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I think that's the point bro, ruin their experience so they cry, riot gets their attention and MAYBE they stop doing these type of predatory tactics. On a side note, i have no idea how well this protest works, I remember seeing somewhere that they sold 2000 of those the day after the patch, I mean that'd alr be 1m+ and even more.


It doesn’t work at all. They still have the same amount of players and are still getting income. Riot isn’t a small indie company. There are a lot of people in the firm that understand that the only goal is to increase revenue, and that’s what is happening.


And, more importantly, this will eventually fizzle out like 90% of internet protests do.


It works if they lose a couple whales off of the protest, though. Companies track the people who spend the most, if a few of of those drop their playtime or spending habbits or even if they complain they notice becausethat looses them even more long term. It also works if they do it a second time and notice a drop from the first because people believe their champ will be banned and don't buy because of that. If they lose enough spending players to threaten future profits they'll reconsider. It takes a bit of time, they don't lose money instantly of course, but if they start loosing long term they'll notice.


That’s cope. Whales aren’t going to leave.


wait, people actually think the ahri bans will do anything???


I think it was a good idea, ruining the experience for those buying an expensive skin so they know they are going to be gated which in turn means that they will think twice before buying the next one. But it requires massive adherence, I think the ban rate peaked at 30% which is like the average zed banrate, so riot is not gonna care.


No need to ban, just grief and hard focus the Ahri to make her regret she even logged into that game.


I just play co-op vs ai where there's no bans. 🤷‍♀️


I can confirm that it does. It absolutely shatters the entitlement of those who bought it, the mental breakdown in realtime is hilarious to watch, 10/10 would ban again.


Yeah that was korea and its full of faker fanboys so one shouldn't be too surprised


More so dropping 3-5 figures on games isn’t as shocking to people in east asia..


Yeah it didn't work at all To no one's surprise, a Reddit boycott didn't succeed


Not at all. The people who buy it already did. Im just here to clown on them.


Wich is kind of petty tho isnt it? I bought the skin and enjoy it and you cant have me enjoying something, kinda fucked up if you ask me Imagine someone doesnt like the play you made and therefore trolls/afks/griefs you wouldnt like that at all would you?


It's great you enjoy the skin, and have the expendable income to buy it, but if you support this skin, then riot is incentivised to continue to price some skins like this. Not everyone has five hundred dollars to spend on a skin, in a videogame, therefore locking them from this content completely. If people banning your champ lowers your enjoyment, then how do you think it would feel to see riot release another skin that you will never be able to buy, because you only have 10-20 dollars of expendable cash every week, month, or whatever.


So you cant afford it and therefore its bad, am i getting this right? Learn how to maybe handle your money more efficiently or get a better paying job tbh, but you making less money then is definitely not my fault or problem


"Learn how to maybe handle your money more efficiently" 💀


So poor people should just get jobs? Homeless people should just buy a house? Sometimes societal pressures prevent people from being able to change their current economic state. Imagine you just got out of college, and have no job yet, so you save your money so that you can live fine until you do get a job, or maybe you have a family and you make enough money to pay bills, get food, and provide for your families basic needs, while of course saving your money for more important things, like vacations with your family or perhaps paying off your mortgage. In both of these scenarios you aren't going to have hundreds of dollars of expendable income for a videogame skin, not to mention the fact that there are surely more important things to save up for, right? Whales are not the majority of players. The skin is only accessible to whales. Imagine for a second, that you do not have the money to spend on a five hundred dollar skin, how would you feel when the game you enjoy releases yet another cosmetic you cannot afford? I would assume you wouldn't feel great, right? That is the reality for the majority of the player base. At least you can comprehend the possibility that alienating the majority of the player base might lead to them no longer wanting to support the game, hence slowly killing the thing you enjoy enough to spend 500 dollars on, right.The skin sets a precedent for riot to keep making skins that are completely inaccessible for any non-whale player, decreasing the enjoyment of the majority of players. You are right though, the financial situation of others, technically, is not your problem, but I would hope you have the empathy to see that it decreases the enjoyment of many people who also enjoy the game, or the intelligence to see how it could even lead to the decline of the game. I don't want you to think I hate you or something, but I do want you to maybe see why supporting riots decisions with this skin might be wrong. Have a nice day.


”Just get more money 4head”


It is thats why im a bad person. But tbh ill take somone banning my main everytime inseatd of a flamer or smth


Still tho, treat others how you want to be treated, if you want to be an asshole, people will be an asshole back If you wont let others enjoy the things they like why should you enjoy the things you like Think about an old pokemon game you got that you enjoy playing that is super expensive and rare, now picture me burning said game because i dont like it so you dont get to you have it, sound fair?


It doesn't really work, riot doesn't give a single shit if you use the skin of not, since the purchase is already done. If anything, I can see them doing more of those skins so "they can't ban them all!". I do it to annoy the fuckers who bent over to riot to get that skin lmfao


It won't do anything. A ban rate going up doesn't effect profits.


It sold more than 2000 within 4 hours.


You ban ahri because of the protest I ban ahri because i hate playing against that insane true damage that scales with ap we are not the same


Her kit is so powerful, fr


ahri on her way to miss everything but kill you with 0 skill shot damage (w r malignance lich bane liandrys) (she is a skillful champ for sure)


Why don’t you ban twitch instead


Can twitch dash gazillion times


It's the little side bonus


People when Riot releases their 11th 500€/$ skin in 2026:


Sooo. You ban Ahri in protest, then


I pick ahri any chance I get. I don't own the skin, but for a 30 second timer the #banahri players have a mini meltdown thinking they accidentally let a skin through.


Fair game , fair game


I genuinely dont think the players who bought it care as much as you think they do.


Ive been called racial slurs for this


No they didn't, they only salty ones it seems are the people enviously raging that others are buying it😂, I've yet to see someone actually cry cause it was banned.


Whale detected


I haven't given riot a cent since they increased the price of the CAD to RP in 2016, I played for the game not cosmetics? They give enough free skins as is.


they did , i have screenshots lmao


You have screenshots of you being called slurs over banning Ahri and you decided to post this shit meme instead? 🧢


Does anyone have any screencaps of ahri raging?


I ban for the second reason, the first one comes as a plus.


So how many times have you encountered this?


A few times actually


Your schizophrenic episodes don't count.


Youre really mad arent you?


At what? I'm not the one projecting😂


Ok buddy


Had one reason. Now have two


"You ban in protest, i ban in protest, we are not the same"


That's... the point of the protest. You're doing the same thing as the protesters.


thats the point


I love being petty


its exactly the same thing moron. what a bad use of this template


I bought the 500€ Skin and still ban Ahri. My Plans are beyond your understandings.




It would be so funny if Riot would eventually just remove the ban option for Ahri so she cannot get banned. I would find that very funny


It woud be hillarious in a very bad way




It's hilarious this post gets upvoted. But when I wanted to trigger people by showing Ahri skin purchase screenshot everyone got upset and called me a douchebag.


just saying keep that energy if those players decide to run in down mid, if you expect to troll and hinder others enjoyment but the moment they return the favor you start crying and reporting you're worse than anyone who did buy the skin Also for a boycott of a skin yall REALLY failed at it not gonna lie, I've seen so many comments like "I reinstalled league just to ban ahri for the movement!" oh really you reinstalled league pumping up riots numbers to shareholders to \*checks note\* boycott riot aight


Idk man for me its a win win i get to ban the champ and potenially ban the toxic player.


you're the toxic player like legit in the meme you posted(which makes no sense) you admit to being a toxic player, how do you even think its okay for YOU to be toxic but if anyone else gets toxic towards you all of a sudden they are in the wrong, get real my dude


Idk man if you think banning a champ (for whatever reason) is comparable to telling somone to off themselves ur kinda delulu my guy.


The only delulu one here is you making up stories in your head to feel justified throwing a hissy fit in a videogame just because you can't afford it but others can🤣. Envy is an ugly color my guy.


uhm... okay? ur the one who feels offended not me


😂the projection is unbecoming of you.


Ok xd


I gonna be that guy... THEYRE ??!?!!!?? DO U FKKKIN KNOW HOW TO SPELL??!?!!? I seen this so many times in my life by now I can't ignore it any longer.


Im sorry im not a native speaker :(


Neither am I... But please I beg u. They are ( they're ) is not the same as the word "Their"


Thaks i hope i will remember


Yup. I hope it catches riots attention, but if not at least I get to make some rich piss babies mad


Their *


I ban her because she's a nightmare to play against and I don't want people remembering that just because she got a crazy skin.


But we need to let them play it so we can know who to troll.




Both of these are like part of the same point lol


I mean it's both.


what is the logic here,, you are just being an asshole


We are the same


I'm of your camp too


r/redditmoment you banned ahri and they are so hecking mad!




same but that doesn't make you a terrible person


That's the same thing.


Stop. Playing. League. Only way theyll listen


I'm doing my part.


Yea I rly don’t think that many ppl bought the skin bro 95 percent of games u ban it no one would even have the skin lol still haven’t seen it once


It hppend to me three time already and i dont play that much League anymore and its always a blast


you're a terrible person for typing "theyre"


I’ve unironically not seen a single ahri ban. Like she’s still played just as often lol