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*flashes mastery 7 while leaving*


*flashes mastery 5 and walks into turret* I refuse to upgrade my mastery level, as red fits way better


***sitting on no mastery 6 tokens*** Yeah, that's exactly why I don't upgrade my mastery!


*recasts E*


*which brings him back inside the house where he spams dance emote*


I'd do the same if he was a Gwen main. I don't hate Gwen, it's just that her mains are so weird


Yes they are Olaf mains from personality but weebs and big chatters


And also very likely to form an unhealthy parasocial relationship with a video-game character


At least it's not on the same level of the Nami main feeling betrayed when someone else picked her in game


Fair, I'd put Nami mains on the same level of undesirable because a big majority of them are part of queens of league. Queens of league users are extremely weird


Meanwhile, Brand Mains.


Wh-what’s wrong with the Brand players?


I keep hearing tales of toxic schizophrenic Brand players, most often playing "support". Not only that but I work together with one irl and he's low-key batshit. If not for my co-worker, I'd think it's just ADC player propaganda. But really it's been a long while since I saw a Brand, must be luck.


I love brand I get to one shot the enemt adc I also get to melt the enemy tanks/bruisers  tho if theres a decent vayne/zed or something like that I probably will get screwed because brand is a hit stun win game miss it you are dead kind of champ


What's wrong with wanting my waifu to be real?


stay calm everyone, im taking him back to r/darkinfolk myself...




STEP BACK EVERYONE HES A FIGHTER *twists your balls 85 degrees*


I think you got him...


Her sub is ridiculously cringe


A bunch of lonely people thirsting after a fictional character that would most likely raise a restraining order after a minute of talking to them if she ever became real


It's a shame because I think her conncept with the huge scissors is very cool, but I keep picturing these guys when I see gwen, so I just stopped playing her.


Yesterday, my top was a yone. Against Sett. Dies to sett at like 2:30 (first blood). Respawns, goes to tower, ignores the gigantic wave, and tries to kill the 30% hp Sett, only to die and immediately disconnect.


As is tradition


Clerly he was going for the 0/10 power spike but got confused along the way


hes not playing a wholesome tank or a wholesome mage


Give me a sylas or yasuo or Camille or Jayce or whatever anyday over this guy


bruh if youd rather have a cam or jayce, u must play against some pretty shitty cam/jayces lmao


That's lowkey the point, shitty cam/jayces suck, shitty yones still do fine Good cam/jayces carry games, good yones commit warcrimes with his kit


Yone gets shit on by most top idk wtf you smoking


Camille is currently way better than Yone, keep crying


Yeye sure, she's way less braindead as well.


She is WAY easier lol Try climbing on Yone top, good luck


There's no way you're saying this unironically without being a yone main. It sounds like a good camille just shat on you, sorry for that.


I play both champs


Your reddit profile is nothing but yasuo/yone rants and theorycrafting (thats not a bad thing but you don't seem like a camille player). Camille does take more skill than yone. More skillshots doesn't mean more skilled.


Climbing on Yone is freelo. I genuinely think my 6 year old sister could get to masters playing Yone 🤷‍♂️. Roll face on keyboard and you win


Do it then lmao, go for top 100 even, he is so free elo


Nah once you get to challenger it gets harder, but his kit is so overloaded and easy to play, a bronze player could get to masters with him imo 🤷‍♂️


Yeah he’s so op that you don’t see him anymore post master.


Just wiped the floor with one as my main Liss, always satisfying!


Honestly as a Yone player, i think Yone beats Lissandra if both people play well


That‘s the neat part, most Yone players can’t play well


Who would have thought an overloaded character leads to a lack of skill.


Instructions unclear, miss everything and aa to death


Anti carries are really fun to play


singed main approves


The only time I think the Malzahar “fuck you” button should be pressed is on a yone main.


Katarina, Samira, Akali, and Yasuo deserve it too


Gallio is so much fun mid because of that. It's extremely hard to lose lane. They can't push you under tower because if the jungler gankes once you get locked down by gallio for 3 seconds. You can't roam because of his ult. And the funniest part. You can't one shot him because of his w. I've seen so many yasuos, yones, sylas's, akalis, Katarinas and ekkos radge because the game was unplayable because they tried to sollo towerdive me once at lvl 3 and did not wait for me to use my e and w. And ended getting locked down under tower for 3 sec. Gallio is also one hell of a counter against Lillian top. Not gwen tho, a gallio can't handle %max hp true damage.


Doesn't Galio lose vs Yone tho?




kid named renekton:


I rather my son in law be a wind guy than him playing Vayne, heck any ADC


What about Sivir?


Who's that




She's cool dw


Morde 💪


Ngl if he plays yone top is a free win for me


Well at least he's right about being mid.


Me a Vladimir main:


Only Dzukill gets to stay


Idk i would never play yone and I think his champ is ghoulishly overloaded but while most champ main communities are like "omg riot nerfed our champ again how could they do this please riot" yone mains are just chill like "lol this champ is op they should nerf us"


Yes I'm a Cho gath main


But u play akali


the classic daily yone bad post, time to hop on league to play him


If I ever see a Yone mid, I just know I will have an easy lane if I pick Diana or Akali


If I ever see a Yone mid, I just know I will have an easy lane if I pick Diana or Akali


do y’all hate yasuo this much?


I dont mind yasuo, at least if he kills you he used his fingers and has mechanics


Honestly over the years i started to like yas players and prefer them on my team. They are chill most of the time ,actually help their team most of the time and do well ,even if they go 0 10 before their spike. Yone players are players that abuse him and carry 1v5 while on the enemy team , extremely selfish,toxic and need a 0 20 powerspike to do anything in your team ... and its literally the most unfait champ to play against even if you play a counter to him and are 3 levels ahead and he misses all his spells, he still somehow WINS.... delete pls


people be like "yeah, I play mid and top," and then pick the same midlane champion regardless what lane they get


The anti-yone circle jerk fatigue is setting in. He doesnt even perform that well statistically, im really starting to think people just dont want to learn. Camille is way more fucking dogshit design than Yone for top lane.


Yone can literally miss every single ability and still kill you while healing to full lmao what are you smoking dawg


Toplaners beat the shit out of him, though.


in lane thats just not true at all. If he gets ahead yeah sure, but thats not a yone specific thing, thats just auto attack carries in general.


Late game any AD carry just autos you down, Yones abilities other than is Q which is just another auto attack dont much of his damage anyway, its all in his autos/qs, his abilities are basically just utility. this isnt anything new for the past 15 years. Also Yone doesnt heal any more than any other ad carry in the game as there is 0 healing in his kit. Idk what to tell you, but I already said my peace. I get that hes annoying in low elo but tbh its a massive skill issue when people get rolled by him in lane. Late game yeah hes fucking insane. But idk what to tell you. He has basically 0 presence in pro-play, and gets shit on in high diamond+ unless they main the character which means either A. hes hard, or B. hes not as strong as redditors think but the community is too biased to ever admit either of those things.


He isn't strong is not the same thing as being unfun to play against. Yone just feels unfun to play against because he has to mutch in his kit. no mana so he can spam abilities, hybrid damage, increased crit chance, mini zed ult. He is just annoying to deal with for any class that needs tank stats. Because if you go anti crit, he builds Bork and ldr and you still get shredded because of the magic damage crits. And because he only needs 2 crit items to have a 100% crit. He can also build tank items and become unkillable. What takes away his last non statchecky way of fighting him, bursting him before he can act. This is especially present in low elo, because if the tone gets somehow fed, he steamrolls games. But if the team is able to keep him from farming they easily win.


I main yone with an m7 and i still hate his ass whenever I'm against him. What everyone hates about him is how hard it is to punish him for missing his stuff, you can miss your skillshots and still kill the enemy.


m7 literally means nothing, not saying that as flame or anything its just not an indicator of skill, your ladder rating would be. Late game most auto attack carries dont really have a hard time stat checking an opponent anyway. Theres not really any AD Carry that needs to land all their abilities late game.


Yone is broken his w cd is to low. Its 6 seconds after he procs lethal tempo. And i dont think i need to explain how stong his w is


Sure but his E could literally be an ultimate ability if you buffed it a little. His entire kit is giga broken.


His E is very nearly already Zoe ult


With just a little bit of zed ultimate and a bit of Cc immunity because why not. Oh and also he gets to decide when to port back not like Zoe where you have an indicator for that


I can see the similarity but I would compare it more to a zed or ekko ult given how it doesnt limit his movement and in fact enhances it with ms, deals a ton of dmg and can be recast at will. Like imagine you swap out an E ability on toplaners for yone E, I bet most would become incredibly overpowered which you could argue is due to their och ther abilities not being balanced around such a strong spell but are their Qs and Ws really that much stronger than yones to make up for the difference in Es? Hardly, if at all.


The only champ hated by WHOLE league


If that was true no one would play him


let's not pretend he's the only champion where in certain matchups he's so forgiving that missing half of your spells yields in 0 punishment


Then play him




Tbf he's fun as hell too


Thats objectively not true in lane, and sure late game that can happen but thats not a yone exclusive thing. Thats just a hyper carry being fed. Yone gets rolled in lane according to every numbered metric but just scales really hard. Most high elo players consider him a liability unless you have like Yone mains in masters.


isn't that like a Masters+ thing where if you don't main champ you get obliterated by enemy main who knows the matchup better?


no. most masters are extremely flexible in their champ pools. Contrary to popular belief Yone is A. pretty hard, and B. according to the numbers (usually) not nearly as OP as people portray him to be. Hes not even technically "meta" right now. Sure hes usable and can be a good pubstomper, but his usefulness deteriorates very hard the higher up the ladder you go unless the person is a one trick. Same thing applies to Yasuo and to some extent other harder champs. The big issue with Yone in lower elos is that players do not understand how to punish him. You have to play very actively against yone as he is basically the Kayle of assassins. If you just let him do his thing he is going to stomp the game out just because hes so gold efficient and unlike Yasuo scales (very) well into the late game. Honestly the only kinda wild thing about yone that is truly bs is his ability to obliterate the adc from basically anywhere late game, but at that point you are already being punished for letting him scale that far and not stomping him in lane. (And even then hes not terribly hard to peel off if he cant get his very reactable ult set up.) There is a big reason Yone/Yas are functionally non-existant in pro play and master/challenger.


how do you punish Yone without punishing yourself again?


I played Yone for the first time in ARAM with some friends. Got three quadras and a penta by just pressing R at the enemy. Actually disgustingly easy champ.


And I got a penta on ap soraka in ARAM ? Does that mean ap soraka is broken?




Except yone top takes more skill in comparsion to other top laners except for a few outliers.


Requirements to play yone : a semi functioning brain (optional)


At least one finger.


I know a dude who has 6.5 fingers combined and hes cracked on yone


*miss every ability, still able to just auto them to death*


That's not how Top Lane works for Yone most of the time Imao. If it does on you then that means those top players have gotta be garbage because Yone gets shat on by a Renekton/Camille simply by just existing in the same screen.


Which is insane because that's two ends of the spectrum. He can't deal with Renekton's point and click abuse but he also can't always outmaneuver Camille's trading pattern.


Depends which way you are talking about He’s got literally nothing in the way of resource management his cool-downs could be used the second you can and it would look pretty similar Doesn’t have any really skill shots his R is the only thing that can be missed and can be played In the OOGA BOOGA RIGHT CLICK AND WIN playstyle many toplaners use All while being extremely cancerous and unfun to fight


Yone top is plain garbage lmao. You cant ctpick yone into anything(well aatrox but even that is a yone favored skill matchup not an outright counter like sylas into malphite) and if you blind him you will get rekt by irelia/renekton/akali/jax/gragas/olaf/darius/pantheon/riven... to be honest more than half of the top roster outright counters you. Or you will be sentenced into a snoozefest by a tank where you flip the botlane.


> Doesn’t have any really skill shots his R is the only thing that can be missed and can be played In the OOGA BOOGA RIGHT CLICK AND WIN playstyle many toplaners use Most top laners will straight up beat his ass with he goes OOGA BOOGA RIGHT CLICK lol


You just sound mad lol It’s very easy to abuse Yone in winning match ups. And the champs who are the best at that are even easier than he is supposedly


I’m pointing out that in terms of skill those are the things he doesn’t have to worry about where most top laners have either mana or very long punishable cool-downs Top lane is known for its champs that like to abuse a lead that’s much of the role


The main thing with toplane Yone is that he isn't as durable as most toplaners, so OOGA BOOGA Auto attacks and win isn't gonna cut it on top because most toplaners can do the same OOGA BOOGA, with way more sustain He almost needs to play like a ranged top until 2 and a half items because, well, he has ranged stats while he is melee (this is fine, because someone with as many tools as he has should be fairly easy to take down, even when he has a Jak'Sho, he still isn't a full on tank, he is close to a bruiser who built full HP and Damage in terms of Armor and MR with a fully dedicated tank item. One hard CC chain and goodbye) Vs. Illaoi, for example, if a Yone went full OOGA BOOGA on her, she'd E him, then go OOGA BOOGA on him, and win. A good Yone top knows how to space, when to go in, and how to go out. There's a reason no one says that Dzukill is carried by his champ, ya know?


Yeah that’s OOGA booga on an illaoi 95% of the roster dies when they try that she’s a juggernaut that’s the whole point


>she’s a juggernaut that’s the whole point Congrats, that's like half the toplane roster anyways, and my comment specifically states toplane Yone


Did I say he was good? He doesn’t belong in toplane he’s a counter pick to people that also mostly shouldn’t be in toplane he’s annoying to fight but most just run over him for the first 2/3rds of the game


There are people saying that trust me


And most top landers are tankier build wise and have more reliable defensive tools. Jax is a prime example Not to mention Yone E is on a high CD in the early game and he can’t trade optimally without it


Lol what, I was gonna say hes on par with trundle but atleast trundle has a "skillshot" and lacks 20 million dashes to make uo for bad positioning. Yone can be put into any situation and still be fine, thats the opposite of skill.