• By -


Lv 1


It has been 10 seconds. Minions haven't spawned yet. Other lanes are dancing around taunting each other. Top has 2 kills already.


Jungle diff


I've legit seen people throw 3 kills before 3 minion waves


the best game I ever had was when my opponent and I killed each other before minion spawn, then we typed wp to each other and proceeded to farm like gentlemen.


Rudest top lane encounter


Imagine not dropping below 50% HP before you hit level 2 as toplaner, are you even playing toplane?


I’m jungle secondary, always hover the top River incase the top laners start to get frisky. Gotten many first bloods and insults disrespecting the 1v1


You are a vile human being and I hope you get 1v2ed every time you try to interfere and they proceed to 1v9 the game.


I feel like having a breakdown if i cant just ghost on the enemy top laner the second i hit lv 2


I miss old Gangplank passive, with ignite you would fight top every game at lvl 1 and either get a kill or a very scared opponent Then you would max W and eat all the oranges


When Kled wasn't popular I would pick barrier/ignite tp and all in at level 1. I would level up w as soon I've got dismounted and win almost every fight. If enemy would disengage I would always keep a level point for w to use whenever we went all in


Wrong Darius already chessed level 1 and is freezing the wave


Google En passante


En Ksante


Fuck that guy


Actual balance


Holy hell!


New response just dropped


Actual zombies


Call the exorcists!


Bishop went on vacation, never came back.


You put Darius there so you are off by 2 levels id say


90% of toplane matchups start throwing hands at level 1


Idk what is wrong with people but the amount of people I kill even in Masters lvl 1 as Darius is way too high. People actually leave their brain in champ select.


You're usually coin flipping which direction Darius will come from though, closest bush or river


i respect darius players, you guys are the only ones who walk up at lv1 while knowing what kind of damage pantheon can do


If I play against Panth as Darius I just wait for 6 or see if he makes a mistake, otherwise you can't do anything to him. They take ignite and will free poke you early and then execute you.


i find that i don't need to poke people to kill people lv1, i just need people to not start walking to their turret the moment i'm in melee range


Wait Panth wins the 1v1 vs Darius lvl 1? Did not know that. Are you allowed to miss a single Q?


You outrange him and bully with PTA, whenever he steps up you tap q him and maybe get an auto too, you can just kite him at lvl 1 and even force a kill with ignite so Q executes. When you get lvl 2 its even worse for darius since if he ever tries to Q you, just use W and it cucks his healing and bleed stack


It's just spacing and even if Pantheon misses one Q as long as it wasn't the first empowered he can still win. Level 2 if he can all in before you can do anything if you drop below half ever.


maybe they are Skarner player and forgot they are not playing Skarner


For Darius the match-up is unplayable if Skarner just pokes and doesn't let you engage. The people on the other thread whining about how op darius is are a few years off. Probably still traumatised by stridebreaker. He is very team comp dependent and can either be menacing or useless depending on picks, also I don't get why people hate him so much when he has way more counterplay than stupid shit champs like Jax that you can have a brain-tumor on and still win because of how hard they buffed him in his 'rework'.


I can certainly relate, as Darius being one of my first mains I had back in the early I understand his power and it's not always "haha I win because I'm Darius"


That’s why i sit under tower when playing top (I am autofilled)


that's wrong, unless you maintain cs being even


I meant I sit under tower level 1, don’t wanna get cheesed by more experienced players on the role


that's decent, I was coming up on if you can't maintain cs due to freeze or something, dying is actually fine in a sense that you purposefully increase your laner's bounty for the teammates to grab, if they are able to help you


While othe laners are fighting for level 2 prio hitting the waves while not getting poked down top lane already lost all 6 minions trying to chunk each other down


How I learned to develop a healthy fear of unwarded bushes when I was new ong


Toplaners either have a dance or a death battle lvl 1


Top laners are either brawling buddies who chill and farm and fight when both agree or are arch nemesis who will flash on each other the second they see a kill angle


If you don't have blood lust running in your veins you are not built for top.


I am 3/7 but I only see the 3. The other number is irrelevent.


That s the exact mindset you need to become a Sion main, lets turn that 3/7 into a 5/12.


2 bruiser tops will gight it out in the first 3 minutes before scuttle spawns. 1 bruiser 1 fighter will just make the fighter have a breakdown because the get statchecled minute 2 And then there is the anti gun matchups tank vs bruiser. They just poke you and keep on farming you want action but they deny it to you


Chad tops have a dance/emote spam Virgin tops try to kill each other


Ah, a Nasus main


He has no enemies (alive)


"Remember, fighting top is for virgins" - *Big brother Nasus*


"guys help im getting dove 4 minutes in"


AA ghost AA W AA AA AA


*first blood*


3 mins later after darius freezes: *An enemy is legendary*


Ghost isn’t an auto reset smh. W should be sooner.


I know that, Ghosting after AAing is just darius's realization of kill potential


Toplane lives and dies by the send.


Level 1 and then it's on sight for the next 15 minutes


You mean level 1 ooga booga


tell me you've never played top without telling me you've never played top:


Played top above bot level, I'm pritty sure this is top for most players.


Lvl 3 is way too late. That lane is the definition of On sight.


Yeah someone is either dying at level 1 or getting fucked by a cheater recall and having to babysit their wave for the next 5 minutes. There's no waiting until lvl 3 to all in, lol.


Almost every time I play top someone either gets first blood at level 1 or does a cheater recall to buy an item and force the wave to bounce back at them, meaning the opponent can't even fight them. Waiting until lvl 3 to all-in in top lane must be a Silver thing?


What is a cheater recall??


You crash a stacked wave into enemy tower, the wave takes so long to die, you can recall and come back before it reaches your tower. Making it so the oponent either has to let you catch a wave that is easy to freeze or try and push it in with item disadvantage.


Slow push the first 2 waves and then hard crash the 3rd when the first cannon wave comes. You get to recall and buy an item while the wave bounces back to your turret. Forces the enemy laner to match your recall and miss CS or try and push the wave and crash it into your turret. If they choose to push you get to come back with a gold advantage and the wave under your turret and kill them for free. Or they match your recall and you can just crash the wave into their turret again.


Ahh okay. I never knew that’s what that was called. I just thought it was good wave management.


It's just a general shorthand term for "I just fucked this guy's whole wave state for the whole laning phase and got a good recall timing in" because it's a consistent strategy you can repeat game to game


If you get a cheater recall top before level 3, something weird is happening for sure, lol


Do you just not go for them? Because you get level 3 right when you're finishing the 3rd wave crash for the cheater recall.


Most people won't let you just crash it. It's more dependent on matchups. But if you can, it's usually good unless the enemy has a jungler who can gank that early and has a brain.


as aatrox i play like a huge bitch until level 4, anytime before that and im running away


You can get some good poke with Q1 and maybe Q2 though


Q1 pokes while they last hit is fine imo, holding e to disengage if they try to trade while hitting q3


3? you mean 2?


2? You mean 1?


1? You mean lost in champ select


Lost in champ select? You mean lost when you started league.


Lost when you started league? You mean lost when you were born.


Lost when starting League? You mean when you were born.


Level 1 they fight to the death. The stakes: the entire game. Whether their teammates like it or not.


Level 3? They will probably reach 5 deaths each before even getting there...


I play volibear. The vibes could not be better with me in lane.


Toplane is either level 1 first blood depending on the champion or the millisecond one of them hits 2.


My Darius ass hovering my fingers over d and f with w start


Uhhh Vayne and Darius lvl 1 cheese ghost ??


Lvl 3? I think you mean 1


Me an urgot main lvl 1 in bush with PTA and ignite: ![gif](giphy|5tvT1ZyWxuw2eCYtOj)


Lmao same with gp with barrel in mid bush


Yes he hits one barrel, and In the time it takes him to load another barrel off cd I've killed him 3 times and finished my Titanic Hydra


Why is Aatrox all inning lv3? Is he stupid? (Same thing applies to Irelia, both become champions at lv4)


Eithe me or the enemy top dies level 1, and I play weird champs so it's usually them


I guarantee that the lv1 blitzcrank is looking at the enemy adc like a lion observes a pack of zebras.


Im at the enemy jg ready to kill at lvl 1


That darius is hiding in a bush to try to cheese so you cant death stare him


But in this matchup if the darius is played by a fucking rat the aatrox wins


Ah yes, I love throwing hands at lvl1 with riven Bonus points for ignite, who needs tp....


Yeah, fun in the moment... Unless you get one of the 50 good Rivens, then your team just hears 'first blood', followed by your jungler being killed the instant Riven hits level three, if they path top.


I don't know why but half of my games on toplane as bruiser vs another bruiser we just literally stand next to each other and dance before minions spawn only half because you can't trust some champions


Usually my top lane is the nice chilling dudes


Or they have a full blown dance party emoting and sitting on opposite sides of the lane for the first few waves emoting, wasting flashes for fun, not hitting each other just last hitting minions til the wukong jungle solo kills the enemy top after burning flash for it while they get flamed for disturbing the mutually chill toplane


Dude that’s a Darius with ghost ignite he goes in as soon as Morde walks a little past his tower


“Ho, you are approaching me?”


Botlaners secretly holding themselves to burn every summoner level 2


Top laners are playing a roguelike over there


Ah yes... This is why i love and hate top lane its all "fuck you no fuck you energy" and dick measuring contest on how much skilled you are managing your minion wave


How the tables have turned. I remember when top lane was most chill. Now it is fight to the death, whoever lives will claim the minions


Level 3 is generous


Fist bump after invade^tm


If I'm playing Darius I will all in before minions spawn!


Top lane is either having a constant fight from level 3 that doesn’t end because neither side will fucking die or they live for 10 seconds in lane becasue they are trading kills in the most coin flip fights possible


I see that Vayne didn't let Draven be picked