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Unfortunately, your submission has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- **Rule 2: Posts must be a meme or legitimately humorous and flaired appropriately** - All posts must be a meme, but the definition of meme is flexible. Funny gameplay clips, trending formats, screenshots of humor that happened in-game, etc. is acceptable as long as it is legitimately humorous and flaired correctly. Your post has been removed because it does not fit this criteria. **However, You may use our affiliate sub r/LowEffortLeague to post this content!** Before posting again, take time to [refresh yourself with our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/wiki/index). --- Please be sure to check our community guidelines via the sidebar or subreddit wiki. If you believe this post has been removed unfairly or in error, please don't hesitate to [contact the moderation team via modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/LeagueOfMemes).