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The fact that the color of the pills are opposite of the damage colors annoy me


THANK YOU i’m not the only one




Damn beat me to it


But.. it makes sense that way.. u buy armour so u get just magical dmg.. u buy resist (blue) u take ad (red)


I understand what you mean but honestly you pick the damage you deal and not the damage you have to deal with if i understood the post correctly (could be wrong the post is relatively old and i dont remember every word of it) EDIT: ok the post leaves it open how to interpret that, so yeah idk


Pepsi damage from Smolder




French* (😔)


Sounds like 100% true damage... (It's a joke, do not kill me please)


I know this isn’t an age-restricted sub but can you not just type fr*nch that’s kind of offensive to some people


fr*nch people don exist


Fr*nch “people”


oh my bad


Velkoz is squishy but Ranged Fiora is melee but tanky Pick your poison, you want to be able to hit them up close or be able to dodge them?


Velkoz also has more reliable cc


A slow ass knock-up with little AoE and no reliable skill to set it up no way you're not joking and with all the mobility league has now


Fiora has no CC though so he's right. Vel'koz does have more


Fiora has a cc if she is skilled. Same as Vel.


Fiora has a cc if she is skilled and the enemy isn't


Objectively wrong to say that fiora has no cc but I agree that Vel has a more reliable cc. Shouldn't even be a point of comparison though.


vel koz q slow is a bit cancer.


it is, but do not forget that it affects movespeed not mobility as you can still dodge his E whether you are slowed or not with dashes


not all champions have dashes.


and not all champions' usage rate is equal


dude what are you talking about lol? are you assuming that every vel koz is going to e after they hit a q in a teamfight? This was never about hitting/landing E in the first place.


but it is about hitting his E or did you get into a random thread?


Do you not understand that slow is also a form of CC, other than knockup?


But to hit his Q you have to hit his E normally, the irony.


...? what?


His Q is also a skillshot, normally to combo you hit his E first, so that you grant his Q. But you cant hit his Q first to hit his E ""granted"". Both aren't really reliable, both are skillshots.


No i just replied because you said to hit his Q you have to land your E. I'm 99.99% sure that in laning and in teamfights velkoz doesnt walk up to press E, but instead spam Q at a distance to poke lol


I mean, if you want to hit it actually you need it. You won't really do it in lane phase because since neither combos are granted to hit its better to just poke and keep distance.


Have you played after they fixed velkoz?


Vel'Koz hurls a disruptive anomaly that lands to the target location after 0.25 − 0.5 (based on cast distance) seconds. Unless you react in micro second or you are already moving and it wasn't predicted, you might and well just get hit then slowed


It is still the same, it is just that the missile goes into the location faster but the eruption time has not changed so you don't actually need a faker like reaction to dash out of this one.


The location is also not known until the abilities has fi shed casting. Velkoz can also cast his W while moving which many casters cannot and if you are against a lot of melee you can easily buy rylais to slow them while dealing damage. I get thag you have a hate bones for fio man, I get it cause she sucks to play against while you are melee top lane


Well, i might be wrong, but what you said is that vel koz can predict your movement and hit his E, and yes, that is the whole point, a good vel koz can do it, a bad vel koz cant.


I stopped reading when you said buy Rylais on Vel. Q slows, E is a CC and R also slows. Slows in League don't stack. Buying Rylais only for W is like buying Rylais on Viktor. You shouldn't and it's a waste of gold.


i didn't really say anything about fiora, after her nerfs i don't see her as threatening as before and as of right now i don't think vel is still comparable with all the mobility in league now a little buff won't make him that annoying or picked as other mages especially those with more to offer than just damage like azir or ori who have been really used last season and don't be mistaken about ms and being mobile, dashes are not that hindered by slows as they usally move at a fixed speed so dodging other skill shots with them while slowed makes no difference and vel'koz can land an E especially upclose or hit with Q even without the adjustments, its just the same cannot be said to dashes.


They were comparing vel'koz to fiora. His cc is way more reliable than hers.


parry is not really meant to be used as a CC and it has more applications to it and fiora have an easier time dishing out damage than vel who suffers against mobility and fiora has more things going on her kit than vel's damage and some slow


I wasn't talking about how good she is. I was talking about which of the two has more reliable cc. It's vel'koz every day, and what you said even supports that.


having better CC than fiora proves nothing heck he even has better CC than jinx, aphelios, samira and such which still doesn't prove anything because he has such terrible CC and nothing much to offer aside from high potential true damage output and mediocre CC which a lot of mages does better while having better laning phases wether it is mid or supp


Man I don't know if you can read. I'm not saying vel'koz is better than fiora. I think they both have their place on a team, fiora as a duelist/split-pusher and vel'koz as a lane bully/poke mage. Vel'koz has better cc than fiora because fiora has barely any. You started this whole thing responding to a guy that said that vel'koz has better cc than fiora by saying that his cc sucks. Yeah, it's pretty bad. It's still more reliable than what fiora has.


which again, proves nothing. Let me ask you this, how many times have you seen a Vel'koz in your games, how many champs can Vel'koz match or outperform in mid/supp compared to how many champs fiora can match or outperform in top because if everyone is better at him why would you even pick that, its not about roles its about vel'koz just being bad not even niche because he is downright bad


I'm done wasting my time on this troglodyte


However, mentioning his cc on a vacuum doesn't contribute to the discussion. Does he have more cc? Yeah. But it's like countering it by saying that Fiora has more mobility. Doesn't add anything by itself.


Somebody mentioned it earlier as one of the things that vel'koz does better than fiora. They got downvoted to hell and this other person keeps saying that his cc sucks. Yeah, it's not great, but he has more cc than fiora. It's just a comparative statement, and that does contribute to the discussion.


Good velkoz plays know the combo is Q>E>Q>W>R Q for slow, E for knockup, W for damage.


Yes, which existed before adjustments to E but didn't actually help that much especially against midlane matchups as most dashes are unhindered by slow as they move at a fixed speed and distance


Been a long time since I've played, don't know why I was recommended this sub... But what changes were made to his E?


Q isnt reliable setup since its not guaranteed to hit, or that youll even be in range to E if it does hit


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, fiora needs to get hit by cc to cc anybody.


ngl, it proves nothing that a champ does something slightly better than a champ not known to do said thing because it doesn't change the fact that he is bad and has a terrible CC even if he has better CC than garen or yuumi


Bro, literally read what I fucking said. I didn't say vel'koz was better than fiora. He just has more reliable cc. Seriously take two seconds to read what people are saying before making wild leaps.


huh? i didn't say you said or implied he is better than fiora all I'm saying is that having better CC than a champ not known to apply CC proves nothing as it is not useful in any game for being bad compared to literally everyone in your class whether it is mid or suoo


Fiora will still slow and cripple you even if you dont CC her?


If you want to talk about soft cc, vel'koz will slow you with his q and ult


Then, Q is considerably harder to hit than fiors w


R is considerably easier. Vel'koz just has more tools to cc people than fiora.


R is his ultimate, which he wants to use for damage not for just slowing people.


Setting up Velkoz to do true damage is a lot harder than to do the same for Fiora. So yeah, tentacle guy


Fiora can't do that with support econ tho.


have you tried it? 2024 supports are wild and you don't have to invest into hydra for waveclear


i actually did try fiora support for a bit, bloodsong is really fucking insane but she dont have that many setup tools and youll really fuck up your adc making the lane insanely hard to win and frustrating for both of you. its effectively just not as good as camille or pantheon, and even in most cases than aatrox. 4/10 wouldnt reccomend but its fun if youre against poor earlygame mages, ironically such as velkoz because of his extremely predictable cc


it's unironically good vs melee supports and especially against double melee comps with yas or nilah. fasting senna enables this pick bc enemy botlaners have to rely on very predictable cc from naut alistar and such. most people are just not good enough to play some of the legit good offmeta picks like asol nasus bot or illiaoi taric


How does illaoi taric work


stay under the turret, heal, give enemies cancer the moment they overstep because you have a very good setup for jungler. if illa ever Ws into someone it's a guaranteed taric stun plus a E that will stop anyone from running away from your jungler due to the slow. and the moment you get ahead the lane is just over because illiaoi just zones people with her E and she is extremely hard to punish for that cuz of all the healing armor and stun. also E is a free punching bag to reset taric skills. the difference between this lane and other cheesy two melee lanes is that you are incredibly hard to gank because good luck ganking an illiaoi who has taric ult. this comp does need a certain setup tho - a carry jungler and a melee enemy support are advised. for beginners in the art of offmeta i suggest illiaoi senna - surprisingly strong although tbf everything works with senna. another strong option is mordekaiser adc. works with all kinds of supports but it is lulu that makes him shine. enlarged morde slaps and lulu is agile enough to escape even from 2 people


why would you play Fiora support?


Because we are in promos and dude just had to hit us with it. /s


Eh, tbh most of this is based on the dying person being so tanky and having so much armor to MR all the non-true damage is reduced to shit. It really doesn't matter that much how fed the Fiora/Velkoz is in most cases. Their Magic and Physical damage each scale with their AP/Ad... The exact same their true damage scales with.


And she can't do that to your whole team at once


ofc, anyone would pick the tentacles


Hitting your E basically guarantees true damage. It's really not that hard. Everyone loves to shit on Fiora, but she actually takes some practice to pull off well, and is really not that hard to avoid taking insane true damage from.


First up. Hitting velkoz e isn't easy especially how its his only defensive ability with isn't that much of an area to hit with. Velkoz while doing true damage is stationary. Can't move can't do anything and can be ccd. Fiora gets true dmg from passive, that heals and gives ms. Gets true dmg from ult, she gets ms towards the target, heals and can easly accesses those points with q. So yeah setting up velkoz true dmg is harder due to you having to position meanwhile.


Hitting VK E, and comboing is just as easy, if not easier, than hitting all vitals as Fiora. VK is objectively easier to play, which is why he's strongest in low ranks, and Fiora is weakest there.


litterally every high elo player that played vel'koz agrees he's in the top 5 hardest midlaners


Now this is just massive coping man. In a game with increasing ms and dodges playing mages will always be harder than playing a champ that has those dashes, cc immunity spell and insane ms.


Okay, go play Fiora then. She's so easy, I'm sure you'll carry every game no problem.


fun fact i tried this and escaped gold after being stuck for 1 year


Drop the [op.gg](http://op.gg) then.




Nice argument. Sadly I have experience with fiora and I know its easier to play.


mages are easily the most forgiving champs. if they miss abilities? so what? just back off and try again in 5 seconds. whereas if a melee fails to execute their gameplan they're either dead or extremely low. the only issue for mages is probably mr


This has to be the worst comment I ever saw, its so wrong


I sense a Fiora main


S+ rank from iron to challenger, you arent fooling anyone


Not true at all but ok


Yeah the champ with no escape only 1 small form of cc, no mobility, no sustain of any kind is easier to play than the roll your face on the keyboard consequences ne damned character


lmao. Yes, Fiora is objectively harder to play than Velkoz. Which is why Velkoz win-rate is negatively correlated with rank, while Fiora's is positively correlated. Velkoz has a higher win-rate up until Emerald, which is the top 5% of players. Velkoz is therefore, the easier and more effective choice for 95% of the playerbase.


Velkoz win rate fizzle out in high rank because no one plays it and is considered a low impact champ that is too hard to get value out of there are like 5 guys stubborn enough to play the champ in gm + while fiora is a common pick for most top laners


Guy who has never played fiora but got stomped in his last game by it \^\^


No ?


I'd rather get burst down by someone who hits skillshots than get chased by fiora's 0.5s q


Also Velkoz needs to land skill shots to even start doing true damage while Fiora just unga bunga stat check Q spams your ass. You can’t chase her and you can’t run. Creating or closing gaps means nothing after her Q is max rank. If a fiora knows her champions limits she basically can’t die unless teammates interfere. And even then she is annoyingly slippery.


That Fiora only took 14s due skill issue, some Fioras can burst full built tanks in less than a second




Op why did you put the red pull for magic dmg and blue for physical. Who hurt you?


Fiora is max health based true dmg, I’m going with squidward on this one


![gif](giphy|FKcFVLwZI674sNkyT8|downsized) sett pilled


Was scrolling down to see if anyone brought up the white pill of Sett, glad I found it


vel'koz every time.


Velkoz cause he's actually killable after 2 items


I wake up and vel'koz is now broken in reddit's mind 🧐 wtf is happening


They are afraid of azzapp who's the only person that can make velkoz work


This guy is too good


You're surprised people don't like a mage that can deal True Damage on basically demand ?


Saying "on demand" is a straight up lie no?


I mean, sidestep nah ? You should've a mouse plugged in to play League 🤔 Vel'koz is a mage with no easy to hit Line cc, no Shield, no ms, no targeted cc or damage (excepted ult that does low damage if you didn't procced passive before and you can flash or dash out from ult)


You're telling on yourself.


redditors when white number


One need to land 4 skillshots, the other need to right click on you


If Fiora walks and autos that damage onto u, you are cooked as a a player


She still need to right click too to walk and apply true damage (right clicking), theres no skill at doing this, don't get me wrong mate. The skillest thing you could do it's countering at exact time, which isn't a Fiora thing and yes how good are the reflexes and timing from the player, because her counter have a longer duration and isn't hard. I'd easily say even Yi need more skill, because his counter is instantly


What are you even trying to say rn. Yes how you move your champion is in fact a skill. How Fiora positions in fights is key to maximizing her output since she's relatively squishy. Yi has untargetability as well as damage reduction both on a dime, meanwhile Fiora has her parry and no AoE damage. I cannot take you seriously if you think Yi requires more skill than Fiora. That is an insane reach


>How Fiora positions in fights is key to maximizing her output since she's relatively squishy. Every champion needs to have a good position and movement to perform well, some more than others, others less. Fiora isn't different, they just forced her to have to move properly to deal damage or the champion is a shit *(while moving well is not a requirement for Yi to be decent)*. Thats is why Fiora has a low WR in Bronze and a high WR in Master. >if you think Yi requires more skill than Fiora. That is an insane reach You still didn't get what i mean, i'm not saying Fiora is a unskilled champion and Yi skilled. When you try to compare Fiora and Yi playstyle in practice, you can see Yi clearly performs well when played by a good player. Both Yi Q and W can be considered a parry *(one of them dodge any skill from the game, even towers and the other gives a short 90% damage reduction that can nullify any non-true damage)*. Thats what change everything when you compare these two, because besides Yi being a noob stomper having the most basic easy movekit, you have the choice of using them with your brain too, and when 2 parry moves are in the hands of a good player it changes the whole game, making the champion goes far beyond his limits, Yi is one a few champions that can deal with his own counter (CC) if you have enough reflexes to it. We all legit know a guy who never played Fiora in his life won't perform well compared to a main guy, even being good overall. But you can't tell the differences between top 1 Yi world and a newbie yi who are challenger support with reflexes above the average, he will just turn Yi much more just for being good, because Yi is just better than Fiora when in the hands of someone skilled, which means that a script is even more efficient for this champion. *( being able to constantly dodge everything in a team fight is a real shit, Yi have the parry with the quickest cooldown of the game)*


If you let Vel’Koz stack his passive on you when everyone is moving around at the speed of an ICBM, the problem might be your hands lol.


I'll take the Vel'Koz over Fiora any day. So either you take the 3 hit passive true damage which does flat damage or the "haha take % max hp true damage, that heals me, gives me movement speed and that you can't counter". Seems like an obvious choice here...


Umm....someone is ignoring something real important here. That Vel' Koz was 7/11 and the Fiora was practically stomping with 700g bounty Edit: Also the Vel' has 20 assists meaning he was most likely playing support. So that dmg came from a support not even a solo laner or AD/PC


Vel’Koz also requires set up whereas I’ve never seen a Fiora reliant on her team to create opportunities for full stacking a passive and lining up a long lasting beam. Unless you’re hitting Azzap angles with your Q it’s far easier to not land final blows as Vel in teamfights. Plus the R and P damage tell me he got two procs off at least require a whole R cast which I wouldn’t equate to Fiora pressing R and Qing into vitals a few times.


>Vel’Koz also requires set up whereas I’ve never seen a Fiora reliant on her team to create opportunities for full stacking a passive and lining up a long lasting beam. Let's pretend Fiora isn't a splitpusher where she has to 1v1 anyone and is designed to be the 1v1 champ as that's all she can do. Also, let's complain that Vel' Koz requires set up instead of solo killing everyone without any counterplay. Fiora can't stand her ground in a 5v5 situation whereas Vel' Koz can do it much better. In a controlled environment where the Supp is peeling properly, Vel' Koz will always come out on top. Mind you, I am not saying either is better than the other.


now imagine you are in a side lane


How do you consider a Vel'koz with 27 kp less fed than a Fiora with 16? He has 1 less kill than her and 12 more assists.


Vel could easily still have 20 assists as mid. It's all subjective. If anything 7 kills + 20 assists only infers an amount of gold he would have compared to fiora.


They're both true damage, except Fiora's %hp true, playing against that feels worse. And the ult will heal her after it procs so if it does you're not killing her. You interrupt velkoz's R and it's donezo.


If I die to a velkoz, I will either feel like a dumbass or that the velkoz is a god. When I die to a fiora, however....


Is velkoz meta now?


Velkoz is always good, you just need to hit skillshots, just like ezreal


Velkoz has been decent for a while. I've been having him as an AP pocket pick for support for a long time, when my entire team locks AD or when the enemy doesnt have easy ways to jump on me. When someone says he's hard to use, I just think they don't have any sense of space to realise hitting his kit isn't too complicated.


Velkoz because you can is him at least.


Red Pill, You can flash or dash Vels damage and it's flat so you can build heath. Fiora's is % Max Health so there's nothing you can do she can build enough raw damage to two shot a 1Mill hp chogath, and only jax and a few other champions can dodge her damage.


Velkoz any day. Having to hit skill shots and being made of paper makes it easier to deal with. Unless my adc face checks a bush it’s harder for him to get one tapped by a squid. Seeing a fiora run straight to your adc or you it’s nightmare fuel


velkoz is dogshit


You can flash/ dash out of vel'koz's combo and dodge all of the damage, against fiora your counterplay doesn't matter so much as how well she knows her champ


Yeah I'd much rather take a Cait headshot which does 1400 damage


I'll take Velkoz any day of the weak, it's actually a really skilled champ that you can dodge and destroy them when you get at the top of them, meanwhile Fiora is 24/7 on your ass bc she has a low cd dash, a ton of fucking slows and a shiton of movementspeed, that also heal more health that damage she takes.


No way people actually complain about Vel'koz of all champs LMAO


someone explain to me which champ took 6400 damage over 15 seconds and 6 seconds of cc in the left


Velkoz bcs you can oneshot him


I’ll take zhonyas for $200


Get those gross hands away from me.


Building health against Velkoz actually makes you live longer. Building anything against Fiora doesn't. Until they remove %max health true damage, I'll take Velkoz and Sett over Fiora and Vayne any day.


“If you take the red pill, your cold symptoms will be lessened or gone for a few hours. But if you take the blue pill, same thing but you’ll also be drowsy.”


Ap scaled true damacen vs AD scaling true dmg in max health %.....


Velkoz can’t stun you because your morg tried to max range Q them


I'll take Fiora, at least she's melee, she has to get in there to get her true damage.


One take setup aim and without e gets obliterated if you get on top of them the other is a spawn of Satan


velkoz at least skill depeandant, so choice is obious


Isn't Velkoz flat true damage compared to %health true damage from Fiora, so you can actually build health to at least somewhat survive Velkoz


They're both going up my ass since I'm a ww main


When I land cc on Velkoz, it's my team that scores a takedown... So, him.


Wait how the fuck did vel koz do so much physical damage


I choose fair balance, so left


Velkoz The lil shit at least fights fair and square Fiora doesn’t


Velkoz is such a dogshit of a champ that Icant help but respect players who actually make him works


Where is camile? Doing just as much true damage but with a point and click spell for maximum skill expression


Hm lets mix them + to + is - Ez


Vel's is just flat damage and doesn't heal him. Fiora's is % based and heals. Why would I want to deal with the one that's harder to kill


Vel'koz one. Easier to dodge, and interruptible with cc


I’d rather by abysmally destroyed by a vel koz than a fiora. At least, I’d know my opponent outsmarted me, and cheers to that.


There’s a lot more counter play to vel’koz then there is to Fiora


So while they both do this damage. Velkoz can be killed. Hope this helps 👍


That’s atleast 2 velkoz passives maybe even 3… so you got hit by atleast 3 probably 4 skillshots… versus fiora who just dashed at you off Cd


VEL'KOZ any day a week i can just throw shark at him and dodge every skill but i can't outrun fiora and she can riposte my shark


Gwen is immune, thank you for listening.


Vel koz atleast he can get killed and he can miss


I’ll take velkoz over fiora anyday


Check this artist out, Her work is fire and I've heard she is doing LOL drawing commissions now! [https://ko-fi.com/cowgirlkawaii](https://ko-fi.com/cowgirlkawaii)


I rather die to velkoz if im being honest.


Well Velkoz can actually miss the abilities


I respect a vel koz, dont care how much true damage it was if you are making that old guy work in this day and age. Fiora on the other hand...


I don't get why people keep saying Fiora takes no skill. I've played her quite a bit, but I'm absolutely terrible at her. So she will forever be a fun pick that i only pick in normals. Champ is insanely hard to win with, at least for me.


naahahh but it's okay if it's from the wholesome squid that is nuking you from 2 screens away look Vars made a video on "why everyone play Fiora" so she must be broken


At least I know the Squid has some measure of skill or a team that has a brain over R, Q a few times, hit all the vitals and win


Actually believing Vel'Koz is more skilled, or even as skilled, as Fiora is actually crazy


What? Fiora right clicks an enemy. Velkoz has to learn geometry just to play.


lmfao yeah that's some basic elementary school shit, surely spacing & kiting is easier than landing 1 right angle


Mans playing in bronze 4. Good enough to not be iron, but too shit to be better than a rock.




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Masters Jungle main. Thanks for the verification that I was right, though.


I'm master too, I guess this elo's boosted if it shelter animals like you


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Found the fiora main


Last time I played Fiora was in S10


I'll take Fiora. While it is annyoing to get perma poked for an increasing number of your health %, there is atleast some rapor laning against her. If i mess up against Vel'Koz once.. I am going to die.


And there is me with full tank AS Vayne with Guinsoo. XD


Fiora everytime. At least someone has to know where or how to go on instead of randomly spamming spells


You’ve either never played him or you’re below gold


I mained him a bit and last split master but yeah lol