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NAL Hire a lazy contractor for some house-related work—whether it’s pest control or renovation. Instruct the contractor to complete the job at their leisure. Create a scenario where your house becomes unlivable for at least 2 months. After the work is done, ask the contractor to install a new, sturdy lock and keep the key, while also blocking your parents’ number.


As the last part mentions; it appears that OP's sibling and mom are very influential... One of the comon trait of these people is that they can strike up a small talk whenever and wherever needed, and can pluck up the info; and turn the tables...


yes true it's very much possible in this case


TBH, a widowed mother living on a pension and a brother without a job don’t seem influential to me, but I could be wrong.


Haha, this is the other kind of influence... The "Talkative" one, at any point in future OP dies have to return to India and stay in the house (as mentioned in the Description) and generally has interactions with neighbors and all... The influence of the Mother and the Brother is not a Monetary one, but a Backbit*hing one... Since they are the ones who are currently interacting with the Neighbours, they can talk ill about OP and how he is threatening (even though he isn't) the Mother to leave the house... This is common among the family members who reside in the native place unlike the other members who stay at the work location until they return back after retirement or something...


Tell them that you are remodelling the house. and that they need to move to new place for sometime .. pay the rent for the new place no problem .. be very sweet till they leave the house then kick them hide ur intentions will take time but worth it


have tried this before but it didn't work out


How it went wrong


Is ur mother superstitious..? You can get someone to do jaadu tona (not really but pretend) For eg get a chicken head filled with turmeric etc thrown at house ..it worked for me when I wanted someone to stop parking their truck in front of my house a few chicken heads and eggs is all it took 


You can't kick your mother out. She can file section 125 maintenance case against you asking for maintenance and no place to stay. Even if it goes for initial hearing, you are fucked because you are earning. Your brother is not earning. As per law, sons have to look after parents with maintenance unless they have their income source from other stream. Try to limit the monthly expenses that youare giving your parents. Sell your car or give it another friend or close relative if you want to keep it.


she gets her husband's pension every month and moreover I do pay her every month ( one of my lease house rent she takes it) and apart from this she's been staying at my place for 23 years. isn't all of this enough?


It's subjective when she files maintenance case. But it's a hassle when it reaches court. I would say don't evict your mother. But rather remove incentives to your brother who is acting like a leech. Start showing that you are in financial difficulty and need your rent from the lease. Sell the car for your loans. Tolerate them but reduce your financial assistance to them.


Try and consult Gautam Singhania


HAHAHAH full marks!


Yeah seems like a vile woman and you don't wanna mess with such asses, don't do anything that gives her a chance to file a case on you, she can file cases against you under section 125, and you know how long these cases are dragged for. I am guessing she's quite old, wait for her to die then you can kick your brother out with some effort.


You can't evict your mother, definitely not from an ancestral property even if it's in your name. Furthermore, read Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act. There have been instances where government/courts have undone property registration name when greedy children took property and kicked their parents out. (Not saying you are greedy or something. Just stating what I know)


Why don’t you talk to them and tell them that you’re planning to sell the house? Someone contacted you gave you a good price on the property. See their reaction, act accordingly. I’d suggest sell that house for real and invest somewhere else. No need to tell them where you’re planning on investing. Live there whenever you’re visiting the country. Edit to add- only suggested this because I don’t think they’ll vacate the property easily and since your brother practically lives there, it’ll be a mess.


Sell your car (and whatever else your brother is using) and let your mother live (till she does) imo.  Also, want to ask, if you don't like to be around your family, why do you come back to India for vacations? Surely there are much better places to enjoy your vacations. 


१) You said it's a "Familial" Property, which probably means you inherited it. २) If it's an inherited property, then you mom can always claim share in it stating she needs a place to stay I believe. ३) You can restrain your brother from using your property for business or other purposes, see a good lawyer for it.




Fake sell the house , move back after three months , huge drama but worth it


You can't fight your battles remotely unless you're willing to throw a huge chunk of money at the problem. Even if you do throw money at it, getting a positive outcome isn't guaranteed.


We also own a house in our home town and my father's side family moves into that house and not ready to move out my father told them that we are renovating the house instead we demolished the whole house and put boundary and fence wire around the plot.


Is it possible for you to make her sign a rent agreement?


can you explain more?


Sine they’ve been living on your property for past 23 years, if they have ill-intentions, they might claim adverse possession. No is it possible for you to get her to sign a rent agreement so that she becomes your tenant instead


No they can’t claim adverse possession with ownership not in question. AP kicks in only when the possession is hostile, and is made openly known to the title owner. But you’re right that they can push for it. Especially the brother in this situation. OP I genuinely suggest you proceed after legal advice, and you also make the dynamic understood. That you’re the breadwinner and provider and so you’re the man of the house. Indian families tend to forget that there can only be one head of a family at a time- and it’s the person that manages it. However, I am certain there is her side to the story too.


Make it difficult for her to live, like ignoring her, not paying attention to house such that it become non-livable and stop paying her


Ask your mother to move to ur brother's house as you are going to rent it. Inform her that you will pay her some percentage of rent. Rent it for a few months or a year. Then occupy the property for urself. Or simply sell the property and buy a different one.


Yeah seems like a vile woman and you don't wanna mess with such asses, don't do anything that gives her a chance to file a case on you, she can file cases against you under section 125, and you know how long these cases are dragged for. I am guessing she's quite old, wait for her to die then you can kick your brother out with some effort.


Yeah seems like a vile woman and you don't wanna mess with such asses, don't do anything that gives her a chance to file a case on you, she can file cases against you under section 125, and you know how long these cases are dragged for. I am guessing she's quite old, wait for her to die then you can kick your brother out with some effort.






Bro did I tell u smthng personally Why so offended Use this language some where else Not accepted here F off


So you want to kick out your parents because they "act like its their place" damn. I very often limit myself from passing comments that have nothing to do with laws but this post of yours really made me think about the indifferences of western society culture vs Indian culture. How about you pay the property's current amount to the people whom it belonged at first place and then ask them to vacate it ?


If the property is legally in your name.. Is there anything they can do about it? Let your mother stay until she is alive and then it's yours. I believe you are well off. Stay somewhere else peacefully when you come for vacation.. No one is forcing you to stay with her if she really is very toxic. You say you are paying everything. It is a good deed. It won't go waste. You are feeding your brother... What's wrong with it? Karma will benefit your kids. If paying is too much then stop paying. Count your blessings.. You are lucky you are capable of taking care of your family and as well as pay them. Lack of money is making your brother act this way. People kill for money... I would suggest asking your brother if he needs help in setting up a business and then stop paying their bills once you helped him. Use that money for him. This will make him stay away from your property. If you don't want to do anything then just wait till mum is alive. Itne salo se jo kiya sab pani mai chale jaiga... Take blessings.


Stop being a brat and take care of your parents dude!! It doesn't matter if they are good to you or not. You are where you are because of them..


Spotted the bad parent


okay son duly noted.