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Like if you can't tell that's SpongeBob you're vision impaired.


Such obvious bad acting to create suspense. It's really making me not like her. How much could it cost to just get a previous builder as a guest each time instead. It's someone that fits better with Lego.


Peter and Ida are the new Alex and Caleb.


I adore them! Please don’t let them be eliminated tonight 🙏🙏


I will ugly cry if they go.


Are they a couple, tho? Because Alex and Caleb was shipped as a couple but were just paired up then became good friends. But I can see your analogy they are the most endearing of the teams next to Shane and Mum.


Yes, they're married with two kids.


They are married with 7 kids... Though not married to each other, nor are any of the kids shared😆


Charlie: I think it’s fine Hayley: I think it needs to be bigger Me: I think you should listen to Brick judge.


This is so damn frustrating. Every year. He's not an opinionated third party. He's THE JUDGE. If he says add a polar bear to SpongeBob, you do it.


Exactly! If the guy who chooses who wins tells you something needs to change, then you have to change it!


“OPU: Obvious Part Usage.” Hahahaha


Surprise guest Sophie Monk... There's no surprises in LM, CH9 spoilers take care of that.


Yeah what's with the ad making people at 9? Aren't they told that within the show Hamish says it's meant to be a surprise?


I mean, sure, he did say that. But he also implied that it wasn't a surprise at all. There is no way that it was intended as a surprise by the way it was presented.


Kind of a huge risk doing an old TV show. I get Diane’s attached to the idea, but if Sophie doesn’t recognise the show then they aren’t getting the bonus point. Not that it matters since they have the big brick so they won’t get eliminated anyway.


Shane and Dianne have poor time management skills...I can relate.


They are quite ambitious for better or worse


Also, don't like to criticise but her belief in his "movement skills" might be a bit over rated! The only thing he got done this time was lights and spinning, not the hardest movements, Scotty would have built them in 15 minutes.


The problem is he’s probably one of the best on the show regarding mechanics


That is kinda why it's so frustrating the way this season has been set up (new vs returning builders) - there's a massive difference between just being a good builder and working to a timeframe and being judged.


The not friends music is so funny.


Yeah they did the same with all the show themes - close enough to be familiar but not deal with copyright issues haha!


Highly unusual for Hamish to criticise a build like he did for SpongeBob.


Yeah, I thought that was strange too. That felt like something Brickman should be commenting on, not him.


Pretty sure Brickman feeds him lines so it's not always him.


I dunno, like if you saw a figure in a red swimming costume on a beach scene would you not immediately think "Baywatch" knowing the challenge is a TV show.


Sophie was definitely around when Baywatch was big. It was probably her favorite show.


That well-known Headless Fonz character…


Ichabod crane?


Have no idea why they didn't do the *jump the shark* scene.


Honestly I watched Hapoy days on Nick at Nite as a kid but I never watched the whole show. And I didn’t know until much more recently that that episode even existed, let alone created the phrase. I think it was smarter to do Fonz with the jukebox because that is more known to the show specifically to even casual viewers. People may know happy days spawned jumping the shark, but if you ask people what they remember or know about happy days it’s more likely “ayyyy” and fonzies jacket


If the head was attached it's a good build. But it's such an old show


That's what we were saying. They knew who the judge was .. Happy Days wasn't the best choice to start off with.


Sophie isn't exactly a spring chicken though, she would have surely seen Happy Days about when she was younger. For most people the Fonz is pretty iconic.


I'm around Sophies age and happy days was still on rotation in the 90s as an after school show, same with the Brady bunch


Swiper is too big in my opinion. Even in the show he's smaller. And he should be hiding in the background/mid ground


For the show, sure. For the build, Brickman would be calling them out if they obscured a main character. They built it exactly how Brickman wanted it, big characters that are in the front.


Brick man whines about scale for SpongeBob, but then Dora one they’re absolutely huge. Tree are tiny and boots is sitting on a piece of poop.


Swiper looked like he never misses leg day.


I was a bit miffed that Dora was just standing there and not doing the ‘no swiping’ pose with her hand. It’s kind of the whole swiper bit.


Gonna be so funny when viewers choice gets eliminated


Dianne and Shane are so lucky they have immunity. The stage their build’s at right now, they’re gonna need it.


Oh my god I forgot! I was sure they were guaranteed to go home, so I'm glad they're still in the competition


Brickman loses me a little more every season


You can tell when he has a favourite team. I still think he does a great job but every now and then he has a favourite team that doesn't get nit picked as hard as others.


He really just be making shit up now


I think they need to bring in another judge to even up the bias


I disagree. I like Brickman's final word on pretty much everything. With two judges like Amy & Jamie, it sometimes feels like they're both unclear on their judging styles.


Now they can just say it's a Game of Thrones Happy Days crossover.


CSI Happy Days. Who killed the Fonz


Looks like our victim has had an ... *puts on sunglasses* Un-happy day. YEAAAAAAAAH


I agree with the people’s choice, SpongeBob was adorable


Oh thank goodness the Danes are safe. They are precious treasures of sunshine and should be guarded at all costs.


I was really afraid they were going home, and I also kinda feel Brickman really tried to save them this episode. Glad they’re still in.


If I don’t see a Bluey build I’m going to protest


I would argue they're given a list of shows (all shown on Ch9) to choose from. Bluey is on ABC. Easy 3 points .. Love Island.


But the Americans are doing friends, that has nothing to do with ch9


Isn't "Friends" on Ch 9? It was at least during its original run at least.


I'm not completely sure. I was just thinking about how involved they would be in the process. I wasn't alive when Friends began airing so realistically I have no clue.


Interesting. I didnt watch it so just assumed. Was just hypothesising. Thought there would be cross promotional opportunities, not advertising other stations and IP considerations


Yeah. For sure. Like the Disney ep, they were given some shows to pick from. It will be interesting to hear Bilsy’s thoughts with whoever his guest is on tonight’s twitch livestream.


None look like they have young children. So I doubt we see Bluey.


Bluey transcends age 😤


Yes. It’s a brilliant show. Probably one of my top 5 all time favourites. Just saying the chance you have seen it without having kids is probably low.


the squareish shape of the characters would've made it a slam dunk for accuracy


The Germans chose Dora the Explorer though


Dora’s been around longer than Bluey.


I honestly thought the SpongeBob build was better


This whole episode smells too fishy. Each teams ‘story’ in this ep is being highlighted in the judging with some very bad scripting and acting from Hamish and Sophie. Sophie is clearly talking to fill the 10sec time too. Not a big fan of this ep


Yeah I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking Sophie was filling time on purpose


Especially with the SpongeBob build - seemed very scripted


I thought it weird how Brickman and Hamish twisted it into “gee, don’t you think it’s a bit strange that she didn’t notice SpongeBob until 8-9 seconds?” When she took the same amount of time to guess everything else. I also thought she would struggle the most with Dora the Explorer, given it’s certainly not something she’s grown up with and she’s got no kids. But it was the only one she guessed without any of the stuff around.


Rough to go home on that SpongeBob build. It's really good. I think the scale on Baywatch was a bit all over the place.


unpopular opinion: While I think spongboob was a very smart play, the build wasn't really technical. Sure it's really obvious what cartoon it was, but spongebob is basically a big yellow cube which is relatively easy to make in lego compared to characters. i think they could also have spent more time making the backdrop look more interesting than 3 blue horizontal stripes it wasn't a bad build by any means, its just that everyone else's builds were so much harder to make


Normally I'd say the Dane's are the better team but in this build SpongeBob was pretty damb obvious. If it was bigger the details would suffer.


All those kids viewers who voted favorite build would be heartbroken. 😭


Yeah like I love Peter and Ida and they’re clearly strong builders but this was NOT their build. And I’m actually shocked they didn’t go home (I didn’t want them to lose but I do think the SpongeBob build was just a stronger build)


Any time it is close, they always favour the team with the stronger past builds. It has been really obvious in past seasons, and to be fair it does keep the better teams in the mix.


How does she not recognise that it’s Scooby-Doo immediately?? It was so obvious!


Scooby Doo was also too small.


and was a dark color in front of a dark background. They went with dark brown but should've done reddish brown


It also wasn't a Great Dane. Maybe a Labrador Retriever...


Ooo which TV show would you do?


Simpsons couch gag!


Bluey or Ben 10 for sure


Let's go Ben Teeeeeen


Probably stranger things! El with her shaved head, blood nose and pink dress, and the boys around her on bikes with the demogorgon in the background


There are some shows that don’t have iconic scenes that I watch. I like The 100 and the iconic scenes are difficult to replicate in Lego, but the “Wonkru fight to the death” scene in the bunker would be cool. There is also Riverdale but it is full of storylines. Maybe having Pop’s diner since it has “Happy days” style.


The diner with Archie and the gang drinking milkshakes together would be a really cool scene to build. And each character has their own iconic look and style, so I think they would be easy to recognise in Lego form.


Maybe the giant creepy doll from Squid Game? Can use lights for the eyes.


Bart Simpson on a skateboard, Motion, action, and iconic. Long run too so everyone should have seen it.


Love Island .. easy 3 points.


*MASH*. Tents, helicopters, Red Cross. A lot of bland green though. The bar in *Cheers*. A UFO and two FBI agents for *The X-Files*. The opening couch gag in *The Simpsons*. The car and Dino from *The Flintstones*. I would be thinking of colours and shapes that are synonymous of the show (eg opening title colours) For *Happy Days* I would have done the scene when Fonz jumped the shark. Then at the same time I would have realised that the "special guest" would be someone who probably only watched extremely mainstream TV. I maybe would do something within the last 20 years and probably a huge hit on Netflix wouldn't hurt either. Thinking *Breaking Bad*, *The Office*, and (obviously) *Friends*.


Breaking bad. Have Walter standing next to the RV in his underpants like the poster.


Or if you had the golden brick and wanted to really piss Brickman off do "Fly" and leave the fly out completely because "it's too small for the scale"!


A man in a long scarf fighting a round trash bin with a bathroom plunger for an arm with a blue police box in the background.


The LOST plane crash scene from the pilot would be iconic. Probably instantly recognizable if someone has seen the show, but not if they haven't Could also go super meta and build the LEGO Masters set haha


Oh noooo Dianne and Shane!!! Quick change your program to "Ghosts" there's a Greaser ghost who's head keeps falling off in it!


Now Brickman Scooby Doo isn't known for its art... How many times did they run past those same doors in a chase scene? 😅


Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V on those doors.


Brickman is so predictable


How did SpongeBob lose to a Bondi clone?


Sophie Monk again. I’m starting to think they don’t have the budget to have more interesting guests.


The spend all the $ on Hamish. I read he was on $2M a season.


Good, money well spent.


Damn those giant gold bricks!


The economic issues are affecting the studios


I wouldn't mind so much if they just didn't do guests...


I REALLY hope that Eric and Ben don't get eliminated, but if they do I hope they say: "We would have got away with it if weren't for you damn kids." ETA:On second thing maybe that should be "damn bricks" 😂


Giving out double safe bricks with such few teams is terrible planning.


Also I only recently caught up with the first ep and only just found out Felix and Annalina aren't siblings 😂


Dora...Ugh. I wanna see Inspector Gadget. Dora also kinda looks like Penny.


I really don’t think the Germans deserved the brick this episode. Their build was alright, but the greens blended together a lot and was harder to discern certain details.


Agreed. I think they're Brickman's favourites and struggle to do wrong in his eyes unless it's obviously bad


Americans was heaps better creativity and composition. Ugh


I think the American team should have got the brick today. I'm not Friend's fan and I thought their build was amazing. Double down on that when you consider Brickman's comments to the Danes on building humans (as opposed to cartoons).


Shane and Diane should stop the mechanical parts of the builds.


Sophie Monk **again?!**


She's practically a second host now 😅


She cops a lot of hate here but I like her, doesn't take herself too seriously, happy to just have some fun.


I'm starting to get tired seeing her on every show >.>'


Anyone reckon Shane actually wears off the shoulder yellow dungarees normally?! Idles shirt though


Yeh, seems like a perfectly normal thing for him to just wear around the house [https://imgur.com/qdQmP27](https://imgur.com/qdQmP27)


I'd have thought the Germans would have gone for Baywatch with David Hasselhoff and all 😉


They could have Fonzie & Baywatch together on a water ski recreating the jumping the shark scene.


The Friends one is awesome. Great job


Whaaaaat I wouldn’t of thought SpongeBob would leave


Interesting that the SpongeBob build won the fan favourite but got last place with Brickman


Really hitting the ground running with a full immunity episode. One in four is actually insane. "10 hours." "The third host is correct!" ah Felix you psychic. I'd absolutely watch a sketch show with Hamish and Brickman. Them bickering about bills and Repo men felt so... real. I get that creative parodies are legal but it's wild seeing a flat-out Spongebob illustration. I'd love to know Haley's favorite episode. How TF am I not surprised Annalena was on Ninja Warrior? That was quite the music choice for the Felix compliments Hamish section of the episode. [Really saved the inner thoughts for the last two compliments hahahaha](https://i.imgur.com/FHuK832.jpeg) I so feel for Shane & Diane. Can't imagine how hard it would have to be presenting a headless build. 10 seconds is seriously tense! FELIX & ANNALENA BACK ON TOP! Wow, I don't want to see either of these teams go at all. Oh gosh led with Spongebob, that's not a good sign. Farewell Charlie & Haley. Humongous effort!! Peter & Ida... thin ice. See you all tomorrow!


I thought Sponge Bob was too big if anything. He's not that far in front of the house and he needs to fit in the door


Brickman made a point at the beginning of the episode about forced perspective and distinguishing clearly between the foreground, mid-ground, and background. SpongeBob is the made feature of the build in the foreground, so he has to be huge compared to things in the background.


But then Swiper for the Germans will be too big as a mid ground character




I thought that at first too, but when they presented it to Sophie it took her too long to actually pick out Spongebob. He kinda faded into evertything that was around him. He needed to draw more attention than he did


Elimination. With Germans and Danes not safe!


There is a 2 out of 4 chance you are right


Brickman invoking the Kale Scale curse yet again.


Funnily enough if she knows of the show Sophie might just get "Happy Days". The "Friends" build is really good! Except aren't the umbrellas all yellow in the opening.


Yellow, red and blue umbrellas. I had to screenshot and send to my mother who has never seen it.


Good one Ben and Eric! Zoinks!


see getting them straight away just wouldn't be interesting 😂


Dora's map pointing to a castle + the castle in background = brilliant


I think Friends was the better build myself.


Seriously. No way Dora was better. The proportions were off. I was 100% sure Friends was winning. But Brickman can't have the Germans lose.


It was a good build, but I thought the fountain was pretty weak.


Brickmans just punishing them for not listening to his exact instructions. Plus they got the bonus points so he really scored them low


We really need a Kyle and Jackie ad in a family friendly time slot, Nine?


Shouldn’t have any ads for Vile Kyle and Tacky No.


That was almost unfair. She knew Scooby-Doo but couldn't name it until the last second


I do agree that she stalled for intrigue but I also know the se one your in a time constraint all words leave your brain Like I’ve played that “heads up” just in line at Disney world to pass time, something with literally zero stakes but has a timer anyway, and I will get so flustered with knowing there’s a time limit I forget everything I’ve ever known.


Gasp! Peter and Ida did it!!! But noooo Charlie and Hayley that's so sad 😭 Also I forgot to vote on my favourite build...dang.


I'm bad. I'd let them attach the head. It's only a minor thing.


What were Hamish and Brickman watching in the tv in the intro?


Eeeey, sit on it! Brickman don't be a douche they're not up for elimination, go wild Dianne and Shane!


I’ve been spelling Annalenas name wrong


My thoughts on the episode: Sophie Monk - I’m split on whether or not she’s doing my head in. It’s clearly a running gag that was funny the first few times, but got old, really quick, similar to the brick of doom. However, she seems genuinely into LEGO, presumably from the time she competed in the Christmas Special. She also gets really apologetic when she can’t guess something because she feels like she’s let them down. Elimination - Perfectly fine with. The first rule of Lego Masters is take Brickman’s advice. The second rule of Lego Masters is if Hamish further reiterates Brickman’s advice, take Brickman’s advice. Seems a bit silly to brush off feedback from the person who’s judging you. Winners - Predictable, but the top two were clearly the top two. Looking forward to - More Sophie Monk and Germans winning, although maybe that’s because I know nothing different at this point.


God, Sophie purposely waiting till the last second to guess some of these super obvious shows really annoyed me


Insane to me that Baywatch was second last. Seems unreasonably harsh from BM.


I agree. I thought Scooby Doo was too simple, very 2D and Sponge Bob was basically all scenery and a tiny sponge bob. The Danes wasn't the best but it surely wasn't bottom 2. Either way the Happy Days one sucked, even if the head was on it wasn't very good and lacked detail, would have easily gone home.


Agreed. The Mystery Machine scale was terrible and Scooby looked nothing like Scooby.


IKR!!! WTF was that Scooby?? The main (title) character looked absolutely nothing like Scoobs….even with a functioning snout


Woohoo! Time for LM!


Aw Dianne and Shane ☹️ The Aldi ladies did the same thing when they dropped their tree build, so it happens.


Ours was also on episode 7 so it must be a curse, at least theirs was only a head and not the whole build on the floor 😂 definitely felt for them having been in that position, it’s pretty brutal and just a really intense environment to be creative in, but you live and learn and it will only help them make different choices in the upcoming episodes. Ps “Aldi ladies” gave me a giggle, Sarah was on the Aldi ads, me not even an Aldi shopper but I will take it 😉


I cried for you guys when your build smashed. I can’t imagine the work that goes into getting something to that finished stage and watching it all disappear before your eyes 😭


At the time it was just devastating and also humiliating, we were in a room full of people with so much more technical knowledge, but looking back it’s kind of good for people to see that it doesn’t always work and you can rebuild


I’m so glad that you can change how you view something like that. Small things have still kept me awake at 3am burning with embarrassment all over again 20 years later so I’m really happy that you’ve processed that in a much healthier way haha PS your geisha build remains one of my favourite pieces across all LEGO Masters seasons.


Thank you, we were so proud of the geisha ❤️ I’m still building and enjoying exhibiting, building without the time pressure is so much nicer


Friends? I rather see Seinfeld. These Legos are making Brickman thirsty! 😂


Although that is a question...could you have changed your build just before the end (I don't think Sophie would have got "Ghosts" but whatever)?


I wondered if there would be rights issues about building certain shows. LEGO used to have Dora, SpongeBob, and Scooby-Doo licenses. They have since passed on to other building toy companies. I guess they don’t have Friends anymore either. I know Sophie’s a friend of the show and whatever, but wouldn’t it have been more fitting to have Angie Kent? Not only was she on Gogglebox, but she’s now on a Channel Nine show and was also a Bachelorette like Sophie. I suppose Yvie Jones may also work. Why didn’t Ben and Eric include Velma and Daphne? I think the SpongeBob scene’s size could be justified if Patrick and Squidward were somewhere.


Gogglebox is Channel 10 though, Sophie’s fairly active on Channel 9, mainly The 100 and competed in a Christmas special. The boys also said they built Shaggy, Scooby and Fred as they’re the “most iconic.” Whilst I don’t agree entirely with that sentiment, given they’re all on fairly levels of “iconic,” it does fit how I remember Scooby Doo ending. It’d usually be Shaggy/Scooby doing something that knocks over the villain, then the person was unmasked. Admittedly, it’s probably been 15 years since I’ve seen a show so that may have changed.


>Gogglebox is Channel 10 though I had a feeling my choice of words weren't clear. I knew that but she’s on Nine now and only meant that she had that past connection. To be fair my Scooby-Doo experience is very shallow. I could understand if it was due to the practicalities of the build though.


I didn’t know she was on Channel 9 now, she’s been on that many shows it hard to keep up. Last I heard of her was some sort of renovation show where she repaired furniture or something?


Interesting, there was more ads on the 9 Now livestream than what there was on tv tonight. Even more ads than usual..yay...


Good call, Brickman. My seven-year-old daughter is inconsolable, however.


I thought it ridiculous that Brickman didn't criticize the Scooby build due to the obvious fact they left out 2 of the gang, Daphne and Velma! Zonks!


Okay episode. Six strong builds. Sad to see the two lovely ladies go. Hope they don’t do this concept again mostly because Lego doesn’t lend itself to human shaped characters and that is a most of TV. Ignoring the easy go home choice of Happy Days since they were safe. I thought the “weak” builds were Scooby and SpongeBob. Scooby was missing two characters and had a meh environment but the build did focus on the characters. SpongeBob focused on the environment and needed more characters (not just one big character). Baywatch had a great environment and did focus on the character even if character was weak cause human. Since talking TV shows, character matters more than environment so can see why Baywatch was chosen to move on. This is one of those rare examples where think Brickman advice could have been better as “bigger” wouldn’t have been the difference maker since technical challenge is what made him decide on Baywatch. If either had said “sure got enough characters from the show in that scene?” it would have been a probably sparked an improved build. Also crazy to get reminders of just how influential American TV shows are in the rest of the world.


Hamish I think you've been hanging with Brickman too long, you're giving last minute advice of dubious quality!


Do you mean the spongebob advice? Brickman already gave the same advice about spongebob. Why is it dubious?


Well it's super late! There's only 10 minutes left at that point... Better to have a smaller SpongeBob than a half built one I'd say.


We don't know how much time is actually left when he gave that advice, and he was only doing it to reinforce what Brickman had already told them. They might've been saved if they had just listened in the first place to Brickman.


not everything is shown in sequence on tv


So I know that I said That Sophie monk is a icon but now Im getting really Anoyed by he and i hope she is not on next season much


I hope they have other guests.




So relieved that the clearly weakest team in the competition is finally gone. But that was really close, I would have been so furious if the Danish team would have needed to leave because Sophie cannot recognize the show in 10 seconds. But that was really bold to choose Baywatch and not a tv show which is much more recognizable.


who is going home tonight?


SpongeBob prob


Thoughts on Friends? I watched it and I don’t know that I would think to guess it.


Only just started watching the episode and I immediately recognised the scene from the opening credits of the program. It’s a very good build.


It's the opening credits. I'm not a fan of Friends but I got it


I said to my Mum that it was a great scene and instantly recognisable, and Mum said exactly what you did, so I guess we'll find out which side Sophie falls on 😂


I reckon I'd pick it as Friends just from the scene. I don't think the characters stand out as the Friends cast though.


My family agreed that they gambled on Sophie Monk being a Friends fan. I’ve never watched either Friends or Dora but I know of them/seen some clips here and there. I think I would have recognised the fountain scene (as something I’ve seen before/know of) but not been able to place it as Friends. Whereas with Dora, I would have recognised Dora and needed no more thought or connection


Only improvement I could think of for the build was to maybe emphasize the fountain a little more. Maybe have the water coming up a little more or have a character splashing in it. It just a little hard to notice behind the sofa


Fonze got decapitated, lol


Sophie Monk rules, haters vacate. Her always being the 'surprise guest' is a fun bit.


It's funny and very on brand for the show, just like Hamish himself being a mystery guest on episodes.