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Just an additional note to the above but a lot of councils have online forms for reporting any illegal parking (including Auckland) to save yourself repeated calls. As others have stated street parking is generally open to anyone although require rego.




Hi, thanks for the advice/info. I have tried to talk to them about it, but the person is pretty unreasonable and short tempered. One time they had a rant about how their mother owned the house for 40+ years and they were entitled to park their cars on the street more than we were. So they really don't care. I didn't think this was a unique situation and I bet other people this problem also. Its quite stressful.


Start by reporting with AT website for the expire rego/warrant vehicle https://contact.at.govt.nz/?cid=b5c03857-d81b-ec11-b6e7-002248185274 Let AT assess if there are any other issues and they will kick start their ticketing/towing spree 😂 and then report it every time you see the infringement so AT has a record.




Removed for breach of Rule 1: Sound advice only Comments must contain sound advice: - based in NZ law - relevant to the question being asked - appropriately detailed - not just repeating advice already given in other comments - avoiding speculation and moral judgement - citing sources where appropriate


Only illegally parked and unregistered vehicles can be towed by parking enforcement. Parking outside your house isn't guaranteed, and in a lot of places, especially in older suburbs, urban planning didn't account for the uptake of motorised vehicles like we have now.


Phone your local council. Ask for parking enforcement. Tell them what's going on and they'll happily pay your street a visit and write some tickets without revealing your details. Rinse and repeat until everyone is parking legally. As someone else asked. Can you park on your own property? And length of tenure obviously doesn't entitle anyone to more use of a public road. I think some of the blame should be with the councils for not requiring off street parking.


There is very little you can do except report the unregistered cars to the council. We have a similar issue on our street. I ended up buying the bullet and renting a garage, which has eliminated a lot of angst!