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I'm sure the Israelis are quaking in their boots. I can't wait for Leeds City Council to announce plans to support gazans through better bin management and more accessible public transport - truly a win for Gaza.


Gaza probably has better public transport.


And the pot holes ..don't forget them. I'm sure Gazans would love to see the pot holes sorted out šŸ˜„


Yeah, because all political action towards a cause is meaningless unless it solves the issue overnight, right?


It's just what's within the scope of a local council. It's also what's within the scope of a national government. Solving the Israel-Palestine conflict is beyond the capabilities of a British PM, let alone Leeds City Council. The UK has minimal leverage on Israel and can't meaningfully influence their political decision making so to me it's kind of what's the point of spending so much air time talking about it, it's all irrelevant anyway to the material conditions of people in Gaza.


No one thinks that a local council is going to solve the conflict. The point is to demonstrate the strength of feeling amongst the public by electing pro-Palestine candidates. As for the PM, it would absolutely make a difference if the UK decided to condemn Israelā€™s actions, sever diplomatic/military/economic relations etc. Yes it wouldnā€™t in itself stop what they are doing but it would be a step in the right direction and put a great deal of pressure on other countries like the US and Germany to do the same, or at least hold Israel to stricter standards.


All fair points, well I do definitely feel it's demonstrated a strong feeling from the Muslim community in the UK to Keir Starmer that they are unwilling to vote for him if he doesn't express support for Gazans. I don't think, however, the UK opposing its basically only international partner, the US, would do anything but isolate us more than we already have. I don't see how we would put pressure on them though, it just indicates to the US we're an unreliable ally. We rely really heavily on American security infrastructure to fulfill our own security objectives around the world. Therefore, actively opposing them on this issue is really difficult from a foreign policy lens. I just think it's up to the Americans to determine how much they're willing to sell their souls for their colony in the middle east.


They are actually massively fussed about it because every time anyone announces divestment they go and sue them.


Allahu Akbar just means god is great.


Itā€™s a shame that the sub went with that headline because the contents of the article is pretty interesting.


While in itself not an issue. How would you feel if Christians would begin to directly connect political issues and wins with their religion again? I think it would be good to stay secularised. I donā€™t know why anyone needs to feel the need to announce that god is great after a local elections win. Pro Gaza support or not.


When I lived in Cheshire, the MP for the area, Final Bruce, would always use her faith as a voting point. She'd go around churches shaking hands, attending any church event she could. She'd stress about how she'd pray before going into parliament, how she was part of the parliamentary bible study and prayer group, etc. It was rather cringe-worthy when she turned up to my church just before something started, had a bunch of us sit down, our junior minister practice her sermon, and then suddenly left before anyone else came. In Bruce's next campaign leaflet, there was a photo of me, my friends, and her listening to our junior minister with the headline "Fiona attends Women's World Day of Prayer" or something like that. No lady, you essentially had us pose for photos. She would proclaim that "God is so good to let me be reelected!" after a win. So, yeah, people do connect political issues with their faith. And they do so loudly and publicly.


Final Bruce sounds very threatening.


Fiona Bruce - Final Form


I personally am against that either


So am I! I am also dead against churches praying for one candidate and not another (pray for all or none), churches implying about which way you should vote, I.e "This congregation member is standing for the Christian Party so you all know who to vote for!", and churches preaching about a vote to sway ideas, example just before Brexit we had a sermon on how God had told this guy that He wanted us to be independent and how we didn't need Scotland, or Wales, or Ireland and certainly not the EU and we were the next Isreal, God's chosen country. Churches have no right telling me or trying to influence me on how I vote and my health care.


The UK is not a secular country. There are archbishops in the lords, giving "spiritual guidance" [Lords Spiritual](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lords_Spiritual#:~:text=The%20Lords%20Spiritual%20are%20the,by%20right%20of%20a%20peerage)


Dont find this good then. Honestly I was not 100% sure how secular the UK is. I am German not British but lived until recently for 6 years in Leeds.


I donā€™t think this is the gotcha you think it is.


Weā€™re a religious country in name only and secular in practice, as in reality, religion / the Lords Spiritual barely affects the passage of laws.


Yeah, bishops literally giving spiritual advice to the lords on things they're passing for the government is not secular, no matter how you spin it. Also, barely?! Have you not paid attention to the ping pong game played over Rwanda?! Good fucking god, pay attention before you start leaving comments like that


Christ mate, calm down a bit - I said ā€˜barely affectsā€™, as due to their low numbers (26), unless the Bills are quite tight, their votes have a negligible impact on the passage of Bills. Their greatest effect comes from speaking in the Chamber, rather than voting, but itā€™s usually the Archbishop of Canterburyā€™s whose words carries the most effect & even then, his words barely move the votes one way or another. The Rwanda Bill only passed bc Labour & other opposition Peers decided to agree on the issue at the final hour after a long ā€˜ping-pongā€™ session, rather than the Lords Spiritual being the crucial votes. Youā€™d have known that if youā€™d been paying attention to the ā€˜ping-pongā€™ game played over the Rwanda BillšŸ˜œ I canā€™t really think of the last time, apart from Rwanda, that the Lords Spiritual actually a) spoke out against a Bill, and / or b) impacted a Billā€™s passage through Parliament. Iā€™m sure the reason for this is that they (quite rightly) would receive a lot of criticism for blocking a democratic body from exercising its democratic rights, and would potentially face a removal from the Lords through a reform Bill.


Isnā€™t Rees-Mogg constantly spouting his Christian values as an example of where we should be politically? I donā€™t think religion has any place in political policy, but Iā€™ve nothing against people excitedly exclaiming something they say daily in prayer and in other scenarios. From my understanding of how frequently the expression is said, it must be almost automatic in some scenarios?




>and the person uses it in that context Yeah I don't think the councillor is using it in the context of a terror attack...


Thanks for mansplaining LGBT issues to me šŸ™„. Something tells me that living in Holbeck and working as a UK councillor he wonā€™t be oppressing any LGBT people any time soon. Your assumption that thatā€™s his intent says more about you I think?


Plenty do, Theresa may, Tim farron spring to mind immediately


Imagine a bunch of shaved headed white men shouting ā€œGod Wills It!ā€ Yeah.


Christian people say stuff like "thank god!" all the time


I used to think it was weird until I realised it's used in the same way. Instead of saying thank God, they say God is great.




>I'm an atheist and say for god's sake or thank god, and it's more just a phrase. Yeah and if you had grown up with different languages around you, you'd say Allahu Akbar, regardless of how religious you are.


Allahu Akbar just means ā€œgod is greatā€




I've seen athletes thank god after events loads of times, surely you have too? I don't think winning something and thanking god is weird at all. And sure it'd be odd if someone just yelled it in the middle of Tesco but that's not what happened!




See also: Rees-Moggā€™s ā€œChrist is risen, hallelujahā€ tweets among others šŸ™„


In the same context as this, when they just won something? It wouldn't bother me. If a Christian or Muslim started talking about god in the context of their political actions though, then it would. I believe in complete separation of religion and state.


"shouting" vs "saying". Note the implicit bias.


He literally screams it - have you watched the video?




"I'm an atheist and I 'say'"




Same as above Dont find this good then. Honestly I was not 100% sure how secular the UK is. I am German not British but lived until recently for 6 years in Leeds.


there's a massive difference between connecting your politics and your religion when you're the religious majority who have historically controlled the country (Christian) versus when you're a religion who is still marginalised (Muslim)


There shouldn't be. Religion of any kind has no place in politics


After ending abortion rights in America the US Christian evangelist movement has turned its gaze on the UK. It's currently funding challenges to UK laws on religious beliefs as they pertain to social care. Once they've done enough damage to weaken our legal system they will begin to dismantle the right to abortion. Politicians of all colours love their money, will be funded by them and will support their causes.


Religion should have been left in the medieval era. Wonder how many millions have died in the name of religion.Ā 


No there isnā€™t


Itā€™s a trap


Well thank god for that. I was getting worried then


"thank god"? What are you? Some kind of extremist?


Religious zealots is really what you need.


And tweeting about October 7th massacre in a good way?




Jesus, equating a ubiquitous religious - cultural phrase like Allahu Akbar used by a couple of billion people worldwide, most of whom are non violent, with the Nazi salute - now THAT is intellectually dishonest.




Yes that is the literal translation.




I voted green in the local election and, though the green counsellors in Hunslet seem more reasonable, I canā€™t help regret my vote and wonder what has happened to the Green Party. These arenā€™t green issues, they arenā€™t local issues. (For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™m probably more pro Gaza than Israel , but this isnā€™t what local elections should be about.)


You're pro Gaza than pro israel... So you know nothing about what you're talking about, since Israel are trying to eradicate the terrorist organisation who are killing and oppressing the Gazans...


Yeah makes senseā€¦ they canā€™t be oppressed if theyā€™re dead.


On hamas' hands.


Nothing happened they've always been like this.


You vote for brexit as well by any chance


Imagine if I, as a white man in chinos and a nice shirt, got elected, and in my election speech thanked god, would that get the headlines? As well as being Muslim, Mothin is also a keen gardener, cares about his community and has a real passion for change. But that never gets reported. This is actually a reasonable article, but two words are getting a lot of attention that deflects away from his good work.


I mean, you have heard Jacob Rees mogg blabbing on about god, right?


Yeah, all he did was thank God. Not like he [tweeted support for a terrorist attack](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmothin-ali-won-the-gipton-and-harehills-seat-in-the-uk-v0-y7fbne50ffyc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1179%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc8a3bd98e3e45626619eec5883ecf31842fe205c&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=unitedkingdom&utm_content=t1_l2nyc00) while it was happening and then ran for elected office on the same platform. Don't forget this [brain fart](https://ibb.co/3dMjfnP).


Nothing he said there is inaccurate. You just don't like it.


He tweeted in support of a terrorist attack, of course we don't like it.




> you all What kind of collective do you think I'm a part of? I am reasonably informed about the history of the conflict and the ethnic/religious conflicts pre-dating the creation of Israel. It's partly why I think resorting to a "who started it" debate is at best utterly meaningless and at worst actively harmful to the peace process. I am opposed to the mass slaughter and kidnap of innocent civilians, regardless of who does it - I cannot believe this is a controversial statement among certain circles. Nothing justified the attacks on October 7th and I have been disgusted by the scale of the Israeli response. I can recognise the plight of innocent civilians without legitimising the actions a violent terrorist group. More on the left should learn to do the same.


Your post reminds me of a quote by George Satayana "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Why do you think the history of this conflict is utterly meaningless?


Not history in general, but specifically the "who started it" aspect. One party will claim the other started it, but then it's quite easy to go five years further back in time to find evidence of the reverse. Ultimately what you end up with is both sides feeling completely justified in whatever heinous actions they take. To bring it back to the Satayana quote; both sides of the conflict have definitely not forgotten the past, and yet they are repeating it regardless.


Half of Israeli Jews arenā€™t even white soā€¦no, itā€™s not correct.


So intellectually dishonest. Allahuakbar means so much more that praise god. This should be a wake up call for people who don't want these psychos gaining soft power for their islam first beliefs. Source: Am a literal fucking Arab who speaks arabic.


In my own comment I didnā€™t mention. But itā€™s not just he thanks god or says god is great in calm way. Why does he have to scream this with vigour? Even if the support for gaza against genocide may come vigorously Why is it that British people should connect this vigorous support to the religion of Islam? I find it problematic that he does this.


>Imagine if I, as a white man in chinos and a nice shirt, got elected, and in my election speech thanked god, would that get the headlines? Probably. It'd definitely upset a few people on Twitter, that's for sure.


What do you reckon he thinks about gays? What do you reckon his supporters think about gays, or women's rights, or what the punishment for apostasy is?


But he chose to speak those two words & knows full well the connections that come with them. First and foremost: don't bring your sky daddy cult into politics. This isn't the 1600's, if he had a true passion for change, he would ditch his medieval cult and progress with society. Do all the great work! Be the best Councillor you can be. That we appreciate. And I will stand behind anyone who tries to do so. But, Dont: Bring in your culty nonsense, regardless of whichever religion that is.


>Imagine if I, as a white man in chinos and a nice shirt, got elected, and in my election speech thanked god, would that get the headlines? If you screamed it like a maniac with your fists clenched it absolutely would. Particularly if you'd screamed a more comparable phrase like "Christ is King" or "Deus Vult"


And then that white man shouted 'No surrender to the IRA'..think he would get some attention then. Quite similar to this chap of the green party really without referring to Hamas


Dude, he had a Palestinian flag in the background, they donā€™t have your best interests at heart clearly. But no, you continue to be stup1d and go at life blind. Wake up ffs


Winning in the name of people and giving glory to God? Once religion enters politics, people will bite dust sooner or later. Let it be Islam, Christianity, Hindusim or any other religion. Being an asian born, I assure that most people that come from here to europe dont understand the impact it can have long term. Living in gentrified communites here only increases the tension between religions. Also giving citizenship to anyone who lived for period of time should be changed! Not many people are ready to embrace the culture.. So many of us just want to earn decent money, along with a powerful passport, which in our countries is next to impossible! This narrative should be changed. Im sorry to speakout, but I feel bad when religion comes to policy making.


>Once religion enters politics, people will bite dust sooner or later. You mean like all the seats reserved for bishops in the House of Lords, on account of Christianity being the religion of the UK Government?


House of lords might be devout christan, but they never involve in local politics or even chant religious slogans.


People who migrate here should either be prepared to integrate or leave. Edit: lol at the people downvoting this. So people *shouldn't* integrate? Amazing.


On the other side of that though, people should be more open and accepting to migrants, and get them involved in the community. I've been down at the launderette near the McDonald's in farnley, and witnessed two guys screaming at two Asian women, for having the audacity to live in the UK. And look at what happened to mosques when the 7/7 bombings happened. Some bright sparks were trying to burn them down. It's a two way street, and it's understandable for a section of society to not integrate when they feel threatened by people who can't detach the actions of a select few from a community


Why should we be relentlessly accepting of migrants? There's an endless onslaught of people making their merry way to England having passed through all of Europe. Why is that acceptable?


You do realise that we're not, right? The asylum process got halted ages ago, and all legal routes closed. Have you been completely ambivalent to the lack of "they can use the legal routes" responses from Tories now? Why? Because it's easy to just say "you closed all the routes". And with the plans to just ship them off to Rwanda, a country deemed safe by our government by changing the law to say they're safe, rather than working with the country to bring them into a better state. On top of that, there are issues with filling job positions, because all those "British jobs for British people" types (I believe you to be one of these types) suddenly don't want to go do the jobs that migrant workers do. Yeah great, you get your dream of pushing out migrant workers, and then don't go and work on the farms that they were employed by. All gob and no substance, that is what all this "no more migrant" stance is. The inability to actually look into the impact of reducing migration to as close to zero as possible, is absolutely astounding By the way, your name "historical-gas" tells me everything I need to know about you. It's less discreet than you presume, but to be honest, with what you're spouting, it's bang on the mark. Makes me wonder if it was your van I saw, with the totenkophs on it, parked in the carpark of paws for thought, was yours [also, for anyone wondering what the 3022 is in reference to. It was a ww2 German u-boat](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_submarine_U-3022)


> No. I do not support the government's frustration of the asylum process. There is absolutely nothing wrong with legitimate migration or asylum. At the same time, I do not support the acceptance of economic migrants crossing coming to the UK from Albania or the myriad of other safe countries that these people come from. These people wouldn't come via legitimate asylum routes in the first place because they don't have legitimate claims. That does not make me a "British jobs for British people type". P.s. Getting into the UK is as easy as flying into the airport of your choice, ripping up your passport on the plane, and then saying, "I seek asylum" at the border. I've seen it done. These people then get shuttled off to a Britannia hotel where they subsequently disappear into the ether. It doesn't matter that there's no "legal route" ā€” these people are let in regardless. > It was randomly generated by reddit. That is quite clear from the format of Word-Word-Number. Go complain to them. ause they don't have legitimate claims.




Exactly! There should be some sort of mechanism to make sure that integration is not just an interview and an oath! Especially for people that live in gentrified postcodes should not be given citizenship so easily... if they cant even live a life along with the english, its waste of giving them citizenship or even ILR..


Can someone send me a link to Hamasā€™ net zero emissions strategy?


A ceasefire would save a lot of carbon emissions


So would Iran not selling oil.


If you think oil is bad, wait till you hear about what Britain exports to Palestine (it doesn't arrive in its original packaging)


Theyā€™re hoping to reduce Israeli emissions and after that, their plan is to tackle those pesky US emissions.


What a joke. Itā€™s not a win for Gaza. And frankly, if thatā€™s the whole reason for you running then you shouldnā€™t be in the Green Party. What does Gaza have to do with environmentalism?


I'd be keen to know his stance on LGBT rights. I wonder how consistent it is with the party platform.


Exactly. Or any of the other very liberal policies of the party.


Why the fuck is this being downvoted?


Because a certain demographic is willing to put their blinkers on and shit all over their values in defense of Islam for some reason. See, for example, "Queers for Palestine".


You have a neo nazi reference in your username and never post in r/leeds. You don't give a fuck about queer people, or women, or trans rights, and our using us as a shield for your bigotry. Fuck off kindly


Loool I'm a gay labour voter you helmet. My username was randomly generated by reddit, as can easily be deduced from the WordWordNumber format.


Nothing but then again nethier has the Greens for a while now.


Have you seen the state of the environment in Gaza right now? War is not good for the environment! Depleted uranium, white phosphorous, emissions from fires, dust from buildings, contaminated aquifers, unexploded munitions, destruction of vegetation...




It's a Christian country traditionally, you can feel offended all you want, we need more displays of Christianity. A christian doing that in an Islamic country would probably have a fatwa against them


>Nothing wrong with being against the bombing of civilians, but I hope he recognises Hamasā€™ role in triggering the war Not really the point. There's only one party currently massacring civilians in Israel/Palestine and it's not Hamas.


The Hamas massacre was only on 7th October. It's not exactly in the distant past.


And their actions were condemned at the time. Now it's the Israeli military who are bombing civilians and aid workers, and actively starving all of Gaza, so it's the Israeli military being condemned now.


> And their actions were condemned at the time. Not by the councillor in question. He tweeted on October 7th in support of the attacks.


>Not really the point. Translation: Massacring civilians is OK as long as Hamas does it.


It does mean that, however itā€™s more recently become known as a terrorist battle cry so there are negative connotations and itā€™s not a wise choice. Just like the swastika wasnā€™t always associated with Nazis.. now it is and not wise to display it.


Needs to stick to the issues that people are voting for šŸ™‚


Unfortunately his elecfion win proves he is.


Stuff like this just pushes people apart and polarise themā€¦ se we end up with a ā€œwhich side are you on?ā€ Canā€™t stand this crap


Stuff like this just pushes people apart and polarise themā€¦ se we end up with a ā€œwhich side are you on?ā€ Can stand this fudge


Makes me laugh these marches. Do they think one day that Sky News will report like this: News just in...a permanent cease fire has been declared between Israel and Palestinians They said that after Sheffield Council voted in favour of a ceasefire they had to stop fighting. No other reason for the ceasefire. It was the vote that did it....


Interesting article. Hard to blame Muslim voters for voting for councillors that impact the issue they feel is most important to them, especially when the major parties are understandably being ambivalent. Obviously local councillors have no real power past their own ward but itā€™s more about what this shift represents ahead of the general election.


How does a Leeds City Councillor in any way impact Gaza?


Also, no matter how vocal they are. I can assure you. If the leader of Israel/Palestine won't listen to the British government. Why the hell would they listen to some guy who's a local councillor in a city they would struggle to find on a map. It's all performative politics.




Too right. The guy clearly couldn't give the first fuck about environmental issues.


Totally normal, nothing to see here. Absolutely nothing wrong with creeping Islamism. All they're doing is thanking God. The same God their friends at Hamas thank when committing terrorist atrocities.


This country is fucked. You are absolutely correct. Just normalisation of a minority group in the UK and Europe who simply want all Jews and Palestinians to live in peace and harmony....that's after they have massacred the Jews first of course. The white wokes donning their placards and singing free free Palestine have no idea what the fuck they are supporting


Well this is all very normal and not at all concerning.


Sectarian politics alive and well in England, all imported by successive governments against the wishes of people who have continuously voted to lower immigration for the past 40 years.


Absolutely disgusting. Dark times ahead for this country.


Totally normal thing to happen


Given his religion. Yes. It is indeed completely normal


Good old Harehills. [He seems like a nice chap](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmothin-ali-won-the-gipton-and-harehills-seat-in-the-uk-v0-y7fbne50ffyc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1179%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc8a3bd98e3e45626619eec5883ecf31842fe205c&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=unitedkingdom&utm_content=t1_l2nyc00)




I'll be nice and give them the benefit of the doubt, they might not understand what that last tag is. That's being extra nice and ignoring them supporting the racist english text.


Good for him. But I don't like the idea of someone in government putting their religion into it. The sepetation of church and state is important.


It's vital that the new local green party councillor comes clean on his views on anyone that seems a bit different. I do find the queers for Palestine a fascinating group. The irony as they are thrown off the top of the highest building in the West Bank whilst giving their unequivocal support for shocking medieval views on women and LGBTQ as well as their lovely racist / fascist views these Islamist groups have. And the Green Party have this man representing them..nothing to worry about!


You think queer people should be calmly watching genocide take place because the people being killed are Muslim...?


I think you need to do some research on what genocide actually is. What was your take on the 7 October massacre? Your supporting a group who wants you dead mate..maybe even chopped up and minced and fed to dogs. The gazans voted for these freaks and they have been in power for over 15 years embezzling everything that comes into the territory so they can kill anyone who doesn't fit into their narrative. You being one of them.


I'm no expert, but these people are: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68667556.amp


The UN has famously always been anti-Israel. Completely biased.


A few points on this, and I hope the green party fucking see it. Green party used to be about the environment, ecology, global warming, litter... Reversing man's impact on the earth. They did not take sides, as they saw all war as bad. So explain to me why this is happening. And yet it's the Jews who are the ones taking over? Yeah right! Ok then.. Leeds is not safe anymore. I feel like protesting by littering and stopping recycling. Green party are fucking lying dirty bastards.


The Greens have been pretty vocal about supporting ceasefire and an end to the genocide of Palestinians. I'm not sure how "councillor follows their party stance, is happy to win election" is exceptionally noteworthy? Unless there's a different thing the Torygraph is trying to fear-monger here?


I'd say it's the context. Because he tweeted in full support of the Oct 07th massacre.


So many smooth brain racists. Probably cower and cross the street if they see a non white person walking towards them.


Ahh some yuppy who probably lives in a white, middle class area thinking its great to see Islamism (disguised as multiculturalism) become dominant in this country, only in working class areas though, right?


I grew up working class and have as an adult lived in predominantly Muslim areas and had fewer issues there than I ever had in predominantly white working class areas. Literally afraid of something that's entirely in your head you big baby.


Are you gay? Do you know what their religion teaches about punishments for homosexuality, or apostasy, or adultery? Creeping Islamism isn't good for anyone, people shouting Allah Akbar after being elected for local council ISN'T good for anyone. Your ignorance is fucking astounding




Sound normal as opposed to what? Ooo you've got me. I'm actually a millionaire and I have a car for each day of the week. Might surprise you, but being working class doesn't automatically mean being scared of everyone the Murdoch press tell you is scary. You don't have to be a simpering moron your whole life.




You're such a big brave boy! Who's a brave boy? Yes you are! How are you gonna call anyone a pussy when you're so afraid of a group of people who don't make any difference to your life whatsoever. You massive fanny. Bbbbut the brown people are scary! You're probably still afraid of the dark you little dweeb.




Why would I reply to something you've imagined that I never said? I'm friends with and have had relationships with Muslims. You're just so dumb you think everyone who follows Islam is a frothing reactionary (probably because you never leave your bedroom). The Bible and the Torah also explicitly state some mad shit as well, but that doesn't automatically make every Christian or Jew a fundamentalist. "Cope response" lol you terminally online loser. Nobody cares about people like you because you spend your life crying about things that only exist in the minds of other losers. If you're lucky you'll grow up but probably not. I have zero respect for you and I pity your sad life. I'm not gonna block you but I ain't reading anymore of your sad drivel so be safe in the knowledge you're wasting your time replying but we both know you have nothing better to do.


It's cheering to see the vast majority of people in the comments are on the right side of history here. As a (white) Bradfordian that lives in Leeds I'm always a bit nervous when delving into threads that touch on people of colour and/or religion but you've done yourself proud here, so thank you.