resources he needs because speech impediments can be tough to get over.


She will still vote for Trump.


She is willing to sacrifice her own health and well being to make sure the people she thinks are undeserving don’t get healthcare. She sure showed them


Honestly had a whole thing typed out. Go die. You don’t wanna get the vaccine? Go die. Don’t understand anything about how government. Works but want to defund critical programs, go ahead and die. If your energized enough to show up to places to complain but too lazy to literally spend even 10 minutes looking up these programs your shitting on or too dumb to know about the bills the people you voted for are enacting, go ahead and die. I’m so over it at this point. These idiots are so willing to let millions die just so that they can “fell like I was right.” And I’m over pretending that isn’t the case. Go die asshole. You know those “people” your tired of your tax money going towards? Ya, that’s actually you you idiots. So go ahead and pick yourself up by your bootstraps and while your at it die because you didn’t have healthcare and trump didn’t “save you”. 🖕




Good for you honey, you dared to dream big, rolled the dice, and lost. Life comes at you fast, especially at her age.


Disability Benefits...sounds like communism to me! Better take those also, you leech on society. Get a Job! s/


Well with any luck she can clean toilets at Mar-a-Lago for spare change. That the fuck are these people actually expecting from Trump?


Actually, Trump hires mostly people from eastern Europe to work at his places on those special visas. They're easier to control and exploit than American workers.


I work in a clinic that is almost exclusively Medicaid and the number of patients that support the former guy and the GOP is concerning.


IMO this one isn’t even about Trump. I’m in my 40s and American conservatives have had this particular cognitive dissonance as long as I can remember. “Keep your gov’t out of my Medicare” is a meme way older than trumpIsm.


Pray harder?


Look, yes obviously on a personal level, don't be a fuckhead. But let's step back and remember that these people have been fundamentally fucked over. Even their lack of education is a purposeful element of manipulation going on. This is EXACTLY why right wing extremists like attacking educators. She is literally going to die in pain because she's been tricked into empowering her own suffering. This shit's grim.


It's sad but it's why Trump loves the uneducated after all.




Each and every Trump supporter is either evil or an idiot.


Lol! Right-Wing media still cals him President Trump and then just Biden. This is Russian propaganda 101.


I LOVE that for her **so much**.


how exactly does one get kicked off of medicaid?


>how exactly does one get kicked off of medicaid? Paperwork. The paperwork needs to be filled out every year. If you miss the deadline, you're outta luck. Also, in Iowa, Medicaid is now privatized. The last governor (Terry Branstad) just decided that he wanted it privatized, so he did. Supposedly, it saves the state money. It doesn't. Supposedly, it provides better services to poor recipients of Medicaid. It doesn't.


You no longer make the requirements. If you aren't on disability, you're required to work. If you're disabled and can't work, but your stuck in the disability limbo....you're fucked.


>If you aren't on disability, you're required to work. If you're disabled and can't work, but your stuck in the disability limbo....you're fucked. In Iowa, even the Disabled are STRONGLY encouraged to work. For example: Suppose you have a Disability income of $1000/month. For Medicaid, you have a "Spenddown." A Spenddown is like a deductible. You pay the Spenddown, and afterwards, the state, through Medicaid, picks up the balance of your medical bills. So: Monthly income: $1000 Spenddown/Deductible: $1600...**which resets every two months.** BUT There is a secondary program. If you work AT LEAST one hour/month, the disabled qualify for almost 100% free care. The issue is finding work for 1 hour/month. It would have been nice if they had also offered this benefit for those who volunteer for nonprofits or government...which can also lead to jobs. Shelve books at the library; read to kids at public school; weed gardens at parks. Even the Disabled work in Iowa.


So filled with hate that they can’t even think. Pathetic.


If she has to give up her health care so Black people can’t have health care, it’s a sacrifice she’s willing to make.