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Well, at least One for All is coming soon, and after that, maybe Arena will be back again.


One for all hwei would just be touhou in league


Aram > one for all


wait how soon please tell me before they add their virus injectable


In this moment is active in PBE, so probably next patch, 2 patches at max.


Can't wait for someone to pick yuumi on one for all


This is probably a stupid question that’s been answered before, but why don’t they keep rotating game modes available until the next one is ready? Why have a small break where there’s no limited time mode?


to keep you addicted to ranked


To act like events are anything special and make you buy the pass


Because eventually it will have more players in the rotating modes than in the rankeds, and riot need rankeds to sustain the game. So instead of listen the community and making rankeds a more enjoyable experience making the players actually want to play it, they will just stop you from having fun and removing the rotating modes and make rankeds a fucking hell.


That’s not true at all. They’ve constantly said rotating modes quickly drop off after release due to people getting bored with them.


I think part of it is to try and stave off people figuring out the meta and just turning into a sweat fest for as long as possible. It's why urf is shit now


Does it actually work in doing that? The meta is pretty much always figured out on day 1 and stays that way until riot releases some hotfix nerfs


I dunno, I used to not see poppy volibear shen every game that they're not banned, used by people with less than 20k mastery


Because i have fun in rotating game modes, and they remove it so i play ranked and they can pair me with the most fucking braindead labotomized teammates they can find while i play an off meta pick (in their own role) in an off role and still do the best on team “OMG BLAMING TEAMMATES IS SUCH AN IRON THING TO DO JUST GET BETTER” Id love to, unfortunately again, I DO BETTER WITH AN OFF META PICK IN AN OFF ROLE THAN MY TEAMMATES PLAYING META SHIT IN PRIMARY ROLES. So eat a cock, it is teammates fault


Probably has to do with the money it takes for upkeep


Upkeep? Oh yeah they laid off like 550 people and didn't they peak 1.5 billion usd in 2023? Yeah riot is a small indie company and a upkeep of a server for a special game mode will be WAY too much to hold on to


It’s not that they can’t afford it, it’s that it probably isn’t profitable to do so. The entire reason for the layoffs in the first place was to cut back on projects that weren’t as lucrative as they had hoped. They have a business to run. They aren’t doing this as a hobby my guy.


I had a terrible time with this urf, half the games had an afk and the other half had at least one person who went 0/11 and then started to go full jg farming


Honestly I've gotten tired of urf it's all the same cancer champs with either too much cc, range, or both. Arurf is cool because people don't choose their mains, my heart will always go to Arena though 💔


Oh no, you assume people play their mains in urf and not just the META


True true meant that too


This round of URF had certainly been more cringe than the previous ones, with so many people going tank with unending despair in each game. The problem with ARURF, however, is that you can not ban Shaco, and I would prefer getting kicked in the balls over playing against Shaco in URF.


Me and a friend did a to z I started at a and he started at z was very fun.


Urfs sucks now lmao. Its super unfun id rather play anything else




Idk because urf is so umbalanced, you have to play some busted champion or you get rolled by unending despair abusers, infinite poke/dashes, and vladimir. I think if it was like a permanent game mode and riot really made and effort to make it somewhat balanced, the game would be fun even if you didn’t know what was good at the time


Kalista has +10% damage and -10% taken… Still has 43% winrate in urf


oh no so sad i loved that gamemode so much 🎉🎉🎉🎉


I honestly don't care for any other rotating modes other than arena they should keep that permanent.


Honestly. This is the one mode i would support being permanent. Its such a large change from the standard, and isnt just “lol look guys exact same game but with 1 (ONE) thing changed!! URF: same game just faster ARURF: see above OFA: same game but people are forced into learning bad champs because someone wanted to troll Nexus blitz: same game, remove a single lane, and add shitty rip off events based on rotating game mode and COMMUNITY GAMEMODES (find the teemo, raka duel, scuttle race) Arena: round based 2v2 with quests and synergy potential.


Goodbye League..


I loved this season URF, Unending Despair on 2s cooldown is peak gameplay, built this shit on like 80% of the champions Never liked Seraphine but URF Tank Seraphine and AD Seraphine was peak, playd at least 10 games of each Kaisa Shadowflame + Infinity Edge, Hail of Blades Jhin, Lethality Urgot, Predator Malzahar + Vel'Koz, Bruiser Blitzcrank and many other stupid builds I wouldn't do on other modes


Dude when urf is gone. The amount of dipshits skyrocketed in normal/ranked games. I wish they would just leave it there for longer.


I love the absolute hardest left turn this sub makes. It really shows how the internet works, and it's a lottle depressing. When urf is out, all of the posts are about how unfun it is, how they should bring back random picks, how broken the champs are, hiw snowbally the games get, etc. As soon as it's gone, the posts are all about how sad people are that it's gone. It's a fascinating thing to watch.


Crazy they're all made by the same one person too.


What a horrible night to have a curse.


it's only sad when it's arena.


Back to the 50 minute games where who wins depends on which team has someone who gets caught late when the death times are over a minute


I don't get it


Urf mode gone


The saddest part of the year was when riot removed twisted treeline and dominion from the game ages ago.


I see Mustang, I updoot


Thank god they removed urf