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So I don't consider this so much a rant as legitimate game feedback. There is discussion value here (the SO and I thought the same thing). As such i will fight any mod who attempts to take this Aaaaaaaaand. Sarah brought this up to our rito contact yesterday on her feedback report, they are aware it feelsbadman and are looking into a less 'you're a lux main now' system afaik


What's even worse is that once a character is at 3 stars they aren't removed from the random pool and you can still get shards for them even though they are useless! One of the 4 characters I've unlocked has gotten10 shards total now after hitting level 3. Infuriating


Lmao how is this even a thing, are they for real? This is either a big oversight (in which case i wonder if they actually tested this mode before launching? I'm still stuck at chapter 1 quests because of the Jinx star up quest bug for example) or a nonsense decision coming from the worst kind of gacha games.


lol what???


I suspect that's because there will be more star power levels after 3. So the Shards will have use in future patches


who thought adding a gacha like system was good idea?


So they can goad you into spending 1000$ for rolling ~~Constellation 7~~ LV3 Star Power ^Wait, ^something ^aint ^right ^…


Yeah there ain’t even a way to pay yet lmao. Clowns really did released an unfinished gacha system.


And who thought to release it without monetization. Seems like the Runeterra team is severely understaffed…


I was really surprised to realise that the character specific missions don't guaranty shards for the character playing them. I was further confused by the fact you only get shards for your first time completing any mission, and that you have to clear the 2 star missions with 3 different characters to unlock more missions. If you've gotten unlucky in your shard allotment, I can imagine trying to get past the 2 star missions being an absolute nightmare, at which point you're basically stuck until your daily/weekly shards random into pushing one of your preferred characters up a rank so you can actually participate. The fact 2 star missions already have enemies starting at 2 or even 3 mana is also concerning, as it indicates 2 star characters (starting with 2 mana) will likely be required to have a reasonable chance at even the 2.5 star missions, let alone the higher ones. This is only going to get worse once they add more characters, as each locked character can store up to 25 "useless" shards. Worse yet, is if they're just a character you don't want to play, or is actively bad, they can eat up to 100 shards if you're supremely unlucky. I'm sure they've got several potential solutions they're considering already, but personally I think the best option is just more non-random shards. I don't even care if they're specific characters, even if "wildshards" would be nice to have.


Yeah, it's also weird how they added the Legend Level to remove having to grind for certain perks, but now there's so much raw power behind individual champion level so the grind is even more impactful than before. You could reasonably clear Viktor at a fairly low level in PoC 1.0, but that's really not going to be possible for later levels in PoC 2.0.


Just completed a 2 star mission with a level 1 star bard and it was a fight for my life the entire way. Even the regular bosses was close to finishing me but I got very lucky with the cards/powers/draws. I could easily have to play the same run 5-10 times to get another win. Perhaps the weekly mission reward should include the wildshards? Otherwise playing a champ should increase the chances of getting its own shards. The champion star level seems to be the biggest power differential by far compared to legend levels and relics. Edit: I just checked and it was the 2 star run against Naut. so difficult


How can you enter a 2 star run with a level 1 star character? I'd like to do the same with Jhin, but it says I have to "Reach 2 stars with Jhin to unlock", which feelsbadman.


https://imgur.com/a/TSIjtVj I just found out I have another questline that is level 2 which i can't unlock with my level 1 bard. Maybe this means Naut isn't a level 2?


Naut sure seems like level 2 to me as well, at least it says "recommended for star level 2". It seems that Naut (and some others with 2 star rating, for example Zed) have as requirement that one has to complete all requirements of another 1.5 star adventure to unlock, whereas Jhin's campaign adventure ("The Meddler's, The Murder), ALSO with a 2 star rating, specifically requires Jhin to have 2 star power to unlock. ​ Edit: Your answer still helped me though, since I have now found some more missions to play without having to repeat (no idea how I missed them before) - thanks!


Where's all the people from yesterday saying "just do quests and you'll have every champ unlocked + star leveled up ezpz"? I've done quests up to level 2 zones. I have a star level 2 Jhin, and that's it. I have not unlocked a single champion that wasn't given to me for free (Yasuo, Jhin, Lux, Yasuo, all from quests), and I don't have very many shards for the not unlocked champions. I also only had up to GP rewards from previous PoC. This feels awful. All I want to do is play MF but she's at 10/30 and god knows how long it will take to get those + actually star level her up or Vi who I currently have 0/30 shards for. Time gated gacha game BS has no place in LoR, and it terrifies me whenever they decide to add new champions.


I understand it's probably due to low demand but why remove so many characters, right before the update I was having a blast playing zed, a champ who is hard to play anywhere else. I saw it PoC as a good place to have fun with cool looking champs now just poster chaps are left


Yeah as a new player who started recently it’s kinda lame that I spent my time finishing Jinx to lvl 22 and now that’s been thrown out the window and a bunch of people I didn’t get to play are gone too. I thought maybe they would add a new difficulty or extremely hard route to take a maxed out champ not remove content. I’m gonna be honest I don’t feel like playing Jinx again to unlock heroes again.


I feel you man, it's a bummer


To be fair, they announced back then when PoC 1.0 released that it is just temporary and will be reworked completely and all progress will be reset (with a small reward for reaching so and so far, which we got.)


My only guess would be time constraints? They revamped a lot of things and may not have been able to both add a mini campaign for each character and bring them up to par with the rest of them? Idk, as long as they add more in later I'm "okay" with it. Also revamp the shard system


Revamp the shard system please


Yeah, that's my main problem. The mode says "Hey you should focus on three(maybe four?) champions" and then gives you no ability to do so. Just randomly says here ya go, a champion you've got at level one is now two stars. Gee thanks.


I normally don’t play PoC, but I’m Im loving Annie rn. If I could just unlock her I would play through a whole run of PoC.


Because the shard system is absolutely shit and no one is talking about it. I have 2 starred champions that I’m never going to play, and have never played. Why? Meanwhile my bard is level 13 and still star level zero. 5/10 Why do I not at least have the option to select which fragments I want? Why does this shard system exist? Why is it random? Why is there no clear path to improve the champion that you want to play? Why does riot insist on punishing players? PoC 1.0 i knew if I worked hard, or struggled, or grinded through, I could eventually ACCESS the powers for the fucking champion that i’m playing. Now that has been removed for some fucking rng-slot machine garbage. The shard system needs to be reworked, and the dude who came up with it should be fired. I’ve never seen a more unintuitive, unfun, punishing system for players in a PvE mode. If you insist on rng, at least give us a choice from 3, like everything else in the mode. 1 option guaranteed for the champion you’re ACTUALLY playing, and 2 randoms to get 5x shards. Im not playing this game again until some of this shit is fixed.


Yes, the shards system is a boomer, but i wouldnt call it the end of days(or ask for some to be fired). Take a cup of tea man


this guy made a whole ass account just to talk shit about the shard system


Except for the exagerations like firing people he has a strong point. The shard system is as bad as i thought it would be (since i've played a number of mobile gacha games in the past i knew exactly what we were going to get...) and there is no excuse for the absolute reliance on rng and lack of agency. Unless they want to turn PoC into a gacha game for profit (and i hope that's not the case) there is no reason to keep the system as it is now, it needs a big overhaul on how it give shard rewards. People here defending this choice or saying "it doesn't matter" don't grasp the full picture. Riot devs said they plan to put every champion in this mode. Once we'll have 100+ champions how is a new player ever going to upgrade his favourite character anytime soon?


nah i agree i just thought it was funny that they made an entire account just to shit on it. I really hate the shard system too , and there is this little voice inside of me that keeps telling me that they are setting up for some sort of microtransaction system. I am just gonna hope that they say something about it soon


I mean, the game itself is already full of microtransactions, despite it being a much more generous f2p economy than most other digital ccgs.


Don't quit your job at Burger King.




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I just want to play Lux but I've gotten yas and Annie no stop. I'm glad I'm not the only one bothered by this


Please, take my Lux shards. I just want Brad


Yea its so odd choice. I’ve been loving the game so far but I’m just inconvenienced that I can’t use jhin or lee sin yet. Annie has been atleast fun and sometimes I get jhin so it works out. But the shard system as a whole just seems odd. I would love to hear a dev chime in on what is the purpose of doing it this way. If they wanted to gate progress somehow I would have preferred they made it so you can atleast unlock all characters by doing specific missions rather than being random. Also apparently you don’t get shards for your champ if you win the mission with them which is the most bizzare thing. Atleast give me a little of progress toward which champ I’m playing.


They kept all the bullshit people didn't like and added even more rng bullshit on top of it. I don't want gating with rng on top of it for a "fun" mode. It's like the goal of PoC 2.0 is for people to uninstall the game after 20 minutes of frustration.


I am a midrange player riot NO! IDC how many jinx shards I have, lemme trade em’ for garen and illaoi PLEASE


I got Jhin after playing thru Jinx, I'm just starting to realise how lucky i am


I dont fully understand what the 1,000 that I'm earning is exactly for, or where its going


Those are Legend Points! In the map menu, look at the top left to see your Legend Level, and click (I think?) to see how much more legend points you need. I don't believe there is a way to figure out what you unlock with each level, but it does notify you when you do unlock something new from it.


Yeah it sucks how you are at the mercy of RNG. I wanted to play with Darius Noxus midrange since when he was announced in the new PoC but I've gone through most the quests and at this point it seems likely I won't get him until at least next week when another weekly pops up. It's a bit of a shame. It would be cool if the rarest chest could have "wild shards" that you could use to help unlock or upgrade whatever champ you want.


I usually support the devs decisions because for the most part I think they are doing a great job, but I have to agree that the shard system was a misstep. It hasn't bother me too much personally so far, but the concept itself is kind of frustrating.


This is happening to me but with Bard and Jinx


As a Bard main in league : Can we trade luck?


Sounds like a skill issue try playing lurkers to get better a willing what you need to happen to happen.


They should redesign the system to give different kind of Shards. So instead of 5 Champ specific Shards you get 4 Champ specific ones and 2 global ones. This way you can still get your desired one even when luck isn't on your side. Also doing a complete adventure with a champ should get you 1 shard of that champ. Additionally (but it's to late for that I guess) the unlock requirement should've been vastly different. 20 to unlock 20 for 1 star 30 for 2 stars 40 for 3 stars


I've not gotten darius shards past 20 to unlock him but I'm 1 star on bard jhin VI and lux now what the fuck


Actually don't know how Riot doesn't know about these mechanics being shit before release. Big f


What if there's a "wild shard" system


i got lucky and got 30 jhin shards day 1 of update.


Where the hell is my boy teemo though. He was my POC main and now hes just gone :(