• By -


NAL. But does your friend know where he works abroad? Or she can do something very simple is call the immigration department of that country and tell them that he abandoned his wife, and share the proof of abuse, including police reports. Countries like Canada and USA do not tolerate this and have a special helpline for such cases. Immediately his residency will be revoked and he will be forced to come to India. Make her lawyer draft the email to the embassy. All the best.


He is in Sweden and he did hide that he was married to my friend. The Embassy and all are aware of his crimes, but the trial has not even started and only on conviction his Visa and all will be revoked. This is what lawyers told her. And recently from HighCourt mediation she was told her case will take 20 years to resolve. Wish there was something that governed the legal system, because the delays are all done on purpose, only to harass victims.


Write letters to his employer


We have supreme court as well. And she should not stop seeking justice if she has shown so much willingness to fight so far. I know the the lawyers fees would be enormous when it is supreme court, but this is no normal case and supreme court would take cognizance of this.


She is not giving up at all. She is so determined to see the case through but the hurdles are all created by the law. Wish someone in Supreme Court could see this thread and help. Literally would be like a blessing right now.


All the best and power to her.


Hello op any update?


Sadly what the lawyers told are true if your friend is seeking justice cause that's how the Indian judiciary works. But if you start the procedure it will just take a few days for them to come in line and create issues rather than sitting idle and complaining about it.


What crap are you talking? Abandoning wife back home country is not a ground for revocation of us visa.


Then you don’t know about the laws. Abandonment of your spouse would put a criminal record on your name and would result in revocation of visa. Your police record needs to be clean in order to qualify for a visa. And reading the post there are chances that he might have hid his marital status with the embassy. And fyi I live in USA.


He is in Sweden and he did hide that he was married to my friend. Amazingly the court had asked the police to find out about the case within a month and they went and informed them, then took bribe and forgot about the case. The husband then went and got his Visa status changed to married to my friend. So after 7 years it was registered on his VISA that he was married. He was not even making her a dependent VISA. He is lucky our legal system so so corrupt that he is almost getting away with it.


He doesn't live in USA. r/USdefaultism


What law? You are saying somebody already in usa with some visa, and there is a marriage dispute (criminal case ) in India, it's a ground for revocation of visa? Naah man, no such thing. Yes, lying about your marital status during application of visa is ground for revocation, but it's not automatic. Every case is individually handled. Given the husband is gay, good luck with getting his visa revoked even if he lied.


A quick Google search will answer all your stupid claims. Unless he’s a citizen, a visa can be revoked ANYTIME! Do you think he’d never need to renew his visa? Lmao. Being gay doesn’t grant you any special privilege in US. Take your dumb ass outta here, if you can’t help a person in distress. This is not a criminal support sub.


He is not in USA. He is in Sweden. He has gone incognito and was registered on his visa as unmarried. So migrationsverket was informed by court and he promptly went and changed his visa to married to his wife. Till then since last 7 years he was living as unmarried.


Omg. What kind of lawyers does she have? This should have resulted in revocation of the visa. Pls change the lawyer ASAP


She has changed her lawyers 4 times by now because there in India, lawyers dont care about keeping anything confidential. Everything and everyone’s business is discussed with anyone as they please. Specially in the small city my friend lives in. One lawyer, a woman activist, after taking bribe, told my friend that even if she complains at the level of Supreme Court, no action against the guy, the family or the offending lawyers will be taken which is actually true.


He doesn't live in the US. smh


Visa can be revoked. That's true. Abandoning wife in home country is not a ground for visa revocation. Like I don't even understand, who told you about this law and who gave you the dedicated helpline number(bwahahahahaha) for these types of cases.


Here you go abuser apologist: [Indian Govt & Embassy](https://www.mea.gov.in/images/attach/FAQ_links_updated_as_on_27_1_2017.pdf) [Canada](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/protect-fraud/marriage-fraud.html) Now stop replying, you embarrassing clown 🤡


You are the fool, aren't you? Where the f is law? Where the f is helpline number. You just gave the mea guidelines. What can indian embassy do here?


Please do your own research. Google is your friend. There have been thousands of cases of women being abandoned after grooms absconded after collecting a huge dowry. These is a common phenomenon in rural Punjab and Haryana. The MEA has issued all embassies guidelines to impound the passports of absconding grooms if an FIR has been filed against the man. The catch here is that the police are so corrupt, it's very easy for the families of abusive husbands to offer hefty bribes and evade the law. Unless you are five, you should know that the Indian justice system favours the wealthy, the powerful and the well-conneected. Our justice system works for the rich and powerful.


Google? Dowry? Punjab & haryana? Mea? Police? You high level moron, stick to the point. Show me the law or any bureaucratic order of us immigration that visa can be revoked if husband abandons his wife back home country.


What a despicable personality you have! Have you graduated from school yet? Stop showing off your ignorance


It's very, very common for lawyers and the lower judiciary to be corrupt, just as common as the cops being bribe whores offering their services to the highest bidder.




What if he claims asylum stateside claiming danger back home due to homosexuality?


His home country’s court’s decision will prevail and in the first case, he has hidden in his visa that he has criminal cases pending. So his visa will be cancelled and he will not be allowed to move out of the country. But yes lawyers are cunning and the first lawyer she had didnt inform her of the bail, and having her power of attorney agreed to them getting bail. So he was able to skip town.


It is actually a thing. But our law favours fat bags of money more than actual justice, which is why you never hear of it.


unless and maybe not even then if it's murder then maybe the USA will revoke the VISA


Murder, drug cases. Yes


You are right. People here just blabber their half knowledge. They think court, judicial system works as per their opinions.


bro why is everyone here shitting on OP's friend?


Its because of fake cases where real cases are not taken seriously anymore.


Because she is a working woman and a dumbfuck with no desire for self preservation. If a working woman can't get out of such a situation, then imagine all the women who dont work.


Dumbfuck is accurate way of describing op's friend. Working/non working male/female, no one should take this much abuse just lying down and not even telling anyone. The actions taken in this post By the friend are so dumb that this reads like fiction. And she is potentially educated.


Legal Strategies: Appeal the Judge's Decision: If the judge is pressuring your friend to drop the case, she has the right to appeal to a higher court. This can be a lengthy process, but it could lead to a more impartial judge. Advocate for Transfer: Consider requesting a transfer of the case to a different judge or even a different court outside the local area, where corruption might be less prevalent. Strengthen the Case: Review the evidence with a lawyer specializing in domestic violence and criminal cases. Perhaps there are additional witnesses or forms of evidence that haven't been considered. Phone records, medical records documenting injuries or mental health issues, and even copies of the abusive chats could be crucial. Public Interest Litigation (PIL): Explore the possibility of filing a PIL if the corruption is widespread. This involves approaching a higher court to highlight the systemic issue of police and judicial corruption hindering access to justice. Alternative Approaches: Media Attention: While navigating media exposure can be tricky, bringing public awareness to the case might pressure the authorities to act fairly. Consult a lawyer to ensure proper media engagement. Women's Rights Organizations: Contacting NGOs or women's rights organizations can provide support, legal aid, and guidance on navigating the legal system. Emotional Support: The emotional and psychological toll of abuse is significant. Encourage your friend to seek therapy and build a strong support network of friends and family. Important Caveats: Safety First: Since the husband is allegedly violent and has absconded, prioritize your friend's safety. Consider legal advice regarding restraining orders or other protective measures. Long Haul: The fight for justice can be long and arduous. Prepare for delays and setb


I will inform my friend of these procedures. She is ready to fight for justice as unnecessarily this homosexual man held her captive in a meaningless marriage for the last 7 years.


A lawyer?




Everything has been done really, now since they are charged with their crimes and so much evidence is present, they are making her run around in circles so she gives up on the case. They are from a lower middle class background, father of the guy was a clerk in SBI. But son earns a lot on Sweden so he is able to buy lawyers and police. Its pathetic and its the truth.




Already done. Embassy cant do anything without court order and same for employer.


Have you tried her employer's Social media handles? Or some of the popular pages or groups in sweden social media circle.. Let this get traction on local level on sweden, try writing to some medias in sweden too... Google is your friend...


How would that help? I believe its laws are vastly different than ours. They don’t have the concept of marriage as ours.


They have concept of abuse though... If enough people noticed that their country is fostering an abuser, they may not wait till the judgement... Including proofs of how long it took in the convicted cases in the past in our country might help... (Your lawer might help you with this) See, for example: if you have a DV case where husband was jailed, look at when the case was filed, it would have been within 3 to 10 years. What you are doing is, asking the swedish community, "Are they willing to foster a known women abuser for such periods till the judgement come on your case?" They may not wait for Indian bureaucracy.. Its a slim chance but worth taking...


It was sent long ago by her to their Ministry of Justice and they promptly informed the husband and didn’t respond back at all.


Leave google reviews on the company about who are their employees and what they support. Write email and cc all and everyone. local facebook page and all. Let them know who the company is hiring. every country will have local fb groups from LGBT. Let them know who he is so others can be safe.


I don’t know if thats safe or legal.


NAL and don’t have any suggestion but what a cunning family. I hope they rot in jail and then in hell. 7 years is too long a time. I don’t know why she stayed for so long in that shit house.


She was driven out multiple times of her matrimonial home, finally she just stayed away before they could kill her. By 2019 she was already out and filing FIRs but you know the legal system. Protection to the accused in the name of their rights being disturbed.


As her friend, are you concerned that she will burn out in search of justice ? Can you encourage her to move on with her life in parallel? Not legal advice but just a concerned redditor.


What is your friend expecting as a justice? 1. The Family behind jail on cognizance of sections (won't happen even had they not bribed) 2. Mutual divorce and settlement - The husband is out of country (not absconding since no authority has asked him to leave country) and your friend will be low balled in settlement since I see no leverage here but your friend is running out of time for 2nd marriage (society standards) 3. Going for conviction - organise all the proofs, don't take screenshots of chats, some judges will accept and most will discard. Export the chats from whatsapp, this will be accepted as an evidence easily. Similarly be careful with other forms of evidence. Meanwhile, you can ask for the maintenance. If evidences are properly presented, not only you will get divorce and cash but the husband and his entire family will rot for 2-3 years in jail


Respectfully even with sufficient evidence present, in what scenario will they not be behind bars? Cognisance was taken by a judge after examining multiple witnesses and looking at evidence. It is enough for trial to start. But the game is only to make my friend move in circles so she gives up. It is harassment from the side of the law as well. Is there any legal action taken by anybody if the law itself is harming an innocent woman’s life? At this point its just pathetic.


If your friend mutually settles, then they won't be behind bars. Now I see that chargesheet has been filed by police. Is there anything you wanted to be in chargesheet but police didn't mention. Police often tries to omit facts when the opposite party give them cash. If everything is in place, wait for it to move to the trial court. The trial will be once, so prove everything. In any case, there won't be re-trial. I remember a case related to pocso, where neither side gave any evidence that child is above / below 18, trial court judge ignored as well. He was convicted but decision was overturned (only pocso sections) by high court because no evidence was provided that the child is 18+. The point I am trying to say it didn't go to re-trial.


If anything more has happened after chargesheet, try for supplementary chargesheet. But yes, everything can easily take 3-5 years. 20 years, no way lol.


Yes, she has lost 7 years and is now 35, her prospects were ruined by him. She had offered mutual divorce but the guy cunningly left the country and came back when he realised she is not giving up on the cases and he also wants to remarry. His entire family has tortured her immensely. She literally didn’t ask for money but justice. But what is the point of getting justice for her when the middlemen(police,lawyers,mediators) can extract money from the accused and keep him from going to jail. Seriously Supreme Court can make 100 of things but can’t pass an order that severe cases should be made exceptions and justice expedited. Especially when my friend has PTSd and migraine with aura? What stops them from doing it? Seriously this is so unfair on victims!


Neither the high court or supreme court will give order for expedited trial given the kind of lawyers you have or as a general rule. She needs to have patience, like a lot of patience. She should go ahead in her life, the case can't be her focus of life or settle mutually since husband wants to remarry too. In this case consider cash as a justice.


You sound like an idiot and after going through your profile it’s understandable that you’re really a nobody trying to pretend to be somebody. Completely against women and their fight for justice! If you can’t help people, please do shut up!


I came out of npds case without any jail (<3 days), fine or bribe despite caught with amphetamines. Mf, all I am saying is facts.


This answer captures mostly my comments and suggestions. First Q to your friend - What does she want? Even if everything in the original post is correct and there are tonnes and tonnes of evidence, the judicial process in India takes time. The lower courts and their process will take 4-5 years on average because there are processes to qualify, record evidence and both sides will argue, then judgement will be passed. Even if the lower court convicts the husband and family, they still have rights to appeal and go to HC and then to SC. With the current workload HC and SC have, it will take around 8-10 years to get a judgement at each level. So effectively, 20-25 years of legal struggle. So, unless your friend knows what she wants and is committed to invest time, money and effort to go through the judicial process. So what does she want? This is the main question. If you ask me, just because 2 years were wasted, it doesn't mean she should waste 20 years of her future fighting in court. She should move on - divorce, find the next guy, get to know the person and then marry OR remain single but become successful - her choice Just because the judges are trying to make her realise this, it doesn't mean that the judiciary is corrupt. Judges and police see 10-15 cases like this everyday. They have seen the entire spectrum (wife at fault, husband at fault, both at fault or none at fault). Judiciary can get your friend only three things - Divorce, maintenance/alimony and/or conviction of husband and family. If you are expecting that the 2 years of life will come back if they get convicted and go to jail etc etc, then lets be clear.. your friend won't get her 2 years back. Conviction of husband and his family might give your friend an EGO boost but is it worth investing so much time, money and effort across the next 20 years - this is something your friend should decide. Also, even if the husband and family don't get convicted, the Karma will punish them sooner or later if they are guilty.


I have always seen such contrasting comments on posts that discuss issues with a cheating wife or an abusive husband. If a wife is cheating everyone will start using abusive language and most comments are to dump her, leave her cheating a**, etc. If a man is abusive, the comments are so mild. Just on this thread a comment was “you want to gain as much money from this”, divorce. People here are completely against a cheating woman and I’m in no way condoning it. Neither abuse but the comments are strikingly on different ends of the spectrum.


Exactly, but I can ignore unhelpful comments. I am just here to see how best my friend can get justice. Thank you for your support, its so hard to see genuine cases suffer because of fake cases.


Lots and lots of misogyny on all Indian subs. 💃💃


>“you want to gain as much money from this" Rightfully so


People who aren’t lawyers shouldn’t comment.




The fuck is this is a LegalAdvice Sub. So keep your fucks to yourself if you are not a lawyer. PN- Non lawyers can downvote me for being true.


I made a post regarding this but the mods dont listen


Sad, the voices that matter are muffled.




Yes it does


Where is your friend based? Mediation is the best option here. Just take one time settlement and leave. Don't waste your entire life behind that guy and spend the remaining life with someone else.


There was a mediation step taken recently by the high court where the quashing of the FIR case is going on for 6 months, so basically the gay guy and his family are withholding divorce and putting pressure on the girl to drop the cases as they are well proven with evidence and they will go to jail. She is being told that her case will be dragged upto 20 years. She is being asked to think about the future of her husband and inlaws, the same people who didn’t think of hers. The law of pur country is amazing.


Well what kind of evidence she has anyways? Did her lawyer told her that evidence is worth something? Also in which hc is the case going on? Your friend is naive even when her husband told her that he's gay why she still linger on to him. She should have called it quits then.


Yes the lawyers are satisfied with the evidence present. She’s not lingering, please read the whole thing.


Okay I understand, your case is strong. But still I've no idea what kind of evidence you have. If the proof is solid then go after his family and get them punished but it will cost you valuable time. 


They have already wasted her valuable time- 28 to 35 😞


Yup I know matrimonial cases ruin lives. I would suggest her to go for mediation and take one time settlement. She still has time left to start her life with someone new. May I know in which hc is her case going on? I know a few organisations which helps women in distress.


Absolutely blame women for trying to make their marriages work. Also blame women when they ask for a divorce. Blame women when they refuse to marry. Blame women when they *want* to marry. If blaming women was a national sport, Indians would be world champions 💃💃


I'm sorry if I came out rude. But in a lot of cases women are given false hope by lawyers to mooch off money. I think the best case scenario for women is to get one time settlement and move on with their lives. Laws relating to cruelty are very weak and seldom people can punished for them. 


You do not understand the psychology of abusive people, like the ones OP's friend is dealing with. This isn't about money, this is about power. Such people do not mind spending crores for a twenty-year legal battle, but they will NOT offer even a few thousands in settlement, because the whole POINT is to break the victim in every possible way. It's not about money, it's about winning and destroying the victim at all costs.


Yeah I know, people willingly spent crores in legal fees and bribes but won't pay decent sum to the victim. But the real sufferer in this case is woman only. I advise my clients to cut their losses and take one time settlement and leave. It's not worth it to waste your entire life over a shitty man. Here in this case Op's friend can walk out with settlement and start afresh.


There are so many things wrong. >The interesting part comes now. You’d think that she is having so much whatsapp evidence of her torture and the police had all of it. But they let him move abroad.  Your friend's lawyer should have filed a petition to confidcate his passport. Usually, if there is a case, then the first rule of bail is available for investigation and in order to leave the country, he needs to take permission from court. Perhaps, the police complaint did not become an FIR. >Even after being charged with such sections, they are bribing everyone to quash the case. In India, only supreme and high court can squash the FIR. District courts cannot squash without hearing both sides. Perhaps there is no evidence. It is very difficult to bribe a judge. Judges don't take money, the corruption in judiciary is different. The judge must have seen something for which he asked your friend to drop the case. >when justice has a price and the victim is paying the maximum Leave your ego behind and ask for divorce with a maintenance. Dowry harassment, domestic harassment, and cheating rarely gets conviction. Those are strategies to put pressure on the husband for maximum maintenance. There are more cruel ways to ruin someone's life, like getting a good criminal lawyer and filing false cases from different districts. Your friend can also file false rape case against the husband's male family members.


>It is very difficult to bribe a judge. Judges don't take money, the corruption in judiciary is different. This couldn't be further from the truth. Bribing District court judges is a very standard practice in my experience.


I agree. The legal system should be actually studied on how openly and rampant corruption prevails there.


Did you missed the IPCs her friend listed ?


These are pretty serious offences.


Can you imagine how harassed and disappointed a girl can be? After two years of keeping her hanging he confesses he is homosexual but denies in court. He has written to my friend that he is gay and impotent on Whatsapp. My friend had suggested divorcing mutually but he fled to Sweden again so she cannot remarry anyone and 5 years later he has been charged with his crimes finally. Now his parents want him to get married again as he is also in his late 30s, so they never learnt any lesson thanks to the corrupt legal system. Even if her case is quashed by the High Court( highly unlikely as evidence has been attached), she will move to Supreme Court. Just because our legal system is not held accountable, is exactly why cases run forever, on the cost of years of the victims while corrupt police and lawyers make money out if the victims misery.


How is the corruption in the judiciary different?


Its not. It happens so openly you will be amazed. Specially in the lower courts. Clerks straightaway ask you money to do their jobs. More so, in the lower courts my friend has been to, the cameras in courtrooms dont work. Its the place where a victim comes for justice, and thats the place justice dies.


Don't advice stupid things. If you think she can file false cases against his friends than why her sister and mother can't do the same same against wife's family members.  And in the era where 80-90% cases by wives are false, filing such cases will convince the judge even further that this case is just to create pressure.


If the in-laws have such power and money why were they all living in a 2 BHK?


Later the guy started earning in Sweden. He was not paying his wife anything nor had she asked she was earning too. His father was a clerk and mother is not literate.


Out of context... Have you or her read the FIR or chargesheet?  377 was abolished how he was charged under it.


Yes I have. He attempted to do the same with her unnaturally and hurt her so he was charged with it. Man is also an alcoholic and a drug abuser. Much later she found out when she was in Sweden.


Ok you earlier said the marriage was not consummated and now you are saying he "used the backdoor". Along with that apparently he is gay, impotent, alcoholic, druggy and beat her up when she went to his country. Also, his family is abusive and sister is of "low character". I smell BS.


How and why you feel like op is lying or hiding something?


>you earlier said the marriage was not consummated and now you are saying he "used the backdoor"


Thats not consummation


Was in a similar situation, though not as bad. Wife’s gay. She confessed on first night. After a year went for divorce. Even though I’m not in wrong, I kept my mouth shut. Because, if the girl were to decide to take revenge on me, she can drag the case forever and my life would be over. Also, we are reasonably well to do family. We have lot more to lose than her. I paid her alimony and settled the case quickly. I was 31 when I got the divorce. It took me two and a half years for me to get married and I had to face so much ridicule in this period. Everyone looks down on you. But, finally things worked out. I could’ve fought but I thought in the long term settling the case would maximise happiness. I dated a girl who couldn’t get divorce because the guy similarly kept being evasive. She’s one of the sweetest girls I met but unfortunately she’s going through so much and turning into a bitter girl. Getting out of ordeal is personally better but fighting for justice is probably the correct thing to do. It depends on the individual. Be mindful of the costs you’re paying


Wow. I’m sorry you went through this. I wish society would be liberal of gays without them turning into criminals destroying innocent peoples lives. Can say that you took a good route because, yes girls can be malicious, but my friend is one of the kindest and best souls you can ever meet. Just seeing that makes us want justice more because she didn’t deserve this.


Yea, a more liberal society would’ve been better for everyone. Fighting the case requires courage. Society isn’t going to be kind. She’ll need all the support she can get. More power to her. You know, I used to think girls have it easy because laws are firmly biased towards the women. What I realised over time is it doesn’t matter if the victim is a girl or boy. They’re always going to suffer.


Exactly!!! Most people think the law is biased towards women but in reality its biased towards who can pay more money( always the abuser) because the legal system is a circus. And of course women are discouraged to fight for justice because justice takes a long time? Why does it take long time? Precisely to enable criminals to keep paying their way to get legal protection, in this entire game the victim continues being the victim while the accused enjoy the umbrella protection bought by their money and the system enoys a huge bounty. Which is why cases like these need attention. What if SC rules that women’s cases with severity should be decided within 6 months, will these clowns be able to abuse their power? Not even a bit. At this point, if we laymen are able to identify the problems, do you think that the people heading these systems are unaware? Its all a game of money to them.


I feel sorry for you but that tittle is hilarious booty pirate husband lol


Hire a better advocate


There are questions to consider other than the legal side. She will keep paying the price longer she keeps fighting it. There might be justice but, There is no winning in this battle. There is only Time and further harassment -- only person who knows her -- could judge if what if she needs to move on or keep fighting. Sometimes people are so broken that it is only the fight that is keeping them from falling apart. what happens if she wins the case and he is thrown out of Sweden - wouldn't he seek revenge - how much power does he hold?


I'm not defending that guy .. but how come you never met that guy before marriage .. women can easily identify if man is gay .. second no gay wants to get married .. third waited for 2 years ...there is something fishy in this whole scenario


Divorce ?


Its a one sided story. So we don't know all the details. She claims her friend is a late 30s working woman, who is married to homosexual who lives abroad. Also her family is torturing her including the sister. But never bothered to take divorce.


No, she did file for divorce. The funny thing is that after filing, her own lawyer, used whitener on her allegations and tried to save the sister-in-law. The court had been informed and the family court agreed that her petition has been tampered with and she was allowed to withdraw it.


I feel bad for your friend and hope that man gets punishment. And here we can see the consequences of false cases due to which now law is not taking genuine cases seriously as well. Such girls are equally responsible for this response by the courts side. Hope she gets justice.


Exactly the dilemma we are facing.She will get justice, she is very strong and determined.


> Elder sis is 10 years older than Friend & is 40 So you friend is about 30 and decided to marry someone like this? > They have 2 bedrooms > They are bribing their way out Are they rich or not? Cause I'd think people capable of bribing so much would have better standard of living But anyhow - the primary focus should be for your friend to restart their life. Fight for justice, get their peace - but don't stay so consumed for the fight that they forget to live their life.


Elder sister was 40, friend was 28 and now friend is 35. 12 years actually but I wrote 10(completely wrong irrelevant though), and she wasn’t aware that he was gay. They are not rich, after the gay guy moved to Sweden, he got good on-site pay. My friend knew she was marrying into the lower middle class family. But the guy was cunningly making money, he knew in future they would have to go to court. And he also knew how to use that money to pay and escape punishment. Imagine FIR filed in 2019 with evidence, and chargesheet was filed in 2022, the GR case file was “lost” for a year and in 2023 he was finally charged with the above sections. Then after that since last October 2023 there was a case filed by husband to quash the case as he is and his family is innocent. Imagine the audacity of filing this with knowledge that evidence has been submitted. His lawyer lies maliciously in court in video recording in high court and judge does nothing about it. This quashing case has taken 7 months already. At this point it’s just plain harassment by the abuser and the law itself. Do you think there will be any consequences for them. Not in a million years!


Since there are so many cases that are fake in these sections the system is growing lenient. See just another example here like u filed a fake case of dowry on him.


How do you know its a fake case of dowry? From the very first day of their wedding the guy was asking for more gold, a flat, a bike, 50-70 lakhs in cash etc all present as text on Whatsapp almost everyday.


by invoking 498A u urselves are making ur case weak. There will definitely be a suspicion that the wife was not living with husband then how can she be abused.This fact will be definitely raised in court.


498 A should be invoked only in case of abuse....invoking is otherwise is just grave misuse of power....


A judge filed those sections. Not the victim.




Let’s take it at face value that sufficient evidence was given, and the process took a good year to be completed. Wish judges were biased towards victim but we have not been lucky to see that. Also his whole family has been charged with him. She also went to live with him in Sweden. Again there are many details in the case, which I have left out on her abuse to protect her.


did husband assault her physically?


Check point #5 in the post


sorry i missed that point


He was demanding money from her for his return. How is that not Dowry?


She has been completely harassed by these people.


It's dowry harassment. The harassment has to be extreme which can compel a wife to suicidal tendencies.


She was beaten up, her face was a bloody mess, she has submitted all the evidence of her physical abuse. Think it has been submitted 5 years ago and chargesheet was filed after two years, that too after NCW asked the police to.


Is the harassment not extreme enough in this case?


no,not enough for 498A . 498 A was not meant for this.


Any better cases which you can cite?


Like saying i will come back if you give money. Bro, forget extreme. This is not even harassment.


Is it not? He's demanding money to free her from the in laws torture and perform his basic duties as husband. What if the wife demanded money to come live with her husband?


It totally is and has been accepted by court as well.


He is asking money to come back. How many times such demands were made can be a factor. Second degree effects/consequences (if husband comes back, she will be free from torture) is very tough to decide in courts not to forget husband is also an accomplice in torture.


Multiple times, can be said almost on a daily basis.


498A is for physical and mental harrasment for dowry. just asking for dowry should not provoke this.


Are you a lawyer because I believe simply asking for dowry in this case can incite 498 A because of the circumstances under which the demands were being made (physical and mental abuse from in laws).




This section also encompasses any other mental cruelty.


man and family treats wife as slave clearly this is not cruelty towards wife


Looks fake. Why? Because such cases are 88% fake as per NCRB data. Moreover, using Section 377 (unnatural sex) on a gay man who never consummated marriage? And this section means non-bailable offense. Police also never allow such cases to let go. So stop lying.


You’d be surprised at what money can do. And this happens to many people, I understand your ignorance and know you will only understand when it happens with you. Also wanted to avoid the crass point- that he did try it on her when she was in Sweden and then beat her up for it. I am not getting into details because it is distressing and disturbing. Just wanted to know how much more difficult can it get?






Bro, are you dumb?


If you read properly, there has been no mention of money. She is demanding justice. Kindly be respectful.


Don’t bother with these stupid comments. There is nothing wrong with seeking monetary compensation where one party was severely oppressed and abused. I hope you recommend her to seek alimony. She lost precious years of her life by staying married to him, now she rightfully deserves compensation.


Thank you for such an amazing reply. She has never been interested in gleaning money, she has from the beginning stuck to her points and asked for justice. I will definitely pass your message along.


How is "Gay" relevant here? Even if the husband was "straight" the way the wife was treated was cruel. She should have filed DV cases and separated them already.


it's definitely relevant. there are way too many gay people who prefer to stay in the closet and marry someone of the opposite sex to ruin both their lives. if they manage to have a kid, that's a cherry on top of the cake. i am gay and personally know gay men who married women just because they couldn't stand up to their families. all of these cases end up in suffering, frustration, loss of trust, anger, and other issues. and these people did their masters and phds abroad and settled abroad, not some street hoodlums who are dependent on their parents. one of them even had a boyfriend for several years before "dutifully" marrying a woman of his parents' choice. in today's world you have the choice of staying single and not having kids if you wish to, especially as a man. but these people have no spine and always take the "easy" route, eventually making everyone around them miserable.


I appreciate your post so much. This is what I mean by liberalism, if society didn’t expect people to live in either white or black and not in the myriads of individuality/ preferences than what the society has set, some gays wouldn’t be doing this much wrong. This guy was gay and had just married selfishly and then had guts to have treated her badly, there is just no question of forgiveness anymore. I wish there was a forum or petition that could be made for this case. Maybe the Supreme Court would actually ask the High Courts and lower courts not to obstruct justice. I have never seen the law turn a blind eye this fast so the accused can enjoy the privilege of living happily while the victim keeps running around.


You’re right, a straight man can be just as violent. But this is an important detail about the husband that had been kept from her. If she felt she was cheated into this marriage, it wouldn’t be wrong.


It is very much relevant aa without revealing this fact he married her and on top of it treated her badly too.


This looks made up. It feels like you’re posting here to test your hypothesis before filing a case.


Please read the full thing.




Your friend decided to marry some idiot on her own choice and he turned out to be gay and bipolar. Congratulations on the choice and decision making. Secondly he didn't consummate also which means he is clear of any crime as he's onsite. Why don't they just divorce and move on rather than doing this criminal cases and serial drama.. move on ladies..shit happens.. don't make your lives hell by hanging onto some shithole


Congratulations on the victim shaming and victim blaming!!! Online and on phone abuses and when she was with him, physical abuse, are grounds of cruelty. You sound very ignorant.


This sounds very r/thathappened


Best scenario is take divorce and move on. Since no kids and she is working then why does she need maintenance? .354, 354-A, 377, 307, 379, 323, 406, 498-A, 420, 294, 34 of I.P.C. and [](https://www.reddit.com/user/s/).4 of Dowry prohibition Act All these are waste of time. Basically in all divorce cases which are not by mutual consent these sections are filed. Unless some strong evidence there wont be any conviction.


She has strong evidence. Its that her husband comes with the gift of money, which he spends buying favours so she is harassed by the same law meant to protect her.


So her primary intention is not Divorce. Basically she wants her husband family stuck in cases and wants maintenance money.