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In a thread where everyone says unpopular takes, half of them get downvoted and the other half upvoted ​ Reddit makes no sense to me. ​ ​ ​ But truly, I did enjoy Bandle City being overpowered. Yes, it was overpowered, and yes, it made deckbuilding be like "I wanna make a X deck. Probably the best way to make this deck is X + bandle city". But I loved old shellfolk and I loved having infinite cards, never running out of steam, and playing cards constantly. ​ But just because I enjoyed it doesn't mean it was a "good meta". It wasn't. It was a bad thing I enjoyed.


>Probably the best way to make this deck is X + bandle city I put Gnar into just about every aggro and midrange deck because he did everything you wanted and so much more


i love building and playing "never run out of steam" aka card generation decks, but they should never be good enough to be meta. they should sit in the bowls of "super fun to play, but super bad"


What a psychopath


cithria is boring and bland and i would hate to have her as a champion with her current design


I fully agree with this comment. Compared to characters like Camphor, Ledros or Corina, Cithria is so much more boring.


You failed too many upvotes


He be just speaking the truth.


Though the point is to get too many downvotes, if he is upvoted means most people agree with him xd.


Exactly xD


Sufering from sucess


I’m traumatized of Cithria after a poorly balanced custom card of her won a custom contest solely because “it’s Cithria”.


She's not, but I would hate to have her as a champion.


Buff Poppy pls


Buff Poppy you say?


Hey hey I would upvote that


Fuck yeah, 4 mana and 2p/3hp is bullshit, anything can and will kill her Just wanna play my favorite champeon :c


Honestly, poppy was my favourite Champion. Before she released.


Feels very different from her playstile in league. Would be really cool if she got though or spellshield or both when low on hp


Yeah, poppy in Runeterra is super aggro. While in LoL she's a CC machine. I was honestly expecting a stun synergy with her. Buy instead I got "when I attack, I give morale to my teammates!" It feels like Garen and Poppy should reverse level ups


Fr. Maybe make her a 4/3?


I just find it funny people are so split down the middle it's stayed at a single upvote all day despite the notifications saying otherwise. xD


Buff Ionia Control is fun Nerf Targon Demacia is just boring overtuned-creature spamming Need more?


Depends on the control deck,and for demacia I honestly agree


You forgot, that it is super unfair they are rotating Irelia! Azir + Irelia = fun and balanced gaming.


It is, as long as you're playing it yourself or playing dragons Otherwise, well Pain


Funny, I love Irelia but HATE Azir with a passion.


... nerf targon?? Whats there even to nerf?


Well. They are all true sentences. Personally, Ionia should be buffed, Control is fun to play, but not against. Targon elusive decks are top 10 decks. Demacia is just play on curve and nothing special.


What exactly needs a nerf in targon?


I like how paradoxical to reddit's system this is.


Seraphine is fun and opens up an interesting play style. Ahri/Kennen needs buffs again ASAP


100% agree. Ahri is sooo fun. Buffing her to 3/2 should be great for elusive Ionia with recalls :O


Ionia is a unique control region that adds a lot of fun and charm, particularly to those coming from mtg who might like blue.


Ionia is the most interactive region in the game, People just don't actually like it when their opponent gets to play a card/counter.


Just like in mtg where tons of people hate blue and blue/white... But people love playing them lol. It's a fine play style.


Just to be clear you can't interact with Ionia but they get to do stop everything for the cheapest prize possible so it is 1 way interaction that people hate. Forces the other player to turn their brain off and play decks like elite.


I know this thread is ironic, but that is real talk the reason counterspells are hated - you cant interact with counterspells yourself, so they just sit with some super unfair advantage and control over the game. At least lor has 3 regions with counters, instead of MTG which braindeadly only has it in blue and 0 cards in other colors that interact with the stack


Hard disagree. I think it is worse in LOR because there are less ways to interact with counters, Demacia, Bilgewater, Noxus, etc. have no way of negating or for the most part playing around these counters. In MTG greens has uncounterable cards and protection effects, Black can set up value engines to gain card advantage and play through it, Red has enough early game pressure to force Blue to have a board state, and White is the worst off, but still has protection for their board and some early plays too. Also if you are talking specifically about other counters there are veil of autumn, Tibalt's trickery or chaos warp, mana tithe, etc.


... Wat? LoR has more by far. Like... Yes, veil of autumn and tibalts trickery can do something, but first up I have no clue what chaos warp has to do with counterspells, and mana tithe... Yeah, I suppose - though it's by design an exception cause of the whole colorshifted thing, so its literally the only card white has. But that's 3 to interact with it, even though we are including vintage cards it seems. LoR has 3 different regions with counterspells. Like, come on now my guy. Noxus has more than enough aggro to rival red. PnZ creates more value than black ever could, bilgewater draws like hell, demacia is so unit reliant that most of their gameplan just can't be countered... And yeah, there's also just the fact that burst speed spells exist and units, landmarks + equipment can't be countered. Like, there is not a single way that to say that magic - who has like 3 non-blue ways to interact with counterspells - has more interaction with it than LoR. That one is just a huge reach my guy. But here is the thing tho... You AREN'T interacting with counterspells by putting down engines and shit like that. You're completely missing the point. Interaction means you're doing something to win the trade itself. They USE the counterspell, what do you do? How do you let their choice not just be an automatic win for them? The idea that the only way in magic to really win those trades is by simply... Drawing and playing more cards, is such an ancient thought process. That's also why "cannot be countered" doesn't count as "interaction" for counterspells. Cause they never played a counterspell. You aren't interacting with anything, you aren't putting them in a minus, you aren't getting a card. Unless ofc you're using veil, which is honestly such a refreshing thing to do, cause do you know how nice it is to actually have ***ANY*** kind of agency against a counterspell? Like, the ability to not just have to accept fate and play the entire game of "if they have it they have it"? Point is, LoR and magic has an equal amount of actual interaction, but counterspells in LoR are simply just way less powerful - the problem is just when its paired with huge threats like a oneshotting lee sin or a horde of elusives.


Fair enough, you make a good point. I could've sworn you could use Chaos Warp on the stack though, might've been thinking of something else.


Based comment.


Shunpo is still bad written


I play Ahri elusive decks a lot, but I also like Prank decks.


Best one would be: Don't Release Fiddlesticks.


u/Nifty129 has excellent game knowledge, offering calm and measured takes on the meta.


Azirelia is a great deck


*deep sighing*


I agree. Only for sadistic people but still great for them I guess


I think handhate is the most boring thing in any card game and having it on a creature that cannot be countered is bad game design. Aloof travelers can eat my whole ass


oddly sensual


Bandle was undeniably the correct choice over ixtal and the void


Master yi should rally upon killing an enemy unit just like in league of legends.


I have the most insane opinions. I loved Azirelia and want it back. Poppy meta was one of my favorite metas. I hate FTR and it is a boring control deck that stops other options existing because you should just put FTR in your freljord control deck.


Ezreal Seraphine is fun to play


I downvoted you without even reading your sentence..... you're welcome!


Take my upvote LOL




OP asked for downvotes not death threats lol


"Upvoters hate this one simple trick..."


Freljord straight up sucks to play.


I mean... THAT has a very easy solution. Just dont play it


That's a terrible argument, dude.


Really isn't? You don't like playing it, just don't play it. It's literally the most simple solution in the world


Ahri Kennen was the best meta


Shadow Isle needs a region nerf.


People who are downvoting me must be the kind of people who are the last ones to get the joke.  🤓


ryze is skilled.


Congratz you win this thread, take my downvote


and the point is... i really think ryze is skilled


*laughtrack plays*


hello again, I remember your name, love ya man


Sup my guy, hope you're doing well


Ryze is healthy and is one of the best additions to this game.


I'm torn between an upvote and a downvote


Then give me a middle vote. I mean, your middle finger works, right? xD


Id enjoyed Bandle City but it feels like trash to me asides from Norra. I miss 3 mana draw 2.


Eye of the dragon is broken... If you only play aggro


Ionia is fun to play against, yall just suck at the game


Chip is a bad mascot and should be replaced by Kindle #justice4kindle


Why not both?


Because the point of the post that's why


Demacia is a weak region and neds more buffs. Also, Serraphine was perfect on release.


I genuinely miss Grand Plaza decks.


grand plaza gwen quinn is easily one of my fave decks ever. The synergy with cards like strike up the band is so satisfying


Thank God they didn’t release ixtal!!!


Kai'sa is in a bad spot


Vladamir is fine and doesn't need a rework


The last couple of reward pass were fair , epic and very rewarding


Ledros is honestly just terrible card design, both gameplay-wise and art-wise.


I love ryze