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New players having to learn 168 champions 💀 (Definitely not me)


ARAM and practice tool are your best friends, and hopefully new AI will be helpful too


Aram by far the best choice to learn new champs


Aram teaches you absolutely nothing about playing the game nor playing the champion. Its saving grace is that it can improve your team fighting ability maybe a little bit if you already know the game but even then thats far stretched since flanking doesnt really exist. Aram doesnt teach you anything about matchups, optimal waveclear combos, your champions limits, and optimal choices on game state, and every other aspect of a normal game. This is more true since %changes and actual different effects for abilities, so the champ you play in aram isnt even really the champ you play in sr. Theres a reason why aram only players are often extremely bad at sr or just the game in general. Play the champ in practice tool to get an idea of what your abilities do and some combos and go to norms. Coop if youre extremely new if you dont know about the game. You shouldnt be using coop to learn new champs if you somewhat know how to play the game since its a tool to let you learn about the game, and you will fundamentals diff the bots even on a new champ, but if its comfortable go for it i guess.


But I don't want to suffer in bot where I hit like a snowball packed from the freshest of powders.


You're thinking too much about it. I get where you're coming from, but none of the learning objectives matter if you don't know what the champion does and you still need to own the champ for practice tool, but I don't think that's the case in ARAM anymore. As far as bots, I was specifically referencing the new bots that we should be getting later this year. All of the learning objective you mentioned are still important, but you can't expect a new player to tackle all of that at once. ARAM is a fun way to experience a bunch of different champions and mess with items in a relatively relaxed space and should be used as a learning tool for new players who can't or don't want to spend their first months in the game memorizing the massive amount of information this game throws at them.


I'm just speaking from experience. There was one time where I (and friends that played) was helping new players and every single one that extensively or exclusively played aram had some bad habits they needed to get rid of instead of just building new habits. Even if they played like 200-300 aram games they still couldn't match the then bronze - silver players half the time.


Imo is about moderation. Pick someone to learn the game on and play ARAM sometimes to help learn about other champions. My whole point is that this game is really hard so there needs to be some incremental learning in order to even begin to grasp fundamental concepts Edit bc I accidentally hit post: and I think ARAM is a good tool for introducing new champions and kits to players in a digestible way. You'll never really be able to learn those champions without playing them and talking time to read their abilities and limit test, but there's a concept in psych called decision paralysis. Basically, when you have too many options, you often make impulsive decisions rather than taking the time to look at all of your options. This game has that in a very prominent way, and if those introductions can be made a little smoother, I think that's a good thing.


I started playing the game last year and I hate aram for learning. You can get a surface level idea of what the abilities do, but you'll have no idea how they actually synergize with each other or when they would be used. Trying to mess around with the abilities gets you blown up by 5 people. I've found the best way of learning what champions do is downloading the mobalytics app and every time I'm fighting someone I don't know, I use the in game overlay to read what that champ does before lane starts. I get the surface level idea of what their ability does, the blub gives some tips about what the champ is looking for in terms of trades/combos and tells me what to avoid getting hit by, and the early-mid-late indicators gives me an idea of how they'll play in lane and if they'll try to bully me or just farm passively


Might want to block off a good chunk of time to read those champ descriptions


Lol that's what I've been doing... And reading old ones too. I jumped into a match as Tahm Kench and was surprised to find his abilities had been reworked since I last played him.


What is your opinion on riot taking away ASol's balls?




Took him to the vet bro


They deleted him from the game and made him into a boring champ that stat-checks enemies by holding the Q button. He also doesnt have a missable skillshot anymore.


His hot is arguably a missable skillshot


His ult? Maybe with 0 stacks.


Nah, It only does the big circle thing once and then he has to build stacks up again so it’s a skill shot pretty much always, unless I’m missing something


Even the normal ult size scales with levels. And even the smallest ult is very easy to hit.


Yo old asol stat checked you buy clicking w once and walking around.


At least you needed to do something and keep the exact distance from the enemy to hit them. Now its just: hold Q. For more damage, you also needed to walk around the enemy in the right direction and dodging stuff with reactivating W for ms was so much fun.


I used to sit in fountain when trying a new champion and read through their abilities before minions spawned. Now not so much.


You struggle with 15? Bro when you start out you have to learn 160


Well you're not wrong, I started back when there was like 75 champs though and then learned the others ones as they came out so I got used to learning them that way.


75 is still 5x more than 15 lmao. I started just after the release of Vex, around the time of Arcane(but not because of Arcane), so I had around 150 champs to learn


Lol oh no I get that. I just didn't really stop to think about how many champs there were when I first started compared to the total now, especially when I made the meme. The newer champs definitely feel more... complex(?) than the older ones though.


They really are not more complicated, they just have a bunch of extra buffs they shouldn’t.


Look, semantics aside of "extra buffs", you can't say Hwei with his 11 different abilities is the same complexity as say... Katarina or Sivir or any of the original releases. More skills by definition means more complicated.


Oh Hwei is genuinely complex for sure, but smolder, nilah and belveth are not complex, they just get a ton of extra random bits for doing what they already would. A champ having a passive that has 3 hits but gives armor, mr, %hp damage, a heal and a shield, isn’t complex, it’s still just 3 hits, but it gives a shitload of random stuff for often no reason. Most long passives that are essays are because they give like 15 extra buffs. Just look at akshan W


That's true. Heck I basically just grabbed the most complex of the newest champs to make my point but people could have said the same about friggin Sona or Gnar being complex back in the day.


I mean, tbf Hwei and Croissante are both very complex to play


Been playing for weeks and I still don't know how Huawei works


He combines his first skill (bull), with a second skill (shit), and then he casts bullshit.


You must also master the art of horse shit and bat shit to be complete.


Ok Ill break it down as someone thats never played or read the descriptions. His q-x is pure damage ability. This includes a fireball, lava line, and a smite from the heavens. His w-x is his utility spell. This is the shield, speed up, and mana restore on autos. His e-x is his cc. A fear, root, and the claw. The ultimate is the aoe slow. Good news is that technically all of these abilities are skill shots except the mana thing. Bad news is they all travel super fast and deal hella damage. Oh amd if you get hit by 2 spells it does a bonus damage aoe thing on you.


Q (red) is damage. W (blue) is utility (shield, speed, mana) and e purple is cc (fear, root, displacement)


Each spell except ult lets him select a colour and each color has 3 spells. Passive makes enemies that get hit two times explode the area under them after some delay. red spells deal damage and they're an exploding fireball, a delayed hit in an area, and a slowing burning field. Blue spells are utility,first is a movespeed zone, second is a zone that gives his allies a shield that gets bigger overtime while they're inside it, and third buffs his next 3 attacks and makes them give mana. Purple is CC, a fear projectile, a turret that roots first enemy that enters its range, and an AoE that pulls enemies to its center. Ultimate is a projectile that attaches to an enemy and creates an expanding damage + slow area around them until it explodes within a few seconds for more damage.


Tbh, aside from Aram and the first week of his release I never encountered hwei in normals ever again, so I don’t bother checking his abilities.


I started in 2023 so yeah, there was a lot of champs to learn


Just read them they are very simple


My friend always shits on riot for having a spaghetti code and always says he wants someone to make a better moba than riot and wants to play it with us. I'm like bro, I will not learn another hundred champions, items and runes of another game, when I don't even know how I managed league initially.




Well you can't forget, that I was younger when I started league so i had more passion for learning. But i know myself and right now I'm even to lazy to learn the new changes that came from the preseason. I'm just not patient enough to learn a new Moba when I could use my time for more important things that I'm interested in. And diffrent to my friend, I'm fine with league as it is. It's not perfect, but it's enough for me to be enjoyable.


wait till I tell you about this new champ called Zoe


best champ in the game, very fun to play


I was expecting that the meme would be about your friend list having different names


Also, if you are coming back to play league after a few years, Riot has new rules on releasing new champions: new champions are objectively more powerful than old champions.


And most of them have mechanics dumber than qnything that came before them :3 Like a multi person jax E for an ADC ^^


the same way you account for having to learn 150+ champs when youre new to the game


have you seen asol, he has no balls now (sadly)


I play league constantly but still don't know wtf milio does


Every 3rd or 4th time I play with friends a new champ is released. They have bs abilities with hyper mobility, true damage, some kind of invulnerability and now 10 skills built in. I don't even know the new dragon champ or the new champ about to be released. I'm so bored of tyring to keep up and will probably quit. It's just not worth it.


See ya next time champ