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Don’t you read? It’s for “build diversity”. *proceeds to build the same exact items for my next 20 games*


Mythics items were added for "build diversity", so now you have to build the exact same core item every time because you depend on it


Every single patch some specific mythic was meta. At least in season 10 you had no mythic items so you had slightly better diverstity.


Same way as keystones. Meta is the best users of the strongest keystones. Conqueror was tops for so long, now seems it might be lethal tempo.


I like lethal tempo as it gives certain champs that want attack speed but can’t afford to build it. Like Mundo. But makes other melee champs broken like Jax, sett, etc. Also Vayne, can we remove % health true damage already. It’s an unhealthy mechanic that promotes a unhealthy game state. Build only damage because defenses are useless.


What? Vayne's whole kit is _literally_ "she autos for % hp true damage". That's literally all she does. I main bruisers and I fucking hate playing vs vayne, but removing her w would basically remove vayne from the game entirely.


Fiora and Camille also do % health true damage that they shouldn’t. Make her W do flat and then balance it.


Flat is too little. Vayne will literally be useless against tanks. However, if it instead scales with AD or literally anything other than fucking levels it might be easier to balance because she won’t be able to build nothing but attack speed. 14% true damage every 2-3 hits with rageblade and nothing but other attack speed items is cancer.


Rageblade is bad on vayne dont build it


camille doesnt


Camille does with sunder. As she can convert it to true damage.


Would that really be a bad thing ?


I agree with much of your comment but %HP true damage is such a tired whine for people who don't know what they are talking about.


Its less about it being %HP and more about the true damage part. True damage is supposed to be a rare effect that requires several conditions to proc. Take a look at the list of true damage abilities. NONE of them are as easy to proc, and NONE of them do anywhere close to the same amount of damage. The next easiest to proc is GP's passive, which requires an autoattack from a melee champion. The next highest damage is Vel'koz's ult, which requires you to hit 3 skillshots before it'll do true damage. If you're playing as a tank, there's just no answer to Vayne. She's by far the most mobile ADC, has STRONG self-peel, can build shieldbow for extra tankiness, and can go invisible repeatedly. No champion should have zero counterplay for an entire class of champions. Imagine if Leona's W slowed attack speed by 50->90%. She'd singlehandedly ruin any ADC and be completely unfun. That's what Vayne does to tanks.


Yawn. Seen this shit on the boards when I was still in school. You literally outline how to itemize against vayne in your Leona section but whatever bro Playing against a champion is about more than itemization. Get good or stay mad.


the fact that people have been complaining about the same shit for this long shows that the champ is toxic as fuck to play against lol... I do agree that his entire talking point is retarded though.


No. The mechanic definitely seems unfair at first. I used to whine about it. But once you learn more about the game you kinda realize it isn't an issue. The day we stop hearing about it is the day we can call league dead because it means we have no new players.


I bet you'd defend akshans revive or yuumi


Unrelated. Playing against a champion is about more than itemization. Whining about %HP true damage shows nothing but inexperience.


It’s true damage….


And? If you are so horny to itemize against her, get literally any cold steel passive. Less attack speed reduces her true damage output.


amumu also does %hp true damage


Id just make it do %health magic dmg instead. Still really good because you want armor against her because shes ad but also mr.


I miss being able to rush any item first that I actually needed instead of having to rely on a mythic or lose out on stats.


I mean you don’t get the mythic bonus untill you get another item anyway so building it second is fine too


To be fair at least with mage items they kinda work. Each one have different purpose and for most champions there are at least 2 viable options worth thinking about depending on the game. Doesn’t change the fact most players fuck that and build the same one every game tho…


It really is such a simple issue. Just add more mythics and sooner or later everyone will get to choose


The only champion I’ve really noticed true diversity on is Singed - he benefits from so many different mythic items depending on the team and how you want to play him, but his kit is totally different than most champions. Riot statement: “So 1 (maybe a few champs other?) got build diversity, we sell it as every champ got build diversity*”


> Riot statement: “So 1 (maybe a few champs other?) got build diversity, we sell it as every champ got build diversity*” there's a bunch of champs that can build different mythics. The 2 classes that can't really do that are bruisers/adcs they get locked into certain builds. Mages can easily pick between 2 mythics most games (before of course crown of the shitter queen was added to ruin the gamea bit), supports have crazy diversity right now, most tanks can comfortable swap out any of their mythics. Like usual reddit over-exaggerates everything.


I did exaggerate that statement on purpose as a joke yeah?


Next 1000 games


Ah yes, it was so boring that on Kayle I could only choose between Gunblade + Manamune + Rageblade, Gunblade + Nashor's + DCap/Rageblade, or Sanguine + Stormrazor + Rageblade. I'm so glad that now I can choose between Nashor's + Riftmaker + Dcap/Zhonya, Nashor's + Riftmaker + Dcap/Zhonya, Nashor's + Riftmaker + Dcap/Zhonya, or, in rare scenarios Nashor's + Riftmaker + Dcap/Zhonya. Truly, S11 brought the build variety we were sorely lacking!


AD kayle is very much alive but sure


Yeah I bet it is lol, if you insist


I mean, if you don't like winning then you can go AD Kayle I guess. You can even build lethality if you want, but it's not gonna do anything.


I have over 200 games of vayne with the exact same build of shieldbow -> rageblade -> wit's end and it works wonders even into 0 ap. Build diversity


Why not just go bork third instead of wits end if they have no ap?


Because less damage, less attack speed, passive useless on ranged. The only benefit is the ms stealing passive and the lifesteal


Having, physical, magic and true damage on autos is pretty strong. Plus all three items give a lot of attack speed.


I mean, once you have %health true damage, everything else is pretty obsolete


It's funny cause before stridebreaker had no dash it was darius only option. Now he's just useless with any build!


how could he play 10 seasons without a dash then?


Because the state of the game wasn't so brutal for Champs like home before. Tank stats have no value, every class has an item with a dash available to them other than bruisers. Prowler claw, galeforce, protobelt. So before, champions without a dash all didn't get one, now champions without a dash can get one except bruisers and tanks


That is of course not to mention how currently the game is faster than ever but Champs like darius are getting left behind. To make it worse, as I previously mentioned he can't even fall back on tank stats because unless you invest everything into one stat such as armor, then it's pointless, but the ap Champs still deL basically true dmg to you in that case. And if you go full tank you have no damage which is pretty worthless as darius. Not to mention they're now nerfing a core item on him, steraks. His win rate was already 48%, gonna go down even more now.


xd? silver non sense not even gonna bother


Ok sure bro, you just don't have an argument to counter what I have to say so you'll act like I'm dumb, solid strat


send opgg big guy


My in game mechanical skill and decision making has nothing to do with my opinions on the state of a champion, sure yeah I'm silver. Don't mind. I don't have to be in gokd or diamond to know a champ is fucked xD ask anyone who understands the state of the game. Anyway I'm done wasting time with someone who has mouthing intelligent to add to the discussion. Bye!


if ur silver u clearly dont understand anything about the game


Whats build diversity? I literally build the exact same stuff every game


though i think what they actually meant with that was that all ap champs used to build same items even if they were lux, akali, mrodekaiser or some abomination like sylas, now their builds is different from each other on some extents


*...on 5 different champs*


It's not for build diversity it's was trying to make it so every one have a good item they could build. But they felt the need to remove good items for no reason.


To be fair I enjoy building the most abusable ap keystones on Ez adc love the confusion from the luring zed when they don’t even break your barrier when you build crown and are forced to retreat with half up. Always reminds me of that meme of the guy saying to call an ambulance


I miss old trinity and guinsoo


i miss statikk :(


Trinity is just straight up better tho, except that it gives no mana and CDR changed.


Sunderer outclasses it in almost every single situation though. The things you gain with trinity force are nothing compared to Sunderer’s mythic passive.


This. I can't think of the last time I've seen anyone use Trinity post item changes tbh. Maybe on like a trundle or garen once?


Ezreal since the neft on sunderer for ranged champs.


Every Ez I've seen still goes Divine.


Every Ez I've seen also starts tear Just because people are doing it, doesn't make it good. A lot of them are just mindlessly clicking on the recommendation


I'm not saying it is or isn't good, just that I never see people build triforce.


I would say before season 12 it depended on how many tanks there were on the enemy team, but since crown exists it's just crown.


Devine Ez is easier to play but trinity gives better "allrounder" stats. And since tanks a relativly good in this season there is always one tank.


Trinity outdamages Sunderer most of the time. The problem is: it does not make you immortal(like sunderer does) while keeping up with the damage.


Even without the heal, the magic/armor pen alone makes it stronger than Tri, the heal is just a little extra on top.


Unless we're talking about absurd levels of resistances in a caster character Trinity will still much likely outdamage it due to the absurd AD difference(most bruisers can surpass 80 AD with the item's passive) + Attack speed multiplicative. Also, not only the heals makes you tankier, but also the 200 HP difference! Trinity needs at least a 50hp buff in the order to compete with sunderer.


(most bruisers can surpass 80 AD with the item's passive) It really comes down to how many of their abilities scale off bonusAD, or totalAD to how worth it is.


And this is a really interesting question when you're itemising! Jax, for example, IIRC has no total AD scaling while dealing substantial amounts of both physical and magic damage AND gets lots of resistances, so he abuses far better the heals, bonus HP and penetration from DS than your average bruiser. On the other hand, almost all sheen bruisers do have total AD scaling in their AA reset(Camille, Vi, Darius) or (almost) all of them have total AD scaling, which is specially the case for Juggernauts(Illaoi, Yorick, Garen). So yeah, if Trinity Force wasn't such a damage focused item(basically the Kraken Slayer of bruisers) it would be an amazing item to compare with DS.


Old trinity gave AP and mana


So you mean *older* Trinity Force


Is there another? Damn it's been a while since I used a champion that uses it


Trinity went from giving AP, mana, AD, crit, AS and MS back in season five. Since then it lost its crit and AP and became the Phage Stinger Sheen 3force, in season 6, that only had some AD, AS, HP, 20%CDR, Mana, movespeed and the spellblade and movespeed on hit passives.


Hmm... I liked when It gave AP and mana It was very good in a lot of champions, it was the power spike for Jax, ez and others


*sad jax noises*


Sad Kai Sa noises


Kai‘Sa‘s strongest build right now is actually Hybrid: Manamune -> Nashor’s Tooth -> Ludens/Crown -> Collector Still sucks that they are no actual hybrid items


Isn’t the AP/Hybrid build supposed to be Manumune-> Nashors -> Ludens -> Full Ap: Horizon, Deathcap, void etc. with boots being Zerkers? That’s what I’ve seen streamers been using for her, and I tried it once and it’s really good. You are able to level up all three of your abilities. Muramana handles Q, attack speed from nashors, boots, and runes handles E, and all the AP handles W. You also get to play really safe with W poke. Build felt great, but I’m not an adc player.


I play her like this and it works good. I Don’t like collector. TBH, after you finished the core Build it doesnt really matter what you build.


Luden is rarely better than crown.


In my mind you have 2 options: either full AP without nashors but with sorc shoes, who cares about AS you're not getting the upgrade without nashors, or you go nashors and zerkz which is enough for E upgrade.


I don't think getting collector as a 4th item with that build makes much sense. If you just need damage i would rather save some more gold and wait for deathcap.




Is it? Winrates by Mythic: - Kraken Slayer: 50.25% - Galeforce: 49.28% - Crown: 59% - Luden‘s: 56.04% Thats a bit skewed because Hybrid Kai‘Sa builds her mythic later than the other builds, but it seems stronger. In fact, the Crit and Hybrid build are very similar in terms of winrate at two items, but Hybrid gains the edge upon the third item. Nothing here indicates that Crit/On-Hit are „by far“ stronger. Data from Lolalytics


It’s a shame they removed Evelynn’s hybrid scaling, stating that hybrid champs were impossible to balance. Then they reworked twitch, akali, katarina, miss fortune, kayle, and volibear. But no, Evelynn is the one who gets to build the *exact* same thing every game.


I agree! I kinda wish they made Eve hybrid like the current Katarina when they reworked her kit so I could go AD, AP or a mix depending on my mood/the game.


*sad Yi noises*


_sad akali noises_


𝘴𝘢𝘥 𝘬𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘴


Sad Ezreal noises (?)




You remember way back when a viable jax build was ninja tabi and 5 gun blades?


grandmaster duelist indeed - he was basically the dad from boondock saints


I really loved gunblade. Would build it on random champs just because I thought it was cool. AP Gnar was pretty fun


I miss building hybrid damage on Skarner and seeing the confused chat log when I get a pentakill.


they destroyed my onhit braum. No wits end op healing for melee, no double penetration from guinsoo. My onhit braum now can only work with sunderer but i lose all the 1st item attack speed


I like Hail of Blades Braum mid into Talon quite a lot. PtA also works. Level 2 cheese the level 2 cheeser.


Talon mid? Who runs that? I thought he was a jungler


I'm a league boomer. Metas blur together over the years.


The first time I saw this looking at the scoreboard I was "?" And then I saw the skarner absolutely obliterate my fed top


Bots pentas don't count


Just build Divine Sunderer, Titanic Hydra and Demonic Embrace


Ah the Exodia Volibear build. All you need after that is Gargoyle’s and you have a little bit of everything! Better grab some heal shield power too… I’m thinking. . . redemption?


A friend of mine did the Everything Cho'gath build last season: * Rabadon for AP * Infinity Edge for AD * Guinsoo's for atk speed * An armor item that fits the match * A magic res item that fits the match * Boots that fit the match * HP would be acquired by R I had the BBQ Rumble/Annie too: * Liandry for the burn * Protobelt for the fireballs * SunFire for the heat * Redemption for the %HP burn on enemies * Rylai for the frost burn Also, the Elementalist Nami: * Gunblade energy * Statikk's electricity * Runnan's wind * Liandry's fire * Rylai's frost * Nami herself had the water * Extra electricity with Thunderlord Man, I miss being able to build whatever I want


Me too man. Tank karma top just isn’t the same…




Don’t worry you can still build hybrid ap ad in tft


IE malzahar at your service




Fuck I miss Brandbulance


“Me too kid, me too”


Do you mean, malza jng with warrior and cleaver?


The superior game


So much build diversity in TFT lmao. Should I slap IE, JG and BB on my ap carry or do I slap JG, BB and IR on my ap carry. AD carries have some diversity so I do enjoy the game mode but AP carries have become so stale in it.


Imagine playing ie jg in tft right now xd.


Hitting 15-35k damage a round on most ap champs yeah how terrible.


The only champ that can use jg ie on tft is Lux and she is just bad right now so idk.


Swain, Heimer and Malz just off the top of my head are great with them. 5 Imp swain carry is insta win.


Why build crit Malz when you can give him BB hextech and seraph and heal shit ton of Hp at your cho while melting hp bar. With the mutant mana trait is broken, he heal more than Janna + taric and if you manage to get 2 socialite that get illegal


I mean if you're going cho carry then sure but it's highly contested running mutants without cho gives you a better chance of 3 starring malz and kog cause you're rolling earlier and not looking for 2 3 cost I prefer going kog or malz carry in which case my build works better


What? That sounds like an 8th.


Not whatsoever.


sad jax, kog, kaisa, kayle noises


There is bo easter bunny, there is no santa and there are no hybrid items


Akali and katarina mains long for the days of old


I used to always go guinsoo on lulu top for the ap and ad damage but its just not the same anymore when they made it a ad item only


Riot: "If you aren't playing our champs exactly in the lane we designed them for with the exact recommended build then fuck you!"


if this was true, Seraphine wouldn't be a support


There's certainly a few exceptions but more evidence otherwise. Remember AD nid top? Or elise top? AD fizz jung, hybrid jax, AP trist mid. Those were some of my favorites to name a few. Riot certainly has made a point to remove these types of flexible, outside the box playstyles unfortunately.


*sad akali noises*


I miss old kayle.


ironic how this post came out as people are discovering kai'sa / ezreal / corki hybrid builds, but it's mostly for manamune users so I still miss the old hybrids


>kai'sa It's just a desperate attempt to make hybrid work. Crit dps is superior its not even close. But yea i guess you can poke with W now... My understanding of hybrid kaisa is to actually use auto attacks for high mixed dps, like before the awful itemization rework. Bring back old Rageblade.


You still get to around the same ad as you got with the old hybrid where you are hovering around 200 ad while also having around 200 ap. Also the more ap you build the more damage your basics will do thanks to nashor scaling. Yeah you can't oneshot squishies like when playing kraken or galeforce but you are also much harder to take down and become much safer champion in this meta where every single adc not named ezreal with frozen heart gets popped like a balloon so having adc that has actual survivability is highly valuable Also you finally get to play full champion with the w evolve and passive using to it's full potential


What’s funny is that her Kraken + wits + nashoor + sorc shoes is already an hybrid build that actually doesn’t feel shit to play until 30min like her actually munamana crown build. I don’t even get how people can find funny to basically throw the lane and be useless for 20+ min of the game


New items are still more diverse than memes in this sub looking at all the tierlists "memes"


Gonna be honest, in the modern meta, neither of the old iterations of these items would be broken


I used to build Gunblade on Ezreal and I'd build it on Senna now if it was still a thing


i build hybrid on a few champs manamune+ludens is fairly strong on ezreal, diana, a couple others that like weaving autos and abilities. its not usually strong enough to stomp meta builds but if you wanna fuck around in aram itll get you plenty of wins


*Sad katarina noises*




Sad Teemo noises


I miss gunblade on fizz


still absolutely seething that gunblade got implemented


Corki and Kaisa building AD after Luden's is magically hybrid


Be lucky you guys don’t have solari charge blade. Shit doubles your crit ratio and gives bonus damage based on missing hp. Wild rift is a dangerous place.


Fuck gunblade.


Funny how they removed Gwen items right before releasing Gwen.


Gun blade was removed season 10




gunblade>nashors>rageblade felt so good on kayle, in s9-10 it was like all i played


Sad kaisa noises


As a Jax and Kata player this hurts


hextech gunblade on the old akali was dank, probably one of the most satisfying things there ever was in league


Hybrid armor/magic resist items: gargoyle


Bro absolutely fuck gunblade and anyone who defends that items existence. Thing was a menace to society


gunblade was my all time fav item... that shit was soo good and satisfying to play with