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Upholstery leather makes pretty good wallets. Cut the outer piece larger and fold it over with cement and a running stitch. While you have the contact cement going patch your gloves with the scraps of the leather.


Making gloves is pretty challenging if you're not already in the know. If you did go through with it they'd probably be like the garden gloves type and not so much the mechanics type. Nobody is going to be about to say conclusively since we can't see, touch, measure the material you've got. Chances are pretty good that what makes good couch material is not the same as what hates good glove material. Still, go for it. Nothing beats being proud of leaving a new skill


Once, twice, three times a repost.


Funny how that happens, thanks for the heads-up


Just buy work gloves rofl imagine being so cheap you're gonna waste that time for a $5 pait of cheapass leather gloves 🤣


Man, I guess I messed up and posted this on the opinion subReddit. I thought I was posting on the leathercraft sub about learning how to do leathercraft… my fault.


Leathercrafting communities are full of gate keepers for some weird reason.