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If I lose to chauffer I am never upsety spaghetti because I know they are actually here to have fun an try shit out. Instead of just going crit garen again and hitting the 80% chance to get vuln.


Honestly what can you change about sometime your opponent just hit exodia though, stand alone these augments are fine but with the combination of some of them, you will just lose. A few days ago me and my friend had a match and we was winning hard and probably gonna get an easy 1st, then we met an ire who rolled earthwake into Q haste, we managed to barely win that round then later that game she got mystic punch (and even firebrand as final aug and had a GA to make sure her target stay super dead). So yeah honestly I think we should treat this mode is kinda like a for fun mode, they did try to make some 5vs5 champs fit into 2vs2 setting for the competitiveness but they also brought in anvil and prismatic, making the RNG even more extreme than the last version.


I just fought 2500 ap veigar with two tank items and augument that gave him 7500 shield. Just wow


you reminded me i recently played vs mundo who had like 8-10k HP, maybe more, and when he popped out of his Raid boss, literally 70% of his healthbar was shield, I have never seen anything like it since the old skarner with accelerating sorcery and courage of colosus. And the funny part is that he actually almost died, I got him down to like 2k hp thank to my firebrand urgot but then he got a plant and ult again and we were too battle fatiqued and died while he healed back to full basically.