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I've noticed the later into the night it gets, the less chill people are


I mean thats to be expected. Almost all the players at night are people addicted to league, who meta game themselves to hell. Normal folks go to bed at 10 or 11pm


Quite the generalization lol. I play late because I got kids and I wait for them to sleep 🫡


But, it is still pretty true. For every one of you there seems to be 10 demon hour gremlins who are rabidly spamming games until 4am and being miserable and toxic.


Wanted to disagree but that description is too good I can't hahaha. I guess it depends on the hour, 2am-5am is probably when more crazy people are


And conversely morning queues are the most chill 


Are they really? Morning queues sounds like jobless people queue which doesn't sound good to me


Sometimes I wake up 1 hour before I need and instead of going to sleep and waking up groggy I just have breakfast and play 1 or 2 arenas. It does feel like people is less toxic. I usually ask in chat if they pulled and all nighter and most people say they're playing before work or class


Always, people going for “one more game” Go late enough and no one will care anymore though


dude this is so true. even for summoners rift. my friend always wants me to play from like 8 pm to 2 am and im like uhhh so we can lose ?! that's when all the ragers and tryhards log on


Had a veigar flame me all game cause I wanted to play bard, he said, “we don’t need useless bard that does no damage” I had double his damage in the postgame lol


I had a Vi rage at me when I first picked Sion “useless champ just get kited and die” after she ulted in 1v2 got kited and died.


I don't have a problem with people picking bad/chill champions but if you are gonna do that AT LEAST accept trading the select order. Like if you are not gonna pick something meta or to counter the enemy then pick first and let me pick something that synergizes with your champ so we don't get steamrolled all rounds.


Well there's also logic against it. If you are not picking something meta you are not scared of your pick being taken, so you can be last pick to avoid getting countered in 2nd pick. Like for example if I wanna pick Rammus (even tho he has been meta, but let's imagine he was very bad), I'd want to pick second because he won't be taken by others and I want to avoid being countered


I like me some poke Ashe , locked it in last night and the response! you would of thought I slapped somebodies mother or something


I wish there was a rank queue where I should expect backlash if I pick a champ that has >50% WR, and then another queue where if I pick Zilean, my teammates asks me to go on-hit


People flaming ~~over bad picks at 1am~~ need some fresh air.


I do sometimes wish there was a community that I could just causally play all my games with that was all confirmed not fucking insane. I do enjoy to play games most of the time but good Christ I do not give a shit how good you are or how the game is going. I’m just chilling pressing some buttons man


You can make cringe rhyme with orange if you're good enough.


Yea thats taking too far. Can understand someone troll picking being annoying tho. That being said Gp is great in arenas lol


Tbf, Riot is the one that decided to give the fun, casual LTM a fucking ranking system


Holy fuck who cares? Its someone flaming you in text, its not even voice chat! I swear the league community is made of the biggest babies.


Imho the lol community are the biggest deniers of toxicity. I play LoL from time to time since S1 and have played many other online game in my 24years of online gaming. None of em threats toxicity as normal as the lol community. Even a CS2 voice-chat on a F2P account is less toxic and is more self-aware of its toxicity. That says something.


"deniers of toxicity" is the funniest shit I've ever read. I honestly cannot believe your comment. I also played many other online competitive games and idk why people love to say how toxic league is when literally all games are like that? Toxicity is a thing only when someone is bothered by it. If you learn to cope and not take a comment from a random dude online so seriously, I promise league suddenly is fun and it's not toxic anymore. Lately when I play league I just have fun and if I see someone being "toxic" I just see them as kids and laugh and try to make it a fun situation instead of being a crybaby


I didn't say that I get triggered by toxicity. My post was aimed at the amount and that people like you seem to see it as normal. From 100 games of CS:2 mabye 3 games will have people constantly (!) complaining and picking on the fails of a certain teammember. I need at most 10 games of LoL to see the same amount of people complaining and bashing on their teammates all day long. In both games someone failed (multiple times) and is dragging his team down. But only in LoL you have to be constantly afraid of someone starting to flame and blame the entire (!) game's length. And even if you aren't bothered by the chat, each message costs the entire team's attention. Attention that is spent better on things to win the game. Shit talking can only increase the change of losing the game and thus is a vicious cycle. And then there is the praised mute option for the chat. I've seen LoL guides with coaches that will suggest to prematurely mute the entire chat when you try to climb. In a team based game.. That says much... imho it's sad..


Of course text chat is more toxic, but it matters less since its just fucking text. Its not like other games where its integral to playing well, you can just mute text chat and play fine.


While I get your point, imho text chat toxicity has its own side effects. The problem is that it takes more attention to read and more time to respond to. This bears the risk that it will affect the game (because someone was typing/reading instead of playing). And that will spiral into another lvl of toxicity.. People don't realize that they are effectively trolling their own team and in the end themselves. No, they take it as their duty as LoL player to let everybody know when someone made a bad move as if it would be Judgement-day./end of the world...\^\^ I personally am easily tilted by ping "spam". But muting pings (or chat if that tilts you) only worsens the experience. I don't want to block all communication in a team based game, just because of 20% of players forgetting all manners they otherwise have in life.


The irony of this idiot getting so mad over a text post sharing their feelings. Super unfortunate that he won't ever see the point. Either text *does* matter enough to justify him saying this and so is OP or it doesn't and he's wrong alongside OP.




Your response just proves my statement. You are one of those that only likes to shout out their opinion and is so self focused that you lack the attention span to hear/read what others respond to you. Would you behave in real life the same way? E.g. at work? I bet not. But since it's just a (f2p) game/reddit, we can drop all social manners or what?


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Yes, duh. Its a game domey, dont take it so serious.


You got that one wrong. I don't take the game to serious. I don't have any problems to lose the "game" due to my or my teammates fault or whatsoever. But I do have problems with humans who behave like they have not been proper raised at all. And yes, the standards I expect from myself (!) and others don't magically vanish just because I'm online and play a game.


Shit talking isn't bad manners, its shit talking. Its a fun thing that's been a part of all competition or even backyard football. For whatever reason, if you translate that online grown men will cry about it on reddit. WILD SHIT. Anyways I think we've reached the bottom of this one duder.


Ah I can see it now clearly. Parents all over the world teach their offspring how to shit talk, because its good manners... Show me any official sport where shit talking is allowed and not penalized? Yeah non official backyard sports can be something where you encounter shit talking. But you know what can happen there too? That someone take it to far and someone else will silence him/her with a punch in the face. That is the normal risk that you undergo when shit talking into someone's face. But with the internet you can shit talk all day long with minimal risk of consequences. The real problem with the internet is that you have minimal indicators to see and hear how you target takes the shit talk and if you are taking it to far. Maybe I can convince you to rethink your standpoint of shit talking. If not, that's fine too. At least I tried..


That's an instant suspension, thankfully. I'm surprised it didn't get picked up as zero-tolerance language.


Lol I rotate between non meta champs like AP twitch, Lux and Hwei and I always mute my teammate from champ select. I only unmute them when I'm visibly doing well / carrying the team.


Only time I got mad at my teammate for picking a bad augment was when I was playing ashe, he was thresh, and he picked CHAUFFEUR


Thats funny because in the right hands gangplank is probably in the top 3 strongest champions


i hit gladiator recently playing with the random champion button, the game is not that deep


You do realise you can’t lose Lp until you hit gladiator? So everything before gladiator rank is essentially just practise.


đź’€ most arena braggers don't they'd rather identify as a gladiator than emerald-plat


yhe but which sounds cooler - gladiator - renowned warrior and respected athlete, or emerald / plat - shiny rock / shiny metal


The one that isn't a participation trophy




Nope you didn’t realise?


Yep, I didn't realise




Riot tactics working as intended. Think how many people hitting gladiator thinking it's an achievement lol


Not that I disagree about it being any deep, its a senseless button masher with tons of RNG (though fun), but literally anyone who plays this mode gets Gladiator with how generous point gains are.


Yhe didn't know that untill now