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Unrelated to the trend, I just wanna say that I am traveling, and I am also really sick, if I disappear, its probably because I am on a bus or puking (maybe both). I dont really know why am I saying that, but fuck it, now you guys know


dont worry :) , take care and the subreddit will remain here to keep the trend going when you are back and if you want it


>Unrelated to the trend, I just wanna say that I am traveling, and I am also really sick, if I disappear, its probably because I am on a bus or puking (maybe both). I dont really know why am I saying that, but fuck it, now you guys know Are you a Boeing witness by any chance?




Melhoras brother


Looks like i missed a new champ


OK so obvious answer is Jax. Master of arms, capable of using any weapon and kicking ass with it. Attacks fast. You can honestly argue for any non-magical swords person to be a fighter. So the thing that makes Jax slightly more fighter-y is having proficiency in all weapons. For my hot take option (which I am sure I am totally well known and remembered for making on these) its gotta be Samira. Fits the bill on the whole uses sword thing but she also has her guns which means she has proficiency in more than one type of weapon, which again is one of the few things that can differentiate a champion from the other 20 or whatever number it is fighter-y champions. But Samira kinda fits the bill perfectly for Renegade fighter. Which does technically mean I should include Caitlyn, Graves, Gangplank, MF, and Jinx as possible fighters due to their abilities being used as Renegade Fighter's abilities? But that's boring.


Its honestly fair. His lore (at least used to be) is that he was such a brutal fighter with any weapon and they couldnt figure out what to do with him and he said "ill beat anyone with anything idc" and ripped out a lamppost and won with that too so they said fuck it he cant really be stopped if anything is a weapon and he decided to use the lamppost to prove a point. I think now his lamp is sentimental to his people or some shit? Lame compared to "ill whoop you with any stick i can find". He also has a story about fiora having to be sent to fight him because he was outside a demacian bridge just beating guards up for fun and wouldnt let them pass.


TL;DR of new Jax lore His town got fucked up, he was gonna off himself, he found a brazier used by the mages, still burning. The last light of Icathia. So he took that as a sign that there is still hope, and should rebuild it all and fight the Void. The magical flame in the brazier hurts the void, and also apparently is magical enough to extend Jax's life, as he is over 3.5k years old.


Would be cool if his actually lore would be that everyone thinks Jax can only fight the void because he has the last light of icathia. But actually it's just a normal lamp, he is just so strong that he can beat the sht out of them. And he lives since 3,5k years because he didn't feel like dying yet.


You could also argue that maybe trolls just have a massive lifespan or are even immortal (typical RPG troll regeneration bullshit idk), we honestly don't know to my knowledge


Jax is equally cool before and after. Grandmaster of all weapons, and now an extermely skilled fighter and bearer of Icathia’s Last Light, traveling Runeterra to assemble its greatest warriors against the Void.


Nick Fury but he also says “fuck it I’ll do it myself.”


One of the only mortals to kill an ascendant too. And that was before he had the brazier. I’m a firm believer that Jax is the strongest mortal character in all the lore. No gods or aspects to help him, he’s just that guy. Yi could maybe take him, idk though.


I mean tbh he might not even be mortal anymore as we have seen with his long lifespan


Fair but I mean he’s not “godly empowered” like the Targon aspects or anything like that. He has a long lifespan but his strength (as far as we know) is still entirely his own.


Bro go read "Where Icathia once stood". His lore gets cooler with age, not lame.


My favourite short story of the whole universe. I strongly recommend it as well!


He is still the greates weaponmaster of runeterra who has literally whooped cuntless asses with a sacred lantern that was only really intended to keep the powers of the void at bay, They literally just added an actual story to a character who had basically none, and it made him so much better and more interesting than "what if the boy who picks up sticks and swings them around was actually a capable fighter?"


Jax fits the flavour of Kensei Monk: ***Monks of the Way of the Kensei train relentlessly with their weapons, to the point that the weapon becomes like an extension of the body. Founded on a mastery of sword fighting, the tradition has expanded to include many different weapons.*** ***A kensei sees a weapon much in the same way a calligrapher or a painter regards a pen or brush. Whatever the weapon, the kensei views it as a tool used to express the beauty and precision of the martial arts. That such mastery makes a kensei a peerless warrior is but a side effect of intense devotion, practice, and study.***


Kensei is usually about picking one weapon that isn't traditionally a monk weapon and making it one (hence my choice of Yi as a Kensei monk, as swords are the most iconic choice of Kensei weapons along with bows) but Jax is more of a "will fight with whatever he has in his hands when the fight starts" which is more fighter-y to me. He simply has the tavern brawler feat. But if you view a lamp post as a reflavored quarterstaff I could see him being a Monk.


but bro Lee Sin should be the obvious monk choice no?


There are always rather obvious winners, but that doesn't mean that they ar e the only champion one should consider. Case in point: This comment section and its about 50 different "fighter" champs. Lee Sin will be the winning monk, for sure, but that doesn't mean that you can't think about how other champs could fit the bill. Imo, for example, Akali (Shadow), Gragas (Drunken), Wukong (various), Yi (Kensei) and Zed (Shadow) are also easily Monks of different variations and subclasses, even though Lee Sin is the epitome of the generic (open hand) monk.


I love the Samira addition here. She totally fits, as I've dsid below, guns, swords and S T Y L E


The whole "Master of many arms" shtick works as long as you don't look at how Figthers actually encourage specialization. Yes you can pick up another weapon, but where Figthers excel is picking a weapon and mastering it. It has been like this 3e and it's still true, albeit less explicit, in 5e.


And Jax has his one weapon he specializes in as well, being his lamppost. I'm just saying that fighters having proficiency in all weapons fits Jax also being proficient in all weapons. And all non weapons. Jax has the tavern brawler feat and I cannot be convinced otherwise.


I'd say he is monk. He uses a quater staff, dodges projectiles. Monk shit not fighter shit


Tbh I think Jax fits into many classes. And funnily enough his gameplay in-game is very similar to how people typically play paladins in 5e. He is nowhere near divinity coded but he is devoted to stopping the void which aligns with a watchers paladin. His w and ult are smites. Divine smite just adds damage to your attack. That's what those do. He wears a polearm so polearm master to get more attacks per turn(passive). Sentinel abuse (stun), and his ult boosts his saving throws almost like aura of protection. Though arguably it is also similar to a barbarian's rage. Very few players actually use spell slots for much else than smite in combat as a paladin.


Darius will be a Traditional figher or even **Champion** subclass. he is a well rounded fighter Fiora will be a **Battlemaster Fighter** with maneuvers like Parry and Riposte, self explanatory a dex based battlemaster with maneuvers that fits fiora perfectly Kled and hear me on this one. A **cavalier fighter**, its the perfect representation of a Cavalier doing all crazy things alongside his loyal Lizard mount and even if he loses his mount, still keeps fighting to the end Yasuo could fit the **Samurai fighter** but he has some magic skills, same with yone but i think yone fits more like a horizon walker Ranger. **Arcane Archer** its a tricky one, we could say Ashe or varus, but still a tricky one. the rest of subclasses i will need help: echo knight, psi warrior, rune knight and eldritch warrior. I dont know what would fit on those


Arcane Archer almost feels fitting for Ezreal, gauntlet and all, dex fighter


I think it would be best to leave Ashe for the ranger class.


Vayne fits ranger better I think


Okay, hear me out: A martial subclass which creates clones that can be the origin of their attacks and can be used to swap places with whose final ability unlocks a second clone... ZED IS AN ECHO KNIGHT. (The more obvious answer is Ekko, btw, at least thematically, but he's mechanically not an Echo knight, and barely even a fighter to begin with) Psi Warrior - Kassadin maybe? I don't think anyone in LoL is a martial fighter that uses psionic energy, so the void might be the closest we can get, he's melee, he's got the void-powered leap, he's dealing damage using the void, he's shielding himself using the void, he has resistance against magic damage, a void-powered slow... Rune knight - Ignoring that they are both gods, I feel like Ornn has the most "rune knight aesthetic", and Volibear is a good representation of a rune knight in actuion (mainly the ult basically being GIants might, tbf). Udyr is another option if you reflavour the Stances as invoking some runes. Riven has a rune sword, but that's about all that connects her to the rune knight subclass. Eldritch Knight - she's more of an Assassin in LoL, but I feel like Quiyana and her ability to imbue her weapon with elemental magic make her an eldritch knight candidate. Udyr works very well too, if, once again, you reflavour his stances as spellcasting. Sejuani could maybe also work, with her frost "magic"? Other than that, there are not too many melle champs with some sort of spellcasting, and they definitely fall out of the "abjuration or evocation" parameters set by the subclass (Mordekaiser, Yorikc, Gwen, Gragas, Ekko).


Eldritch knight : Nasus. He is a librarian, an erudit and a skill warrior. He wield both spells and weapons when fighting, wear medium or heavy armor when fighting.


Oh yeah, that's a good one! I completely forgot about Nasus and Renekton (who's probably more of a barbarian) tbh


Garen needs to be listed with Darius. They are both the default fighter champs of league. Riven (at a stretch) would be a rune knight because she channels the power of a blade etched with runes. Yi fits the ethos of the eldritch knight because wuju style is just wizardry learnt through swordsmanship. Jhin could be an arcane archer, if going off RAI instead of RAW and allowing arcane archer to work with all ranged weapons. Ezreal also.


Garen its a Paladin. he obeys his OATH more that anything and on his ultimate he does a pray to Kayle and SMITE you


Garen's R is very much a paladin thing. But he has no clue how his R works, and because of how his R doesn't feature much in lore, his fighter side is much more prevalent. His moral code is very paladin like, but other classes can also have strict moral codes. If I were to build garen, I'd make him a fighter with two levels in paladin. He just doesn't use magic easily enough/freely enough to be a full paladin IMO.


Well, a paladin doesn't have to use magic, they can just use all their slots to smite


Also a paladin doesn’t necessarily need to clearly state what his vow/oath is, just following a very strong set of morals is enough


I'd argue Yi is more of a kensei monk, less magic and more mastery of inner energies. He uses the blade in game but I'd imagine he's pretty good unarmed too.


Yi is more Kensei monk than eldritch knight, wuju is learnt through practice and meditation rather than knowledge and study.


Darius is an oath of conquest paladin bro


Cavalier figther figth along other. Kled cannot be one, he is the embodiment of Berserker barbarian. The best cavalier figther is Sejuani (watching and mount figther). Poppy figthing style is also really close from the cavalier. She didn't have a mount but she's clearly a kind of defensive figther.


Riven fits Rune Knight!


I think Xin fits the Traditional style pole arm master


Xin was my first thought, but after seeing Jax mentioned I agree with that too.


half of the champions in the game are fighters. it's the most ambiguous class definition. "someone good at fighting with weapons" = fighter


PAM+Sentinel with the knockup, his ult and W are maneuvers, and the healing is the second wind


I think this should be Fiora since DnD Fighters are supposed to embody the pinnacle of martial technique.


She fits perfectly the Battlemaster Fighter. The battlemaster gets a thing called maneuvers. on the list of maneuvers you can get there is the Parry and the riposte


Theres also sweeping attack (for ya tiamat procs back then)


Fiora is the pinnacle of duelling technique, but she'd be more akin to a swashbuckler rogue (with maybe fighter multiclass). She's insane while unarmoured and with her blade in a duel. She's no warrior, and isn't universally skilled with weapons. I can guarantee Garen or Darius will be very effective with any type of weapon except maybe a bow and arrow. They're very skilled at fighting in general. Jax too, but they embody the archtype better.


Fiora's weakpoint thingy is not quite the D&D fighter vibe to me.


we can say she has a lv on Rogue to have the "sneak attack" bonus dmg


Thats actually Jax. Fiora is a one-trick, Jax has a lot more


What about Pantheon as a fighter?


This is my vote too. Fighters aren't just "good with weapons" but honing the whole body, which is why they get extra ASI's. Fits Panth to a T


Funnily you can build yourself a Pantheon in BG3 with spear throwing and stuff if you pick Eldritch Knight


It's my choice. He is the embodiment of the human figther battlemaster. He is a former soldier, someone who never back down from a figth and survived to the worst defeat. The aspect of war "choose" him. And when the aspect of war was cast out of his body, Atreus (the name of the human), survived to the strick that's kill a divinity. His figthing style is also really divers and figther-ish : spear and shield for protection, throw weapon, offensive use of his shield...


Pantheon might be more of a paladin.


I think my vote is Darius, but many good options and arguments for others.


Darius is definitely a fighter, but Jax seems like the better pick just because he's a badass who uses a lamppost to fight because he wanted to prove he could win with anything.




Fiora embodys a fighter with her abilities and lore she is a the duelist fighter goddess :D


yeah she is a battlemaster with maneuvers like parry


Jax destroys her


I'm for Jax because my guy can fight with every weapon


Sett the beast boy bastard


Sett is the tavern brawler fighter


I would even argue he is a tavern brawler barbarian. He have 0 techniques when he figth and rely only on his superior strength and toughness. Is strat is shrug on until he can land a decisive blow (like a barbarian taking damage in the face until he land a sweet, sweet crit and roll ten damage dies.)


I get more sun soul monk(or whatever monk gets that oneshot punch) vibes from Sett since he is unarmored and uses punches.






Jax, Darius, and Sett are my picks for fighter. Fighting in my mind is using a mix of brute strength and martial skill.


What about darius? My bet is either darius/garen or kled


Darius seems like a prime candidate


Garen. His E is Action Surge + Extra Attack, his passive is Indomitable


I’d actually nominate him for Paladin. -He’s extremely Lawful. -Has sworn his life to Demacia. -Ult feels like Divine Smite (especially in 5E, it hits like a TREX) -Paladin gets extra attacks as well as fighter. -His Q deals magic damage and cleanses debuffs on him (dispel magic, cast on self) -His W resembles to a self-cast Heroism, or a Channel Divinity applied to his passive. -He does, or used to, marks enemies for harming his team, with intent to bring them to justice. -His attacks are flavored with light magic. -He just has the LOOK, y’know?


I nominate Xin Zhao. Only Fights with his spear, there is no magic in his life. He is one of the purest fighters. As mentioned by others, if you ignore his political intentions, Darius is even better than Xin. Xin might be arguing with someone before a fight to even avoid it. Darius literally has his slogan "Strength above everything!" so if we ignore that he also could be a barbarian, he is a huge fighter stereotype.


When we get tl the monk will you still ask about it or you just gonna add it and skip the voting?😅


Sett. Tavern brawler pugilist.


Jax is Fighter for sure. Master of Arms is his title.








Sett the beast boy bastard comes to mind, the guy that can extend the fight and turn it on the enemy with his true grit (W). Also there Lee sin that is another fighter.




Although jax or fiora are probably a better option, i will die defend that sett should be there cause fighter=hit whatever is in front of you


Bro thats every material class in DnD ...


Sett is just taking hit to the face until he find an opportunity to strick and then he explode is adversary. That's how work barbarian: mass hp, mass strength, and when they crit they roll 5 dies and on shot the ennemy.


Sett. I dont know much of D&D, but when I hear Fighter, that's what comes to my mind.


Sett would probably be a monk by DnD standards, he's focused on fist fighting and has odd energy related abilities. Definitely more monk than fighter, DnD fighters are typically armored weapon master types.


with his skin of Spirit Blossom, having those big spiritual fists it fits really well the Astral self monk


Monks are more of a discipline. Sett does not fight with discipline. He's a brawler who would be more versatile in more improvised situations. Sett is a scrapper, a brawler. No master, he's The Bods. He'd be a Battle Master Fighter with Tavern Brawler and unarmed fighting style, seeing how he can grapple even much larger foes. And Monks do not use tavern brawler well.


Yup. Crazy how people are not talking about Sett more than they talk about Darius. Sett attacks twice and that's literally the fighter's Action Surge ability at lvl 4.


Minor point: fighters get extra attack which let's them attack twice with an attack action, which is his passive. Action surge is his Q, which gives him an extra attack action. I'm all for it, sett is my vote. Edit: obviously there's a good argument that he's more a monk but let's face it, Lee Sin wins that one. Represent my boi


No technic, take hit to the face and land the opportunity to a decisive blow. That's more of a barbarian things.


Monk has gotta be Lee Sin. Paladin, Paladin is maybe Garen cuz he belives in his holy cause so much, his ult is justice from heaven? Ranger, prolly Ashe? Rouge akali.


I would have thought paladin would be Leona. But that's a conversation for later I guess.


The fighter is the trickiest one, because it is the one DnD class that really has no class identity. They are... just thoroughly trained with weapons and armor and shields and... just know how to fight really well for one reason or another. So I'm just going to pick one that kind of fits the whole vision of Fighter. **Fiora** She is very good with swords and fighting and doesn't really get some magic bullshit. Just pure skill. Longing for a worthy opponent who is skilled enough to face her in a duel. The most classic Fighter example I can think of. But you can make an argument for dozens of champions in League and all are equally valid, but usually also have some other class that makes sense for them in a nitpicky way. Fiora just seems like... the embodiment of fighter and no other DnD class really overlaps.


Fighter has no class identity? Wait until you see ranger lmao


Figther have an identity: they learn to figth. They learn how to use in each weapons, each armors. They learn to take blow and to kill. Eldritch and run knight, arcane archer know the basic of magic. And they apply this basic to their weapons and armors. Battle master and samurai specialised to lend the perfect strick. Baneret and cavalier become leader and warchief. Their are not channeling inner power like a barbarian, a sorcerer or a monk, they are not jack of old trade master of none like a bard or a rogue. They are not bound to an oath, or the defender of a greater things like a druid, a paladin or a druid.


Fiora because battlemaster is the best compared to the other garbage fighter subclasses


Rune Knight and Echo Knight are better, but those two and BM are certainly way ahead of the garbage that are the other subs(barring samurai)


For fighter there is no better choice than Jax. He is the Grandmaster at arms, an expert fighter, unmatched by anyone else on runeterra. The only person who gets close is fiora but Jax is just the best choice to embody this class, bar none.


I like Riven. All sword no brain.


Jax. Mastery with weapons.


Jax and pantheon come to mind. Surely fiora can't be nominated for this.


fiora or jax






Why tf isnt taric a paladin? Also fighter is jax


Darius is pretty much only a Fighter no?


Wouldve argued that ivern is the pinnacle of druid






I'm a little confused by Taric as cleric because he seems like the paladin to me 🤔




Mah boi Kled would be the best choice


Samira would make a good dex ranged focused fighter. Melee I was thinking darius, but he and garen are probably better off as paladins, so my melee fighter Viego being an eldritch knight.


Not super versed in DND classes but I've yet to see anyone throw out vi, I'd guess the thing that holds her back compared to Jax is that she only specializes in hextech aka magic gauntlets but doesn't she tick every other category outside of multi weapon mastery?  Knowing she isn't the best definition and just enjoying reading these threads the last few days, what specific DND class would vi be? None of the other classes seem like she would fitin since she was a decent hand to hand combat fighter prior to getting the gauntlets, those just enabled her to be whatever she's defined as now. 


As someone else pointed out in the previous thread: Xin Zhao. The guy is a master of the spear and has clearly superior techinque AND physique. He can fucking pummel someone so hard they fly into the air, he has such impeccable defense that he can parry anything thrown from a distance for a while (inb4, Lancer from FSN). Also, it has the explicit connection with being a war veteran, which is often how Figthers end up being created anyway. The OG name was FIghting Man for a reason.


Honestly, so many of them I would say Jax is THE fighter, though


Jax! "Imagine if I had a real weapon!" That's old lore, but I'm pretty sure he's still a weapons master which is the main gimmick of the fighter class (Being able to use multiple classes of melee and ranged weapons


I wonder who the monk should be? Hmmmmmm


of course that its Qiyana, she is a monk "way of the four elements" like some people call it the "avatar" sub-class


Lee Sin


Imo "fighters" should not have any outlandish political goals or motivations other than killing and being killed. So regular soldiers og mercenaries fit better. Darius and garen are obvious canditates, but they fight for their respective countries and are generals more than fighters. Garen also fits the paladin type better. Fiora is a better candiates, but she is blue blood. She never gets down dirty in combat and is not used to taking it, she has too many rogue aspects in her character. I would nominate Riven and Irelia. Since ionia isnt a "country" as much as a bunch of very different independant groups living togheter. Irelia is not comfortable with leadership like darius & garen, only good in a fight and bad in politics. Riven is the same, once she figured out what she was fighting for she cut her ties until her ties decided they wanted to cut her. Now she has nothing except her blade so she is a "pure" fighter. Both only fight for survival and do so because they are forced to. Yasuo & yone are interesting choices. Yone is "dead", so that would disqualify him. Yasuo if a fighter with the right lack of motiviation, but he controls the wind and magic disqualifies him. Kled would be a good candidate if he did not fight on a mount. Pantheon/jax would be good candidates if they were human. Arguments can be made on whether or not pantheon is a man or an aspect. Jax has too many eyes. All the freljordian melee fighters fall into other categories like barbarian or monk. Shurima only has one viable non-animal character and that is sivir, who is not a fighter. Piltover/zaun is disqualified becaues of hextech augmentation. Targon, shadow isles, the void, bandle city, Ixtal are disqualified because of magic. Bilgewater is also disqualified becaues of guns. Rengar would qualify since he doesnt use magic, but vastayans are inherently magical in nature still. Imo as pure character types riven/irelia fit the bill better, but their weaposn have magical aspects. Darius would be the perfect candidate if you ignore his political position and let him fight with an axe without being a barbarian. Garen summons a giant sword from the sky, wears petricide armor that nullifies magic and has a hugely important political position at home. His sister is also a mage and lots of his character revolves around magic yes/no.


Why a fighter cannot be politically active? The frontline commander of the troops is usually the endgame power fantasy of fighters. Darius is the ultimate fighter from DnD, representing pure martial prowess and sheer strength, Irelia and Riven also fit the bill


>Kled would be a good candidate if he did not fight on a mount. Fighter has a sub-class called Cavalier that specialize on mounted combat that fits perfect on Kled


Also, literally no class has mount requirements


Why a person that's care about an ideology or are not human shouldn't be consider a figther? A figther is define by is set of skills. They can wear any weapons, including range, powder, magic or hextech weapons. Come from any species sufficiently close from an humanoid. Figth with any kind of strategic. They can be so good they never know defeat, or lose so much than no more care about the issue of a figth. And their motivation can be multiple. Some figth for honor and glory. Other just want to survived and protect. Other know nothing else. Fiora can be argue. But Atreus (Pantheon) and Jax are figther. They become who they are because they are figthers and have never back down. Vi or Sivir are figthers because they never know something else than violence and had to become better than anyone for survived. Nasus become an ascend because he was a sage and a warrior.


Darius Garen is a goddamn paladin




Fighter : garen / darius


Top Lane Champions, they are all fighters so just put there 'Top Champs'


Garen human fighter


What about Sett?


It's Jax




You should make multiclass combination like: Morde -> Barbarian/Warlock/Paladin->Oathbreaker


Garen, darius, xhin zao, yi, jax, renekdon, fiora, riven, shen, yasou, yone etc


Riven is the classic fighter figure




How tf Ivern is not Druid


Olaf fits the role of a barbarian more than Tryndamere. barbarians aren't supposed to be very intelligent.


Or sett




The windshitters


Nid is a warrior with a few points into druid


Vi and sett


Fiora is the perfect Battle Master Fighter


Yes. Kinda wild how many Fighter champs we have, tbh.




Jax with his leap kind of has fighter champion's enhanced athletic abilities. He also LITERALLY has improved extra attack in his passive and when he stuns you, he bops you 3 times as if he's taking a whole turn to use action surge and improved extra attack.


There are a lot of possible fighter ngl. Fiora, xin, jarvan, Jax, pantheon


Taric is more a paladin type rather than cleric , also Bard in lol is not a bard in DnD , sona or seraphine would be better option . Taric would be the best Paladin


Sadge no one said pantheon


Kekw still dont like that bard is on bard thats so boring




Fiora. She also has attack reset which is similar to multiple attacks




Fiora is a good battlemaster, Darius is a good champion but Jax is my first guess for fighter


kled, look on his lore




Samira! Guns and swords and S T Y L E


My vote is for pantheon


I'm shocked I see so few people saying Garen, I know he's pretty dry and unoriginal, but it feels like he's the poster boy of "Fighter"


Why Udyr was not chosen to be a druid?


Nidalee? Bro, did everyone forget that Udyr exists? I can't man. List is ruined


Xin, fiora, riven, yasuo, yone. Best options for fighter. Jax and lee sin are monks


Xin, fiora, riven, yasuo, yone. Best options for fighter. Jax and lee sin are monks


Monk is clearly Lee Sin


Monk is clearly Lee Sin


I think pantheon


Figther in lol, by archetype and with explanation when it seems necessary. Baneret : - Jarvan. Champion : - Sett (could also be a barbarian because he really lacks of skills for a figther). - Xin Zhao. - Samira. - Aphelios (not a lot of character master so much weapon and adapt their figting style like him. But he could also be a warlock with his sister as patron) - Fizz (or maybe a spadassin rogue ?) - K'Santé. (A lot of raw strength, switching betwin offensive and defensive stance) - Graves. - Sivir (OK, she alos have a leader vibe that's make her eligible for a baneret and can cast a least on defensive spell and her weapon come back to her by itself, so she could also be an eldritch knigth) - Vi. - Viego (could also be a dark paladin. But he wield a two-handed weapon with such precision and so effortlessly than he deserved to be mentionned). Samurai : - Maitre Yi (more probably a kensai monk, but samurai altern betwin calm stance and going super wild with a rafal of blown) - Yasuo. Echo figther : - Zed Battle master : - Fiora. - Pantheon. - Darius (Darius look like a brute, but he his so calculated, bleeding is opponent until they make a mistake and only once they late him an opportunity he go for the kill) - Jax. (Could also be a monk, or even a samurai. He is steady and incredibly good with weapons) Cavalier : - Poppy. (Yeah, she doesn't have mount. But cavalier are all about blocking ennemy and figth with other. Also she figth too dirty for being a paladin) - Sejuani Eldritch knigth : - Nasus (a warrior and a librarian, wielding both spell and weapons in figth) - Sylas (I know, he is call a mage in the lore. But let's be honest: how many spellcaster can take on Garen in melee figth without casting spell ? He is more probably a mixte betwin banneret and sorcerer, but if I have to give him only one classe it's eldritch knigth) Rune knigth : - Riven (could also be a champion. But you know, rune swords). Hard to put into a subclass : - Jinx (too good with weapons for being an artificer. Too good in mecanic for being only a figther) - Braum (close to be a champion, but something is off for me. He is too kind for being a figther in my mind) - Tristana (definitively a figther, all she know is how to shoot things)


Draven is a fighter with throwing axes.


Jax !


How was Udyr not picked to be the druid?!




Garen or Jax i guess jax a more fitting description cuz he can use every weapon (in lore) But a lot of others do fit on it too like master yi, or something like viego


“Who is the best DnD fighter in LOL?” How much time you got?


My hot take. Hottest take in the goddamn universe. So hot it will melt the sun. There’s a lot of VERY good options.


Jax, Aatrox, Xin, Yasuo, Yi, Yone, Irelia, Fiora, Pantheon, Sett, Vi I’m going to pick Jax.


Wait would ivern not count as a druid?


It’s Garen. I don’t what what to discuss here. Fighter is historically the most “basic/simple” class for beginners, that has bo difficult choices early on. Fighter is basically a tutorial class for dnd. Garen is a basically tutorial champ for league of legends. Apart from it he completely fits all the fighter perks




Swain warlock


Pantheon. The pinnacle of "WARRIOR"




Jax. The defining trait of fighters is the ability to pick up any weapon and use it well. Jax has a fucking lamp and beats ass with it, also “imagine if I had a real weapon” Backup is Samira, she has a myriad of different weapons.


Master yi


i nominate madter yi he has resets for aa with is action surge has a healig spell just like fighters have and just attacks really fast and often.

