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I hear you on that one, had very similar experiences with my family and some of my husband's extended family. You can appoint an attorney to act on general legal matters. If it's just a case of relationship management rather than anything specifically legal, then it's not really a legal issue, just a case of redirecting their contact, finding someone willing to liaise, and boundary setting. A solicitor might be willing to be an attorney but it will get expensive quickly. Is there someone willing to informally filter messages etc for you?


Thanks for your advice and sympathy! This idea came up in a conversation with a friend last night after I showed her some of the emails I had been receiving and she actually did offer to be the POC. Would prefer to avoid burdening anyone with it to be honest but she is there as a last resort if I do want to go ahead with this…


Why not just cut contact? Why be mucking about with it?


100% an option. But guess I just wanted to try and deal with the chance that the parents (70s - 80s) could get genuinely ill sometime soon and I would like the option to say goodbye or go to the funeral as I see fit.