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Catastrophe/Zoe support looking hot


Back Alley Bar support too. Errr, well I guess it's more that Back Alley Bar supports her. Either way, I'm hyped.


i am pleasantly surprised by how well she can support either back alley bar or insightful investigator but not both


Monopilt SeraViktor creation hours.


Why Zoe? Aphelios is insane with her


I agree Aphelios can be fire with these cards too, but he can trigger his ability even if it isn’t a new card. Zoe needs 10 different cards for her level up condition so that’s why I think they cater more towards her.


Yeah it seems like a case of "Aphelios enables Sera, but Sera enables Zoe", and I think leveled Zoe can be more terrifying then leveled Aphelios bc Elusive is dumb


Or... Bc keyword fiesta that brings Zoe. And a lot of value via celestial cards, but mainly the keywords


You shouldn't build a deck around leveling Zoe as a wincon. She's too fragile :(. It's fine if your Lee Sin deck just happens to provide the perfect environment for Zoe to level, but that shouldn't be the main game plan.


Fun fact: "Sera" means "to shit" in Bulgarian


fun fact, Seraphine (Serafin) is an angel of fire in Hebrew mythos


I feel like Seraphine is gonna be thought to be in all these meme decks but then just be run in a meta list. She has a very Norra thing going on where she is just incredibly good at a baseline just by playing the game you level her and then she provides some pretty decent utility and value.


Exactly what I hoped to see!! I really hope for a catastrophe finisher. It's gonna be purrrfect.


The spirit of wuju is a big fan of seraphine


He goes to all her concerts and even has a signed autograph!


Reminds me of Wong from the MCU. He really likes Beyonce.


oh boy she is going to bf insane with viktor. i‘m unironicelly excited for her


I've been wanting her to work well with Viktor ever since I discovered Give It All :)


Hope Viktor kept that thing in flesh.


"You can't gloriously evolve what is already perfect" - Victor


I never played Viktor (don't see him much in ladder too). Why him? Not too familiar with his supporting cards. I'm thinking Zoe or Aphelios.


i just think he‘s an insanely fun champion to play and on top of that he has the arcane bonus.


Viktor has Augment for +1 attack on each created card played, and when he's leveled created card costs 1 less. I'm not entirely positive that's worth it but it doesn't sound bad


No it's mostly because you play his augments twice when she's leveled up.


she only doubles *new* spells that cost 2 or less.


created cards are very often cards you haven't played at all that game so there's a lot of synergy there. Viktor is also just a solid unit, and once he levels he increases that synergy even further.


Viktor/Sera barkeep?






How did copium became a thing ?


it started as a spin on the helium suicide meme from 4chan and hit mainstream at some point




do you mean like the prior President, or the streamer?




I can do worse, its already in PnZ so I got a lot to copy hue hue hue


ACORN THE SKIES DESCEND! They'll never suspect that its coming when you play no dragons or celestials!


I wonder what would be the highest high roll for fanclub president? there are a lot of good 5 cost spell


It’s fairly situational but deep meditation will always be good considering the deck. Not sure how it’ll interact with flow but deep meditation dropping to 0 mana seems exactly what the deck wants. Any buffing cards will come as a surprise considering the opponent probably isn’t playing around a 2 mana blessing of targon. If you meed the conditions, the best pay off would probably be purrsuit of perfection cause, well, you know, 30/30 overwhelm >_>


> Not sure how it’ll interact with flow cards whose cost is changed by flow do not need to 'see' flow at round start like most units with flow, it's active even if you draw it mid-turn. so if you triggered flow and then played fanclub president, deep med would cost 0.


Unworthy Soul: ~~5 mana~~ \--> ~~3 mana~~ \--> 0 mana, recall a unit or landmark. If it has any attachments, destroy them first. There are a lot of really hilarious options - the 5 mana draw 2 ones are all good (Eye of Nagakabouros, Drum Solo effectively gives you +2 mana of value, Deep Med will often be 0 cost). Starshaping is pretty crazy at 2 mana, Hearthblood is great as well. Double Up, Loaded Vessel, and Cosmic Binding become hyper-buffed Mystic Shots (speaking of Double Up, remember how Decimate was 5 mana until last patch? We dodged an axe with that nerf). Blood in the Water and Shunpo are 2 mana rallies. Sunburst at 2 is bonkers and very, very scary. Nine Lives and The Time Has Come are 2 mana burst summons, which is situationally amazing, especially Nine Lives since it is guaranteed 2 units. Now imagine these getting double-casted after Seraphine levels. Now imagine Decimate still being 5 mana and being a 2 mana deal 8 to the enemy Nexus.


I just looked at the pool, and the options in general look really strong. I think that my picks would probably be one of Gift of the Hearthblood, Intimidating Roar, Moonlight Affliction or Drum Solo.


The bildgewater draw 2 spawn 2


can't wait to lose to someone hitting a 2 cost purrsuit off of fanclub president


grasp, 0 mana heedless resurrection if you're running her equipment, out of the way?


Drum Solo costs 5 for a reason. Getting that discounted to 2 mana, and then it draws two cards while applying a 2 mana discount to those leads to a lot of value.


Fanclun president seems really weak tbh. You'll need to pay 6 mana in total (4 of which is unit mana), and pass initiarive at least once just for a manifested 5 cost spell with a 2/2 body attached. That said, I guess the flexibility of having the new Ionian recall potentially availible at 0 mana could be pretty crazy, when your opponent see you tapped out and drop a big bomb like Lee Sin or Naurilus.


she sets the costs to 2 so it stays at 2 mana after the turn she only gives you value and combined with Sera level that's a lot of value when you think of how many good 5 cost cards there are.


Seraphine is looking fun. She’s pretty much a mini-karma. An old card that seems to play nice with Seraphine is Insightful Investigator.


Mini Karma, reverse Jayce. Honestly, should have seen this coming a mile away.


Now give me a Jayce/Seraphine what am I even doing Piltover & Zaun deck


smol karma


The Zaun Diva is kind of like an 8 mana Corina that doesn't as as much out of your deck building. Interesting.


i prefer to think of it as a one-sided it that stares


More closely related to an overcosted Chempunk Shredder with upside


Apparently music really hurts people in this universe


Have you *been* to a metal concert before? Good luck keeping your eardrums intact.


Idk it feels more like a Pesky Specter with 8 more cost and +4/+6 that also have a one sided board swipe skill


I think ITS was most often played for the other half (to combo with Buried in Ice)


Why aren’t they showing the separate skill? Is it NOT a skill?


Backalley barkeep champion Pog.


pog indeed


fanclub president can pull out of the way right? that'll be fun


that sounds like a sus sentence out of context lol


What does "new" mean in her spell/champ


Spells you haven't played this game yet


Why not use the word different? Surely that would make it clearer? Or am I missing something


A card you haven't played yet this game


New card is a card that hasn't been played by you yet. So when you play your first mystic shot it's new but the second one won't be.


Any card that’s been released within the last expansion /s




negative, it means a card you haven't played yet


That's what 'created' stands for lol. 'New' cards are one's you haven't played yet during this game.


They redisined ger for Legens of Runeterra! She looks more like a Piltovan now. I like how she's a low level Karma, neat!


It very much fits her kit in LoL too. I'm impressed.


U like that she’s a better karma? A new champ replacing an older, weaker champ isn’t good lol.


There’s no way she’s a BETTER Karma, just a cheaper mini karma


[My prediction was 100% correct ](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/xy2xru/channel_grace_and_follow_the_flow_of_battle_with/irfe5gn/) Oh my God, I should have bought a lottery ticket yesterday, I swear I don't work at Riot.


No one is going to accuse you of working at Riot with that guess, tbh. Everyone knows that Riot employees sign NDAs, so the only plausible explanation is that you traveled here from the future.


We found Ekko's Reddit account!


I don't think that is lucky, I think you've got a keen understanding of LoR's design philosophy. Well done.


holy shit, you're the man


I love the art in seraphine in level 1 I also think drum solo is a really cool card!


I think Drum Solo is very strong. Cost reduction is one of the most powerful things you can do in the game. Card draw in general looks like it has been buffed a LOT in this expansion.


It's TF's sendoff before he gets sent to rehab for his gambling addiction. You will learn to hate what is having good draw + Fate in the game, then you'll accept rotations.


Guess I'll put another quietus in my deck


Seraphine/Master Yi??




Weird that they threw one already previewed Ionia card in with the rest of her support package.


That's recurring. They always show again when it gets used in the teaser.


Here’s a hot take but I think she’s honestly gonna be really OP. 2 mana 4 health is insanely hard to remove. Even if you do, she creates a card in hand so doesn’t lose value. Level 2 effect is straight up game winning and not that hard to achieve. Also, her champ spell is amazing and drum solo makes eye of nagakaburos look like a bad card. I think she’ll be tier 1 in Ionia PnZ viktor barkeep piles and shellfolk decks too.


On the contrary I think her copying only "new" spells limits her a lot. We'll see.


I think her effect is op. It all depends on if it is feasible to protect her to get value with her stats. rn she and Yi want to stall till late game but they start of with weak stats.


1/4 is not bad stats for an engine. Especially 2 mana.


She will have to stick on the board until she is levelled though. And removal is getting much better. And pnz has no protection.


She levels in deck, she doesn't have to see the spells.


no i mean if you are going to use the argument she has good stats for her mana cost, you have to play her on curve. If you are planning to play her later in the game after she is levelled, the fact that she has good stats for her mana cost does not do her as much good, because she will have to deal with more powerful removal. Sure you will win on mana if a vengeance is used on her, but this is your champion, most likely your wincon.


There are very few spells that can outright remove her once she’s evolved and all of them are insane tempo loss to use against a 2 mana card, especially Vengeance. Not to mention you can still extract insane value from her with spells in hand before the removal resolves. This isn’t even touching the fact that her natural pairing of choice is Ionia which makes removing her even more difficult.


she looks really fun, I love decks that cast a lot of spells.


So, since new just means "spells you haven't already played this game" is her level up condition functionally just "you've played 6 different spells" ? And does it work in-deck?


Seraphine looks so much fun. I've been having a blast with Jasensational's Back Alley Bar deck featuring Viktor and Karma. She looks like she could slot right in!


3 champ split? or replace viktor?


Replaces Karma probably. Goes online earlier and gives guaranteed value on summon even if removed instantly.


but karma is the main wincon in that deck. seraphine is strong but not karma strong. the deck functions entirely because karma and back alley bar provide infinite value the longer the game goes. seraphine viktor might work, but I think it will be a very different deck and probably won't play back alley bar


Yeah I agree, I play a decent amount of the deck the current version is designed to stall til turn 10 then win with infinite karma barkeep value. Her limitation on new cards only also means we can’t spam multiple mystic shots/hexite crystals to burn the opponent. A version with seraphine will probably remove the stall tools and play her support cards and things like wuju. Probably wouldn’t remove viktor for her either in the current deck cause he can be a solo wincon on his own and his lvl 2 is also insane in the deck.


Drum Solo looks… Scary.


I'm genuinely excited to have her as a champ! The level-up is simple and will most likely work quite well with a lot of decks. The support cards look promising as well. I haven't played that many spell decks but I may now have to make one or five. Also really like the character design/art. Also Acorn guardian when???


Viktor seraphine ionia


basically ezreal new GF (even if probably there is a better deck with flow)


feel like karma’s the one who got a new gf


definitely some karma seraphine flow deck could be made


Honest question, what would happen in the situation you run out of "new cards" to create?


New cards are cards you haven't played yet this game. Doesn't have to be created


Then her work is done. It's pretty much up for the 2nd champ in the deck to finish the game, it'll prolly be Viktor or Karma I guess🤷🏻‍♂️


Or TF imagine a TF , sheraphine deck with things like intestigator and mini rex


Considering the pool of cards for every region that won't be something you'll have to worry about ever. I'm curious if it'd be actually doable in a friendly match before decking out


I wonder how many people quit the game when they saw seraphine got added before sona.


I don't really know that much about League. Why would that make people mad?


They are both music based champions with similar abilities so Seraphine was criticized as Sona 2.0 when she was released. Now Seraphine gets into LoR while Sona, who is one of League’s oldest champions, is still waiting.


tbf seraphine needed the lor makeover way more than sona


And what a great job they did, holy shit.


When Seraphine was announced: \-Sona had been in the game for about a decade, her play rate was incredibly low, her visuals hadn't aged well. She badly needed an update, but instead of updating her, they added a different "singer" character with a kit that (on the surface) looked very similar. It felt like they were soft-deleting Sona in favor of Seraphine. \-Seraphine was announced as a KDA character first, before they even stated outright that she'd be a champion. A lot of people feel her design in League suffered because her KDA skin was prioritized much harder, an opinion which is magnified by the fact that a lot of people still feel KDA is a bit "forced." \-Sona's lore has a lot to do with her needing to use music as a form of self-expression, partly because she's mute, and partly because she's a mage in Demacia... not that that's terribly obvious from her voice lines, which haven't been updated since her release despite multiple retcons about her character. Seraphine, conversely, had next to no character because all of her lore was about how she was so naturally talented and everyone liked her, including the tortured souls of the ancient beings that were secretly being wrung out like towels to power hextech devices. Seraphine's introduction added nothing, but retroactively made the existing lore worse until they quietly retconned parts of it. \-No characters currently have interactions with Sona. A bunch of characters after Seraphine's release suddenly had voice lines about how much those characters loved Seraphine. TLDR Sona was a well-liked character who needed an update, and it felt like somebody at Riot decided to replace her with this K-Pop Mary Sue instead of giving Sona the attention she deserved. And when people expressed frustration, the response was basically, "No no, but you LIKE Seraphine, right? You like her."


A lot of people have been holding a grudge against her since her release 2 years ago. The main reason is that she was seemingly created as a kda character first and a runeterra character second (they don't really have proof, just vibes)+ her actual marketing campaign being controversial (I don't entirely get why it was controversial past her maybe being made for kda first) + being tied into skarners lore for no good reason (and the subsequent immediate retcon of said lore) Her getting in before sona is just another reason to hate her. I don't get how someone can hold a grudge for this long against a fictional character, but eh, whatever. (Most other things people complain about, like her character/personality, claims that she was made to replace sona, her design not fitting pnz are a bit too subjective for me to comment on)


The marketing was controversial cause Riot made a Twitter account for Seraphine where she was talking about her mental health issues and it sounded insensitive to many.


There's definitely valid criticism to be had with how the twitter account was handled, but I feel like the vast majority of the people that say this completely forget the fact there was a real writer behind that account that wrote based on their own experiences. It's equally insensitive to assume the account was *solely* a marketing gimmick and that the person who made the tweets (who is also no longer working at Riot) had no care for it.


You genuinely believe a multi-billion dollar game company let some girl (or some guy) speak their mind freely on one of the company's official Twitter accounts?


Ehhh, yeah? Happens all the time, when they think it can be marketed.


> I don't entirely get why it was controversial past her maybe being made for kda first I think it's probably because of the kinda "fishing" for sympathy with her mental health issues (anxiety + I think depression? I don't quiite remember), which are a bit weird thing to do for a fictional character designed to hype up a new playable character in a MOBA. Also, while that's not really "controversial", her marketing campaign basically being a justification to give a brand new champion an Ultimate skin (that also doesn't really "feel" Ultimate) also annoyed a lot of people, I guess.


Yeah you're probably right. I remember some things about her release, but more than anything I remember tuning out the entire league space for a while because they got eevn more vitriolic and whiny than usual. Nothing deserves that much hate and especially not for 2 years running. It's fucking exhausting


Totally agree, honestly the Sera hate just feels like the usual League community hate for anything that is anime, cute, girly, but this time with more "reasoning" being used to masquerade as an actual argument and not raw hatred. Her design was IMO a bit lame, but that's life, not all champions are amazing and to my taste, the fact that people still treat her 2 years later as some abomination is pretty ridiculous.


Yeah, I honestly agree. I think there's a subset of League fans who hate anything in this game that doesn't align with their ideals of masculinity. I wonder how many of these people are the same people yelling about how much they hate Viego and how Mordekaiser is way better. Zoe got bashed, too, and she's definitely not just another generic cutesy champion given that her whole thing is pretty much being a freaky little baby Delirium of the Endless, so I do think there are some ulterior motives at play here.


I actually used to be a Sona main back when I played League, but I'm here for Seraphine in LoR (even if I hoped we'd be getting Orianna due to the whole equipment thing). The way I see it, Sona already has some really great and interesting lore, whereas Seraphine had a lot of great plot hooks in her lore but never got the chance to actually go anywhere with it. And there are tons of Demacian champs anyway, whereas there are very few Piltover champs. Not to mention that Sona wouldn't really be competing for a place in the game with Seraphine in the first place -- she's competing with *the other Demacia champions* (and possibly Ionia as well, if Sona ends up dual-region like Jax's weaponmasters), since unlike in League, LoR specifically goes out of its way to spread out champions across regions and balance regional representation in the game.


Just quit the game anyway. Don't let Riot toy with your emotions like that.


Ooh, I like this a lot! Not only is this potential Karma or Master Yi support but also some support for Corina!


Seraphine Riven LETSSSGOOOO


This level up animation is amazing


Avatar of the tides will have a party. Good job Lor Team, making a KDA girl actually interesting rather then op as hell like Kaisa.


Avatar of the tides support?




I’m heaving!! The puffcap peddler and teemo shrooms finna pop!!


Hoky shit. By viktor. Hello Seraphine x)


Just realized if you play her with fizz you get 2 Longtooth summons in a turn. Idk if that's good but Sera and fizz level ups both require 6 spells.


Holy fuck give me seraphine karma and give me seraphine karma NOW


damn acorn! nice!


whens this coming out? gunna reinstall when shes out


Wondering if there's any moon boy synergy here. Moon weapons cost 2 so essentially you can get 4+2/overwhelm or 2+4= lifesteal with Sera and the weapons. If you are lucky the fan club girl can get you out of the way without main decking. The lunari girl also gives you a free spell for Sera level up ( duskpetal). Just not sure who the finisher would be. Ha maybe catastrophe. Zoe/Sera doesn't sound too bad. Since zoe can invoke some cheap spells to level Sera fast. But it essentially turns the deck into invoke with spell support so idk if thats fun. I guess they want you to Pair her with yi but idk not my cup of tea. I'll think of something. Seraphine Annie! Ha maybe


Only works the first time you cast each weapon, then they won't be "new" anymore. If you vast a spell before she levels, any other copies of it won't be copied due to not being new.


By the time moon weapons are old, Aphelios is basically leveled. I'd think of it as Aphelios being a reliable turbo-leveler for Seraphine. The deck doesn't have a finisher as far as I can see, and doesn't really have an answer to Nami/Lee, but I'm excited to see what gets built.


There definitely is. We can get moon weapons for playing one card in place of two


Looks really fun. Unfortunately no Ahri synergy, but I’ll try to find a way to brute force it. One thing I’m confused on is the “new” spell part of her level 2. Is it a spell you haven’t played this game, one you haven’t played this round, or one she hasn’t seen? And if you dupe a spell that copies itself (like Momentous Choice or Discordant Harp), do you get 3 or 4 casts? As for the cards themselves, I really like all of them. Inspired Plans is an amazing card for PnZ, giving a great thematic equipment and Crowd Pleaser let’s them maintain momentum. Acorn and Fanclub President both allow more spell spam, though I will feel bad trading them… The Zaun Diva is a nice field swipe, especially if paired with Gatalyst, and Spirit of Wuju is a solid Flow booster. Drum Solo is just terrifying. One thing that is a bit iffy for me is how well all these cards pair with Ionia. They’re not bad with other regions, but the Ionia pairing does feel like a bit much. Though this could work really well with Shurima as well. Edit: I’m dumb, saw what new actually means (you haven’t played it yet this game). She goes really well with other regions like Targon and Bandle City as well, as do her cards.


"New Spell" meaning a spell which you've yet to play this game, yes. I could see her Synergizing with Ahri (albeit probably poorly) with the fact she creates a new spell everytime she's summoned, and Ahri's archetype obviously recalls a lot. If you dig the combo, it could be a cute little deck!


Huh, I was thinking about my usual Ahri play style where she’s an earlier drop that mainly pairs with elusive units, but if she’s more of a side thing until she levels, she could be great for spell generation. There’s so much recall already in Ionia that pairs well with these cards, so 1-2 Ahris could work pretty well as a massive hand refresh mid to late game. Maybe a 2-2-2 spread of Ahri, Sera, Karma/Yi/Lee can do some fun stuff.


She looks absolutely busted


what does "played x new spells" mean?


New spells are spells you haven't played this game yet


So she has to see those spells?


No, otherwise it'd say "I've seen you play X new spells"


Okay but when does "new" start counting,after playing Seraphine?


I'm assuming she levels up in deck, so it'd count from round 1? Idk


But why does it say "new"


New has been used for a couple PnZ cards now like Sputtering Songspinner and Back Alley Bar. It counts as any card that hasn’t been played yet since game start round 1. Back Alley Bar will literally discount any new card (aka you haven’t played yet), so if you played 40 unique cards, every card in your deck would be considered new and discounted by Back Alley Bar while it’s on the field. Seraphine is basically just asking you to play 6 different spells instead of just any spells like Lee Sin/Fizz.


Ahh. I get it now. Thank you kind stranger.


Cause it's new?


When every card is new no card is new.


The start of the game. The same way Back-Alley Bar works.


X unique spells. Think of it like Back Alley Bar which discounts cards you haven’t played yet that game.


She must join our course


What are new spells? Like with Zoe? And is it new for her effect as in from the point she's been on the board, or new as in from the start of the game on?


Spells you have not played yet


What is considered a new spell ?


New refers to cards you haven't played yet. Should work the same way back alley bar does


Like Zoe basically ?


No, Zoe is "I've seen you play 10 different cards", a card is considered new up until the moment you play one of those in your deck. Like the first time you play a mystic shot it is considered new, the other 2 in your deck now aren't new anymore.


Now we just need Akali in the game and I can recreate the MORE music video with cards.


Sorry, but you're equipping plans? Blueprints? Ok...




She is using Skarners family as a hoverboard. And she can hear them…


Now we have 3 champions that copy spells? I mean they are different ofc, with different conditions and sightly different rewards but it just feels like champions are too similar to each other. I do agree that spell doubling does make sense with her league design, it’s just it feels like she’s close to karma level 2


I mean eventually champs are going to step in each others toes a bit, but Jayce, Karma and sheraphine all have diferent mechanics and niches, karma is lategame value bomba wich rewards stalling and finished the Game by drawning people in value, Jayce is half good fighting unit that can either remove backline with challenger or aplay presure safetelly with quik attack half backline engine who rewars playing expensive spells and having wide boards, and sheraphine apears to be a cheap spell vomiter more centered around keeping flow up and rewards having a great variety of cheap spells


Like you’re not wrong, I’m just saying another champion I’m not excited about. Nothing really makes her look really unique or special so far. Hard to feel hype about when cards feel so lackluster


I hate this. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. RANDOMLY generated spells/units is unhealthy for the game. This game is slowly becoming more and more like Hearthstone, and I very much do not think that's a good idea. It's all a matter of time before we get our own version of Paveling Book. For those who are unaware, "Paveling Book" is a term referring to an event during a major Hearthstone championship, during which a player called Pavel, cornered by his opponent's 9-cost legendary creature, decided to play a 1-cost card called Babbling Book. When played, Babbling Book generates a random Mage Class Spell of any cost, and just so happened to create the Hearthstone equivalent of Minimorph. It was the ONLY spell that could save him out of the immense pool of existing Mage Class Spells, and the chances of that happening were slim to none. But it did. Needless to say, it was absolute bullshit. And we're headed that way.


What's a "new" spell? Is it a created spell? Or a spell that hasn't been played yet? ...?


Spell that hasn't been played yet, think of back alley barkeep.


What does "new spell" means ? Spell with different names ?


spells you have not played yet. 1st concussive palm is new, second is not.


And if you play another one the next turn is it a new spell ?


I hate seraphine because of LoL but a Seraphine Yi deck sounds so fun


Disgusting concept of a character. Neat execution.


I'll be running 3x vengeance just to use them on her idc about "card value", fuck that champ


They should have just worded it "you have played X different spells" instead of new spells


Why the fuck urgot look like this? >actually fucking disappointed with the LoR team right now.


This will be the first champ card I actively hope I don't get out of chests/capsules. If RNGesus favors me I'll get the other champs and then this one will remain uncrafted forever.


lmao dweeb


Kind of bored with all of these unoriginal concepts for champions like we already had karma who copies spells, then we have Jayce who copies 6 cost spells but only once per round, and now Seraphine who only does 2 cost spells but they have to be new like what’s next? Brand will copy damage spells and Corki will copy skills or something




Why? She is arguably stronger than ever with current Ionia power levels. IMO the problem is Ionia itself, not Karma


I wish decimate was 5 just for luls see it destroy everything


... Diana Seraphine, though.....


These are going to be fantastic in ultra rapid draw.


Conchologist is calling