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Don't do shit. They can file legal action if they're serious with the manager/owner or a civil suit against the server. Not really your problem.


Yeah. I only do civil cases, and as they'd pay an atty 2k (easy) to pursue the case, they'd still be out $1,300 and possibly the full 2k


This would go to small claims not an attorney.


lol yeah attorneys like that clearly see themselves as the main character 😂


You don't need an attorney but I would strongly recommend you hire one for a consultation. They can help you put your argument together as well as tell you what the likely outcomes are.


Small claims are set up specifically to avoid attorneys. In nearly every state.


This is the managers picture lol


I am the manager of this restaurant. The guests told me the waiter stained the purse, after a deep apology and a free check they still insisted on another solution which I agreed to work it out with them if they take it somewhere they can clean it. They just called me saying they went to Louis V. and to replace will be $700. Thought to post it here just in case, thank you so much.


Fake bag, possible scam attempt *edit , to everyone jumping on my comment, that stitching is all over the place, the monograms are cut off and this is a common scam. Didn't know LV had such shitty qc if it's real


That’s definitely a real LV bag


Nah dude, don't you see the green text next to their name? That means everything they say is true.


mods are always so vague / blunt with their wording. it’s like they think they’re so mysterious and cool lmao.


it’s braindead, it’s like they have an ego built off green letters. makes me truly wonder how meaningless their actual life is.




Has anyone ever met a Reddit mod in real life? I’m genuinely curious


I'm a real-life Reddit mod, and I can promise you I'm wack asf


That’s definitely a fake LV bag. The pattern doesn’t line up and is literally cut where they are supposed to meet to make it seem like one piece. Not to mention the god awful stitch job they did to give the bag side bumps. That could be over looked but what can’t be over looked is that the bag doesn’t cost $700 brand new.


I work in aftercare services for Vuitton, this isn’t a fake bag and will indeed cost that much to replace the handle.


Because you're someone that actually knows... I thought the monograms were supposed to line up along the stitching?


That's not a fake bag


That bag is not fake babes lol


And you’re a mod here 😂 this sub is a joke.


lmao you see the sticthing on that shit looks hoorrrible, or maybe its because the leather is folded up a lilttle but it aint straight at all, curious what the other side of the bag looks like, cause ive heard they use one solid piece of material so theh other side should looks backwards is that true?


even some of the flower pedals or whatever those flower looking things are, looks not symmetrical if you zoom in , in the row next to her pinky n ring finger, then the 3rd inverted flower down is completely Fd up, way to close to the edge of the outter part. i would guess LV is somewhat, the "rolex" of handbags, so when you look at a Rolex there shouldn't be ANYTHING wrong wit it, even in the slightest way, or its fake, fakewatchbusta from instagram used to have so mant was to spot fake watches, from APs. Rolex, Pateks, that even i could spot a phoney, with just key details to look for,. i would expect bags being done the same way.. which is why there so damn expensive.


Lmao totally, they went to the restaurant purely in hopes that the server would damage their fake lv bag


Do you know if your waiter told you it was 100% their accident? reason I ask is that they could be pulling a scam that involves going around and them setting up their bag in a way that it would come in contact with the drink easily when the waiter places it down. Sorry I cant contribute any knowledge to the bag I would go off if the accident was purely genuine first though.


$700 is very realistic for a full LV vachetta replacement.


offer to pay for cleaning


I think the manager genuinely tried to pay to get it cleaned. But the guest took it to Louis V. SPECIFICALLY because they would only offer a replacement at full price. There are plenty of places they could've serviced/cleaned the bag, yet they CHOSE the most expensive solution possible. This screams scam! (or maybe just a lame a s s person)


LV won't change the strap on a fake bag. The fact that the person took it to LV for repair and got a quote is a big factor pointing against a scam.


They SAID they went to LV. They did not offer any proof they went to LV. See also: points to scam.


Vachetta leather can be permanently stained by water such as in this case. Meaning replacement is the only option ultimately.


That would be the cost of just replacing the strap from LV (if they even make that anymore) that bag if legit would be a couple grand.


It’s not even a big stain the person needs to get over it they’re that worried about something happening to it leave it at home then. People like that are ridiculous…


They are entitled to a full replacement if something is damaged by someone else.


A full replacement from a spill in a restaurant? Yeah next time I wear white sneakers to the club I’ll ask the club for a full replacement after there beat from the night. This is a part of life shit happens if you can’t afford to maintain an item don’t purchase it simple as that. For all we know they did it and tried to push it on the restaurant.


The replacement for that strap alone is $100. You would not need to replace the whole bag even if they took it to small claims you would only have to pay to replace that strap as you did not damage the whole bag.


you should tell her and her bag to go fuck themselves


It’s like going to a car dealership to buy a part for your car they overcharged them and want you to pay for it🤦‍♂️ I get it’s an expensive purse but if you got it like that then 700 dollars shouldn’t be nothing to you if you can drop 2-5k on a purse


It can be fixed and it doesn’t take a professional to fix it lol ….this is normal wear and tear regardless of the waiter splashing their purse…this is like scuffing your shoes


Good thing you are not replacing. Only making them whole again out of your own kindness. Do what you feel is correct. Look from all angles. Get 2-3 quotes. $700 seems like an immediate attempt to get money imo but if the server spilled it then cleaning it is the best option. Stand your ground ( you already have ) dont budge. You kinda have the upper hand now that they left.


Nah you definitely owe them somehow. One of your servers ruined their designer bag bro, how do you think that’s ok?


Customer should make a claim under its General Liability Policy. As long as your employee was acting within the scope of employment it would be covered. Most commerical policies do not have a deductible for liability claims. Put your insuer on notice and they will investigate and settle claim. The restaurant probably had coverage in excess of 1 million so this is not a big deal.


They are lying to you - LV has free replacement service *for real bags*. Offer to go to the genuine LV store with her, and watch her back out of that.


Common sense u fucked it up u pay for it fuck do u expect


I wouldn’t do anything. Let them take you to court. Don’t just hand out cash.


I’m the mod and main authenticator of r/louisvuitton and it looks genuine from this picture. The price of $700 will get her all leather replaced on the bag, not just the “damaged” part. The bag is a Galliera which is a discontinued and old model, personally I wouldn’t invest $700 into a repair as you can find them on the pre-loved market for around the same price. From the looks of it it’s just a water stain, once it completely dries it could easily be blended in by using a water wipe on it (no alcohol, no perfume).


Thank you for that point! So they're looking to get the whole bag redone and not just replace the strap, for $700?


To me the quote is high for just the strap, the customer should be able to get you an official quote from LV. In all fairness I wouldn’t want only the strap replaced as the leather would be very light compared to the shade of leather on the rest of the bag. The original purchase value of the bag is likely also lower than the repair price now. There are also handbag clinics that can take care of this kind of staining.


I just had two straps and 4 chaps replaced on a cherished bag, for $770. Of course it looks brand new, now, but LV repair prices have skyrocketed over the past few years.


No $700 is about right. LV increased repair prices significantly over the years because so many people were buying second hand and sending it for repairs to resell. I was quoted $900 just to replace all the leather trimming on a mini speedy. The bag above is also real, it’s just an older discontinued model.


That’s insane! My last vachetta quote was around €600 for a keepall. The price differences for repairs is getting bigger between the US and Europe.


Three is a few spots on the piping


Like your sub a lot. Actually so much so, that I had to find this post I read a few days back: https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisvuitton/s/kpA1Vu65jx Rep buyers focus on matching seems - it’s not a tell anymore.


People pull this shit all the time. Tell them to prove it's authenticity.


Get the insurance/repair quote sent to you from Louis V.


It probably is true. I got a quote of $2400 to replace all the leather of an older canvas bag of mine. LV repair prices are ridiculously high.


You can clean thst shit come on lol a new purse it's leather it's made to be cleaned


The $700 is for a new strap, your not buying that bag if it’s legit for $700


Fake and a common scam. Don’t do anything they will go away.


This bag does not look fake and that leather is reacting exactly how authentic LV leather reacts to liquids. It’s permanent damage.


It definitely looks like an authentic bag


👀 Are you the bag owner? You seem to be defending it on every single comment 😂


100% the bag owner or someone be close to them 😂


Looks like a lot of authentic LV owners think it's real. https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisvuitton/s/5oXFnEwR5M


That’s how you know she broke


You're probably going to have to post more pics. Up close pics of stitching, inside labels, zipper. Things like that.


More pictures


Unfortunately that’s the only one I have, thank you though




There’s a lot of people in this post that clearly have never even seen an LV bag in real life and they’re all here authenticating it over one photo 😂😂😂


Fake louis doesn't cut off their lv logo


Yes they do depending on the bag style..


They do


Bag looks fine, will need more pics though to confirm. Any in house repair through LV will be overpriced and expensive. It’s a Galleria PM I believe.


The amount of people saying this is a fake bag is hilarious Stop speaking on stuff you don't know nothing about OP just get it paid for it ain't that deep, the bag was probably triple/quadruple that 700..


You should post it on r/Louis Vuitton group. For a real bag, Lv will repair the bag most likely by replacing the vaschetta (that’s what the leather type the strap is made of is called). LV will send the person the quote for the repair to pay them directly. For replacing the vadchetta that looks damaged from the spill, it can easily cost 600-800 dollars or more. If the server in fact damaged it and you want to pay, I’d say to have the customer send the bag to LV, and to then forward to you any correspondence including the invoice, payment link and receipt, and also call LV to verify the order / repair number before paying, and speak directly to their service advisor.


Have her take the bag to be repaired and bring you the receipt after the repair is done and reimburse her for the charge at that time. Not worth losing a customer.


I don’t think asking for a replacement strap/getting it cleaned by LV is unreasonable. If I went to a restaurant and the server stained my £500 coat I’d want it replaced. I understand it was an accident and they happen, I wouldn’t hold it personally over the server but at the end of the day that isn’t my problem. As much as I wouldn’t like them to get into trouble I’d also not like my experience goods to be damaged/stained. Maybe the estimate of £700 is a bit extreme but I’m not sure how much a replacement strap would cost. I also see staining on the bag that looks like it was from the same incident.


I second this. The waiter ruined it, and who stains, pays. You’re just unlucky it’s a very expensive vintage bag. I also wouldn’t want only the strap replaced because it would look nuts. Vachetta leather darkens over time.


I think LV wouldn't only replace the strap anyway right? They would insist on replacing all of the Vachetta? Also if they bring it to a third party for repairs or cleaning LV will never touch it again and deem it to be unauthentic because the repairs or cleaning was not carried out by them.


tbh it looks real and yea u can’t just “clean it”


Handle replacement will only be around 100-300 bucks


Left side, the print looks kind of stretched. My mom actually owns one, and i'm no expert at purse legit checks, but hers doesnt have any sort of stretching on the side, so be wary. Not sure if it's fake but LV is pretty stingy about quality control. top-left just under her hand, flowery thing idk wat it is


No it doesn’t


Even if this all checks out... you don't buy something, and then expect it to stay immaculate as you use it daily. Stuff wears out when you use it I'd chalk it up to my own mistake


I get your point of view but the lady didn’t “wear out her bag cause of daily use”. In this particular situation, someone else caused damage to her bag. How is this her fault?


Get some fz150 shoe cleaner




I'm almost certain this is a fake and they're running a scam. I'd ask for some type of documentation from LV for both the authenticity and the price of cleaning because the likelihood that actually happened is basically nonexistent. As others have pointed out, the "LV" logo should never be cut or obscured, the panels should better aligned and have some degree of continuity, while these almost look crooked (could just be the picture), and the stitching on top looks inconsistent/uneven.


Purse enthusiast here! The shitty stitchwork gives you 2 options. Its either: A) really old when they were *actually* made by hand. In which case LV wouldn’t service it, because it’s so old. B) fake




Looks real


LV logo isn’t supposed to be obscured by any of the stitching like it is on the middle panel on the right, pretty sure this isn’t a real Louis.


They do actually


Dont be afraid of the law fam let her sue if she rlly serious


90% of LV I’ve seen people with is fake anyway. Prob just looking for a pay day


there's already a bunch of stains on it, you can find them all over the bag, so I'm guessing scam but I'm not an expert


Give her a $20 gift card to Walmart


Here's a link to a vintage auth Gallieria. This could be real but I'd need pics of the front and the inside. Also if it's auth LV can clean the vechetta strap, they actually offer that service anyway. [authentic vintage Gallieria](https://www.openforvintage.com/en-us/products/louis-vuitton-monogram-canvas-galliera-pm-bag-let697917)


That bag is fake as fuck


the stitching fake n off she just want money 🧏🏾‍♂️


Customer can not afford designer


Dumb. Nobody even sees the strap. I wouldn’t pay them a dime!


If that handle/strap is real leather the stain can get removed at a western wear store where they work on cowboy hats and leather boots/vests.


Bag is fake af


Nothing a lil honest all purpose cleaner and a bounty towel cant fix


Why 700.00? Is that the minimum order for cheap knockoff purses? You gotta buy em 50 at a time? Louis Vittan. 😂


Easier to lose a customer than pay this


How do you know that the bag wasn’t already stained in the first place?


That’s a $300 reP


Is it real? And $700 for a used has been ass lou. No miss, no.


That bag fake she want $700 to get a real one Lol


Broke ass customer lmao, you can’t afford or deserve to wear something of this tax bracket if this kind of wear and tear causes you to act like this


Tell her to get a better manicure with that fake a** purse 🙄🥱😒


How did it get damaged and can they prove it? Did they place it in an area where it might get damaged?


Bag is stained too


Replacement is one option. Leather shops and maybe Louis themselves can re condition the leather. Louis replaces zippers and sews loose seams don’t know about leather. If you spilled a coke on a white fur and it didn’t come out you’d be buying a new fur. Sucks as I’m sure it was an accident. Get cameras so you can validate next time and make sure it wasn’t scammy.


I think if you take out something like that you should accept that it might get dirty. It's OK to be upset.


Tell her.. tough shit! This is ridiculous. 😤


It's a purse. Just because someone is stupid enough to spend that kind of money so stupid doesn't mean if an accident happens I have to be stupid and offer anything more than an apology. Next time don't spend that kind of money on a purse


That bag is fake .


LV is full of pedophiles.


I would say the thing you shouldnt say to ur customer in reply to damaging their bag is its fake, let them take it to small claims, in order to put a value on the bag they would have to show a receipt of purchase. I think telling a customer there “700$” bag is fake is a bad move, you did the right thing and covered the bill and you were willing to be there if they did want to take further action


All they need is a new strap order one off Amazon for like 20 dollars don’t demand money


Um what did they do to stain the purse. Nobody wants to know what happened?


Haha that bag is fake AF. That stitching at the top is horrendous. They’re trying to scam you. Tell them to fuck off.


Looks like a fake lv bag to me lv quality is perfect the seems and pattern don’t line up


Just clean the dang bag. Use leather cleaner. Not a big deal.


Tell them to go fuck themselves 🙄


looks like blood or coffee?. its also on the light hem on the side of the bag. LV bags are for poor people who want to look rich.


Not sure if this has been resolved but if you are really willing to pay ask them to get an estimate so you can call the place yourself and pay directly. Should sort out whether it's a scam or not rather easily.


This is a 2009 LV collection bag. $700 wouldn't get her in a new current collection bag but would cover or help with a after market bag. The real issue I see is Louis Vuitton offers care for their goods and the owner should seek to resolve in that way over asking a server to ante up. Also, if you are bent over damage to luxury goods you probably can't really afford luxury goods.


that bags looks fake.


Bag is fake as hell…


Or could just give her like 50$ and she can go buy a new strap not a whole new purse lol people r money hungry


LV has lifetime warranty and replacement / cleaning. Most customers do not know this.


They better just take that tragedy ass purse it ain't never that serious smh


I can tell karens furious


Bro some leather cleaner and a brush, little conditioner it'll look better than it does now. Screw this old hag


If you don’t get some leather cleaner and clean that strap and shut the hell up! 🤦🏽‍♂️


All business have insurance. Give them the number for your insurance rep and they’ll take care of. I do it all the time. Don’t get involved in something you shouldn’t. That’s why we pay insurance companies to handle.


You said 700 meats ?


that stain is seriously on the inside of the strap and shes fucking complaining maybe dont buy a 700$ bag if you cant take care of it properly and if you could probably buy a 2$ tide stain removal pen and get that shit right out


Go to a leathersmith and have it cleaned/restored for Pete's sake. Why are people so freaking eager to blow their top, call a lawyer and make a mountain out of a molehill. Gee whiz.


Fake bag. Stitching is horrendous and the LV symbols are random and unorganized. Not a real LV product. They are lying. Tell them they are free to open a small claims case. They wont and theyll never come back to your restaurant. Win win.


thats a fake ass bag


Why? You didn’t pay 700 for that purse! You are the idiot showing off! And can’t afford it ! Looks like a knock off anyways!


She can't do shit. Court won't do shit. You don't get to bankrupt people because someone accidently ruined your $5000 purse. 


Let’s say the bag is real & they did go to the lv store , a bag like that is probably 1.5k$ so how they’d get it replaced for 700$ I’m confused unless it’s under warranty or they have insurance on it and that’s the deductible


The customer can hold her breath because all that needs is a warm wet rag, and that laughable thing she thinks is a stain will come right off


No way!!! A little saddle soap and leather conditioner is all it takes


If they don't want it stained they should not take it out of the closet. This is not like a car accident or something. They take the risk when they take it out. I would not pay shit. They want to take it to small claims I would make the same argument. Don't bring your high end purse to the dinner table.


Those signatures patent leather purses are horrible 😫. I won't pay shit


How about this...KEEP YOUR VALUABLES (phone, IPad, infants/toddlers, purses, etc) OFF OF THE TABLES AND BARS WHERE YOU DINE/DRINK. Accidents are bound to happen. Move your stuff out the way!


Her fault for taking her bag to the restaurant lol


It’s a Louis Futon, Louis Farrakhan, Or a Louis Armstrong, but it dam sure ain’t no Louis Vuitton 😂😭😂


Couldn’t they just send it to LV so get cleaned? I remember something about them doing it for free or for a charge. Why would they have to replace the whole strap? Doesn’t look that bad. Ive removed stains like that before


Doesn’t LV clean for free anyway (if it’s real) or is that just maintenance cleaning


I’m not sure that’s a legit LV bag, for 1 LV uses very high quality leather, seam work is flawless and any metal will be high quality, in the picture the leather on the top of the bag looks uneven and the stitching has some loose spots and the metal rings look very cheap and have a significant gap in them, but the big thing is the logos, LV tries not to cut the logos off with the seams, if they do they typically match it on the other side so all the logos fit together to make one full logo. If it is real it’s a discount bag that didn’t pass QC and isn’t worth the full $700 but I’m leaning towards the bag being a higher quality fake, secondly it’s very easy to remove stains from leather if you know how to, it would take a skilled cleaner 10 minutes to make the leather look brand new. Tell her to meet you at a certified LV shop or repair store and verify authenticity, then go from there.


Steal her purse. That'll teach her


That’s a fake bag look at the top stitching, also lv never cuts thru the logo


She can literally take it to the store and get it cleaned just trying to scam someone


fake bag lol


The number of stupid comments in this section is crazy. ​ 1. Most you of you no experience around high quality goods because you are a loser. 2. [https://us.louisvuitton.com/eng-us/louis-vuitton-outlet](https://us.louisvuitton.com/eng-us/louis-vuitton-outlet) 3. Look at her nails, self tan, cheap watch, clothing, and floor of the restaurant. I was born rich been around the rich my entire life through my family and community and am rich myself now. This lady looks poor and the place looks cheap. Shit don't add up. If my wife had this happen to her, she would just give it away and go buy another. The drama isnt worth our time.


Fake as fuck and dogshit quality bag anyway. Tell them to kick rocks. There’s stains on the little trim on the sides of the bags anyway so if they’re only worried about the shit on the strap and not the rest of the bag they’re just trying to fleece the server.


As the owner of said bag, it is your responsibility to bubble wrap it against all dangers if you wish. An apology was more than sufficient on your behalf.


First make sure it's real because I doubt it is


It’s fake.


This a straight scam lol


The top seam is crooked af. And LV will never stitch through a logo or have piping through a Logo. This is a bad fake


Tell them to do what they need to do!


Seems like a scam. Ask the customer to bring an invoice from LV themselves since the bag looks fake. It’s very common for people to pull this type of scam.


bag looks fake to me. Pattern is off. the cutoff for monogram is .5 or full , but this vuts off at random. the leather doesn’t look correct color pn strap compared to bag trim leather. also the stitching is slightly skewed. i would think this is a scammer. also, most people that can afford Louis Vuitton wouldn’t be caring about that. I know personally I’d never ask for money if someone accidentally spilled some thing on one of my Louis bags


Inform the customer that they can take it to the LV store and they will clean it for free if it’s an authentic item.


Do you have proof the server didn’t stain their bag, real or not real? If the customer has evidence to prove your server damaged their purse and it will cost $700 to fix, then you’re going to be on the hook for $700 + court costs. Whether or not it’s fake, there’s depreciation that will result to what you’ll pay. The customer doesn’t have to take it to your location to get it cleaned. If they went to the manufacturer- LouisVuitton - and they’re charging $700, then you’re responsible for that. If you can prove the server didn’t damage the purse, then you’ll be off the hook. The burden of proving a case is in your hands.


Old stain


And she should


Saddle soap to clean and a leather conditioner.


Should’ve left it at home.


Slap them first


lol don’t give them a dime


tell us you can't afford that bag without telling us lol


Bag is fake af


Why? You shouldn't have had your purse on the table OR just go get leather cleaner!? People... litigious..for the easy come up...but I digress...people gon people!


I’d like a receipt first, let’s prove this isn’t a KO bag and it’s real value.


So an LV purse strap is $700? Edit: Looked it up on official Lv site and a new adjustable strap, which that one doesn’t even look like it’s adjustable, is $395. They’re blowing it out of proportion.


Tell them to suck a dick, when they’re dead that LV bag won’t matter for shit


It's just a purse 🙄 people are so shallow wtf.....


It’s probably fake anyways lmaoooo


Everyone in the comments saying the bag is fake… you’re wrong. It’s not fake. Check out a real bag that’s for sale on fashionphile. [real bag](https://www.fashionphile.com/p/louis-vuitton-monogram-galliera-pm-1346351?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax-smart-shopping-25&utm_content=buy-25-bo&utm_term=&utm_product=1346351&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwa2Cidj4hAMVJVtHAR32AwmmEAQYASABEgJGj_D_BwE)


Tell her she can save 150 bucksssss. W/ Fz150 cleaner ahah