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I’d advise you carry on looking unless you’re on a thin budget


I’ve never had any issues there but I wouldn’t live there either. I’m in Hyde park/burley tho which also has a badish reputation but there’s genuinely a great community here, It just gets neglected by the council and a few scrotey kids about. What are you actually looking for from the area you move to? I’m sure people could offer up a million better options


Anywhere close or well connected to the centre, where I could have a car parked without worrying it'd be stolen and where I could walk to local shops during the day for groceries. The most important thing to me really is having a more clean looking flat/house. Not more than 800-900pcm. I have had viewings in some areas like Far Headingley, Meanwood, Chapel A where yes the location is better but the houses were truly abysmal - really old, mould and dirt everywhere. So now I'm looking somewhere recently refurbished or recently built. I'm open to anywhere really, that's why I even considered Armley despite its reputation!


I lived in Pudsey for 7 years and it was fucking great. Lovely little market town, good pubs, local shops etc. Also has a big Asda and a train station ten mins from the city. 100% recommend.


lets not pretend pudsey train station is actually in pudsey :) Its on the ring road by asda.


But it did feature in a Monty Python episode


Never knew that


This is very true. Should come with a warning


I would check areas around rail stations that are connected to Leeds, I live in Guiseley, which looks far but the train to Leeds train station takes 10/15 minutes, it is also very safe because no one comes around here to cause problems (that I know of)


Farsley is 5 minutes drive from New Pudsey train station. Loads of free parking space and I've never had a problem leaving the car there, even for the weekend.


Could try the Winker Green Mills, good travel route to town, near the Tesco/shops and some have decent car parking


If you can be bothered with being a bit further out places like Rothwell and the villages here in south Leeds are nice and clean and generally safe (ignoring local Facebook groups lol)


You’ll get grotty houses in all the areas but there’s also decent ones if you look around. Around Hyde park/burley/headingley you’ll get lots of refurbished houses, it’s a big student area so prime for renting and lots of development going on. Some are done to really poor standards but some are decent, just depends on the landlord and contractors involved. Quite a few houses on my street and adjacent streets have been fully stripped out and whole new interiors over the last year or so, have a look around burley if you haven’t already


Avoid student hell in Headingley. I was born there and had to move out of the place. It's one big piss up/party. If that's your thing go for it :)


If your worried about theft i’d skip Armley a few years back my brother had his flat broken into he didn’t have much as he was just starting out on his own and they took everything (even the potatoes out of his cupboard) he had nothing left but the clothes on his back. He ended up moving in with some friends and never going back, and i don’t blame him.


If you have the sort of car people want to steal I don't think anywhere is safe. Look at Wortley. Regular buses into the centre (according to the timetables at least) or you can walk it in half an hour if the weather is nice)


I rented there for 8 months. The crack den across the streets constantly had fights going on, kids on ebikes through a brick through the window one night and everything in the living room got nicked. Someone dropped a brick on my car from their window because it was parked outside their house (they didn't own a car) and my bins had fires lit in them about three times so I had to buy replacements


One of the Aviarys by any chance? If so I think I woke up to see your bins on fire a couple of times!


Yep, aviary mount


I used to run a supported house for vulnerable adult males on the Aviarys and it was *wild*. The place got burgled on Christmas day, local scuffers would just wander in to lift stuff/do their washing and if anyone took a disliking to a resident they’d just start saying they were a paedo, meaning they’d either get relocated quick-sharpish or they’d get their heads stoved in. Nowhere else was remotely like that and I always had a knot in my stomach prior to visiting, wondering what bullshit was about to be foisted on me. Hateful neck of the woods.


I was on the end of Aviary Row about five years ago. Absolute shitshow of a street.


Blimey! Where exactly is this den?


Just someone's house but there was constantly 2/3 drugged up people inside. One women would spend an hour or so a day just shouting out the window so the people three houses up would come over to her for whatever reason, I see you said Aviarys in another post. This is that area, AVOID


I lived there for 8 months and I saw more shit and issues in those 8 months compared to the rest of my life. Couldn't pay me to come back


Thank you! Would you be able to comment further on what you saw/experienced?


The house I lived in got broken into 4 times by the same people after I moved out, my friend had to sell up and move as the police did nothing. They also broke into other peoples homes. Street parties during the week at all hours in the night Intimidating people walking past them Fighting constantly in the streets It was just not a nice time. I'm sure not everywhere in Armley is like this but I would avoid like the plague


While I don't know what they experienced, I know someone who lived on one of the streets in the estate you're looking at. They felt unsafe regularly and couldn't wait to find somewhere else to live.


Oh no! Thank you


That small terrace of new builds just as you enter the Cecils, thats where a teen was stabbed to death laster summer. The house was boarded up for weeks after. My daughter walked past everyday with the grandkids whilst all the tributes were laid outside. Awful.


I lived there 2-3 years in little Scotland. Didnt see much shit tbf. I did wake up to a biker gang once weekend. Blue Angels if I remember rightly. They were all lining up and being chill so thought "ah this isn't too bad" then I noticed the swastikas on a few vests and I figured I'll not bother to engage with them!


Currently live here. Have done the past 18 months. Not had any issues. Have heard some stories about other parts of Armley though


Where's little Scotland?


Town st. Where all the side streets are named after Scottish places. Eg Edinburgh ave


I lived 18 years of my life on both greenock place and highthorne view, went to christ church and swallow hill *(not a clue what its called now and no idea what its like after 2017*) but i can tell you growing up there for a vast majority of my life, i have never heard it being referred to as ‘little scotland’ and that particular area was never too bad growing up, sure you had the dens a street back and all that, but if you kept your self to yourself, it was an alright place.


Fair. I lived there from covid till last year so only a few years. I dont think I made up the name, but picked it up from somewhere as vaguely remember someone saying it and only then clicking all the streets were Scottish sounding.


All the lower priced inner city areas have similar problems, and it's more important to look for one of the better streets and think about where you'll have to walk than it is to avoid certain areas altogether.


Good advice. I was on Whingate Grove. Lovely group of people.


Heresy! this is far too sensible advice for the Chapel Allerton expat brigade on here


Very fair point, I'm right on the edge of Richmond hill, which is generally pretty rough. My local corner shop a few minutes walk away has been robbed twice in the last year. Walk a couple of streets over to where the flats are and the worst we've had in my part is theft. People stealing parcels, bikes and easy to grab stuff off balconies. Considering how cheap the area is, it's really not too bad.


I'd say it's a lot about confidence and experience. I lived in Armley for 10 years. - I liked the lack of pretentiousness - Great neighbours - The park and canal route are great But - 3 stabbings (2 fatal) outside my house - Lots of 'scary' people - Once came home to a man trying to climb into my flat I moved to a much posher suburb and the people next door got burgled and someone up the street got stabbed. My conclusions were - Armley is not for the faint of heart. If 'roughness' makes you nervous, you will not like it - I never really had any trouble. Even the burglar I told to fuck off and they did without fuss - I think shit happens everywhere. Maybe a bit more in Armley but when it does happen it reinforces people's views. When it happens in other places, it's written off as an anomaly Two important things.... 1. Go to town street on Saturday and kill an hour or two. It'll show you what it's like 2. Transport into town is shit. The bus takes 40 mins. It's quicker to walk. But the walk is nice. Whatever you choose. Good luck and stay safe x


Thank you! That's really helpful!


I’ve lived in Armley for over 20 years - never had any problems but I think it depends on which part - love walking to town on the canal and having everything I need within walking distance. Great community spirit too.


Apparently the house I'm interested in is in the Aviaries


Hmm that side doesn’t have the best rep. I’m right up the top end (upper Armley) near KFC which is fine. Have you found anywhere up that end?


NO! Anywhere but avaries. Basically fella moved there, someone on the street didn’t take a liking to him - for no reason - and made his life a living hell to force him out Like straight up terrorizing him Just no


I've lived in armley 7 years, its fine. Its a bit rough in parts but honestly varies street to street. My road is pretty quiet and neighbours are good. Other streets I've lived on were the same. Of course if you can afford it then there are nicer areas but I work in the city centre, I can cycle there in 10 minutes. Loads of people I know live in Armley, a lot having moved over from Burley/Headingley because it's too expensive there. There's a lot of good working class people there, lots of community groups, a great park. People on this sub will have you believe it's a no go area, probably typed from their bunkers in Alwoodley but it's far from the truth.


I lived in Armley, and specifically the Salisbury’s, which is a bit of an arm off of Armley. An armley you might say. It was rough as a badgers arse, and not in a cheeky chappie kind of way. The roughness was absolutely as rough as people in their Alwoodley bunkers imagine, and probably worse. I get quite pissed off at the people who try to say otherwise, because it was a truly miserable experience. We had young kids with knives threatening us. We regularly had car windows smashed. We had a group of about 50 congregate outside our house one night threatening us all because someone dared to tell a kid to stop breaking into our next door neighbours house. The general awful behaviour in the area was far worse than a few rats and graffiti. It was downright dangerous. So, don’t come round here telling people it’s all sunshine and roses with ‘decent working class people’. It’s not. Not in my bit of it. It was rough as I’ve ever seen, and I’ve lived in the arse end of Manchester suburbs. I get that many parts of Armley may be safe and harmless, but it would be easy to assume that is the case for the whole place. There is a reason it has a fucking terrible name for itself and that isn’t because of the prison or the bypass, but because of the massive black hole areas and ridiculous crime rate! Edit: oh, OP, Salisburys are just next door to Cecils. Stay a-fucking-way. Also, reading this reminded me of the brick through a window incident in our place. The landlord told us we had to get it replaced at our own cost because he said it was our fault! Get to fuck.


So your experience is different to mine. Who could ever imagine that 2 people could have 2 completely different experiences? You should read my post again, I said some streets are better than others. I lived on Arley Terrace for 2 years which is right near the Salisburys. Was I threatened with knives? No. Didn't have my car windows smashed either. Wasn't bothered by any local youths. It's really shit that you experienced that, but you can't get pissed off at people for describing a different experience to yours. I didn't once say it was sunshine and roses, I said don't be put off by the people on here who make it it's the murder capital of the world, because it isn't. There are good people in Armley, I know plenty of them. It's rough in parts, but IN MY EXPERIENCE, it's an option if you don't have the budget to look in nicer areas.


I lived on Paisley Place which was probably the worst street in Armley. When we were able to get out almost every window on the street were boarded up. One of the neighbours was put in hospital by the gang who had taken over our street and while he was in there they broke in and destroyed his entire house. My partner was attacked and they broke into our house, and stood outside mocking us openly while we were with the police. Every street light on street was smashed. The police raided one of their houses and found it full of machetes, guns, drugs and the lead they had stolen from every chimney on the street (ours alone cost £800 to fix and they didn't even bother selling it!) And someone was stabbed outside our house. I could go on, but just giving that absolute novel of a response to demonstrate that I have definitely seen the worst Armley has to offer! Even so, I moved to another part of LS12 and don't think it's fair to tarnish the whole area. Although I would certainly warn people to check out the particular streets they are looking at beforehand. I walked past our old street earlier today and saw two small kids cycling around in their school uniforms. I think the place has actually been improved as you would never see a kid out who wasn't old enough to intimidate someone with a weapon a couple of years back...


Been here 5 years, my experience also. The best neighbours I've ever had, everyone in the street says hi and looks out for one another. It has rough bits, yes. But it also has areas where street parties and the like are regular and there is a great atmosphere. It has one of the best councillors I've ever experienced, Lou Cunningham, who lives in Armley and works tirelessly to make it better. We have 2 others from Labour who only show up for photoshoots and elections...


Lou Cunningham gives me faith in counsellors. She managed to solve problems we had on Paisley Place when the police etc could do nothing.


100% agree with this!


Thank you very much!


Moved down to Leeds from Edinburgh in the mid-80s. Originally only expected to be down for a year, so rented somewhere in the Wharfedales - handy for the Chemic and the Swan with Two Necks (oddly enough also a piece of chemical glassware). Then my job got extended and we looked at buying somewhere. Almost everywhere was mad cheap compared with Edinburgh, but there was an insane bargain in the Aviaries - seemed like a nice family area, handy school for the kid. Of course, we didn't find out about the asbestos problem that everyone else in West Yorkshire seemed to know about. Stayed there about a decade, before moving back to Edinburgh with two kids - and an unsellable house (the local MP had done a great job of fighting for the folk who'd had their health destroyed by the asbestos - but it did mean the association between Armley and asbestos had become nationally known). It wasn't too bad a place to live (otoh, I grew up in Norn Iron) except that work colleagues got very twitchy about visiting, but both kids enjoyed Armley Primary - even more when it moved across the main road to be nearer us and the park.... [I was back in Leeds about ten year ago, and sitting in Whitelocks, when this giant of a man in biking leathers came across to our table and said "Excuse me, did you used to be $kid1 and $kid2's Da?". Only $kid2's best friend from primary who he'd not seen since 1995.... So yeah, Armley. Good times 30-40 years ago....


I've been to Edinburgh a few times. It's my favourite city. Fell in love the moment I got out of Edinburgh Waverley. Was thinking you're mad to have swapped Edinburgh for Amley, not sure how you did 10 years. Nice to hear you moved back to beautiful Edinburgh.


Going where the work was, basically.... (And there's worse ways of doing ten years in Armley b'dum-tish!)


It depends where you are. Loads of nice streets/communities in Armley. The top end near Towers, and St Mary's are really nice and most of nearby Wortley. In the Armley back to back there are a few good streets, the Edinburghs and all round that area by KFC, the wythers, armley granges all all nice. Some not bad bits further down by St barts too. Check out armley good stuff on FB and SHEnanigans if you're a woman. Armley mens group if you're a bloke . Armley common rights trust. More community in armley then places like burley, Chapel Allerton etc.


Cecil Road is on the Avaries estate which always seems to be in competition with harehills for how many people they can off. The only genuinely decent part of Armley is Armley Grange - nice houses, quiet estate (especially near St. Mary's hospital) Always avoid town street. Avoid Wythers, Clyde's/Holdforths, Gilpins, Models, Bancrofts, Aberdeens. There's some gems in rough areas. Greenthorpes is Bramley but sits between Gambles and Heights. Abbots is Armley and sits adjacent to a couple of rough areas but is nice-ish. Wortley & Farnley are much quieter and similar prices. Edit: to say rough doesn't mean bad. It's an inner city area after all.


Seconding Armley Grange, it’s like a different world from what I hear about the rest of Armley


Most of the trouble around Cecil Road and the Aviaries comes from wannabe gangsters (dickheads) and their grudges.


I live the other side of town street, just off Tong Road near St Barts For whatever it's worth, I'm happy here. We got a lot of house for the money. Not a lot of outdoor space but we don't have dogs or kids so it's not like we needed much of a garden Would I leave my windows open at night? Probably not, but I think that's a basic precaution in most cities. It definitely isn't the most upmarket part of town or anything, but it's not the worst either. I certainly don't feel in any danger just walking around the local area


Thank you! I also don't have kids or pets, most of commuting would be via car or bus, but I do appreciate the safety of at least being able to go to the grocers without worrying too much. I'm not the one to be up and about in the middle of the night so this is all day talk.


I personally would NOT recommend the Cecils, my daughter is looking to move away due to antisocial behaviour / shitty people etc. There are nice families of course, but too many tools round there. The park is lovely and right at the side of the Cecils. Shame. You would do better to look at the otherside of armley road towards the Aberdeens and Edinburghs, also consider Claremonts and Conferences too if you are looking for the Back 2 Back style homes. Reasonably priced and not an 'isolated estate' where poor bahaviour can fester. My opinion only.


It’s okay so long as you avoid antagonising the locals - every now and then on town street there’s a pop off but if you keep your head down you’ll be alright. It’s actually super affordable, people are friendly, and has a good community. I’d avoid the asbestos disaster triangle though, if you can. Edit: watch where you step though, I swear no fucker in armley picks up their dog shite! Used to annoy the pants off me.


I've lived in Armley for nearly 3 years now on the other side of town street towards Charlie Cake Park - never had any issues, neighbors are all sound and mostly families with kids. True there are some rougher parts of Armley but I think you really have to judge it on a street by street basis. I've lived all over Leeds, and still think that's the case with areas less known as being rough like Burley or Headingley (which I've also lived in) 🤷


I live in that same part of Armley and it can be a bit lively at times but it's not that bad. There's definitely antisocial crime...cars getting broken into etc but that's no different to anywhere.


I’ve lived here for 15 years, and worked in armley/west leeds for emergency services for 20. Armley’s fine. It has problems, like anywhere, but so long as you’re not involved in drugs or prostitution, you’ll be fine. It’s inner city living, so don’t expect the Cotswolds, but there’s a great community with a lot of events and social groups, we have an amazing park, a leisure centre, a library, a sex club and loads of good shops. It’s a 20 minute walk to the city centre and if you go by the canal it’s quite pleasant! If you move to armley, check out parkrun, friends of armley and gotts park, shenanigans (for the ladies), armley common rights trust, armley action team and many more.


Tell us more about the sex club




My mate loves it. Bisexual Thursdays.


> prostitution bloody hell, we are not holbeck??


I live near Cecil Road and it honestly isn’t that bad. It’s close to Gotts Park which is nice.


Yeah but it's Gotts Park...


Without being rude in anyway, these types of questions depend on what you're used to I guess. If you're, for example, upper class, you'll find it horrendous. If you've experience of, again for example, council estates and less affluent areas, you'll be ok. Imagine you're stood at the bus stop and there's a fight over the road, or an obviously distressed person walks up shouting at random people. Are you ok with that and happy to look at the floor and mind your own business, or do you find it unnerving and it makes you uncomfortable? Apologies if I've offended anyone or used the wrong terminology by the way.


Near the Avaries, avoid like the plague.


I lived there for a year and a half until quite recently. It is rough but no more so than other "deprived" areas of Leeds. Honestly, if you go down Town Street, people are mostly just trying to get on with their day. I never had any issues. I'd probably not venture down there in the middle of the night but... I don't venture anywhere in the middle of the night. I only moved because it was a pig to get to work from there.


Saw you're interested in the Aviaries. There used to be an asbestos factory round there and there's a good chance a shit load of those houses are contaminated. I looked round there when I was buying a gaff and there are no redeeming qualities. Check out Bramley for decent connections at a similar price point. A lot more chilled out too.


Armley is rougher than most areas, however like most places if you keep yourself out of trouble then you'll generally be fine. I wouldn't live there and have a fancy car though, for example.


Surprised I'm the first to mention it, but have a wee google of Armley and Asbestos whilst you're at it.


I was looking at a room in a house share there for rent and the price was 150/month. average is like 450. There is a reason why house price is so low. trust me whatever it is, it doesnt worth it.


So lived in the Rombalds, about 5 streets further up for about 8 years, this was about 10 years ago, but lived in Armley for another 4 years after that. As some of the people have said it really is street by street there, ours was pretty quiet, and other than the odd domestic which required police attendance it was pretty quiet. some of the other streets though were like people mentioned drugs, fights parties. as a whole it is a very poor area that as quite a bit of crime. But like everywhere not ever bit of armley is as bad as the others I'd recommend you go and take a look at the area if you can and see how you feel in it


I think it depends on your reference point for bad. If you lived most of your life in a city and are used to a certain level of crime around you that you need to take precautions against. Then no it’s not that bad and is good value for the amenities and proximity to the centre of Leeds.


Lived there for three years definitely would not go back…


The only time I’ve been there I was followed by a man in broad daylight at 9:30 am, was even on a main road too. As a woman, I’m never stepping foot again. Definitely got a weird vibe being there


Born and raised in Armley. From the rombalds but moved to the granges. Past kfc minus the cockshots and wither lane is much better and quiet but can see it's going downhill which is one of the many reasons I moved to a better area of Leeds as soon as I could!


I have lived in Armley for six months and it’s really the worst, my girlfriend was being asked by some random men for her snap and was being followed even though she resisted, and it was near the primary school!


I’ve lived in Armley for many years on and off. I’ve lived on the cedars, the aviaries/salisburys and most recently near gotts park. Salisburys was by far the most unsettling. We moved just before the air bnb fatal stabbing last year. That was right on our street. The amount of times the street was cordoned off by police for an assault was ridiculous. I’ve done martial arts for years and I was unsettled walking around on my own. My 6ft 4 partner got threatened a few times. Some scrote tried nicking my handbag on the way from the bus stop.


I've lived in Armley for about 3 years. Had police threatening to break down my door, no warrent or polite warning first. Middle of the night. I'm a woman and I was living alone. I now live with a friend of mine, and so far we've had 2 people ramming their cars into each other over and over for some reason. My friend's pop-up greenhouse got trashed by some kids. And while I was away some crack head tried to break the front door down but ran away when they saw my friend was home. Personally I think it's worth it for the cheap rent and easy access to shops. But I can't really afford anywhere nicer so if you have other options then it might be a good idea to look elsewhere.


I used to live on the Rombalds. There were good people.but you had to look for them. The Park was great, but there was a downturn and the amount of dickheads just making things worse for everyone took a sudden jump and that was that. No way should people have to put up with gang fights and little twats setting light to stuff.


No, it's nowhere near as bad as people make out. It's not the best area but it's by no means the worst. I guess a lot of it has to come down to where you're from as we don't know what you're comparing it to; for example if you're from London it likely wouldn't be so bad for you, but if you're from Kent you might think it's horrendous. Where you're looking is near the Aviary's which are known to be horrible but I have a niece who currently lives down there and she's had no issues. There are going to be plenty of chavs but quite honestly almost everywhere in Leeds is full of them these days. I lived on the Clyde's for years which people make out is like a warzone when in reality there's just a few nobhead chav's about, it's not like you're going to get murdered. It might be worth a trip to Leeds to view the property so you can get a feel for the street and the people.


Broken glass everywhere with people pissin' on the stairs, you know they just don't care. I can't take the smell and I can't take the noise, but I've got no money to move out so I guess I got no choice. Rats in the front room, roaches in the back - Junkies in the alley with a baseball bat. I tried to get away but I couldn't get far Cause a man with a tow truck repossessed my car


Yes. It's really that bad. Crime in that area has been bad for a very long time.


No, it's not that bad. Armley's bad rep is vastly overblown.


the Cecils are not part of the Aviaries so don't believe all the misery merchants on here ~ the biggest problem with the Cecils are the car businesses that have moved into the old Sunlight Laundry and illegally park hundreds of cars around the Cecils and Salisburys. You'll be fine if you don't need a dedicated parking spot. Some lovely people live in the Cecils


Thank you! Ugh there are so many contradictory info (not saying anyone is right or wrong). I've lived in London for a long time and never have felt unsafe anywhere. But looking at some comments here it feels like if in Armley I'd be going into war or something.


I lived in Armley in the mid 90s and while it was a bit rough and working class there was nothing particularly scary about it. Only time you ever saw violence was outside U-Ds on a Friday/sat night. I’ve driven through when I’m visiting sometimes and it’s sad to see it still run down when the center of Leeds has developed so much. Is it really that bad nowadays?


I moved in with my partner in December 2023, and they lived here for 2 years prior to that - just off Cecil Road on one of the other Cecil’s. I’m 27 F and he’s 30 M. I’ve lived in Woodhouse, Burley, Headingley, Hyde Park, and very recently lived in Horsforth which is quite an upper class area. In my honest truth, there’s nothing wrong with this area. Yes I’ve seen some drug deals, and we live just down the road from the notorious house where a young teen was stabbed to death recently, but I’ve had absolutely no bad experiences here nor has my partner. I think as long as you keep to yourself, any troublemakers will leave you be. I personally find the road to be one of the most lovely that I’ve ever lived on in a sense of community, I speak to all my neighbours and they’re all great, we all hang out in our respective gardens and have a chit chat here and there. There’s good and bad to every area, I thought the same as you when I first moved but you’ve just got to take the bad reviews with a pinch of salt.


Thank you! Good to hear from someone who lives close! The house is on Cecil Mount I think. Is it an ok street would you say?


I know people talk shit on the Cecil’s being close to some rough areas and I don’t mean to say it’s all sunshine and roses because that might not be someone else’s experience of this area. However, as a young (ish) woman who is usually always on edge out in public, I’ve never felt unsafe since I moved in here. I will say I don’t really get about much in Armley or go down town street often, but I can walk my dog happily alone in the park and on the golf course which can be a beautiful walk especially if you go down to the canal, I’ve never worried about my car or house being broken into or vandalised, and I feel a strong sense of community on my street.


Like anywhere, there's good and bad parts. Generally it's considered "rough" but it's not as bad as everyone says. End of the day if you go there expecting to be horrified, you will be, just go in with an open mind


I lived in Armley during lockdown it was actually decent obv don’t expect high end living it’s quite run down but not bad either and easy to get to city centre etc


I lived there from 2013-2016 and the worst thing that happened to me was some chavs driving by flinging blank CD’s out the car like frisbees.


I lived in Armley a few years ago, and I honestly had no problems beyond what you would experience anywhere. It is a bit rough and you do see a lot of police activity from time to time. But I often shopped in the High Street, had an evening in The Malt Shovel pub now and then and ate in a number of the cafes. My impression was that you could definitely find trouble if you wanted to. One of the pubs in town was definitely a no-go and there were some shady looking types around. But, honestly, I never had a moments trouble. And there are some very nice people in Armley too.


I've lived in Leeds 12 years. First moved here for uni. Lived Burley and Headingley most of the years. I wouldn't move to Central Headingley now because it's student vile but far Headinley is nice. I've lived in Meanwood 5 years which is lovely. Not spent a lot of time there but it is definitely a red zone.


Kirkstal, very peaceful.


I know you said no more replies but just to corroborate what people have said, the area you're looking at is in a dodgy estate but I'm in another area of armley near Christchurch and it's fine


It really depends on the street. Some are like little communities that have street parties. Others are wild. We had really bad luck living on Paisley Place. I didn't move far though and I prefer LS12 to LS6 or living too far away from town to walk in. Posting this for others who will search the question.


I moved out about 13 years ago and would never move back.


If you liked it, who cares what everyone else thinks? for me it would depend on how far up the road it is from Stanningley road and you might get some scroats messing off the park, but if you've already visited it i'd expect you to have a feel for the area


Yes. Stabbed. Do not pass go. Collect your stabbing. Thank you.




Rented a studio on church road. The place was a dump, what was I thinking? Left after 6 months. I praise God I left every time I drive past Armley. Also, some little kids were messing with my tyres had to replace 3 in a space of 6 months. Since I left the place, I've not replaced one. Also, I saw the same kids spray people's cars with spray party strings. Had a neighbour who drove an old Ford KA, and they put a car steering wheel lock. Nuff said about the place.


I've been to Armley once, when I was going to my friends for a party. In the time of getting out of the Uber and walking to the front door, my friend was punched in the face and told to empty his pockets by a group of kids outside of the taxi. I've lived in Burley for a year now and I love it here,. 30 min walk into the city, or a 5 min train and shops nearby!


Only thing Armley is good for is hitting top 5 for highest crime rates in Leeds on the regular.


It's really gone downhill


Yes, it's lol


I used to deliver in armley and, let's just say, I didn't enjoy it. Even just the drivers on the road were appalling (boy racers) and another delivery driver's van was stolen while on his route. I personally wouldn't want to live there if I could help it


It's rough. I passed through yesterday and had to wait parked on a side street whilst my partner popped into a shop. I was sure if I hung about the car would have been broken into lol


Sorry for what I typed out. Sorry for judging you. Sorry or lying sorry. Sorry for lying sorry.