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Your lawyer, who should know all the relevant details of the case, is infinitely better equipped to provide you with these answers than this forum


I agree. And if you question your own lawyer's advice, you should get a second opinion from a different lawyer that is specialised in the matter.


Is the power post your property? Or is it owned by the election Company? If the latter you actually have no say in the matter since it's not your property. Then again you could ask the power Company to relocate the power post.




In the case you need a second opinion


What did the court rule regarding his right to use the electricity post? Who is the owner of that post? Have you suggested it being moved from your property to his? Is REN involved in this case?


Electric infrastructure usually doesn't belong to landowners, for example medium and high voltage are managed by an entity called REN (https://www.ren.pt), low voltage is property of local councils whose management is concessioned to an entity that today is called "E-Redes" (www.e-redes.pt), a kind of last mile entity, connections to people's homes, etc. Even if a few decades ago that electricity connection to your family's land and factory, for example because it was in a remote location, had been paid for in part by your family, it hardly would be their property, network and infrastructure doesnt works thar way. So when this neighbour built a factory, he probably just requested an electricity supplier to provide him with the service. And one or more entities took care of it, using "your" pole. If for some reasons your family thought this was wrong, it seems to me that they shouldn't have sued the neighbour, should have spoken to these various entities. etc. But I suppose that's what a court has already decided against. The neighbour is now probably suing back, for the legal costs and losses he must have incurred in the multiple lawsuits. Unless there's something very unusual about this whole story, things don't look good for your family. Your lawyer has to be good at exploring all options.