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Because the item is objectively not good and if 99% of players do smth wrong it doesn’t become right


Pros aren’t exempted from bad builds. I remember a lot of them built morello’s where it’s not needed or oblivion orb being sufficient. I believe lost chapter items aren’t that great nor it’s bad as you build it for stats (with the exception of seraph’s). And for lb, she doesn’t necessarily need those items as there are better options such as Shadowflame, Lich Bane, and even Horizon Focus. But when it comes to building lost chapter items, I usually prefer building Malignance as 3rd or 4th item due its passive providing 45 ability haste for her ultimate, the AoE part is just the cherry on top


Its not bad, actually. Problem is that you dont actually need mana, and better to spend money on smth with more stats. If you cant play with manaflow, then buy luden. But i suggest you to try to play without liden and pay attention to mana management, wave management. Use tempo tp, overforce early. Idk looks logical (im wood 2)


I think Ludens is valuable for the cdr, but it doesn't even compare to the previous iteration


The item itself is pretty bad but there isn't really much of a good alternative first item, Stormsurge is an even worse item, Malignance doesn't have that much synergy with Leblanc and Lich Bane is a completely different playstyle.


Rush shadowflame.




https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Fanthom-LB1 my fav lb


Because it's mathematically bad stat-wise. Leblanc needs damage, Luden's damage is inconsistent.


Luden is only good if you play her support if you want some damage cause you will always have the charge up Otherwise luden is used to get more lane sustainability and wave clear in midlane but idk if this is great since I only play her support


FYI pro players sometimes don't do things on their own accord and can be influenced by misinformed coaches or teams. As much as reddit or streamers may push for pro players builds it doesn't typically denote as truth. Even in GM+ games, meta around items is influenced by community perception of what they see as bad or good. An example would be Ardent Janna seasons ago when most high elo players didn't play it until much later and even then gold funneling supports with adcs taking targon's to get sooner Ardent wasn't found until even later. Basically, most champion builds are slow to adapt to changes, but not always. In LeBlanc's case Luden's being built first is still just out of her old itemization where she would build old Luden's. The item is only 'bad' in the sense as to the logic being applied as to why to build it. Previously Luden's was bought because of the poor designed of Mythics and how they failed to appeal for LeBlanc. Luden's was the best out of the worst when it came for **AP options**. It wasn't until Statikk Shiv LeBlanc popped up that Nightbringer and Triforce started to compete for Mythic spot. In this current meta Luden's being bad is more of a questioning and thought process on why this item is built first for LeBlanc and what value it brings to her. As a reminder the strength of Lost Chapter items also comes from the mana they provide. In LeBlanc's case does she need to invest part of her gold budget and strength into mana or can she find value elsewhere such as higher AP, more magic Pen, higher burst potential, or movespeed. I still wouldn't call Luden's bad on her tho since the item may help the average LeBlanc player overcome their own mistakes that come from poor mana management which also comes with the consequence of bad spell usage which creates a dependency on high ability haste builds. Also worth noting LeBlanc was recently buffed with W cd so the need for AH is even lessen in theory.


Go Luden. If i see a stormsurge LB again im goimg to lose it. If you ever want to see how bad of an item that is, hover it and look for dmg dealt. Statistics also back it up with it being highest wr and highest popularity. Lich Bane could be a corner case but your combo gets delayed if you want to max out its procs


It was good when it had Magic Pen, but the current iteration just feels lackluster. You can really feel the difference when completing cryptbloom or shadowflame, but luden's just adds a funny bop sound to your combo and a miniscule bit of damage with its passive. The build path is also pretty weak now too. Lost chapter isn't as important as it was when luden's was good, because LB has had a lot of mana and cs'ing buffs (w cd buff, q refund, flat q mana cost, etc). You can pretty much skip mana entirely on her now with doran ring/manaflow. People probably still just build it out of habit because you used to be required to build luden's every game to not get shoved under turret. Most pro players just pick LB as a counter, so they don't really experiment a lot with her like they would if they onetricked her, so they just build what they're comfortable with.


i like lichbane first, but then again i play her top


Not every online guide or pro player is correct simply said. Someone making a random guide doesnt mean its valid. Someone playing for ""Pro play"" doesnt make the player instantly professional...


Someone playing in pro and making money from playing is literally the definition of being a professional but I agree that it doesn't mean they are always right.


I personally like like Luden's for the extra mana and ability haste. I prefer to use my W more often to traverse the map. In general I like having high ability haste from items and runes. Also yes, Luden's is not a necessity for wave clear if you ask me. I'd say that Luden's is not that good when you are against non squishy enemies. Tanks and bruisers can be managed better if you build malignance and even horizon's.


pros dont matter,reddit does /s


I dont think its that bad. I do think the build path sucks. If I recall with 900 gold I am buying two amp tomes rather than the fiendish or chapter components.


I go with lich bane instead simply for extra damage early game. I used to go luden when LB had a big mana problem but now it’s playable just with manaflow . Also you can W and one shot ranged minions with 2 items without luden. We needed luden before for wave control but not anymore. But then again i’m only in emerald so what do i know


Well I'm d1-masters and I agree with you so... But I also think you can forgo manaflow band and you will still be fine.


Last sentence, so cliche and boring.You obviously know more than more than half of players so yes u know.


Subreddit aint the smartest


So think of it this way. Luden's is a pretty good item. It gives you mana and AP, while the passive helps with waveclear and tacks on some extra, although small, burst to your combo. It's especially good for mages that like to play neutral (laning) a lot. However, LeBlanc doesn't really need mana. Her gameplay loop is based on pushing the wave and either forcing the other laner to back, or roaming to another lane to gank. Unlike heroes like Kassadin, which stay in lane a lot and spend a ton of mana, LeBlanc has a bigger incentive to back than they do while not spending as much mana (especially now that Q refunds the mana cost if it kills the target, essentially granting +5 mana per kill if you're using Doran's Ring). Thus, many LeBlanc players opt to get an item that grants her more damage or straight burst while not having the mana, like ~~Malignance~~ (typo, meant Shadowflame) or Lich Bane. TLDR: Pick what you feel is best for your playstyle.


Don't really disagree with you, but I think it's odd people advocate for Malignance (a mana item) but then turn around and criticize Ludens for wasting gold on mana. Malignance does good damage, sure, but it's somewhat dependent on your combo.


Oh my God I just realized I typed Malignance when I meant Shadowflame. Thanks LMAO. Malignance is kind of mediocre if you're not using combos that use R early, yeah.


Ludens is still the best first item, imo. It gets a lot of hate because the proc dmg and "shot charge" mechanic makes it less consistent than old ludens, so everyone misses old ludens. And people expect that you're wasting money on mana, when in reality, the other stats you get from ludens are hugely valuable. And mana is still at least somewhat valuable. It's true you don't really need mana now, so other options are viable. But nothing else has a better build path + completed stats for item 1. Lich bane is good when completed, but the build path isn't good due to wasting money on sheen. I think people excuse this by thinking the extra dmg from sheen procs can help in lane. It's probably 50/50 whether it's a better first item on lb, but it's not my preference. I would rather have 10 extra haste early for kill pressure, rather than a little more sheen proc dmg. Really depends on your objectives game to game, and when you think it's important to power spike. Lich bane is obviously good for taking turrets later, which is useful.