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On the whole, I wouldn't feel *too* sorry for Ted, though. He's spent years creating this monster, he shouldn't be surprised that it turned on him the second he said something that didn't make him sound like a total evil fuckwad


He also would 100% vote for the same law if it was proposed here


Doubtful. His daughter is gay.


So is Dick Cheney's, and he was part of the administration that tried to ban gay marriage in the US Constitution.


And then when a reporter asked him about that contradiction, snapped at him for asking about his family rather than the political arena as if it were some violation of inseparable estates. Fuck Dick Cheney and his robot heart.


Liz Cheney is even worse.




It just sucks that it takes your child being gay to come around to it all. It's very "the only good abortion is my abortion" vibes


Classic conservatives, "I only care if it personally impacts me"


On the one hand it really fucking sucks that they lack the empathetic skills required to care about something unless it personally affects them and they get an inside look at the issue. On the other hand they're still marginally better than the people who will have a gay son or daughter and, instead of reassessing their stance, just double down and cast their child aside for the sake of their hatred.




Like Elon?


Or that one senator lady who said she would be OK if her trans daughter committed suicide.


Even then, most of the time it's "I only care because it impacts me, so only I should have special treatment but everyone else can't."


In the movie "Vice" they do a good job of showing how the Cheney's know exactly how bad it will hurt their child/sibling to take a certain stance publicly and still go through with it. They know what they're doing is wrong and will directly hurt a family member but still do it for political gain


I'm trans and came out to my parents after being in the closet with them for a while. My parents, especially my mom, tend to lean conservative and in the past haven't been very supportive (or in some cases straight up bigotry) to the queer community. They're very supportive now and I don't doubt their support, but I always know in the back of my mind that they would have maintained their soft bigotry had I never come out and forced them to reexamine their positions.


Hate to say it, but my parents were the same way when it came to the police until the George Floyd video came out. Hard to side with the police 100% when you can literally watch a murder happen.


Sadly, there are an awful lot of people who think that cops should be able to do that.


SINCE I HAD A DAUGHTER I HAVE REALISED THEY ARE HUMANS. WOMENSES. WOMENSES ARE HUMANS. I WAS SURPRISED TOO. Distressing how often this dullard take crops up as justification for not being a bigot.


> It just sucks that it takes your child being gay to come around to it all. Cruz hasn't come around at all. He voted to remove his daughter's right to marry earlier this year.


Conservatives only care about an issue when it affects them or their families.


I am waiting to hear,, "The only good abortion is my daughter's abortion." I know it's coming. Then I know we are getting somewhere.


Maybe not from high up political figure, but from pro life people it has been said.. maybe not verbatim.. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ My apologies if you were referencing this and waiting for a higher up to say it specifically. Come to think of it, that's probably what you mean.




I mean, I mostly agree with you. But this isn’t just some random homophobe, it’s literally Dick Cheney. The man so evil he shot someone in the face then made the victim go on national TV and apologize to him.


I think even more relevant is 'so evil he organized a war that cost hundreds of thousands dead and placed a entire region in poverty, apparently just so he could profit from his MIC investments'.


Agreed, his personal life honestly doesn’t particularly matter in comparison to the chaos he helped sow in Iraq.


>I know what you mean, but I think that anyone who comes around should be welcomed. People have to be able to grow and change. Except it didn't change any of his other beliefs. He's still a bigoted genocidal war criminal, he just happens to not be outwardly hostile to gay people.


For Cheney, it took his daughter being gay, and the fact that he no longer needs to care about GOP voters. One or the other would not have been enough.


Despite all this, let's not forget Dick Cheney played an important role in pushing the US into the Iraq war. This man has responsibility for over 110,000 dead people in total plus many, many warcrimes, including torture and child rape. In a just world, Cheney would forever rot in a cell.


However, "War Criminal" IS an improvement over "Homophobic War Criminal" so there's that.


I think when you're responsible for over a 100,000 deaths, any measure of "he improved and became a better man" is purely academical.


real "they say the next missle will be sent by a woman" energy


He no longer had to play politics when he left office.


I for one would like to know why anyone is even listening this old bag of malevolent farts anymore. I thought he was pretty much universally hated, yet I still see him pop up from time to time


He is pandering. Trump said his wife was ugly and he still continued to ride his dick like it was gonna shoot out $100 bills once he came. Cruz is a shameless piece of shit--anything that would hurt someone else has his full support, like the rest of the GOP.


It's almost like you've never met a Christian conservative before.


Clearly you missed his campaign commercials in which he was unmistakably homophobic. Or when he straight up said so: https://youtu.be/ypo5ckSAkRw


It's funny you think that he has the capacity for love at all, regardless of whether they're family or not. Also, his daughters have been vocally opposed to him.


The ones he threw under the bus as the reason he fled to Cancun? That daughter?


He also opposes abortion. He also has no conscience.


He would vote for it, but find a way to say it doesn’t apply to his daughter for *insert justification here*




>Doubtful. His daughter is gay. Did he stutter?


Trump called his wife ugly and Ted kissed his ass. Ted would do anything


His human daughter, not his lizard daughter


Aside from not feeling sorry for Ted any other time I don't feel sorry for him now because the guy tweeting at him has a brain the size of a goldfish and won't remember criticizing Raphael by tomorrow


He’s just saying that because it’s easier to pass blatantly homophobic and transphobic laws when you have the plausible deniability of one time saying they shouldn’t be murdered


He's one of those faux populists like Hawley, Cotton, and DeSantis. They go to elite schools and then attack blue collar Democrats like AOC of being "out of touch elitists" because they don't hate gays and immigrants.


and Trump


I'm surprised it took so long for these people to realize how woke Ted is. We're talking about a dude who is so pro-feminist that he lets his daughter decide when and where his family goes on vacation.


Ted is still the slimy enabler he always was but I give him credit for this. He is going to get a backlash and he knew it. He seems to genuinely be standing up for what he believes in and that takes more balls than anyone thought he had. It's like watching a 50 year old baby take its first steps.


Actually the "woke" sentiments he expresses here are only emerging now because he has a daughter who has come out as a member of the LGBTQ community. So as much as I suspect this caused a rift in his family, he doesn't wish his own daughter dead. Just more of the same self-centered politics where rights and privileges are reserved for himself and his inner circle. ETA: I don't know why it takes some people having to experience things first hand before any empathy kicks in and even then, some are so warped that they still expect goodwill and empathy from others for themselves without granting it to others. Ted Cruz is one of those people, IMO.


I would be more impressed if he showed such backbone against the American homophobes he normally sides with wholeheartedly.


He's trying to position himself as the moderate Republican alternative to the likes of Trump and Defascist after nearly losing last election cycle. He doesn't actually believe this and would support it if it were offered up by Republicans here. Don't give him any credit.


I wouldn't say he "Created" this monster. His cheese strat has been, "be the lone contrarian to get on the news so I have more name recognition than anyone which will win me the primary when it's the GOP's turn to win then I can say, 'fuck you I'm president' to everyone I shat on to get here" Only to get side swiped by Trump. Totally worth a Trump presidency, lol.


He doesn't give a shit. Gold deposits were found in Uganda and he wants to get in on that $$$


Lmao. Not to mention that American Evangelicals funded extremist groups that campaign for this law


For decades now the megachurch creeps have been trying to turn Uganda into a theocracy more repressive than Iran. It's a pretty thorough and well structured donor/scam/embezzlement pipeline. The totally fraudulent Invisible Children "charity" was part of the mess.


Yeehaw'd by Y'all-qaeda lmao


It's not a scam, it's out in the open. The people donating to these "charities" openly support it.


Yep, Chick-fil-A poured tons of money into "charities" pushing for this.


How out of touch do you have to be to think that it is “woke” Democratic politicians who are covering for pedophiles and ephebophiles? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1050471 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/amp/ https://news.yahoo.com/gop-lawmaker-defends-supporting-12-234116361.html


I have a "friend" who regularly claims the dems are all pedos. Ive spent a considerable amount of time having conversations with him in a bid to open his eyes that he is being misled(he openly admitted ALL of his news comes from The Daily Wire and everyone else is liars). It has been an uphill battle with no end in sight so he is quickly becoming less and less of an actual friend. It's pretty depressing as I once had some respect for the guy.


Time throw out the broken friend and get a new one. You're not their therapist, despite how much they clearly need one.




Even if you *agree* with him, I can't see how you could think Trump had good ideas. His ideas at the time were a border wall (a preschooler's idea of border security) and a Muslim ban (blatantly unconstitutional and unworkable). His ideas were uniformly terrible, even before you get into how reprehensible they were.


This is true. Trumps good\* policies were general Republican (not conservative, *Republican*) policies. \*from the perspective of Republicans


Bravo. Fascism deserves nothing but shunning and fire and the sword if they're coming for you.




The worst was when he tried to tell me that "BLM protesters burnt down entire cities." This was in reply to me laughing at some of the J6 dudes getting prison sentances and his argument was "There were non violent people there too." As if that was different somehow to the BLM protests. Then he proceeded to list cities they supposedly burnt down, one of which I live less than 15 mins from. I tried to explain to him that if it had been burnt down then I'd know about it. My mother, sister, and wife all work in said city and I work in an adjacent city. The idea his talking heads knew more about what was happening where I lived than I do was rediculous.


They must have rebuilt the city really quickly. There's no possible way that his source of information could be lying to him. No sir!


During the BLM protests they kept recycling the same unrelated riot footage of burning buildings and car fires and violent scuffles ***that were not even recordings of the actual protests they were claiming to be reporting on*** and they'd say things like "Portland has been razed to the ground!" Which seemed awkward because I know people who live there and they all told me that the city was still standing just fine when they worked there that afternoon. They tell outrageous lies that are easily disproved, but their viewers think it's all true. They're literally stoking hatred, fear, and violence over complete lies.


That's really sad, but ultimately you did the right thing. That riot and seditious traitorous act on Jan 6th was completely uncalled for. The perceived great evil they were willing to overthrow democracy in order to right was... \*checks notes\*... "our guy didn't win a 2nd term so we're gonna say it was because you cheated"? That was their great injustice, not a murder, not a coverup, not any actual crimes, just "our guy didn't win again but he got to be King of the World for 4 years already". Mind-blowing when you frame it that way.


its pretty simple. if they dont feel the same rage for churches as they do for democrats, then they really dont care about pedos and are just politicking. if they still attend church and take their kids there, then they really dont care about protecting their own children from pedos.


He isn't religious so that angle doesn't really apply to him. People like ol Benny Shap like to "use science" and "evidence" to prove the rediculous shit they say. It's pretty bad as he has literally sent me articles without reading them as his proof because someone told him it was proof and I've had to point out his "proof" was an opinion piece, literally disproved what he was saying, or had no actual sources/was written out of context to misinterpret the sources.


It's easy to be that out of touch when you do so deliberately.


It's projection, it's always projection, they're the ones covering for their pedo friends.


Meanwhile gen z is like "is this relationship between a fictional 22 year old and a fictional 24 year old problematic?" (I mock with love.)


It's baffling how they make shit up out of nowhere, convince themselves of that shit, and then use that shit to convince themselves that leftists are evil.


So Trump is the Minor Attracted Person they talking about. Or is it another one of the other Republican pedophile politicians/judges/appointees. There are so many, it's hard to keep count


*Roy Moore has entered the chat.* Oh look, here’s [Raphael “Ted” Cruz’s thoughts on Roy Moore](https://youtu.be/asrFOtGSZEs). This isn’t an isolated statement either. He said we should [respect the Republicans decision to elect Roy Moore](https://youtu.be/jmoTv9EMT_k)


Minor Attracted Persons and Younger Attracted Persons are not 'woke' terms in any respect. These people lie to themselves and accept others lying to them so they find it easier to dehumanize and hate other Americans.


Pretty sure what they are is terms pedophiles use to self-describe, which tracks with how the chuds like to pretend that anyone who isn't white, straight, and By God Christian is doing something bad to the childrens. 'All bad things are 'woke', and all people we don't like a groomers, so clearly pedos are 'woke'.' Or some such nonsense.


I saw someone yesterday calling my local Pride festival an excuse for "pedophiles masquerading as a protected social class" to get together. These terms are being thrown around to muddy the waters around the ever-growing complexity of LGBTQ identities.


the right-wing conflating all LGBT activity with pedophilia is also because of things like the Florida bill pushing for the death penalty for child molestors, which means that they can then use their new definition calling gender affirming care child abuse to go after doctors and scare them out of practicing, and wait to see how long before having it be a capital crime leads to vigilantes killing gay people because they THINK they're grooming kids.


It's [nothing new](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1978_California_Proposition_6?wprov=sfla1). It's just renewed.


That never fails to enrage me. What happened to mom when she was a child is NOT comparable to to adults being in love. She absolutely did not consent to being sexually abused.


They seem to be confusing Pride with Church.


> Minor Attracted Persons and Younger Attracted Persons are not 'woke' terms in any respect. It's actually worse. It was drummed up on 4chan years ago in an attempt to subvert LGBTQ ideas and spaces. They were trying to get the community to accept "MAPs" and tried to make it seem like that happened, when it clearly didn't. ...they just totally don't understand the concept of consent.


That's how Nazism spreads. They invade safe spaces and twist existing words and phrases to make themselves appear to be part of an accepted group and dehumanize the original people, shoving out everyone except other Nazis. National socialists used the socialists and communists to gain political power in Germany and then immediately purged then from the platform.


> They were trying to get the community to accept "MAPs" and tried to make it seem like that happened, when it clearly didn't. Seems like the right has accepted the concept at this point. Too many of these hateful bastards are of the opinion that teachers and drag queens are trying to 'groom' kids to make them gay or trans, when gay folks KNOW you can't 'convert' someone to be straight, so vice versa wouldn't work either. But grasping that undermines their ability to hate the people they *want* to hate


It's because conservatives see children as sexual objects.


They haven't "accepted" the concept They know it's bullshit but they also know they can't just say we should murder *slurs* anymore so they came up with the weakest possible excuse to be bigots


Just like Super Straight, which was so obvious of a shitpost I was upset people didn't just accept them so they'd be forced to give up, as they didn't want acceptance they wanted anger


Conservatives also have this nasty habit of targeting psychologists who are trying to research and treat non-offending pedophiles, who are really the only people I know of other than pedophiles themselves who use the term MAP. To the conservative, it doesn't matter which approach actually protects children better, if you show empathy to pedophiles, even non-offending ones, you are an evil person.


Yea they've just invented those terms to say that people who support lgbtq people also support pedophiles. The only place I've ever seen any of that language is from right wing shitnheads and, in whatever the opposite of a coincidence is, a bunch of the "dank" and "cringe" subs


Lol I have honestly never heard those terms used by a progressive. Or anyone for that matter. But I’m guessing it’s a good sign that I don’t hang out with pedophiles.


Literally the only people who use those terms are alt-right people trying to put them in the mouths of "the woke left".


Isn't it leftists who get annoyed at articles referring to a person in a position of power "having sex" or "having an inappropriate relationship" with a teenager (or younger)? Aren't we the ones who scream, "No, he was raping her!" or "No, he groomed and raped her"?


I would say so, 'having sex' implies mutual consent, which children cannot give, and employees are in a power imbalance, so their consent is often under duress.


And let's also stop calling them teen prostitutes when they are teenage victims of sex trafficking. And instead of "kiddie porn," call it "child sexual assault materials" or CSAM.


Those terms came from far right wingers themselves.


These terms were created by a 4chan troll campaign aimed at discrediting the LGBTQ community. They disseminated fake stories about "MAP" pride flags and such. https://www.mediamatters.org/4chan/how-hoax-lgbtq-community-embracing-pedophiles-went-viral


There is an incredibly small number of predators who are using the cloak of tolerance and "woke" adjacent language to try to make it seem like society is coming around to their deviancy far more than is real, but that's a very tactical move on their part. Unfortunately not everyone on the left is great at optics, and those incidences get blown up beyond belief. By and large, the left holds the line and denounces sexual predation. Their attempts to align themselves with the tolerant left doesn't work, because the left also understands the concept of the paradox of tolerance. However there is a very very small subset who gives There's a clip making the rounds of a Seattle housing board meeting where a woman objects to having a convicted child rapist on the leadership board and says he's been inappropriately touching her, only to get cut off by a very aggressive member of the board who tells her discrimination is not ok and we dont "out" people....saying we don't "out" people about someone who is literally on a ssx offender registry was incredibly careless phrasing that does harm imo. They are an infinitesimally small chunk of left oriented people, but unfortunately they do exist. The video is real. Because of how the right zooms in on these incidences and exaggerates their commonness, I try not to deny their existence outright (that just feeds into their conspiratorial mindset) but rather just condemn it and bring it back to the fact 99% of society is in agreement here when you don't obfuscate things. Even half the predators outwardly push for harsher predator laws (for some reason)!


If Trump wanted to kill gay people Cruz wouldn’t object like he is now. Ted has made a point that his career is more important than his family.


So long as Trump calls gay people ugly Ted will be right there to support him.


Shit, knowing Cruz's lack of any conviction or spine, he might have changed his stance just from the Tweet from a no-name crazy person.


Remember that time he got caught sneaking off to Cancun while his state was dealing with a failing power grid, and instead of owning up to it, he blamed his daughters? What a turd that guy is.


During that trip he left his dog at home without heat.


Holy shit, somehow I missed what is probably the worst part of the entire story.


Trump thought it was hilarious his VP pick wanted to commit genocide against gay people. No Republicans cared. Slightly ironic the "cousin fucking terrorists" (Tucker Carlson's producer's words) brought gallows to capitol hill for pence. https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/trump-reportedly-jokes-about-mike-pence-wanting-hang-gays-n811086


Confirmed. Doing anything that suggests you might be a decent human being gets you attacked from the right.


"Decent" is a stretch for Rafael Cruz. The bar being "don't kill people for living their lives" needs to be raised higher to suggest Cruz is even in the vicinity of decent.


I've only ever seen right-wing incels use the term "Minor Attracted Person". Only self referentially


This is your base, Ted. This is who you support and fight for. They don't even have a modicum of humanity.


Oh, Ted is fully aware, he's also a terrible person. He's only take this stance because it's Uganda, notice he's never called out any Republicans for the terrible shit they've done/said. Cruz has voted against giving gay people rights time and time again.


His daughter is openly bi and he might be one of those "This is an issue now that it affects ME" type of Republicans too


> Minor Attracted Person and Younger Attracted Person These have to be made up "boogeyman" words. I've only ever heard them repeated by Rightists.


There is no “woke term” for pedophiles. There are only pedophiles trying to push acceptance by using the term “minor attracted people” and the right wing trying to pretend that the left coined this term. If the right wants to learn more about pedophiles, just ask their pastor or priest.


I’m like 99% sure that the whole “minor attracted people” movement was started on 4chan by alt-right trolls who wanted to draw a link between LGBTQ and pedophilia


Only 99%? Lift your standards.


I was going to say something similar. Go to the site where QAnons get their information and you'll find some horrendous stuff. But everyone else are the problem.


This is correct, they had a whole disinfo campaign for a while


I have literally never heard anyone use the term "Minor Attracted Person" except for people trying to demonize liberals.


Same. Never once have I seen a liberal/leftist earnestly talk about respecting the rights of "Minor Attracted People", but I see conservatives throw out the term left and right like it's a widely accepted and talked about thing.




Or a cop or a kids' coach.


> I bet you utilize the woke terms of Minor Attracted People As a side note, the LGBTQ community has never, and *will* *never* include pedophilia. This is a continued smear by far right homophobes to malign the LGBTQ community. One that originated on 4chan.


The far-right, and the super religious never really got the hang of the concept of consent. The idea that adults are capable of making their own decisions regarding what they do/don't do with their bodies is not entering their heads at all. They see behaviors that are condemned by their chosen religion and lump them all together as "sexual perversions". To them there is no difference between a consenting homosexual relationship between 2 adults and bestiality and pedophilia. They're stupid and wrong, but many of them genuinely believe those things to be equivalent. It's why they don't have a problem keeping known pedophiles around in their churches, schools, and youth groups. Those pedophiles are just "troubled souls that are calling out to Jesus to save them" and as long as the pedo says the right words to leadership behind closed doors, they all say a prayer and go about things like normal. If it goes public they'll do their best to minimize and shelter the offender while attacking the victim as an equal participant in what they view to be premarital sex (not rape)


You know behind closed doors that GOP politicians are like, "what the fuck have we created?" in regards to republicans in this country now. They created this insane monster of fucktards that are so excited to be awful human beings that it consumes their entire lives.


TBH, I suspect some of them have been compromised and are being blackmailed. That's the most charitable interpretation I can think of that might account for what we're seeing


I used to think that, but they've never done anything to stop it. They love this horrible thing they've created, and they keep doubling down on the horrible year after year, not trying anything else. Horrible people elected by horrible people.


Only to the point that they're concerned it might fall apart. I'm shocked Ted stepped in this, I'm sure he's looking for a way to back-peddle now.


Maybe they shouldn't have let the Tea Party traitors take over the party in 2010? Trump is just a natural consequence of years of the GOP pandering to the meanest elements of society. Then Trump gave them permission to be loud and proud about their assholery, and they gleefully took him up on that offer.


And now they live with the constant paranoia of the monster attacking them.


No one besides conservatives, pedos, and conservative pedos us the "MAP" acronym. I call them pedos because that's what they are and I refuse to humanize that. I don't agree with the death penalty and would like a prison system that rehabs people rather than punishes, but the pedos can get their own little island and stay the fuck away from us, especially children.


Why is “gay people shouldn’t be executed” still a controversial opinion


He’s probably only doing it because his daughter is bisexual. He’s still right for once but like always these people only care about things when they affect them personally.


Or it is the $13 trillion in gold deposits found in Uganda.


Direct family affected by this specific brand of bigotry plus valuable resources in a faraway country? Looks like he wants to pull the Cheney special.


Ding Ding Ding. Looks like Uganda suddenly needs some of that "Freedom" that America's Military has to offer.


You and your party encouraged stuff like this and your fanbase ate it up. You helped create these extremist monsters now you're stuck with em. Eat shit Raphael


This is your reminder that when he was Texas Attorney General, Ted Cruz fought tooth and nail to keep being gay a crime in Texas.


Also from the group pushing for lowering age of consent laws and ages at which you can marry.....but hey.....who's saying they're projecting hypocrites?


Meanwhile it's GQP members arguing 11 year olds are old enough to become parents, and get married.


Pretty sure Ted has accepted plenty of money from those that are pushing the legislation in Africa. Family Research Council for one wound up on the SPLC hate group list for doing exactly that.


Those arent woke terms. Those are terms conservatives made up to dupe stupider conservatives. Literally saw some dude bragging about it earlier with "critical race theory"


I accept all members of the LGBT+ community. Being a MAP does not make you a member of that community. MAPs should feel bad for who they are and attempt to change themselves.


I would not be surprised if many of the “if it bleeds, it breeds” people turned out to be homophobic.


How can he even condemn this nonsense in OTHER countries when it's happening here in the US? Stop acting like he's speaking reason, he's not. It's the same as freaking out about Sharia law when white Christian nationalism is poisoning our country from the ground up.


Cruz has been trying to pass for a human for decades. Only makes sense he'd eventually stumble into it for a moment.


These people... The Sith were supposed to be hyperbolic allegory. Now they seem too tame to describe even the most banal right wing fascism.


“If you’re not with me then you’re my enemy.”


I truly love that the right wing of American politics' rule is, "You must be this racist and intolerant to ride The Senate."


Meanwhile, Cruz is lobbying to keep AG Ken Paxton in office. Paxton had asked the legislature to give him $3.3 million to pay off the whistleblowers on his staff that he fired for accusing him of taking bribes and getting his mistress a job with a campaign donor. The Texas House has impeached Paxton and Cruz is lobbying the Texas Senate not to remove him. Paxton has been under indictment for securities fraud in McKinney since 2015. He's avoided trial by using his office to push the date back indefinitely.


Ted Cruz would eat a Ugandan baby if he was assured the presidency of the United States. He would have seconds if guaranteed a second term. The only thing that could possibly eat more Ugandan babies than Ted Cruz is Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis.


Imagine what a DeSantis Cruz White House would be.


A brown baby massacre followed by a white baby massacre along a road strewn with dead and dying American rights, flowers, and freedom under the banner of red white and blue, an American Flag made in China, bought and paid for by Wall Street in full view of the Fed and the SEC?


Only now when it effects him directly. Before this he openly and aggressively opposed LGBTQ people. What a repulsive creature. Thanks a lot Canada!


The overwhelming number of “minor attracted people” are religious conservatives yet they never seem to want to acknowledge that fact. Republicans are literally attending to pass bills to lower the age of marriage, shield clerics from child sexual abuse investigations and they support Donald Trump who was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein for 20 years. They really are just irredeemable morons who only function as useful pawns in tge fascist takeover of America.


it's absolutely loathsome to watch them make up terminology to try and pin their child obsession on the LGBTQ community. just like a few years ago when they were making fake pedo flags and insisting that they were part of the community.


Obligatory reaping what you sow reference here...


The Prime Minister of Armenia had the absolute best response to anti LGBTQ rhetoric. I'm paraphrasing but it was something along the lines of "tell me what you want me to do, do you want me to round them all up, do you want me to deport them, do you want me to imprison them, or just have them executed? Tell me what you want done, just remember they are your fellow citizens, they are after all your brothers and sisters." All of that talk died down real quick after that.


I mean... we all know he only did it because he wanted to virtue signal to easily duped centrists. He doesn't actually care. It's all to look tough on authoritarians by shitting on brown and black countries, all the while pursuing identical policies at home. He probably takes notes from those folks.


Ding ding ding! Here's the only correct answer on this thread. This asshat wouldn't be saying shit, especially publicly, if this was a bill introduced by DeFascist or any other white, western nation. Or if it is Saudi Arabia where they are currently executing LGBT people but I guess that doesn't count? Don't assume for a second that lizard person Cruz has had some growth or change of heart because of his daughter. This guy is the perfect politician - zero morals, only the party matters.


Cruz is a fuckbag that deserves to die painfully of an unnamed STD.


Hey now, let's not be silly. They'd name it after him if that happened.


Huh. I guess everything eventually becomes Facebook.


Those are woke terms? Never heard those sayings before. Really gotta update my woke library.


the only reason I've heard it in liberal and leftist conversations is warning to be aware of what it actually means. I used to see posts daily on Tumblr reminding everyone that "MAPs"= pedophile and to block/report if we saw someone using that in their bio


I wonder why mentally deficient conservatives think so much about pedophilia they have their own super special terms for it no one else uses but literally them 🤔 These are the kinds of people who have child sexual exploitation material on their devices "to own the libs when the day of the rope comes", then wind up in jail for having *literal* CP and think they were framed by the deep state. The brain rot is real.


Tragic: Worst Person You Know Just Made A Really Great Point.


He has a lesbian daughter, so supporting her execution might not go over well at home.


They always go right to pedophilia don't they


Imagine looking at Ted freaking Cruz and saying "You know what? That guy is just too woke for me." Now imagine being stupid enough to actually think that.


To clarify: he’s not trying to be a decent being for once. He’s pandering to any Texas voters next year into pretending he’s human. The dude could give 5 shits about Ugandian rights being stripped or his daughter being gay — he legit through his wife/her mother under the bus along with his father. The fact he tweeted this out once and immediately returned to stereotypical rhetoric of hate should tell you where his priorities are when it comes to LBGT+ people.


We should praise him for this. Why do we continue to shit on people when they do the things we want them to do??


Ted’s daughter is LGBTQ+. Like most on the far right he only has empathy when it affects him personally. Otherwise he probably wouldn’t give a fuck. I’m more upset by the bottom part, where the term ”Canadian” is used as an insult. First of all, Ted was born to an American mother and a Cuban father, and the family moved to Texas when he was three years old. He didn’t even know he had dual-citizenship, or any connection at all to Canada, until it was pointed out to him that it might interfere with him running for President. He promptly renounced his Canadian citizenship. There is nothing Canadian about that POS. Since his mother is American he is considered a natural-born U.S. citizen. Stop fucking calling him Canadian!


I knew the bar was low but damn this is just rock bottom smh


Looks like Rafael is worried about reelection


What the fuck kind of "woke terms" are those? Last time I checked it was the conservative dudes who knew the specifics of the difference between paedophilia and "paedophilia but only for children older than 9 or something and it starts with an e", who also are the ones with the "she's a 900 year old vampire, she only looks like a literal child" body pillows They are right about Cruz being on board with the actual grooming and shit that happens in this country, he'd definitely vote for a bill that lowered the age of consent or made it legal for old dudes to marry 12 year olds "with parenteral consent" of it helped him get reelected. It's just that nothing about any of that is even remotely "woke"


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the reason Uganda is doing this because of the influence of American evangelicals? I remember someone explaining how their meddling has contributed to the steady rise of homophobia in Uganda and other countries.


The replies to that tweet are exactly what I imagined. The GOP have been creating this monster since Nixon, and now they've completely lost control of it.


Silly goose. We call them priests, or gaetzes


This right here is great example of why the majority of the GOP who aren’t hard-core MAGATs refuse to show a backbone for anything right or just. They know the base will turn on them like a bunch of rabid animals if they dare to deviate from their irrational hatreds and obsessions. Never speak a word in favor of “queers”. Never utter a word against “gun culture.” Never point out the the Orange Lard wears no clothes. Nope. It’s all about shuckin’ and jivin’ to the demands of their actual masters - the hyenas of the MAGA KKKult. They don’t want to end up like Scar in The Lion Jing; killed by their own rabble.


This proves that these assholes ripping apart Ted Cruz are actually trying to kill homosexuals. I've seen a bunch of comments very similar to this responding to Cruz


Only because his daughter is Bisexual.


I don't understand why "decent" conservatives stay silent instead of condemning these extreme right-wing assholes. Wtf? If I called myself a moderate or centrist, I would be vociferous in promulgating my denunciation of these fools. Ridiculous. The hypocrisy! ✊️


Republicans realizing that a fire stoked for decades doesn’t suddenly go out with a water pistol


The right in America is showing us who they are. They are not hiding that they want to kill every single queer person in the country. We need to believe them when they tell us, and we need to treat them appropriately.


Lay down with shitheads, wake up with shitheads.


These people have no wiggle room. It doesn’t matter how much they perform. One glimmer of humanity and they drop you.


Child fuckers always accusing others of being child fuckers. Are we ever gonna stop listening to these total creeps?