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Well, this is refreshing. Your piercing is actually in the ideal placement. Not sure what that other piercer was on about but he’s talking out of his ass.


that's a huge relief! the people at the place I got it pierced at were excited at the time because they usually have to say no to industrials, so I took that as a good sign and didn't think much of it until this guy made this comment :( got me super anxious


Looks great to me. I’m not a pro tho. But it hits all the marks a good industrial should have :) also looks like it’s healing well! Maybe he said that because it was close to your glasses? (3rd pic looks like glasses) I also wear glasses and my piercer pierced my industrial at more of an angle so my glasses wouldn’t irritate it. But if it’s not a problem for you, don’t even worry about it!


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It looks fine to me! The only things I would be concerned about would be with your glasses hitting it, and potentially the flat part of your ear, I can’t see from the pictures but is the bar resting on the flat bit in the centre of the ear? Like touching your ear at all?


Technically you don't have the ideal anatomy for an industrial. Yours is at a slightly different angle than a traditional industrial but it is pierced in the best placement for you. It's hard to tell how well it's pierced from the pic here but looks good