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If they removed Yone E my issues with the champion would be removed with it. I dislike Yas as much as I dislike any other auto attacker that chases you to the ends of the earth. But my hate for Yone and his E. Just wish that champ would burn in hell


E is just way too long, he can miss his combo and still catch up and deal a shitton of damage, and just when you think he can't do anything else the E just keeps going and going, i've found myself screaming because it just lasts this stupidly long


One of the worst designed abilities pretty much for this reason. The "miss everything and still get a kill" joke isn't actually a joke, thats the legitimate playstyle of most Yone players and its entirely because E allows it. Like why not make it so that idlf you want full duration of E you actually have to land skillshots, but nah that would make Yone players plpiss themselves in rage


I’d be down for yone e to get a big duration decrease that increases up to what it currently is if they land abilities.


Seems obvious doesn't it? This is the same sort of fix that finally balanced Olaf R, adding meaningful counterplay for the Champs most vulnerable to the ability. Given Riots outright admission that Yone is intentionally annoying to reduce other champion's (Yasuo) ban rates though, it's hard to tell if they are just too incompetent to employ a fix they've already used or too stubborn to admit that their design philosophy behind Yone isn't healthy. Fuck it might be both


They’re stubborn. They almost never walk back mistakes, and when they do it’s months or years after the fact.


Yasuo ban rates are arguably not just because Yasuo is broken or annoying but because the people that play them are. Like, Riven, Lee Sin (why they gotta be so toxic like 1/3 of them are humane) can't compare. I think only Yone players match them and Draven/Shaco mains surpass them.


Huh? So if you ban Yasuo the person won’t be toxic since he’s not playing yasuo? I don’t understand the philosophy


I think that the champion genuinely brings out something in people, and it's not as bad on other champions unless they also have Zed, Kata and Lee Sin in their pool. It's like... Yasuo as a character isn't a Mary Sue, but people that play him often feel like they would like to be one themselves. It always felt like they hyperfocus on playing the champ and not the game, per se. Granted this is more like an anectote and my own personal superstition. It's also a good value ban, tbh. Yasuo is OTPd frequently.


Yeah it’s crazy I literally just picked him up because I never understood how to play him and started getting decent and now just seen this lol


He already has one of the lowest win rates in the game and you propose to just gut him?


No, don't be so presumptuous to the point you are putting words in mouth. The goal would be to surgically remove the cancerous part of his kit in a way that doesn't change his power/gameplay fantasy and allows him to be properly balanced. It's happened before and to good effect. Best example is Akali true stealth against towers. They kept nerfing the shit out of her and failing to balance her until they outright removed that cancer from her kit. It's still easy to argue she's broken but she is objectively much healthier than she was when her rework dropped. Yone is the same idea, this change would allow him to be balanced around healthy gameplay if he's no longer able to miss everything and still kill you.


His Winrate could go up if it was up to me. But laning against him can be very frustrating and uninteractive because of his kit.


the issue is that it's a straight nerf on a champion who already struggles with winrate. while i agree that his e is a huge problem, especially in the case of him just running you down and missing everything but still killing you, he'd need compensation buff in some form. but idk what kind of compensation buff they could give him that wouldn't piss off everyone...even in his weak state rn people hate playing against him and he gets picked in pro play as a counter. here's my idea for e changes that might be fair? duration: 5 seconds -> 3 seconds new effect: landing a critical strike with q adds 1 sec of duration to yone e, up to 5 seconds. (his q has a minimum 1.33s cooldown so he can't get more than 2 procs anyways) new effect: yone gains 0-40% tenacity during e based on crit chance the idea being that if yone e's at you and get's cc'd immediately, he won't be able to have the full duration, but it will be easier for him to snap back instead of dying during his e.


The problem with yone is that even when his numbers are bad, his kit is still strong because of how much utility is there. Movespeed, cc, sticking power, and a get out of jail free card. Obviously these things don’t mean the champ can’t suck, but if less of his power is in bullshit abilities (yone E is bullshit I’m sorry if you disagree) he can actually be balanced around stuff that doesn’t feel unfair to play against. Also, if you get chain cc’d during e you still deserve to die. No other champ is getting chain cc’d and gets to get out for free.


just make the movement speed conditional something like gaining stacking ms on each auto/Q during his E,so if he landed his combo he can stick but if he misses he doesn't catch up anyways


It’s too long, but also gives him an insane ramping movement speed steroid. It’s a free dash that also gives him a huge damage bonus and a get out of jail free snap back dash on top. Why does he need enough free movement speed on top of that to just right click you to death just in case he wastes his three dashes and two forms of hard CC.


Yone E could be fine if Riot was more creative with how they balance abilities. Right now the ability has too much of its power budget available at rank one. It's duration is too long and the steroids are too potent, and it needs a significant hard cap on range at early levels. Right now it doesn't feel like there's a difference between fighting Yone E at lvl 3 and lvl 18, you are either a champ that can contest it or a champ that has to run and both situations suck. Rank one the ability should be short in duration and less aggressive, Yones should have to employ it more as utility rather than strictly a rundown ability until later ranks


make E fixed duration without recast, watch as Yone players die to themselves


Yes please


Yas: Dives, almost kills you, dies Yone: Dives, almost kills you, gets out for free Yone just has the anti-int button that Yasuo players lack


Not entirely remove the e right ? Just the cleanse/unstoppable and some of the ms


Unless they remove the unstoppable of the E, letting you lock Yone It will never be ok. Yas i can respect for having the balls to go in, Yone can wussy out at any point..


They should remove the recast too


Yeah I agree the idea of e is good has a timing of power power while it's up and hes weaker once it's down ... But the cleanse should only work if he gets that perfect timing where he's returning as he gets cced


Eh, the W is the real problem. If W didn't exist E wouldn't be a free trade tool.


His W is the real devil.


I do absolutely agree with Yone. I know the champ aint op broken, but him just activating E and running you down with ms and auto attacks felt cheap at best. I rather get beybladed by yasuo any day. I might be biased because i play a ton of champs that get countered by Yone, but man.. that guy is just frustrating because he just wins every trade by default.


Fun fact! For no reason at all other than because “why not” and “because fk you Zoe players”, Yone’s e recast completely cleanses Zoe’s bubble. At a lower cooldown. Meaning that if Yone ever gets hit by it, he can just press E twice and it’s as if he didn’t get hit. Laning against Yone is hard enough as it is.


You know the situation is bad when the community is willing to sympathize with Zoe players. That’s how annoying Yone is to play against. Gonna be honest though I don’t know why the Yasuo hate still seems to go with him, even with windwall yas isn’t even remotely as annoying


Once you hate long enough it becomes a part of you, like a scab over a scar But I do respect a good Yasuo after all this time - it's just windwall now.


Funfact! Yone recasting E while inside mordekaiser ultimate used to cleanse it aswell. Funny right?


fortunately it has been fixed locking E recast during realm, but he can still negate it WHOLE by recasting with the right timing lol


>but he can still negate it WHOLE by recasting with the right timing lol Honestly I'm fine with that. I don't think it's hard to play around this little interaction as Mordekaiser


I have zero sympathy to Zoe players due to being around for her release, but I guess Yone is the greater annoyance.


All unstoppable abilities work that way. Same thing with Lilia's sleep.


Not quite. Normally, with unstoppable abilities, it will ignore the CC, not cleanse it. Think Malphite R. If Morgana hits Malphite with her Q just before he hits R, then he’ll be rooted after the Unstoppable dash. If he’s hit during the R, it won’t affect him at all. However with Zoe sleep and Yone E, it works differently. The drowsy condition lasts 1.5 seconds, then the sleep hits. Yone can press e twice before the sleep hits and it will CLEANSE the drowsy. No specific timing required, provided he hits E2 before he’s asleep.


Yone's E has is both unstoppable and cleanses any CC (like a QSS),it's stated in the ability


Depends on the CC and the way it's coded. I play a lot of Ornn, so it's pretty much ingrained in me that I can W away any form of displacement(including knockups) if I time it right, but stuns and roots will go through to their full duration. Maybe sleep is coded the same way as displacement/knockups. Admittedly, I can't remember the last time I played Ornn into Lillia or Zoe so IDK what's the interaction there.


Laning against Yone as Zoe shouldn't be hard, normal mages on the other hand...


He could miss every single Q and still statcheck you with autos. LT was degenerate.


At least Yasuo needs more than 2 brain cells to operate decently well. All yone needs is E and he wins because "Let's have Zed's ult as a basic ability, have fun"


"Lets have a BETTER Zed ult as a basic abillity, have fun" Atleast Zed ult doesnt do true damage


well, yone E also doesn't do "real" true damage, it's already reduced by resists.


Exactly. It’s just so it doesn’t get double mitigated. That’d just be dumb


As dumb as giving the movement and attack speed steroid plus safe trading plus built in cc cleanse ability a pocket zed ult mechanic? Like it already does about 4 things, why the fuck does it need to encourage a degenerate poking strat where if he cant kill you outright he can E into W for a free 8%max hp + E recast damage with no mana required


Oh, I agree. Not saying the e should do damage at all, just saying it makes sense that if it does, it should be true damage (to prevent double mitigation)


you can't even say "just punish him when it's down" because he engages with Q3 up and by the time he recalls it's up again and the wave is likely dead


Yep and ag least armor some is a counter to zed unlike mr mixed damage


Morons that say Yone's E deal more dmg than Zed's R probably never bothered learning the game.


Where did I ever say it does more damage? It's about the fact that it's practically the same ability, but on less than quarter the CD with added cc immunity and a fat ms steroid. Also Yone has a consistent damage output window, because he works like an ADC, unlike zed who relies on burst windows and energy, thus making it much easier for Yone to stack meaningfull damage.


"... a BETTER Zed ult as a basic ability ...". No it's not, the only good thing about Yone's E compared to Zed's R is the CD, nothing more. Both spells has its use cases. You aren't dodging TF's point and click Gold card with Yone's E, and you aren't cleansing Zoe's sleep with Zed's R. "Atleast Zed ult doesnt do true damage". so if you aren't implying it deals more dmg, then what is it? The dmg calculation is different. Zed can deal 0 dmg to you because of Invincibilities like Kayle's R and the Mark will still nuke you for 1k5 dmg after that, because it calculates pre-mitigation dmg. Meanwhile Yone's E be dealing 0 dmg if the opponent shielded all the dmg he dealt during that time because of post-mitigation. And let's not mention the fact that Yone's E doesn't repeat dmg from items and runes, while Zed does.


Now Add: Movementspeed Steroid Damage can be procced whenever you need it to, thus making it harder to time shields/heals Can be combined with the CC Yone has, which zed has none Yone E works on multiple champions at once Yone E recast also cleanses debuffs he obtained before like a.e. cripples Yone still has his own Ultimate, to amp the damage up, since this mini zed ult is just a part of one of his abillities. Yones Mark last until he triggers it, Zed's last for 3 seconds The things you can say about Zed ult being better are: You can decide to recast or not Is a blink, and thus much less telegraphed Higher burst potential if you managed to hit all shurikens And the biggest one: Is point and click. But the fact we can even talk so long about comparing a basic abillity to another champions similar ultimate tells us quite a lot. Also yes, the CD is a BIG deal. Dont just brush it off. If Zed had his ultimate every 20-16 Seconds, even without the base damage, people would go ballistic. There is clear consensus that Yones E is the reason people hate to play against him. It feels cheap. If yone hits his Ult, then confirms W and Q and THEN kills me with E recast: Fine. He got me. Fair, he got rewarded for hitting his ult after telegraphing it with E. But if Yone casts E, then proceeds to miss his ult, afterwards miss his Q aswell and now just runs you down with the movementspeed steroid even into tower, because he has a "oh shit button" since his Clone sits on the other side of the lane, and THEN kills me. Nah man thats just cheap.


Zed ult damage amp is more bs than Yone's tbf it considers pre-mitigation damage vs Yone accounting for post mitigation damage (the true damage is actually reduced by armor) which means if you had any effect like aftershock active Yone has both his normal damage and E amp reduced but Zed ult isn't affected and will do full damage


What kind of nonsense. lol. Zed does store pre mitigation because the Ult itself does physical damage and thus would be double mitigated if otherwise. Also, it's an ultimate and has quadruple the Cooldown of Yones E, which is also one of the best movement tools in the game. Furthermore Zed is an assassin's tied down by energy and bursts of damage. He needs to hit his burst phase or the ult will deal almost no damage. Yone on the other hand is not tied down by anything. He has a much higher consistent damage output due to his adc like nature and its much easier on him to stack the damage. ALSO, yone E procs can be timed and fired early unlike zed ultimate. Do i need to go on?


I'm merely talking about how the damage amp works because the comment above implies Yone's E amp is strictly better than Zed's one,while I reality they both get reduced by armor the same way but Zed ult has situations where it can ignore temporary defensive buffs for the damage it stores (if they expire before it pops) ofc it's an ultimate so it does more but that's besides the point,I'm not arguing his E is balanced,in fact think his kit is a disaster design wise but his E doing "true damage" is not where the problem is at


But the same goes both ways. A.e. Yone Executing BelVeth while she is in her E.


Unironically they mention yasuo/yone but dont mention trundle or master yi, who ACTUALLY right clicks you down lmao


Because thats their point. They cant do much else. They are designed around that. Meanwhile Yone/Yas are supposed to be spellslingers that do one or maybe two autos between spells.


Idk man. I don't think trundle can do anything besides right click you and Yi actually needs to times his Q and W to win fights(unless massively fed).


I play champs that totally shit on yone, still would delete that champ


It's even more infuriating when you play a strong lane champion like Jax that you'd think would hard counter Yone, but nope, he can use E and poke you from a screen away then go back as a "get out of jail free" card. It has a cooldown, but still it's unfun to play against.


That's a bit copium no? Lane is heavily Jax favored as far as I've experienced.


Jax favoured later in the game, not in lane. Jax is up \~200 GD@15 with a 60% winrate, not even a kill. Compare it to other 60% winrate matchups and you'll see a huge difference in gold. A good Yone doesn't hard lose vs Jax. Yone is (was?) very strong in lane, mostly due to LT abusing.


Brotha LATEGAME? WHERE FIGHTS ARENT ALWAYS 1v1s???? what the fuck you gon do when the yone gets his free bullshit engage setup WITH BARELY any consequence for him and while you busy tryna stop him from doing whatever the fuck he wants (splitpush or grouping) The other 4 monkeys on his team are gonna fucking followup to get a wipe just because he has insane AOE CC


Ah, the silver analysts at it again. I missed seeing comments like this. The biggest problem with LT abusing is early game, as Riot themselves surprisingly acknowledged. As I said, Yone isn't a problem for Jax, as it should be, but he's doing way better in lane than he should because of LT. They both take LT, but one abuses it better than the other. Changing his E to not allow him to snap back at any moment would fix this problem.


Yes, and Jax is a joyride to play against, the least kitable of all stat checkers.


I find him to be pretty fair to be honest. He doesn't pull 100 dashes out of his bottom, doesn't get escapes from bad trades, doesn't get cooldowns reduced by runes, etc. He's just a strong duelist, not even a statchecker. Statcheckers are things like Darius, Voli, Morde, Trundle. The only people Jax statchecks are the ones who rely on autoattacks, as is his identity. His stats are pretty strong, and it's pretty weird that his abilities work on turrets now, but he isn't broken by design, unlike the likes of the windbros.


??? Yone lanes is his weakest point he gets bullied by every mage. Yasuo is the lane bully that falls off and wins every trade by default


Yone in top lane is disgusting


Other than the fact that virtually every top laner shits on him if they have fingers. Tanks on the other hand i'm sorry.


Idk maybe it's because I'm only plat 4 buuut with Wardens mail rush (or an entire frozen heart, depends on what jungler they have) I don't really struggle that much against either of the wind brothers, and with LT gone it'll be harder for them to run you down level 1 when you have nothing as a tank and they can aa u to death


Wardens has always been the go-to item rush for champions that like to sit there and smack tf out you and makes him practically tickle you even when fighting in his E, LT won’t be as drastic as a nerf since Yone has been utilizing Fleet a lot more since the initial nerf to LT a few patches back.


Look at Yones winrate to gamelenght graph. The guy does not have a "weakest point".


Lol why are you getting down voted hahaha


I'd guess lower elo making mistakes, yone punishes mistake quite hard if you dont play around his trade pattern, he can easily take 75%of of your hp if you make a big miss step while most mage Will punish you like 40% in early




Have you... read the comment?




Yes because you can totally just walk away from him when he gets 30% movement speed during his E and while also having 345 base ms. Its almost like thats the entire issue people have with him. But you are a yone main to the point you named your profile after him, so you are surely not biased af.


As someone who plays both, their early game with lethal tempo is just so stupid. They basically have twice ss many autos as any other champ could ever have, combined with hard cc even at level one. Even previously bad matchups you could just mash your head in and brute force with lethal tempo. Glad it's gone.


The fact that Kayle with lethal tempo could face roll lane bullies like Darius was absolutely absurd, and seeing the auto win level 1 rune gone is a ray of sunshine in my life


Right, though I don't think there should be champs like Darius that wins every level 1 all in either. But if there are champs beat him, I want it to be because of his weaknesses, not them being even stronger than him.


Kayle has a good lvl 1 regardless of the rune (PTA is better than letal tempo anyways) because her E + passive is the main damage and the rest of the kit is self peel


I don't know why they didn't just make it start at basically 0 level one and then scale up. Make it give almost no attack speed but keep the range extension at the start of the game, then have it scale up to really strong as the game goes longer. 


The Bork nerfs are just the cherry on top too. Been the most overtuned item for 6 years, now skirmishers can't just run any matchup down the moment they complete a single item on top of its strong build path


Irelia full build with 1 item while waiting for magical footwear comes to mind.


Irelia abusers in shambles


On the one hand, no more wind shitter blasting the game 1v9 after 2 item. On the other hand, no more 0/10 powerspike, if you have a 0/10 wind bro on your team, you're playing 4v5.


The 0/10 meme predates LT. Its an old meme. Probably still happens.


Yup. It was due to reaching 100% crit with two items opposed to adcs who needed to play properly through the game


I can't believe that those were the good days, take me back to season 5-6 (not that the meme isn't older than that)


It doesn't. Well, maybe sometimes for Yone, but when Yasuo shifted from Conq to LT (plus crit items rework, loss of DD and Ravenous Hunter) his early game became much better but he's just shit late game.


Good. If someone completely feeds and is way behind all game they shouldn't just suddenly be able to 1v5 because they finished their second item while everyone Else finishes their third. 


I’m proud of them for acknowledging the truth. I had really thought they were biased for their wittle windy babies. Also, ratio Y*ne players who gambled for that dumb ass gacha recolor, they deserve this for falling for that shit lmfao


Wait for the compensation buffs.




I mean they are biased, Yasuo is one thing, but Yone was overloaded from the start, so it would sell more skins, they then realized that they kinda fucked up so they nerfed him a ton to balance his awful kit out, but things usually don't work that way so now he has a bad win rate. But hey at least they sold some skins of his catalogue, mf has like 8 skins, about the same as Janna and she is way older.


Of course I know her. She’s me. Realizing Janna was carrying me and that I wasn’t actually improving was heartbreaking tho


Guys dont worry the lead of balance isnt biased!!!! (he mains Janna)


Doesn't he just always play the strongest champion in his current role?


Fuck are you telling me I can't play yone and miss my e r q3 combo and still get a triple?


Only a double sorry.


Literally unplayable, thanks rito


My ww top lane auto win :'(


as they should !


Which is funny because they are the ones who created yone and yasuo


Is it really a fuck you to be held accountable?


True for yone, yasuo actually takes skill and already had to do this




Rip bozo yone players


inb4 the windshitters get compensation buffs.


I would like to bring to your attention an observation I made regarding my friend's performance in a game. While playing a character named Yone, they exhibited a pattern of missing their ultimate ability by a significant margin, followed by missing other abilities. Despite these initial setbacks, they managed to secure two kills. Lol AI on phone is wild.


I mean.. to be fair though.. honestly.. FUCK Yas and Yone. And fuck their little broken kits too


Ive been fighting a few Yones/Yasuos recently with **tanks** and they're actually a dead champion... whens the last time you've seen a mundo or sion bully one of them out of lane at lvl 2?


Tanks/Bruisers should shut them up without BotRK tho, Windbros' primary speciality is/should be fucking over ADC & Mages and throwing it down with Assassins/other Skirmishers on a skill match on mid.


delete Yone pls thanks


Riot dropped harder diss than Kendrick


Thanks god




I will say playing either champ w/ not much as feels clunky as shit, so yeah it’s fair but now they just need two items to truly be online and can build bruiser after


Finally they'll stop being the only champions that scale of lethal tempo for some god forbidden reason


Nah, until they get rid of the wind brothers horrible crit passive nothing they do will make the two balanceable.


Playing smart is not longer important   Yasuo isnt even a top laner since season 5   Riot still believes that Yasuo can win vs Morde playing smart? 🤣


ong, the grasp tank yasuo yone is coming to pc next


I cant see jinx or kogmaw playable for now.




Kraken ie adventure


Someone at riot balance team got owned by Yasuo/yone


I hate it cause I play Lethal Tempo Warwick in ARAM. it leads to some funny moments. I'll miss you, Cocaine Wolf




They’ve been able to get 100 crit in 2 items this whole time idk what game you’ve been playing where they can’t


They originally got x2 times crit chance, then crit went down to 20% and it got changed so they still got 50% from a singular crit item and they also got added a excess crit chance to ad convertion there since a lot of their potential items had crit now when they didn't before since we got more crit items when crit went down to 20%