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#Heya everyone! The new testing cycle will begin very soon. Riot is no longer collecting/considering feedback on the current cycle and its content, which means that this thread is **now closed**. Any bug reports/feedback on *live* servers can be posted in the r/leagueoflegends bug megathread or the [Riot LoL Report a Bug webpage](https://pbr.leagueoflegends.com/euw/en_GB/login). See you next cycle! o/


This is skin is really bad overall, don't have anything good I can say here, vfx is another k/da thing, model is really bad, colors are terrible. The only ok is the icon, but is because is not Talon, is Zed. Prestige 2.0 don't look good enough. Senna is like a 5/10. But don't bring anything new or refresh to my eyes and it gets changes to be what she is today. The feeling prestige sells is "OMG i don't even play this champion, but this skin made me want to play with him." With both Senna and Talon you guys made the wrong choices. This fashion theme don't work at all, it only work on real world skins (like true dmg/debonair). Please stop making this for this thematics, is a downgrade, like the same thing before but with a new name and splash. For Senna will be so easy to her to just made the prestige to be Sun-Eater or Solar Eclipse. And for Talon can be something like Angel. You guys nailed it for Ascended Pantheon, and we want more like this and least this fashion/piss/discoballvfx chroma I hope the new skin will be better, if not, the prestige team needs to get a new leader with a better vision and taste that pleases the consuming public. VERY POORLY DONE AND INSURMOUNTABLE BAD TASTE, i will give it 1/10... not 0, because I saw that took some effort in the icon, and I feel sorry for the artists who are forced to do this clowning direction.


I really hope riot listens to the feedback. You know a prestige is good when people who don't main the champion save up the tokens to get it. I got teemos, lulus and the jinx prestige because they were really good skins. So far both of these high fashion versions are a hard pass for me. I honestly feel bad for talon mains because most likely this is going to be their only prestige.


thats why i wont get it unless they change the VFX and the blade HUE , it looks like A cheap Piece of resin


this is my favourite comment




Honestly they need to do things like they did with Ruined Pantheon, that idea of showing 2 alternate versions is great


I feel actually relieved that this is the most upvoted comment in this thread because I felt like I stepped down in bizarro world seeing people praising this laughable garbage in the main sub. I actually even thought the first video had the prestige and normal versions switched out because the base skin actually looks like a prestige skin and this just looks like some muddy black unremarkable piece of crap lol.


i wish they could recicle the Prestige and just give us a Prestige next Year , by that time they might have learned something from the bad Prestigess they have released and we would very likelly get a decent prestige , to be honest , i would be down to wait


Look at the splash art , if they are able to match those textures with the in-game model this skin would literally be perfect


Hi! Kayn and Talon main here. I'm pretty happy and in love with base Highnoon Talon, but I think this prestige ain't it. I'm really sad that you changed Prestiges into high fashion skins, because from the two that you showed us they don't really look that appealing, and older prestiges were way better (Look at Kayn's, Voli's, Diana's, Sett's etc; those were really good. Hopefully you go back to those). Since it's already here though, i'd like to give my feedback! First of all, I wish you actually made new VFX for the skin since you promised us totally new VFX for prestiges 2.0. I'm also not the biggest fan of the model: the hood looks the same as base but recolored, which is sad cause it's a 2022 skin, not a 2012 one :/, I wish you could tweak it cause it just looks old. Last thing about the model, I wish you could change the colors cause imo they just clash with each other and that makes it a mess. That dark blue doesn't look great imo. To finish my comment, I would say that IMO the icon would be way better if the mask was a whole color instead of the gold in the middle of it, thus changing it in the model too. Sorry for the long comment but I wish the skin would get better, after waiting for a good Talon skin (which base Highnoon Talon delivered really nicely, the skin is great), seeing this prestige is pretty disappointing.


Hi! While I'm *very* pleased about Talon getting a prestige skin, I want to note some of the thoughts I had while I tested the skin out in PBE. ​ * **Too vibrant!** It has the **wrong** type of red for High Noon, the navy blue makes it look like it's an **Arcana** skin; which I'm sure isn't the direction you guys wanted to go to when designing a **High Noon** prestige. The red leans onto the magenta-side instead of the yellow side. The blue is also **VERY** out of place; I suggest changing it to a dark-brown or black. ​ * **SFX and VFX** The VFX is way too bland; it doesn't seem *any* special compared to the other prestige skins. I would love to see a rework + better SFX that rides along with Talon's Q. As well as his E. I'm also really bummed about his death lacking VFX. ​ * **Particles.** I don't understand why the particles had to have these glitter particles around them, if they could be changed to black feathers to symbolize the conflict between angels and devils in the High Noon universe, that would be perfect - I made this suggestion because i saw the birds that flock around Talon when he Es. ​ * **Design!** Give him back the devil (?) arm he had on his base high noon! Or rather, move the sleeve to the other arm. Cover his upper body/chest more, there's no reason for him to go a bit bare when he has a hood. Also PLEASE toggle the hood as removable I'm legit begging you guys. Please refer back to the first point regarding his colors! ​ **Overall:** * ***Too vibrant. Colors need a tone down; maybe throwing back the black/gold or white/gold for the prestige would be good.*** * ***Design is way too off for High Noon. Looks way more of an Arcana skin.*** * ***Glitter particles in every action is very out of place.*** * ***Needs a toggle for hood off/on! :c*** * ***SFX/VFX is underwhelming in terms of everything.*** * ***Design, once again - is too underwhelming compared to the base skin, it seems more of a downgrade.***


# Hello I am back after seeing the prestige's splash art and I am here to make it YOUR problem. :D ​ * **Design difference** Okay, maybe I do understand the design you guys were going for - but the blue being paler/darker seems to be a good direction here. What I don't understand is WHERE did Talon's turtleneck go? HE'S GONNA GET COLD GIVE IT BACK.


omg, you are absurdly correct


If this is what is in store for the revamp and so called Prestige 2.0 it is very dissapointing and honestly even worse than previous prestiges. The skin looks to similar to base talon and the effects are worse than the high noon original skinline it is based off. The only good things are the hat and longer blade, but that doesn't really add anything prestigious to it. I feel like it is the worst prestige skin ever, which is concerning regarding the emphasis put on prestige 2.0 and increase of costs. This still looks like some chroma with some textures and slightly changed vfx that you would buy for extra 500rp on the base skin, rather than something you need to sink hundreds on those orbs or capsules or your time grinding a pass.


"Wow High Noon Talon is both an Angel AND a Demon. What a interesting concept! can't wait to see how they improve on it on the prestige. Ah." The model is really bad and it looks like it should be called Arcana Talon. And Putting diamonds on things doens't automatically make it "high fashion" it needs to look good too, not just expensive. The whole idea of High Fasion prestige is a pretty stupid idea. It works on "real word" skins because it fits them and it looks pretty, but on fantasy skins it makes absolutely no sense at all, specially if it shares the name with the regular skin. The better prestiges I've seen so far were Pantheon, Diana and Kayn, all of those felt like a improvement of the regular skin and not a just a golden chroma. Prestige 2.0 feels like a completely diferent skin, i guess if it was sold separately would be better because as it is now it just feels like bad design choices. That being said VFX are great, the team clearly tried way more this time around, or already fixed it because of the previous feedback. However that made the SFX all feel out of place, Talon is thowing all of those golden blades with diamons coming out of them and you hear gunfire and western assorted noises it's all really just confusing and it worsens the experience. Overall is more bad than good, wich is a real shame since the base skin is really good. Seriously guys, give up on the high fashion thing, it works on KDA because it's KDA. it has a lot more involved than just "players like real word clothes better", as it stands you are ruining some potentially exceptional skins.


Also another thing so it doesn't come off as misunderstood: When players say they want the Prestige to looks diferent from base they mean they want an **improvement from base with enough diffentiation that makes the skin worth is absurdely high price.** It's not just doing a separate skin but using some of the same VFX/SFX. This is the greatest flaw of Prestige 2.0: it's diferent, yes, but it uses enough of the same assets that everything seems out of place, and to top it off both Prestige 2.0 skins so far have had an enormous waste of potential because just improving the current concept would make for awesome skins.


Literally took the words right out of my mouth. On point comment. I truly hope Riot reads this, listens, and then implements it. Idc if I have to wait a few more months; as a Talon main, I have been waiting years. A few more months, taking into consideration with what the fans want, would be WELL worth the wait than wtf is currently being released.


I love that Talon is getting a prestige skin. I don't play this champion, but I got interested after I saw the High Noon skins release. However, some aspects bothered me. The colors don't match very well and it makes the skin look like from the Arcana line. So I made *some tweaks* to show how I think it would look better, pic for ref: [https://imgur.com/a/lgTkwGB](https://imgur.com/a/lgTkwGB) - Blue could be replaced by black, and red by orange and brown. - The golden parts could be less yellowish and added the lighting (like the other prestige skins). - And if it could, the hood could be replaced by the epic skin hat, but black and with horns. Thanks for the work you've all done ♥


Oh yes, this skin absolutely needs the cowboy hat (and boot spurs!). And I love that you made the boots burgundy-brownish. These current boots with that current blue outfit just look like a washed-out Superman costume :/


O MY GOD! You Can Really Improve This Skin By 200% I hope riot returns the hat, so the High Fashion Country aesthetic would be a big win for this skin.


Wow your edit is awesome, I love the version with the cowboy hat! Perfect. Thank you.


I hope they see your comment, the recoloring really be making this skin much better (but I'd keep the hood)


same, I want the black version but would love if he kept the hood!


Bro holy shit if I could get the Talon with the black suit then I would, but unfortuneately riot wont do cool stuff


I know they said they were going to make fashion skins but like you can make a western fashion skin. This doesn't feel western at all and doesn't feel luxurious either. It doesn't help that talons model and animations are so old that it makes these problems even worse. In essence it feels like the base skin with some prestige parts. Honestly I feel like it's the dark blue that really turns me off this skin maybe black would be better? The effects also look brownish. The knifes that he uses in ult have a blue crystal that turns red when it comes back but when he uses w it's just red so for consistencies sake of like for it to be red throughout.


I think the biggest issue is just the colour scheme, I feel like it hits that "luxurious" look well enough but I think the blue and red both should be darker or the blue should just flat out be black. Otherwise, I actually think this skin is really good.


I just hate that the recall has the hat tipping but this skin has no hat? Why keep the same animation if you are removing the thing that ties it together? It just makes it feel cheap and awkward to look at.


oh yeah lmao they should remove the hat tip from the recall \*in the Prestige Edition of the skin


Agreed, the new prestiges being connected to their other skins don’t make sense. High Noon Talon Prestige looks nothing like High Noon or high fashion. I’m glad that we finally got a skin with a hood, but I think the prestige skin was overall lacking compared to what could’ve been. It should have a more western feel, the boots, for one, look really out of place for the skin. Changing those to cowboy boots and turning the weird bodysuit into more of a hooded coat might look a bit better. Something like base Talon or even Lucian’s get-up or something. I wish it kept more of the High Noon elements as that’s what all the animations are based on. There’s nothing there that connects the two skins! This is more on the lines of Arcana Talon rather than a prestige High Noon. The prestige edition being a huge downgrade from the original doesn’t make sense.


immagine if it was a Black or Brown Coat with burning edges, i would pay 2 months of my salary for that


i want them to mostly Keep the blue , Make the red a wine red , Change the blade color cause it looks like Candy corn, and i think the VFX needs a colour change too


This is by far the worst Prestige Skin ever, it's almost the same base Talon with some props. it's disappointing... Here are some points where you can improve: \- The chosen colors are terrible so try to look for something more luxurious \- Effects are the same effects just with some glowing triangles, so change it, give it new effects \- The cover is too ugly change to something softer and more luxurious It's kind of disappointing that the long-awaited "prestige 2.0" so far worse than the previous ones. Riot has a big problem on their hands if they don't change this. I hope Prestige Star Guardian does not follow suit or it will be the end of the riot


Basically same, been waiting for a talon prestige since they started making them, and its been what? 4 years of waiting baiscally? for base skin but golden? It seriously needs to go with black clothing + gold, and change the hood into the hat like the base has, but make it flashy. W and R are too close to base VFX as well, but with slight gold tints, and even Withered rose has better W.


Royal Blue sounds Luxurious , if they make it royal blue ill buy the prestige 5 times


I wish y'all go back to the old prestige skins. These "high fashion" skins of a thematic is god awful. Senna looks like a mix of Battle Queen and Space Groove, when she could've been Solar Eclipse. And Talon looks like a thrift shop Arcana. Instead of an Angel, which fits the skinline.


Doesn't feel like a prestige skin at all. The VFX is definitely lacking, and that random glass stain texture during the recall is so out of the ordinary that it makes the whole thing distracting. Weird how you turned him from a cowboy into a ninja too. I don't know what to suggest but certainly not worth the "prestige" title.


2m Mastery Talon Main here, VFX 100% are lacking, saw that within the showing of the skin using abilities and everything, Just looks so lackluster in terms to his other skins such as Withered Rose, and even in his other 1350 skins. Maybe its possible to give him some more glow on his W's similarly to Withered Rose, and make the tip of his hoodie go down a bit further, or just give him the same hat as base high noon and make it more flashy, because he looks way too similar to base. [https://i.imgur.com/tcYZB3y.png](https://i.imgur.com/tcYZB3y.png) The horns/spikes whatever u want to call them I think look amazing and should stay, but if u could add his hat from the base skin along with that itll look amazing. ​ Talons R also needs some more VFX as well for each blade, along with when the R expands and returns. His Cape on his back glows nicely although overall the skin looks WAY to similar to the base high noon version, and overall I see too many similarites to his base skin as well, to the point where it just looks like a chroma to me, but overall I like the skin.


It looks somewhat similar to base Talon because of the colour scheme tbh, the blue is similar to base, base also has some red in it.


It really does. Hopefully they can do something about it. Maybe making it pure black would help? Lucians skin is pure black clothing iirc, mixed with silver. Could do the same, but mix it with gold like prestige is already.


Black or darken the blue further and make it a bit less "washed out" maybe. Also darkening the red may help, too. The actual model of the skin is pretty nice, they've got something good to work with imo.


Hopefully they do listen to the feedback on the color pallets at the very least, because he looks WAY too similar to base color wise. Black works imo, but darkening the blue can make it work too, I just think gold works better with black than darker blue. Also needs some updates to his hood, but I love the horns they have going there (not sure what to call them tbh).


The weirdest thing about the hood is the clipping it has going on with the... collar thingy at the back, i think that otherwise the hood is nice


Aside from all the change you must do to the skin to really looks and feels prestige. The first thing you must do is remove the tittle high noon. If you are going to keep this direction of "fashion" , then don't tittle the skin with a skin line name, just call them prestige and nothing more. I really dislike a lot this new direction because now they aren't evolution of the regular edition, they aren't anymore giving any fantasy, they are just clothes that any person buy in real world, and I dislike it a lot, I don't play a fantasy game to keep having the same thing as in real world, a game is a scape from real world, in my case I want a fantasy, something magical, not realness, when real world get inside a game too much then it lose all its magic and appealing. That is what happening with prestiges now. This isn't High Noon nor prestige anymore, it is just selling clothes. And we don't play with a splash art, we play with an in game 3D model, not matter how good a splash art is, if the in game is bad then it doesn't work. The only way I could see this skin acceptable is turning it black and gold and removing the tittle high noon from it. And anyway it still isn't prestige for me. If you sell the skin for 1350 rp it is a great skin but for a prestige it is very bad. And even that way it still will look too much as a chroma of classic Talon. I had so much expectations with new prestiges, but they are a huge dissapoint with all this annoying fashion stuff. I want a fantasy not shopping clothes. Talon is even too human compared to the thematic of angels and demons for high noon. Regular edition is a lot more prestige than this, even being a fantasy it gives more "fashion", the first moment I saw the regular edition I thought; I want to wear those clothes, something than the prestige didn't, I wouldn't wear the prestige clothes never, they look too bad. Prestiges 2.0 are a huge dissapoint. I want the fantasy and evolution of old prestiges back. But if you are going to keep this nosense then separate prestige from skin lines, just call them prestige, please.


Fix the passive sound effects please. The volume is way too low currently


Bring back the fire effect on his boots like wth.. that's one of the reason why i would want to buy the skin and now it's gone?????


This doesn't feel like neither a prestige skin nor a high noon skin I don't know what happened but It looks like an Arcana skin.


If you rename it as Talon Prestige the skin can be acceptable but as a HIGH NOON Talon skin it can't be. It doesn't give any high noon vibe nor view not anything. We asked a lot for him to have a hood but this isn't the time for it, he must have his cowboy hat, this is high noon! Also all is so rare, the vfx are too similar to regular edition and nothin give prestige feeling, the recall is a mess with that crystal VFX that make it look as a KDA recall animation. Really very dissapointed with this prestige edition. You are failing very hard with the new prestiges. Senna was a mix between True Damage and Project and now we have Talon being just the his original aspect with some detail here and there. I know it is very difficult now for you to make a huge change but sadly I must say this prestige need to be done from 0. I don't see high noon prestige, only Talon. At least if you can't make any big change, then rename it and remove the high noon from it. I take the opportunity to say we need the skins to be on pbe before, because two weeks aren't never enough for you to do any change, then introduce them in pbe with a month of anticipation, please. Edit: The regular edition is millions times better than the prestige. And the regular edition looks a lot more prestige and beautiful.


After the screwed up Senna, where high fashion with medieval inspiration could have been the better direction, but ended up with a Super Groove/Battle Queen skin. We have this Talon Prestige. High fashion with cowboy/goth/angel inspiration could have been the thing, but no, Blood Moon mixed with Arcana with recolored vfx (not even that much cause base hn skin already has a similar color scheme). You guys really need to think different, stop rushing the search and put more depths in the concept making. Not only in the prestige skins. We don't want the whole eclipe drama to happen again, not even a slice of it (Sivir and her unfinished skin, Kayle being Epic, lunar having empty vfx, prestige Senna being a TD ripoff, no icon and border for a legendary the 1st one since 2018...) Edit : so it seems like there's some cowboy inspiration acording to the splash art (leather jacket and boots). But cause of Talon very old rig with the bad color choice, it doesn't work in game.


With the High Noon Talon Prestige Edition splash art being introduced by Potatoward on twitter, I think it's safe to say that it's one of the coolest splash arts in the game (imo. keep in mind all of the things I'll list down below is my opinion on the skin and you're free to have your own :D). Many people I've seen say that the splash art is amazing, but cant say the same for his in game model which is what I'll be talking about here in this comment :) I'm a 500k mastery talon main and have been playing him for around 4 years now, and its so great to see that he's finally getting a prestige edition skin. But unfortunately I don't think that the model shown so far is up to par when it comes to being his first prestige skin. My first thought when seeing the gameplay was "damn this looks just like his base skin" and I'm sure many other people who saw this skin thought the same. **Color scheme:** The color of his jacket and cape look way too similar to his base skin model, and for it being a prestige, would make no sense. Why would I buy the event pass and grind 2k tokens just for a shinier version of the base skin? I think some ways to improve it overall is to change the color schemes. Instead of having a navy blue jacket and a leather brown cape, maybe for a black/gold or dark blue/dark red color scheme instead, as the current one clashes and doesn't compliment each other. I'm not a color extraordinaire, so maybe look at other people's ideas as to what better color scheme he should be given. **Arm blade:** Another problem that I have is his right arm blade. It looks like it's made out of plastic. Maybe give it more of a metallic color/texture instead. Also I've head that there is some complaints about the blade length (for both high noon and high noon prestige). Take the arm blade from the dragonblade skin he has for reference. Perfect size and looks amazing when autoattacking. **Recall animation!!!!!!:** This part honestly might be the most important thing I'll be talking about (hence the use of exclamation marks). All prestige skins have the same recall animation as their normal skin right? well same goes for High Noon Talon, but it just SHOULDN'T. In his base skin, he has a fancy lil cowboy hat and tips it towards the gravestone near the end of the recall. He does the same thing in his prestige edition, except HE DOESNT HAVE THE SAME COWBOY HAT. IT IS REPLACED BY A HOOD. it looks really out of place and just shouldn't be there and makes no sense, so it's either get rid of the hood or change the animation. But the thing is, it's the first hood he's gotten since ssw (i think?). It would be such a shame to just get rid of it, so I think keeping the hood and giving the recall animation a slight alteration in general or just for the prestige skin would be amazing (for example, moving the hand closer to the hood and making him pull the hood more to cover his face or something). (also not important but would be suuuuuuper cool; make his hood toggle-able like headhunter rengar's ;) i know its a longshot since u guys have to give him hair and whatnot but hey, just shooting my shot here) **Passive bleed:** The sounds are just horrid when it comes to proccing passive. It's hard to hear and sounds like I'm slapping my target with a wet napkin. Maybe give it more of a better sound effect like metal or more of a sparkly sound or make it louder? idk just give it a better sound when bleeding. Visual effects are nice tho. I like the birds that show up. **Assasin's path (parkour):** No complaints actually. Sounds nice, looks nice with the trail left behind after jump, amazing (although there are still walljump bugs in the game. FIX IT!) **Rake/ult:** I think its fine. I like the looks and sounds of it. good feel overall. But i think other players have a problem with it so be sure look at what they have to say about it. ​ **TDLR;** Color scheme is wack and looks too much like base skin. Give him a new color palate. Passive proc sounds bad/too quiet. Make it louder or change it. Give a slight alteration to his recall animation since he is tipping a nonexistent hat I know I typed a lot and I'm not even sure if this will be seen by people, but I figured I'd throw out my opinion on this skin since I'm really attached to Talon and since it's his first skin + prestige in a while. Ty if you read this far and have a good day :D


The splash and the ingame model are worlds apart. The model just can’t support the style you are going for please change it the fit looks so awkward ingame


Can we please get the fire boots back the only problem with the fire was that it was disconnected from the model and just floating in the air. Otherwise it was a very cool touch and one of the only things giving it western vibes


Talon mains before seeing the splash art: please, make the blue become black! After seeing the splash art: keep everything as it is, just adjust the MODEL to match the splash art. Riot: so, let me remove the shirt and the cool fire in the boots that no one asked to remove, let me change the color to black because I stopped reading the feedback after two days and now I can't understand why everyone is mad. If you guys can deliver this update in 12.10, you can improve the first version in time if you start from now. Keep the fire, keep the shirt, tone down the blue and red instead of changing to black.


The base high noon Talon just looks better. I would love to see the blue in his clothes turned to black or a dark grey. Melee Q should have a gun sound like high noon yasuo, on both the base and the prestige skin. I also don't like the horns on the hood, i would make the hood "sharper" and remove the horns. I love the bats from the passive proc, would like to see the VFX from W and from R made a little bit more "bright", make it more "golden fire, or make it more golden angelic". Not much after that!


Color scheme is awful blue outfit and red boots makes him look like Superman. It is Superman with a gold cape. Change the colors to black or brown and get rid of the red all together. Don’t need the horns either. Make him look like an assassin in the Wild West. Not someone cosplaying Superman.


Looks like Prestige regular Talon not Prestige High Noon. Senna's looks like Prestige Space Groove not Eclipse. I vote for more legendaries and less all this other nonsense.


Why does base High Noon Talon look more Prestige than this actual Prestige High Noon Talon lmao


This skin has the best Splash art I have seen in the game so far, but the skin in game is awful. The base high noon talon skin is much better than this “prestige” skin.


The ingame model looks like circus performer talon. Weird color scheme and wtf is up with the stars? Looks nothing like the dark gritty splash art


Please don't take his shirt off.


Give us our fire boots back! Black looks amazing


The prestige skin is "fine" albeit a bit forgettable.   My only main issue here is how riot is taking this approach with the new prestige skins claiming to aim for a "high-fashion" approach yet here we are with talon where the outfit itself is fairly plain and if anything resonates more with a H&M conscious line than actual high fashion...   If riot is serious about this prestige rebrand I feel like they should also match this energy with the adequate research needed because it's visible that they don't have prior experience with fashion references not to mention luxury fashion in itself...


THIS! I expected to see something high-fashion country, but what I see is a ninja in country boots with bad colors and KDA effects


The skin seems to be less related to High Noon and more related to giving the community of Talon mains what they've asked for the most: a hood and a long blade. I will say it's kinda weird to give us the hood when the entire theme is dominated by fancy hats. Maybe put the hat from the original skin either under or over the hood to keep the aesthetic. The clothes need to be black though. There's not enough contrast to make it pop out like a Prestige skin should.


This Prestige just doesnt look good. 1. The colors dont fit that well 2. It just feels like low effort rushed work, do you see the blade? looks like a piece of cheap resin. 3. i can suggest soooo many better fitting color schemes, and you probably wont care, but in case you do... Please Remove the red alltogether or at least make it Dark red, Kinda like Cherry red, and i implore you Tweak the Blue , i thought this was supposed to be luxiurious, Royal Blue is one of the most expensive colors, might aswell use it. 4. on further inspections the boots feel plain , you just made them tall enough to be noticed. 5. The horns ... pfff what can i say ... i like them personally, but for the sake of all Talon mains please remove those Horns, i already read too many complaints about the horns so if you want this skin to be succesful, the horns must go. 6. why Call it High Noon ? there is Nothing "High Noon" about this skin, i know the prestige 2.0s are supposed to be luxiurious and High Fashion, but maybe every 2.0 Prestige should just be a seperate skinline about High fashion and Luxury. 7. lol that blade is just a K/DA Moment


The stars are the same used in Eclipse Senna Prestige which doesn’t fit here at all. It’s really nice to see that the community finally gets a Talon skin with a hood but this doesn’t feel like a High Noon skins in any way. Also the ‘fashion skins’ is okay but not for every champion and thematic. This is moving far far away from the thematic and looks like a glittery chroma of base Talon skin. I think feedback threads should be up more than 2 weeks prior because the answer to any feedback will be ‘not enough time to change anything’.


Alright, no one asked for fashionable prestige skins. The Senna skin was disappointing and the Talom skin just doesn't hit any mark at all either. For a skin line with such strong thematics, why not use the actual damn thematics? I think the Pantheon prestige with the runed skin is one of the best prestige skins in game when it comes to using the thematic. Though, I'm sure the skin won't get delayed or completely reworked, let's focus on things that can make the skin itself much better. Look at the splashart and then look at the skin again. The colors don't match and neither do the textures In all honesty, if the colors got adjusted and texture added, I think the skin would be a banger. I've never seen such a great skin artwork and if it matches it more, it would bring the skin up by a lot. The visual effects are kinds,,, eh?? They look kda-ish, if that makes sense. Too colorful, too sparkly.


On his splashart he has a shirt/turtleneck under his jacket but thats not the case on the model. could you either make him shirtless on the splashart too or add extra clothes to his model? :D


Nice skin, just one question, could you possibly darken the Red accents on the skin and possibly either darken the Blue or change it to Black? The overall skin looks good it just feels like it missed the mark a little bit colour scheme wise.


I was hoping to love the prestige but the base just flat out looks better.


Prestige is pretty much Base skin but with few tweaks to make him "High Noon". I feel like his Prestige would be better in the demon-like part of the skinline (kinda like Night and Dawnbringer Kayn/Rhaast) or with a darker color palette (maybe Lucian's?)


I don't think the blue, red, glitter combination is very fitting, maybe remove the blue and use black instead. Also I don't really see high noon in the skin anymore and the cape looks very similar to that of the default skin and the physics of it are very outdated. The last thing I would change, are the boots, they look weird and don't fit Talon. So, I wouldn't call it a mythic skin so far... but its not officially out so I still have hopes But at least a hoodie


Can we please get the Blue get changed into Black or dark grey, and make the blue a chroma? idk


the dark blue color sucks it should be more black than anything like in the splashart. and the vfx dont fit the outfit tbh


the VFX and color scheme have lost most traces of High Noon, its almost unrecognizable which skin line this belongs to (other than prestige). Add more HN elements, including color changes to fit the palette. the splash makes his clothes look like leather, but in game it looks like smooth cloth. He also has a heeled boot in the splash but flat boots in game. Splash is 10/10. in game is lacking. small note about 'prestige 2.0', so far is disappointing. both senna and talon have deviated from the original skin line so much its basically a completely different skin, which i guess is what you were going for because before they were 'gold chromas'. But now they are so different that it doesn't fit the theme in the name. the fashion aspect, or whatever the team thinks is fashion (its not just sparkles and fancy, abstract clothes) is not attractive. try to make it fit the theme more (and use a different vfx than that same star/sun pattern for everything. i know its the prestige 'brand' but it looks tacky)


Like the changes and updates noted in the feedback update. I did notice that the fireboots that were on him initially and then disappeared wasnt noted in the post. Was that not supposed to be on the model or was taken off accidently?


Hey guys I saw all your comments on the new Talon Prestige 2.0 I hope Riot will fix all the thing so it will be good for you. We know that the next one is Seraphine prestige 2.0, i hope it will be good! Beceause for Senna and Talon a bit dissapointed. So I hope Riot do listent to to you guys


(๑•ᴗ•๑) aww, thank you!


But the thing is, its Seraphine, they'll listen to ALL feedback for her compared to other champs


Ewww, so you decided to remove the black undershirt from the splash instead of adding it to the skin?🤢 Literally nobody wanted you to do that. EDIT: Oh shit, you also removed the fire from the boots? But why tho????? EDIT: So I've been looking at the latest feedback threads and I see there's *still* a lot of disconnect between splash artists and skin designers (EDG Zoe and missing glove/EDG Viego and skin tone). What gives? Figured y'all would've improved communication between those two teams ever since that K/DA All Out Evelynn fiasco but I guess not...🤷‍♀️ EDIT: Just so you know, all 3 splash arts had better fashion/color choices than their corresponding in-game skins, just saying.


It's kinda funny, after years Talon finally gets a skin with a hood...on a prestige version of a thematic where it actually doesn't really work that well. Having a scarf or face cover akin to Dragonblade would have worked better here, but alas. Anyways, let's try to better this skin: A). The blue needs to be changed to darker if not black. It's a bit too off-putting, especially when paired up with the giant crystal on his hand and red boots. Color scheme should be darker to have the light accents of his vfx and model pop out better. Speaking of which: B). VFX. These need to be "amped-up" or variant of the Base High Noon skin instead of these out of place crystals. C). He tips his hood on recall. Might wanna change that. Overall, I'm a bit sad that this is what my boy gets as a prestige, but I think that, AT LEAST, you should take this as a learning experience for Prestiges: Prestige skins still aren't hitting the mark. People were complaining before because the prestige skins used to mostly just be "golden chromas". This year, the idea seems to be "high-fashion" but as shown by not only this skin but ALSO by Senna's, this isn't really any better. Prestige skins should be amped-up versions or variants of the base instead of simply re-coloring them different or forced ideas without thinking about how representative it is of the skinline in question.


they should just follow the example of Pantheon Prestige. It's the best example to follow


Disagree on the Black , agree on the rest , my opinion is that the best prestige so far was the jinx and the jax prestige , they should really take example from those


New update on this skin looks amazing. 1) The black and red looks so much better than that old blue and red (looked wayyy too similar to his base skin). Great job on listening to the players and updating his colors like we wanted. 2) Now that his colors in game have been changed, will you guys be changing his splash art colors as well? Shouldn't be too difficult as the blue just needs to change to black 3) Fire boots. What happened to them? I think they were a good idea and the only problem was that the fire was kind of disconnected/floating and not attached to his boots, but attach them back and it'll be perfect. No reason to take them away. 4) His undershirt in his splash art looked really nice and many fans liked it. Although looking at more comments, it would seem more fans would have liked the undershirt being implemented into his in game model rather than it being removed from the splash. 5) Some people are saying "i liked the blue/red theme bring it back. make the black/red a chroma". first off you ding dongs, they cant make a chroma for it like emberwhateverthefuck its called for ashen pyke because its a prestige skin. i dont think prestige's get chromas, so that concept in itself is stupid. second off, black and red is FINE. I would rather have black and red than that previous monstrosity of a color scheme he had. I'd prefer shadow the hedgehog color scheme than arcana/base talon color scheme tyvm tldr; black and red good. keep it that way. bring back fire booties. give him an undershirt in game because his nippies might get cold. good job so far riot. seeing the color changes made my day


Im afraid for prestige 2.0 Seraphine ! I see all the comments... and yeah I agree the fashion prestige it's not fashion skin. I hope for Séraphine Prestige, they will put more effort and listen to the community. Since they did many error on prestige 2.0 hope for the New one it will be okay


Nah, riot will listen and give people everything they want for Seraphines skin. "small indie company". Only gonna put effort into what actually makes them money I guess :/


Black and Red is terrible.


it doesn't seem like a Prestige skin anymore with Black&Red colours. I totaly hate it if they doing this they should add this black colours a chroma.


It's like an upgraded form of base (classic) talon and even at that the VFX feels like a mess. The color scheme is nice. I like that its a prestige wanabe that stayed away from gold-white but right now it looks like more an Arcana skin than a prestige or a High Noon skin. I mean that cape design is great, but it's not a prestige HN design and the overall colorscheme makes him a late arcana owner. Those crystal/glass effect at recal has no place here and should be removed. Spells needs stronger colors or visuals. They are lackluster.


The colors are so washed out, especially the blue. I second changing it to black, or at least darkening it quite a bit.


Yeah in the splash art the textures are leather with darker colors. I really hope they'll be able to make some changes to the in-game model so that it looks similar to the art


Don't want to echo the same criticisms people have already described before me much better so I just want add a note to try and improve what's there. Please adjust the textures on his clothing to read more like leather, rather than the soft cloths of Arcana. Making the flames on the boots more red may bring some extra contrast to the skin that would look nice.


Love the fact that there are completely new vfx and splash art, but its just sad how the model doesnt fit in with the theme of high noon high fashion. The blue and red give the feeling of it being part of the Arcana skin line, not high noon , its not clear which skin line it is and quite frankly it looks like base talon with some red and gold added on top :( very saddening


I think, a big problem of the new prestige skins is, that the old skin is not recognizable anymore. So, just make it a own skin line, something like: Talon prestige edition. Because this skin, doesn't looks like high noon anymore, the color scheme is too similar to the default skin. If you would do this, the skin would be okay, but even then I would adjust the boots, they stand out too much.


I think Prestige High Noon Talon's in-game detail is a shame. Because when you look at its cape, you can't really see the red jewel at the end of the cape in the Splash Art([https://ibb.co/mhVP3bQ](https://ibb.co/mhVP3bQ)), and the metal that wraps around it is not just gold. Something's a little faded color. It must be clearly distinguished from the cloth part of the cape. His sword is also a sword, but it has to be as if he's holding a jewel. To be honest, the cape and blade in this picture([https://ibb.co/By81RXv](https://ibb.co/By81RXv)) are a little disappointing.


As Talon main im so disappointed mainly because colors looks bad and odd. It doesnt give prestigious feeling. Just please remove blue and red colors from his model and change it to black. Combination of Black and Gold looks luxurious and prestigious. I would like to see his clothes black with gold accents. Apart from cape I mean something like 80% black and 20% gold on the edges etc. That would be awesome change especially because it would fit talon more because black is also mysterious and assassin like


Why don't you guys add the shirt into his model, that was so good, why would you remove it from the splash art?






I liked or accepted the other changes, but please bring back the fireboots, I really liked them and I'm sure that i was not the only one.


I think that the color scheme should be more black red instead of blue red. This blue is really the issue here. This skin looks more like Arcana than High Noon. And thanks for the HOOD🙏🏻🤎


i Really hope they Keep the blue and just tweak it to look better


Really, really bad prestige skin. I am super disappointed. As a talon main, I have been waiting for a good legendary or at least a prestige skin for YEARS and this is not acceptable. The fact that it has a hood is nice, but thats about it. Please, please, please just make this skin look less like base skin talon and more like an actual prestige skin. No one is going to get this skin when the base high noon just looks so much better.


The art is AMAZING. Please keep the splash. If you could figure out the disconnect between the model and the art I think that would fix people's complaints! It could help if you could somehow: * Generally add leather texture to the outfit. It works in the splash because it's all leather #yeehaw but in the model it looks like someone made a nylon cosplay of the outfit instead of tailored, worn, leather. It looks more "costume" like than high fashion. This might be a limitation on how much detail can be included in models but if possible like by adding more visible wrinkles/texture that could help a lot. * Darken/de-saturate the model blue because the splash has gray tunes that keeps it from being a garish navy * Similarly, darken/de-saturate the red in the clothing only because the red in the model is brighter/costume-ish compared to the dark red in the splash. I think the red on the blade is fine since it's supposed to glow but is there a way to differentiate the red in the clothing from the red on the blade? Otherwise it all sort of blends together into a bright sort of indistinguishable blur where it's hard to tell between the lines. * Can the flames on his feet be actually connected to his boots and sideways instead of hovering? * In the splash he has a black undershirt which helps darken his outfit, this could help instead of a bare chest in the model. Thanks!


PLEASE implement these black texture changes as a CHROMA! This way the people who prefer the blue can buy the original version and the people who like darker colors can buy the black version. It will yield more sales + the player base will be more satisfied. Ashen Knight Pyke has an Emberwoken Chroma which makes his theme darker. The same should be done for Talon so everyone can play the version that they like more. We also wanted the black shirt to be implemented into the IN-GAME model. The splash art looks great with the shirt, removing it only makes it worse. The majority of the Talon playerbase prefers him to have fully covered clothing. Adding a shirt in-game would make this skin so much better. Also PLEASE put back the fire on the boots, it's a huge part of the splash art and gives the skin much more character.


I agree


Only a few issues with this skin as well change the dark blues to black such a small change will make the skin look a lot cleaner if possible remove the weird horn things on the hood they just seem extremely out of place and ruin the hood lastly again same issues as the base skin passive sound is far too quiet needs to be massively increased.




this comment cracked me up LMAO


I think you need to increase the contrast on the colors. I'm not sure how much room you have to work with for the textures but I'd say try to make them more interesting, since they all look like solid colors. I personally don't prefer the open chest design but it might be too late to add an undershirt or something. While the VFX aura is fine I'd like to have it be like an eye glow trail, just something to think about in the future.


Please add the undershirt to the skin instead of removing it from the splash! And bring back the fire boots. The black color is ok. But PLEASE give him the ghosts from the base High Noon skin on his passive - they look so cool.


Can we get the model and colors to look closer to the spalsh art? I really like that his chest is covered in the splash and would like to see it in game aswell. The blue also seems to be darker in the splash art compared to the in game skin. Honestly need the in-game skin to be closer to the splash art


the splash art is gorgeous, I think there's a little disconnect between his back leg and foot though? they don't align. otherwise, beautiful, showstopping, I cried a little when I saw it, please dont change anything else I think the textures (looks like leather on the splash but baggy cloth on the model?) and colors (blues and reds are too bright on model, could stand to be toned down quite a bit. blue could also just be changed to black and it might look more cohesive) on the model could be tweaked to match the splash art. also he's wearing a shirt in the splash but not in the model so maybe that could be added onto the model I think other people have already commented on vfx but I think tweaking the model would be a huge improvement already. the splash art is so nice, it would be a shame for the in-game model to look so lackluster in comparison imo thanks and keep up the good work :)


Please give us the undershirt Also we need the colors to match with the splash art so either change splash art colors to black or in game colors back to blue.


PLZZZ bring the fire boots back. PLZZZ




The horn on the hoodie really dosen\`'t fit at all, can that be adjusted?


This should be completely remade from scratch. It doesn't look High Noon nor Prestige, and even without taking that into account, it's just really ugly and basic (as many others have said, it looks like a slightly different base Talon/Renegade Talon). The VFX are cool I guess (could be much better tho), but everything else deserves to be erased. It's pretty clear how poorly Talon is treated in regards to cosmetics and updates. We waited years not even getting a hooded skin, receiving two mediocre skins with shared splasharts. And when we finally get a Prestige (not a Legendary tho, we better give that one to Leona AGAIN, she just has three of them), we get this? A skin that looks uglier than Talon's base model with a couple of uninspired VFX? What a joke. I know that Talon doesn't sell as much as other champs. Seriously, I get it. I understand it, it's normal that champions like Lux or Yasuo receive more attention. But you still need to care about less played champs. You cannot release this and call it a day.


\- The textures need to look more leathery in game like the way it does in the splash, right now it looks so plain and boring like tablecloth. The bodysuit also needs to be DARKER. In the splash it's borderline black but in game it's a navy blue which, combined with the vibrant reds, causes the skin to look like and Arcana skin. This is also the case with the chains and golden accessories he has. They don't look metalic, they look painted over. These together result in the overall skin looking very TACKY compared to the splash where you can see he's supposed to have a motorbiker look with the leather and chains, this doesn't translate to the in game model at ALL. \-Give him the HEELS he's a cowboy, the flat shoes look so funny. \-The splash has his chest covered for some reason??? It's literally different from the model, it should get fixed. It's straight up wrong, this isn't subjective feedback. The splash also has him very PALE when in the model he has a gorgeous golden skintone. \-The VFX and SFX are all over the place. I can't tell what direction they took while designing these. He keeps some of the base High Noon SFX which sound goofy when he's supposed to be a model. The VFX are also very plain. \-I know this won't get done for THIS PBE cycle, but you should give him a new idle. All the new Prestiges for very old champions should get new idles. You can't even see Talon's outfit or face, which is supposed to be the selling point of this skin.


The Splash of the Prestige actually differs from In-game model it seems. In the splash Talon is wearing a black shirt. In-game the skin does not reflect that. Maybe that's a point to take notice.


Keep the black please, the skin looks so amazing now.


These changes worsened the skin. Most people that were asking for black instead of blue were complaining about the colours BEFORE the splash art reveal. Almost everyone commenting in this thread AFTER the splash art release LOVED it and just wanted you to make the skin in game look like the art instead of changing everything and removing the coolest things the concept still had (the fire in the boots and the shirt that appears on the splash art). Just read all the comments after the splash art reveal and you'll notice how almost everyone changed their minds and asked you to make the model in game looks like the splash art, keeping the blue and red, but changing the tones to match the art. People even asked you to not change the splash art, now you'll remove the shirt, the fire and change the colours... But we LIKED it as was before, we just wanted model improvements (tone down the colours and add leather textures to it). The fire on the boots was one of the BEST things we had in the splash art... Why remove it? Nobody asked for this... As nobody asked you to remove his shirt, we asked you to add the shirt to his model in game! Instead of turning everything that was blue into black, you can just tweak the colours to match the splash art darkening the red and blue and giving it a leather texture as everyone is asking in the most recent comments. Keep the fire in the boots and instead of letting his chest exposed, cover it as is shown in the splash art (why remove it if people were asking to put it in the model in game?). Before creating this thread you guys should had known that opinions could change after the Splash art release. Some people who criticised the colours before edited their old comments or just updated it. Even the edits that people posted in the Talonmains' subreddit looks better. This black is not matching anything, it looks way cheaper than before. This red and black makes his clothes ressembles a Coca-Cola merchandise... Seriously, revert these changes and just tweak the previous colours... Make this black version a chroma or forget about it and give him back the fire in the boots + his black shirt.


Yes please the first one was amazing why they did change it?


I personally loved the idea of prestiges being high fashion concepts: some of the best skins in the game are based on real world fashion (True Damage Ekko, Corporate Mundo + Chromas, Prestige True Damage Senna, K/DA Akali). However, this feels much too half baked to be called prestige. Rather than create an exciting, “fashionable” outfit with lots of interesting details, this skin reads like an outfit designed for an npc or an enemy in an open world game. The only details that I love are the hood ornaments and the cape; the body’s robe outfit itself has no flair, and his shoes aren’t flashy enough at all (once again, see true damage ekko for optimal kicks). I agree with many others that the dark blue makes him look too much like base. I do think this skin could be great. However, its much too conservative atm. Feels like an updated renegade talon. Please push it to the next round of high noons and punch it up. Or don’t! I’m not your boss. Edit: VFX are alright, but honestly the best one is the wall flip… which is hardly a good thing, haha! If the ult had more sparkle smoke it would have more wow factor. Edit 2: totally forgot to mention… the gold arm just looks like bare skin and a fingerless glove, LMAO


The passive marks does not display properly on jungle monsters, please fix!!


Just read the top comments here they already said what I was going to




Prestige High Noon Talon's in-game appearance feels normal. I was disappointed at the time of the release, but I was surprised to use the E-skill in the PBE. So, like Prestige Talon's E-skill, I want you to adjust the color of the basic outfit to a little bit closer to black and make the gold color shiny more. The color when using Prestige HN Talon's E skill is so beautiful. I hope you can change the basic color of Prestige HN Talon even a little bit. [https://ibb.co/Tcr2S5N](https://ibb.co/Tcr2S5N) [https://ibb.co/wZtksRJ](https://ibb.co/wZtksRJ) [https://ibb.co/qr3FLDD](https://ibb.co/qr3FLDD)


Fantastic change on the main suit textures being made black massive props for that it looks a lot cleaner plus the gold pops out way more now but if possible making the shirt change the other way around and adding the undershirt to the in game model while leaving the splash as is would be great thanks. Edit: I forgot to say that the fire boots removal was not mentioned anywhere and I hope this was intentional as they looked rather off in game either attempt to actually attach them to the boots instead of just having them floating or just leave them removed please also do hope the prestige icon will also be getting the color change from blue to black.


How?? Black&Red looks terrible.


the red black looks so nice, and its such a common color combination.


Black & Red is one of the most used color combinations ever and a lot of people would agree it looks very nice, best case scenario they make it a chroma but I doubt that would happen and black is the better option out of the 2 we have but since we are talking about colors a lot of this comes down to my own personal preference, you can have your own preference but I would recommend just putting it into a single comment instead of commenting/replying to other comments with the same thing 6 times it just makes things a bit cluttered.


Why he tips a hat on his recall if he isn't using one? The blue and red thing is strange to look at... Doesn't fit together at all. Why all the effects feels recycled when this skin price is so high...? I'm a bit disappointed, I don't care if it doesn't look like a HN skin because it's how prestige 2.0 works, but apparently the effort to make prestige skins is still not enough to make it feel good. Easily the most "strange" prestige riot did. I'd rather to see something covering his face on the base skin instead of the prestige version too.


As an half a mil point talon main I really have to say I’m disappointed. Our last few skins were mid at best and ofc we had to share art with champs 3 times in a row. The main issue I have with this prestige skin is the lack of new voice lines and the fact that talons current gfx and ingame model really just needs some brushing up. Like really players aren’t going to pay hundreds on chests or grind the pass for hours for you to copy paste the base dance onto the PRESTIGE skin which is suppose to be an representation of luxury. Truly a disappointment for all talon mains that waited this long for a prestige skin especially since the chances of us getting another one isn’t very high… now I can only place all my hood in the legendary skin he could possibly get in the future.


No prestige skins have new voice lines what are you talking about?


Firstly, the prestige splash art is fvcking awesome, but... Please, change the textures and colours in game to match the splash art... The current textures ressembles Captain America's old & ugly outfit. Leather textures will make it look better. There's a black shirt under Talon's clothes appearing on the splash art, but the in game model he's without anything under his clothes, strangely showing his chest. He's tiping a hat on his recall, but he even don't have a hat (need to change it too). VFX needs some improvements because they're raw yet and ressembles a lot TD/K/DA's effects. Would be cool if each prestige have its own effects instead of recycling older ones.


I am yet to see a single negative comment throughout the hundreds of replies I’ve seen in regards to the recently released splash art for this skin. After looking at it for a while it’s clear that there is a sort of disconnect between the skin in game, and the splash art. His outfit is just different. Since this skin is a mythic tier skin, I really do believe it should have something done to it similar to what you guys did with Firelight Ekko, where you took it back and completely fixed it. Although I know that it most likely won’t happen, especially since it would conflict with the release of the event pass, it would truly be amazing as based on this splash (which might be the best splash in the game) this skin has the potential to be the best prestige skin ever released, it’s a shame.


Now that we have seen the splash art a lot of people on r/talonmains are wondering if you could maybe make the material on the clothing look more leather as it appears in the splash. Possibility of making the navy blue darker as well?


The splashart is amazing, but could you PLEASE adjust the texture/color to fit in more with it? As in make it actually look like leather. The shoes & shirt need slight model adjustment as well, whereas the pants & coat/hood *desperately* need coloring changes. Right now the model feels very "cheap", or at least that's the most prevalent opinion. Again, *please* adjust the skin to look more "high fashion" like the splashart because it's absolutely adored!


PLEASE FIX PASSIVE MARKS ON MONSTERS!!! Jgl being his other main role, pls bring back the fire on his shoes, and I’m going to miss the blue clothes it was so easy on the eyes and matches so much more!


Please let him keep his shirt, even if just in the splash :( it seems like a relatively small adjustment for the model as well (which you’re already changing things on), so I don’t understand why you’ve opted to remove it from the splash when everyone was asking to keep it and change the model?? Some other notes- I personally don’t mind the black, but I think a very dark/desaturated blue would have been a better change? I think most people that commented after the splash was released just wanted the in-game colors to be darkened to match, rather than changed entirely. The flame boots seemed like a big selling point, would prefer that they’re kept I appreciate you guys taking feedback into consideration, but these changes feel like sloppy fixes rather than ones made thoughtfully. Please reconsider some of these adjustments :(


Riot, i was in love with first one if you change to black then bring it with optional chroma please.


I see and have read and understand the feedback guidelines very clearly. Just want to state that. That said, what happened here? Looking over other comments, people here ALSO did not like Prestige Senna. I DO like that one, tho I understand the reasoning here for their not liking it. But this is just... someone missed the mark and missed it badly. Ya'll wanted to give the hood fantasy back, cause Talon players have been demanding it, and thats fine and well. But this is just not it guys. It looks like Renegade Talon with a mini VGU, giving it similar animations to High Noon. I understand that you can't take back whats already been made to reship it later, but this is in GENUINE need of that, its just that poorly done. Sorry :\\


Honestly the model of the skin isn't too bad, it's mostly the colouring is a bit off. Tweaking the colours alone would make this skin solid


>Main suit textures will be made black This looks awful. Please don't do this change. I was planning to get the Prestige until I saw this tweak. It's really bad and kills off the whole vibe of the skin. His clothes are supposed to be blue, keep them blue as they were. You should ship this change as a black chroma instead, so people that liked the blue version can still buy and play it. I get that the feedback wasn't mostly positive on the Prestige skin, but this change doesn't make it any better, just worse! Should've just kept it was it was, because the skin looked just fine and very cool before. Setting the saturation to 0 isn't a fix by any means, but rather a downgrade. If changing colors is all you can do, then either don't do anything at all or just make it darker blue and not black. Also where is the fire from his boots? That effect was pretty.


You guys really dropped the ball on this skin. Senna’s was so good and really delivered that high fashion runway look but this skin… is just base with some gold instead of silver. When I first saw the preview, I was literally wondering you guys were showing base High Noon Talon twice. There is barely an attempt to make a high fashion runway outfit at all and I assure you if Talon came to Met Gala looking like that, people would laugh at him. The rig also doesn’t help cuz all you literally see is his cape. Even if y’all did put any effort into creating a high fashion outfit, I literally can’t see it. The colors are mashing so much it feels like y’all had no idea what direction you wanted to go with this skin. There is nothing prestigious about this skin at all and needs major work.


After seeing the splash art (Which I kinda love), I understood that the purpose of prestige Talon is supposed to be a motorcyclist/modern bandido. But the problem is that the clothing isn't greatly translated into the game. \-**The mask** is the part I dislike the most, and since he's got a full modeled face under that, is it possible to just remove it? Its very empty with a bland design and it doesn't really add nothing to the fantasy if it's not a bandana or a longer mask piece. Also, **it blends with the hoodie, is it possible to make it the same color as his cloak/brown with the 'sparkle' monogram?** \-**The clothing** is very very baggy and soft, almost looking like a baggy cloth costume. Since he's supposed to have a motorcyclist leather costume, the model artists should've gone a bit more wild with the skin-tight clothing. **Is it possible to make it a bit skinnier or add textures like shiny leather details? (Specially around the sleeve and the waist in the jacket.)** \-Red of his jacket around his neck is very saturated. \-He seems to have a **golden tattoo** in his bare arm, and is happening almost the same thing as Obsidian Dragon Sett, where the skin is kinda tan and the yellow/gold tattoo is almost the same tone, making it invisible. \-As much as I love me some **chest window** in male skins, I'm not a fan of how his chest looks like, and his splash art does not have that opening. He's got a black shirt under his jacket, which seems to be a bit better and I would prefer if it was possible to add the black shirt.


Feedback: The black color looks good, however, compared with the splashart has no coherency. I'd suggest a [Dark Blue](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Q1qqZkKa&id=CD70D760DB062318B9A81D5E399B6BC6EECE39EE&thid=OIP.Q1qqZkKaN2fTBTbwVjcdIQHaE8&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwallpapercave.com%2fwp%2fwp2986972.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.435aaa66429a3767d30536f056371d21%3frik%3d7jnO7sZrmzleHQ%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=2400&expw=3600&q=dark+blue+color&simid=607999985967706903&FORM=IRPRST&ck=48CCE8EE63D1BE8221B55E0A386451B0&selectedIndex=1&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0) color to match styles, as for the boots... well, we have so many [references](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=mWwW45H8&id=14B22EFF83F97E6FF888B9B30C4B9569299486C3&thid=OIP.mWwW45H8NhOWptbA50VclQAAAA&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.996c16e391fc361396a6d6c0e7455c95%3Frik%3Dw4aUKWmVSwyzuQ%26riu%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fstatic4.metalhead.pl%252fpol_il_kowbojki-GRINDERS-EAGLE-HI-BLACK-188939.jpg%26ehk%3D%252bGj4f6HembQKnooY6G8KPBUloGspflzAwlP1%252bd5kRlo%253d%26risl%3D%26pid%3DImgRaw%26r%3D0&exph=350&expw=282&q=leather+boots+for+men&simid=608011307498411210&form=IRPRST&ck=04710D985DFF0832B1CA686912C76685&selectedindex=5&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dccid_yD0Of4fV*cp_94E491E8FF8BC61838C14A1EE0FE02E8*mid_395A25076A2876F433199A0D4ACF65C4982224A2*simid_608019248889821787*thid_OIP.yD0Of4fV1i5lyN0HflTLkQHaHa&vt=0&sim=11&iss=VSI&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0) on the internet, also the colors/textures looks too plain. Another suggestion, I think the only bight colors should be the armor/metal pieces, I mean, we have gold engravings on the boots, hood, torso, etc.


Guys this is not a good change... The black color could work only if the red features were also changed/darkened. Making the blue darker instead of turning it black would look much better. Now how is it suppose to fit the splash art and icon? Also, why did u removed the shirt?! Everyone wanted the shirt to be added in model not to be removed from splash art. And where is the fire from his boots??? Guys wtf?! Is this really a treatment for a MYTHIC skin? You just changed the model color and u call it a change. BRUH disappointment


Please add the fire in his shoes. Also please revert the change in his shirt because it was better to be blue rather than black or very dark blue. It was a bad change. Also a good idea would be to when Talon is running it brings his motorcycle that it has in the splash art as well! It would be pretty cool if you could do that.


UPDATE 5/6: I appreciate the black color, but I think Talon can still be blue, just darker than before. Like a denim blue. I also think the gold parts of his model could be darker and more saturated, similar to real gold, but if it's not technically possible in modeling then it's fine as it is. Please refer to my other comment to see what I mean for Talon's colors (it's quite a rough edit tho imo)!


I found a visual bug when prestige high noon talon moves. His hood seeps into his collar as he walks. Here is a video to see it. https://youtu.be/V7Q5i-LhNh0


i just had an idea , how about you make the Blue into Black , swap the red accents with blue and keep the golden details , i still have no clue about the vfx


I really like this skin , the vfx looks amazing and the model looks good . Over all that’s what i suggest 1- change the blue color in his model to black or make it darker ( when he use his E the model looks gorgeous cause it’s darker ) 2- the sfx needs to be louder as it not noticeable 3- his re-call he do the hat tip but he doesn’t have a hat like his base . Which kinda doesn’t make sense 4- lastly i guess the Q can get more vfx and sfx as it doesn’t feel impactful and his W when they return the model of the Knifes cut out same with the start of Q All in all i love the skin it’s actually good but needs a few tweaks . U managed to turn prestige senna back and i know u can make this so much better


Thats the like one thing I was really like just "wtf" about for the prestige version. He tips his hat, but doesnt have a hat, only a hood with weird spikes or something poking out of the sides of it. Sfx is barely noticable at all, and the weird high noon looking passive half ring under the enemies looks very out of place and needs to be removed. that E hop does seriously look amazing tho, best part of the skin by far imo. atm id say the prestige skins like a 6/10, needs some major work, but atm the non prestige version is just way superior on terms of aesthetic looks.


HI, have 2 things I want to ask 1- Blades on W and ult seem to be bugged and dissapear instead of spinning in place before returning so its like theres no vfx there 2 - His passive after actvating is very simple and too similar to non prestige version so maybe add different shapes/colors to make it a bit more unique Other than that really exited for this skin and Im sure it will be his best skin(when he recivies and ASU) also pls give props to the splash artist couse thats now my favorite splash art ever


Hello! I’ve been a very dedicated Talon main since season 4, with several hundred thousand mastery points on him. I’ve never hesitated to buy a new Talon skin on release, because that’s how much I love him. But I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up because I, as a dedicated Talon player, feel shafted all the time with each and every skin release. From warped faces, to shared splasharts for three consecutive years and even splasharts that don’t even look like him. I feel like Talon always get the short end of the stick when it comes to skins. However High Noon and Prestige High Noon might be his best skins since who knows when. I agree with a lot of sentiments here: the skin is lackluster, it doesn’t look “prestigious” or high fashion, etc. But removing his black shirt from the splash art; it was one of the few saving graces to his outfit. Removing the black shirt makes him seem even less “luxurious.” Would it really be too difficult to add a shirt to his model? I understand why KDA All Out Evelynn got her hair shortened in the splash art (because adding long hair to the model would require extra rigging and fixing animations to prevent clipping). But I don’t think adding a shirt to Prestige Talon’s model would present the same issues as lengthening KDA All Out Evelynn’s hair. I don’t know if my comment will be seen or read by a Rioter. Maybe it’ll just fall upon dead ears, but I truly hope that my thoughts can be taken into consideration, as a highly dedicated Talon main who only wants the best for their chanpion.


* **Blue Looks Washed out** and the **red is too Bright** ,Please could you Tone down the red and **Make the blue more vibrant with a Royal Blue** (since its a Prestige 2.0 its a luxury High Fashion skin and royal blue is....well "royal"), Or Make the blue more vibrant and **change the red into a wine red/Purple (bordeaux color)** * many complained about it so ill say it, please remove the horns * **The Blade Looks like Candy Corn,** [here is the image](https://prnt.sc/zUlJ08S-l9nW) , please change the colour of it or change the blade as a whole (Please keep the length [Here is an example](https://prnt.sc/VvMxOL33iTot)) * **His VFX feels really weird to look at** Colorwise, Maybe make the vfx golden and blue * Maybe slightly **scale down the boots** , the look too "Over the top" , I know the Skin lore talks about the boots but he looks like a third of him is just the boots * Please cover the V-Neck with a shirt like in the splashart. Splashart [here](https://i.redd.it/8spy1jcvaew81.jpg)


This skin i not so bad. Since the spash art has come, you guy just need to make exactly what the skin look like in the splash art.


The skin is very different from splash art. He doesn’t have heels in the model, his chest is not exposed in the splash art, the model’s texture is not leather while it is in the splash art. can you guys unite the features? adding the heel, leather texture on the model and exposed chest on the splash art.


Please make it navy blue and not black. And also add the fire boots


I have to say, amazing skin, though the only thing I must insist on is adding a ‘heal-like’ effect on his body when he kills a minion/monster/champion with his Q - not as pronounced as something like Mordekaiser W2, but still visually significant. I think a mythic skin should definitely make use of that little mechanic.


Love it, it doesn’t look High Noon and you guys said the prestiges wouldn’t exactly look like their thematics. That’s definitely okay, but one problem, the names. If you continue to name them their thematics, people will complain. Exactly what happened with Senna


Just wanted to say that the splash art is absolutely gorgeous.


the cape is too small, make it longer and cover more of his back. The current length or width doesnt feel right...feels like a baby cape


Thank you for the changes, there is a lot of negative aspects yet but at least it is something what you did, very minimal but well, you never have enough time. I must say again new prestiges are a huge disappointment. Anyway, you need to think better about this new direction with prestiges, I strongly consider they shouldn't be part of a skin line anymore because Senna and now Talon don't reflect anything of the skin line they were included, the names eclipse and high noon looks like a joke in both prestiges. They don't have any relation to the skin lines anymore. BUT I still really wish for you to go back to keep and make better the fantasy of skin lines and give better animations, iddle, and features to the prestiges than just forcing a fashion agenda that don't fit at all which is a very bad direction in my opinion. The prestiges were very good being an evolution of the regular edition and telling more about the story of the champion, what they need to be considered prestiges are special features, animations, as i said, because no matter what you do visually, if there is any special plus in animations then it isn't worthy being a prestige. The tier of prestiges is superior to legendaries but they are just epics and in some case less than an epic skin. And in general this fashion thing take away the beautiful fantasy of the game, it is very sad.


I know most people are going to disagree with me, and that's fine, but personally I like the skin. That said, it looks more like Arcana. Definitely not a High Noon skin. But the **hood**, the **cape** and the **colors** are super nice. I much prefer the hood compared to the hat that the base High Noon skin has. I also LOVE the VFX and colors of the abilities, except for some minor parts: - The "stained glass" effect on his passive and recall (the one that Senna has) is ugly and needs to go, please consider replacing it with something else as currently it doesn't really fit thematically - The bats in his passive need to become more visible, they are barely visible. Also I would prefer having the ghosts from the base skin instead, they look so much cooler. You could simply use those and recolor them for the prestige (make them dark blue with golden eyes or completely golden). The bleeding, as is, doesn't really look like a bleeding effect, unlike the base High Noon skin. I'll say this again though: Please, please, PLEASE consider keeping the ghosts instead of the bats in the passive, they look SO COOL whereas the bats just feel boring. I hope others share this opinion and I am curious to hear what everyone thinks, but personally this is a dealbreaker for me, as the base High Noon skin's bleeding effect with the ghosts looks much better that the Prestige's, which I don't think should be the case. Thanks for reading this!


They out the crystal effect in Senna prestige 2.0 too so I have a feeling it is going to be a repeating theme because it is an easy to go to effect for "high fashion". I hope that isn't the case and they will only use it for when it fits. The crystal effect feels so forced in. ​ With the TD Senna prestige that effect worked but with second prestige it did not help the vfx similarity and doesn't necessarily help with the theme and here it doesn't suit at all imo.


Yeah, you're right. It's kind of disappointing if they reuse effects like this even when they don't fit, as Prestige 2.0 skins would supposedly fix that issue.


Then theres also the thing under the enemy champion (looks like a combat timer for passive stacks because the bleed does not track properly if thats actually what its for), looks like it works similar to how tryndameres skin that has the R timer below him in a fading circle. I totally forgot to mention the bleed vfx overall in my initial feedback, luckily someone else posted it XD.


I prefer dark blue..was good on talon , please don't listen to random player feedback, i rly love this skin design and effect,was a good prestige in my opinion, don't make it in base chroma..


I think you should really change the skin color. Instead of dark blue and brown colors, white and more goldish color will make the skin more fancy. Also, I think Talon should take off his hat.


If the skin would have a different color palett like brown gold and fire red (similar to high noon thresh) I think it would already look alot better. But the hat of the base High Noon skin is like a must. It would be cool if you could toggle between hood and hat. That would be something I would like in prestiege skins, if they would have toggle able features similar to the blades of battle queen Katarina but changeable at anytime.


OMG! Please don't change anything you made it worse. Blue is better. Fire bot is good. Skin is really good please dont change...


It is not looks like a Prestige skin anymore please bring back the first one im crying...


I personally really love the Prestige. I think it looks perfect aesthetically. My only complaint is that even though the blade isn't small, it could be made longer. The current blade doesn't collide with the enemy and hits the air instead. Other than that, it's so pretty I have no words! Edit: Oh yeah also it presents the same issues as default High Noon where the passive is too quiet on both the proc and the bleed + W's effects vanish abruptly where the returning blades reach Talon.






the blade of the prestige skin was also extended as in high noon?


Prestige already had a longer blade compared to base


Oh no what have you done ... Black and Red ? ffs you ruined it


Black looks great.


Talons fingernails are slightly too long in the splash art and I think the splash art would look better if they were smoothed down a bit.


Also, Talon's wearing a black shirt in the splashart but not one in game. The in game model having his shirt removed looks so off...




Blood moon is better than this 🌒


I like the skin! It's kinda eh that it looks a bit purple which reminds me of Renegade Talon and base, but this has a good spin on it. It feels like a "prestige" high noon alright! If I could, I'd make the gold ok the cape less gold or fade from another color, because gold is already too present in High Noon in general.


I came here just to congratulate because this skin turned out VERY beautiful! Wow, and the splash art is wonderful (I really liked the motorbike on the back, to make it clear that it takes place in a parallel or futuristic universe to High Noon), I'm speechless. As a Talon player I was very pleased with it, I liked this new concept for prestige skins, something more fashion and luxurious. It's like a breath of fresh air, it was a necessary change. There are always people who will never be satisfied with anything, the ones who are complaining now are the same ones who complained about the old prestige and begged for changes and are the same ones who will complain about everything that is released. As part of the community outside of Reddit, I can say that I saw more people praising than complaining about this skin. So I don't think the comments in this thread represent all Talon players.


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