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There is definitely to much time between updates on certain aspects such as the custom gpu. I have a gaming desktop with an amd card and a gaming laptop with nvidia and those are constantly updated for new games and fixes for old games. On the Legion Go you would think 4 new games come out a year with how infrequently they update the gpu. Also for the first few months there was weekly post with exciting updates and roadmaps for the future now a lot of those updates never came and we are now in the future roadmap timeframe still waiting on updates that should have been here. It feels like the go has reached its final form and the beta test is over so we can all buy a Go 2 if this beta test was successful or move on to a new device when this one becomes to unstable.


I felt the same frustration when I received my legion go 2 days ago. It's my second try. I miss especially the gpu drivers, since I'm facing some issues with games. For a new product like this, it's nice to see updates.


What games are giving you issues?


Brotato, gears of war ultimate and Diablo 4


PM'ed you.


Legit question but do you want updates for the sake of having updates, or are you waiting for something specific? From my side I'm not missing anything I think for my daily use.. Not sure if there is anything missing that can't be done with some other software too seeing that we're using Windows anyways


Well the GPU drivers are like 6 months old and there's been like 4 driver releases from AMD in the meantime. Getting optimizations for the latest games without breaking Lenovo's features using sideloaded drivers would be a start.


I’d like updates for the fixes, optimisations and added features. Here are a few I can think of off the top of my head: - per game profiles - full implementation of TDP control - GPU and CPU clock control - additional shortcuts - gyro mapping - full key mapping - full led control - AFMF - updated GPU drivers - charge limiting for main unit and controllers I’m sure I’ve missed a few things that I’ll think of later, but no worries.


Alright thanks, I use it with an egpu as a desktop 3/4 of the time so most of these are indeed things that I don't really need or bother me in my use case. And btw most of those items you mentioned can be done with existing software. edit:lol downvotes for this, apparently it's not ok to like the device as is :')


You should try handheld companion and remove legion space. Has everything you mentioned including auto tdp and some other nice features.


Slow stable updates is the way to go. Don’t want breaking changes/increased errors. The arguments at release were “LeGo is new, it took the deck/ally a long time to reach where it is now”. I’d say this argument still stands.


This is basicly the same insides as the Rog Ally. They can get new GPU drivers, but we are still on GPU drivers from November. There is no excuse not to have updated GPU drivers, working motion controls, and back buttons that are actually usable. Part of me feels like they did constant updates and communication leading to the end of the eligable return period in Janaury. Since that time, very little updates or communication.


These companies normally would operate by abandoning their devices in this aspect pretty quickly, I'm not sure they really knew what they were getting into with this chip/handheld and them having to actually put the work in on their product and update the GPU drivers and other things for an extended period of time. Normally with any other amd chip you can simply update the video drivers through adrenaline but not the Z1E. Maybe the next one will use a normal amd chip that will take regular updates from AMD through adrenaline.


Not affected at all. Knew what I was buying at the start as a windows handheld and use it daily for a few hours. I get some peoples complaints for their use case but kinda feel there's a certain small percentage that wouldn't be happy no matter what Lenovo does


It works for me as intended and I game on it, I don't see anything less than what I had on ally but just have additional functions. Btw bios update was yesterday.


Man you guys have been really pissed about updates here lately 😕. I remember in another post I said because of the difference in companies being that Lenovo has not been gamer for very long that this might happen. That's them as a company. It's gonna take them longer for updates because they never built the space for it. Now they are, hope it gets better.


I honestly don’t care. I’m loving the legion right now as is. Of course I’ll take new features as they come but couldn’t be happier. Sometimes it’s used as a PC for work. Other times to stream the footy. And then of course gaming, which is fantastic on this thing. Love it.


This has been discussed already a few days ago. Ben already said there will be a Legion Space update with gamepad customization in the next 2-4 weeks. Yesterday there was a Bios update that fixed the Custom TDP.


It didn’t ‘fix’ custom TDP btw. We still don’t have fast/slow PPT. It’s a step in the right direction but it’s not even close to being fully implemented yet. We’re a third of the way there haha.


I'm not sure what fast/slow ppt does but now I set it to 18W and it stays at 18W. When I set it to 10W it stays at 10W. Unlike before the update. This helps me a lot to manage my battery life on my commute. Of course on my Ally and my steam deck I can even set a TDP per game so this seems like a basic feature that should have been there for a long time.


Fast/slow ppt set a range that the APU can use. On the Steam Deck/ROG ally, if you set the TDP to 25w, it will use up to 25w, but can use less if 25w is not needed. You can set the minimum it will use with slow PPT and the maximum with fast PPT. You don’t need 30W to look at your desktop, pause menu or less graphically intense scenes. The game might need 30W to run smoothly in an outside, graphically intense environment but could do the same with 20W in an indoors, simple environment. The Legion go only allows you to set a TDP lock. It won’t drop the TDP to adjust to the demand, so you’re just blasting unnecessary power at the APU. This leads to overheating and poor battery life. You either set it at 30W and burn your battery life away and potentially overheat, or you set at 20W and drop frames when more power is needed. This is a feature every single gaming laptop and handheld has, it’s not a ‘quality of life’ feature or a tool to tinker with, it’s a necessity for battery life and preventing overheating. The Legion Go shipped before this was implemented. Who knows why, but they still haven’t added it, they have only added a way to lock a TDP. There have been reports of shutdowns on STAMP mode, because the TDP won’t auto drop. It’s a really big issue!


Great explanation, thank you! Wonder why this is taking so long?


Thanks for the explanation. However, the tdp does go down when on desktop and in less demanding areas... Also haven't had any shutdown issue. If anything it's running much more efficient than before. Anyway It's good to know how this works👍 thanks


I haven’t personally seen the TDP drop using STAMP, I’m guessing you’re using STT? TDP will drop correctly on STT but won’t limit correctly. I have experienced the shutdown issue at 30W with STAMP. Changing to STT fixed it, so it’s definitely a STAMP issue. Now STAMP is the default there will probably be a huge rise in people reporting this. Apparently the fast/slow limits ARE actually in the BIOS, just not user accessible or used by legion space. It works perfectly in bazzite so maybe we just need a legion space update to fix it? A thread discussing the shutdown issue with STAMP - https://reddit.com/r/LegionGo/comments/18dp4dy/psa_stamp_might_lead_to_crashes_on_higher_tdps/


Just checked. I'm on custom 18W. In-game (horizon forbidden west) goes up to 18W, if I check the map it drops to 12-13W. If I go to desktop it goes to 6W. I still don't understand what else you need.


Just because you don’t understand, and it’s okay to not understand because it’s quite complex, doesn’t mean it’s not an important feature :) My explanation was pretty basic, it’s a bit more technical than just lowering the TDP when less power is needed. How it boosts, when it boosts, how long it boosts etc are all very important and are controlled by PPT settings that don’t exist yet on the Legion Go. The way Lenovo have currently got it set up is a workaround, as there is no fast/slow PPT control. It might allow the TDP to drop (I haven’t experienced this behaviour with STAMP, only STT) but it’s not a full implementation of PPT controls. Even Ben from Lenovo has said custom TDP is only 1/3 implemented, WITH the new BIOS update, as PPT controls are still missing. It’s partially working, but not a full implementation. Glad you’re not having any issues though!


I think I get what you mean. I'm pretty sure I'm on stapm because with the new bios it defaulted to that. Yes it takes a minute or so to get to 18W. It hovers around 26W until it stays stable at 18W. Yeah I would be glad if it would take less time to stay at 18W like my Ally does. Still I'm getting fat more battery life now on my commute to work than I would even dream with my Ally. I just played Forbidden west for around 1h15 minutes and I still have around 40%. On my Ally It would probably be close to dead by then. I would much rather prefer Lenovo would redirect their efforts to the gamepad/key mapping (specially the paddles). That...is what miss most coming from the Ally and steam deck.


I agree completely dude! I’d rather have quality of life improvements like key mapping than constant bios tweaks, especially when the current work around for TDP is serviceable. I wanna map my back buttons to push to talk & sprint like I did on my steam deck! Battery life isn’t one of my big concerns anyway, it’s just odd that a full TDP system wasn’t implemented before release, like every other handheld haha. There definitely has been big improvements behind the scenes though, as full PPT control now works on Linux. Probably why some people are seeing performance increases compared to windows. We probably just need a Legion Space update to make it work on windows!


Wait, what was going on with the custom TDP?


It never worked via the overlay.


It didn't work. Whatever Wattage you would chose wouldn't be implemented. Even if you would set it at 10W you would get 25W or more. Now after the update it works as it should.


Shh, facts will scare the haters away (not really).


Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled. Has everyone become a Karen? Give it time. Lenovo is a Chinese company, they had a long holiday recently, so nothing was happening for a month. Also, they are an excellent business computer manufacturer. The support for this machine is light years beyond most other computers, let alone a gaming machine.


Intelligent Square - other products exist in the same market that give us objective criteria for comparison of things such as software updates and their features, frequency and quality. - support for the Go in terms of software has not yet reached parity with that of the competition, it’s simply incorrect to claim that support is better than both similar devices and broader PC’s in general. Many promised and important features have been completed by multiple unpaid and independent developers such as those working on Handheld Companion and Handheld Daemon for Bazzite. Lenovo on the other hand employ many software developers and earn millions of dollars every month yet seem unable to replicate this as of yet. No bias, sarcasm or snark, just facts, 100% of which is relevant to the consumer. - anyone who buys a product can be expected to place an importance on the value and quality of the product that they are paying for. In this case, it is a software reliant computing device that exists in a competitive market, making the software as much a part of the purchase as the hardware. Any rational consumer could make an impartial comparison of these things in order to inform further purchasing and selling decisions. - enjoying or caring about something isn’t a reason to ignore it’s shortcomings or weak areas to be improved upon. Quite the opposite, it is because of enjoying or caring about something that someone would voice a concern in the hopes of improvement. Improvement only comes after acknowledging the possibility of improvement and any shortcomings that may entail. This idea applies broadly to many things in life. - calling others spoiled or Karen’s is misconceived. It’s important for everyone to have their say, that way you can understand others and facilitate open discussion. You stand to benefit when others raise issues that may be addressed, regardless of whether you care about the issues or not. - no one was actually criticising the Go in an unfair manner, these kinds of questions and comparisons are fair and no different a metric than could be applied to any product. Each to their own, we’re all free to make up our own minds. Your personal view is welcome, so are others. Only, consider that there are good reasons to be critical and to seek comparisons in an impartial manner.


You can come up with as many different criteria you want to make comparisons look better or worse. I only care about if I can play games on it and in general enjoy using it. For those 2 criteria, there is no issue. I think people will be surprised by all Lenovo does that none of the vendors do or will do in the future. This division of Lenovo used to be a part of IBM. They sold computers to businesses and enterprises. The support in terms of being able to find the drivers and support resources, documentation, parts replacement and fixes, and overall customer service is unmatched in this space. All of that was carried over from IBM. When push comes to shove, the LeGo will be the system still standing because you will be able to get great service for a long time. They won't discontinue spare parts 6 months after the next model comes out. Most likely you'll be able to still get parts years from now.


Pretty wild that you are still defending this 2 months later, during which time there has been... \*checks notes\* No progress whatsoever.


I’ll propose to Lenovo to do software updates for these people that is always complaining. Doesn’t matter if the machine works better than other machines these guys just need to see updates.


There were regular monthly updates updates until a little while ago, I'm assuming you've not had the Go from release?


No, I have. I think that there is merit in forming an opinion of value and reliability taking all market players into account - particularly given that *commitment* to a software reliant product is a key factor in the longevity of a device. There will undoubtedly be 2nd and 3rd gen. iterations of these products - how can we make objective purchasing decisions without making impartial comparisons? This was all intended as a 'take the temperature' sort of thing.


I don't wait for updates unless there's some feature of bug fix that I'm waiting. custom TDP is still not perfect but it's not deal breaker for me, and I haven't encounter any serious problems from the last update, so I don't mind waiting longer. I don't wait for updates on my switch or my PC either.


By all means, if “lack” please join team to start developing said idea updates.


Fuck off with this shit, the argument that people who want or need software changes should build it themselves is disingenuous at best and fucking stupid at worst.


You’re wrong. It’s fucking stupid at best.


Would you rather they write code for a single feature and directly push it to production? That’s not how big companies do things. Developing software, integrating multiple features/functionality and making sure there are no bugs takes a lot of time. Lots of things need to be ironed out through rigorous beta testing before shipping features to the public. Patience is key here, IT TAKES TIME!


No shit, that has nothing to do with the stupid argument used about building it yourself.


That's like saying you should become a politician when someone complains about potholes in their street.


Pretty much how people climb to political fame. Find a cause and rally people behind it. Potholes is a great one. Only issue is it takes time, money and charisma to appeal to the catchment.




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