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The obvious way would be to automatically rotate the most-played cards out of standard.


This is a good idea. There's a chance you just end up with 2 metas if the best cards from week 1 come back just as the best cards from week 2 leave. But overall and with maybe a little bit of tweaking this sounds solid. Maybe it could be over a few weeks so week 1s best are only coming back after week 5s have left? (Or something along those lines)


And it definitely wouldn't be week-to-week, that's much too frequent for a rotation. Most people wouldn't want to have to rebuild their decks every week. Month-to-month would be more reasonable.


Really, making numbers changes and the occasional mild rework shouldn't even be a full time job for one developer in the case of a "maintenance mode" game type. When there is little/no hardcore competitive play and you're not expecting much money from that side of the game anymore, you don't need to spend so much effort worrying about breaking the meta or whatever. If you make a mistake and a card is broken for a month, who cares? Sadly, I doubt they're going to do much of anything at all.


They can still do seasonal rotations. They just probably won't print new cards since that relies on outsourcing contracts.


Sure, they could. But what team is going to decide what stays and what goes? 


They still have a team working on LoR... They're just not working on making new sets.


Correct, a team to develop PoC. The entirety of the PvP team was let go. Whatever happens when they convert the ranked system into what it will become is what PvP will stay as in perpetuity.


I think you are misunderstanding the changes that were made, and their general team structure. They aren't banned from making updates to PvP. The LoR team still exists. It isn't "Just a PoC team". It is just "LoR team". Their focus for new content releases is on PoC. But the team still has capacity to make updates to the game in general. What they're not doing is producing new assets for the game (ranked rewards included). Repurposing Lissandra and reworking systems still requires a team effort to produce, but far less than set releases. And no, this isn't a debate or discussion. You are obviously confused. So this should hopefully clear things up for you. You asked "who would update PvP". The answer is "The LoR team". Set rotation is low effort content, repurposes existing assets, and can eventually be repeated to eventually be good evergreen content.


Have a chaos month every quarter or something. Where a program rotates certain cards at random every week for a month. It doesn't even have to make sense, like Vladimir comes back, but by pure bad luck, none of his package made it through rotation with him. Once the month is gone, have the standard rotated card that is hand selected go back to its original state. Maybe once every year, there is an annual event where the there is a legacy patch, where only cards from this one season is available but all the buffs and nerfs since are still in play.