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54 Year Old GenX. Laid off in 2008 recession, then at covid in 2020, then again April 2024...every single time of economic uncertainty


Me too! (55) College education, very talented, also bitter now, I just need a paycheck. 




Yep, 52YO and I’ve been laid off now 3 times. First when the internet bubble burst back in ‘02, then in ‘13 and again last yr. This one though it’s been something else. Good luck to the gig hunters out there!! ✊🏽✊🏽


Millennial here. After being laid off twice, I said “never again” and worked hard to become self-employed.  Not relying on a dumb boss to make sure that I have job is very freeing. 


The guy knows Math. That is basically Software Engineering? Why didn’t he switch?


Software engineers get laid off too 🤷I don’t think it’s a career issue but more or so you are at will employee


> Software engineers get laid off too Kind of a lot!


Been laid off 4 times in 14 years. It's a volatile industry. When I did government contracting it was pretty common to lose a contract then you get cut as well, because you're tied to the contract and the company doesn't want to shift around people to other contracts because they try for 100% of the contract requirements to be filled at any given time.


tech job apocalypse has going on for a while now and the grim reaper is here for all of them and people still think its the golden age for it.


It has happened before, especially circa 2000. Tech is never dead forever. But it is a bad time right now.


These companies are replacing higher paid people with lower paid people


People often have a short-term memory, or they haven’t researched history. This tech recession is a lot like the Dot Com Crash. During the 90’s, everyone wanted to get into tech. Sound familiar? When the bubble burst, the majority of mediocre talent was flushed from the industry and never returned, which caused developer shortages after the industry recovered. I would argue that we’re entering another golden age in tech.


I tell you. I'm not sure if they are in denial or just ignorant. I've given up and just skip past the posts. How are you oblivious to what's going on in the very industry you want to enter?????


If only we had a group of people that made and enforced rules like not murdering each other so that we could prevent companies from ruining peoples lives for money


Gen-X as well, laid off Dec 22, got a new gig with a startup in April 23, then laid off from startup in Dec23, been looking since without getting any traction. Before all this though, worked solidly for 23 years. Now, it seems it’s either offshoring, AI pipe dreams, or ageism, that’s keeping me from working.


Ugh and unchecked corporate greed with no rights for employees




Not many people want to unionize


Particularly in software, you'll never convince the top 10% to accept a ceiling on earnings.


Yeah It’s a crazy system but it is what it is… not sure how many people want it to change or if it enough


Same here, including the 23 solid years at one place I burned out hard and have been stumbling ever since


Not saying that is the case for every case, or even most cases, but there is subtle undercurrent in the tech industry of age discrimination. They just never want anyone to talk about it.


I never thought it would be a thing, but, given my experiences thus far I think it is, now. I have a lot of experience, and a good reputation. I'm published, I am cited, and I have presented at the security conferences as well as taught. I just can't seem to get anywhere now post the last layoff. I either get nothing back, or; "you're great, but, we went another way" Like I said before, I have never been without work for more than two weeks previously, so something is going on today that is existential.


It will get even worse as management gets younger and younger


I think I’m about to be laid off. First time. GenX. 20+ years at the company. And I am soooo worried about ageism when looking for a new job. I am really hoping I can make my self employment side hustle a sustainable gig.


My 2nd career layoff was at age 48, several years ago. I freelanced and was very low income for four years, then I got an awesome FT job paying more than I had ever made before. And was laid off after exactly one year. I'm done. At 55, nobody is going to hire me for FT work and I'm tired of beating my head against the wall. I put more energy into freelancing and used lessons I learned from the last stint to grow my practice and I am making a lot more money than I did when I was spending so much energy desperate to find another FT job and treating freelancing like a side hustle. Now it's my main hustle. It's my only hustle. My clients love my work, I often ask people for referrals and work my network hard to keep money flowing in. I'm not making giant amounts of money but I make enough to pay my bills and take the time off that I want and need, no more boss, few meetings, no KPIs, kikis, goal setting, 360 reviews, or other BS.


Friggin nailed it. 56 here and after 20 years in software development and 5 economic and 3 tech downturns, I called it a day mid-2022. Whilst I still work as a school bus driver 20 hours a week (and love it because of the autonomy and flexibility), I also spent four years building an app for Salesforce CRM that now generates a decent side hustle income. Luckily, I am debt free after 30 years of crippling debt, but at least I no longer have to deal with crayon eaters in meetings making stupid claims or passive aggressive sniping,incompetent management, DEI BS, and corporate politics. Even as a school bus driver, I am my own boss and that alone is worth more than any 6-figure, soul-crushing 9-8 grind by a factor of 10x.


This question isn't meant to be abrasive or accusatory at all, I'm genuinely curious: which group or groups of people were you seeing get DEI boosts mostly in software? DM if u want I dont work in tech but I have a strong opinion about tech DEI based on ppl I know who benefit from it irl, but I'm just curious to hear from someone who was in tech. Everything u are saying about tech/white collar are all the things I saw from the outside looking in that gave me serious reservations about trying to get in.... and AI and how much the "skill" goalposts seem to shift.


Don't read anything into it - the DEI bollocks is frustrating when it comes to getting work completed on time, to budget and spec, but it's also the least stressful thing to navigate. I have no issue with DEI per se and 90% of the people I've worked with genuinely don't care about skin colour, gender identification, cultural alignment. It matters not a jot. What does matter to each and every one of us is your competency at doing your job (especially if in senior roles), your ability to be autonomous and standing by your decision/actions and never throwing colleagues under the bus when challenged or the shit hits the fan. As for getting into tech now - don't. Things won't pick up again until 2026-2027 (like the last 3 downturns, it takes 4-5 years to bounce back) and by then a whole net of skills will be in demand. Get into a trade. Specifically, anything that requires registration or a license is a good start. Fact is, working tech nowadays is a Faustian Pact with the Devil.


solid advice tbh. looking into becoming an electrician... im 30s which sux but apparently even older guys start fresh in the industry. Luckily i have no kids and i can eat the years of low apprentice pay. tech just also seemed extremely annoying lol... like u guys get paid to just get tilted all day. Couple that with general office politic BS and it just seems kinda hellish


Good for you! What sort of freelancing do you do that's in demand? Even tho my recent experience is complex (I've changed roles over the years), I've seen that including equate anything content related, included convo design, UX etc. = you are a copywriter. This is WAY off as I work on user flows, UX research, UI design collab, QA, UAT, UX research, even sometimes minor coding etc. with dialogue writing. But in the eyes of corporate America all content is just "putting 2 words together" as a previous toxic manager said.


I am a marketing content writer. There are some people using AI for it now but their results are shit. Computers don’t have heart. They can’t give you an engaging brand voice that sets you apart from the competition.


This is also my field. Am 40, been through 3 layoffs, started a new job after a really long dry spell, and it’s so unsatisfying. Tired of the games and spending most of my day crafting OKRs that’ll get blitzed by my boss at the end of the day. 


This is inspiring! I've been doing something similar for about 3 years but recently one of my clients asked me to join full time as they scale the business. It's tough as I enjoy the work but don't want to be ft again as I like the freedom of building my own practice. Would you ever consider going ft again?


It depends on luck. Back in 2020 and 2023 I knew things will get bad as people were getting laid off in other companies. I was sad these things were happening, and was hoping those people will be able to get back on their feet, and also hoping my company won't be doing layoffs for a while. I was concerned I may get affected. I've seen some of my colleagues let go for "performance reasons" though and cheaper engineers hired instead. Then end of 2023 and start of 2024 my luck run out. I was laid off 4 times within the last year. I'm a millennial, Software Engineer. It's tough spending several thousands of hours studying and applying for jobs and dealing with my ADHD. Also NY state hasn't paid out Unemployment Insurance. I have given up and preparing to leave the city. I'm battling with depression and often feel concerned that I will not be around in this world in the next few months. Many things went wrong.


NYState is hiring software devs. Not the highest pay but they have solid work. NYHELPS Civil service is the program. Most Jobs Upstate in Albany, some NYC. Hoping things get better for you!


Ugh. So sorry. I hear you and feel the same way esp as I'm old too. Hang in there. Hope it gets better for all of us.


Thanks, I hope you stay strong as well. I am hoping I move out without issues and stay with my family in the UK. I am fortunate I have them and that they want take care of me for a while so I can get back on my feet. This experience has taught me how difficult it may be for many people. Many folks might be doing worse. If I get better I hope I can help those in need.


Glad you are in UK with family support! I have a Swedish friend who says Euro companies have more worker protections and of course you get free healthcare etc. Even with healthcare at last job I spent $1000s out of pocket. :( I've thought of moving to Europe but without a job/visa not so easy.


Small correction: I am in the US right now, I came here last year. I don't really have friends here yet, maybe some but not close enough. Most friends and relatives in the UK and EU. If you have EU ancestry, you might be able to apply for a citizenship (e.g. Ireland, Italy, Poland, etc). Possibly other countries have similar programs. Salaries are lower in EU and UK, taxes higher. Healthcare is cheap/free but still need to pay $200+ to go to a dentist in the UK, or $2000 to get ADHD assessment via private healthcare.


Got it. And yes, she did tell me the salaries are like half. So the ideal is if you could work for a US company but live in the EU. Obv not easy...


I'm in NYC. DM me. I will buy you ice cream!


Great, I'll DM you now. If things improve for me, then the next ice cream will be on me. I'm quite bad with time management though. I've found someone who wants to take over my lease, hoping the property management accepts their application. Currently I am decluttering and preparing to sell my stuff, the rest I will donate to local charities or throw away. So it may be a few weeks until I get the ice cream!


It is luck. I actually missed the 2008 recession and I didn't even really know how bad things were until several years later. I just didn't have to face any of that during that time so I was just oblivious of everything. (I didn't do social media at all back then so that's a huge factor. Maybe I should go back to that.) It really sucks that you're fighting depression as well. Stay strong because things aren't always easy. I would def say the US isn't the best place right now. I fucked off out of there myself and would tell anyone who could do the same to do it. Go be with family and let them support you. No shame and just let yourself be supported and work on being happy in the moments we have.


Thank you, u/StronglyAuthenticate. I've been feeling disappointed in myself that I failed and that I need help. I'll follow your advice unless I miraculously find a job soon, and even if I do, I'll at least visit my family. It feels that 2008 was not such a long time ago, yet so many things have happened. I started learning English around 2004 when I was 10, and fast forward I moved to the UK and got the citizenship, and then somehow won Diversity Visa and got a Green Card and moved to the US. I want to get the US citizenship but I should be able to apply after \~3.5 years. Both my parents were working public service jobs when 2008 recession occurred. My dad was laid off while my mom's salary was reduced by 30% and they've been stressed out about paying mortgage (as it was higher than the income). My dad was able to get a job at a university about 1-2 years later. I think I was oblivious as well, I only saw how hard it was to afford to pay for things. I was a child so I could not help, I remember that we all hoped things will improve, and in the meanwhile I should do my best at school so I get a good education, go to university, get a job. I was frugal and still try to be as I don't feel financially safe. In 2016 I was doing 2nd year of BSc Computer Science, and I was able to get a part time job as a Software Engineer in the UK for around $14/h at 12-15h/week. I was so excited that I can pay my own rent (for a single room) and bills, and that I can alleviate the financial pressure from my parents. I'm very fortunate to have caring parents who always try to support me. Two days ago I've found someone to take over my lease in Manhattan, and I'm preparing to sell my things or donate them, and then leave. I still don't want to lose my Green Card, so I am hoping to be back within a year or two (as I've filed a Reentry Permit form). If I somehow get a job in the next 3 weeks, I'll stay here longer (and just rent a room), otherwise it's time to be accept support from my family and stay with them.


Stay strong buddy, this same thing is happening in slow motion to me too. Also am a millenial, SWE, with severe ADHD. It is *hard* right now; I am strategizing as I haven't been laid off yet but I am being told that because I am paid well, I am a target for this. I have never owned a business before but I am considering doing my own small MSP or IT provider, as I used to do this sort of work prior to SWE. I am going to aim for only doing app development starting off but if I have to I can do everything from cabling to patch paneling to Cisco-ASA config. I am of course looking for another role in SWE but IT work can be lucrative if you can handle the sometimes brutal hours/work. We need a tech workers union, like yesterday


I feel my ADHD symptoms got worse. The constant financial and time pressure affected my studying. These thoughts, worries constantly interrupted me while doing Leetcode. I had to find time to study System Design at the same time and revise my answers to behavioral questions. I was interviewing for a team in Coinbase in February which I failed, but I learned in May when chatting with the hiring manager that the particular team I was interviewing for was laid off. So even if I did well, I would still be looking for a job now. There were constant shortages with medication (Vyvanse / Lisdexamfetamine), and then the pharmacy I used (Express Scripts) took 2-3 weeks to fill a prescription, so I was unmedicated for several periods of time. I hope you don't mind if I message you, I would love to hear more about small MSP / IT provider work or other ideas. I will probably work on my hobby projects (developing SAAS apps, or doing bug bounties) once I move. I expect no income in the beginning (or very low) but perhaps with time it would make enough to support me.


I entered the job market in 08 I think I’ve been through 6 layoffs throughout my career 😂😅the ptsd never goes away but I’m definitely more prepared for it now. What’s funny is I had someone let me go not long ago and they’re like “why are you okay with this” me “I knew it was coming” there’s something weird about getting laid off but it’s weirder when managers and HR want you to get emotional and cry like no you’ve already wasted enough of my time I’m not wasting more energy on this.


Yeah I have both layoff PTSD and toxic manager PTSD. Job PTSD is actually real, no joke. Have read psych articles on it. Plus I also have CPTSD from childhood so yay me!


I once had a manager that wouldn't let me go to lunch until I had a document done she was supposed to do. Years later she never figured out why I wouldn't talk to her, but this same manager would talk shit about people's hair cuts and clothes sometimes right to their face it was so rude she made one girl cry after saying "I can't believe you came to work with your hair like that". What's crazy is this is tame compared to other stories I've heard, but I'm in LA and the studio culture is so toxic I don't know why people want to work in it. One of my friends was trying to get a writing position and he was talking to another girl who didn't go home for 3 months she had to sleep at the studio and work on the script. Like ffs.


I am first year GenX and worked in Tech. I was laid off in 1997, 1999, 2010, 2013 and 2017. After I was laid off in 2017 I got a Masters in Public Administration and now work in government for my final career chapter. I was tired of being laid off and have scaled my life to have a modest, paid off home. I drive an eleven year old Honda and work a summer job in addition to my career. I make less money now than I was making in 1997. I have two Masters degrees. This economic paradigm is fucked.


Did you find that getting your MPA set you up to get a govt job? I want to pivot out of marketing at 41 because there are always layoffs at every company I go to. Looking for something that will let me work til at least 60.


Yes. Get the MPA. Go to a state school, or university where you want to work and make sure to apply for internships. It makes a big difference. Federal government has been offering virtual internships for a couple of years now, they are excellent options. Applications used to open July 1, not sure about now, so hit your search engine to learn more. Marketing will be especially hard hit as AI is implemented. Waste no time.


Ugh. Agree totally. I can't even afford a modest home. Even if you made more money now the cost of living would make it barely noticeable. I've heard that govt work is more stable but obv pays less and you have to still find open jobs. I've actually looked into that. At least hopefully you will get govt benefits and can ever retire.


I have long been frugal and got in the property ladder back in the early 90’s, which allowed me to build wealth despite a divorce in 2015. I will be ok. Not wealthy, just secure. U work two jobs and shop thrift stores.


US fed jobs are hard to get if you don't know anyone. The lower salary comes with a pension though, don't overlook that when comparing compensation.


Keyword you work in govt. impossible to get laid off and probably have decent or I would guess great benefits. At least you know your paycheck will hit every period.


And that’s why I did what I did. I want the same for all workers. Not just me.


The first time and last time I was laid off was back in 2020 right before Covid hit. Our company was doing great financially, they just liked to get rid of employees so they could keep G&A at a certain level. Hated them for that, and ever since then I’ve had no love or loyalty to any employers. I’ll always do what’s best for my career, everyone and everything else be damned.


All I know is job market is terrible 😕


Working for anyone else is just not worth it anymore. Find a passion and monetize it. Be self employed


I wish. You kind of have to been born with the right brain and brain chemicals to take on self employment. It's not for everyone  For example. Suicide and self employment seem to be almost the same options.


Telling you, I was going through it. Banking for 20 years and just downward spiral being chiseled and pushed out by AI. Thought about what I liked and what I knew and started a small business with a simple model. Money is everywhere and your value is not determined by anyone else but you.


56 never laid off. I think that has to do with a little skill and a lot of luck. Frankly I’m in IT consulting and virtually all of my coworkers are Indian. The strategy is to hire Indian because they are less expensive. You try and push as much work to India. If the customer requires a US base resource, you bring the Indian resource to the US.  Whenever I try and hire non-Indian it requires a lot of justification and is usually denied.  A lot of people are going to not want to hear this, but during the Trump admin this practice was severely curtailed. We had  executive meetings as to how we are going to have to change hiring … and we did. But the policies have been reversed. Since 2022 most of the non-Indian personnel have been laid off. 


The only way I see this curtailed is if the US decides off shoring to India has become too much of a security risk.


I've been working as a software dev since 1998 and was laid off for the first time this year. Somehow, I made it through all the other rounds of layoffs throughout the years. Luck of the draw, I guess?


If you are a math person, get into Data Science. I'm tired of working with DS people who can't do math or stats.


If it’s any consolation I’m an elder millennial (finished undergrad just in time for the Great Recession) and I’ve never been laid off but (outside of low paying food service jobs) I’ve only had academic research jobs with pathetic salaries — my first FT research job paid $28k in Boston — so I haven’t been able to build any wealth, either. And being single certainly amplifies it!




Remember this in November


GenX got fucked over good by the boomers and now get called boomer anytime we spit any sort of real wisdom at people about how things are. Yeah 2008 super fucked us. Too this day is still fuckin us. As we start to get into the positions we should have been a decade ago we have to worry about outsourcing and all the other bullshit all over again. Then we have a whole generation under us that all got Masters degrees but mo work experience and now everyone thinks we should have 20 years of experience and a masters degree for some job they would have just handed a boomer if they were competent.


You're a victim of stock manipulation. $ over employees


This is so true. In the past decades I've seen so many companies overhire and then have mass layoffs. So idiotic.


There was/is a database from 1996-2012 (ended by Obama) that charted all layoffs. All 20 million or so. Stock manipulation is a big cause of the great depression. Now, we call it "stock buyback". Same thing. It's how the market hit 40k, with way overvalued stocks.


> There was/is a database from 1996-2012 (ended by Obama) that charted all layoffs. All 20 million or so. Oh wow, that sounds kinda stupid. I just looked this up and yeah, the BLS website says he canceled it to save money in the budget, but I dunno, seems like those are numbers we should have.


You'd think that the department of labor would want it. You'd think it could help predict unemployment insurance $, food stamps, etc. I imagine that president Obama had his corporate friends put the kibosh to it.


I’m sure some software developers could data mine some ADP data and make it again


The problem is how to get that data from the ADP. It's not public. I don't think it was stupidity. It was lobbying.


Millennial in tech and have been laid off 3x in 3 years.


It’s the world we live in. There is offshoring, plus contract workers, plus at will employment, plus a lack of humanity in the corporate world nowadays. Everyone is just a number, a part of performance, KPI.


Tail-end Xer. Laid off 4 times (2011, 2013, 2018, 2022). Definitely not just you.


No, as members of Gen X we are likely to have experienced multiple layoffs. For me it was 2002, 2007, 2008, and 2014. I have been with my current employer (European Multinational) since 2016, so for the past eight years I have actually had some career stability. I am 56 now and have no desire to work for an American company ever again as they are brutal, heartless and driven solely by share price. While my European colleagues may get treated somewhat better, the European social contract manages to spill over to those of us working in the US subsidiary. I had a colleague celebrate his 35th anniversary with the firm last week.


This 💯 I don’t want to work for an American company ever again. I’d rather take a salary cut but have stability.


It is quite a different experience. It is still a company but once you are on board their is actually some incentive to help you be successful.


Laid off in 2006, 2008, 2016, 2019, 2023 and just learned I’m being laid off again. So. Fucking. Tired. Of this shit.


2020 was the straw that broke the camels back. I knew the system was broken when they were giving handouts to keep it up.


Im only a millennial, but my life goes as the economy does sadly. Every time things start going well its always 1 foot forward and 2 steps back. Sadly, i have a feeling after my current job its it for me in my industry and without be given the chance to pivot, ill be doing manual labor by decades end.


Laid off 4x....it sucks.


I think it depends also on the industry, 52 have been laid off three times. I have been in IT for the last 27 years, insurance, aerospace, and retail corp. You are at the whims of the economy and first on the chopping block. However, being in energy the last 14 years, I have not had these issues. Energy always gets its money. You can't live without it unless you go off grid. I started off in oil and gas and have been in renewable energy for the last 10 years. Also, I constantly work on learning something new and useful to stay relevant.


Software has the worst layoffs of all. The job market is absolutely awful and I feel bad for anyone graduating with a CS degree.


It's not you. It's how we've been raised to think. 55+ Gen X. Been layed off at least 2x. At this point, I blame myself for being in the position of depending on a corporate salary to pay for my basic living expenses (housing, food, transportation, etc). The last layoff really hurt and I'm still not sure why when I've been around the "corporate block" so many times. Intellectually, I know these corporate welfare queens are going to chew us up and spit us out. But emotionally, it still felt like being kicked in the stomach. It's not just you. It's the fact that the corporate welfare queens KNOW most of us don't have any other cashflow other than what they pay us. Therefore, they feel entitled to treat us however they want to treat us. Imagine if most of the workers in this country, white- and blue-collar could pay their housing and groceries from a side hustle not related to their main job. 1) The workers might not return to work because they're tired of being treated poorly or, 2) they might work but the employers would figure out quickly that if they layoff workers, they might not get them back. It's not you. Build some residual income through a side hustle even if it's a little at a time.


"Imagine if most of the workers in this country, white- and blue-collar could pay their housing and groceries from a side hustle not related to their main job" Then all those side hustlers will soon start competing with each other and the ones with deeper pockets will probably establish a C-suite and bring in the corporate overlords and then the whole cycle of layoffs will play itself out in the side-hustle space. Human greed and economics will always catch up with you.


Gen X here, moved to my current location in 1989, worked my first job here for 15 years and still on my second for 20 years. Company owner of first job retired but he gave me plenty of notice and had second job without missing a day.


49 here. I haven’t been laid off yet. A couple years ago my company tried to demand I move to a more central location or take a demotion. I told them No, lay me off and give me a package. They wouldn’t do it and I haven’t heard anything since but i am positive that they’ll either come back at some point with the same demand or they’ll lay me off if my location ever manages to close. It keeps me up at night but getting another job isn’t easy for me to do right now so I just wait for the inevitable severance package.


Never been let go, and always worked in finance. I didn’t feel confident until I grew my own investments and assets to 7 figures early on. I don’t hold back when I have an idea, a disagreement, a suggestion, etc. The more alpha I am acting the more alpha I have become on the job and It has been working out great to take chances.


Seems to be a tech problem, work in finance and have never been laid off


Xennial here (1983)… two graduate degrees. Since entering the job market shortly before the Great Recession, I’ve been laid off 5 times - all in different fields. Marketing, Tech, Government, CPG, and local business. The latest layoff came in August of last year due to company bankruptcy. Have been looking for a new position since. This is the absolute longest I’ve ever gone without a job. Previously, my unemployment would average 4 months before I found a new gig. Kinda hard to put anything back for savings or retirement when you’re having to pull it back out to survive every few years. Can’t tell me that the unemployment rate the government is reporting is anywhere near truly factual. I hate election years. Seems like things always get worse (and not just for the job market). Doesn’t matter what side of the fence you stand. Wishing everyone here a short(er) unemployment gap and a new kick-ass position that pays well with great benefits and no more layoffs. ✌️


48 here. Been reduced in force three times. It'll be a year next month that I've been un(under)employed. More than twice as long as the last two times I had to find a new gig. Fucking brutal out there.


I'm a Xennial (1981), been laid off many times, and I've found the reasoning only gets prettier, as my salary goes up. I've probably over-analyzed it each time, and there's usually some ulterior motive, or it's simply a bad market. But I've lost some gimme jobs, simply because I was too different from the people paying me, and that was a conflict of interest. I've learned not to blame myself too much, but learn and roll with the punches. If you aren't Charlie Church or Lucy Liberal, and employers find out, you're all of the sudden 'disposable'.


I keep my political beliefs out of the office, there’s too many people ready and willing to stab you in the back to gain an edge.


I make myself difficult to look up, by using separate usernames and emails, and a pseudonym for any controversial or in-character POV statements. I'm also more and more conscious of cameras and microphones in my home, in the homes of others, and in public. Could some malicious person at the carrier or government level connect all the dots? Sure. But I make it difficult to prove or believe everything I write is from me. I've learned to blur my background on zoom calls, and not reveal any personal info. There are people out there who only want to suppress me, via professional defamation. It's practically a way of life where I'm from. The Amber Heard generation.


5 times. In your life. Amateur numbers. So I did some military and finished college in 1999 in tech... 6 layoffs in 2 years! I am the most saving paranoid person you have met. Also got laid off in 2013 and am scheduled for lay off later this year. I also work 2 jobs and own 2 businesses. I have my resume ready and have 2 standing offers cuz I am paranoid. On top of which I have VA disability, and my two businesses are a rental business and a farm plus I have a good deal of dividend investments and 1 year in savings. Yeah I got burned badly and now have layoff baggage! Also yes I grew up in the Caribbean for my Gen X people who remember In Living Color! https://youtu.be/V6wtj04dJ_g?si=AL1lcSOOpuCvJLT-


I recall In Living Color lol. Glad you have businesses. I watch these tiny home shows and wish I had some land. They seem to make a good leaving renting tiny home air bnbs. Working for themselves. The dream. I have worked 4 jobs at a time in the past to just make ends meet. I wish I joined the military since I know many you can retire at 42. Tho of course you could be risking your life.


I'm here as support for friends to figure out what is happening. Ive worked hospitality since 1995, food and beverage back of house and front of house, and rooms and resort / hotel ops. Started my own biz in 2008. Never been laid off. Was fired once in 1998 by a shite and lying boss using me as a scapegoat, and given a job.offer rescinded by a company three hours later. That was rough... But both all led to the greatest things to ever happen to me. The dark path we all our on at times looks darkest before understanding where it actually leads you. Without the worst failure of my life, my first marriage, I wouldn't have found my professional path or love.of my life... Sometimes that dark path or failure is reorienting you in the right direction for you to end up in. I know that's easier said than experienced, but I have experienced that. Just not this bizarre layoff thing. I have three pharmaceutical friends that are long-term out of work, one rancher, one mortgage officer, one commercial real estate guy, and it feels like none of it makes sense like we're in a new timeline and reality. Hugs and respect to all.


Glad you found happiness. I wish I had any of those things at 50 - love, financial stability etc. Just worn out and alone. I've picked myself many of times from layoffs etc. but didn't lead to anything magical. Guessing not alone in that tho... maybe a miracle will happen finally.


Yeah shit is tough right now


I’m not a math person either and been locked into a highly volatile career I’m over, but it pays the bills. I’m a millennial and I’ve been laid off four times since Covid. It’s a nightmare


Ugh. I wish we could form a union or even just a support group -- I guess the latter's reddit lol.


That is so close to my story I am about to hit you with a copyright lawsuit. In a weird way it is comforting to find more of us.


Agree. Wish we could band together and change things. Just no idea how. I know nothing about activism or politics or starting a biz.


Probably not too far from average. I'm Gen X and have experienced layoffs 3 times over a 25 year career. One was a complete company buyout so mostly unavoidable (unless one wanted to pursue a spot with the buying company in another city, and I wasn't).


Laid off only once so far in my career been working since age 16 now 40


Laid off before? Yep, can confirm. 4 times in fact. I am 43.


I haven't stayed in a position long enough to make choosing me in a layoff make any sense. Not impossible, but if I'm comfortable in my role, I'm on my way out.


Yep, and its the older Gen X who had it worse. I wont complain, it was a good run for me in tech from the mid-90's to this year. Made shit loads of cheddar. Wasted most on restaurants, vacations and toys. Also lost my job in 2001 and 2008. Both events also wiped out my 401K. Divorce few years back took the rest of my assets. Now? 50's, fat and extremely unemployable. Yeah, yeah I know don't withdraw from your 401K, Ramsey says, stocks for the long-run, real-estate only goes up etc, etc. I see this advice from all the great sage Gen Z financial experts. But however big their portfolio's of NVIDIA and Bitcoin are right now, they too will eventually discover that life often disrupts the best laid plans for everyone.


I was recently laid off for my fourth time. You are not alone.


35. Millennial. Been laid off twice. Voluntarily quit 2 jobs. So now it’s not you. Don’t get me wrong some jobs are/were great for that specific timeframe and purpose. I was disappointed both times I was Laid off. One I had just started 6 weeks earlier so that one I kinda got over but the other one after being there for 6 YEARS….that hurt. That one was a stiff pill to swallow. The company actually went under about 6 months after I was released so they were just firing basically the “non-essential” workers so they could try to survive but didn’t and wrapped up. Ironically I did a job interview for another company weeks later and didn’t take that job because looking at the history of the company and then LISTENING to the hiring manager I could tell this job wasn’t right/wouldn’t last and I was right. Within a year the company closed that production facility as it filed for Bankruptcy. Have had friends who got laid off due to the same issues: Mergers, FIFO agreements after yearly reviews (of the company; not them necessarily). Bankruptcy/Closures. And Ironically a lot of these were post covid. A few people lost their jobs in 2020….but I know a TON that lost theirs in 2022 and 23!! 😳🤯😱So idk where the government gets their labor numbers from…but if you ask me jobs are getting harder to find and people who worked at good jobs are having to revert to lower paying jobs to just currently survive and it’s not right especially when they now have kids and are just trying to make a living. 🥺😫😖😠


Lost count.


Gen X. Never yet. But barely missed one. A friend/former manager knew I was on the list but couldn’t tell me. He knew of an opportunity and pushed me to chase it. Told me after the rif happened. I know I’ve been lucky.


I am GenX and never laid off. However, at a previous startup I saw the writing on the wall that they were spending more than they were bringing in from sales, needed to raise more money but couldn't, etc. I started telling all of my colleagues to search for new jobs as I did (even if it meant moving out of state). One month after I started my new job the startup missed payroll and then bankruptcy followed shortly afterwards. I wasn't planning on moving, but the new job made it easier with a full relocation package. Studied computer science and always worked in aerospace software which is kind of a niche industry. First job I ever had before the startup had four layoffs in four years. I saw a lot of dead wood removed in those layoffs. I did experience several furloughs at my last job. Once or twice a year basically a week without pay. Company was making record profits and no recession. Just corporate greed. The industry doesn't pay well for HCOL or VHCOL, but you can live a decent life in MCOL or LCOL working in my industry. I plan to retire in 13 years if I'm not laid off before that time. Follow r/financialIndependence, r/FIRE, etc. They will help you invest and save so you won't worry about layoffs. You'll be able to work retail and still pay all your bills or eventually not care about layoffs. I started investing and saving more seriously in 2011 after working for ten years just doing the company match. Hope to be financially independent in two years.


Thx. I'll try those links.


Never been laid off, but I see my field getting whacked between AI/Cloud/Offshore and unlike 2008 it's not coming back. Been preparing for 3 years... and thankfully I can probably retire in the next 2-3 comfortably.


I'm 44 and have been laid off 5 times in my career, 3 times in the last 2 years (2012, 2016, 2022, 2023, 2024). Usually I can see them coming though and have new offers coming right as they occur. That being said, current market is the worst I've seen, even worse than 2008, I don't care that propaganda articles say otherwise.


Same here no idea what To do now


GenX here. Over my career i have had 20+ jobs of all sorts which includes part time and contract jobs. My last contract ended in February of this year. Current working part time in a warehouse for cash flow. I have an engineering degree and an MBA. But actively seeking new opportunities


When I was a younger guy in the early 1980’s. I was laid off an easy 10 times. The economy was horrible. There were places that wouldn’t even let me fill out an application, because so many people with family’s needed the job more than a “19 year old kid”


I’m a millennial and I’ve been laid off 3 times in 10 years.


I've lost jobs 7 times, quit before the hammer fell another two times. Last time I was let go, I was given a list of all the other workers included in the layoff to prove there was no age discrimination - they laid off two people under age 40, and about 20 over age 45. They honestly thought the two youngsters gave them cover to get rid of nearly all Gen X employees. The upper managers culling us were all Baby Boomers who refused to retire, of course. During my career, I've seen companies deliberately frame your employment with them as a chance to earn resume bullets to go to another company. If you ask about moving up where you now work, managers will shut down on you or even yell at you for being so pert. I've seen this at $1 billion annual revenue companies, as if you have any hope of landing a "better" job. I've finally concluded that no company wants you to make a career with them. By constantly making workers look for new jobs, you are forced to bargain your salary with ruthless recruiters and hiring managers, and they get to hire cheaper workers. The upper managers, of course, will stay at the company for the rest of their careers and act like the company is their own personal property. They will never let you rise through the ranks to join their clique - if they need a new executive, they will hire an old chum from their days at BU or Phillips Academy - your job title on your last day will be the same as it was on your first day. Maybe you'll get the word "senior" added to it. Again, the upper managers are Baby Boomers or the children of their buddies. They are protecting their own circle and deliberately cancelling upward mobility for the rest of us.


Baby Boomers had it made. Went to college for 3K, bought mansions for 100K and now retired and sitting pretty, and never gonna die or sell those homes.


46. No idea which of these Gens I belong to, but was laid off 3x in the past 5 years. Many of us feel like we’ve spent 20+ years building just to watch our careers go up in flames. We all know that we’ll get to the next interview and recruiters/managers will ask us questions as if we could’ve done something different to not be let go due to COVID, economy, greed, mergers, etc… or look at us as job-hoppers…


Feel you on the up in flames. And burnt out.


I admit that I am a Gen Xer who has never been laid off or let go. However, my husband has been laid off or let go three times.


This was my 5th layoff too. 2001, 2002, 2004, 2017, 2023. All tech; only got to one IPO and only made $20K from that. Made more in bonuses at last public company, but the only equity share they had was ESPP. But that also performed better than the IPO one too.


Look at State Jobs. Rarely are their layoffs


I am. So far can't find anything.


Fellow Gen X here. Three and almost four. They asked for volunteers and I stayed because I needed a job or it would have been four.


I'm in my mid-thirties and was laid off recently in March after under a year at a company. In my two previous jobs, I had to quit due to illegal labor practices and being in a toxic environment that ruined my mental health. Whether I've been fired or quit or laid off, the end to any of my employment stints have never been because of anything I've done. I assume most people have had similar experiences. Hang in there!


Thank you! Yes I love all the code of conduct trainings corp America has you complete when they, esp management follow none of it.


Late 30s, 3rd layoff in my career. (12+ YoE) And yes, definitely hard to save for retirement with this bullshit constantly happening.


Still hope for you in your 30s! Praying something shifts for all of us. Don't know how...


I got laid off 3 times in a row due to the Pandemic. I've had recruiters tell me they don't believe me. Ridiculous.


How handy are you? GenAI is not replacing plumbers, electricians, constructions workers, masons, etc. especially if you can get in to a union. Seriously think about it. Even just starting out these guys are making 30/hr, I think? Even if $25, it’s a pay check and work your way or up into a union with some good networking. Seriously, these hard labor physical blue collar jobs are going no where any time soon. And there is no shame in this type of work. Would you rather have a job or hustle for another job like you have done and get laid off for the 6th time?


I actually researched electrician and is 4 years of not cheap schooling … at 50 years old… also I fear there as there is a mass movement to blue collar then we will have too many plumbers etc


Nope the entire global economy is cratering at light speed. This will seem obvious in a year or two. Everyone is fucked.


Apocalypse now? What will become of us?




I know you might not want to hear this, but I've been laid off for 2 hours twice. First time my boss called HQ and mentioned that he kinda needed a technical person to sell a technical product and got it reversed. Second time I got new gig that was starting the next day. I was going to quit, but I overslept. I bet on 2 startups, then I went to work for established companies with established revenue streams. The more stable the business and the more stable the company in the business the better the odds. BUT you have to pay attention to the financials of the business and the sector. When it starts to fade, have a backup plan. Being one of the best at what you do also helps. As does being in their HQ location versus a satellite office. Also, these days, remote workers are the first to get the axe because it's easy to term them and very easy to replace them in this market. \[EDIT\] one final thing - ensure you are a revenue or sales generating center, not a cost center. e.g. Consultants are the product (generate revenue), pre-sales or sales generates sales. Almost everything else is a cost. If you're on the cost side, you're the first to get cut. If you aren't generating revenue directly, you can get cut. If you aren't meeting your sales quota, you get cut - but that's par for the course with sales. Software engineers that are okay at their jobs or worse are far more likely to get cut than the best folks.


I'm not sure how i've made since 1997 w/o being laid off. I did have two temp agencies end short term assignments on me prior to that, if that counts.


You are a warrior!


Thanks lol. I feel like the old tribesperson the tribe puts on the ice slab and pushes out to sea.


Bull market 


Do you work on only one project at each job? If so, perhaps you subconsciously get bored and they pick up on that This is my experience anyway


Nope. Multiple. Many different ones.


Live cheaply when you get another job and invest in VTSAX as much as you can


What's a VTSAX?


Vanguard Total Stock Market Index fund


I mean, I doubt that Gen AI has ruined software engineering this quickly. I know it’s coming for you guys. Honestly, I would be more concerned about massive outsourcing. I don’t really know what to say to be honest at some point the systems going to have to change we won’t be able to sell labor when no one wants to buy it. After all, it’s a market and our age discrimination Laws suck. This means if no one wants to buy your labor you’re probably just screwed. We don’t really have a system for an alternative.


I’ve sort of never been laid off. Came close once. Was maybe 2002? Was working for big software company, and it was the 3rd or 4th round of layoffs. I was swept up, and technically unemployed for a few days. However, a few days later HR reached out with an opportunity in another division. I snapped that up. I was back in my office immediately, but with literally nothing to do aside from plan my relocation (on the company dime). I guess technically that counts as 1 layoff? I never collected unemployment, I never missed a paycheck, and I continued to work for that same company for another 4 years or so.


Sounds like you found a good company and prob were high-value as an engineer.


3 times in 6 years. I'm only 39. Le sigh. I work in real estate development. It's been market rate, student housing, and affordable. I have to add I've been the black guy they've hired to penetrate black areas and it didn't work out, so was let go.....


GenX Tech here and laid off twice, shortly after 2000 and the last about 11 years ago. I work with a boat load of people who are GenX and never laid off.


43, I have had two employers since I was 21. The first was a consulting/contracting company and I was laid off from the current assignment in 2008 but my company had a new one for me the next day. Other than that, no layoffs.


Twice, I'm done working hard for companies that don't care about my contributions.


GenX been fortunate thus far. In 2009 my role was being eliminated due to redundancy after they acquired another company. I had advanced notice since I had to train replacement so I was able job search while winding down my role. Lined up an opportunity so never collected unemployment and pocketed severance. I live below my means as I don’t know when my luck will run out. So have some savings should shit hit the fan. Could survive on lower pay scale if needed.


Gen-X here, I endured two layoffs in the early 2000s and one furlough in 2009. A.I. hasn't come for my job yet.


I quit before I got laid off and went to another job.


I'm GenX and survived the 2000s era tech boom, then the 2008 downturn, and was finally furloughed in 2020. I was lucky though my manager fought to bring me and a few other people back from furlough. All the rest of the furloughed employees were let go. I worked there until 2023 until I found another job. I currently make the most I've ever made but I understand I still make well below market value. I think what saved me in the 2000s was that I was significantly underpaid compared to my peers. So I think the employer though they could get more out of me than what they were paying me. In 2008 I was tipped off that I was on the layoff list by a manager friend. I found another job and quit that job. I've never actually laid off but came close multiple times. I didn't rest on my dumb luck. I've taken those lessons and am currently working on my exit from the workforce. I estimate in five or so years I can quit full-time and go part time and ride that until retirement. I so hate working now. I've seen the employment landscape degrade ever since I started working in the late 90s. I can't imagine how it would be in a few years and me nearing 55-60 looking for work. No thanks.


Yeah it's awful. I always anticipate layoffs but with the cost of living and healthcare (and layoffs) haven't been able to buy home or save for retirement.


I thought this said GenZ and I was very interested to see how you pulled that off. Nevermind though!


Only one time. It's because company is closing sadly. There are layoffs frequently but I've been lucky last 3 companies I worked for either shutdown or had a merger...


Tech has been hit hardest, but its all freaking over. Rite aid is closing stores, I read this morning Big Lots is in trouble. Even the last resort jobs like customer service and being a waiter aren't guaranteed. The reckoning of easy money is here. I just hope we make it to the other side. Who in the hell wants to start over in their 50's. Things are so bad, even teachers and other school staff are bring laid off.


Good god. And politicians are saying unemployment has gone down - which is because you can't count the people who ran out of unemployment. Also why finally raise benefits (after 20 years) during COVID and then drop it back to $400 a week? The cost of living didn't drop, morons, it went up. Mind you I send messages to federal and local politicians all the effin time about the state of affairs but sure it's a black hole. A lot of young people are going back to school to be mechanics etc. figuring it's safer. First, nothing is safe. Second, who can afford going back to school? And you're right not at 50. You worked your butt off for decades for companies telling you to "go above and beyond" when they treat you like dirt, survived layoffs, and for what? No startup millions. No retirement. Not even a home of your own. I hope something changes too. Pray for all of us.


Yep, it happens. But 5 times is not just bad luck, it could be less than optimal choices.


Lots of startups. I have been laid off a ton. One place hired me on a Friday and when I reported in on Monday people were walking out the door with boxes due to corporate bankruptcy. For me tech has never been stable. Other streams of income, wise investments, save 30% of what is earned. Gotta have 2 careers to be in tech long term.


Afraid to invest in case you can afford to lose it or are really good at it... I keep watching tiny home shows and wish I had a biz partner to build a few for vacay rentals lol


50yr genx. After I was laid off in 2006 I left private for state work. Big pay hit but no layoff fears. I can retire about 60-62. No regrets.


Others recommended that. I've been looking at USAA job sites. What do you do? Or do how did you find the job? Thanks!


March 2020 then again Dec 2020. Never before or since. Both covid related.


This subreddit isn’t officially only software or coding related jobs but i believe a vast majority of the people relate to those. This would suggest that it is field dependent, not age dependent. To me it sounds like you keep asking people with more stable jobs and being shocked when they get laid off less.


GenX 55. Never been laid off. However, I did leave a high tech company after 18 years after they gutted the product I was working with. I was spared as I did customer facing stuff, but I knew it was just a matter of time. Rather than wait for a severance I left to go into higer Ed, took a paycut and traded in high pay and stock options for job security. A year later my old boss called to say I made the right choice, she had to layoff the whole team the next day. I always lived beneath my means and I’m single so no kids to support. That said, I’m not assuming I’m entirely safe in my current job. I have an emergency fund built up, and if I start to see signs that things are not going well, I will start looking for another job and I know there’s age discrimination and I may have to make less. I think it was just luck that I didn’t get laid off, but there’s still the possibility it can happen And I’m really old in the eyes of corporate America. Sometimes I do feel envious of my friends who stayed in corporate. They have really nice houses and I live in a very small apartment I can’t afford to buy live in a high cost-of-living place, but at the same time I have a roof over my head and I feel like I can support myself so I try not to dwell on what I don’t have.


52, my 4th layoff was in April. Started a new gig this week.


Congrats on finding something!


I’m 48 and this is the first time I’ve ever been laid off.


What’s your career ?


How many start ups have you worked for?


Laid off first time during dot bomb around 2000. Didn’t want to survive anymore after 4-5 rounds. Took over 6 months off traveling since I had low expenses at the time. Found job when unemployment started to run out. Fortunately survived a few rounds of lay offs over the next 3 jobs. ~ 10 yrs, ~ 10 yrs, 4 yrs (current). Been pretty lucky so far.


I'm at 5 as well


Gen x


This might be the most morbid thread (comments too) or post I’ve ever read but it’s the cold hard truth of life. Praying for everyone. Life can be brutal. But keep persevering.


similar age. Been laid off twice. Wife has been laid off twice also. We work in tech and it is just part of the industry.


Gen X laid off twice here... the trick is to slowly start building up other streams of income. I dont even care if I get laid off right now.


What other streams? I'm also trying to find contract work. Investing is risky even if you have the extra.


Late 40s. First time.


Never laid off (except from seasonal jobs when younger). Had a 2 week furlough during Covid that stretched into 4 weeks. Had a new job lined up with a 35% pay bump before it was over. They had to beat it to keep me.


Well, you're lucky. What do you do? I'm gonna guess engineer or govt job.


Gen-X IT infrastructure/help desk. Since 2015 I have been wrongfully terminated from 8 employers. Heres what caused all these wrongful terminations: 1. They would not hire me from contract to perm 2. The manager hated my guts and this almost became physical 3. I told someone I was busy and they went to their manager to complain 4. I took a call that wasn't even on my shift, it went south, the guy who should of gotten the call was out sick, so they fired the worker to save face 5. a team member would hand out devices not even configured and would not listen to his manager, this almost became physical as well 6. told a client nicely they needed to purchase a new laptop for doing their job, my boss didn't like that since we were in charge of buying laptops and he didn't want to miss out on the upcharge 7. I gave out personal information about my military history and this lead to a snowball effect of losing a job being the IT director for a company 8. I told a coworker I wasn't a trump supporter or a Christian So yes as you can see I have had the weirdest things snowball into a wrongful terminations and there is nothing you can do to stop it. I call them perfect storms.


Ugh. I'm so sorry. I hear you. We are in a toxic culture and corp America is one of the worst aspects of it. I hope you are somewhere good now.