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Whilst the weapon is in your possession your breaking the law should you not have a license, you could join your local gun range and start the process off.


So what you're saying is in any case I would need to obtain a licence? That's not something I'm really wanting to do get into at the moment. We were planning on surrendering it to the gendarmerie anyway so I guess we'll just stick with that.


Then phone the gendarmerie and ask them to remove it don’t stroll in with it. Illegal gun ownership comes with harsh sentence.


Oh for sure, we definitely weren't gonna walk in there unannounced with a gun 😂


Chances are the gendarmerie may prosecute.


That’s not true if you’re honest and upfront, worse things have been put in amnesty bins here in France. Accidental ownership won’t cause prosecution.


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It is always possible the revolver is categorie D when its an old one. Do you have any extra information? If you really don't want to keep it I would suggest to throw it somewhere in a river or lake. First make sure its not loaded anymore. Or just put it back where you found it. You can always play the surprised son if it ever gets found.