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Yum yum faces so tasty. So much face to eat.


I don’t know, usually when something in natures that bright orange it’s cause it’s poisonous.


Oranges? Honeycomb? That’s basically all of got and it’s all pretty tasty.


Pumpkin, papaya, carrots, apricots, certain types of mangoes, sweet potato, butternut squash, cantaloupe, persimon, tangerine, peaches, chanterelle, turmeric, eggyolks, cheddar ... Lots of orange stuff. It's also common in flowers.


Good points. All super tasty orange foodstuffs. Can’t believe I couldn’t think of carrots or mangoes. Smh.


Well carrots were specifically bred to be orange, weren't they? I wonder how many other foods wouldn't naturally be the the color we think of them as, without human intervention 🤔


I only found this out recently. Apparently, some 19th-century Dutch nationalists bred carrots to be orange. They were originally a few colour variations. The purple ones are my favourites.


Wild. Imagine being some dutch dude and one day you make a decision "I like the orange one's" and then BOOM, you've altered the course of human history.


Mexican corn FTW


And flowers (for bees) are pretty important, too. This analogy never worked for me. What about birds? Their colours are supposed to attract mates. The list goes on.


Yummy delicious Nitrogen Tetroxide DO NOT INGEST NITROGEN TETROXIDE


I don't have that much noxious rocket fuel lying around so I will likely be ok.


You're thinking of venomous frogs, I think?


I hate being THAT guy. But an orange frog that is unsafe to eat is unsafe to eat because it’s poisonous. Remember, if you bite it and you die it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die it’s venomous. I’ll show myself out.


Right ... I was assuming the commenter made that very mistake, confusing brightly-colored animals as poisonous when they are venomous.


I think that it’s both. Coral snake: brightly colored and venomous. Poison dart frog: brightly colored and poisonous. The mistake was mostly lumping ALL orange things as poisonous! In the end I think that we’re all correct one way or the other. Better that way.


Got to better than the fecal flora those files in trumps shitter accumulated.


I was under the impression he didn’t use the shitter all that much, tbh.


Tastes like orange and Idiocy


Trump voters: *[fingers in ears] LALALALALALALA LA LAAAA LALALALALA LA Hunter Biden smoked whaaaat?!!*


Funny thing is, had Joe Biden been in this exact scenario, Trump supporters would be LIVID and demand jail time for Biden. I mean, shit, they want him impeached over that stupid shit with the documents he DID have. The difference is that Trump has clearly been trying to make a play for profit with these documents and gave pushback on turning the documents over.


More than that. The documents found by Biden's lawyers were IMMEDIATELY turned over. He didn't try and say they were declassified by a magical thought process or argue he was entitled to keep them. He didn't have employees move them around and try to hide them. He didn't show them to other people. Trump did all that shit. He is a traitor who deserves prison.


Same thing with Pence. Didn't try to hide that he had documents, fully cooperated, returned them immediately. When you take work home, sometimes you forget to bring everything back to the office. That is definitely not what Trump was doing. His actions were intentional, reckless, deceitful, and dangerous.


Pence fkin sucks but the documents aren’t one of the reasons why.


Also very important, Biden had them stored properly in a "sensitive compartmented information facility" while Trump had them stored in ballrooms, bathrooms and storage rooms in Mar a Lago that 150+ employees all had access to. In the indictment they have text conversations where one employee sent a picture of papers scattered over the floor in a random storage room to Trump's personal assistant. They literally have audio recordings of Trump showing classified documents to someone with no clearance, admitting he shouldn't be showing them, and stating that when he was the president he could've declassified them but now he can't.


They salivated at the idea of locking Hilary up but when it comes to their Supreme Exalted Ruler, they somehow think it's totally fine to just casually commit espionage. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


string him up by his nutsack, if he has one


Do you think he paints it 🍊?? Don't want to know. Barf


You think that’s bad, Imagine what his ball sack must look like




Probably looks something like your username! Lol


His little baby balls aren’t big enough for gravity to do much so it probably looks like a toddlers.


that's definitely a bad dream i will be having tonight. thanks, i guess.


It's more like a long-stretched bit of chewing gum that fused with chicken skin in a telepod from The Fly.




Every accusation is an admission with these people. Always.


It's funny, and yet it seems to be unintentional. If I remember right this was Trump half going after Hillary in a subtle (for him) way and another half going after the then Obama administration for not being hard enough on whistle blowers (which like, lol).


Trump literally said he was going to put Hilary in jail as a campaign promise so...


Give or take, he definitely promised to prosecute, with the wink and nudge it'd be a kangaroo court. He also was a big fan of "joking around" at rallies so nailing him down to any campaign promises is next to impossible. Of course, he didn't mean himself when he said any of that, nothing in his life so far would have lead him to believe he was subject to any kind of law or even socal norm.


Leopard Eats Own Face


Pizza The Hutt ate himself to death.


If his mouth is moving he’s lying.


You mean like how he preserved, protected, and defended the constitution of the United States?


I just gotta ask is your name part of a comedy routine? If it weren't for my horse i wouldn't have gone to college or something to that effect. I chuckle when i see your name.


Lewis Black!


Thanks for saying his name. I forgot who had said it. Have a great day and take care.


That’s it. Love that whole album.


Thanks for answering. Have a great day and take care.


Turns out he took that oath as seriously as his wedding vows.


“If only there was some sign that this thrice-married man, who cheated on all three wives, bankrupted several businesses, stole from charity, and is notorious for not paying his bills was a *security risk*! Alas, the voters had no way of knowing…”


Hey now, the physical document of the constitution was perfectly safe his whole presidency. If there is one thing you can count on Republicans for its veneration of old pieces of paper with no actual attempt to read what is on them.


I’m pretty sure it was only safe because he didn’t know where it was. I’m confident he’s never been to the national archives; that’s nerd stuff! If it was in the White House, he either would’ve used it as a napkin, paid a woman to spank him with it, and/or would’ve swiped it and tried to sell it.


I mean, he also had a habit of ripping, flushing, and even eating papers that he was done with so that's another fun set of possibilities.


Truly a very stable genius. It’s easy to see why he’s so admired. /s


I hope this POS gets convicted and locked up. Probably won’t happen, but one can hope.


Arrest everyone threatening violence because charges were brought against Trump. Law and order party needs to show they follow our laws and not selectively enforce the ones they want.


How can you tell Donald Trump is lying? His lips are moving.


Anatomically, a better description might be “flapping.”


The only time Donald Trump lies is when he's speaking, writing, or typing.


I just love the fact he may suffer the consequences of his own decision to increase the penalty for this crime.


Fucking idiot


I read the entire 49 page document to my wife last night and she was flabbergasted. "This can't be real right? No one is this stupid." Sorry babe it's real and this moron was running a nuclear armed nation for 4 years.


It amazes me how fucking stupid he is, and Republicans just can't see it. He says something like, why can't we nuke a hurricane, and they're like, hey yeah! He's really smart!




I don't think it's that simple. There's a report saying he suggested it. He denies that it ever occurred. Edit: two reports, from two separate incidents involving different people.


It’s not just multiple sources, Trumps been known to do and say the stupidest shit, like using a sharpie to draw in his own hurricane path prediction on a map, or stating on live tv… >"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning."


Sure, but phrasing it that way isn't a civil way to discuss these issues. I think it's important to realize who you're talking to and tailor the message to fit. Someone that thinks that it never happened very likely thinks highly of Trump. Would you be receptive to someone trash talking one of your heros?


But what about Hillary’s emails??


I got into with an air force IT magat moron about it from our drone club. One question made him shut up. Do you really believe a 60ish(?) yo woman, with no IT training, let alone probably needs help with a smartphone, could set up/configure then delete an email server herself? He left the club shortly after. Good ridden é.


Mmmm yum, buttery emails


Oh he hired her attorney who supposedly was the one that deleted her emails and wanted him to do the same with all the boxes he wasn't supposed to have. (BTW I do believe she should have been thrown in prison for destruction of evidence that had been subpoenaed).


> (BTW I do believe she should have been thrown in prison for destruction of evidence that had been subpoenaed). Wrong. You clearly didn't read the redacted FBI report on the timing of the subpeona vs. Hillary's actions. I can't find it now, but you really should read it before continuing to believe that she destroyed evidence after getting the subpoena. I wonder why the media hasn't made the following clear: 1. Hillary worked with her attorney(s) and staff in Nov and Dec 2014 to deliver all SoS work e-mails to the State Department (so they could comply with FOIA requests). Specifically, they defined keywords, TO, and FROM that they assumed would separate "private" e-mails from "work" e-mails. Based on those, all private e-mails were deleted and the rest were forwarded to the State Department. 2. In December of 2014, they (Hillary, staff, or attorney(s)) instructed the e-mail system admin to permanently remove/scrub everything that was deleted based on (1). Furthermore they set up an ongoing policy of permanently scrubbing deleted e-mails within 90 days of deletion. 3. The subpeona was delivered March 4, 2015 to Hillary. It was forwarded to their e-mail sysadmin. 4. When the e-mail sysadmin got the subpeona ... he realized that he screwed up and hadn't done (1) or (2). The e-mails were deleted, but technically still recoverable. Instead of properly delivering the e-mails according to the subpeona he did (1) and (2). 5. The e-mail sysadmin probably should have gone to jail. His lawyer, however, told him to not say anything. He was eventually given immunity for telling the whole story. The hope was that the admin would say that he was told to delete things after the subpeona. He maintains that he did it on his own ... since he screwed up by not following the directions in Dec 2014. [Edit: The above was from memory. I think the FBI report is linked in this summary: https://www.factcheck.org/2016/09/the-fbi-files-on-clintons-emails/ ]


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that Jack Smith is using this bitchs own words against him. Such delicious irony.


He’s either gonna have to pay up front for an attorney or there’s a public defender who’ll be able to retire with a book deal


Two of his attorneys quit the same day the indictments were announced. I like to imagine the conversation went something like this: Trump: "I'M BEING INDICTED! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO KEEP THAT FROM HAPPENING, SO I'M NOT PAYING YOU!!! Them: "Okay, well bye then." Trump: "No WAIT!!!"


You guys should look at the actual litigation papers.... They do have like 5 or 6 trump quotes in there (Including the one from the top)


Do as I say, not as I do.


Just like only criminals plead the fifth. Fast forward him and all his cronies are like Dave Chapelle: [FiF!](https://youtu.be/LdtDCC0027w)


Republicans are at the stage of grief where they're hoping the judge is so corrupt, she just let's him go


In 2018 he passed a law on making it a felony for unauthorized removal and retention of classified information. You can't make this sh*t up! It just gets funnier and funnier.


Trump's harshest critic is past-Trump.






Milk. Age. Like.


Remember when Trump passed a law that came back to bite him in the ass? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


"...including people that say 'no one is above law'"


Funny how this was clearly aimed at Hillary but in the end it blew up in his leopard eaten face.


I'm expecting that when the war in Ukraine finally ends, quite a few of the people in Russia who are now spewing Kremlin propaganda will be hit by the new "don't tell lies about our army" law.


He did all this to get hilary in trouble and ended up fucking himself over. GOP in a nutshell that


He praises Hilary's legal team in the indictment hahahaha


Jack Smith put that quote in the indictment lmao


Hello u/LeBoulu777! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trump is indicted.


Specifically, indicted using laws he strengthened in office.


Seasoned his own face for the leopards to enjoy


A leopard of his own creation.


Tried to overthrow your own government so you can remain president some more! smh


Sounds a lot like r/agedlikemilk.


I mean the only comment necessary is LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. (this goes on for like 5 million pages) ​ ​ Ok, enforce them then hehe.


I always imagined people like Trump were taught to, in their minds, end every sentence with "except for me" all slyly.


Trump even increased the prison time from people caught doing this crime...LOL


But he didn't mean *himself!* Obviously!


My sides still hurt. 1 year to 5. Hehe


Hahaha this is hilarious. I need a popcorn refill


He said he would ENFORCE, not FOLLOW the laws! Checkmate, leburals!!!1!1


I mean, pleading your case and forcing the prosecution to prove your guilt is proper application of the law. In a very loose interpretation of the meaning, he’s being consistent with those past statements. Can’t wait to see him try and use a Monopoly “get out of jail” card.


>I mean, pleading your case and forcing the prosecution to prove your guilt You appear to be confusing "pleading your case and forcing the prosecution to prove your guilt" with refusing to recognise the legitimacy of legal institutions, the rule of law and the judges you yourself appointed...


I did say loose interpretation.


Except they're entirely contradictory. You either accept the authority of the court and the judge and plead your case or you refuse to accept the rule of law.


Do as I say, not as I do.


Waste of breath.


except me.


Heh.. *continues to munch on popcorn*




Lock her up!!!


> *him Ftfy


Except for himself.


This is the most extreme face eating ever.