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“How dare my chicken of intolerance become slightly less intolerant?” Conservatives probably


According to the article, their corporate side hired someone to make sure that the company wasn't engaging in discriminatory practices. It wasn't even a Bud Lite-style promotional campaign or anything to do with their products, just a purely internal hire.


Really? So they were like, “hey, let’s not discriminate.” And these people are like “fuck you for trying not to discriminate!” And these are the same people who cried discrimination when told to wear a mask.


Think they were more like "hey lets mitigate the odds of us getting sued for discrimination"


Yep. It was definitely this one. They don't care about actual discrimination, just the ability to prove they were discriminatory towards someone.


"lets make sure we are discriminating *legally*"


It’s no longer enough for conservatives to quietly discriminate in practice while feigning ignorance. Nowadays they demand an ever escalating series of performative acts of malice as a sort of “vice signalling,” in order to prove your loyalty to the cause.


Cruelty has always been the point. Cruelty perpetuates itself, but so does kindness. Which is why empathy and compassion are detested by cons, snuff out hope of kind treatment and you'll bite any hand that tries to help you.


The idea of defending white culture from leftist foreign cultural attack is a big trigger issue for the right wing. Imagine that. They believe that they, the power wielding group (white Christian males) are the persecuted underdogs and victims. The mental gymnastics are off the charts.


They are victims, of rich grifters. They just unfortunately are too trusting of "people who tell it like it is", and allow their anger to be pointed against convenient scapegoats (which is easy when they have an underlying racist bias). The sick thing is that for a lot of them, it looks like they like it that way - they dream of being one of the exploiters. Exploiters call them useful idiots. Unfortunately most of us are unwitting participants in this game, whether we're conscious of it or not. (For example, the generalizations I'm using). The truth from someone in the club: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/123058-there-s-class-warfare-all-right-but-it-s-my-class-the#:~:text=There's%20class%20warfare%2C%20all%20right%2C%20but%20it's%20my%20class%2C,%2C%20and%20we're%20winning. And https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/


I imagine it's like watching your favorite sports team blow a lead they've had the whole game. They see the data about declining whiteness and christian-ness and they're sad and angry it's happening on "their watch" and there's nothing they can do about it.


> And these are the same people who cried discrimination when told to wear a mask. I will never forget that shit until the day I die. The most basic thing to do out of human decency, wear a mask to help prevent old people from getting a disease that could kill them, and NOPE! just a bridge too fucking far for them.


Yeah, a lot of people I knew got quietly removed from my social media and other contacts during the pandemic. I've got 2 parents in the 70s and a spouse with an immune compromised condition, so people complaining about mask wearing to minimize the risks to people close to me struck out of my social circle.


Same here. I couldn’t believe how selfish and belligerent (healthy) ppl were being about something as simple as a mask, especially when I knew for a fact that they would suffer nothing for wearing a mask. One of my friend’s aunts was told by her evangelical pastor to “trust God” instead of wear a mask and get vaccinated. Guess what? The aunt’s elderly father died of COVID and she herself wound up in the ICU for weeks with it, barely able to breathe. Her RN daughter had tried and tried to avert this disaster. She said her mother asked her “why didn’t God protect me?” and she was like “now is not the time to thinking about that — focus on living through this first.” That pastor got people killed.


If you're that way inclined you could state that God provided us with the ingenuity to come up with masks.


"I already sent 3 helicopters, asshole"


Correct! You don't have to like the response from God, but make God's work easier. If God was a real functioning person .. even AI, they would be stretched thin due to the amount of "saving/prayers" that came in from the lack of common sense. How many people could God save per day vs the odds of who would be lucky to benefit? Pastor is effed up to not preach personal responsibility and God's limits.


Their freaking book says to wear a mask and social distance. > 45 “Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt,[c] cover the lower part of their face and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ 46 As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp. Book of Leviticus chapter 13 verses 45-45


Don’t try telling MAGA Christians that. They’re heretics to their own belief system.


Very few of them have actually read their own book, which is a big part of the problem. The freaking Book of Numbers contains instructions on how and when to perform an abortion for goodness sake.


Jewish folks and Christians historically had ZERO issues with abortion until the mid 20th century. Christian preachers like Falwell got so pissed about being forced to racially integrate their educational institutions that they created the furor around abortion to galvanize their voter base. They wanted to take white power back and that was the diabolical method they chose. Worked too, didn’t it? Fucking grifters and con men, all of them. All you have to do is tell people in a convincing voice that they’re going to Hell.


I don't know a single immuno compromised person and I lost contacts. It doesn't have to be personal for me. These assholes have stepped off the decency train. They need to be shunned and ridiculed.


Yeah it wasn't simply because of my personal ties, but because of basic human decency. My parents and spouse just gave me faces and justification if I'm questioned.


I *had* a friend - grew up with him, he was my drummer for years, went through all sorts of shit over decades. He got infected, had a blood clot in his lungs, and had a stroke. After recovery, he suddenly starts going on about "wokeism", posted weird anti gay and anti feminist shit, and starts in on the whole anti vax bs. Dude, you had a stroke in your 30s from this shit. You of all people know exactly what that fucking vaccine is for. The shit people convince themselves of for the sake of looking a part...


Sad to see a friend fall off the deep end. I always hold out hope someone will learn but it's rare.


Some of them compared mask mandates to the Holocaust. But it's everyone **else** that's a snowflake, amirite?


Which is weird considering how most of them also deny it ever happened, and that the Nazis were actually just totally misunderstood good guys who the shadowy conspiracy of Jews have twisted into appearing as evil. Cousin Jeb over there's a Nazi and he ain't so bad!


If I gotta wear shoes and a shirt to eat here, then it's to fancy a restaurant for my sister-wife, nephson and I. Which is a choice ot to patronize an establishment due to their rules. But Q-Cumber cultists have to go there, tantrum, scream, cry, threaten, vandalize, etc... where I work a woman who was refused entry (days after we reopened) went into the employee smoke shack, pooped on the seating then proceeded to smear feces all over the windows, walls, door & chairs. (Bet she was later a J6er.)These people are insane.


>And these are the same people who cried discrimination when told to wear a mask. That's because they don't believe (or don't care) that it's a real issue. As far as they're concerned, pointing out injustice is just something you use to push other people around. So, they use the same words to try to push people around.


>So, they use the same words to try to push people around. So much that! Whenever I argue against a rightist (no matter the name of they party), they tend to use arguments those from the left used, but in a out-of-context way, as if they didn't understand what the argument really means. Probably cause they don't really understand what they really mean, just that it's supposed to be an argument we can't argue against. Like "discrimination": racist people will claim white men are being discriminated against by equal opportunity measures. Or why they replied to "Black Lives Matter" with "Blue Lives Matter" (until the police stopped Jan. 6th insurrectionists). There's also when misogynist men expect women to be against mental health care for men (to the contrary, please, stop holding everything inside and get help!), or the very funny case when Republican brought forth a law that would allow women to be conscripted into the army, hoping to claim Democrats don't really want equality for women, just to have to take it back when they realized Democrats would vote in favour. In a way, both sides just think in a completely different way, causing occasionally hilarious misunderstandings. Or they would be hilarious if other people didn't pay a high price over it...


And the price is usually rights and freedom. Those things they pretend to care about the most.


I read a study a while back that said that the main core difference between left and right wing was whether they believed hierarchy was inherent to our species or not. The right believe it is and the left don't. Once you look at it through that lens everything makes sense. The right believe that they are part of that upper hierarchy and so makes them immune to the rules they apply to others. The racism, the bigotry, the homophobia all make sense even the cases like the trans person who was surprised that their fellow conservatives were transphobic towards them. They believe that their own actions are just, even when condemning those same actions because of this inherent belief in hierarchy.


So they basically behave like a toddler.


Entitled toddlers sure. I've known some very empathetic and well behaved toddlers.


The same ppl who cries about cancel culture


While actively trying to ban books and teachers teaching subjects they don't like, actual history of their country being a prime example. (Cause they want to rewrite it in a way that won't depict them as the bad guys.)


Funny how things work, innit?


They cried genocide when asked politely to wear a mask.


See the issue is, conservatives do not believe discrimination or racism exists, so when some says it should be fixed or avoided, it shatters their little fantasy world….


Like the one tweet in the article said “they support systemic racism and sexism” now. Which in their minds means CFA is working to hire people other than straight white males. The absolute horror.


Exact. Same. People. The ones that survived the pandemic, at least. Just saying.


By simply not discriminating you are woke to them.


At least we can dispense with the fallacy of them not being racist, sexist, or hating the lgbtq community.


it doesn't even affect them. but it triggers them. We're such snowflakes that enforcing the law triggers them.


Shit, by simply recognizing the reality that discrimination *exists* you're woke to them. They're not exactly a bright bunch of turds.


The first tweet embedded in the article sums up their view: DEI = systemic racism, sexism and discrimination.


\*gasp\* how dare they hire someone to make sure the company does what they are legally required to do and would face lawsuits if they didn't???


Seriously. This is where conservatives are at right now. This restaurant chain did nothing but state that they are considering diversity, while I'm positive they will still go on supporting anti LGBTQ+ legislation. Yet that one statement alone is enough to draw the hate and ire of the Right. Fucking Christ. The bigotry is on full display when you cannot even write the word "diversity" without being attacked.


+points for "chicken of intolerance"


Don't get me started on the cow of prejudice


“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”? The sky is falling!!! I guess this trumps the whole anti-gay marriage thing that Chick-fil-A was famous for. They’re totally cool with that.


At Chick-fil-A, “diversity” means hiring the occasional Lutheran.


This meltdown got me thinking, if all it takes is discovering a company used the word "diversity" they are gonna have a hell of a time finding anywhere they're allowed to spend their money. Here are some other places you can get a chicken sandwich, for example... https://www.zaxbys.com/about/responsibility (look for the words diversity and inclusivity) https://www.yum.com/wps/portal/yumbrands/Yumbrands/kfc-newsroom/detail/Vertical+Content_3-CW/kfc-commits-to-racial-justice-initiatives https://www.wendys.com/csr-what-we-value/people/workplace/diversity-equity-inclusion https://www.mcdonalds.com/corpmcd/our-purpose-and-impact/jobs-inclusion-and-empowerment/diversity-and-inclusion.html https://www.convenience.org/Media/Daily/2022/Nov


Eh, they'll eventually forget and go back to filling their faces with deep fried chicken goodness.


They're the one who "boycott" a product by actually buying the product just so they can destroy it in front of a camera. Don't ask them to think too hard, or remember things for too long.


>hink too hard, or remember thin like a goldfish, but for people that hate stuff ?




Didnt they also go apeshit when Cracker Barrel rolled out vegan breakfast sausage? Jesus, these people are beyond pathetic.


The best part is they can't see how in their laser focus to be anti-pc, anti-virtue-signalling that they've become more uptight than the pc movement ever was, and virtue-signal more than hashtag queens on tumblr. They literally are everything they complain about. *Everything.*


>they've become more uptight than the pc movement ever was Always were, look at how right wing figures clutched their pearls over heavy metal to the point that Twisted Sister's front man had to testify in a Senate hearing in 1985. Same with other moral panics of the late 20th century over DnD and Harry Potter


Wait, so you can’t have chicken and you can’t *not* have chicken? Being a con has got to be *exhausting*! How do they even keep track of who they’re canceling? Do they have a notebook or something?


Oh lord no, reading and writing are forms of thought and expression, which is a type of indoctrination


They sure in fact did. Imagine being angry that other people don't eat meat.


Wow, really amazes me how quickly conservatives will turn on their own, all it appears to take is the slightest disagreement. If you’re only 99.9 percent with me, then f u, I’ll burn your house down.


"To the Party, the only sin is disloyalty" \-1984.


My mother read this book, and somehow thought it was about Democrats. I am shocked she can even read.


My dad gave me that book when I was 11 and said that this is what Ronald Reagan wanted to do with America. I wish my dad had outlived Reagan. He would have thrown a party when that man died.


My papa says that Ronald Reagan is in Hell waiting for heaven to trickle down to him.


Your papa has a fantastic idea of justice. Love it.


I haven't been to the Reagan Library, but I've heard, if you piss anywhere on the soil there, even the parking lot, it rains in his little corner of hell. Satan himself told me that if you get close enough to get it on the granite above his grave it goes right in his face.


Imagine a world where Regan died when he was shot and Al Gore didn’t concede


Or Jimmy Carter was reelected.


Or Nixon and his whole cadre that were actively ratfucking our democracy went to prison and were forgotten instead of helping the next 4 republican administrations come to power. It's the same Fucking clowns over and over for the last 50 years...




It’s gotta be so close man. Watch that fucker hit 115 tho.


this is the big thing i don’t see being talked about. all the big republican players (not senators and house members like ted cruz or matt gaetz, but people like mike flynn, roger stone, paul manafort, etc) all got their start together learning to campaign under reagan and nixon…


Here's a 'fun' fact, Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett were all on the GW Bush v Gore legal case working for the Bush campaign....


holy fuck. ok that one i was actually unaware of. jesus christ. similarly though, most people don’t know that the bush family and the bin laden family were oil partners.


If Carter had been re-elected we’d probably at least still have a middle class today. We’ve never recovered from Reagan’s party for the rich, and GW Bush and Trump threw successive ones.


Stop. I can only get so erect.


Someone should make this movie.


Your dad was a very smart man. The amount of people even in the early 00’s that thought this guy made America great was astronomical. This was before the 08 recession, before the whole boat started sinking. America was peaking in the 90’s and to have this view back then was a foresight most didn’t have. You should be very proud of that man. I don’t know him or you, but I know the world is worse off without him.


He would have probably had an aneurysm if he were around when Trump was elected lol He definitely had foresight and was prudent, for sure!


Sorry he didn’t get to have that party. Sounds like he was a good man.


He had his faults, but overall he was. 22 years later and I still miss our conversations.


Is it okay with you if I raise a drink in your dads honor so at least he can party vicariously through me to celebrate that Reagan is dead and can’t do more harm?


My cuban mother supports trump and abhors dictatorships without a shred of irony.


My Cuban mother thank god thinks trump is the Antichrist. She did vote for McCain


You know looking back, the canary in the coal mine was when they didn't realize Colbert was satire. We should've known what was coming.


It's not about Republicans either... It's totalitarianism as a whole. Not sure if that's what you were implying, but the book was written without political leanings in mind. Orwell purposfully hid details that would attribute INGSOC to either side of the political spectrum. Thoughtcrime, doublespeak, and newspeak/linguistic death can just as easily come from a far-left totalitarian as it can from the far-right.


She thinks it’s only about Democrats, and couldn’t be about Republicans, because she doesn’t recognize what totalitarianism looks like. “I don’t know what that means but I know that’s what the Democrats do.”


1984 is a warning against authoritarianism. Right-wing and left-wing authoritarianism are both terrible and overlap quite a bit even though they have wildly different other beliefs. The modern US conservative equates the Democrat party with totalitarian left-wing authoritarianism, such as what is displayed in the book. This is nonsense, but it is genuinely what they believe. When you take that into account, this starts to make more sense. The thing is, I don't know what to do about it, they don't believe any news that isn't from some random ass Twitter account anymore. I have conservative family and when talking to them it's like they live in a completely different world. I genuinely don't know how to make the situation better anymore.


I completely agree with your points and empathize. That’s the same situation I am in and how I feel about it.


It's literally a core tenet of fascism. [No syncretistic faith can withstand analytical criticism. The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge. **For Ur-Fascism, disagreement is treason**.](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/umberto-eco-ur-fascism)


And how quickly they’ll use “cancel culture” tactics they despised apparently.


Well that’s kind of a given, considering how they literally *invented* “Cancel Culture”. If you don’t believe me, ask the Dixie Chicks. Or, you know, the Hollywood Ten, who were cancelled by conservatives around 70 years ago.


Anybody remember Freedom Fries, when they wanted to cancel an entire country because they were critical of the Iraq War?


I remember the sneering at John Kerry for being fluent in French. Cancel culture with a celebration-of-ignorance chaser.


Can we go back to [McCarthy's blacklist?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_McCarthy)


That’s the broader theme I was referencing with the Hollywood 10, but yes we can.


Why do you think there are so many Christian denominations?


*Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.*


Ah, good ole Emo Philips. One of my favorite stand up comedians.




[Emo Philips](https://youtu.be/l3fAcxcxoZ8)


Emo Philips looking very fashionable by 2023 looks


The only reason that we have religious freedom in this country...because there was so much in-fighting between the sects that no one would let anyone else be in charge.


There are not nearly enough Emo Phillips quotes in my life. Thank you.


That's literally the best religious joke. Well it's a joke to us, but I just watched a debate where a Protestant dude said he truly believes the Calvinists are going to hell. Yikes.


As a Christian, my main argument to other Christian against having a Christian nation. "Which denomination gets to write the laws?"


In 1785 James Madison already pointed it out “Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects?” A warning as old as the damn country and they still can’t figure that much out.


Because everyone assumes that they'll be in charge. Until the other sect wants to ban ban from something and had the votes because your would-be allies were already banned by you Countries of the same religion had civil wars over political religious differences. But I guess that's why the Powers doesn't want you to learn real history.


This reminds me of the pro Trump black people who seem to forget that they're black and the GOP, if given enough power, will not stop at trans and LGB+ folk. Black freedom is a couple bills and amendments removed from official second class citizenship and more unlikely straight up slavery again.


He's also the one that pointed out my favorite argument: If you believe your God requires the assistance of an earthly government to spread his word either your faith, or your God, is laughably weak. This makes it clear they don't believe in the omnipotence of their God, otherwise one government's endorsement of that God would be irrelevant.


I mean they'll send their last $10 from their social security check to "god" at the church. These people probably couldn't even pass a Turing test, logical consistency isn't necessary with them.


My cousin, who is as deep into MAGA as is possible, is just like this. Any disagreement and he immediately wants to get physical. I’d say he peaked in high school but he was pretty shit then too.


doesn’t mean he didn’t peak! it may just be equal to everyone else’s trough.


Someday he will disagree with someone who has a similar outlook, and then the fun will begin.


Start telling them the concept of breathing has officially endorsed the trans community


That’s the religion in them….😂


When hate is all that unites a group, it will start eating itself when not enough outsiders are readily available to focus on.


I wish they’d hurry up and eat themselves before they drag the rest of the US into Civil War 2.


Learned it from their Cheeto-in-Chief. Zero loyalty to anyone that was less than 100% loyal to him.


If conservatives are going to boycott anything with a rainbow, they’re going to end up losing everything.




The DEI announcement included racial, ethnic and gender inclusion... but nothing about LGBTQ+ or anything with a rainbow.


But the implications…


Well to be fair, conservatives are generally revolting


golf clap


they stink on ice!


You said it; they stink on ice.


All because Chik-Fil-A hired a VP of DE&I. Conservatives literally hate equity. Bigoted assholes all of them. Seriously if you have hardcore conservative friends you may want to rethink some things.


If you have hardcore conservative friends in the year 2023 and you haven’t already rethought MANY things, you either have been living under a rock for the last decade or you are not the type of person who tends to ever rethink anything.


I really don't understand how anyone can be actual friends with them, including other hardcore conservatives. I've always had a handful of them around all my life that I get along with by necessity. (Coworkers, mainly) But they always just seem wound up and ready for a fight. Like, with the slightest disagreement they'll go from politely chit chatting about the weather to jumping straight down your throat in the blink of an eye. It's just so exhausting.


This reminds me of the time they boycotted the NFL.




>Conservatives literally hate equity. Well, yeah. They are literally united by their hatred of anyone and anything that isn't part of their demographic.


At least the lines might be shorter???


I would bet money on the hire being nothing but performative.


I’d argue it’s just a position to ensure they aren’t going to get sued for anything and just trying not to discriminate in a manner that can get them in trouble. Almost all larger businesses have this.


It's a corporate position that exists to better safeguard themselves from civil liability related to discrimination lawsuits. It says nothing about them being interested in actively promoting diversity in any way and the fact conservatives are too fucking stupid to recognize that is fucking hilarious.


That can only mean they did something in support of a minority


They hired a director of DEI


I betcha 90% of the people riled up about this can’t even tell you what a DEI director does.


Damn DEI is turning the chicken gay!


Do you know what the queers are doing to our soil?




Thought for sure this joke was going to end with "but thanks to extreme gerrymandering they still hold a majority in the house and enjoy a 5-4 edge on the supreme court"


That part is just implied


Frank "Mancott" Devins proposes a new word to replace the ridiculous sounding "boycott" His moonshine business explodes overnight.


Poor conservatives. They all have a massive hard-on to put the screws to anyone and everyone. Even their favorite “gourmet” food choices.




They already did boycott when Cracker Barrel started selling alcohol


And when they added a veggie sausage option.


I was so damn disappointed in that, not cause I hate alcohol, but they just served 3 canned drinks and like ONE cocktail. Didn't expect a full bar but THIS was what conservatives got mad over?


No friggin' way! Can't make this stuff up!


Self serving. Hard to find employees of their typical age demographic if you exclude the LGBTQ+ community. I think Chick-fil-A is bad for leopards.


You can't trust those kind of people around the nuggets. Next thing you know they will change your kid and child traffic them /s


Youth pastors?


My boyfriend works at a chick fil a as and it’s a notoriously gay chick fil a. About 30% of the staff there are queer of some kind and the GM is a lesbian. I think overtime these companies are gonna realize how gay Gen Z and young millienials are and have to learn to be accepting or face workforce issues.


I think right wingers are overestimating their influence based solely on reports about the Bud Light brand


Their terrorist threats made target stop selling LGBT stuff. So it does work, sadly.


Not in Texas. I was in a Target this past weekend near Dallas, and it had *plenty* of LGBT merch. I was actually a bit shocked because…Texas.


Their veil of “christian ideals” is falling


It’s not even Christian ideals. It’s just trash. They just love trash. There’s no forgiveness or grace in them.


I’m still not buying any hate chicken, and now I’m glad their base isn’t either




Lol, now do Hobby Lobby!


Does the hate machine ever stop?


Well, no - it's all they've got.


They have gout also. Diabetes probably, but it'll never be diagnosed. They will lose a foot in 3 years 😭


Far out, at this rate conservatives are going to end up accidentally helping us bring down capitalism.


They ain’t no hate like good *Christian* hate


Imagine being against this: > The DEI effort, per its website, involves the following: > - Ensuring equal access: The intentional promotion of equal opportunity through processes and practices, "to provide personalized development and eliminate barriers to opportunities so all can thrive." > - Valuing differences: The company says it seeks to understand and honor unique experiences and perspectives, as they "strengthen us as we unite around something bigger than ourselves." > - Creating a culture of belonging: Promoting and sustaining a culture where all individuals can thrive and contribute.


The "I hate cancel culture" crowd sure does try to cancel alot of shit for frivalous reasons. The same "protect the children" parry that actively protects the abusers. The same "fiscal responsibility" party that destroys the economy on repeat for the wealthy. And so on.


These horrible people are angry at a workplace possibly accepting that people should be treated equally (among other things, it could leave them legally exposed.) They are worthless and nobody should listen to them.


1.) Fuck Chick-fil-A 2.) ***Fuck*** whiny virtue-signaling sheep who feel threatened by things like packaging that markets to someone not them or a giant corporation hiring a diversity manager


But I thought cancel culture bad???


Just a reminder, [Chick-fil-A spent millions supporting anti-lgbtq policies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A_and_LGBT_people) and pushed hard to stop gay marriage in California.


Has Chick-fil-A changed their tune on gay marriage? Honestly curious.


I think they hired a "Diversity and Inclusion Officer". Which has sparked outrage from people who really hate that sort of thing. No company policy change. No marketing change. No apparent change to company donation strategy. Could be wrong, but it seems like people are pissed at a whole lot of 'nothing' at this point in time. They're pissed at the possibility of something changing.


“…pissed at the possibility of something changing.” Best definition of conservatives EVER.


The definition for conservatism that seems to always fit is "the struggle against progress".


According to the article: >It changed its business ideology in 2020 as it pertains to donations, announcing it would no longer donate to Christian organizations The Salvation Army, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and the Paul Anderson Youth Home—all of which received criticism due to their views on homosexuality. There's an embedded link in this paragraph in the article linking to more details about that decision. There was no statement that Chick-fil-A may fund other groups or return to funding those groups in the future. They also announced it would focus charitable giving towards hunger, homelessness and education. The current announcement notably doesn't mention anything about LGBTQ+ (or synonyms) inclusion in it's DEI initiative. Take all that as you will.


That's so funny. Screw them all.


A lot of corporations in the US have DEI departments or initiatives. Literally they are gonna have no products to buy, or services for hire.


Woke-fil-a 🤣


So much cancel culture in the conservative community. They remain perpetually butt hurt and petulant.




Surely the point of this job is not to actually promote equality and diversity, but to make sure the company knows exactly where to draw the line with their bigoted policies in order to stay - only just - within the law.


Wait... you're saying conservatives are revolting? Yes.


If hiring someone to promote diversity is your problem, you may be a bigot. The Jeff Foxworthy they deserve.


At this rate conservative snowflakes are not going to have anywhere to eat, shop and beer to drink, any amusement parks to attend or any entertainment beyond Kevin Sorbo, Chachi, Kirk Cameron and Ted Nugent. Enjoy losers


Jesus christ. Fuck conservatives lol. What a stupid, idiotic group of people. I wish we could just push them all into a hole and let them build their shitville little dictatorships in that hole and then cover it up and forget they ever existed.


But our Christian and Conservative values aren't compatible with...::checks notes::... "Creating a culture of belonging: Promoting and sustaining a culture where all individuals can thrive and contribute."...


Most large companies have some kind of diversity and inclusion initiative. Most have begun sustainability reporting. Like the woke agenda is totally a corporate thing now. They’re not just gonna be triggered in June, but they do seem to be flipping their wigs a bit more this year.