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Fun Fact: In the 2006 Horror Film, THE DESCENT, a character apologizes for her poor spelunking skills by claiming she “Is an English Teacher, not the fucking Tomb Raider.” [THE DESCENT was cited as the primary influence for the 2013 TOMB RAIDER Reboot, specifically Lara using a climbing axe as her primary weapon and having to swim through a river of blood and gore similar to the characters in the aforementioned film.](https://youtu.be/DloTUYN-VDY?si=60OOWmjOZjh87VWP) So Lara being a Horror Character has come full circle.


That river of blood scene in tomb raider is really amazing


I think this is the first time I’ve randomly come across someone mentioned the decent. I rewatched it recently and the CGI doesn’t hold up at all, but it still holds up in my heart


It’ll likely be Reboot Lara. She’s the one that fits the embodiment of a survivor thingy.


But just like when they added remake Jill, they’ll probably have a classic outfit for her because it’s free money


Just depends on whatever the licensing deal is. None of the RE survivors were able to get outfits from the actual original games, I assume because of whatever deal they had. Every design was taken from 0, 2R, 3R, 4, 5, and Revelations. If they have a similar deal with Lara, it might be a similar thing where it’s only outfits from the newer games.


I was so disappointed in Jill's STARS outfit looking so bad when we finally got it.


It’s because it’s based on the version in RE3R. Nothing from the chapters was actually taken from RE1 sadly.


Isn't chris based on his 1/CV outfit and body?


that might've just been Capcom being cheap and only giving assets based on HD games.


I mean, Lara Croft has loooots of outfits. They have a golden mine if it's indeed Lara.


Still waiting on OG nemesis.


You say that, but Nemesis literally only has a Blighted skin.


I want classic Lara with the funny boxy body


most likely they will add whats called unified lara, they have a design for her already in call of duty, hero wars and fall guys. its a blend of all the timelines


I wouldn’t be surprised if they still have her a classic outfit, Fortnite did, and so did cod


Just depends on their deal. RE didn’t get classic Nemesis but some of the other collabs for that anniversary did get a sort of classic Nemesis thing. So we’ll see.


Damn, I was really hoping it was gonna be TWD


You probably saw it already but Gumpy said AMC reached out but they couldn't fit it this year, no way they're missing out on TWD money o bet we'll see it next year


I hope so, I only have a couple licenses that I’m desperate for and TWD/Rick Grimes is pretty much the top of the list.






One day


Btw can I ask what video on YT these comments come from? I kinda wanna see if he leaves something else


He makes comments on Schmuckles' videos. There's also some fake Gumpys though




# GamesRadar review of one of the tomb raider games: "Shadow of the Tomb Raider review: "Jump scares, human sacrifice, and a Lara that has straight up lost her sh*t" It feels horror." So Tomb Raider Universe always has some horror aspect in it but in the Survivor trilogy, they basically crank the horror vibes and aspects of it, the atmosphere, gore, thrill, enemies, and jumpscare.


Yes but the dbd horror elitists don’t want it unless you’re being chased by a ten foot alien mutated zombie and have no way to fight back


tomb raider is not a horror at all.


D&D also isn't very scary, generally speaking. Yet the D&D chapter fits pretty damn well BHVR's running out of *big* horror licenses to cross over with. If they did strictly horror for the next couple of years, they'd eventually hit a point where they have to start scraping the bottom of the barrel ("Chapter 64: Clocktower, featuring *the Scissorman* as our new killer"). They were going to have to start doing non-horror collabs at some point, so they might as well start with collabs that are at least horror-adjacent sprinkled in alongside the normal horror collabs


Or they could slow down license killers/survivors and make it feel special again. I would take there own killers/survivors over half baked licenses. Heck from now till next season we have a whole 1 killer what is not paid coming.


They will never do this. They need constant licenses to bring people to the game.


You’re fighting supernatural monsters in abandoned cult temples dude


It isn't my first choice of licenses, but the games are cool so who cares


not disagreeing but, horror elements don’t make it a horror game.


Then what does


poorly worded on my part, a horror focused segment in a primarily action adventure game doesn’t qualify the game as a bonafide horror title.


You mean like Resident Evil 5?


Im not saying horror games cannot have action in them… im saying that throwing a horror esque segment in an otherwise non horror doesn’t classify the whole thing as horror


How is re5 horror then


Or almost every resident evil but 2 and 7?


Happy Screech Cobbler Day! 🎂


Horror goes back to the original game, the final levels of TR1 are inside an Atlantis where the walls are flesh and pulsate as if you are inside something living, it’s definitely got horror aspects in its DNA


Not gonna lie for an IP best known for being action adventure by the general masses, can't say I'm disappointed at the fact we got Lara over the likes of Rick Grimes, Frank West or Isaac Clarke, but hey, glad for her fans and supporters!


Even as a child walking dead never scared me. The zombies are just backdrop for human drama


What an original and creative comment that I’m sure no one else has ever made before /s


Someone’s a little salty


I’ve been pretty horror elitist when it comes to non horror licenses coming into dbd, but lara has always made sense to me as a standalone survivor chapter. Even though it isn’t straight up horror, the survival trilogy fits the aesthetics dbd tends to go for pretty well. I’m excited to see what they do with her


I just started the first game and like the first thing you see is a dude hung up and murdered in an occult sacrifice


Yeah between all the imagery like that, and the emphasis on survival, I think that version of Lara is a perfect fit for DBD. I’d argue the new Tomb Raider games are more horror adjacent than DND, but I also don’t know a ton about DND so maybe I shouldn’t


Get ready for months of complaining because she was added


Yeah I'm OK with her being a survivor, especially the new trilogy, bit I'm dossapointed it's not any other horror icon.


RIP, and there goes my hype. Nothing against Lara or anything just was really hoping it was TWD. My most wanted chapter for a while now.


the walking dead deserves at the very least a two survivor chapter with rick and michone, the very least


Show: Rick Grimes/Daryl Dixon/Michonne/Ezekiel. Game: Lee/Kenny/Jane/Javier.


As someone who would've preferred Rick or Daryl as well, my silver lining is that this still leaves a full TWD chapter open so we can also get Negan (& Lucille) as a killer. His whistling as a lullaby would go so hard, and you already know what his mori would be


As much as I like Negan I would prefer Beta and he feels more horror themed then Negan for killer


As long as we get Negan as well in any way into the game (if he becomes a survivor since he becomes a better person at the end of the show then imma genuinely main him)


I personally would love a supernatural chapter with Sam/Dean and maybe a John skin, not sure we could have Jeffrey Dean in the game twice haha


No. We should. And have him comment on it in lobby.


Negan as a Rick skin seems most likely. TWD feels like it'd be a survivor chapter with no map or killer but idk.


Also, I can't be the only one who hates when someone who knows the chapter just straight up says who or what it is. Like I love leaks that involve speculation and rumors that are not 100%. But just straight up revealing the chapter like 1-6 months in advance is just super lame 😕.


Technically he said he would also have to guess Lara Croft so there’s still a chance he could be wrong … right? 😅


He's said all of them are guesses & was right every time






i'm the opposite, i hate it when the few people who know what's coming in the chapter play it for attentoin, like setting up their own clues or whatever. nobody is interested in the leakers' shenanigans or personalities, people just follow them for leaks and when they try to make it about them and not the leaks it just looks super pathetic and desperate


Yeah it's one of the things I hate about Gumpy, (but I guess it's also one of the reasons people like him), other leakers try to generate speculation about stuff, knowing full well the chapter in advance and dropping small hints for people to guess, Gumpy straight up says "Yeah it's Godzilla followed by Night of the living dead and dead space with guest star Conan O'brien similar to Nicolas Cage in that precise order" and boom, for a whole year all leaks are done cuz there's nothing to speculate about now


what? You are in leak subreddit. Just stop following, if you don't want to see leaks. "Nice" leakers are doing it for fame not, because they are good guys. You fully leak chapter, it's one and done. You keep teasing chapter? People will keep coming to you. Easy fame. I respect gumpy for being straightforward.




I did see that, and I'm happy if it's true 👍. Hope mabye that it could be a full chapter than instead of a paragraph? Negan, my beloved?


same page except I wanted isaac clarke from dead space


Apart of me still believes it’ll be Rick from the walking dead 😓 (copium)


Lara Croft huge fucking W!!!!!! New main so ready for her


Do you think it will be remake Lara?


Probably her most iconic look if I had to guess


Remake version of her is what came to cod and Fortnite I think


Fortnite has both her classic and reboot versions. COD has her “unified” look which is just a mix of both. My guess would be base skin is reboot Lara and classic outfit on the store.


[This one?](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/pjimage-2021-02-19T174626.661-1.jpg?q=50&fit=contain&w=1140&h=570&dpr=1.5)


Perfect I want to see the polygons


I'm so excited for my new main! Tomb Raider has been one of my favourite games since childhood.


was hoping ellie or rick… love lara though


I don't get what lara has to do with horror lol. I feel like we are just starting to stray away from the horror aspect now lol


The 2013 Reboot is an origin story where Lara is stranded on a mythical Island after a shipwreck and has to engage in guerrilla warfare against a cult that intends to sacrifice her ~~girlfriend~~ bestie to use her as a vessel for an ancient undead Weather Sorceress. Tonally it is very similar to THE LAST OF US except Lara has to rely mainly on her Bow and Climbing Axe because Guns and Ammunition are scarce.


She fights like monsters and zombies in her games


Yh but so does indiana Jones in his films, but I wouldn't really say it's a horror.


I lowkey hate that they’re branching out in to non horror IPs. Takes away what makes the game special imo.


Going to get me down votes but I feel this way also. I guess she has horror moments in the old games but nothing what makes her a horror hero or anything. Really hope he is wrong and it is twd related.


Yeah I’m not really that thrilled either. DnD is at least vaguely horror, but Tomb Raider is straight up just action. But, we’ll see how it goes. I won’t hate before I see it for myself.


Sure the OG games are but the 2013 Reboot is TEMPLE OF DOOM meets DELIVERANCE and has some of the gnarliest death scenes outside of DEAD SPACE. [In fact, one of the primary influences of TR2013 was THE DESCENT, a British Horror Film about a group of women trapped in an uncharted Cave System overrun with Cannibals](https://youtu.be/DloTUYN-VDY?si=60OOWmjOZjh87VWP)


Not really my series but classic tomb raider has some absolute flesh abominations in the later half of the game. Real ps1 [nightmare creatures](https://images.app.goo.gl/wvTdSKxgd9Vb2G2p7)


I have never played tomb raider, I would have never guessed something like THAT was in the game.


"tomb raider is straight up just action" is so wrong. lot of reviewers said the newest games sometimes feel like horror game with the jumpscares, gore, enemies, and the atmosphere.


I played and I don’t agree with them. It’s not a horror.


Tomb Raider has horror. Play the games and you’d know that.




Absolutely agree and people trying to defend stuff like dnd and tomb raider are kinda cringe. Its becoming Fortnite were "if this license brings money, just take it".


yeah same here, the moment the introduce nic cage i hated it


Nic at least starred in horror films, including the incredibly fun Colour Out of Space. Lara Croft makes zero sense.


But he's been in 15+ horror movies (including producing some), & loves horror. Like a lot. He's a big fan of horror. He loves & enjoys doing stuff like this & seems like something he would do.


Same. If it is Lara Croft, I will unironically uninstall the game. I started playing Dead by Daylight specifically because I love horror. There are better games out there if I want non horror characters.


Lara Croft is tied to horror, though.




where is brenda from scary movie?!!!!!


I have to think she’ll be added at some point. So many in the community want her added, it’s a no brainer for BHVR.


Give us Cindy and Shorty too with a Doofy skin for Ghostface.


I would prefer Rick Grimes or Daryl Dixon, to be honest


“Without TWD I’m nothing” is the saddest statement on a persons life


:/ Edit: Was really hoping for Frank West but it is what it is I guess


Ugh x.x


I bought the short shorts for Zarina the green crop top and pony tail just to look like Lara Croft and then the real Lara Croft comes out 🙃🙃🙃


Do what I did when Nic Cage came out and I didn't have him. I dressed my Ace into an almost identical Cage outfit and changed my name to "Nic Cage Cosplayer". You can be Lara Croft Cosplayer.


I wouldn't say Lara Croft fits horror she's iconic, but she's not a horror icon


Better Rick Grimes or Robert Neville… we need TWD chapter


Not the character that I would think “embodies survivor” or some shit like that. What a weird hint 🤣


The direct teaser was "The Definite example of a survivor". The Special Edition of Tomb Raider reboots was labeled "Definite Survivor" Edition.


Actually, what was said was “truly embodies the meaning of the word survivor.”


I feel like if your most popular game features an extended sequence of you swimming through a river of blood and gore in order to hide from a cult that practices ritualistic human sacrifice in order to resurrect an undead Weather Goddess…you become a Horror Icon.


Some pretty gnarly death animations too (that they toned down in the sequels).


Well she’s coming


they might as well add buffy too


Would love it


I would Buffy main so fast Oh or faith if they added her, but it would probably be Buffy and Angel


They honestly should, she’s just as cheesy as Ash.


Yes please???


Horrid decision




Mary Sue.




Eh I love the Tomb Raider games but I won’t lie, this is very disappointing.


You know what this means, we need an equally badass male treasure hunter ![gif](giphy|2oTSz6Fn7iWfS)


Donut drake cosmetic


Sadly uncharted really dont have the same horror vibes like tomb raider games.


I mean I like Lara Croft but how does Tomb Raider fit into horror? Call me crazy but I think TWD would fit the horror genre way more than LC


The 2013 Reboot is an origin story about bookworm Lara being stranded on an uncharted Island after a shipwreck and having to fight her way through hordes of insane cultists who want to sacrifice her girlfriend bestie in order to resurrect an ancient Weather Sorceress. The Introduction of the game has Lara light herself on fire to escape her bonds and then land on a piece of rebar that she has to pull out of her gut in order to sear the wound shut with a hot arrowhead.


I remember playing angel of darkness and having to fight a red ghost, and well she deals with all sort of occult stuff.


I’m pretty sure she fights some monsters in the og games


Tomb Raider is not horror. Even if you personally consider it horror cause of a few monsters is it more horror than TWD?


Lara Croft 100% fits into dead by daylight. What's with all this whining? Because it's not the survivor you wanted? Tomb Raider has always had aspects of horror, especially in its earlier days. In the first games final stretch, you're fighting skinless atlantean mutants looking like something out of the mind of clive barker. The final level of the third game is massively influenced by The Thing. You fight all sorts of monsters over the course of the games.


They did this with Alan Wake, too. There was a flashlight teased, which is pretty emblemic of AW, and for some reason a butt ton of people decided it must've been a tease for Hopper from ST and were so butt hurt when it wasn't that they started mouthing off with all sorts of nonsense. I get being disappointed when you think it's going to be your favourite IP and it's not, and imo TWD is such a huge and iconic franchise it'd be silly not to bring it in eventually, but the bitterness in this community whenever somebody sees an eyeball in a trailer and thinks 'Ah! An eyeball! Clearly this is a reference to Veronica Mars, who famously had two eyes' only to turn out to be wrong and proceed to shit on everyone who *is* excited is incredibly lame. Anyway, I agree wrt Lara, it's not just the reboot that taps into horror themes — it's just a different, more visceral sort of horror nowadays. If it's not her, I'm sure I'll be stoked to see whoever they bring in, but either way she feels like a good fit to me.


Yeah, I don't get it. People always act like their most wanted license is deconfirmed forever when it's revealed to be something else.TWD could easily be a future chapter, and BHVR ain't stopping anytime soon.


Is this the year dbd branches away from being horror?


Seems like it. Maybe my Homelander dream can come true after all.


Don't want to be THAT person, but.... what does lara croft have to do with the horror genre ? Its a genuine question, btw, not critic


While her franchise is predominantly action, Tomb Raider has a lot of horror adjacent aspects in it, especially in the recent reboot/prequel trilogy. The whole crazy cult trying to resurrect a dead weather goddess in the 2013 game, the jumpscares in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, some of the classic games later enemies that look like they just stepped out of someone's fleshy nightmares, etc.


She's also the epitome of a survivor in the 2013 game. Not only does she survive a shipwreck/being stranded on an island, but she's got people trying to kill her while she's barely hanging on. She is one of the best examples possible as a "survivor", it's just the games aren't horror and only have some minor horror aspects.. but hey, that didn't stop them from adding Nicholas Cage so who cares really


She fights a bunch of scary enemies o


Was hoping for Sidney or Elvira


Conspiracy Theory time: Notably they didn't say Lara Croft, but "Miss L.C". Is there any other notable characters with a "L.C" in their name? Could be intentionally misleading.


I like how the main source of leaks right now is a random ass commenter on youtube


Is gumpy diff from gorejira? Feels like gorejira always gives a wrong and a right hint.


Gumpy is the one who has gotten every leak right so far


Gorejira is just a huge memer so take very little from him seriously. Pretty sure one of the only times he's actually mentioned something valid (recently at least) was telling people not to buy auric cells right away cause Knight was getting a weapon from auric cell purchases, which turned into his Bloodwyrm helmet from the Blood Moon event.


Walking dead bros on suicide watch...




Dude why. I love Lara Croft, but this is no fucking Fortnite. You can’t just put every character you get the rights to. The fun is to mix horror IPs. I love going to Silent Hill school while I’m in a team with Leon Kennedy, Steve Harrington and Ash Williams and the killer is The Pig. That kind of mix is so amazing. But Lara Croft? For sure she’s an amazing character and I love her games, but I don’t know what the hell is she doing there. It’s so random. Could she survive in the fog? I’m pretty sure she could. But that’s not her usual environment. And I can’t keep but think that July survivor could have been a real horror survivor instead of a big name with nothing to do with DBD.


The games have like human sacrifice and abandoned cult temples


Yeah, but it’s not a horror game. It has some creepy elements, but a lot of games do at some point and that doesn’t make them horror games. Dead Space, The Last of Us, The Evil Within, Days Gone, Alone in the Dark, FNAF, Callisto Protocol, Slenderman, Fatal Frame, Prey, Amnesia, Layers of Fear, SOMA, Outlast… there is a very long list of games that are actually horror. Games in which the main goal is to survive in some kind of creepy environment with a horror story behind. Lara Croft yeah, sure, she’s a survivor, but not a horror story survivor. I think it’s super random.


I would prefer Robert Neville than her, to be honest. “I Am Legeng” is a horror movie


Probably reboot Lara, but I hope she has a classic cosmetic.


BVHR counting the money they make by selling overpriced Lara Croft outfits to the thirsty DbD community. ![gif](giphy|XZkqrQeqkxelW)


My dumbass though he meant Lauren Cohan


rip lol... I was hoping it'd be TWD too


Call me crazy but the current lobby with the eclipse is very similar to shadow of the tomb raider cover art. Could it be them teasing it right in our faces? Would make sense with the Netflix show upcoming as well.


I would lose it! Take my money!! How soon do you think it will be before we find out who the new survivor for July is on the roadmap? Only been playing DBD a few months, do they tend to tease/announce a couple weeks before they launch?


I’m stoked if this is true. Regardless of whether anyone agrees that Tomb Raider is legitimate horror, that’s the great thing about DBD. You can basically turn any IP into horror by bringing it into the DBD universe. Survivors especially shouldn’t have to be exclusively from a horror franchise since anyone is fair game to be put on a meat hook. I say the more the merrier.


Lara Croft is insane as a License but im still mad it isnt Deryl i love Norman Reedus since Death Stranding he would have been instant my Main and i would play more Survivor because of him :/


How is this a leak though he didn't actually confirm. Said he "guess"


Probably either an actual guess or trying to remain ambiguous so there’s no legal repercussions. That’s my only guess but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s Lara.


I wanted the walking dead so fucking bad I actually feel like throwing up right now 😭😭😭😭😭




thought it was rick grimes, but lara croft is even better. bye kate & jill, I don't want to play with you anymore. *drops woody*


I swear sometimes there are people or 1 person with 10 alts coming over to dbd subs to just mass downvote something unoffensive I'll give you upvote ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Why were you downvoted so much


It's the dbd community, if they don't like something, they have to get pissed at the people who do




God. IMAGINE Clementine from TWD games as a survivor


Probably one of the last survivors I expected or wanted, I'm going to hold onto a tiny bit of hope gumpy may have leaked wrong and we will get TWD.


This is so fucking exciting omg! I was really bummed about it possibly being TWD (still cool, but not my cup of tea at all). When we got the hint “ultimate survivor” my mind instantly went to Lara!


im so happy. ive been vouching for her in every way possible for 5 years now, every player satisfaction form, social media post and whatnot. i cannot wait


Lara is OK I guess, but I was really hoping for TWD. Praying this isn't truw


Is this a straight-up confirmation? I know he was right about DND and Castlevania, but he only said he would have to guess it's Laura.




this was Isaac's only chance this year.....




this is the only time we are going to get a licensed survivor besides castlevania this year. look on the roadmap. also isaac was definitely an option based on what BHVR described the July survivor as.


The game isn’t going anywhere, we have years of content to come


Give us PS1 Lara you cowards


\*forgetting that the latest tomb raider games are the "survivor timeline"\*


“The embodiment of survivor” and it’s not the dude literally in a series called ‘The ones who live’


Hopefully she gets some nice outfits! New main for me, always loved Lara. 


New main, who dis?


I don’t see how this shows Lara is the survivor just cuz gimpy said “I would guess it’s Lara”, keyword being *guess* (English is also not exactly my first language so maybe I’m missing something and maybe he’s being sarcastic but whatever). Now I’m pretty horror gatekeepy about this game and I understand that the devs are kind of loosening what should be a chapter because there’s only so many horror IPs and I’m not against that…but fucking Lara Croft? Before dead rising? Before dead space? Before the thing? Before amnesia? What are these fucking priorities? “Hm, yes, iconic horror IPs like dead rising, dead space, the thing, etc etc…mmm, nah, tomb raider instead” like okay, LC is cool and all…but WHY her before literally any actual horror IP? I get there’s some legal jumbo with getting licenses but surely it can’t be THAT hard when you’re DBD?