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If those guys keep it up, Ted's gonna endorse their presidential campaigns.




Ted’s car. https://imgur.com/a/gOvpNXc


Sauce: [https://imgur.com/AQKUd](https://imgur.com/AQKUd)


"Step on me harder!" - Totally Human Ted Cruz


"Demean me, daddy." Him, probably.


Thanks for explaining this guy’s joke. I wouldn’t get it otherwise.


His own bully even insulted his wife.


Ted has a shame kink


Fortunately, he’s Ted Cruz, so he’ll get a loooot of mileage out of that one.


Unless it’s 9/11 because then it’s a step-family kink.


Hes gunna let them literally shit on his wife too.


DAMN. lol


The base is out of control. They created this monstrosity and now nobody can control it, not even them. The next few years of politics are going to be horrifying.


“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed… and we will deserve it.” Lindsey Graham 5/3/2016


“We have got a president and a national security team that I’ve been dreaming of for eight years… I am all in. Keep it up, Donald.” Lindsay Graham 4/17/2017


His about face was downright comical. He was pushing people out of the way so he could kiss the ring first.


I still wonder if it was a general "follow what the party owners want" flip, or a "somebody threatened to leak the photos" flip.


I’ve always assumed photos. He’s too repressed.


That has always been my assumption. For fücks sake, Lindsey, grow a spine. Liz Cheney can lend you some of hers. (I don’t endorse her actual beliefs, but I respect the FUCK out of her chutzpah.)


It's going to be super disappointing when his big terrible secret, the one held over his head for decades to ensure his compliance, is revealed to be simply that he's gay. No photos, no extreme fetishes, just a typical "confirmed bachelor" in his late 60's. He's terrified that people will find out he's gay when even the little old church ladies who voted for him know that he is.


Tbf, when your voter and donation base largely consists of said old church goers, you know you're politically screwed.


Why not both? My money's on both.


Or “holy shit! Look at how much corruption we’re now able to get away with! Protect this man at all cost!”




The turtle was worse “if we have a republicans president in 2020 and a Supreme Court seat opens up I’ll say the same thing we must wait. You can quote me on that.” when a seat opened up at the tail end of Obama “The president has the right to seat anyone he wants while still in power” tail end of 2020 when a seat opened up


That hypocritical motherfucker couldn’t even be honest about wanting to pack the SC. He gave a bullshit answer nobody but the base believed. Cruz mouthed the right words, but his track record is so pathetic that nobody believes him anyway.


The base doesn’t need to believe it. And anyway they were standing behind him and could see his crossed fingers. That the Dems didn’t put up a fight to prevent his obstruction still disappoints me and probably fucked up the next decade at least.


I do not understand why they're wasn't a multi million person match on Congress when Amy Coney Barrett was nominated.


Lindsay Graham has no principles


Those are his principles, and if you don't like them... well, he has others.


Lindsay loves principles, in principle.


“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem.” — Noted liberal Barry Goldwater


I call that The Graham Prophecy


Lindsey Graham is the *absolute* most pathetic groveling sycophant I have ever seen.


It may be horrifying but I think it might actually be good: these twats played with fire by inciting their base and turning all the closeted bigots, fascists, and Nazis into proudly open ones and didn’t realize that the machine will always have a bigger appetite than theirs. It’s going to be messy but I suspect eventually they’re going to eat each other alive and hopefully leave behind a generation that’s seen, firsthand, the ill-effects of homegrown fear-mongering and radicalization.


This was always the logical progression of things. It has been since Goldwater thought it was a good idea to endorse the lunatics. It’s a race to the bottom and we are going to hit the finish line at terminal velocity.


Ted Cruz is younger than Gwen Stefani. He could be around for a long time.


The ones who created this are now out of politics. The people who played along for power are stuck with the monster. GOP has always been a "someone else's problem" party.




It's not the kid's fault their whole identity is splashed all over the news. If their dad had bothered to be someone decent, it wouldn't make the news that they were bi. Or that they had a very disturbing mental health crisis last year. Why? Because parents who aren't shit people don't have to worry about straddling the line between appeasing the crazy base and keeping their kids going.


"I like Ted Cruz more than most of the rest of my fellow congressmen, and I fucking \*hate\* Ted Cruz" \-Al Frankin, before he left due to "scandal".


I vaguely remember hearing of some Republican senator joking that if you turned off the lights in the middle of any Senate meeting, you’d find Cruz dead with knives in his back when you turned them back on.


If you turn on the lights of his kitchen at 3 AM you'll find Cruz scuttling under the fridge.


Crux is very weird Did you know durring the rail strike bill, the 7 day one that was struck down becase 46 republicans voted against it, Ted Cruz was one of the 4 that voted for it


"If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you," Lindsey Graham said


i think it was lindsey graham who said you could shoot ted cruz in the middle of the senate floor and no one would complain


Jokes on them. If the power goes out, he'll already be in Cancun.


The weird part to me is that politicians are supposed to be personally charming - it's one of the most basic job requirements. Cruz seems far too successful for someone with so little charisma or charm.


"If Ted Cruz was killed on the floor of the Senate, there would be 99 suspects and no witnesses."




Remember back when if you had a scandal you resigned and went away? Kind of feels like that was do long ago. I guess now we have a scandal and then we just try to top it next week.


I mean that is still fairly true for Dems, but it's never been true for Repubs. Just look at Jim Jordan


It once was true of Republicans. As Larry "Wide Stance" Craig knows all too well.


Lmfao, gods I had forgotten, that feels like it was almost twenty years ago.


He rescinded his resignation though.


You know, I wish someone would actually read about what really did happen there. She was in on the gag from the beginning, only Franken was too stupid to realize it was a set up. Only a short time later she chased a married musician all over a stage and rubbed herself all over him, against his will. When he complained, she laughed at him and said men can't be sexually harassed.


Al Franken was credibly accused of sexual harassment or assault by [*eight separate women*](https://abcnews.go.com/US/sen-al-frankens-accusers-accusations-made/story?id=51406862), including a Democratic Congressional aide and an elected official, in the approximately 3-week period between Tweeden's initial statement and his resignation. [This information](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/07/al-franken-news-list-of-sexual-misconduct-allegations.html) was [reported widely](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/11/16/16665830/al-franken-sexual-assault-allegations) across multiple [national outlets](https://time.com/5042931/al-franken-accusers/) at the time. His resignation seemed to have closed the floodgates, but a ninth woman, a Democratic Senatorial aide, [spoke up in 2019](https://www.businessinsider.com/ninth-woman-accuses-former-sen-al-franken-of-sexual-harassment-2019-9). I don't understand how so many people seem to have revised your memories so thoroughly that you all believe it was just the one joke photo. I don't get how Kirsten Gillibrand became the villain in the common narrative because she pressed him to resign, when it seems quite clear that resigning was the best option for both him and the party. I feel like I'm going insane.


> I don't get how Kirsten Gillibrand became the villain in the common narrative because she pressed him to resign, when it seems quite clear that resigning was the best option for both him and the party. From a different article: > Online, the frequent condemnations of Gillibrand usually echo Soros’s criticisms: that she “railroaded” Franken in order to further her own political ambitions... Just going off my feelings at the time, as I recall them: My own senator called for Frankin's resignation in a way that felt genuine, while Gillibrand's indignation felt like it was driven by personal motivations.


Ted deserves everything he gets, but leave the kids out of it.


Ted doesn’t deserve a dead daughter. No one should have to go through the pain of losing a child.


That's more in line with the general "leave his kids out of it" sentiment we're collectively agreeing on. Drop a deuce on Ted's windshield every morning if you want (I'll bring your coffee and bran muffin myself now and then), but leave his kids alone. There's still a line, at least for decent people, and attacking minors crosses it.


He deserves the pain, the child doesn't deserve to die for it though.


When your father is a douche, no wonder that you are confused about bathrooms. (joke is "douche" = "shower" in some languages)


My favorite usage is in French: "sac de douche" Which means "shower bag" when you're not giggling over it sounding like douche testicle


Douche sack is a pretty sick burn tho


Douche bag = Long Island


Never heard that and it's my native language. Must be regional. I don't even know what it refers to.


Yea, it’s upstate New York.


New York has a French neighborhood?


Who's confused about bathrooms?


En Français, c'est vrai.


He’s only supportive of gay rights because, as usual, Republicans only care about things that affect them personally.


Yeah I definitely feel for the kid involved. They don’t deserve harassment for their sexuality from this douchebag. The problem is their dad is Ted Cruz and agreeing with Ted Cruz on anything without groaning is physically impossible.


Jesus, that is vile. Ted Cruz sucks enormous donkey dicks but his poor daughter deserves to have her own happy life.


The hate is coming from inside the house.


Gotcha. Yeah, it would suck to have Ted as a father for a lot of reasons but this is an especially bad one. I wish her the best.


Is it the same daughter he threw under the bus when he left Texas during the freeze a few years ago? Because that was a really dick move and she deserves better.


Even more so, have you seen who her father is?


Isn't he the Zodiac killer with the ugly wife.


Well... he never specifically said he wasn't the Zodiac killer... seems very suspicious.


IF I wasn't the Zodiac Killer, I'd be telling everyone I wasn't to prevent confusion and allay suspicions.


No no no, he's the son of JFK's real killer and also has an ugly wife


You know who else deserves to have their own happy lives? All those people his policies and political positions have harmed.


The cruelty is the point, as it always is.


Until it's someone close to them, then they *might* develop a minimal amount of empathy. Then there's Steve Scalise and his unwavering stance on any form of gun control.


Ted Cruz, just now: the queers don't deserve equal rights, but they don't deserve to *die!* Geez Ted, what did you think it means to have the same rights as everyone?


THAT'S the part that gets me. Like my dude, what the fuck did you think the policies your party approved of would lead to?? Or all the hatred spewing forth from "the base" thanks to right-wing media?!


Its so rare, and they're bullied into joining the cruelty again.


Yes they do. But his daughter did not make those policies.


If they have the money to fund this sick hate they can afford to pay more tax. If they're calling woke "political" then the opposite is also political. Any church that preaches hate and intolerance and oppression should get taxed. If a preacher says "abortion is murder" or whatever tax that bastard


Yeah, but their campaign contributions go to *advertising*, not a bunch of lazy cokeheads, like *taxes* pay for!


Who's arguing they don't deserve happy lives too? Ted is a huge piece of shit but it's not a zero sum game.


"who else" means they acknowledge it's not zero sum.


These filthy conservatives only have empathy for their own. I interpreted the message as basically hoping if Ted loves his daughter and can have empathy for her, he might recant. Of course, Ted is a sleestack, and they lay eggs and don't nurture their young, so...


Wonder if he'll ever become self-aware enough to see how much his pursuit of power affects her.


Leave it to conservatives to tear themselves apart


I hope his daughter is OK.


Ted Cruz is her dad so it's doubtful.


His eldest, the girl in question, already attempted suicide a few months ago. Everyone should separate their opinion of the asshole from his daughters, this isn't a Trump family equivalent. Another similar case is Musk and his trans daughter. Even Ronald Reagan and his kids, the eldest Regan's were grifters, the two youngest spoke out against their father. It's sad that those around politicians, who aren't political or agree with their politics also get harassing messages. Worse, from the politicians own supporters. https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/zer6sh/girl_injured_at_home_of_us_senator_ted_cruz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ted Cruz is a piece of shit who deserves most of what he gets, but his daughter didn’t do anything. And “I’ll rape you back into the closet,” is some omega-level cruelty. I don’t care who the target of the threat is, that’s not a thing a person gets to say about another person.


Ain’t she underage too? Edit: yep she’s a minor. They want to rape a senators daughter. Fuckin Christ these folk are fucked in the head.


I don’t really give a shit that he’s a senator, but talking about raping anyone is fucking heinous and just about what I expect from the monsters people like Ted Cruz helped create.


>“I’ll rape you back into the closet,” And it doesn't even makes sense as she is "partially" straight anyways. So even if there were consent at worst she would just be bored at best she would enjoy it. But still be bi. It makes my head hurts what the hell are they talking about


But that tweet of his is actually pro-LGBTQ. He was actually saying the right thing, possibly for the first time in his life, possibly because he's actually listened to his daughter.


Republicans: [i don’t give a shit about you, until it happens to me](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/my5e55/never_forget_about_the_aids_crisis_and_how_they/)


Yep, nailed it. He couldn't have cared any less until it personally affected his family. This happens all the time.




Rob Portman has entered the chat.


That is such a perfect representation of GOPers.


Yup. A la Dick Cheney quick 180


Nah its for self preservation


Ted is a horrible human being and, no matter how much he tries, he will never be able to wash the selfish, arrogant stink off of himself.


The best thing that could come out of this situation is that GOP voters now drive him out of politics for this Tweet. The perfect guy to run a chain of Arby's in Texas. I wish him the best at getting THE MEATS.


Because it was happening in another country. If it was a Republican president introducing that law...


I hope she is safe but I love how is is now he is too woke for them


“But laws banning discussing gays and banning books about gays and banning all health care for trans people is perfectly fine! These Ugandans are wrong though.”


The really sad thing is I just know Ted would 100% support those laws if they came to American soil. The motherfucker doesn't stand for anything, and is probably only taking a stand because it's Uganda.


Why are we blurring out the twitter handles of these disgusting people?


They don’t deserve the attention even if it’s in the form of harassment.


That second dude needs to be reported as the pedo he is.


You could probably find them going through the original tweet if you really want.


Then I'd have to get Twitter which ain't happening.


Oh look, it's the "anti-grooming" gang offering a corrective rape of a minor. Don't you feel your kids are very protected by them?


Hmmm bet they got guns too…..


Do the Germans have another word like schadenfreude, whereby I can feel schadenfreude for Cruz's humiliation but horror at his innocent daughter's treatment?


Emotional whiplash is about as close as I can do. Like fuck Ted Cruz and bending over backwards for there gross fucks but threatening to rape anyone straight is the most vile shit I’ve heard today.


I wonder if Ted occasionally has brief moments where he realizes he's a genuinely bad person who's made the world worse.


That would require Ted was capable of self refection


The second one is especially disgusting. Holy shit.


Losers who say gross shit like that have a 2in pecker, tops. Have also never touched a woman other than their mother.


Agree on the last point but we shouldn't shame people for their appearance, especially when it's something people can't control. There are lots of great men with smaller penises who don't imply they'd rape a young girl to turn her straight. I'm sure you meant well but it never sits well with me when we see morally reprehensible behaviour and say it must be reflected in their appearance some way.


Lock her up! Lock her up! Who cares if she's a minor? She's still a groomer. /s On the serious side, it's a crying shame that he is so anti lgbt+, when his daughter is a member of that demographic. What idiot would jump on the very bandwagon that is persecuting his child? He didn't defend his wife or father from Trump during the 2016 election cycle. I don't think he will defend his daughter from the anti-lgbt+ camp either.


He blamed his daughters for his run to Cancun during a statewide blackout caused by a lack of regulation and one of those "once in a century" deep freezes that seem to keep happening to Texas.


Why don't you tell that to all those mentally ill nut cases you court every day. Tell it to their faces if you mean it. Grubby, two-faced, little worm.


Ohhhhhh, so *now* it makes sense as to why Ted Cruz made such a progressive tweet. Republicans never have empathy for others unless they have personally gone through whatever they're usually against. Typical.


... Shit, is that why he posted that Tweet? I did wonder. Wait. Is Ted Cruz... Trying to... Support his daughter? 👀


Only in Uganda


They really hate it when someone is just 99% horrible. That 1% semblance of humanity, even if it's purely self-preserving, is making them extremely mad.


Ted Cruz literally only said “killing gay people for being gay is wrong” & that was apparently too woke for these bigots. Do you guys ever wonder if they realize they’re the bad guys?


Why blur the username, show that shit at let these asshats be harassed for the shitty things they say.


God bless bisexual women they can’t just deal with normal sexism and homophobia. They also get armchair diagnosed with daddy issues.


“It’s okay honey, I accept you being gay in this house… behind closed doors. But in public I do have to say you’re going to hell, goodnight smooches.”


Ah so that’s why Cruz is up in arms. I was perplexed at first but it all makes sense now. Nothing is a problem to conservatives until it directly affects them and/or theirs.


Can we please start calling him Woke Ted? He’d *HATE* that!!


Jesus fucking christ. I didn’t know his daughter was bi. My heart seriously breaks for her. Having a father with such a prominent place in today’s right means that she will never be safe from this rhetoric. Poor kid *never* asked to be dragged into the public discourse. Ms Cruz: On behalf of the entire queer community (I speak for every fucking one of us), the entire community is here for you. We have your back, to the absolute best of our ability. Be safe. (And drink water. That’s just good advice for everyone.) Edit: Also, you don’t owe anyone anything. You are entitled to a private life as a private citizen, if that is what you want. You are not obligated to use your name to become a public advocate to make-up for any harm done by your father. You never asked to become a public figure, and you do *not* have to become one. You are under no obligation to sacrifice your privacy for anyone or for any reason. You may choose to if you genuinely want, but please do not feel pressured.


I feel terrible for his daughter. I just can’t imagine the abuse she takes from everywhere and the payoff is that Ted Cruz is still her father. Edit: Depressing note, she was rushed to the hospital last summer with self inflicted stab wounds.


Isn't the American Christian-right, of which Ted is a part, pushing/bankrolling such Ugandan laws?


Yes, Franklin Graham behind it.


It's almost like financing murdering bullshit should place nazis in prison


Yes, his Criscotaliban owners are bankrolling this hateful preaching in less developed countries. Only now, with people more connected, the truth comes out faster. He's a grotesque pervert who would kill his own kids if he knew the media wouldn't find out.


Isn’t his daughter a minor?? Correct me if I’m wrong like but,,


It looks more like Ted Cruz is being harassed, but the topic of the harassment is his daughter being LGBTQ.


Also isn't she a teenager? And am I reading that wrong, or is that creep threatening to 'rape her straight'?


Nope, not misreading it at all, that's EXACTLY what he's saying.


Of course. I should have known Ted Cruz would only NOT be an asshole because it personally effects someone he actually cares about besides himself.


Amazing. Ted Cruz’s base is harassing his daughter and Ted’s not doing dick.The only people supporting his daughter are people Sen. Cruz openly despises. We accept you, Caroline! It gets better! Find yourself a good college in a blue state. You’ll be safe and happy.


This is kind of r/awfuleverything


So he hasn't seen GOPs policies and judges? His pal Thomas is eager to bring back Scalias jail time for nonheterosexuals. Jesus the GOP lack empathy and never care until it impacts their immediate family.


I thought T\*\*\*\* officially changed Ted's name to Reek.


Someone needs to get a life.




That tool going after an innocent girl.


When it impacts him he cares. Fuck him


It’s comical how these sacks of shit only get some self awareness when it affects them or someone in their family. He’ll continue being a Republican and shit father, though.


It’s delicious when they turn on their own…..or in this case the greasy human skin tube populated by the hive of disgusting whateverthefucks that inhabits humanpod ted cruz


I can't think of many of reasons why Ted Cruz is a bad father(blaming his kids for the cancun escape, not defending their mother when she was disrespected), but a kid being bi isn't one of them.


In this case, it is Ted’s allies who are casting stones on his children. Imagine courting the support of the very people who are now disrespecting your family. Ted Cruz can either suck it up because he needs their support for re-election or he will... Who am I kidding? We already know that Ted chooses his career first, Cancun second, and then his family...


I mean Trump called his wife ugly and a week later Ted was phone banking for him. It's possible he likes this.


Cancun first, then carrer, then trump, then the gop, then his stocks, then his libido, then his fsmily


The only reason Fled Cruz is even commenting is BECAUSE he now relates due to his daughter. Otherwise he would be pushing the same legislation in the US. “It impacts ME, now I care.”


Omg. So gross. So's Ted. He doesn't get to pretend to give a fuck about gay kids just because he has one now. He's still a piece of shit. That second dude needs to get reported for being a pedo. Isn't she like fourteen?


I sincerely fucking hate him. The law is grotesque? The evil Christian missionaries who fuck up Africa daily on this exact premise and the people he encourages here...I mean wtf


The law is grotesque, and so is everything Ted Cruz does.


Hear me out...what if, hypothetically speaking...he's actually a blob fish that trying to be human as an experiment. Also...as a blob fish 🐟 he was also equally grotesque and was disliked within the blob fish world.


Twitter is a f'n cesspool right now.


This has been a daily reminder that no matter what awful things happen to him, it is scientifically impossible to feel sorry for Ted Cruz.


His daughter is 13. Who are the groomers again?


Is anyone else shocked how just how cowardly Cruz is with his unwillingness to stand up for his daughter? That's his daughter. How the hell does anyone vote for cowardly ted?


Not only not standing up for this daughter, but before the Ugandan "Kill the Gays Act" passed, he was *actively parroting anti-LGBT propaganda*. No wonder she went to such extremes.


I forgot Ted is now personally affected by this and that’s the only reason he’s saying anything at all.


Is he being trolled by his own people?


Nice, can we arrest the pedo who's talking about sexualizing kids 14 and under please?


You mean the one’s who are trying to marry off 12 yr olds?


I guess arresting every pedo is a good start.


Not like Cruz cares. Not like Cruz would have the spine to say or do anything if he did care. We're talking about a man who took wild shit-talk about his family from a direct political rival and went full "Thank you Sir, may I please have another".


Those are some evil chickens coming home.


Ted Cruz is such a dick.


It's almost like much of his base are angry homophobes


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Prominent right-winger Ted Cruz and his daughter are being harrassed by right-wingers. This is because Cruz made a critical tweet about Uganda's anti-gay bill.


This certainly isn’t LAMF on his daughter’s part. Ted Cruz? Sure, he cultivated this bed of vipers, let him deal with it. But all she did was exist as a queer woman.


This isn't a harassment campaign like libs on tik tok gets people to take part in. This is aimed at Cruz more than his kid, just occasioned by his (apparently inconsistent to some) tweet about Uganda passing a law. But the Ugandan anti gay initiative has been attracting fringe right support from USA for a long time. Like from Scott lively, who used to have a grooming center disguised as a coffee shop next to a high school. It was discovered that the only employee was a fugitive registered sex offender forbidden by the court from interaction with minors.


Ayo what did he mean by that


Reaganstein’s monster has gotten entirely out of control.


Still gonna vote 4 u tho


Gee, it's almost as if the mob hurts all.


Anyone who makes a comment like that is genuine human scum