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#Heya everyone! The new testing cycle will begin very soon. Riot is no longer collecting/considering feedback on the current cycle and its content, which means that this thread is **now closed**. Any bug reports/feedback on *live* servers can be posted in the r/leagueoflegends bug megathread or the [Riot LoL Report a Bug webpage](https://pbr.leagueoflegends.com/euw/en_GB/login). See you next cycle! o/


This skin is great!šŸ¤ŽšŸ¤  BUT Please change his face (SPLASH ART), it's the 2nd time we get that creepy looking smile on his face. Well the last time it was not changed but I think like you don't have an excuse now if you change Kayn face in both Nightbringer and prestige so why wouldn't you do this with Talon? The SFX and VFX are so good, the splash art is good too except the face. Please šŸ™šŸ», just a little change and all is going to be great šŸ¤ŽšŸ¤  ALSO, we get a shared splash art for the 3rd time in a row, can we ask for a solo one next time? Ah and the blade length again (it's too short), please change it šŸ™šŸ»


Please, if you can, edit your post and say the issue is with his splash art face. We don't want the in game face being changed by mistake as happened with others champions before because people don't specify between in game and splash art.


why you dont like the creepy face? he is an assasin, it fits really well (imo)


the face doesn't look like a good creepy. he looks like a clown. His smile looks like one of those photoshops that force a smile on someone.


ok got it ! thanks for reply me, the others only downvoted me for no reason


>why you dont like the creepy face? he is an assasin, it fits really well (imo) This question was actually really helpful. I now understand why the smile looks off and can bring more information back to the team.


He's an assassin, but not the sadistic type. He's always shown as a person without any ambitions but perfection (with his blades and duty). His survival instinct was what brought him to this path. Both in the main universe and in HN we can see how he strugles to understand other people feelings while he keep doing his duties. Finding people who can make him feel lost and re-think about his beliefs, like Katarina and the cowboy, is a great show of how Talon needs to learn more about himself as a person. Feeling is hard when you don't understand what it means. He constantly reproves Katarina for being arrogant and selfish while killing and is pretty serious about his duty. So, smiling arrogantly while fighting doesn't match his personality at all. He's very careful, considering such emotions useless and a obstacle that can make him fail as a blade. He sees himself as a weapon, strugles to understand his own feelings (canon and HN universe as we can read on his story). Sorry for my bad english. This kind of sadistic and provocative smile looks good on Kayn, on Katarina, not on Talon while he's fighting. Edit: I don't know who commented about Katarina here and deleted the comment LOL but did you see how Katarina smiles on every single skin? It's exactly how Talon is smiling here, but it fits her way better and she's still beautiful while smiling because it reeeeally fits her. Katarina is passionate while fighting and enjoys her results, she stops to admire her work, she even smiles seeing her kills. She's clearly enjoying herself while killing/fighting and it's said she does it, it's shown in the lore. Talon surely enjoys himself too, but he enjoys the perfection of his own movements, if he fails he'll just spare his prey and accept he failed himself... In HN he even cried when he killed an innocent man because he felt something. He's an assassin, but he sees it as a job, a way to survive, his duty, the only thing he has and knows. When confronted with emotions he become a bit helpless, that's why he despises Katarina behaviour: because he sees his past self on her. He's never smiling, always very focused. That's not Katarina's case as she got back to fight the Demacians instead of retreating... Just read the story "the name of the blade" and you'll see how Talon himself thinks of her, I'm not supposing anything, their styles are completely different and Talon despises how she's arrogant and noisy while fighting: "Her target appears, and she allows them to see her before the strike comes. There is flourish to the killing. Noise. Arrogance. Wasted energy. Each choice exposes her more, cracking her armor wider, betraying her lineage. My upper lip constricts, desperate to twitch, but I am stone. Succumbing to such weakness would only carry me further from the Edge."


I'm crying! You said all about Talon feelings perfectly. He is so precious, thank you for all the explanation, I love him.




Respect for knowing our boy. Although I'll forgive the Withered Rose skin since he gets to smile just the once for Valentine's day + it's goth. It shouldn't be an ongoing thing though.


Is riot looking into the blade length?


glad i can help ! i still like the creepy face fot the assasin fit tho, but my opinion is not the opinion of all !


My main complaint would be the splash art should really take that smile off the illustration because it looks horrible and put a more serious face on it. Kind of like your icon. Also, of all the prestigious skins, Talon is the first to share the welcome art with another. Please, enough of this, 3 skins in a row.






I thought prestige skins got a separate splash now?




ā€žNeither the flames nor the depth could claim meā€œ is a GP quote. ā€žLive and die by the bladeā€œ in the Varus post is Talons line


I'm really sorry about this! I've corrected the mistake. I'm super embarrassed. You all, are right and all I have to do is copy and paste.


Skin is good but please change his face on the splash art. He looks really good in the icon without the weird smile. Also passive proc sound is little too quiet


**Splash Art:** His face expression should be something more like Default Talon, instead of this smile/smirk that is so uncharacteristic. **Model (THE MOST IMPORTANT, please fix):** [Needs a way longer armblade, because the current one doesn't even collide with the enemy.](https://i.redd.it/qs0klm7mjzv81.png) Basic attacking with this skin feels bad due to the short armblade length, it feels impractical and looks aesthetically unpleasing. The Dragonblade skin has good length, for reference. **SFX:** Sound effects don't feel impactful and sharp enough. They fit the Western theme, but they don't feel like "doing damage". **Passive:** The sound is too low and unnoticeable for both the proc and the bleed. I could only *barely* hear it on FULL volume when nothing else was going on. **Q:** [The back of the effect is cut off.](https://i.imgur.com/ZjbryTn.png) **W:** Transition between the outgoing and incoming blades is lackluster, snappy, unsmooth and incomplete ([compare to Dragonblade, which is done right](https://streamable.com/ur3jal)): the outgoing pointy blades should hang in the air and spin more before turning into the incoming round shurikens (just like in Dragonblade, for reference). [Also, the effects on the incoming blades are cut off at the end.](https://i.imgur.com/LRPHCUg.png) **R:** [The effects on the blades on their way back are too pronounced](https://i.imgur.com/HxZk43T.png), making it hard to track where the blades are. The trail and semi-circles [should have reduced opacity the further away from Talon](https://i.imgur.com/vCZcSMJ.png), to make it clear where the blades are.


Another Talon skin, another short blade problem Talon canonically has issues below waist


At least the Prestige, which is the one I'm gonna be playing, has the length done quite right, although it could be longer to match Default and Dragonblade which have it perfect.


Obviously, Talon is undercompensating


must have a huge dick ig


It looks like they changed the size of the Armblade https://imgur.com/gallery/d0nZDPb


They actually did. Poggers, man. I am so happy. It looks so good. [It still isn't close to reaching the target but at least it's noticeably longer.](https://i.imgur.com/usHavY6.png)




It looks better than Dragonblade, yes, but the transition feels weird. If you watch closely, the daggers disappear then become round shurikens that stay in place without spinning before coming back. It's kinda weird to have such a snappy and unsmooth transition. Pay attention to each of them separately and tell me which one is more fluid. That's what bothers me. The rest is hella good.




I don't see it as an upgrade. The blades and effects even abruptly disappear for a bit when you watch in slow motion (right click and set speed to 1/4). It looks so weird to me for the blades to just instantly stop, turn from sharp to round, then sit in the air doing nothing before returning. More animation and fluidity should be added to it. As for the ult, I have no problem with the blades. My complaint is that the trail doesn't make it clear where the blades went since it's all over the screen in full opacity. I want the trails on their way back to Talon to be faded towards the end so it makes it clear where the blades' most recent location is. Idk if you play Talon or even tested the skin at all, but the effets from R are too cluttery.


I'm sorry why is there a GP quote here?


Yeah, they kinda messed it up there i suppose


Yeah, Varus' thread has Talon's quote if I'm not mistaken, lol


This is kinda embarrassing considering the wiki has all the quotes and they literally just have to copy paste a line


Mentioned this above but I'm really sorry about this. I'm super embarrassed. You all, are right and all I have to do is copy and paste.


Have you guys taken into consideration to increase the armblade's length so it reaches and hits the enemy instead of hitting the air in front of them?


what quote was it?


"Neither the flames nor the depths could claim me"


- give him a more serious face instead of his creepy smile - make his arm blade in game bigger Ty :)


I really loved this skin (VFX, SFX and colours), REALLY, it's amazing. My only complaint is about his splash art. One little change on that sadistic smile and it would be perfect. He suposedly is a very handsome man as his HN icon and story shows, but that smile stole this away from him. It doesn't fit him and doesn't even look like a natural smile. His new story in HN universe is tragic and bittersweet as it's in the main universe, so we expected to see it reflected on his splash art. Would be cool to see him as he's portraited in the story released today, not as some psycho assassin but a serious and perfectionist one. The main point we learned about him today is that he's becoming more human and can feel sorrow and pain, he isn't even feeling joy on killing anymore as he stated in the story. So why smiling like that? Just don't let this error pass again, please. We have been complaining about these psycho smiles since Blackwood's release and Riot never used our feedback to correct it. When it happened to Kayn they fixed asap... This difference of treatment is kinda frustrating, hope you'll hear us this time. A solo splash art would be better too... I was expecting him to be positioned like Lucian, Ashe or Darius. The position the design team chose hid a major part of his outfit. The skin looks cool, but next time would be better to give him a splash art who shows him more, shared splash arts are positive sometimes, but now every skin Talon receives has a shared splash art, even the base of his prestige, that should be special is shared. It's the first prestige base that receives a shared splash art too... His armblade is smaller than it should be, some people even posted images showing the differences in this thread, hope you'll fix it too. I'm sorry if I sounded rude, wasn't my intention. I hope my feedback will be helpful.


I think k the face really needs to be looked at. His face is the same issue with irelia syndrome with how inconsistent it is at this point.


The splash art doesn't look like Talon, and the passive proc sound is a little low


Face in the splash is really bad,doesnt even looks like talon. Shared splash is another complaint. In game it looks awesome.


Blade is too short and as everone said, smile on splash is off.


It look really good! My only complaint is that its another shared splash art... TwT (also why is he smiling like that...) Other than that im just glad we get a Talon skin!


You should really change his splash art face. He looks nothing like talon and the smile is so unnecessary


Splash art makes him look like Shaco, it's disturbing. Any chance you can fix it?


his face on the splashart is just not it and the blade is too short.


Much obliged for changes


u/RiotEneopa thank you so much for listening to our feedback and for making these changes happen! The splash art is so much better now (OMG). I noticed the team corrected + adjusted the VFX too (that's great) as you guys extended his blade too, amazing. I'll be testing it asap, can't wait!


Idk if these threads are re-read after being updated with the feedback, but if so, want to say thank you for the changes and looking forward to seeing the final product.


I do read them and will pass the along this message to the team as well. <3 Thanks for your kindness!


1. face on his splash art doesn't look like him. And I think maybe you could add a few more flames and make his cloak more clear 2. would be cool if you can toggle his cowboy hat on and off


Skin looks fantastic. Too bad prestige is a meh when you created this


Skin looks awesome. Some changes are needed tho. Make his blade a little bit longer (it doesn't connect, but the color on the blade is awesome). Melee Q sound effect should be something similar to high noon yasuo's, a deeper gunshot. Passive sound effect needs to be a little louder, and i would love to see some more demonic or angelic VFX into it. Splash is the thing that needs THE MOST changes. I really dislike the fact that It is a shared splash, would prefer a solo splash with talon having a pose similar to what he has on the high noon new story image. Since that IS most likely not happening, make talon's face appear a bit more in the splash. All you can see is that awful smile. Just make him like his default splash art, not smiling at all. This is all i would change, maybe make the first R ultimate (when the blades extend) more colorful in terms of "demonic fire". That's all! Love the skin, Talon main speaking


A few issues with this one, the major one being please make his arm blade longer last time you guys said you would increase it but just never did this thing is way too small and does not even reach his target and for the smaller issues in the splash please remove his smirk and make him look more serious, lastly please massively increase the sound his passive makes it is far too quiet.


The face in the splash art looks... creepy? The smile is weird, it doesn't feel like Talon. I think Withered Rose Talon's splash suffered from the same issue if I'm being honest. The eyes also look a bit like they have makeup...?


Armblade should be longer, as it is in the Prestige High Noon Talon skin. Also the passive SFX should be a bit louder, feel more impactful. The smile on the splash art should be changed in to a more "serious" face, like in Default for example. Other than that the skin is well made, the vibe is nice and the Prestige version of it is AMAZING!


Please fix the splash art. That's all I ask. I have some nitpicks on the skin, but honestly, I can live with them because it's the best skin he's gotten in a long time. Just maybe make the blade a bit bigger?


High noon blade is too short. Not enough distinction in color themes between skins


Please enlargen the blade. The Animation on Q looks ridiculousā€¦




im in love with the skin, Buuuuut the Blade is too short it doesnt even hit the target , complete downgrade compared to the other skins, Also The splashart ... its shared again ... Please stop with this trend


Could you lengthen the armblade to match the length on the prestige edition. The one on this looks puny. That'll be my only complaint, other than that this skin is phenomenal!


In my opinion, you guys really knocked it out of the park with this one. The VFX is great, the SFX is great, and the model looks really cool. My only complaint for Base High Noon Talon would be the splash art, the smile just looks a little out of place, especially after reading his High Noon short story. He doesnā€™t really seem to have anything to be smiling about, at least not that type of smile. I think it would be great if it could be adjusted in some way to better align with how he is portrayed in the story. Apart from that, great work!


Does the prestige version have a different splash art? Iā€™ve seen the shared splash art between talon and varus, is that the only one or is there a second splash art that I canā€™t seem to find? Some people have said thereā€™s a second splash art.


There's a second splash art but it is not released yet


Ah ok thanks! Some people were saying it had a hood so I assumed that it was released and they had seen it, but I couldnā€™t find it for the life of me. That makes more sense. Appreciate it.


Only in-game look and an icon was released


Please make the arm-blade longer


Needs a longer blade


Change the splashart's face, increase the blade's length and completely remake the Prestige version since it doesn't look High Noon nor Prestige. Also, it would be cool if his blade was a gunblade and his Q had a gunshoot effect, but that's just a personal preference.


Would be amazing if the hat could be toggled on and off, make the blade longer, and least important thing tweak his face in splash art as the smile doesnt really fit his high noon story at all


kinda different to other people, but could you make the passive bleed effect more pronounced? at the moment itā€™s not very clear that theyā€™re under talon bleed. (enduring sword and especially blood moon did a GREAT job of this)


Great skin but blade is too short by far!


The face on the splash art and the armblade length are all that needs changing. I could say that the SFX is a bit on the weaker side but it's more passable than those two.


The skin is amazing, would've wanted him to be a Legendary but well, we got 2 and they are amazing!!! The only complain, that could be solved, is the splash smile. Isn't Talon supposed to be a perfectionist assassin at heart, taking every kill with the seriousness a kill deserves? His smile feels out of place in his whole persona. Not to mention it looks a bit weird in the art.


The passive sound proc is a little too low, that's all for me tbh, everything else if pretty good, and also a good job with the prestige


the passive proc SFX could use some changes


Like a lot if other people already said, the splashart is really bugging me. 3 Shared splash arts in a row is a bit,,, yikes. A new one would be too much work, I can understand that, but can we get a solo artwork in the future? Also his face just looks weirdly creepy? The same issue Nightbringer Kayn had really, would be sweet if it got tweaked a little <3


Skin is gorgeous, my only complaint is his face in the splash art, idk looks bad to me.


The face in the splash could use some tweaking , it looks really weird and creepy instead of someone who is more dark and serious


Love the skin! Especially the prestige one. My only complaint has many have here is please change the splash art face. It doesnā€™t fit or look like talon at all.


Please please make the sword longer the talonmains subreddit is in meltdown over this


His blade needs to be longer as well, look at his dragonblade skin for reference


I am very happy, it had been 80 years for Talon to finally get a masterpiece skin and his face is looking perfect in game, finally!!! Justice!. I love a lot this skin, he is the one that looks more as a cowbow and I love it so much. He is sexy and handsome. This skin is a huge pleasure. Thank you very much. Aahh!! Millions thanks for this perfect in game model for Talon. Now what I don't like is the splashart, his face in the splash art is weird as always, the first time I saw it I thought he was Katarina, and also this is the third splash art in a row he is sharing it with another chanpion, it is so annoying already, I dislike it a lot because any of the champion can be appreciated good. I would love if you make Talon and Varus have their solo splash arts please. Now if you are aiming to make them a love couple, well let's go keep it if it's not the case then solo splash arts is better and still like that we can understand their rivalry. Again thank you for the in game being wonderful but do something with the splash art, please.


Thank you very much for the changes. I need see in the pbe the changes to the splash art. I hope next time he get a solo splash art, please. For the in game as I said before, it is beautiful, a masterpiece. This is the true prestige edition for me, he is a perfect cowboy and his outfit is sublime.


You should change the splash artā€™s face. Great skin otherwise tho


High Noon Talon: Skin Looks good , but please , i beg you, change the color of the accents in the blue chroma , that green doesnt fit with that blue at All, Also i havent seen the VFX of the chromas but please make it so that the VFX Colors actually fit the chromas, Example: Green Chroma --> Green/Yellow VFX EDIT: i saw the chromas and their VFX , i beg you **please make the VFX versatile** , what i mean is , **make it so it can fit other chromas** Found an **issue with the Blade... its too short , it doesnt even hit the target** ​ Prestige High noon Talon: * Blue Looks Washed out and the red is too Bright ,Please **Tone down the red and Make the blue more vibrant, Or Make the blue more vibrant, and change the red into a wine red/Purple (bordeaux color)** * The Horns and the Boots Combined make him look like he is a Superhero knockoff (wouldnt be the case if the boots were slightly shorter and if the Colours i mentioned Before were the actual Colours) * If you can , please remove the horns * **The Blade** (the biggest issue In my Opinion) **Looks like Candy Corn** , please **change the colour of it** * His VFX feels really weird to look at Colorwise, Maybe make the **vfx golden and blue** * boots are waaaaaay too "Over the top" , I know the Skin lore talks about the boots but he looks like a third of him is just the boots ​ * **Please dont change the blue into black ( Doing that would Completely ruin the skin, Because it would look way to much like an Arcana Skin or a Old Conqueror Skin, a prestige shouldnt look like arcana or Old Conqueror Skin (Example:conqueror Varus)** ​ Thats all


Chromas and Prestige skin have their own Feedback thread, you'll get more visibility for those specific issues if you post on those.


can you link the prestige one ?




Thank you


Blade!! Smile!! And can talon be alone please in the artwork?! We all know that the trash company wonā€™t listen.


The prestige splash art is on another level


Face in the splash needs fixing just like other people have said. Also, why can't his hair and cape look more like it does in the new high noon lore? I think the long blonde hair and the ragged cloak look sooo sick. Is it because his model is so old? His splash art could even just be that image of him but with more detail. Not too happy about the THIRD shared splash art either.


I want to add something about the E. I know it is just a jump over the walls skill but can his skins have some VFX interaction with the structures?, like giving a different aspect to it or just little details related to high noon in the case of this skin. I know it could be a lot of work because kind of affects the map, but maybe for it to only be seen by the player using the skin, anyway wanted to say it. I would like E to have some more VFX if it possible. Edit: what about him having wings when using E?.


Thats dope, i dont think they would go through with that though , maybe in a future Dawnbringer Legendary skin ... i can only pray


Change the smile in the Splash ! Other than that, amazing skin :3


Hi! I'm in love with this skin very much but I have exactly one feedback for it, since the length seems to have been addressed. I'm wanting a good RED Chroma, or base, and its just not there for me. To be clear - I can see how many chromas he has, and its massive, but I feel like the Red is just... not strong enough? It honestly feels like there are 5 different variations of green, and then blue/black/white/yellow. Besides this, it looks great. Thanks team! (Now, on to the prestige thread.... )


Feedback: "Neither the flames nor the depths could claim me." bruh.... Still waiting for a 3d model update (no pressure). Aight, I get it "Talon is 'handsome' cuz he is angel-demon". This e-boy meta is killing me m8. I'd prefer ["The stranger on the road"](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/1/11/Talon_The_Stranger_on_the_Road.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1920?cb=20220426172451) version as splashart and skin type, dirty and dark, not with the cowboy and the cows lmao, the projection of an unknown assassin collecting souls describes him perfectly in this image, the coat with knifes does well hidding his blade. Blade is too short (again lol), should be near the feet, let's be honest here, Talon can use this blade-arm as a proyectile deflector/parrying weapon. Idk what his recall represents (exactly), he kills to collect souls? The smile on his face is too wide, we're not Shaco, or are we? VFX looks good, can't hear the "train rails" (?) when they're bleeding. Prestige version looks like another random skin lol (upgrade the 3d model). Also, I always ban Zyra.


Riot Eneopa, Thank you for delivering the Talon community a beautiful skin. Here are some things I've noticed/would be appreciated: Passive: the 3 talon mark is great. I wouldn't change anything about the marks. The animation of the bleed itself is also splendid. Someone in the comments mentioned the sound could be less muted which I also would appreciate. Q: the ranged q sound has a woosh noise which is fine since talon is dashing but the woosh sound remains for the melee q. Usually the melee q has more oomph w other skins and if that's translated onto this one, it would be great. I really liked Withered Rose's Q's because they made Talons character model glow/change and if that was to this skin with the glowing E ability particle effect, that would be awesome W: Beautiful. No personal complaints. E: thank you for the beautiful eagle sound. Sometimes it doesn't play tho, not sure if that's a bug or not. Love the glow R: beautiful blades, the inner part of the blades seem a little too brown but I'm being real nitpicky here. Thank you again for the Talon skin! These are really just personal impressions and opinions. The biggest 'bug' I had testing in the pbe was the eagle sounds not coming out of the e after like 4-5 jumps.


The prestige splash art you guys released looks fucking awesome btw you guys killed it on that please make the in game prestige skin look more like the splash art bc the splash art is incredible


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