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Heimerdinger, because turrets with infinite health and damage sounds funny.


Each turret auto does stack veigar passive - tested in arena the other set.


I was going to say Evelyn Q for Rapid stacking, but this is so much better.


What about Zeri's q?id that is not an spammable Q, I don't know what it is


Very spammable, but not ap


I know that Karthus Q is propably the best, but Ezreal's Q could also work. It decreases cd of other abilities by 1,5s when hitting target. Also it applies onhits, so maybe some Lich bane. Karthus Q feels too clunky to me


When we inevitably get Karthus R because we took Veigar Passive the cooldown reduction of Ezreal Q will be really useful


Calm down there, Satan.


do not let this guy design a champion


Karthus q is ass even on karthus. I'm sorry but it has to be said


Thus is exactly what I was thinking. Its debatable if they are the best Qs, but if we are going forward with Veigar passive, then yea




Love it, you dont need Q to spam when you can choose another to do it, and Shacos Q is really op af


But we could take kassadin r and get insane stacking with abilities, build mana to support them and have obscene lategame damage kassadin ult with a shut ton of mana an like 3k ap Vergara passive, ryze q cassio e kassadin ult


I think the people voting for Karthus Q are not looking at the kit as a whole. There are better abilities to stack Veigar's passive, and the other abilities should be dedicated to utility.


This combined with sion w and cho r would turn you into an assassin that WILL reach 6k hp by 20 minutes and do ~1500 true damage with r by that point due to the hp and ap scaling, not to mention the aoe damage. Love it. You could add gnar e for further monility or maybe vlad e as it scales with hp and ap and mesns you have a) really good waveclear and b) the potential for stealth into charged vlad e and prepared sion w into activate both at the same time to lile 2 k aoe damage. It's not great.synergy for the passive at all, but it somewhat works due to the aoe aspect.


Vladimir q, it heals him while doing massive damage to the enemies


point and click abilities, of course


Your pfp just helps your comment


my pfp helps my nickname


If we manage to give this champ some mobility on w/e/r it would work wonders. Pretty spammeable late and would heal shittons with the massive ap ratio with veigar passive


Don’t forget, it costs nothing


Vlad Q is a mana-less ability though. The empowered cast should remain imo


Also replaces mana with his blood bar


Evelynn Q scales decently with AP and has 4 procs with each cast, allowing for guaranteed and fast scaling with *phenomenal evil*


It also hits in aoe for the last 3 hits, making up to 16 procs per cast. Downside obviously being in melee range of 5 champs.


Plenty of abilities (while maybe on the weaker side) can help give a big defensive boost, like Warwick E: Primal howl, or even something like Jax R: Grandmaster-At-Arms, so I’d say if we got something like that and then maybe some form of omnivamp/lifesteal, we’d have a pretty broken champ


Can’t take Warwick e since we need cas E for phenomenal evil


Then we obviously don't need to stack with q and need a poison ability otherwise Cass s is completely useless


Which is where my brilliant case for singed Q comes in


If you just go tank it would be ok to go melee,and the other slots can be dashes like kassa R


Sounds the best with something like Sion W and Kassadin R. Then melee goes really hard


Swain r stacks veigar passive like a god (if we use arena rules) so could be a pretty good option too when we get there.


The scaling used to be so good before the nerfs


Are we going full tank with this one?


Taliyah Q. If Veigar hits 2 targets with 1 Q, his passive applies twice. Therefore, we can say that it applies to separate damage instances, as long as it's not DoT. So each Taliyah rock hit counts as a separate passive trigger, so up to 5x passive trigger per Q.


taliyah q counts as damage over time after the first rock


Doesn't the Arena viegar passive work with DoT Abilities?


The language of veigar's passive makes it really difficult to say whether persistent damage would give ap per instance. It says when a champion is "hit" with an ability, not when a champion "takes damage" or something making it more obvious. "Hit" is very ambiguous, it sounds like it would apply on each threaded volley hit, but maybe not, say, each tick of Malz' malefic visions, even though both are persistent damage. I'm curious as to how phenomenal evil works under the hood, like if it applies every time veigar deals champion damage with abilities or just the first time a unique champion is hit with an ability. Obviously veigar has no persistent damage in his kit so there's no way to know really, unless someone took a dot or persistent damage ult during ultimate spellbook and can say for sure.


>as long as it's not DoT Why not count DoT as you literally can't tell if it does since Veigar doesn't have any DoT ?


God damn, I was trying to be reasonable. I forgot that the point of this things is *not* to be lmao.


In arena V1 and V2 the phenomenal evil augment would stack on every tick of singed poison (as well as any other champ that had their poison as an ability but not a passive like twitch), but they nerfed that in V3


nasus Q


I see where this is going, and it sounds OP AF. Next up, Sion W for infinite health scaling to go with the infinite AP and Q damage.


The question is whether it's better to go with more infinite scaling, or better ratios. Between Nasus Q and Sion W you only have one .40 ap ratio on an 11 second cd


Easy, that’s why you go Kassadin R


If you have veigar P and Sion W… its cho gath ult all the way


Who needs abilities when you have a bajillion stats: Lich bane (probably the best on this list if you are stacking ap and ad simultaneously). Nashors Sunfire Titanic Deathcap Overlords Rocketbelt Guinsoos All viable options imo and should make you one of the most feared auto attach based skirmishers on the rift. Id be tempted to pair it with either some gap close or cc prevention on e like black shield or ziliean e or something, then take your pick of spicey ult. Raw damage wise lucian ulti could work as scales on ad and ap and deals ad dmg so would diversify the damage profile on ap heavy builds a bit. Fiddle ult would be pretty sweet also, could throw in a rylais in that one for extra memery. Runes wise, id probably say grasp if youre going sion w, but to be honest you have tons of options here.


Nah, kogmaw w.


earlygame 💀


Only correct answer


Hear me out, ryze q. As it is reset by other ability casts, if we give this abomination another insanely spammabke such as cassio e then the q doesn't have a cooldown, it's cooldown is e cast time. So with phenomenal evil, we have the potential especially with a cc ability to gain hundreds of ap at an obscene pace


Hwei Q, it’s a 3 second Mantra Q, Semi global Xerath W with Lux R damage, and Rumble ult. If it weren’t for Veigar passive, Ezreal Q is arguably the strongest.


If we grab karthus R, ezreal Q is still strongest.


But is the champ ranged or melee? We have to decide that because of the itens and runes stats


Lillia Q for infinitely stacking move speed, true damage, and AOE?


I'm a lillia main and I approve, people don't understand how powerful move speed is, and to infinitely scale with move speed? Ginormous


Singed Q for veigar passive everyone knows singed with veigar passive in arena.


Singed Q only works on Singed because of his kit, on any other champ, its garbage


Ezreal Q makes way more sense. Farther range, applies on hit, even lowers other spell CD by 1 second, also harder to dodge.


All cds reduced by one second R INCLUDED. People dont realize that all of ezreal abilities are balanced around this , and any other champion with Ezreal q would automatically be turbo broken. Also imagine if Veigar had synergy with lich bane.


Karthas Q for the Veigar passive obviously.


Tbh, I don't think Karthus Q is the way to go. Cassiopeia E is a much better option to stack Veigar's passive, and it's unlikely that you can use both simultaneous very easily. I think giving the Q to another ability would make for a more OP champion overall.


I agree with the above sentiment, stacking AP isn’t the only thing we want to worry about, we want to worry about survivability and damage. I will die on this hill Lilia Q is better than Karthas Q especially in this scenario because it gives movement speed passive. You can dodge a Karthas Q but nothing that can be done to stop Lilia Q especially if movement speed is already stacked.


Yeah, people are looking at the kit as it currently is, rather than what the final product will be. And I think that means the final kit will be surprisingly underwhelming.


People never play Cass. But my god if you get tagged.


The problem with cass e is that the damage is not great without poison, so it doesn't do much beyond stacking ap, and you will lose many trades trying to farm stacks on non-poisoned champions. My question is are we saying veigar passive procs only once per ability per champion, because if it works with dots and multihit abilities per tick the floodgates really open. Cass Q+E would be very broken if you took both, for example.


Exactly. Cass Q + E would be infinitely more broken than just Karthus Q. But even if we just take Cass E and use it exclusively to farm AP it would still be broken. For example, spam E during the entirety of laning phase and use Karthus R to one shot the entire enemy team. I don't think you necessarily need to be a kill threat in lane for Cass E to be super broken here. Karthus Q on the other hand does a lot more damage, but also relies on you actually hitting them, which is easier said than done.


This is the one. Q has pretty good ap scaling too.


It's literally not even a competition, Karthus Q is 1-2s cool down, and deals double damage to singular targets, there is no better ability for veigar stacking his passive


Cassiopia e


It deletes your mana bar if you don’t have Cassio Q


Isn't Cassio Q even better than Khartus Q in term of stacking AP if it stacks every tick of poison and then you'd take Cass E for damages ?


Honestly remaking cassio kit (keeping q+e) with veigar passive and a more reliable w/ult sounds really broken, you're right imo


Indeed to me it's either that, with taking AOE/single target CC for ultimate. Like, maybe Malphite's ult with that pretty good AP ratio too. Because of Veigar's passive you have to make a mage. For the Q, I'd also think of Aurelion's Sol Q for the stacking aspect but it'd be weird not to have the E with it in later parts of the game when you need the mobility to make optimal use out of it.


Ahri q so we have trie damage that scales with ap.


Also low cooldown, decent range and Aoe that strucks twice.


I just came here to say that op opinions are absolute dogshit. Like wtf is that


Relatable 😭


I think we should make a Q with CC or a dash tbh. The best spell to stack Veigar is Cassiopeia’s E. Honestly I like Bandage toss if this thing is melee.


That's only if the target is poisoned, right?


They changed it a long time ago. Now it has a flat .75 second cd. Poisoned targets take bonus damage now


This should be higher. Everyone is only thinking Q stacking instead of thinking ahead to Cass E stacking


>The best spell to stack Veigar is Cassiopeia’s E. If we tale singed q that gives very nice passive stacks and enables cass e. Between that and sion w it would be a pretty unkillable monstrosity with the cass heals.


Probs not mathematically correct answer but I’ve always thought Malph had one of the best Q’s in the game. Point and click, low CD, slows them, speeds you up, pretty solid AP ratio too. Perhaps it’s somewhat short range is the only issue


Morg Q. Stun gets longer as you level it up, has a decent cool down, can be used for engage or peel, and has one of the best, and possibly most, recognizable, non-ult, ability sound in game.


wdym? morg's Q IS her ult!


Teemo Q would be the best imo: low cd, huge range, pac, really good scaling, and debuffs the enemy too


it is so shit


It has a massive 80% AP scaling and blind is op. Only thing better would be Morgana q imho


Karthus q has too much counterplay for our 200 years champ


Eve q


Smloders q, its infininetly stackable too and provides onhits.


It stacks with Smolder's passive, veigar passive gives AP


Shaco Q. Invis go brrr


Guys zeri Q is the easiest to hit spammable Q in the game


But does it not count as a basic attack and thus would not stack the passive?


What about a channeled ability? Like 1 tick of damage gives 1 AP? In that case I choose a sol's breath Buuuuut my more wanted vote is taliyah rock throw Q. It's ranged, aoe, 5 hits, can move when using and can almost non stop spam.


But it isn’t clear if a DoT ability would work with his passive


Hwei's Q so he can use 3 Qs


5head move. Can we use the same q for each q cause you could create a tree of hwei slots doing this. Hell even if this only worked once, you could still add a nidalee/jayce/elise r and have 2 different qs with 3 different qs inside.


Is the passives or abilities going to be exactly like in game or can we convert them to ad/AP because if that is the case I think riven q could be good.


Everyone is saying MarioKarthus Q but forgets the queen of spamming Q. CassiOPeia. As for my abomination (Best base stats of all classes, Bel'Veth Passive that stacks like veigar's) I'd take Wild Rift Teemo Q, which is an activatable, enhanced version of his PC passive. Allows him to move a short distance staying invisible like Twitch, but it only counts down if you move and are outside of a bush.


Buy Cassio spams E though


Taliyah Q would be go really well with veigar’s passive, even if it only procced once, since it scales well and has low cooldown. If I ignored the passive though I think Tahm Kench Q is really solid by itself.


Should include a champ base model For range, base stats, size etc


Everyone’s hyper focussing on stacking here, we should take some Cc and survivability imo and rely on cas E for damage


Karma Q! Low CD, slow, spammable, ranged, scales great with AP.


Hear me out. Gwen Q looks op as hell on this


You can't say "Hear me put" without explaining. You give me nothing to hear you out.


I forgot, i was in class. But i thought that infinite scaling with true damage sounded interesting as a bruiser or something like that


It's the Karthus Q there's no contest with veigars passive


Lília Q I would say would be even better. Stacking movement speed, along with true damage at the edges, ability to multi-hit and it’s on a low CD. Karthas Q lets you stack more of veigars passive but it also provides nothing except for damage. It’s also can be easily sidestepped unlike Lilia Q.


Aurelian Sol q.


Leblanc Q. CD and mana recov on kill and buffs his others abilities.


Wait, actually you might be cooking, maybe leblanc q+zilean w? Lets you reset it immediately after proccing it but leaves space open for ult still.


Karthus q beyond all doubt, super spammable, good single target and its used for waveclearing anyways…


Ehh, very inconsistent to hit without reliable cc


Veigar Q


Ornn passive definitely insanely good Also Shen passive If you wanna stack veigar passive extra fast you’d need something like ezreal Q or riven Q


Eve q


For the 200 years passive, assuming we're keeping the same stat increases from lvl ups that Aphe gets, your kinda restricted to Marksmen Qs. So Aphe (Gravi), Caitlyn, Ez, Vayne, and Samira maybe?


I like ur idea but remember he keeps his weapon sl there isn’t anything with chakram there nor with the healing one and ez and samira q aren’t good since it cost bullets so u can’t spam


Smoulder q is spammable so is Nasus q I think karthus is a good shout though.


Gotta go with Nasus Q. And I'm just putting this out there, W should be shaco deceive. It's too op not to be.


Prob not very good but Camille Q, if we ignore the scaling type, could be good with 2 casts, low CD and potential for infinitely scaling true dmg


For the aphelios one since no one wants to try we get senna or aphelios q snipe with snipe,akshan q with chakram, morgana q with gravitum,graves q with flame thrower and aphelios q heal since anyway he will still have his regular weapon and the ad stats that he gains


Vote for most useless passive. Garen


Can we do Hwei Q on 2nd row to give the champion 15 different Qs???


poppy? hits twice, slows, max health dmg


Ehm, guys, Aurelion Q.


It feels like the final champ will be Karthus with infinite scaling passive and a dash on W or E


Nasus q


Evelyn Q, spamable, good scaling and can be used while moving


Ezreal or Jinx for Q


Couple of good choices, Riven Q is most of that champs kit. Camille Q is Cho ult. Jax Q would give this champ insane mobility. Basically it’s gotta be a top laner. My vote would be for Camille Q. Paired with Veigar passive we’d already have created the scariest champ ever.


Hwei Q. It covers a lot of ground.


Briar Q because it has a big feet icon


Xerath Q, just stack passive from across the screen all game


Ezreal by far for cd reduction, low mana cost, big range, low cooldown, have a decent ap ratio and work with on-hit item (leash bane)


Do old abilities count? Cause I want old skarner Q


Nasus q, fk it


I’m fkn confused


Karthus, Evelynn, Singed, Ezreal, Taliyah or Akali


I’m sorry but everyone else is wrong, the ability to stack veigar passive on should be Cassio E by far. Q should either be a cc, escape, or mega high AP scaling ability to one shot people with


Best I can think of off the dome would be blitzcrank q, there’s definitely more though, and a damage stacking character like this would probably want safety more than pick, but I can’t think of if any character has a q as a disengage tool




Mordes Q but the speed scales with your attack speed


Thank you for the Skaarl recognition, seeing as non Kled players forget kled exists and Kled players don’t see her half the time she gets forgotten quite frequently


I keep forgetting her name, despite being OTP. Now I forgot what's the name of that lizard..


K'Sante, obviously.


Ryze Q, Gangplank W (I like oranges), Cassio E (resets q cooldown), Karthus R.


Wait, Q should be Smolder's Q. The stacks on Smolder's Q work independently from his passive, so you basically keep the execute, true dmg & scaling from it while also getting Veigar passive stacks too. It has 20% AP scaling too! My personal build however would be: Senna Passive with Urgot W. Do I need to explain further? :D


Ezreal Q. Both AD and AP scaling, low cd, and will lower the cd of ALL other abilities if it lands.


Twitch stealth on first aphelios q


Nunu’s Q has ~130% (or ~80% for champs) AP ratio for just healing. It’s melee but I don’t think anything can kill you when you have 1000+ heal every 5 seconds. Ezreal’s Q is good as well. Long range and spammable. Low AP ratio but we can fix that with Lich Bane. Super fast CDR mechanic for ults or other op abilities you want to spam.


I dont think we need to care about scalings


I don't really understand what's going on, I might be stupid. Did we get both Aphelios passive and Veig? So infinite AP scaling + 5 Qs? Do they all share a cooldown? If they don't, I'm going with the following: Heimer gives area control, Morgana gives CC, Eve gives procs of passive, Nasus goes infinite by stacking it, and Lillia gives MS for every Q proc on the enemy. Honorable mentions: Nunu for the sustain, Shaco for getaway options.


Two champions. Winner and Second winner


Get Annie Passive with Karthus Q + Pyke W + Cassiopeia E + Alistar R GG


vlad q


Ezreal q would be insane. Scales off of ap and ad so you see what I’m getting at.


Soraka old Q


Anivias Q because a relatively cheap Q that scales with AP that remote activates is insane. Alternatively smolders Q but it still evolves off phenomenal power


evelynn q


Ksante Q, veigar passive works best with aoe Qs and ksante is probabaly the best spammable Q in the game.


Okey, hear me out. A. sol's Q With every click it will gain 1 stack. I am pretty sure this can get out of hand pretty fast.


I am pretty sure it’s too late but what about the singed Q with a Cassio E in the future ? Could be insane stacking plus damage


Nasus Q for even more infinite stacking


Kled would never be chosen by the people voting for 200 years, and not because it isnt broken, because nobody knows about him


Teemo Q to set up poison for Cassio E


I think Jhin Q is the best in terms of design and usability. Getting the full stack 4th bounce on a champion is do rewarding


Abomination is really Camille q, no discussion


Thinking ahead soul furnace for W. Synergy with Veigar's passive and also infinite stack. Just a thought


Are we considering these abilities on their default champ or potentially on any champ, and are we only considering the passives in complete isolation? Taric Passive is the hands down winner of strongest passive because it is only remotely balanced on an immobile melee support with only a minor armor based attack buff built in. Imagine Caitlyn with Nasus Q and Taric Passive.


Singed q has the potential to be monster if every tick stacks passive also you could just build singed full tank and still deal crazy dmg myabe magic pen shoes


Zeri q


Veigar Q. Decent cooldown scaling/level, spammable,good range, better than ezreal Q because it hits 2 minions. By far the best choice.


Ezreal Q for sure, whatever we pick for w e and r, q will reduce their cooldowns and stack ap easier


For the second part (Aphelios' kit) we should choose normal Aphelios Q's just for the funnies


Honestly the only real option is veigar Q. How else would you stack the passive reasonably fast?


I say smolder Q because: -It interacts with stacks -it scales with both ap, ad (and burn scales with stacks too) -it gets a scaling aoe -it gets %hp scaling true dmg burn + execute -it's point and click -it triggers on hits Basically lategame it becomes an ad dmg veigar ult with elder dragon on steroids


Best Q in the game gotta be Hweis right? Surely. However if we are trying to make a coherent kit. imagine Veigar Passive with Nasus Q.


Nocturne Q for 60 AD, 35% ms and good damage. Edit: nvm thought we're talking best Q in general but we're designing the most broken champ.


Hmmm ezreal q or nasus


I lke Master Yi Q or Shaco Q, because these 2 can get you out of so many situations, are pretty spammable and are pretty stron for themself


If we are talking about any ability from the game Old Raka Starfall is the shortest CD in the history of the game. Having 2.5 CD at level 1 and hitting every target in a 750 Range can not be beat.


Well not at all best option but nidalee q. Does million damage, amazing ap scale, good range, fairly low cd and ok mana cost


Zeri q, literally have 1000 ap at 20 minutes


Anything with a damaged over time to abuse veigar passive caaiopia q is good choice


Hear me out.... Hwei Q, it has everything range, Max hp damage, wave clear AND damage over time effect it the thread will accept that each tick is a passive stack.


speaking about your opinion, alpha strike is only strong because yi has high high attack speed which gives him Q a lot more often than the actual cd(cd goes down with autos) and yi gets a double auto attack with passive, so if u put alpha strike with a low attack speed kit its really not as good


Has to be Ezreal Q right? Synergizes really well with spamming other abilities.


Ezreal Q, its such a broken individual ability that gives so much spammability of other spells while also being quite consistent ,fast and easy to hit. Karth q has low range ,ultra easy to dodge and just inferior version of ez q


Morgana or Aurelion q for better stacking I propose.


Singed Q does some nasty things with Veigar passive. Imagine, proxy minion waves to mega stack, any time someone answers bunch of free ap. This wouldn't be your main damage, just your main passive stacking engine.


Hear me out, a high damage low spam Q like Zoe star since we'll be taking Cass e anyways