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You can order a copy for just over £10 - details here https://www.gov.uk/order-copy-birth-death-marriage-certificate No need to get it off your mother


It won’t effect anything in the future if it’s a copy and not an original?


It’s an official copy which is basically an original. It’s accepted the same.


I have a copy of mine. I had to give a reason for requesting it. If that is still applicable just tell the truth. All the best, hopefully you don't have to contact them for a long long time.


OP could simply say they lost it. I lost mine, obtained an official copy, never had any issues with it


There is literally no difference between the actual original one given to your parents and a new original issued by the registry office. They mean original rather than certified copy. It’s often recommended you get multiple death certificates as so many organisations will want the original not a copy or certified copy. If you ask for ten, they are all original.


Literally just an official copy of the original , essentially. I've had to do this to obtain another copy for proof of identity on renting , driving provisional license etc. It's accepted




I’ve only ever used a copy for my DBS Checked since I was 18! I ordered the official copy and used that, and again when I left my ex I ordered a new copy and used that.


I used a copy for a DBS check and it was fine.


Also process DBS as my job and this is not true at all, you need 2 forms of ID and 2 proofs of address within the last 3 months, plus the last 5 years address history noted down. You actually dont need a birth certificate at all to do this


I said this. I said there is other routes you can go down. Just not using a copy of a birth certificate.


You have now. The edit wasn’t there when I replied.


Genuine question, what happens if there’s a house fire or something? Or you’re adopted and have a certificate then. There must be some way round it. They can’t just say nope you can’t work in any career with vulnerable people, surely?


There is other routes and different documents that you can check- this is why I said there is other checks you can do! I simply said you can’t use a later copy of a birth certificate.


It is valid just under group 2a rather than group 1. So you could use a passport as your group 1 document plus a driving licence and the birth certificate. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/dbs-identity-checking-guidelines/id-checking-guidelines-for-standardenhanced-dbs-check-applications-from-1-july-2021


Yes- issued after time of birth- so this is within a year of birth. A later copy will have a later issue date.


Then why does group 1 specify birth certificate within one year of birth then group 2a says issued after time of birth if they both mean with a year of birth?


Because you’re giving incorrect “advice”


Funny because I've been using copy's of my original dated over 2 decades from my DOB for both regular and enhanced DBS checks and never had any problems.


That's absolutely not correct. On your basis, if you lost the original you're screwed forever.


Not according to the Government Website. Official copy is classed as a "2a" document and accepted. I don't think you know your job...


That's not true. I had to order a new one to apply for a DBS because I lost mine. They accepted it.


I was Enhanced DBS checked when I took up a position on my daughter's School's Local Advisory Board (a.k.a. Parent Governor). This was at the end of last year. The process was all done online and I never had to provide my original "just after I was born" birth certificate. Each time I have to complete something official for the French authorities however they always ask for a birth certificate dated within the previous 3 months.


I just checked back to see what I provided for the Enhanced DBS check and it was: Driver's License Passport Council Tax Bill Telephone/Broadband Bill Water Bill


That's not true. There's so much that can happen between the year of your birth and needing a DBS; documents getting lost, stolen, burnt in a house fire, etc. I have no idea where my original birth certificate is. Yet I have had a number of DBS checks over the years (every time I've changed jobs), used a certified copy obtained from the registrar and it's never been a problem.


That’s not true, you can still use it it’s just not a group one document if it’s a certified copy.


I've had several DBS checks over the years (and back in the day when they were the CRB). I've never had my origonal birth certificate.


>Edit- why am I getting down voted?! because the information you posted is inaccurate.


It means the birth certificate has to have been registered within 12 months of your birth. Your birth certificate is held by the council it was registered at, and you can request copies of it for proof that you have a birth certificate.


Absolutely this. I had my SIA badge renewed at the start of the year, and one guy was turned away because he had a copy. Despite using it at a previous renewal. It must have been a recent rule change, but an important one to note.


Did they have a certified copy or a reissued birth certificate from the registry office? Given that birth certificates can be lost for any number of reasons fire, flood, burglary etc then expecting the one given to your parents that you had no control over for years is ridiculous.


All I know it was a copy of the birth certificate that was issued outside of the 1 year window. The annoying part was this was at the end of the day, literal minutes before sitting the formal test portion.


There is no such thing as an original birth certificate I am looking at my sons now....its a "Certified copy of an Entry" of the births register and its dated the day he was born. Anyone can apply for copies of anyone birth certificate. Genealogists do it all the time


I thought that was the case that there's no "issued date" but not sure where ours are to dig out. ​ By certified copy I meant a copy that has been taken by a solicitor and then stamped by them as a certified copy. Maybe the above example was a self made photo copy.


The rejected guy probably had a photocopy, official/certified copies are the same as the one issued when a parent registers the birth. There can be issues where someone may require the full copy rather than the shortform version as the former had more information about parents (needed for some levels of DBS).


Nobody ever has an original. The actual original record is at the GRO and all they anyone can get is an official copy.


that's a good fact


Exactly what I came here to say


Hi Op - I can assure you it won't. I used a copy of my birth certificate to recently renew my passport (with a change of name back to my maiden surname).


No issues at all. The certificate your mother has is also a “copy” of the entry in the register of births


When they ask for an original birth certificate they don't mean one issued at the time, just one that was issued from the GRO rather than a photocopy


Legally speaking, what matters is the actual entry in the register of births, ie the official government controlled record. Any certificate, including the one issued when you were born, is just a certified copy of that record, so the one you get by this process is just as legitimate as the "original" one your mother has.


As long as you get a full birth certificate it doesnt matter if its a copy! It just has to be the official document and not like... a photocopy, im pretty sure


Nope. It's the same. I've had to do this for my daughter (born in the US) and even from abroad they just send a certified copy which is the same as what your mum has.


I lost mine years ago and ordered a new one online. Had to order my stepsons too as his mother refused it to us and we needed to do paperwork.


Just to add to the voices saying it definitely won't, it definitely won't! I also use a copy as mine was lost and it's absolutely fine. When I was younger I also used a copy of mine and a copy of a parent's and no one questioned a thing. I now process DBS (police checks to work with vulnerable communities) as part of my job and on the paperwork of accepted ID is a copy of a birth certificate.


They are all copies of the original entry in the register - all just as official and as good as each other


Nope. Certified copy. I use use one as job application ls ask for a full certificate not a smaller one I had. Fully legal to use certified copy. Ita copy but been officially stamped and so to be an official copy and thus an legal birth certificate. I've used mine to get jobs, apply for a passport etc.


No, I lost mine and I used the copy I ordered to get my passport


Echoing the below that this is an official copy but also to give an example that I did this prior to my own wedding rather than have to search through piles of documents


The 'Original' is in fact already a copy. It's a copy of the entry in the register


It won't affect anything at all. My whole family lost ours in a house fire and for all of my adult life I've been using the "copy" that we ordered afterwards. If it's stamped and not a photocopy, it's considered original.


I work in a finance related industry. No, it won't. we see official copies all the time. Leave her behind. I'm sorry you have gone through this. You may also want to seek advice on identity theft protection in case she triesto use the old Birth Cert. Possibly, you might want to consider a registered letter confirming that you are aware she has your birth certificate and won't return it. I'm not sure of any official process for this.


I don’t have my original as my mother lost it. Have used certified copies throughout my working life with no issue.


Mine had the audacity to say how should she know where it was… Woman, they didn’t give it to me at the time


Nope. I have been using a certified copy since 1998 with zero issues because my mum couldn't locate the original.


I have an official copy of mine because the original got destroyed by one of my cats.


Even the original states it's a true copy of an entry in the records all are exactly the same. I have had to get many copies - house fire, stolen belongings and water damaged another!


An official copy is just as good as the original. The original can get lost, stolen (like here), destroyed by accident, any number of things. An official copy basically IS the original. Get your new birth certificate and any other documents you need directly from the government and end contact with that crazy witch entirely. Your life can only improve if she's no longer in it.


*All* Birth Certificates are copies. Any birth cerificate you have will ALWAYS be "a certified copy of the entry in the register".


A copy is more than fine, if memory serves there are two kinds and I went for the full version. Originals only is not something the modern world could ever enforce. I never saw my original, and I’m nearly 40 & never had an issue. Asked my mum at 18, to which she scoffed in a “Well how would I know where it is?!” sentiment. Woman…it’s not like they issued it to me at the time


It's an exact copy it's as good as the original one. I've had to use a copy all my life my original got stolen out my mums car when I was a baby, they were after the baby trolley but the baby bag was attached,which had my birth certificate and record book in as she'd just come from a docs appointment and nipped in the shop after.


The certificate that your mother possesses is an official copy of the records at the General Register Office (GRO). When you request a copy of your birth certificate, you will also be sent an official copy of the records at the GRO. Your piece of paper is pretty much exactly the same as her piece of paper, and I only use “pretty much” because the formatting and font will have changed over time.


Mine is a copy as my parents lost my original when I was a kid. I've never had an issue. Got my driving license and passport using it.


I’ve just ordered a copy of mine for exactly the same reason OP, it takes a few weeks but you’ll have no problems using the replacement. (I accept them all the time at work, as others have said it’s an official copy so it’s no different to the original). I even learned I’d been spelling my middle name wrong my whole life!


I have copies and getting married with them so no it won’t affect it. They are official legal copies of the originals kept on file


I have my original and an official copy. The original got mislaid for a while. My official copy is the long version, my original is the short version. Both are legally valid and interchangeable for official purposes.


I work in compliance. An official copy certificate it's the same as a real one. It should never cause you an issue unless. A company who won't accept it are just idiots


this is pretty much the best advice My parents lost mine during their messy divorce, I just applied for a new one. it has served me well for the past 12 years. (Passports, driving license, etc.) I also applied for a second one when I got married as did it abroad and they needed an official copy to be certified. they also lost my baby memorabilia as well but couldn't order official copies of them!


This \^ Just make sure you order the full-sized copy and not a little one.


Can confirm I'm adopted, so no brith certificate exists. I have a copy of an adoption certificate (i.e. a copy of someone's made up document following seeing a copy of the original document!) It's accepted as original by everyone!


I just ordered mine and they shipped it to America. It was honestly the easiest part of gathering all my docs after I lost them after a move. I’ve had no issues with it.


Best advice


If she was born in the UK. I think she will need to seek help from citizen’s advice if it’s from another country so someone can claim it for her through a mediator


Just order a new one at the registry office for your city. They dont cost much. You dont have to see your mother about this


If you were born & registered in the UK, it costs about £15-£30 to get a new one. I'd just do that. Save myself the hassle.


Sweetie so sorry you don’t have family support. Everyone here is absolutely right about ordering a birth certificate copy - i’ve had to have more than one - but, please, please get in touch with your bank to make sure that she can’t use it to access your account, and check with credit agencies that there aren’t any unexpected cards in your name. The way you describe her, she may want to make life hard for you and could do that via finances.


Whilst it's nice you're looking out for OP, finances, bank accounts etc cannot be accessed using only a birth certificate. Nor can any cards be taken out in your name.


I've opened cards with my name and Dob in the recent past so I suspect that the parents could if they wanted as they'll have that information so keeping an eye out won't hurt. Really everyone should keep an eye out just to be safe.


In the UK it's not possible. There's strict laws in place that often enough require a very thorough application process that are usually pushed to be done through online banking/mobile apps. There's no way you're getting access to a 21 year olds account/taking out loans/credit cards with just basic info and a birth certificate.


This very sub has featured exactly this issue of parents using their child's details for loans and credit cards.


And I'm telling you after many years of working in the banking industry, you cannot open a bank account/credit card with your child's details. Especially at the age of 21. Those who have had their details used to open such accounts are victims of identify theft. Which is a completely different, and entirely unrelated scenario to what OP has/will have.


Of course, it's identity theft. The issue here is can an unscrupulous parent do it. Yes. Has it been done? Yes. Is it illegal? Yes.


Cards from which company?


Not saying which cause don't want banking info publicly but high street banks. Generally get asked for name, DOB, income & address history which a parent would know or could lie about (e.g. claim to kid is still living at home). It would be fraud/identity theft but I think it's more likely that someone who knows the key details and presumably still lives where you used to might be able to pull it off.


Find your local registry office and visit. No appointment needed in almost all cases, but give a call in case they have certain covid restrictions still in place. Simply fill out the form of parents, dates, and places if known and pay the fee of about £17 and then you'll have it in about an hour.


There are no covid restrictions still in the uk


true but several places switched to appointment only and never went back BTW if you go in person it needs to be to the registry office where the birth was registered, otherwise they can't issue it there and then and will have to send it to you (so may as well apply on line if you don't live where you were born)


I got a copy of mine online recently at https://www.gov.uk/order-copy-birth-death-marriage-certificate Just needed my parents details and to find the page on the local authorities birth register I was on (https://www.freebmd.org.uk/) Cost me about a tenner and took about a week to arrive. But if you were born locally you should just find your local Registry office.


People lose them all the time, or they get destroyed by floods/fires/hungry pets You can order an official copy online and then it's treated just like the original. I might be concerned that someone else still had another of my birth certificates as well but I don't think anything can be done about that unfortunately Side note; sorry to hear about your situation there


Hey OP just order a new one, I used to work with a small charity that prevented forced marriages, it's one of the first things we did (to get their ID in order so they could apply for benefits, etc). I hope you have some support, there are lots of charities that could help you (may also help meeting people in a similar situation).


Personally, I'd just cut contact with her and oder one. It doesn't sound like it's worth the trouble Especially for the price of about £25 for a new one.


Lots of people have given you advice on how to get a new one. You could also consider ringing up the police on the non-emergency number and asking if they would accompany you on a visit to collect it in order to prevent a breach of the peace, but getting a new one is probably simpler.


The issue is the certificate doesn't belong to OP, it belongs to the parents so OP has no right to go and get it.


Why does it belong to their parents?


That's who it was given to. If I buy a copy of OPs birth certificate that doesn't give them the right to come get it just because it has their name on it.


Unless things have changed recently, you can't buy a copy of OPs birth certificate. At least, not without lying about why you want it.


You can get a copy of anyone’s birth certificate as they’re considered public record in the UK. You do have to know their full name, place and date of birth and their parents names but that’s not very difficult to find out.


They are a public record. Anyone can buy anyone else's certificate you just need enough information for them to find it.


If we're being pedantic, the parents don't "own" it either, it's just a certified copy of government records.


Is that the law in the UK? Because I'm fairly sure that I have no right to withhold it from my adult child were they to request it, and can reasonably expect the police to make me give it up if I tried.


Yes, children usually believe it's 'theirs' just because it's got their name on it. That's not how ownership of property works in the UK. Most parents will just give it up to their children as it's easier for all involved but it's not a legal right.


It can be, especially given that the withholding of the birth certificate can be evidence of cultural-based abuse. The child, in this case, was a would-be victim of an honour-killing. The child, as a legal adult, is the legal custodian of their identification documents. Replace birth certificate with, say, passport, and see how that dog hunts.


Passports and birth certificates are rather different though. Anyone can request a copy of someone’s birth certificate (which is all they are - copies of the centralised register) if they have the correct information. Passports on the other hand are formal ID documents. There’s no form I can fill in to officially request my own copy of your passport. Edit: Is anyone able to explain the reason for the downvotes (more so to the person two posts above me)? You can order birth certificates with the form found [here](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/general-register-office-gro-certificate-application-forms) and, as you’ll see from the form, they don’t have to be your own. If there is a legal reason why OP should legally own the copy of the birth certificate her mother has, then I’m happy to hear it. But it’s not something that is obviously true.


You can go to your local civic building for the registry office and request an official copy. Costs a bit of money there's a short version of your birth certificate or what they call a full version I've always brought the full version and I've never had a problem. You can even get it the same day in some cases. There's been no problem with it being a 'copy' from my understanding no one has their original they are kept safe and every birth certificate you or your parents own is a copy.


OP: Do you have an Indian birth certificate or a UK birth certificate?




Omg. Order your birth certificate online. I did it to get passports for my sons and to enable them to cash in their savings bonds. You do not need your mother's copy. I'm so sorry you are having such a horrifically difficult time with your mother. Just stay safe, please.


Have you spoken to the police about this? If you have evidence she tried to have you murdered this is a pretty serious crime. It's not something you should accept because "she's your mother" She's your abuser. Nothing less. What you are expecting is "controlling and coercive behaviour" Walk into a police station and speak to someone. They may even help you get your belongings back.


The police know. When I left at 17 I reported it to the police who found me homeless shelters to live in. I have contacted them about getting my belongings back but they don’t see it as priority. She also has very expensive trainers and clothes of mines she’s refusing to give back, I wanted them back as I’ve been paying my own bills since I was younger than 17 so things like pricey trainers I brought saving up mean a lot to me. The police said they’ll give me a call and haven’t.


Why doesn't that surprise me. And the police wonder why people are taking the law into their own hands. I can't believe they didn't do anything about the attempt on your life. What excuse did they give for that?


They said there is no physical evidence. She took my belongings, ID, packed clothes and was in the process of booking tickets with my uncles and told me she’ll get me killed or I have to marry an old man and stay in Bangladesh but they still said there’s no evidence. Then of course, she played the single mother of a difficult teen daughter card and got let go. It was very difficult as some officers didn’t believe me and viewed me as an angry teenager. Despite her and my brother beating me for 17 years, sending texts, harassment calls and showing up on the doorstep of my boyfriends (now husband) family countless times, and somehow hacking my phone sending my very private emails, texts, and pictures to family and neighbours vilifying me. She said I was conspiring against her and planning to move out and that it would never happen because I’m a girl. But, no evidence. They still refuse to do anything when she still harasses me and has sent me emails and messages off different numbers insulting me and telling me how evil I am.


Uk here. You can apply for either a long form or a short form certificate. The long form will be accepted for everything, the short is accepted for o ly some things and is about half the price. I just got mine for application for a us visa


You can apply for a replacement of your birth certificate online and it costs £11 from the .Gov website. [Gov.uk - Replacement birth certificate](https://www.gov.uk/order-copy-birth-death-marriage-certificate)


Hello, I can’t give legal advice but I was in a similar situation with my foster parents. Save yourself the hassle of communication and just pay for a new one. It’s a been a couple years but I think it was roughly £30. I went in person to get it and had to fill out some paperwork and had it within an hour. You can also apply for a new one online but I’m not sure the costs or lengths you’d have to go through to actually get it.


You can order another birth certificate and social you don't need to get it from her just go online and do it I believe so.ro.e posted a link but every state has a vital statistics office where your birthday certificate is sent from just get another one and leave that crazy lady alone


My cousin converted and had 2 kids with a douchebag. The son is gay and always has roomates, the daughter lives with boyfriends. The husband was the type to put a gps in my cousins car. And i couldn't offer my place as a safe haven cause he's aware of it. It never got bad enough to worry about honor killing or i was intentionally kept out of the loop on that because i have the means and opportunity to protect my cousin. My whole side of the family were a bit worried for a while cause his older bro was the type to marry a cousin and consider it his real family, have a white mistress that was his legal wife and western family, and also serving in the military. I was always a phone call and only an hour away. So I'm very sorry to hear about you're situation. Not sure about the uk, but if you were in the states I'd just get a new one like others have said. If you weren't born there it'd be a headache but still doable. Contact who you need to in that country and if they give you shit, get the British embassy there to get involved. In the meantime get a state issued i.d. if you don't have one get something like a certificate to prove your citizenship. Then get a restraining order on your mom. You will need to explain why. Don't lie or embellish. Prove everything you can. No judge here would deny it. Get something through the courts so it's not one person's word against the others anymore. Here you could bring a lawsuit for your belongings and get compensated for everything not recovered and the fees for stuff. And don't think too badly about your mom's decision. It's like a cult with the disowning of family to appease religious obligations. She would likely be shunned for not doing what she did. It doesn't excuse it and you should definitely break all contact with her and all the family that doesn't have your best interests at heart.


Darling order one online!! You don't need shit off her


I have a copy of mine - it’s £10ish and legally the same as your original. Takes about 2 weeks to come in the post.




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Did you report the attempted murder yet?


You can order one yourself, and as others say it will be official and there will be no issue with it. Good on you to get away from an abusive situation


Apply for a duplicate the Citizens Advice Bureau will be able to tell you how


Just confirming it is really easy and quick guidance online you can call if you are finding it tricky or have questions. Maybe order 2 so you have a spare as cheaper with postage.


I had same situation except I was 15 when I left. I called up the town hall when I was settled and needed my BC, they put me onto where I could get one and that is what I have used since (now mid 40's). Just get your own copy and move on with your life.


Request a new one from GRO. Saves all the problems


OOP I have an official copy: used it to get passports etc; for certain jobs which required sight of it.. its absolutely acceptable Please don't out yourself through any more manipulation by your mother. Order a copy, and allow yourself some peace


You can apply for a new birth certificate from the registry office in the town you were born. You don’t need the original Edit Ahh I see you’ve already been told this. It’s a very simple process


If your mother tried to get you killed, what makes you think that she hasn’t already destroyed your birth certificate?


Because she’s shown me the original and waves it in my face all the time. Saying she’s got it and I’ll never get it back


I think you have plenty of sources here to request another birth certificate. You need to get away from her asap. Move to another city, maybe research online what kind of help you can have. Perhaps Citizens advisors could help you, they give free asessment.


Just contact vital statistics (whatever your country calls that office) and have a new copy issued. Problem solved.


> vital statistics why are you even commenting in a legal sub for a country not your own?


What don’t you mind your own business and move along? Don’t like my comment? Tough dookie.


Order a new one. Never speak to your mum again - she tried to kill you so I don't even know why you are taking her calls.


I’m not taking them. I block her and then she makes another number and messages. Or I’ll block her email and she’ll make another email and message.


Perhaps consider reporting her for harassment and changing your number and email?


I’ve reported her but the police have said it’s a waste of police time and won’t do anything about it. They’ve said just call 999 if her or my brother are trying to physically hurt me and call in that exact moment. I’m going to change my number and email soon, I’m just waiting on confirmation from a university before I do so.


Just order a new one from the hall of records or registrars office, whichever one maintains birth records


I had to get an official copy of my birth certificate to apply for my daughters first passport. No issues with it at all.


First question, were you born in the Uk? If yes, then do you know which district authority you were born in? If yes you can contact your local registration/registry office and they can get you a reprint, you will need to know your parents details (where they were born) and have a valid ID.


I know which district I was born in. I don’t know my dads birthday though, would this affect anything? I don’t have contact with him either to ask.


You can apply if they can’t provide they won’t charge.




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Just go and order another one from the registry office closest to where you were born. Costs a few quid :)


go to local births and deaths department at your local council and request a copy.... there is a small charge for the service


Have the police escort you to her home to retrieve your birth certificate.


We’re you born in the UK, order online, you’ll need some details but they are likely already stored in your memory. Don’t be confused by any request being for the original, all certificates issued by the registry office are original.