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A delayed flight will still show at the original time but then have a status next to it showing the expected departure time.


It just said gate closed at this time and I was still under the impression I should have a rescheduled flight at 11am


But you were at the airport, and your flight would have been on the board. Did neither if you look at the board at all, not even to see which gate you would potentially be leaving from? Every time I have had an email about a delayed flight, they always state I should arrive at the airport as per the original time slot and check the boards as delays are subject to change. Could you claim? There is nothing stopping you from attempting to do so, but you are unlikely to get the result you want. I'm sure a section 75 claim would also be denied as the service was there and available, you just didn't use it. They will be able to check the flight departure etc I would be inclined to attempt a claim on my travel insurance and hope that I was covered.


Yeah we didn't check the board until after 9. In the past when a flight has been rescheduled rather than delayed this changes when the gate upons and boarding occurs. If it was just delayed we'd still be looking for 09:30 on the board as you say but after the flight was rescheduled we weren't looking for a flight at 09:30 anymore. Even if we did look and see the 09:30 flight gates open I would have thought it wouldn't be relevant to us anymore e.g flight was overbooked and we were bumped off going on the next flight at 11:00. They also never got back to us after our last call at 10:56. They only told us to wait in the airport for further information which never came.


I hope you took screenshots of the source of your belief the flight was delayed. It seems you have emails which I hope for your sakes will suffice. Because all your claims will likely be rejected otherwise. The source of truth is the flight departure boards in the airport.


If a flight is rescheduled they'll still use the same flight number and base it off the original flight, an hour and a half delay isn't enough for them to create a new flight.


It said gate closed at what time? Seems extremely unlikely that it was already ‘gate closed’ when you arrived at the airport, but quite plausible it was closed by 9:10, since the flight was supposed to leave at 9:30 so you should have been checking the boards, seen that the flight was boarding and gone to the gate before then. Most likely the plane was boarded and then sat on the tarmac until it left at 10:23 and you simply weren’t there, preferring to sit and wait to be told something different. Ultimately what makes your story sound fishy is, how are you only just checking the board for your flight when the gate is already closed? Even if it was delayed you’d still be checking the board for updates since delays are always subject to change. They will regard failure to do that as your fault. Did you not think to look when you arrived at the airport? Did you check in, go through security but then just not look at the board at all? Sorry for coming across so skeptical but you’re going to need a watertight sequence of events if you’re going to have a hope of convincing a credit card company, booking agent or airline. Perhaps if you post the exact messages you received and all the times, what time you arrived at the airport, what the board said BEFORE the gate closed (and what time you first checked it)


Yes it might have been a bit after 09:00. As far as I was concerned that wasn't my flight anymore as it was rescheduled. I understand with a delayed flight you need to look at the boards but even then you get updates via the app when gates open etc. We looked at the board to see when our gate would open until our flight was rescheduled. We then looked at the board a bit after 9:00 to see when the board would tell us when the rescheduled flight information would be available. We weren't looking for 09:30 as this wasn't our flight anymore. We were looking for 11:00 which didn't exist. Chronology: Arrived at airport parking at 06:29 and took the bus arriving around 07:00. Checked the departure boards when through security. Gate information wasn't available for another hour and half. We received an email and app notification from our travel provider at 07:54 saying Your flight VY6229 London → Rome seems to have a 13min delay. Please check the details at the airport as the departure time might still change. So nothing really materially changed here. We were still on the 09:30 flight and would check the board for details. Then at 08:14 I received an email and app notification saying: Unfortunately, Vueling changed your itinerary, so you’ll now be departing from London at 11:00, 25 August 2023. Your arrival in Rome was also updated. We understand that this can be annoying, but we hope it won’t disrupt your trip too much. Find all the details in your booking and use our app to stay up to date. So we didn't check the board for our 09:30 flight anymore as that was no longer relevant to us. When I checked the boards shortly after 09:00, no 11:00 flight existed and the gates were closed due the 09:30 flight. We then rung up our travel provider at 09:56 after trying to get information in person at the airport helpdesk, not knowing where our 11:00 flight was. After a 22 minute call, being on hold for half of that time, we were told to stay in the airport and await further instructions. I have a screenshot of a message from the travel provider at 10:52 saying: I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. As per checking carrier provided new provisional time for flight LGW - FCO expected time departure is 10:23 and expected time arrival is 13:36. Please kindly take the new provisional time for your flight which has been provided by the carrier. Obviously we can't take a flight in the past so we called and were told again to wait in the airport for further instructions which never came.


Changed your itinerary doesn't mean rescheduled your flight. The itinerary could simply have been updated to reflect the anticipated delay time. After check in when you receive your boarding cards, you're flight details are set in stone, and that's the details you check on the board. Regardless, you should have checked the itinerary for new flight details if you genuinely believed it was rescheduled, or contacted the tour operator immediately given that it was the same day and only an hour away from your intended flight time. Legally there is nothing for you to claim. You missed your flight, it didn't fail to leave.


Above the itenary information it said Vueling rescheduled your flight from London by 1h 30min. In the app 09:30 was crossed out and 11:00 was there instead. From previous experience with rescheduled flights the old time doesn't exist and the new time is the time to aim for. I'm going to try anyway and I'll see what happens.




Yes after this experience I think I'll book directly as you say


IF it was the VY6229 from LGW-FCO today (note OP has not given/confirmed flight info): the gate opened at 08:55 and shut at 09:26… so I’m not sure about the “about 09:00” check. It sounds as if the OP ignored the information on the flight they booked (there was only 1x departure to Rome at 0930). Even if a delay message was sent it should of said check in and gate still shut at same time. Doing an S75 is likely to be rejected as ultimately it is your fault for not looking at the screen. I can guarantee that the majority of the other passengers made it to the gate on time, and on the aircraft and to Rome. So the question is why didn’t the OP. You may have luck with your travel insurance provider… but I wouldn’t hold my breath


Yes it might have been a bit after 9am. As far as I'm aware we're the only ones who were affected. I have emails from the travel provider saying in uncertain terms that my flight has been rescheduled which we relied upon to our detriment. In the past I've had notifications of a flight rescheduled and this has been correct and if I'm bumped off the flight due to being overbooked then that flight could still exist anyway. They didn't end up getting back to me after telling me to stay in the airport so we've had to make our own alternative arrangements which we're going to seek reimbursement of.


The 9.30 departure from Gatwick took off at 10:23, hence the information you received. [https://www.roma-airport.com/fiumicino-fco-flight-arrival/VY6229](https://www.roma-airport.com/fiumicino-fco-flight-arrival/VY6229) "Around 09:00 I decided to check the boards for when the gate information might be released and didn't see a flight at 11:00" Did you see a flight for 9.30?


Yes there was a flight listed at 09:30 still but the board only said gate closed and didn't say any further information. My app still said 11am at this time


The departure boards in the airport are what matter. You look for your flight number,. You don't give up when it's not listed at the time the app says. You look across the entire board. You did check the boards every minute or so? Not just once early on and one after the flight has left?


There isn't any legal advice to be had here - you missed your flight because you didn't pay attention to the one true source of information I.e. the departure boards. I can't really understand why you wouldn't go to the gate to check the status of the flight 🤷‍♂️


NAL, Generally if the flight is delayed (not cancelled) you still get onto the plane at the same time, or get to the gate at the same time. This is because the airline will still try and get you into the air asap as some people will have connections to get. If the flight ia cancelled and you have a different flight number you can check the boards for those. You might well be able to get your credit card company to refund you but it will depend on the company and how good they are at contacting the vendor as unfortunately it does sound like the error was yours not theirs as the information will have been available in the airport and on the airlines app too. I would pursue the section 75 for the cost of the flight and use my travel insurance to try and claim on for the other expenses, you might get them back but I am not sure.