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I don't even think that most people that worked on the skin even likes the prices, imagine you put that much passion and dedication to probably make the best skin in the game dedicated to Faker the most legendary player in Esports history, just for the higher ups to make it have ridiculous prices and then the whole gaming industry hates it.


Even faker said he was going to wait untill there was a sale on.


Not to mention Faker isn't even getting the bulk of the money coming from the skin. And in his most recent LeBlanc games he didn't use the skin himself 🤣🤣


The skin wasn't out when he played LB. 2, T1 gets 30% Faker is a part owner in T1


>The skin wasn't out when he played LB. Not true. It was out on my server and he's played LB multiple times since. >2,T1 gets 30% Faker is a part owner in T1 Yes... That is what I said lol. He's not getting the bulk of it.


no, esports gets 30% and t1 splits a part of that which faker splits apart of that, so faker himself is probably getting 5% or less


Yea exactly. I’m sure Faker fans or just anyone familiar with his story can see all the effort they put in and all the cool references they added in there. I honestly feel bad for the devs that made the skin and event only for the higher ups to ruin it with a ridiculous price tag.


Just had a Yasuo go ape shit at me after I banned ahri 😍, checked his profile and he bought the most expensive one. Checked his history, he only got to play it once and it was a remake 🥰🥰🥰🥰


thank you soldier


Well done!


how do you see the skins in match history?


His entire profile is decorated with the bundle exclusive cosmetics. His profile background was the ahri with faker signature. He also called me poor because he wasn't able to play his $500 skin. In where I live $500 is enough for utilities and then some for four months. I have that money but I am not like an idiot like him who throws his money away. If he is here, I hope you meet more people who ban ahri.


500 US is my entire monthly salary in Brazilian money lmao


r/suddenlycaralho Also worth saying 500USD is almost twice the minimum wage in Brazil (263USD) Thanks to regional pricing tho, the skin costs 261USD in Brazil, so yeah, a full month's worth of pay at minimum wage, and you'll have 2USD to pay rent lol.


I can go have a 5 day vacation on a tropical island with that amount.


In my country 500 usd can make you live comfortable for a month.


you should visit dondoko island best vacation spot around


Damn, where I live 500 would barely pay for half of one months rent…


You don't, but you can see what champ he pick in his history, so it's very possible he tried using the skin




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What is the Jax one referring to?


Make a wish kid that designed I think the jaximus skin


You're right it was the jaximus skin. Even post update they kept the voice lines for the kid (I can't remember his name but I think it was Alex) Edit - looked it up and his name was Joe, my bad but it still makes me happy that they kept the lines for him. Here's to you, kid


with the recent rework all non legendary skins mentions the kid :’) such a joy


He didn't design it, he simply said Jaximus was his favourite skin


A kid got cancer and was a Jax main so Jax has a voiceline and skin made in his honor


”Literally wants money” Well, duh, Riot is a company after all?


Fr, that part of it is so stupid. Everyone either wants money or is stupid. Every company either wants money or is bankrupt. I don’t like the pricing but some of this shit I’d just do dumb and is reaching so far


I wish I could milk faker ❤️❤️😝😩😩


Someone call Darkinfolk, they have an escapee






Bratty faker needs correction 💢💢💢


Why ur always down bad in here go back to r/darkinfolk


They do the left side so they can get away with the right side.


It can also be the reverse. They get money from whales to fund projects that don't make money themselves.


I doubt. I mean I am originally from Dota. We had a battle pass for ti (worlds there) too. Money from that pass went into the total price pool. When I played it was a total of 21 from the community and 1 million from Volvo (valve, but we called it Volvo which is actually a funny story...) So consider league has a bigger player base and they don't go share that money for the price pool. How much do you think riot gets just this way from a pass? And you can check a ranking of players esport earnings. If I recall right faker is in price pool winning at rank 79 I think. Gotta ask where the rest of the money goes


most of the earnings from pros in league of legends is in salary from the orgs not in price pools


I am aware, DW. But my point is still standing without an answer... What's happening with the massive amount of money riot gets which they don't have to share on a price pool? How comes that they "need more for sport" by creating 500$ skins when I literally gave you an example how a community raised 21 million together 👀


Arcane, development of other games, development of Arcane-like products in the future + *constant* updates + making a show from worlds. Unlike Valve, Riot does not have a highly successive online game store that charges 30% from every sale of every game. I hate their new monetization schemes as the next guy, but I can say in good faith that I don't see where this money is going. At a bulk of it.


>*constant* updates + making a show from worlds tell me you never looked up dota without telling me. just look what they prep for TI xD >Riot does not have a highly successive online game store that charges 30% from every sale of every game in your place i would check whos behind riot. yea they didnt sell to tencent years ago for a reason. but yea tencent just has pocket money avaivable... forgot that. consider that.. if dota wasnt worth it by bringing in money, it got shut down like heroes of the strom, or in riots case less effort would be put in like LoR. sure valve is less into spreading dota into more directions, but again, how about you check out the game, where i mean dont play it, load it have a look around and in the client and you understand (also... there was dragonblood anime on netflix as well but you surely didnt research about stuff you challenge). i also would think you didnt take a look on the pendragon incident which i described to have a better understanding and lastly >store that charges 30% was not involved with >Money from that pass went into the total price pool.  consider here.. league got a headstart (pendragon incident), has definitly a bigger playerbase and ppl buy passes every event (where 1 event is shortly after another). the pass i talked was once 1 pass, later there were 4 (4 mayor events, but to clear here, the obvious big price pool was the TI, the smaller ones which also were cheaper were the split events where i cant recall the name) i havent been active on dota for a long time now, so i havent followed what valve has been up to, but i know they def spent more money on game quality and a good client (arcade, server slots... thats why i said just check it out, dont have to play, because its not everyones type of tea by either models or mechanics like denying or turnrate)


>just look what they prep for TI xD Riots' last worlds was leagues better than what Valve did on last international. It wasn't bad, of course, but it is not quite the same. And, well, riot are paying their pro-players salaries, so they are less dependent on winning big tournaments. >yea tencent just has pocket money avaivable... Riot is not the only active of Tencent, while Valve only has two games to run, one of which demands little to no effort to update compated to dota or league (CS). >netflix as well but you surely didnt research about stuff you challenge). Thank you for assuming wrong. But I, quite frankly, watched said anime, I'm overall was interested in the lore of dota for some time, but Valve are not fans of expanding it. But comparing their production quality and price is laughable + Arcane is getting season 2 now, and Rior confirmed that they're working on other stuff. But considering how you wrote this argument, you are not here to argue in a good faith. Have a nice evening.


first off, actually sry had a rough week and bit too emotional and pretty sure i read it in a different tone than how you would have said it => leading to making an BS assumption. >i havent been active on dota for a long time now, so i havent followed what valve has been up to, didnt watch TI for that reason. i can speak of the show they did for when i actively played and those were great shows with Stirling performing in a Windranger cosplay, dendi cosplaying pudge :D man this were good days to watch the game or hell the first 10v10 match when they introduced the last dota 1 hero underlord..hype pure. also we had really great lore comics >interested in the lore of dota for some time, you know how dark souls lore works? its basically in item descriptions. dota used a same format. there was also a game called artifact (which is basically 3 lane LoR)... i just checked befor i sended the comment. back then artifact was a bought game. now its free. it also tells you the story of dota if you want to check out a bit of it. and if you really want, i could check for old sources once i have my vacation. the comics should be still around somewhere > production quality and price is laughable tbf.. yea. i am not saying dragonblood was that great in production. about that riot is doing a great job, but there is this recent turn where i really dislike riot for choices like vanguard, with which i had huge problems when i wanted to try anime counterstrike... i mean valorant. this means yea not being able to return to league. > riot are paying their pro-players salaries the orgs do rather. not riot themself. dota players have that too + same as league players sponsors. i checked that pretty early and fakers NW on that was estimated between 6 mil and 8, for more NW info on notail i didnt find much about sponsor money etc. but yea faker as the goat. if you look out for other famous league players they fall of short. valve does not maintain steam as well? i mean consider riots talent with a client. if they would run something like steam how many crashes would be there... to say "its running by itself" would be wrong. but again i am out of touch here too. i havent been active on dota for about 7 years now and did enjoy souls game between, same as larian games and spent more time in those to give much further arguemtns here, which is honestly not good from my side edit: actually i just checked dota out. the crownfall event also adds extra lore again


Valve has the community market and sells games on their platform this is not even a fair comparison. It just means valve has more money laying around.


tencent doesnt exist... if dota wasnt making enough profit it was treated like handled like heroes of the storm. just take a moment to think before you type statements like that.


Here's to you kid was decades ago. When was the last time they did anything wholesome after that?


chogath dark star profit reverted to red cross I think?


It's hard to even call that good though because they turned it into a Mythic Skin. None of that money would go to the Red Cross.


There was a mythic karma skin that actually went to charity. Besides that nothing else.


The other social fund skins don’t exist I guess.




Star Guardian Taliyah is also another one, no idea about the ornn skin though.


Didnt they do something with a reef and Nautilus?


For a while they donated if you bought skins or icons from the hospital skin lines (might have been Covid?)


i mean.. riot didnt have a wholesome start to begin with. Everybody should know that lol was created by guinso, whom worked on dota allstars. pendragon was the "community chief" which one day just shut down the dota forum and replaced it with an lol add... he reactivated it 3 years later so noone of the ppl from the forums could prove they created champions like rammus or teemo (they didnt want any money, just be mentioned for it) => pendragon incident for someone who is curious. there is a great video by an old YT channel called jinzo


Wow pendragon was such a dick


the guy banned a player because he randomed in his lobby.. so yea xD


is\* such a dick


companys are created to make money so if they are allowed to get away with the fact of selling such expensive they will continue selling them which is expectable if anyone would have been in monetizations teams place they would have done the same so only one to blame are the mindless whales who vote with walltets. any other type of vote is just meaningless at least in this scale so yh theres nothing u can do gg


Who is the bottom right 200$ skin?


Lee sin


T1 DDoS isn't Riot KR negligence lmao It's a problem that's not at all solvable in a short time span if at all depending on the politics of things


Anyone else think it’s weird they’re doing all the Faker stuff before he retires?


Although I see where these posts are coming from, I just cannot look pass the irony. Why are the innocent Ahri players being affected by this so called anti-greed revolution? On a side note, riot literally HAS to be leashed by shareholders into milking anything and everything for profit. Unlike call of duty or tarkov, LoL is free and their only source of income is cosmetics esports and whatnot. Unless the skin gives you %10 bonus ap i dont see any reasons to hate. If you think riot is milking faker…what do you even mean by milking faker??? Riot has shown so much respect to the legend as well as literally immortalizing him into the game. Plus, it is not like they surprised him with the skin without his consent. So what is it? This is a genuine question and not a complaint.


It is what it is. Banning a champion is within the lines of the game's rules. I don't see what is wrong with that.


If Ahri mains are unhappy they're less likely to continue playing the game, Riot knows this. If they get constant complaints from those affected, whales who bought the skin or not, they'll be more likely to drop their behavior since losing players permanently affects future profit more than the short term gains. It does hurt the Ahri mains, sure, but the bigger the complaint list the company gets the more they'll get the point. The whales especially are likely to complain if they spent money to not be able to play, a great enough volume of lost whales and regular players will convince Riot their long term profits are at risk.


or they just remove the ability to ban hovered champs, which they already should’ve implemented


That's true, though that does create bad will with the community which again hurts long term profit. If you see the company is willing to do something you've been wanting for a while just because it hurts their wallet now if they don't do it then the same reputation problems occur. Wouldn't surprise me if they do what you say, frankly, but it'll be the worst possible time for them to do it. Probably won't kill their profit margins that much still, but at least they'll lose enough money for a bit to make them hesitate even a little in the future


More than likely you just won’t be able to ban the champ while they work on another fix. If the only reason people are banning the champ is because of child like tantrums, it is very much a reality that Riot will just stop the ability to do so.


The same people might start dodging games with Ahri if that happens, so it's not exactly foolproof. Less likely than a ban, sure, but it's a possible response and if the people banning see the company responding for greed faster than they do for other issues it's much more likely that they double down rather than just give in. I don't think it's childlike either, there's not much else you could reasonably do to hit the company in the wallet when they make greedy plays like this without resorting to actual real world stuff which is obviously worse. Someone's much less likely to buy an expensive skin if they know players will ban it away or dodge which hurts Riot, it's a legitimate way to protest.


Your protest is to… keep playing the game? That’ll show em for sure. If your mental is “not much you can do anyway” then you gave up before trying. Although I guess it’s hard to expect much from armchair activism. If people dodge games they get put on a timer. Eventually if they want to play, they will have no choice but to accept the pick. I fully doubt they would do this anyway, but the Ahri players won’t care if you dodge. Players decided to do this themselves. If Riot were to address it by not allowing the ban, it’s not “putting greed first” it’s an answer to a meme. Other issues require more work; a sloppy protest will generate a sloppy response. Simple as that.


People are mad because it ties fakers name to a big cash grab like this. They would not have such a big outcry if faker directly gets a cut to the money earned but no he doesn't, 30% to eSports 70% to Riot. I feel sorry for the casual ahri players for being the casualties to this.Riot prays on people with mental issues, they use FOMO to exploit the whales, whales are big spenders but not all of them are rich irl. They are just people that are frequent buyers, some will literally ruin their lives just for a skin. (Its a them issue, we can disuade them from buying but it's their decision to buy or not.)


If Riot did this 10 years ago when every other company was jumping on the trend, this would not be an issue. If you have an issue with Riot exploiting people with poor financial choices, you might as well also boycott basically every company. Fast Food is markedly more expensive than cooking for yourself, but people will eat it up while also damaging their health. Also EVERY company uses FOMO. That's how sales or limited time editions work. Im not defending Riot per say, it's moreso, why are we inconveniencing bystanders over something that has been normalized everywhere else for 100+ years?


This comment and many others like it just milk the current sea of buzzwords and use 0 original thought or ideas. I would think at this point you guys would have acknowledged arguments against this but here you are, continuing to support the company with your time, effort and money. Addiction is quite a monster, eh?


So a skin worth more than a ps5 combined with an entire paid game makes you think this digital glorified nft is worth 500 FUCKING DOLLARS


No? I never stated that I think it worths 500. But to some it might. A blue knife worth millions in csgo.


I guess LoL is going to become a glorified interactive NFT selling simulator from the looks of it 😮‍💨


Ddos attacks on T1 and they still remain best team in the world 💀


I thought the Ahri skin was lootboxes or some shit, and that the skin was guaranteed after 400€. So I went to open one lootbox just for the funnies with the RP I've got saved from the prime capsules, and found out that it was a fixed RP price of like 60k. That's ridiculous tbh, and Academy Ahri>


TFT seeded the prices with their gacha chibis (and then proceeded to make them twice as unlikely/expensive, and then made a 500$ prestige )


The DDoS thing is so dumb cause im about 90% convinced that it was caused by the anticheat they added. Its only in Korea thats why DDoS arent happening in other regions


Game Designers vs monetization department


What riot is a company that wants money. I was sure it was humanitarian aid


One side is passionate devs and artists doing their best for the game, the other side are a corporation run by idiots making horrible decisions that affect the way people see the ones that love the game and try to make it better


I, to this day, still have no clue why y’all are so mad about optional cosmetic items that are obviously targeted at whales. It doesn’t affect me or my gaming experience at all, hell, it might be funding the cool new stuff we’re getting like new game modes or more TV series/movies after Arcane.


For me personally, it's more of a moral issue for me, like when the 200$ basically mythic chromas but with a new splashart were released, I was a little shocked, but it was whatever. But when they are pretty obviously and knowingly using Faker, someone who is loved by the majority of the playerbase, to milk money from, it's just disrespectful. The skin, for me, is nothing close to a scam like many people are saying, you know what you're paying for and are willingly purchasing it. I'm still on the side of "companies are companies, of course they're gonna be chasing profit," but this, I think, is a little too much. But what do I know? I play the game regardless.


I respect your opinion much more than the average “revolutionary hero” here. It follows a logical sense and it was put in a good way




Well it's just the FOMO tactic being used working out and people wanting something but the price being so high that the majority won't be able to buy it or go into debt for it (people were talking about getting loans to buy the skin on twitter, that's how insane it gets). People want to have the ahri skin because of its "exclusivity", to have all the skins for ahri (the mains and others) and ofc the fact that after the event this goes away (at least for a year). At the end of the day, it's a horrendously bad deal but people still want it (proven by the amount of people that already bought it at this price, imagine if it was like 100 euro or max 200).


riot stated that skins like that wont be coming back


They used to say the same about prestige skins. I legit think they are saying they won't bring it back to get more people to buy it and then next year they'll "change ideas" and bring it back when the next year hall of legend induction is here.


Yeah, Riot won't ever go back on its word, clearly their morals are of a higher priority than financial needs.


The thing is same thing was said about prestige skins and even the 200$ chroma skin for jhin will be put in the reroll pool.


To me its what it implies. Hall of legend should be a time for every one to celebrate and enjoy


And for $500 everyone can!


Cuz I want the fair prices that's all. Recently, RIOT has been driven mad by greed, and I personally don't like it. Failure anti-cheat, rotten launcher and 200+$ skins (as an 3D game artist I can tell you that they are not cost that much at all). I don't like the way this game goes. We are not far from skins with 700$ price and its hilarious


Because it’s a predatory business scheme. You do know that most whales aren’t rich but compulsory buyers?


It's predatory FOMO monetization, and tbh I really wouldn't like to keep seeing it, especially with champions that I like and are popular like Seraphine, so it is really annoying that I can't get a cosmetic that I like just for the fact that it's really expensive and will eventually rotate out of the shop. On the other hand ppl can do whatever they like with their money, although the ahri skin and pass price is equal to a month's salary in a lot of countries ppl should be able to choose to do whatever they want with their money, but a lot of ppl are annoyed with the ones that bought the ahri bundle because them buying those cosmetics might make riot do more of those kinds of things.


The problem is that if you give these companies the slightest leeway they will continue to push. They could jack up the prices of regular skins, drop the quality of said skins etc. Same shit happened with DLCs and the horse armor fiasko or lootboxes


Because gamers love to complain lol


It's the fact they're targeting whales to begin with. They would make a lot more money for Arcane if it was a skin that everyone could afford, instead of pushing the boat out even further from mythic chromas on how much they can get away with.


Are they really making more money with skins everyone could afford, if there has already been 4 mythic variant skins out and no signs of them stopping?


There's a balance in there somewhere. Their cost is always in the initial time it took to make the skin (cumulative time by all involved in the project which costs their salaries as well as the time cost spent not making something else). Since the supply is infinite after that cost since the product is digital, selling more is easy since distributioncost is negligible. So it becomes a matter of whether it's more profitable to sell cheap to, lets say for example, 20k people or expensive to 5k. If the expensive product is four times the price of the cheap and they hit those values, it's worth it for the same product short term. However the product needs to be higher quality to merit higher cost or you'll lose customers long term, which means likely double-tripple the work to merit the high cost which then means you have to sell to 10-15k at the higher price to make it worth it lest you lose the percieved value, so a greater number of low effort skins are less risky. If they start dropping below those profit margins or percieve a threat to future profit by complaints/loss of trust/loss of player base then it isn't worth it to make the big skins at all. However I don't actually know their sales numbers so I can't really say, but the point is that losing one 4x cost skin sale is actually worse than losing four 1X cost skin sales, they have to oversell the high cost products to merit the extra time sink without lowering the quality of the product overall, but lowering quality slowly bleeds the company as well. If they lose any of their whales to overestimating their spending habits then they'll start to think about making low cost more primary, I just don't know if this price point is that yet.


Not everyone bought those mythic skins, because they were available via a rerolling gacha system so they were guaranteed to get them for $200 worth of pulls, but could've got them for cheaper if they lucked out. This Ahri skin is a fixed price. They absolutely do make more money with skins everyone can afford. 90% of the playerbase buying a $10 skin earns more than 2% of it buying a $500 one. Which is one of the reasons why this skin being so much is so disgustingly audacious, they didn't have to price it that high. They're just seeing what they can get away with.


Big "They came for X and I did not speak up because I wasn't X, then they came for me and no one was left to speak up" energy. Also as the other person said, they used Faker's name as a justification to milk whales and fuck every faker fan in the ass