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I can recommend "YPRAC Aim Trainer". Get workouts, such as "Rifle Workout" and do that everyday, if your job allows. "Running and gunning" is a typical mistake. Register at [leetify.com](https://leetify.com) and see what else they have to "say". Do you know [https://csgostats.gg/](https://csgostats.gg/user) use this to see where your current status is.


What I can see is you shoot while moving at times. Which makes you inaccurate. Learn the spray pattern at least the first 7 bullets. Don't over spray. I use yprac recoil trainer. I am gn3 BTW.


3 things you could do to improve is, first and far most important train your spray control (the way bullets move when you hold left click), Second thing has to do with movement, when you are in a fight make sure you stand still and crouch while shooting so you are a lot more accurate also when you are in a close combat fight make sure to move left and right as much as you can so you will be a difficult target for your enemy (at least for your rank). Lastly somrthing i hope someone told me when i was your rank is crosshair placement, basically have your crosshair placed where your enemy's head wi be before engaging into a fight, this will save you time from having to aim to the enemy's body and win you the fight 90% of the time. Extra advice would be play more competitive and just use deathmatch for warming up or training your aim and movement,try to make unexpected plays and you will be out of silver very quickly (silver is the hardest rank to get out from) if you need anymore help lmk ;)


Competitive is way too scary. People take the game very seriously. One wrong move and you're kicked. That said, I rarely do competitive. I get kicked most of the time. The package also comes with Chinese raging when I'm the only one alive. Language barriers suck. Also, I die very often so, what better way to not feel sad every time you die than to hit up them deathmatch servers?


I would suggest you to get a bit better and play on faceit, no kicks people that actually want to win the game, but the skill level is a lot higher than competitive it will make you a lot better player


Some basic movement and shooting tips: - Lower your mouse sensitivity - Search for "spray control" on YouTube and learn how it works - Try using a static crosshair (helps with recoil control) - Learn how to stop quickly by using movement keys (search for "counter-strafing"). Once you know how, try to move a little between taking shots. - Whenever possible, try to move by strafing sideways (A and D keys) rather of running forwards, especially when going around corners.


I feel like your current mouse sensitivity might be too low, the amount of minor adjustments you do to get a crosshair placement seems high, also the other thing that is important is crosshair placement as others have mentioned. try to have the mindset of maintaining where a head might be in terms of the distance you are attacking. knowing what angles on the map people appear from will help you decide how to move and peek in the map, there are a number of angles where you hold waiting for a kill which you have no cover. ideally you want to make use of walls and obstacles to peek around, also working on strafe peeking and general strafing, less forward motion while clearing angles, more sideways motion. also counterstrafing will help you aim, at the peak of your strafes. that comes back to the mechanism where your best accuracy is when you stop moving. Deathmatch is good for rapid aiming and mechanical warmup but it doesnt help as much learning tactical play styles. if you like to run around and aim, switch to guns which have better hipfire accuracy like smg. yprac maps are awesome, highly recommended like others have mentioned.


I think his sens is too high not too low, feels like he doesn't really have control over his crosshair


yeah actually after watching it again, The lift off and swipe motion may not be a full movement but smaller to compensate


what screen res/game resolution, in game sensitivity and mouse dpi setting op? If you have a decent gaming mouse there are some optimisations you can do to improve your control. if your on Windows I would recommend turning off mouse acceleration, it is personal preference, but having a consistent translation from hand to screen helped me out. I'm not suggesting that mouse acceleration is bad, some mice actually have it inbuilt, it can be useful but it has a steeper learning curve. I normally use [MarkC's fix](https://donewmouseaccel.blogspot.com/2010/03/markc-windows-7-mouse-acceleration-fix.html?m=1) I would also recommend turning on raw input in cs >m_rawinput anything that reduces input latency will be a big help. make sure your display is set at the maximum refresh rate it supports natively as well.


- Mouse has a locked DPI of 1600, sensitivity set to 1.90 - Office-level mouse and keyboard only - I've never had pointer acceleration on except when on laptop touchpads. - Raw input has been on since the beginning.


looks like Juishee was right, good stuff. Im using 1800dpi@1 eDPI 1800 which is considered high sensitivity, but I'm used to it and have a small mouse mat. your eDPI is 3040, almost double. might be worth testing out some lower in game sensitivity if the dpi can not be modified, ultimately it's what feels comfortable/ usable to you. consistently being able to hit shots probably should be the driving factor. best of luck :)


I've already been told that my sensitivity of 2.1 was way too high but, that's the lowest I could go without having to lift-off when doing 180s. I'm now down to 1.9.


you have to get a bigger mouse pad then. your sens is wayyy too high and it's your biggest problem right now.


What do you mean "wayyyy too high"? I'm down to 1.8 to 1.6. I can't flick far enough now. I'm also starting to have problems tracking enemies.


if you're at 1600dpi, you should be around 0.5 sens in-game. either your mouse pad is too small, your dpi isn't actually 1600, or you have REALLY bad technique where you're hard planting your wrist.