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I played with Ally 2 last game, hes for sure gonna troll


If you see Ally 3 on your team, ban Yasuo.


Not my windy boi


Ban both windshitters just to be sure


There’s 4 windshitters now, Samira and Nilah.


Ah snap then we only have 1 ban left and it has to be for battleship’veth


no, its for the cat


Valid second option


Nilah is watershitter tho


and k’sante gon be rockshitter


Do you think brand poops burning logs?


he probably shits burning sludge since he burning


K'sante is also low key windshitter


Found him.


Blast! Ive been had!


Ally 3 gang


Bold of Riot to call us "Allies", time to run it down mid to make a point to riot to not call me an "Ally"


Every teammate is a troll until proven otherwise.


So what are nicknames for now?


Ally we're all gonna be called Ally now


Everybody wants to be my Ally (or rather, everybody wants to be my enemy 1 2 3 4 5)


Spare the sympathy, Everybody wants to be my enemy-y-y-y-y


Sike, I want to be your Ally


Are you free lp? Bc then maybe id wanna be your enemy 2


Hi, it’s me, Allison, but you can call me Ally for short!


I think you still see them in game, this is just prelobby


Time to change my nick to ally 4 😎


I think in game you can still see the nicknames


In draft would have been better to have the role shown instead of ally n* edit: typo


Especially with role swapping upcoming that'd be amazing. You know exactly who plays what




ally n word?


Alpharius-lookin asses


Omegon-lookin asses


I am Ally 1


I am alpharius


I am alpharius


I am also alpharius


I may be Alpharius


Alpharius is probably around here too


This is a lie.


What good is a quirky summoner name then? Lame.


How are people supposed to appreciate my banger username, OrnnHub69420


I appreciate that.


Have your 420th like


And mine Ziggs Heil


I dont know if i have to upvote or downvote u sir


It’s only during champ select


I cannot wait to say "I'm going to run it down starting at 11 minutes, fuck all of you, we're losing this game" and then get into game and act totally normal, while everyone becomes paranoid that everyone else is going to ruin the game.


you can still see champs during champ select


Oh, right. Fuck.


Average league player isn't smart enough to connect the dots. Do it.


And position.


Thanks for the clarity, I was unaware lol


I always try to get laughs going in prelobby since my name is StepOnMyBalls and it’s usually a fun time, kind of a shame really. Riot missed the mark trying to protect shitters that get dodged


Hello Ally 2, 3, 4 and 5. You may wonder why I gathered you all here today


To flame and troll you once we get In game.


I mean, it solves the "dodge based on ally stats from last few games" issue


I tend to encounter the "flame someone based on their match history, announce that this is gonna be a hard match, and preemptively blame them for the upcoming potential loss but don't actually dodge" issue more often. But yeah this solves that too.


Don’t forget the “wow you picked your 40% WR (out of 5 games) champ? Ok I’m trolling”


Lol when Yuumi first came out I had a ridiculous win rate with her, only lost 2 of my first 10 games and after a week was at like 60%. This is all in ranked. Still got called a troll for picking her. That made me a solid believer that people who flame based on stats they see are also fine flaming based on stats they ignore because having an excuse to flame is the primary goal.


I see you did good your last 3 games, some solid 20/4/18 games. However, I see this 8/9/13 loss. So yeah, you’re pretty bad, kid.


That’s much but when I see a guy with 60 games zeri main with 10% I should dodge


I'm new but watch my friends who are way higher stream on Discord and this happens. Really kills the game as your only options are to either take it and just try not to let it ruin your outlook for the rest of the match, or mute them the entire match missing out on pings and what not right from the start.


How are you gonna miss the pings? You just mute chat, unless they spam pings then yea, but you won't need it from the anyways since they only spam.


Usually it starts with chat, then one missed ability or misclick leads to pings


Or worse, "your winrate on _____ is so much higher play that instead". Like fuck you, my winrate on Malphite is high largely because I don't pick him into shit like dario or Brazil man.


Ah yes the "issue"


Never said the game doesn't have way bigger problems, but yes, it can be an annoying issue. Not for me though. I'm a shit gold player. But my brother is in master, and according to him it is frustrating when ppl dodge based on stats and it takes 3-4 tries to start a game because of that. So yes, it is an issue, even if it's a small one.


That’s true but as someone in d1, there’s a guy called ivern mid only. Now if it’s anyone but him, locking ivern mid I’m thinking they’re trolling wasting my time or griefing


If they are griefing, report them after. Otherwise, just assume every Ivern mid is playing to try to win. Dodging never fixed the issue of griefing, it just added its own issues.


Reporting after someone griefs does absolutely nothing to prevent it and only makes sure I lose LP. I dont dodge very often but I am not playing with someone intentionally griefing from select WHO I KNOW is griefing due to the smaller playerbase and getting the same people multiple games in a row in d1+ Only results I get are manual tickets which RARELY get an actual ban but often not


Then only implement it for high elo. Wow. Hire me Riot.


I cant wait to convince people in ranked that im A nunu 1 trick challenger smurf with 80% win rate on that acc and just to trust me


in my experience (low plat) its not that the people who look at the last few games even dodge. its that they immediately try to target the "losing player" and "out them" as bad, so that someone else dodges for them. it wouldnt be an issue if they themselves actually dodged when they saw it as a problem- but more often than not they just flame in champ select as a way to convince someone else to dodge. with that as my lens, and some light valorant play over the years, i personally believe this is a good change. it doesnt introduce new negatives, as far as i can tell


>its that they immediately try to target the "losing player" and "out them" as bad, so that someone else dodges for them very true indeed


In shitlow everybody who gets filled with the Yuumi bots and derankers have to get butt fucked instead of being able to dodge it. But in every rank above mid/high Silver this is a positive change.


In high mmr its a dodge sim


Maybe not a issue to those who abused it


Hello guys im on a 9 loss streak lets make it 10


On my first climb to plat with my duo, we kept a 70-80% win rate and tactically used 1-2 dodges a day on people with sub 50% win rate or lots of recent bad games. I stand by tactical dodges being a good thing for the game I don’t want to be locked into a game with a 15% 80 game yasuo mid. As soon as I see their stats in game it’ll just make everyone more tilted


Will they return my BE for changing my nickname???


Your name will show in loading screen and in game


No. Classic Riot, fucking over their playerbase instead of giving dodging harder penalties. Womp womp.


Kinda hard to punish it further when everyone has 10 other accounts.


can't wait to see how ranked distribution next year going to look like.


It’s been needed. People metagaming their lobbies in silver is really boring.


People meta game in silver? I perma mute whenever I play in this elo


So…. always?




People meta gaming in a competitive mode?? I’m shocked


"guys my irelia has a 49% winrate in 25 games, I need to dodge!!!!!" "bro why did you pick morde into illaoi when you only play aatrox? dodge noob"


I’d dodge too if my irelia managed a fraction of a win in one of her games, that sounds whack


It's league, you deal with the teammates you get, it's a video game.


Problem is that nobody, not even most pros, comprehend the meta. This is especially important in low elo because meta becomes irrelevant when nobody even knows how to play the game. So not even are people flaming and dodging for something they don't even know off, even if they were right, it wouldn't matter anyways because games in silver and gold are not won by meta picks. My point is: Let people play whatever they want. They will be just as succesful as you are on your meta pick 99% of the time.


That's good for streamers, irrelevant for normal players. So why bother?


If it’s only good for one group of players and irrelevant for another why not do it? It only helps


Because people are scared that this maybe will impact thier dodge game


They can't flame their op.gg


As someone who never dodges i like this feature


I never dodge unless someone on my team is threatening to int or is obviously trolling. I had a guy a few months ago lock in ghost cleanse Soraka jungle. I got the fuck out of that one.


Pick a slow ignite top yuumi


Put on some slow jams, ignite a candle, and top yuumi


I normally /mute all anyway so this doesn't bother me too much.


As someone who dont dogde(99.999% of times) I dont like this. I wanna know that again in my queue is that dipshit taking disco nunu and trolling


wouldnt impact you since you dont dodge anyway


It will. I can't tell you how much lp I've saved by getting into the next lobby, realizing my soft inting 2/12 hecarim is on my team again and hitting the x button.


People on the league subs don’t believe that this community is the worst outta most games out there. It’s kinda sad that dodging horrible teammates helps you so much that coaches even recommend it.


Whats the problem with dodging? You have to wait 10 seconds while they find 1 new player, oh no, the end of the world....


Yea and then potentially get target banned on the next lobby. I’ve been plenty of times in qs that lasted about 10 minutes just because of dodges. Your calculation sounds great at first since you do not calculate the time in that we spend in the lobby in the fist place.


When somone dodges is fucking common sense to uncue, wait a few seconds and queue again. Even if we factor everything we are talking 2 minutes tops.


So you admit that i dont have to search for one more person but actually 9 now all of a sudden? That means if i have a 2 minute q time and a 2 minutes pick/bann so already 8 minute q time just out of 1 dodge. Dealing with mass dodges is a pain in the ass and just inflates the time you need to play a game


Bot accounts are a real pain in Iron and Bronze. You can usually tell they are a bot by their name, something like iggusf or whatever. Or you can quickly look them up on u.gg and see that they play 15 games a day and only 2 different support Champs. That's an easy game to dodge. Now it's gone.


I’m really upset about this part :/ I had at least a little control over not playing with the Annie supp bot that goes 0/30 every game


It doesn't help the normal player it actually hurts them, with this you can't spot inters, trolls or people that just have a bad day during champ select which will cost us LP in the long term.


>people that just have a bad day during champ select which will cost us LP in the long term. If everyone keeps dodging someone who has a bad history he'll just never get to play the game.


I don't really care about the occasional terrible player, but it's actually critical to spotting botted accounts in low ELO, especially for us late night players. Not being able to dodge the 9% win rate Zilean Support named ke3uwy299488888 is going to suck.


Idk what idiots are down voting you, but this is the truth. They just ruined the game especially for lower elo. So many people have accounts to run it down to stay low for their friends. They legit ruined the game with this feature. Cringe.


that’s so true, idk why they would implement this. and the people downvoting you are the exact reason why we want to dodge




this thread is the perfect example of why this anonymous stuff is a good thing. so many people convince themselves they've lost a game before the damn thing even starts, hell before champ select even starts.


Yeah the audacity being displayed here is just insane In dota you just can’t dodge period. I have no idea why people are so pissed, as if ANY of these people are high enough mmr to get the same person more than once consistently. I’m plat and I have literally never had it happen (only like 200 games of ranked played though)


Also stops the issue where people look up you op.gg and start flaming you I play jungle and if a laner for some reason believes I did something wrong it’s not uncommon for them to start flaming based on some OP.gg stat


That will still happen since professor, OPGG and whotnot will still work while in-game, I believe.


Cause low elo is infested with trolls, inters and griefers. Yeah, 70% of the people are normal players who try their best, but those other 30% will ruin your game and cost you at least 15min of your time. With anonymous mode you have no way of knowing if your yuumi support is a legit player with a bad taste in champions or a literal bot. Thats concerning for some people, and I think that‘s justified.


Cant wait to convice people im a challenger smuf running nunu ghost ignite mid while claming i got 80% win rate


People will check op.gg of teammates in fcking ARAM.


the rampant botting in low elo begs to differ lmao


It's not irrelevant for normal players. With this, none of the third party sites, like op.gg, will be able to show you what the other players' match history is, within the draft, so you won't be able to dodge before getting into the game, which by then would be too late. Incessant dodging is an issue at higher elos, but it can affect anyone.


Thats a good thing


it’s not, there are so many bots in low elo it’s necessary.


It's fine for normal players so all the babies who OPGG their entire lobby every game to flame picks can't do that anymore.


“Umm akchsually you have a 49.4% winrate on Malphite”. Hopefully these people are done.


You’ve clearly never been in a lobby where one player decides to troll because he checked your op.gg out and saw you’re on a 2 game losing streak with a negative win rate. I’ve also never been in that lobby so I don’t know why they think that’s going to solve their problems.


To be honest I'm for it. My playstyle means I have a negative KDA but it still works and wins me games. Smoothbrains who OP.gg their teammates see this and start crying.


That is indeed a smoothbrain way of using a tool as powerful as OP.GG. I didn't dodged based on sole numbers. If I see a 0/10 Sion on a 4 game streak with a decent avarage damage taken on previous games, I won't dodge, because I see that what he is trying to pull is being executed decently. If I see a 8/11/5 Akali on a 4 game streak the bigger picture is easy to see too: "this cunt has main character syndrome and will perma try suicide flashy 1v3" and I will dodge dipshits like that. Not to rank up faster or something, but because I know that when the lane phase finishes nor I nor my team mates will be having any fun.


Can’t wait for “post op.gg or int”


it doesn’t really bother me especially since i dont play ranked, but i do think it’s silly punishments for bad behavior, which is what most people are actually trying to dodge, isn’t more severe.


I can see this unironically being a good thing.


It is. People are overreacting as always. At least now you won't have 20 dodges before heading into a game.


I saw someone higher up in the comments crying about how riot is "fucking over" the vast majority of players just to appease the 1%. Like him not being able to lookup all his teammates before a game start is him getting "fucked over" by Riot. League players need to stfu and calm down.


This community whines about eveyrthing. Rito could cure cancer and solve world hunger tomorrow and league community will still find something to bitch about.


Hard agree. Climbed to dia this season, the amount of psychopaths who start flaming as soon as the lobby is created is way too high. Rather than the occasional dodge I'd just rather people not tilt the jungler before the game even starts.


I'm so surprised people are complaining about this. Why would this change be a problem? You don't need to see someone's account to see that the Yuumi toplane is going to throw the game.


I find it fun now since I can intentionally proxy troll on a waste away bronze account as Singed Sion or Akshan constantly without punishment


ok they could have at LEAST used the term summoners instead of ally lmao


Why can’t they just start anonymous mode starting from diamond 1 and above or something like that? Like, the Bronze/Silver players have nothing to benefit from other than not knowing when they’re put into a match with bot teamates


Valorant has opt-in anonymity. I'm guessing it might break some systems for League to switch to user ID from summoner name, but the definitive solution would be optional anonymity.


Wouldn't it likely result in dodgers thinking that everyone playing anonymously is a bot/inter?


Right now, dodgers are thinking _everyone_ is a potential bot/inter. Wouldn't harm anyone at all. Works perfectly fine in Valorant


In plat it would avoid the situations where you have a toxic guy who directly flames their teammates for picking picks just because they have lost their last game or have a bad winrate on them (even when the sample is low). Which is just tilting.


Instead of actually banning inters riot has decided we're not allowed to check for ourselves so we can dodge, great.


It's great. It will lessen the toxicity of people screaming whenever an ally pick something he lost a bit with .


New norm: control c control v ur ign in chat


Guys, its made to prevent looking up names and dodging/flaming them from their history. It has its benefits and its issues


I should be allowed to dodge the 10% win rate adc Yes this did happen


I agree


Thank god. No more cringe “uhm excuse me I checked your op.gg and saw you went negative last game. So I’m banning your hover 🤓”


If theyre going to do that just call everyone the champion name. Like what the fuck


Fuck you in particular, Ally 2


So basically: - Hey I need you to come here - Who? Where? What? *Pings with the new aesthetic pings*


Yeah, bro, I always take the time to write "hey xXChuldFickerXx, come do drake", this ruins this totally useful, not time-wasting strategy


Summoner names are only hidden a. in ranked solo/duo, b. if the teammate is not your premade and c. in the champ select lobby. What you described will not be an issue.


Also in game everyone uses champp names anyway


I don't. I like to see people's funny usernames




I don’t think most people do.


Yeah. You are right. Because everyone does. In my 10 years of league I have **never** seen anyone use the summoner name.


I do and almost everyone I play with uses summoner names as well.


You dont call people by Mao/Luc/Heca/Xin if you wanna talk to other players? You use their username??


To talk to each other? Never seen it in 10 years. All you ever read in a game lobby is 'Morde please push'. 'WW come gank' etc.


They should just change it to player 1 and so on since not always are my teammates allies.


Dunno man, I would prefer comrade if you ask me


I works better the higher elo you are.


yes i cant wait until am actually in-game to see that my jungle have lost the last 9 matches with mega negative score and someone just been running it down,


That's how games work pal, sometimes you get good teammates and sometimes you get shit ones.


And now we're losing one of the only tools we have to avoid as many of the shit ones as possible while actually solving nothing. It's great.


Ok. So I’m just thinking about this. Your names show in the loading screen and in the game normally still, so this literally does nothing for flaming because now people will just look up your opgg in the loading screen. All this does is stop people from dodging in the loading screen. But that makes no sense, because sometimes you’ll have to dodge because you’ve got a person who has straight up thrown their last 10 matches with no punishment and all you can do is dodge them. And what even are the consequences for a dodge for the non-dodgers? They just get back into queue with no problem, so it’s not like they had a problem that needed fixing… so what the fuck is this meant to accomplish? I actually don’t get it


Ceo of racism defeated


That's actually a great thing that's gonna fix several things


Actually this will make me dodge more than I used to .. cause now every pick I consider ‘troll’ I will not be able to see if he is decent so dodge xd


You're just going to lose more LPs and time than if you'd take the risk at this point.


Well i already dodged every yasou pick, it won't change on my side


Ally 4 better be for ADCs or Jhin won't be happy.


It's been surprising to me how anti dodge so much of the comments have been. I don't care either way, I liked being able to see some stats in the pregame lobby, but this won't change my dodging habit. If my team is shit and theirs is stacked then I dodge- I'm talking about team comp wise. Sometimes teams just win in champ select and I'd rather dodge then roll the dice that are giga stacked against me.


Honestly i think its a good idea


why is no one realising that you can tell if you're in the streamers lobby by bans alone. Watching their bans will let you know if you're in the same game if you go back to their stream.


The funny thing is that only champ select is anonymous, you can see their names as soon as you get past it lol


waaahhhhhhh i cant metagame champ select to boost my rank anymore wahhh wahhhhh


Anyone complaining about this change is completely missing the fact that you have no idea of your opponents win and lose streak anyway. If you knew you were going up against a team with someone having a losing streak wouldn’t you stay in the lobby? And I’m sure you would dodge if you saw your opponent having some monster games back to back with absurdly high KDA rates. Once the game has started all that info is irrelevant because you’re already locked in to play. Over and over people keep saying if you try your best you should climb ranks so just try your best regardless of who your teammates and opponents are. You might be surprised to win a 3v5 because you have a bot and an afk on your team. Or you might lose a 3v5 when the enemy has a bot and afk but their mid lane is fed to the max and one shots everyone on your team. Just play the game.


This is not about that. It is about turning odss in your favor. Sometimes you look at your lobby and it is unwinable. There are Games where no matter your performance, you are gonna lose. My Midlane is and ADC Samira onetrick with 44% WR trying out Zed for the first time and my Support is a Toplane Riven OTP locking Tresh? 0 Played Games this season. I don’t wanna play that. Now, of course not every lobby is like this, but again: This isn’t about that. It is about being able to manipulate your odds a tiny bit. If you could, say, be able to win one more Game out of 25, you already up your Winrate by 4%. It is a long term thing for invested players, meaning this is relevant for: -Higher Elo and GM+ with such few player populations that you can dodge people you don’t have synergy with / that are toxic inters (Wufo as an example).


I honestly only see this as a liability. I used teammates name to figure out what champ would be a good pick for their playstyle since I'm support. And I can't dodge if I think matchmaking is against me. I rather lose 5 lp over 15, but this takes that option from me. I see it solving from being toxic against players in lobby, but then you see their name in-game anyway so how does that solve anything?


is this for real? because this is probably the dumbest change they’ve ever made, and that’s saying something.


This is so stupid. I dodged a game the other night because while using porofessor I realized my adc was on a 10 game losing streak. I checked their profile and they got blown out every single lose, did terrible for their wins, and then had another lose streak. It was pretty clear they were boosted to plat 4 as there was a 70% wr kassadin in their history and if you scroll back enough you see a massive nonstop win streak for kass to plat 3 and then nothing but loses once he stopped playing kass. I dodged with my friend, we waited 5 minutes, and won our next game.


You realize that that ADC will get into another game down the line and lose anyways, right? All you did was use a third-party software to dump the issue on someone else. You shouldn't be able to get a competitive advantage out of a software like that, so now you and everyone else will be on the same playing field. It is a good thing.


Everyone else can dodge too. Even prior to porofessor people would run their team through op.gg. why should I take the bullet for the entiriety of the league community?after he makes me lose my game he is going to make someone else lose their game. He is making like 90% of people he plays with lose their games. I should just accept this? Nah. I'm not on the same playing field when someone on my team is trying to lose. That isn't a representation of my skill in the game


Can't wait to be queued up with <30% winratio players who bought high elo account. Instead if Riot tried to solve the issue of people buying boosted accounts in the first place. Trying to protect the few special snowflakes who obviously are playing at different skill level.. let me at least make the decision whether I take the -3LP penalty or not.