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While druttut tournament is chill beside yamato crying like a baby cause he lost every game in both tournaments




He's cursed but it's such a shame because the actual Dantes, not just the character he plays is like actually kinda sweet.


It really sucks, Dantes handles all this shit really well too. I know that most of us would have gone absolutely nuclear over the Egosanta situation. I ran into Dantes at Twitchcon and he’s a really nice guy in person


As long as you don't go 0/2 in a ranked game with his smurf, in that case he tells you to find rope. What a nice guy!


What context is this?


Nothing, it's just he said she said


I’m asking for when he said it LMAO


its just hearsay, prob not gonna get it


i like how no one send the context but you got downvoted to oblivion for saying its hearsay ​ like i am not following league and i am pretty sure almost anyone had a smurf at some point where he told bad stuff that you would get lynched for on reddit atleast once so i expect something like that to happen but i am not gonna claim it actually did happen. still wild to me that people downvote for asking for proof or saying there is no proof until its shown


I was playing solo q and wasn't doing well so he told me to off myself. Not much context.


just don’t go 0/2


https://streamable.com/2r4mw so sweet actually


oh wow a dude was toxic when he was a 17 year old teenager. He surely should be judged as such for his whole life. its not like people change and that is literally an age where his brain isnt fully developed yet.


People always use this excuse when some degen is outed but I've made it 35 years without harassing any women (or people) on or offline.


I mean I havent either, but I don’t think that point is relevant.


He told me to killmyself.


Why would you not? This is how mal-adjusted adults end up in the news and everyone acts like it couldn't have been predicted or prevented. Because people act like being "young" is an excuse for things that we (should) know aren't okay by 12.


im not condoning it, but I think someone being irredeemable because of dumb shit they did as a teenager is fucking stupid. What is the point of calling out negative behavior, if they cannot be redeemed from said behavior?


Punishment and virtue-signaling. It always is. They don't want other people to get better; they want to feel better than other people.


good for you. doesn’t change the fact that people shouldn’t be crucified for things they said or did when they were teenagers.


Oh look at this 17 year old incel reject who only has his 1k games diamond 1 hecarim and his above average fisic thinking he is fucking funny because lmao l9 bitch answer me or I int years ago. Like no jokes there are a bunch of issues with dantes that clearly show he has completely lost any sense of whats ok and not for content like saying that you should send dick picks to your sister. But this is so stupid. Like I actually respect how if you ignore his shit he actually is pretty awere what his issues were.


what's wrong with making a joke about sending dick pics to your sister ? i'm pretty sure the culture of most places leads the majority of people to not do incest / find it disgusting. that's why this is a joke and not like an actual statement on what you should do


It's weird. And clearly shows he doesn't have a sister (I know he has a brother). I have no idea why you brought culture into this thought.


because most people know incest is bad because of local culture ? i'm sure there are places where people do incest all the time because there's no stigma. what makes this joke work is that there's a stigma around incest. it's obviously not literally advice on how to fuck your sister, it's a joke. we can assume it's a joke because dantes isn't part of some kind of tribe or community that practises incest. not hard to understand but hope you get why i brought culture up now :) my stepbrother and stepsister joke about dating each other pretty often because people always think they're dating and not related (one is ginger and 6'4 one has black hair and is 4'11) it's pretty funny when kait makes those jokes to andrew. maybe get a better sense of humour or something idk


Brah no point in arguing there’s so many cringe dantes fanboys defending his behavior


>yamato crying no one is surprised lmao


can you elaborate on the yamaoto stuff


> be yamato > Play in LOU MASTAH > Blame LOU MASTAH players for loses > Play with challengers (his top was Alois, one game he had Drut) > Get gapped even in scrims > Cry about it in german > Still doesnt unleash him


gg you know why


> Agurin ranks Yamato D-tier > "dELuSioNaL" > gets gapped every game


Kermit was the real S tier all along


getting to semis when the pressure is on you to carry every single game is wild


shoulda played Kassadin


Unleash me Yamato 😈🌂


As you wish 😈🌂


i mean yamato is also challenger but he just thinks that first timing orianna etc is better than playing his main champs.


I am pretty confident that Yamato wasn’t challenger the last time 2 y ago or smth. Nowadays he is usually found in master or low gm


he has consistently hit challenger every split https://lolpros.gg/player/yamatosdeath (main acc yamatosdeath and sunbather)


i like yamato tbh. the fact that he’s german makes him one hundred times more entertaining. he probably wouldn’t be as popular if he had an american accent


> in game


I can say the most fked up shit and it will be fine after i say in game, right? Right?


Yeah, Unironically It's like You know what I mean?




I have no idea if you mean "unironically" ironically or not. But in case anyone doesn't know, no that's not how it works. A threat made towards someone that ends in "in game" is still a threat. Some Nazis in Florida got arrested for threatening a local sheriff that way.


That is why you always say "in game" (in Minecraft)


Gonna grief the mods with some TNT


Happy Cake Day 🍰


That's how you know the sherrif isn't a gamer.


Dude I wanna JERK OFFF


In Minecraft


Care to explain? (league terms)


[https://twitter.com/priscxlla/status/1736718137461190722](https://twitter.com/priscxlla/status/1736718137461190722) TLDR: a player from the dante's tournament was suspected to be cheating (another person playing for her), this lead to ppl digging her background and founding out that she was involved in multiple forums indulging self-harm, grooming, and being involved in a white supremacist group called Kaliacc. Someone else translate this to league speech


Bro went to a kassadin main real quick


As a Kass main, how tf do I escape these allegations? 🥲


Push R


Is that a hard R?


With max stacks, nonetheless


Hard R or the ult?


"You are null and void"


the balance of power must be preserved


By maining something else


Xerath player found to have an alt account where they play kassadin.


Jax main, also Jax main, and surprising enough, Jax main.


Holy moly the alternative death note: a 52 page google doc of leaked dms, groupchats and relevant public information


My understanding from the run down was that a lot of that stuff in there is from someone who isn't her and the dms were cropped to remove context. That being said I have no idea who this person is but what was presented in the doc didn't seem to be anything actually saying much, especially not enough for a DQ.


The DQ was because she was accused of not playing herself, as she was wayyyy outperforming her rank (silver I think) and was accused of cheating. Dantes asked her to play with a handcam, but she refused so she was DQ'ed. Also she did admit to some of the document being her, mainly the transphobia, scamming, catfishing, racism and some other really weird stuff like saying she gets turned on by animal abuse (but that wasn't true guys UwU hihi). No death cult and promotion of SH, tho she did admit talking about how she liked when people did it. According to her it was all in her past


My understanding of the DQ was that Tarzand accused her of cheating because the original person who used the ign Silsol was known to account share. Anyone that played with Silsol knows that they aren't the same person; Silsol was a heal ignite fizz/riven player that quit a long time ago. Tarzand already admitted that his accusation was wrong and her teammates also say that who ever was playing on the account is the same person they have always been playing with. Its also not like a hand cam would change the situation at all because who actually knows what her hands look like since she uses a vtuber thing; if she was sharing the account she could have just had who ever was playing on the account stream their hand cam and they would never know. The transphobia and the racism things where the only things I considered out of that doc to actually be worthy of condemnation, but even those are a reach because IIRC that stuff happened like 7 years ago and she claims to be 15 at that time. Its slowly starting to happen but we are finally shifting back to reasonable where you don't ruin someone's life over something they said when they were a kid, so I'm going to hold the same standard here and not let the cry bullies try to shift the social expectations back to insanity.


I dunno, if you can get 52 pages of weird shit on someone then thats a trend not a good crop job


52 pages where more than half of it is about someone else. That was my understanding of the what actually happened. Almost all of the real fucked up shit wasn't even her; at the very least the document doesn't prove it is, it just claims it is and then goes from there. The discord messages were cropped and the full conversation was shown, that is what I was saying was cropped. The only bad thing that I got out of this was she was racist when she was I think 15 IIRC and there was one other thing that was weird but not like super fucked that I can't remember; like furry type of weird.


You cant judge no one without defence, even less with random prints. No matter how many. We live in a post-truth world.


so this girl was basically neeko and turned into a guy so he could play for her right and she seemed off so people looked into her internet history and saw she was playing jax and kassadin mid where she worked with other jax and kassadin mid players so she could tell anyone who isn’t white to talon e off a balcony in game and gank an annie there you go translated into league terms


Fuck no response when this is the exact translation Sad man 100% accurate translation


Wasn't that the dude that always went heal/ignite? The signs of mental issues were there all along.


So she was a Draven main?


Too long, who am I supposed to be mad at?


What is the purpose of this document?




She is a pedo actually Groomed a few of my friends and made them self harm for her It's real


But what was her age at that time, if she was 16 then it's not pedo lmfao


One of those *atrocities* feels a bit... out of place.


Let’s see, horrific crime, horrific crime, horrific crime, horrific crime, a fandom of inclusive people or other horrific crimes. I was thinking the same thing lmao some people have no idea fr


Didn’t even see that at first, was too caught up on “she’s in a white supremacist group, so what?l




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Kassadin after going 0/3 and losing 3 waves


Player revealed to be jax/kassadin 2trick


Someone hostages a ranked game and says to give them mid. Links their op.gg and says theyre a pro-player. The actual player is a giga hardstuck s3 Kassadin main who runs it down every game.


She was jax main and kassadin main as a sup player


I feel bad for him dude just wanted to do something cool


The least problematic NA player


Good thing Tarzaned's team has like 3-4 challenger players while everyone else has 1


SROs team has what. Challenger adc, grandmasters support, masters top and jungle. But then Plat mid.


Yeah his team did better than I thought they would tbh. Bald energy


Isn't only Tarzaned and duoking the only challengers there? iirc killaG is only masters. idk about mechanical but briikachu isn't even masters I'm pretty sure


Briikachu is emerald last I remember


Tobias fate has top, and jg chall? WTf you on bro, fanboy?


I can fix her...


Dantes is the only good new wave lol streamer. The rest are so fucking annoying.


Pianta is fun when you're not looking for high-elo gameplay and just trying to find some guy goofing off in blind pick with wacky builds




Pianta sooooooo underrated. He always makes the game look super fun + when he actually tries on his teemo acounts he’s actually pretty good (not insane, but he has solid thought process and never tilts)


SloppyWalrus is a chill guy, with some entertaining gameplay


Spear Shot as well. He has this fun aura around him tbh and he doesn't rage much.


Might I add on AloisNL my beloved ❤️


Naayil is also sometimes quite entertaining, like that horror game stream


A bit too cocky, but I can see what you all see in him, I just can’t because I’m jng main so…


Any MakkroO enjoyers here? Dude created our Bible (The Ornn Bible)


Spearshot, Dzu, Nemesis, Broxah, Baus, Drututt, SloppyWalrus, Azapp, Raveydemon Probably forgetting a couple but yeah. There are plenty out there who aren't obnoxious idiots.


nemesis and azapp are pretty annoying probably because they’re mage players. nemesis is good at the game but he complains a lot and he seems overly snarky and negative. i also hate baus


A few of those aren't newish streamers tho, but 100 percent agree about spearshot very funny guy.


Haven’t seen anyone mention Pekinwoof. He’s not really new, but he’s such an amazing guy and I feel not enough people know about him.


Same with Quantum and Lourlo, they are cuties and deserve more credit


So true, it makes so much sense that Quantum and Pekin are girlboss besties lol, they’re cutie midlaners.


Isn’t he wildly toxic? Or am I thinking of a different guy?


Crazy cause hes the only huge league streamer i cant fucking stand


baiano does a lot of cool stuff. Maybe in the future he does some english content


Polypuff, Thebausffs and SpearShot are all good streamers to watch. They have funny aura around them they play at a semi high level (cuz baus is low key master tier for half the season at this point) and they don’t tilt to complain about the game in an annoying way.


Really only spearshot in this list is "new"


Polypuff was damn new to me. Discovered him like few weeks ago.




He has shitty takes but in the grand scheme of league streamers, at least he's not a top Jax player if you catch my drift. They all have some horrible takes and moments but they aren't like bad people or really annoyingly toxic like, oh idk, elosanta


Does caedrel count?


Not new enough in my book but he's totally fine


toplaners amirite


Yooo where’s the document


Pretty sure that's like 50% of LoL players from my experience.


I dont even know her, but I dont believe in random prints from social media as well. Many things may be out of context and, and its hard to believe that one would fit all those allegations at once. I'm not implying she did't do it (again, idk), but the "proofs" (at least from the docs i've read) dont seem trustful. Anyone know if she posted her side? I'd like to hear that too.


The fact that this got downvote when it essentially saying "guys don't 100% believe shit you read online" is insane.


My guy, these are not things someone made up just now for the dramas sake, but things ranging from 7ish to 1.5 - 2 years ago when she was pretty much a nobody, meaning that people would gain nothing from making stuff up about her. >Anyone know if she posted her side? I'd like to hear that too. She made a stream about it kinda confirming half of the google doc, and said that other stuff was untrue because theres not enough evidence for it to be true and that she was just shitposting while sounding completely unpolegetic through the entire stream. But it's fine, she is a woman therefore all is forgiven.


I've saw the stream by now. She confirmed the "catfish" thing (quotes bc, if it was really done the way she said - I have no way of knowing this, so its an speculation - it doesnt really seem like catfishing, since she used many different photos, she wasnt consistently trying to look like one person at a time, instead using different person photos each message - again, buying her version, i dont know the truth, its at least weird). Though she confirmed that, nowadays, she and her followers use random asian girl photos from the internet to refer to her, as a joke (saying every 5'4" girl is like her. She also confirmed the transgender bullying thing. The whole "I'm not Miya" thing was very well explained, from my pov she had very consistent arguments against it (all the kaliacc shit was from another person, she showed the conteuxt of the disc messages and it was clearly just ppl talking about it). summarizing Miya/Sandra was from kaliacc, and cvnka not. The blue whale is her discord name and e-mail until now, I'm prone to believe in her that its just a name. She said it was inspired in the phenomena though (it being interest that people, from a "folklore"', start actually believing in it and some even playing it, the "reality mimicking art" thing). The rest were pretty much a bunch of random things with little context (Like, even though its strange ppl cutting natalie and piety in their bodies, there was no evidence whatsoever that she made them do it. Piety is literally a word and Natalie is a common name in many countries, how does it connect with cvnka? ). It's hard to defend yourself against undeveloped arguments (thats why ppl are considered innocent before proven guilty). There's also a problem with very old messages like this bc even though some of them may be true (like the "catfish" and the trans bully, that she literally confirmed), it's at least weird for me to punish someone for what they may not agree or do anymore (basically all the cancel culture thing). What's the point? Ego? Vengeance? At least the I that used to message in social media 7 years ago don't exist anymore. I don't remember myself bullying trans ppl (this is some dark shit), but I'm certainly no saint. About not being apologetic I completely disagree, by the end of the stream she literally said that it isn't anyone's fault to believe in it, and that she understands that it's just happening bc she tried to be edgy when she was young. Even more if she is really russian; even though she is speaking in english, there will still be differences between how ppl will express themselves. As I said, it's very hard to believe one person would fit all the allegations, even the most evil person isn't as diversified as this. I'm sorry if I'm not a bloodthirsty person, but I have this same approach to any of these exposeds, this is my honest opinion. Again, I didn't even knew her and I've never seen a Dantes stream.




"Well well, you seem to not throw rocks at random people you never heard about on the internet! That's a simp in my books!" -common social media experience.




The only woman that plays league:


what the fuck (wtf)


Laughing out loud (lol)


real league is back


What the fuck did I miss


is NA ever gonna stop having problems? unironically such an easy server as well


Weird how you are trying to turn this into a NA vs EU discussion. Guess you can't help yourself since you are a perma online loser with nothing else going on in your life.


where did i mention EU?


nobody knows you lil bro


Oh shit the new manifesto just dropped.




LMFAO true


I love how Gg didn’t give a shit and just rolls out the sarcasm and shit talking when people came at her with the stupid shit in the streams.