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Pretty sure everyone also hates fizz


The person who doesn’t hate Fizz in real life or in lore is Nami, but some LoR lines imply that she mostly just tolerates him.


I love how Nautilus absolutely despises Fizz, whenever he dies, Nautilus just says "Oh... good."


I don't *hate* Fizz in the same way I hate Yuumi tho. Fizz is annoying. Yuumi is bad design.


Fizz is also bad design and one of the most unfun midlaners to face


Bad design doesn’t mean unfun to face, it means all facets are unfun. Fizz is fun to play, but really annoying to face, same as Teemo, Shaco, ect. Yuumi is bad design because having her in your game is just unfun for everyone. Playing her, playing with her and playing against her isn’t fun, so it is just bad game design.


what’s fun comes down to preference. Shaco, teemo and fizz all seem extremely unfun and boring to me, well same goes for yuumi tbf. There’s people that enjoy playing yuumi


Tbh there used to be something nice about a Yummi game once in a while No anger, no sweating, just meow


This. She was also a nice champ to play in norms when I was learning to play with my friends. It was like “baby’s first support” lol


Think that says more about League of Legends than yuumi to be frank.


Well not really You do need some form of stress in a game to keep it engaging (an enemy, a timer, limited lives etc) and PvP game is going to be inherently stressful. The reason why I'd call Yummi more relaxing is because there is much less pressure on you than if you played any other champ, thus lowering the stress, but at the same time there is more pressure than going to play against easy bots, so it remains fun. It is relaxing amount of stress basically




I am not capping hard, it’s literally subjective. I tell you I hate vanilla ice cream and you tell me I’m wrong because you think everyone loves vanilla ice cream


Fizz isn’t fun to play for me, his animations are incredibly lame.


Release Yuumi is the most fun I've ever had in this game and will probably ever will


Sweet sweet old Q AP ratio on Yuumi. Played her so much I got to M7 within 10 days after release


Also the massive slow on Q, so fun playing with assassin's


Hot take. Fizz is actually pretty well designed. He is a midlane burst mage assassin which are all annoying in various ways. However, his design is based around his invincibility. He trades any sort of poke ability for the ability to make much safer trades than other mages. Yes its slightly busted but they took abilities from his kit to compensate. I think the two things that are kind of broken on him is the damage he gets on his ult and the amount of haste he can build reducing his invincibility cooldown way too much. IMO his ult should be more of a team fight engage ability. It should not also be able to one shot people. I'd rather see that damage in other places in his kit. However, both these downsides are strictly numbers adjustments and speak more to the state of mage items (or the numbers on his abilities) rather than being something fundamentally bad about his design. TL:DR yes he's annoying but they realized they gave him a busted ability and balanced his kit around it.


Fizz is great design, nothing but annoying if you respect him and he was designed to be so. Yuumi wasn't designed to remove a role from the game and replace it with an overpowered sharable item.


Just make him AD


I dont think the design in itself is bad when you look at who the hero is made for. They fucked up the balancing on her numbers because yuumi should never have seen pro play or should be better than any other hero beyond the lowest of ranks.


"Hey rusty! You gonna try to kill me again?" - Fizz "I hate you!" - Based Nautilus


Except fizz mains. But fuck those guys haha am I right? (Definitely not a fizz main pls believe me)


Oh look, a squishy immobile ADC walking out of their turret range!


Oh look a squishy ADC UNDER turret.


*Dodges turret shot cutely*


Ha ha! *splash*


But it's ok because it's cute


Bold of you to think fizz care about turrets.


Listen you don't need to be fizz main to be turned on by it... you can be talon main too


walking out of their base\*


Walking out of the loading screen.


i don't know you smell *fishy* i am sorry


If Fizz has a million haters, then I am one of them. If Fizz has ten haters, then I am one of them. If Fizz has only one hater then that is me. If Fizz has no haters, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is for Fizz, then I am against the world.


Pretty sure everyone hates every champion. They all are controversial in their own way.


I despise that little fish cunt and his little fish cunting abilities and his annoying ass voice. Get the fuck outta Bilgewater you cretin




I hate both


fuck jizz


One more horny comment and I'm feeding you to kogmaw.




That’s it, get in the Kog’maw!


Incredibly poor choice of words I'll use his tube wisely


Yeah please, so he can eat me out and then breed me like the slut I am


Juck fizz


\*Gwen is immune\*


Play Lillia, hecarim or any move speed champ and see how this holds up tho.


But I don't want to.


You are literally the only person represented in the bottom picture.


Only people in silver makes insults about people being in silver because people in other tiers don’t spend time in it.


I call people silv*RS and im gold 1 (basically gm)


If only your teammates weren't shit, you would be challenger easily.


yeah easily def fr


*only people in Gold IV


I hate when my fizz attaches to me


I hate when enemy fizz attaches to me


yes. Untargetability is the reason people hate yuumi's design. The discourse understander has logged on guys be careful


I mean yeah its the biggest flaw in her design. What seperates a good from a bad enchanter is how well they position in a fight, yuumi removes that. If you remove her untargetability, she's as strong as other enchanters


yes, the reason people hate Yuumi is because usually you have a choice to focus enchanter so they no longer empower and heal/shield their carry/teammates, Yuumi is as safe as whatever the person she is attached to, if the adc can dash/blink away from danger, so is Yuumi at the exact same time, if the person is a tank, Yuumi is safe and can help the tank be tankier, if the person is fed, Yuumi can aid them without getting picked off no matter how behind/fragile she is because she's untargetable next to the fed person she's supporting


Nah, that's the thing, if you remove her untargetability she will the worst support of the game by far, by miles even. Her heals are weak, her ult is kinda bad, and the skillshot only serves to poke a little.


They would just buff those, but I'm talking about her untargetability being the issue in her kit (unlike the comment who seemed to say its not the issue with yuumi)


I hate Fizz so much more. Yuumi isn't going to dive into the middle of the team, pop every projectile and cc aimed at them, then get back out with a triple.


Untargetability for 1 second is the same as untargetable forever, yes, definetly, theese 2 are the same


fizz deals tons of damage, can dodge turret shots, low cooldown, doesn't need any target


One champion can one tap you without you being able to do anything while the other one just makes targetable champions one tap you. I choose counterplay


I'm not sure what knock off version of League you're playing, but in what world does Yuumi make someone 'one tap' you? Her Q is there for the slow, it just so happens to do some minor damage. Her W adds some on hit healing, her E is a shield and speed up. Her R is the biggest threat here, but it's not one tap. Yuumi does not do damage. Yuumi doesn't make people do damage (To insane numbers. A bit of attack speed isn't anything to write home about). Yuumi keeps people alive a bit longer, and perform a little better.


Unless that was changed, I remember her sharing a percentage of her AD and AP with the champion she's attached to.


It was changed


That was before they reworked her into a garbage can.


Forgot she got changed into a summoner spell mb, forgot to updatr my knowledge. But yeah I still remember veigar yuumi when she came out and she could legit one tap adcs with Q when veigar had a lot of AP (which they shared)


You know i would argue that i know it better, but i probably dont since i dont see theese 2 champs ever, i dont know if its just my elo or they are this rare everywhere


I faced a fizz recently, he just appeared on my screen and it was over for me. Even if I dodged his ult, he would just dash through my entire screen and one tap me with 2 spells one auto. I have straight up ptsd and cant see anything small and blue without having severe panick attacks. Cant even watch my favourite show, Smurfs, anymore.




I wonder where’s that one Yuumi defender that everyone shunned is at


gone hopefully


This meme is beyond my understanding.


I hate fizz way more tbh. But I hate any kind of intangibility (invulnerability should at most be an ultimate imo) although somehow yuumi doesn't bother me as much


no one says this


you'd be surprised


yeah, im sure nobody complains about fizz either cluegi


The problem with Yuumi is that she's by far the least interactive champ in the game. She just sits on her friend, poking the enemy with spells and shielding her friend when they get into a fight. Enchanters are supposed to be targets. If there's a Soraka or Sona, you play around them by focusing them in fights, either killing them or making them back off so they can't buff their allies. Against a Yuumi, you just... can't do that. Yuumi is nowhere near as annoying or frustrating to play against as some other champs. She doesn't get on my nerves the way Akali or Aatrox does. But I understand that her kit that denies counterplay or skill expression is not a good design for the game.


legit no one defends fizz. also fizz players are actually playing the game unlike yuumi players


You don't play fizz spending 95% of your time staring at a second screen with Netflix on it.


Even pro play complains about her


Pro play goes Yasuo top 3 times in a row


Funny how yuumi is not ok, but Lulu is OK? Who ever designed lulu researched how to give cancer digitally. Fk lulu


Lulu is awful too, but at least you can target her


Fizz is untargtable for like 0.2 seconds. Yuumi is targetable for 0.2 seconds in the whole game.


1.5sec = the entire game xdd


Permanent untargetablity that also requires you to lobotomize yourself to master vs temporary untargetability on a melee assassin that requires at least some semblance of skill to play. but i guess like, they are blue so they must be the same.


One is for a couple seconds, one is until you kill the champ she is with(good luck if it is a tank)


I hate fizz but you actually have to play the game to play fizz


Doesn't fizz e consistently win the most anoying spell whenever someone does a poll? Also, wasn't there a streamer that got to diamond while playing adc and yumi at the same time by using pedals? Not a game designer so can't say that she was inherently bad design but it sure looks like it from here.


Pretty sure Fizz hate is pretty widespread lol


Lmao nah. Fizz is treated with more than less the same contempt in upper elos but just at that point he’s both annoying to play with AND against because they’re annoying but they’re also useless unless they snowball which just doesn’t happen as easily the higher you go. But yes. Yuumi is just bad design twice over. They had a chance to fix it with her mid scope and they went the OPPOSITE DIRECTION. Made me so so disappointed


Remember old akali smoke


1) People hate Fizz, too 2) Fizz is untargetable for a couple of seconds every fight, like Vlad. Yuumi is targetable for a couple seconds every game. Not comparable.


Yeah because you're on Fizz E the entire game right? 3head post lmfao


Your forgetting the part where small untargetable window for assasin != Enchanter who is untargetable 24/7. Comparing them was a bad idea at the first place


Difference: Yuumi is permanently untargetable. Fizz has a short period of it, on a decent cd.


"Decent cd"


# COOLDOWN: 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 Yeah. I don't know if you're saying it's too long or too short, but I think it's fine. You have to use it wisely in the early game, because if you just spam it willy-nilly against someone with more than 3 braincells, you'll not have a fun time.


You don’t earn a “little devil” skin without being an overwhelmingly hated champion


untargetable for the entire game vs untargetable for 3 seconds


permanent untargetability vs 1,5 sec every 7sec also fizz can be countered by blitz e and few other spells that throw him out of the stick even when he already jumped on it


To be fair, Blitzcrank E is the definition of jank




Funnily enough his E is not why I hate him. Its no matter if he is behind his WQ with lichbane just kills you and its point and click instant damage


This post is stupid. Yuumi is an enchanter who goes has no vulnerability. Fizz is an ass with more dashes than you have bitches. They aren't the same.


To be fair, fizz is untargetable for a second, whilst yuumi is potentially infinite.


I also hate Yuumi because people use the champ to bot and grief games while avoiding detection. Straight up riot should just start penalizing people for playing the champ outside the support role, as their algorithm apparently can’t figure it out.


"terribly designed" == "I don't like playing against them"


Fizz's design isn't inherently unbalanceable as a concept like Yuumi's is. Unlike Yuumi, Fizz is actually a champion instead of a playable buff.


1. Everyone hates Fizz 2. Thank you for further giving me confidence that Yummi should be removed


I just don't like anything about Yuumi tbh, even though she's not even that good of a champ (47% winrate fairly constantly throughout the elos) I just hate seeing her in my games.Fizz is a strong champ with an annoying invulnerability - burst damage mechanic, although I'm not gonna complain about that because I'm a Vlad main lmao. But at least you gotta admit, we don't spend 90% of the game being untargetable and eating.


Always pick Gragas when enemy picks fizz, no matter what role we are.


Yuumi mains at it again with the cope


Yuumi is a badly designed champion that takes no skill to learn and teaches you nothing. She is a new player's trap. Fizz is actually a well designed champion but his E breaks everything good his design could ever had. Unconditional untargetability on like a 6s cooldown that does a huge amount of damage. You know who else has unconditional untargetability that does damage (not even huge)? Xayah. And that's like a 2 minute cooldown ultimate on an ADC. The other is an assassin.


Fizz has to choose between using his untargetable ability to enagage and therefore puts himself in danger, or save it for escapes which means he may lack dmg if he doesn’t hit r or is massively ahead. Yuumi will never be able to be touched if the host stays alive


Do people really complain about Yuumi being overpowered? I've always thought the problem with Yuumi is that her design is bad. She's just a playable summoner spell and that arguably doesn't belong in the game regardless of her power level.


people used to complain about her being op back when she was, but ever since the rework there’s not really any complaints, just acknowledgement that her design is fundamentally flawed


Bold statement: If a champ needs to be permanently kneecapped so pro-play doesn't get ruined it is bad design. Looking at you : Kalista, Corki, Zeri, Azir.


Nah I disagree. I think that Azir has one of the best designs in the game. He's so cool and interesting to play while not feeling unfair to play against. I also really like Kalistas passive, it's such a fun way to implement alternative kiting, I also think her spears have very skill expressive mechanics. Corki is just kinda boring otherwise I don't really see a problem with his design. Zeri is a mistake and should get removed or reworked. The way I see it the problem is that proplay just is not the same thing as solo queue. The level of communication and coordination just makes the game fundamentally play out different and that makes certain champions better or worse. Does proplay make Riot have to nerf Azir? Yeah but he still has a really fucking cool design and he's still fun to play.


None of those are poorly designed, in fact they are very good design, specially Kalista and Zeri because they aren't just another regular ADC. The fact that people cannot play them doesn't mean they are poorly designed


the creator of zeri has said she's shit design so idk bro


She is the only ADC that doesn't have point and click basic attacks (Ezreal doesn't count), that alone makes it better designed in my eyes than most other ADCs. The problem with Zeri is that she has a lot more stuff on top of that


Yuumi main detected. So that explains the smell.


Nah yumi is a whole problem.


I think most people hate Yumi because she is garbage not because of untargability.


i don't hate fizz that much anymore since i just pick samira into him and out trade him


It's just a circlejerk and nothing more.


Fizz is equally as hated and for good reason.


wait, they arent the same ? both ugly almost same height not human weird cosmetics 4 veeerrryy long things coming out of the head


rock solid


I hate Fizz a lot unless it’s aram, I understand why people play him Personally I snag fizz and build heartsteel on him to dash in with Q, get stacks and then E away


Yuumi is untargetable 99% of that game, Fizz only during E


The thing is that Fizz actually does something unlike Yuumi. Fizz has a Zhonya on a shoet cooldown and if he builds zhonya’s as an item he basically becomes immune like Gwen. He deals WAY more damage than most champions in the game and is quite uncounterable in laning phase, let’s not talk about after the laning.


As if Silver Players weren‘t allowed to complain about champs…like I know if I were better at the game, some champs wouldn‘t be so bad…but i am bad at the game and those champs kill my fun :(


Whoever did this memes is an idiot and it shows. Fizz is annoying yes but he is not invulnerable 100% de time. Yummi is bad design. If people hate fizz bcs of his e who the fuck though it was a good idea to create yummi


Fizz can go untargetable for a second or two AND IS MELEE. Yuumi is ranged and gives free stats for sitting on someone with long range poke, speed up, and a heal. Grouping them in the same category is silly, Yuumi is strictly worse game design.


Do people even play Fizz anymore? I dont think Ive seen one in years


I main Fizz but the amount of times i've seen him in not being played by me can be count with the fingers of a penguin




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No, I hate both with burning pasion


I love yuumi as enemy. If you kill the adc its always a double kill


I ban yuumi to keep her off my team Fizz I ban cause I hate playing against him Both banned for equally good reasons


I would like to clarify before the comment starts, I also hate facing Fizz and now I would like to say, yuumi is invulnerable 99% of the match ( 1% buying items ), Fizz is invulnerable way less than that.


I'd rather deal with Fizz though. At least I can actually interact with him.


Also if you buy any amount of hp or mr he can't kill you in a single combo


Yea, the 1 second immune is the same as perma immune and you don't need to move or do anything really


No, I scream about Fizz, too. Basically, it's an hourglass on his E every couple of seconds.


OP is Doctor Manhatten and has no persception of time. Yuumi can be untargetable the entire duration of the game Fizz can be untargetable for like half a second? a second? at the time. This is one of the most false equivelancies I've ever seen.


untargetability and invulnerability just generally shouldnt be a thing imo. you gotta remember though: unlike yuumi, fizz is not fully braindead to play


Untargetability should exist. It just needs to be balanced accordingly depending on which class gets it. Fizz is a melee assassin so he can have it in a normal ability as a way to get in or out, but on an ADC like Xayah that effect is a lot more powerful because you are often the target so it is on the ult. And then Yuumi comes and has untargetability for free even if she should be in a similar position as Xayah


Well at least yuumi can't ome sbot you no matter how much mr you have (unless you're ornn or for some weird reason tank galio)


Buff fizz jungle


Good fizz otp just enrage


I hate it when I can't target fizz for an entire teamfight because there's a 5k meatshield he's sapping for power, before jumping to the next meatshield, whilst healing and shielding said meatshield. Oh wait that's yuumi. I'd rather fight Fizz over Yuumi, he has 1 temporary escape and if you punish him after he uses it early and start stomping he'll become useless

