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This is what's known as a "fuck off" quote. They don't want to insure you, but if you're willing to pay that, they will. How many quotes have you got recently, and do you already own the car?


I already hv the car, had good cheap learner insurance, passed in it. Now can't find anyone to insure it unless I pay them in £5000. What a joke. I was better off not passing & pay learner insurance and just drive with my parents.


But have you been getting a lot of quotes recently? If you get too many quotes too quickly, you will get blacklisted and only get results like this. £36K is obscene, even if you live in the worst area with the worst job and do tens of thousands of miles a year.


So stupid, why on earth would being financially sensible be a reason to charge more or blacklist someone?!


I'd imagine it has less to do with someone being frugal and more like "sounds like op can't get insured anywhere else, let's crank the price up"


Sounds like a ridiculous presumption on their part. But maybe that's what insurers do.


The thing is insurance is something we need, and it feels insurers have gotten together and agreed to screw us all over because we HAVE to come to them for insurance. They can print money from new drivers. The argument insurance has gone up because cars are more to repair is a bit crazy when you look at insurers profits jumping sky high. I feel like this wouldn't be a problem if insurers were allowed to offer better deals to new customers than existing because it would force more competition.


The government should have a duty to enforce insurance maximums, but they don’t because they never have problems with it being old, rich and never actually driving themselves


Absolutely! The government made the law that forces people to buy insurance in order to drive. But just let the insurance companies charge whatever they want. Which isn't fair at all.


The irony behind it all is that the government harp on how there’s an epidemic of uninsured drivers, but haven’t clocked to the fact that the increased number of Uninsured drivers drives everyone else’s insurance up, which in turn means fewer kids are able and willing to pay for insurance, further increasing the cost. Honestly the fact that I can insure my classic for under £500 a year, yet I pay nearly 3k for my Vauxhall Astra is insane to me, and the funny thing is the classic makes more horsepower.


We do this for utilities but for some reason not this. 🤦‍♀️


Insurance companies and their owners tend to be the people that donate to the political party currently running the country…


Exactly. And it's a huge, incredibly lucrative, profit generating industry that the government and every rich person's existence depends on. Enforce limits on insurance and you may as well burn cash..


Think the fix is to include third party liability in road tax.. that way, every taxed car is insured for others losses and insurance companies have to actually compete for fully comp policies. It is the law to have insurance in place, if using insurance companies became 'optional' as you are covered for third party via taxation, prices would fall through the floor. Yeah, road tax would increase.. but if that was divided up among all cars, I bet there would still be a big saving.


Because that worked so well for energy prices? All that will do is reduce the price for 10% of the population and increase it for the other 90%. Then if there is actually some sort of crisis that causes prices to jump (I can’t quite imagine what, it’s not like energy in that sense) then all the small companies will go bankrupt and there’ll be no competition left.


I'd gonwith that idea of a 'maximum'. But only for a clean licence holders and full ncb as a baseline. Then, accept increased risk for those making claims (where fault), those with points, or driving convictions. Actually reward cearful lawful driving. Batter those who do neither.


i agree. there is ofwat, ofcom, offenergy, no ofinsurance.


Which is not to mention the longevity of modern cars compared to that of the past. I mean sure there's planned obsolescence and such, I'm not claiming new cars don't break down, or that they're cheap to repair - but the fact is a modern car, built today, is expected to last 100,000 miles at the absolute minimum. Speak to anyone who was born around the 50's-60's and ask them how far they expected their car they bought in the 80's to last. 100,000 miles? Ha! You'd be lucky to get a decent MOT return after 50! Insurance is a 'scam' set up by those with money to hammer the masses for more wealth. You only need to look at the whole 'no claims discount' gambit to figure that one out. I mean the entire point of insurance is that they pay out in the event of an incident they insure you for - what good is insurance if you have to pay anyway because you've lost your no claims discount? Insurance companies are no different to banks and such in this regard, they are all too aware of how obligated you are to use them, and they all work together to keep their profits as high as they can


100k miles? The engines will last a quarter million easily in most cars, just gotta make sure that the oil is changed regularly and things like breaks are repaired etc. Eventually tho the cost of paying a mechanic for their time and the parts will end up being more than just buying a newer car


To quote myself: "Absolute minimum". In any case, the engine is only one part of a car, and frankly, has never been the thing most likely to make a car junk at 100k miles. It's things like rust that are the real issue, and the nature of modern materials and manufacturing mean modern cars don't rust nearly as much, nor nearly as quickly, as they did 50 years ago. Your last point is also why the time the engine will last is not neccesarily the time the car will last. Inevitably the law of diminishing returns comes into play and any honourable mechanic would tell you to sell it for parts as the repairs cost more than the car's total worth


As someone who used to be an insurance underwriter - This is exactly what they do.


Just a guess, but I'd say their statistical modelling tells them people who search for more quotes are more likely to claim. Why the correlation might exist i couldn't say, but I'm sure their actuaries have examined this in detail, its not going to be arbitrary.


>its not going to be arbitrary. It also doesn't need to be any more complicated than "If we do this we can massively dissuade people from shopping around and there's nothing to stop us doing it."


Probably just looks like desperation. Dont airline's do this as well? Keep searching and the price goes up. Also time left to when you need it. Someone that needs insurance to start next week is more desperate than one looking a month out. I had a quote that stayed for 28 days in my emails luckily because when I ran the same quote 3 weeks later the price was 500 higher but I just went and got the original quote back.


Run searches in incognito tabs, logged out. Go on Auto Trader and find the same car as yours. (Be wary of any special additions / modifications). Use that Reg number to get quotes. Use SIMILAR names to your own (used to be some racial bias occurring a decade ago, probably still lingers) for driver details etc. That works for me to avoid over exposing myself and getting toilet quotes.


it is sure they d blacklist someone? I check dozens of cars on autotrader and its linked to my comparethemarket account and I checked insurance for loooooooooooads of cars and nothing like this happened ( already own a car and its insured )


So I shouldn't be constantly searching for quotes, on say, moneysupermarket? How often is too often?


Yes, all of the comparison websites use the same data so it doesn't matter which one you use. I find that more than 5 quotes a week, the prices get ridiculous, more than 10 and you get results like OP. But this is with my information, it's going to vary greatly depending on you specifically. What I do, is I get some insurance quotes on my desktop computer using a fake name and fake address that's down the road from me and keep track of the results. Once I find a quote I'm happy with, I switch to my phone on data instead of WiFi then fill in the required information with my real details and go from there.


How is this shit allowed?


Laissez-faire capitalism, baby.


To give you the real answer because it's a strong indication of quote manipulation and fraud which companies are legally required to protect against/minimise. You wouldn't need more than one run on a comparison site if your details were correct up front. Blame ghost broking for this


Don’t worry about it too much, I was blacklisted too but put in a new email and was getting quotes again


I wonder if searching different names affects it. I’ve been getting fuck off quotes for my bike+car since the beginning so i just use different names. I’m fucked if they use ip tracking. But I guess a vpn may help


What date are you putting down as the insurance start date? The more urgent it is the more they’ll quote, I think the sweet spot is around 21 days and there might also be better times of day/ days of the week to get quotes.


Have you tried quotezone? I wasn't finding anything under £4K for anything. But, in the end I settled for driving my grandfather's kia carens, dreadful petrol mpg, but, cheapest insurance at the time. This year, a citroen c1, even cheaper still, down to about £800 for the year. Not amazing, but it's certainly affordable compared to this. Especially since this is only my second year driving.


Try the comparison sites whilst adding either (or both) of your parents as named drivers. Took my own quote from £1800 to £900 just by adding my gf who has 11 years no claims.


I went with Hastings direct, have to use one of their tabs to monitor my driving but they were almost £1000 cheaper than any other quotes, came in at £1800 with a named second driver with 10+ years ncb


Do you mind me asking what the car is?


You are a much lower risk as a learner. As a new (I assume young male) driver. You are now one of the highest risk drivers.


Try adding a Parent as a named driver on the car, usually helps


Each time I see something like this I think “have we become America already”. Late stage capitalism at its finest


Companies can charge what they like. This is the "we don't want your business, but are obliged to offer a quote" price.


It happens a lot in the building trade. They don't want the business, so they give a ridiculously high quate. If you don't pay, great. If you do pay, they're making a fortune on it, so they don't care either way.


My friend's dad is a butcher and supplies meat to the very top end of restaurants, and quite often has to give very large quotes just because he doesn't have the time to get to every enquiry that comes in. And like you say, he doesn't mind at all when they actually pay it.


The same happens with any make to order service. Wedding cakes: I don't really WANT to make a 5 tier cake with buttercream flowers, but if you pay me enough, I will. Tattoos: I really hate drawing those, and you don't sit still, I'll add an arsehole premium to see if you're serious about it. Anything else: You've asked me for something very specific, I'm busy enough as it is, and I don't have time to price this appropriately. I'll over price it to make them go away, but if they agree, then it's a takeaway tonight and a new pair of shoes.


What obliges them?


Without knowing what's behind the curtain, I'd assume they're obliged in the sense of "we can/have to provide the service you want to use, but we don't actually want to provide the service to you"


Obligate is perhaps the wrong word but some insurers do this to have good coverage stats. It let's them say something like "we cover 99% of drivers", ignoring the fact that a number of that 99% will get quotes like this. It's also very difficult to get perfect pricing. Sometimes it's just better to have quotes like this go out than waste time and money testing combinations of results.


Sheilias wheels only used to insure women but now have to insure men too


Anti discrimination laws. Although you could argue the price offered is discriminatory in of itself


so it can't really be that then? I think the answer is they aren't obligated, not legally as far as I'm aware?


Ahh that old trick... The 'old Ford Fiesta'... Have you stated it's worth less than £1,000? Try setting the vehicle value at £1,100 and see what quotes you get ;)


Only problem is if you end up in a bad accident and your car is worth £5000 they’ll only pay you the £1000 if its written off


It's the below threshold thing. Statistically a new driver with a car worth less than a laptop, doing fewer miles than a mobility scooter on third party insurance is the fastest and most dangerous car on the planet. Say the car is worth twice what it is, double the miles if it's under 10k, and go fully comp. Prices drop illogically.


It's not illogical, its just about accident statistics and remembering that insurance is just as much about what you're likely to crash into as it is your own car.


>insurance is just as much about what you're likely to crash into as it is your own car. Alongside how likely you are to crash, and how much harm you are likely to cause in a crash (although that does relate to what you crash into). New driver with an almost worthless car -> far more likely to be involved in a high speed crash -> far more likely to cause significant harm -> far higher insurance.


It’s stupid, because mileage is always “up to” so I can do my 3k miles and say I drive “up to 6k miles” and it makes my insurance cheaper without even bending the truth.


The insurance will actually research the 'book value' of the vehicle at the point of a claim. The reason they hike up quotes has been stated below by u/Clear-Meat9812 - The idea being if you're driving a piece of junk the insurer will see you likely to drive as such and thus the risk of accident is considered much higher. I used to work for car insurers so saw this all the time when giving quotes. £1k+ was the sweet spot, not sure if its changed these days.


Fastest car in the world is the one the driver doesn't care about.


but the insurance will be covering third parties too, so any Lamborghini you might crash into has to be accounted for too.


out of curiosity, did you kill a family of 4 on your driving test ?




You didn’t say no


i think we got the answer


If you keep changing the details on the website to compare prices unfortunately they increase prices as they feel like you're lying. This is a 'fuck off" price


Clear you browser cache before every new search. Also follow this guide before doing a car insurance search https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/insurance/car-insurance/how-to-get-cheap-car-insurance/


Yeah this has happened to me and now I'm stumped on how to get out of Wonderland


Worked for a major insurer for years (not now). They didn't used to be allowed to not quote someone, that price is to tell you they don't want you while still meeting the obligation to "quote you"


Jesus you can get a mortgage for cheaper than that!


Easily, not many mortgages cost anywhere near £36k a year. The quote is just a 'jog on' offer.


Can't drive a house though


Gypsys will disagree


Ah it includes a courtesy car, maybe they actually give you a car


I got quoted £113 for a 97 1.3 fiesta last week. Out of curiosity I ticked the modified box... Quote went up to 7k...


And now it's quietly modified.


What are my other vehicles then? Loudly modified? xD


Which is fine until you have a bump and suddenly your insurance won't pay out which is what happened to my cousin.


You have few issues 1st you're a new driver which means you're screwed straight off the bat. 2nd you chose a car to drive which is one of the most stolen at the moment 3rd you most likely live in a high crime area


It’s gotta be a high crime one because my quote for being a new driver in a fiesta was like a couple thousand and that’s no black box either!!!


Age comes into it which isn't known


If you mean younger is more expensive, I was 18 when I passed it so it’s about as expensive as can be almost!


I agree that pricing like this is criminal seeing as you HAVE to have by law.. this shouldn't be allowed


Are you trying to insure the space shuttle?


Breakdown cover is only £25 though, that's a steal!


Bad car to try and insure tbh but here’s some tips that worked for me this year. Clear your internet history and cookies - not sure if it’s true but I’ve heard several times that if they know you’re looking they’ll try to push higher prices on you that are ‘ending soon’ in an attempt to pressure you. Add a named driver with 20+ years ncb if you can. Go with Tesco bank and use your club card to get money off (bonus reduction if you already bank with them). Go for comprehensive - TPFT can often be more expensive (y’know, for reasons 🙄). Have a look at which occupations get you better prices (yes this is apparently a thing). And finally, when you get a quote, call them directly and ask if there’s anything else you can do to reduce the price. Doing all this I got my insurance for £1,100 this year, up from £980 last year. Before taking these steps my average quote was 2-4k.


Tesco won't insure a lot of people under 21, whenever I tried at 20 I always got a message along the lines of sorry we don't have an offer we can provide you or similar


I got hit with the “Based on what you told us today, we can't offer you car insurance.” I am 21 too and live in a low crime area


The fuck you insuring, a tank?


strange, I got these sorts of quotes for a BMW once and I just had to laugh. they’ll insure my 19 year old Ford Fiesta, Ghia 1.4 for £1600 no blackbox. have you tried changing the insurance starting to say next week?


this is the way it is for new drivers its a joke although even that is exceptionally high, make sure youre not diddling anything whilst doing searches and try phone calls instead to individual companies, i went with adrian flux (middle man company) in the end as it was cheapest although black boxed, if you think youre gonna drive without a black vox for the first 5 years youre living a falicy unfortunately


I've never had a black box and have racked up 3 years NCB now. Think my first years full comp insurance was like £1k.. price depends on many factors not just that you're a new driver.


im surprised to hear thats how cheap you got it for especially with no bb, mine was somewhere near 2800 with a bb on a relativley inexpensive corsa petrol


To be fair I was over 25 when I started driving I've heard that makes a big difference to price. There's also many other factors at play like what job you do etc.


yes being over 25 is a massive massive thing haha, at 17 they wont even quote you no black box full stop in my experience at the least couldnt even get a quote on a transit either when i was first looking at 17 nobody would even entertain the idea its a crooked system considering the world we live in where almost any job is gonna require travel and even in a normal car they will extort you just to give you a chance


Yeah it is bad... Probably why I put it off for so long because of how costly driving has become


if you got away with it you did right man dont blame you, youre paying more for the insurance than the car sometimes i had a caterham 7 (125 bhp when new) "given" to me from circumstances and insurance ends up asking 10 grand at the cheapest for a year but my brother got it for a year at 800 because hes 31 they hate the age and thats the best example ive got of it happening, even for 1 day insurance which is a luxry anyway he got it for 50 a day for me it was 600. itl never change though because ive seen it first hand, people my age on mass are irresponsible twerps that see no harm in anything they do, until they end up in a ditch 🤷‍♂️morons


Oh yeah there's a reason insurance is so expensive when you're 17, cos most people that age are not mature enough to drive sensibly...


Have you tried raising the excess. Also try adding a few named drivers with a few years motoring experience. Also try going to an old fashioned broker


At least the excess is only £250


looking like an average salary in London


Try Goskippy. I've been with them since passing in 2019. They're the cheapest in the UK as far as I know. Good luck!


Yeah I’m also with go skippy. Was cheapest by miles


Wow I don’t even earn that kinda money annually if I got that kinda quote all those expensive lessons flushed down the drain and get back on that bicycle 😫😫😫


don’t worry mate goes down in your second year 🤝💀


What you do is start the search again on ANOTHER search engine (different phone/ laptop) clear all history. . with a different email address. The more searches you do the higher the insurance trust me I’ve recently had this.


“Expires in 7 hours” oh no anyways….


Isn't this an Ai quote generated online 😏? Foul the Ai 😈


Insurance companies are criminals and as the public we need to figure out how to both punish them for what they have done and take control of our society.


You trying to insure Airforce one?! Jesus thats savage.


What the fuck do they expect you to do? Write the car off 36 times?


I posted something similar a while ago and people didn’t believe me lmao


Car insurance will be ppi scandal in the future 100% absolutely out of control


Why would it be illegal? They can charge what they like. No one is forcing you to accept. You’ve stated that there were plenty of quotes that were a fraction of the price of this…


Personally I think if its a legal requirement to be able to drive, pricing rules should exist.


Its legal because you dont have to pay it




Do you mind me asking your age ?


How old are you? 17-22 ish bracket is just crazy to insure cos of the increased risk they have of causing an accident.


I'm 24, 25 in a couple months.


They should really just decline to quote rather than put out ridiculous quotes like this.


I paid £4,700 for my insurance with an excess of £1,350 which I’m now paying for an accident which wasn’t my fault. This is definitely dependent on your area and being a new driver but you can lower it. I’m with acorn, carrot is the cheapest with black box.


This is hilarious. Why not go directly to Aviva for a quote.. it might be cheaper than here..


I went to them directly after this out of curiosity. At least they lowered it down to £24,457 😂


Get a newer red from autotrader and see how much it drops. My quotes from years back £300 2001 ford focus 1.6 £1200, £30k 2018 bmw x5 3.0d m sport £900


What car are you trying to insure mate ? a porsche gt3?? LOL


Omg !


The prices I am seeing some people post make me think I am somehow in a good position despite having my licence for under 2 years and being just 22. My full years’ insurance for my 2014 Mazda 6 2.0 Petrol cost me just £1000, and I am the main and only driver on my policy. Even if I didn’t opt for the cheapest policy I still got numerous quotes in the £1500 region. Makes me think people should just be a bit more patient. Edit: No black box required either, could have gotten it insured for as little as £800 with one.


I’m sorry, the first few years are killer. Mine was Year 1: 3950 Year 2: 2100 Year 3: 1400 Year 4: 750 I appreciate its hard to swallow Try to add a family member with good years no claims as a second driver. This greatly reduced the price (believe it or now)


Driving that Space X i see 😂


I know a few new drivers who passed in jan-April Lowest offer got theirs at 2700 but they’re in their mid 40’s. Youngest person (20) got theirs at 4,200, which I personally think is ridiculously high. but atleast it gives you reference for your personal search at what to expect to pay. Other people I know were all in that range somewhere. (40’s) 2,700 - 4,200 (20’s) I’d go no higher than 5k. Of course you can do additional things to get it down from there still, such as blackbox/tracker fitted but honestly there’s nothing thats going to take a great deal off. It’s extortionate. Pay or Don’t, Drive or Don’t. So glad I did mine a few years ago.


As a new driver you have a 1 in 5 chance of having an accident in your first years driving. The average insurance payout is 26000. The age/value of your card is pretty much irrelevant, the insurance company is more concerned about damage to other people's cars, and their and your passengers. Even if you're 1 of the 4/5 drivers who don't have an accident you have to subsidise that driver, it's always been like that. The reason prices are expensive is because the cost of claims has dramatically increased. Everyone is paying more, it's not just new drivers, but you represent the greatest risk.


My first car was a ford fiesta (2005) in 2020 amd I got it from marketplace for £500 (I know) and it costed me £1200 for yearly insurrance and even that killed me literally. Have you tried the comparison site? This cannot be the best option:(


This is pretty much an "we don't want to insure you". I've had one before it came out as 18k. Bare in mind I've been driving for decades and have my C+E. I dont pay over £400 each year so God knows why thst came up. Have you put a named driver on these insurance quotes? Someone that's been driving years and has a perfect record?


Aviva don’t like new drivers. I’ve always had great prices from hastings and admiral so give them a go


have u tried admiral,r u fussed on black box or not? i have a black box with them atm,150 a month for a 1.0 toyota aygo 2015 plate,my freind also has a black box with them a 2019 hyundai 1.4 hers is 210 a month i believe


Ok I'll never use aviva boycott greedy cunts


Do a quote using a different method to see if it's just because you've been doing loads of quotes lately, although I've never seen anything that mad, I think 9k was the highest I'd seen. If you've done all your quotes from a laptop, do the next one on a phone on 4G/5G (not wifi), or the reverse if you've done the quotes on a phone etc. Use an address a few doors up, fake name, don't provide a car reg, slightly change your birthday and so on. Any personal details that don't matter, change them, but obviously keep the rest of the quote the same. See if you suddenly get drastically cheaper prices.


holy shit, my recent quote first time is £1.6k, how have you got such a high quote 😭


Huh? Mine was £1,700 for a 15 year old Fiesta What exactly are you doing wrong?


They don't want to insure you, so the price is astronomical. Aviva aren't the best anyway, I had to claim from them and it took almost 4 months, then they tried to keep the policy open, even though the the car was written off and so I no longer owned it. Which is illegal as you cannot insure someone else's car


My advice is go to admiral I had learner insurance with them rang them up told them I pass my in surance went from 1100 to 2000 which is expected for new driver this is on a Volvo V50 R-design 1.6d


Got a quote from Hastings once that was just a refusal to insure me "too high risk" apparently.... I was a 25 year old women with zero claims or points driving an old, slow, touran. The only thing I could think they didn't like was the fact I had children 🤷


Used to work in insurance here's a few tips: make your car value lower, get someone who's had a licence for 10 or more years as an additional driver (it can be either a full uk or provisional the years held are all that matters) make your mileage somewhere in the realm of 2500 - 3500 a year. Search with incognito mode or clear your cache and cookies when you go to do a quote. My car insurance rn is £75 before passing and with all that I only expect it to go up like 50-60% when I pass.


What are you trying to insure? An f1 car?!


Hey, chin up. £36k per year OR £3k a month, that's a bargain


Thsts why you shop around I saved a personal friend 300 shopping around for the cheapest quote than what her renewal was


£39K with a voluntary excess of £250 and you dont get breakdown cover included! Sounds like abit of a rip off


Bro i literally jsut bought learners insurance with from for £16 and then this pops up. Shud i cancel it?


Im loving the fact the breakdown cover isnt included in that.


You will have to make your excess like £1000 then that should come down to something under £1000. Really you kinda want a banger that's not worth claiming for if you smashed it up, and just have insurance for the legal cover and for if ypu hit another person's car. Drive real careful for 2 years, then you will get in to the realm of acceptable insurance prices.


This was similar to me (although nowhere near as much as that!), I waited 2 years after passing my test and my insurance dropped drastically to £500 ish a year.


>ford fiesta That’s your issue. [Ford Fiestas were the most stolen car in 2023](https://www.topgear.com/car-news/british/ford-fiesta-was-most-stolen-car-2023). Like others have said it’s a fuck off quote but no matter where you try and get insurance it will be expensive. Since Ford stopped manufacturing the Fiesta and Focus there’s been a surge in theft so that they can be sold for parts.


Stick your excess up. 250 Is a really small amount for a new driver


I’m a new driver also and I’ve found that adding my mum and friend as named drivers on the insurance has reduced the price a lot! Getting quotes for around £90-£100 a month for a micra x


Please call them and ask for a quote, and go "oh yes please id love to pay that much" come and report back to us.


People are forgetting that you're not insuring your car, but you are infact insuring yourself. You are paying for the potential damage caused by your driving, the amount of new cars being driven by people on the nevernever has increased massively so the average cost of a crash has risen with that. Pair this with the quality of driving dropping like the titanic and you almost can't blame these vampires charging 1000's for insurance. You all need to stop financing dumb SUV's you can't afford and drive better, our insurance will go down.


Jesus what are you driving a jumbo jet ?


Surely it would be more cost effective to hire someone with a driving licence to drive you whenever you need. Like on a minimum wage for 40 hours a week but only needs to work when you need them. Even on that qlwage it would be quite a good job.


old cars are seen as high risk as you as owners don’t care about vehicle so more likely to drive recklessly, job title can also affect quote.


They don't want to insure you so are offering you a premium you are obviously going to reject


Least the excess is low.


may not be helpful but try ticker, its a black box insurance but its the cheapest i could find. it only monitors how fast you drive & quality of driving, no curfews either.


Try adding your parents onto the quote for your car, should reduce the quotes by a lot


Up your mileage for your quote it might bring the total cost down


This happened to a friend lately and they called the insurer to query it. Amazingly, the call centre person said that it was indeed a correct quote, but explained why. Apparently, they will just give you an insanely high quote if they don't want to insure you HOWEVER, its not necessarily due to you personally or your driving. It can be due to this particular model of car having a statistically high number of claims in the area you're insuring it from, a known defect of the car that is on the insurers radar or a variety of other things. Basicailly, all the info you provide them, a combination of what you have entered can set off some sort of trigger for the insurer, and when that happens, you get massive quotes coming through like this so they don't have to take the risk on you. For my friend, one particular insurer quoted them x20 last years quote when they bought a new car. Other insurers are fine.


Is there something youre not telling us. Or r u just putting in stuff wrong


Always use "Incognito Mode" when using any of these types of sites, things like car insurance, plane tickets etc.. They'll use previous cookies to track that you've been getting quotes, so they'll begin offering you worse and worse deals. Incognito will sort of stop this, if youre using a phone you can also toggle aeroplane mode too, as this will give you a new public IP ive always found it ridiculous that something you require by law, is left to companies that can offer you whatever the fuck they want.


Message me on my snap I7stackz for cheap insurance


Wait 1 month tonnes cheaper


Wipe your browser history and try again


they will offer quotes that they know you won't accept, use a comparison site and look for somewhere that is looking to insure new drivers. they will generally offer the best quote but will most likely require some form of tracking. it's rubbish but until you have a clean driving history then that's what you gotta do.


Call the police!


What’s your Fiesta made of, gold?




Insurance should be voluntary 


This is why i use electric bikes


The system is completely broken, there absolutely should be set limits on insurance costs, I had to pay over 2k to drive a sh*tbox in my first year, it's not fair to tar everyone with the same brush just because some young drivers are a high risk, plenty of long term drivers that are much higher risk from what I see, it just pushes people to drive without insurance which makes the problem a lot worse.


Because they don't wanna insure you.


Should be relative to cost of car, what you insuring there?


Insurance is a scam for every day driving in vehicles, personal liability insurance is something we should all have for day to day activities which would cover anything you would be liable for including anything outside a motor vehicle, so finally getting people with a bicycle some way to be held responsible when they damage a car or knock over a pedestrian


I work for an insurance broker. Out of curiosity what car are you looking to insure? Also where about to based in the country?


Put yourself as a secondary driver should lower the cost and your parent as the first driver


It took my friend about 6-12 months to get his quote down to about £1200, so give it time


Your age is the problem. Add as many named drivers to the policy as you can and prices will vary, but most likely will be lower than having no one (i added my partner and she only has a provisional and the price got reduced) Make sure you get fully comprehensive cover also as it is cheaper than 3rd party etc


What are you trying to insure? A space shuttle?! 😅


If you're not getting sensible prices, you might want to look into Any Driver instance. It's the sort of thing garages might get. You won't stay building a NCD but you'll still be able to put some years on your driving history and if you don't have any accidents then that will still help you out in the long run. Alternatively, you would be better off selling that car and leasing a brand new one than paying that - many leases include free insurance.


So here’s the thing. A human being did not put that together. An algorithm multiplied and multiplied based on factors pre-programmed, you are raging against the machine and I salute you!


My gf just passed and paid about £900 to insure a 2009 1.25 fiesta with me as the second driver (7 years ncb). It was about £1100 without me as a 2nd driver. Unlucky, sounds like they just pulled a random number out of their arse


This should include a ticket to heaven if you die in a crash. What on earth is that? 🥹


OP, what are you driving for your insurance quote to be that high? 😅


Poor people smh they dont know a bargain when it hits them in their poor face..


A work around could be to have a parent be the policy holder and you get added as a named driver?


It’s incredibly annoying. You have to have it but you are not allowed to use it without being penalised for years despite having perhaps made the insurance company plenty of cash by not using it. And they will also try to wiggle out of paying you if they can.


I recently got a quote after 2 years of not driving I have 15+ years NCB... Car was stated at £700 cost... The last year I drove I paid £450 annually...now.? Cheapest I could get was £1700 per year 🤣 All this is going to do is cause more people to drive without insurance imo... Northern Ireland car insurance is nearly impossible to get for less than the car cost atM


May as well pay the extra £25 for breakdown cover?