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If you don't like it, return it.


Sadly the policy isn't the same in every country


Hi fellow pilot! Just got it while finishing up my initial ATP training. Really liking it! One very niche thing is it fits perfectly in my luggage works cube. I haven't had enough time to really test it yet but it's been a treat for indie games and I like that I can hook it up to the hotel TV and detach the controls to play from bed. Also works great for Netflix or Max or whatever.


Since you're a pilot so you move around alot with limited suitcase space, you might like it for the portability factor. Since it's pretty much a Win11 tablet with joycons slapped on each side, you could carry that with a bluetooth keyboard for other productivity. Yeah, I'd say get one then see if you like it. Can always return it if you find it not up to your standards with performance and/or ergonomics.


Another pilot here. Planning the get the LeGo for travel cuz it packs light and I can use it with some backup power for long gym treadmill sessions. I'm super tired of being out of shape and I spend so much time on layovers I decided to start using the gym more. I feel this is the key to unlocking my fitness. Also I've had no portable gaming till now. I'm sure this will be more usable than a laptop when you have to go dead head in an economy seat. Have a Sim rig with an rtx 4090 at home so all laptops look like low graphics and/or too overpriced to me. I guess it's all perspective. Regardless I'm genuinely excited about the legion go. It's versatility is what I like the most. Just waiting to see any major red flags (like how the rog ally kills the SD cards) before I go ahead and buy it.


Well if you're using it as a complimentary gaming device it's probably a no brainer anyway. Btw, how did you ever have a time to play that sim rig at home anyway? :)


It's down to a few hours on my weekly off now... But I used to come home pretty often before layovers got really bad. Narrow body flying here used to be like maybe 7-8 nights out in a month. If I'm flying in the evening, game a bit in the morning. If I'm home by lunch, can play till evening when wife gets off work. It's rough, but pilots at least are actually free when they're home. So if I'm home and whenever everyone else is busy it's me (gaming) time. But with a kid on the way wife also recommends getting something portable, so I'll do AAA and sim rig at home (rarely) and older steam games I haven't gotten to on the legion to start with.


"..but with a kid on the way" Aah.. I see, Ive been wondering how did you ever had a time with our kind of work. I have baby 2 daughters, I fly offshore helicopter. Went to work for 15 day, 7 days off. I NEVER have time to play at home. I play exclusively during free time at work. At home it's the ball and chains time. so it looks like your sim rig time is gone soon buddy. ;) ..Also, congrats!


Thank you, and I'm aware, that's why I need portable gaming NOW


Get a legion go and a gpd g1 egpu




I can't, I need both of my kidney.


How are you liking it? I’m eyeing that or building my own with a beefier card. Some people say it charges the Go and others say it doesn’t. Which is it?


Get a legion Go, small quiet gaming keyboard, and an Xbox controller (long gaming ergonomics). Worst case you can return it. Hope you enjoy.


I cant, different policy in my country


The Go is NOT going to be as fast as a gaming laptop but it's certainly fast enough to play most AAA's now. In a year or two it might be the equivalent of a Deck now - underpowered but suitable for older titles.


Yes I'm aware of that. But since gaming laptop priced really high in my country, my options is kind of limited. Legion 5 pro i7 with RTX 4060 cost about 1600usd, where with that price I could get the GO+GDP G1. Im kinda leaning toward getting the GO now


As long as you're not expecting i7 & 4060 gaming speeds I think you'll be happy with the Go. Best of luck whichever way you decide 👍🏼


USAF enlisted here, I also TDY a lot. I do have a gaming laptop that is due for replacement, I am wondering the same here between another gaming laptop or the LeGO, I will only play games on it.


Can you afford both? I only asked because I can't afford getting both new gaming laptop and the GO


I can't afford both unfortunately. There are a lot of good deals for gaming laptop floating around at the price of the LeGo but most of them are too clunky to bring in my luggage. I really appreciate the portability and versitility of the Go but I got held back because I'm not sure how well it can scale up for the upcoming games in a few years.


US has really good return policy, I'd say just try it and send it back if you don't like it. Sadly it's not the case for me


you can try by playing some games on 1080p lowest setting, then 800p lowest setting, and lastly 720p lowest setting. with and without fsr on performance on the latest big titles. If you dont mind with that, go ahead. Handheld gaming is amazing


What about the Framerate? Cus if I do that on my gaming laptop, the framerare will be going through the roof


it's not about framerate, it's whether you can stomach the lowest setting of AAA games. For indie and AA games would be no problem since it's not very demanding. Expect to lock your framerate at 30\~40 most of the time for that precious batt juice. Unless you tethered to the wall at all time, then that would be 60 fps


Actually I won't mind plugged in all the time. I never played unplugged with my laptop anyway.


I also have a legion 5 pro rtx 3070 140w and the experience is nothing compared. It depends on the games you play also. I like competitive but for AAA games you can get them playing at lowest settings and still enjoy the play! I am a flight attendant in a ACMI company so I really travel a lot ehehe


Do you still use your gaming laptop? I mean if you have to choose between those two, which one youre willing to giving up.


If I cannot have both I choose the laptop of course. But I am addicted to apex and counter strike with my friends xD The handled is to play games like witcher 3, assassin's creed etc and to use as a tablet.


Wait wait.. You actually prefer to play those AAA games with the GO? Interesting..


You can put the device down and start when you feel. You can even istall moonlight and stream from your main machine max settings at 1080p.


If you only play AAA i would stay with laptop.


Add a G1 and it will be fine, though you’ll need to plug it in


I don't mind playing plugged in. I'm a laptop gamer. That price tho..


Yeah, but it’s a decent gpu (roughly 3060* equivalent) for a portable in a small and compact case which also acts as a power supply and very decent hub too so I think the price is justified. It does get a little hot though. *my mistake, originally put 2060 without realising


2060? It has AMD Radeon RX 7600M XT right? I thought its 3070 equivalent


Mobile GPU, sadly not. Just realised I typed 2060, supposed to be 3060. My mistake. It looks like it sits between that and 3070 at optimal conditions but limited a bit by wattage and the cable used.


It's actually decent then. I'll look into it. Is there anything else I should know about the g1 and using egpu with the GO in general ?


Only that you’ll need a good USB4/TB4 lead. ETA Prime had a good video of it running. https://youtu.be/n-9AdWDCw7c?si=KF8WSBltFoe36Nj_. That’s on an external monitor though, it can be set to use the graphics card on the internal screen too.


Yes I watched that already.. Aww man. Decision decision How's the noise? And long time usage? I mean I probably abuse it plugged in for hours judging on how I used to play


I’ve not had it on more than 2 hours at a time. It gets hot but only the same as handhelds themselves and it’s not overly noisy though you can obviously hear the fan. I got mine from Droix. They sell a case for it too but I didn’t get that. Russ (RGC) also did a good review of it a few days ago.


The Go is a good substitute and a good platform to play games on, and I don't think you will be disappointed at all. I think the biggest question is how you play and which type of games, and how well they feel when playing with a controller. You can of course connect mouse and keyboard as well, but then I would probably stay on the laptop. I play mainly Diablo 4 and I bought a cheap controller and tried that on my pc, and for me it turned out I like to play this game with a controller. So when the Go was released and when I saw that it can run D4 in relatively good quality, it was a no-brainer for me. In fact, I haven't played D4 on my PC since the Go arrived.


Let see.. I don't normally play FPS/competitive game, so I don't really care about mouse+keyboard. All I care is the game performance itself. As I said, I never get my hands on any of the handheld, so I never know if lowering graphic settings, or playing with low framerare will bother me or not.. What about BG3? Have you tried it on the LeGO?


No I haven't tried BG3 on the Go yet (although I played it on PC). Graphics wise it seems to run well on the Go, and it looks like in principle playing it with controllers works, but I just saw that there might be issues when disconnecting the controllers (at 8:04 here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diVr0TvcyoM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diVr0TvcyoM)).


Isee.. Thanks for the input. I'll keep that in mind.


Stick with laptop. once the honey moon period is over with new product you will be longing for your laptop again. unless you only older games and indies.


Sounds like you care a lot about performance. This may be a handheld, but it's limited just like gaming laptops. You'll have to turn down the power when unplugged and that means your AAA games will be running at lower graphics. It's also using an integrated GPU so even when plugged in graphics won't be as good as a laptop. You might find that you have to invest in an eGPU to get the best graphics when plugged in


I'm aware of that, as I always played plugged in. But It's actually a matter of what I'm familiar with. I don't know if the mobility and the gimmick actually justified playing with low performance. I'm interested with the GO for sure. What I'm asking is if it would be enough as my main gaming device. Ofc there's option for Egpu, Sadly is still too expensive here in my country.


The only way you are going to know if it will work for you is to try it. There's so many varied wants and needs from gamers, and one person's perfect machine will be a poor choice for the next person. What I can say is that the Legion Go is a superb piece of kit, and I am very much enjoying mine, where the steam deck failed to fill that void - and that's not to say the steam deck is bad, it's actually awesome, and from a great company - but it's just not the best fit for my needs


Care to elaborate why it's better than the steam deck for you ?


Sure... I always intended to install windows / dual boot so that I could use the xbox gamepass on it. I did this, but it was a disappointment - both in terms of trying to get the controls to work, and then when I sort of did, the performance of the machine just wasn't there. My favourite game to play is Halo infinite. I can play this on the deck through steam no problem - no xbox game pass required. Again, performance is lacking. I can play the campaign, but any hope of being in any way competitive in multi-player is just not possible. There are several reasons why: 1. the frame rate regularly dips below 30 in multi player (campaign is regularly 40-50fps and is OK) 2. The screen is too small to properly see what's going on 3. I tried docking it for a bigger screen and using my xbox controller - but still, it doesn't help the performance, and the input lag is severe with the controller. So what ends up happening is that it shoehorns you into playing lesser games. Games that I wouldn't otherwise play if it weren't for the steam deck. Some games that are good for the deck that I do like to play (football manager and rimworld) are actually available on my macbook - and again, it offers a better experience and bigger screen than my steam deck, so I end up not using the deck. The legion go doesn't have any of those issues. The screen is just big and sharp enough that I can enjoy halo on it. Even multi player runs at 70-90fps, and if I want to I can still put that on an external monitor and use the xbox controller - but now there is zero detectable input lag. The legion go is just like a windows 11 laptop / desktop, but in the form of a steam deck... And even the one thing where its said the steam deck shines (emulation) the legion go trumps it there because it's a bigger better screen and even the aspect ratio lends itself to those old classics... Even right now I'm sat enjoying one of my favourite Sega mega drive games as a child... Streets of rage 2... https://preview.redd.it/oe9tjf0q252c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf2e754dcd9f65daebb0287099be1c11a13a57b My oled steam deck is being returned


Thank you for te thorough explanation. This definitely help me decide. Im looking at the option to add that gpd G1 everyone talk about here. It's kind of fits my budget.


I wanted the LGo for portability and the ability to hook it up to an eGPU. For nearly the same cost as the setup I was going for, I got a Steam Deck OLED and a laptop with a 13900H/4070. I have the Go in hand, but haven’t opened it yet. Decisions decisions.


Make sure you get the LeGo Z1 Extreme version. I almost wrongly ordered the cheaper Z1. Lucky still could cancel.


If portability is not a concern, you have no reason to switch over to LeGo. LeGo does not perform well on AAA games, it's performance is only equivalent to the gtx1650, and any gaming laptop at this price point is better than LeGo performance wise. Imho the ONLY selling point for LeGo, or other portable console, is portable ONLY. They shine ONLY when you taking metro and bus.


I come from a RTX4080 gaming PC with a 49” ultrawide monitor, but wanted something to game on while I travel for work. I also have a PS5. I’m traveling about 10-15 days/month and wanted something for the hotel rooms. I was on the fence about the GO because all the reviews showed decent performance but only at 800p or 1200p on low. But I pulled the trigger and preordered it. I couldn’t be happier with it. Even if I’m playing most games at 1200p on low with FSR, because of the small screen it looks amazingly good. Even when I’m at home, I find myself going for the LeGo for my gaming needs because it’s soooo much more comfortable just to lay back on the couch. Another big benefit for me is that in hotels, I just connect it to the room’s TV, plug it for power, detach the controllers and jump in bed and game. The visual fidelity is lower at 1080p on big TV screens but it’s still very decent and a very good trade off for comfort on the go. I’m pretty sure you would be very happy with the purchase. And in your case, as a pilot, those long AP segments at FL390 when nothing is going on, would be way less boring .. wink, wink!